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Campylobacter infections have been reported at prevalences ranging from 2 to 50% in a range of wild bird species, although there have been few studies that have investigated the molecular epidemiology of Campylobacter spp. Consequently, whether wild birds are a source of infection in humans or domestic livestock or are mainly recipients of domestic animal strains and whether separate cycles of infection occur remain unknown. To address these questions, serial cross-sectional surveys of wild bird populations in northern England were carried out over a 2-year period. Fecal samples were collected from 2,084 wild bird individuals and screened for the presence of Campylobacter spp. A total of 56 isolates were recovered from 29 birds sampled at 15 of 167 diverse locales. Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter lari, and Campylobacter coli were detected by PCR, and the prevalences of different Campylobacter spp. in different avian families ranged from 0% to 33%. Characterization of 36 C. jejuni isolates by multilocus sequence typing revealed that wild birds carry both livestock-associated and unique strains of C. jejuni. However, the apparent absence of unique wild bird strains of C. jejuni in livestock suggests that the direction of infection is predominantly from livestock to wild birds. C. lari was detected mainly in wild birds sampled in an estuarine or coastal habitat. Fifteen C. lari isolates were analyzed by macrorestriction pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which revealed genetically diverse populations of C. lari in Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) and clonal populations in magpies (Pica pica).Infection with Campylobacter spp. continues to be the leading cause of human infectious intestinal disease in the United Kingdom and has a significant economic impact (39). Consequently, there is a continuing effort to identify effective control methods. The majority of human infections (∼90%) are caused by Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni (46). Other Campylobacter species, including Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter lari, can also cause enteritis in humans, but their prevalence is lower. Most C. jejuni infections are believed to result from consumption of contaminated food, including poultry meat (27, 40), red meat (52), and milk (13), which is thought to be contaminated primarily by feces. It is well established that most livestock species, including poultry, ruminants, and pigs, carry C. jejuni asymptomatically (27), making control at the farm level difficult. However, the epidemiology of C. jejuni cannot be explained solely by food-borne exposure; C. jejuni has also been isolated from a range of environmental samples, including samples of soil, water, sand, and the feces of a number of wildlife species, including wild birds (1-3). However, the role that non-food-borne exposure plays in the epidemiology of C. jejuni is currently not well defined.High prevalences of Campylobacter species infections have been found in a wide range of wild bird species, although there is great variation between taxa (2, 4, 7, 16, 35, 47, 48). Given their ability to fly long distances and their ubiquity, wild birds have the potential to play an important role in the epidemiology and evolution of Campylobacter spp. However, whether wild birds are a source of infection for humans or domestic livestock or are mainly recipients of domestic animal strains or, indeed, whether separate cycles of infection occur remain unknown. These questions remain unanswered in part because investigations of the epidemiology of Campylobacter spp. have been complicated by their high inter- and intraspecies genetic diversity (6).The methods that have been routinely used to characterize Campylobacter isolates are restricted due to genomic instability in Campylobacter populations (10, 38, 45). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is a method that has the advantage of being objective since it is sequence based, which allows comparison of isolates from different laboratories and accurate determination of relationships between isolates from diverse sources (11). MLST studies of C. jejuni in farm animals and the environment, including wildlife, suggest that some strains may be associated with particular host groups (6, 10, 15, 30). However, in the same studies other strains were found to occur in several host species or habitats. Few studies have investigated the molecular epidemiology of Campylobacter infection in wild bird populations using MLST, and because only a relatively small number of isolates from wild birds have been characterized by MLST, conclusions have not been drawn yet about how wild bird isolates fit into the overall phylogenetic scheme or whether wild birds act as reservoirs, amplifiers, or merely indicators of infection of domestic animals with zoonotic genotypes.In the current study a large cross-sectional survey of wild bird populations in northern England was undertaken to investigate the epidemiology of Campylobacter infection. Previous studies that have focused on the epidemiology of Campylobacter spp. solely in wild birds have investigated either a narrow range of taxonomic groups (2, 5, 17, 23, 29, 33, 43, 50) or wild birds from a limited range of habitats (18, 25, 48). Studies that have investigated a broad range of wild bird species have used Campylobacter characterization techniques that do not allow conclusions about possible host associations to be drawn or comparison of the genetic diversity of isolates between studies (21, 25, 34, 47, 53). Therefore, the aims of this study were (i) to determine the host range and prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in a wild bird population and (ii) through molecular characterization of isolates to determine whether wild birds were a likely source of infection in humans or domestic livestock and whether separate cycles of infection with host-adapted strains of Campylobacter spp. were maintained in the wild bird population.  相似文献   

Eight Staphylococcus aureus isolates collected from 117 wild boars were characterized and compared to livestock isolates. They belonged to sequence types ST133, ST425, and the new type ST1643. The spa types were t1181, t6782, and the new types t6384, t6385, and t6386. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and microarray-based genotyping confirmed the absence of important virulence/resistance genes.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the composition of Escherichia coli populations in wild boars is very limited. In order to obtain insight into the E. coli microflora of wild boars, we studied E. coli isolates from the jejunums, ileums, and colons of 21 wild boars hunted in five geographic locations in Germany. Ten isolates per section were subjected to clonal determination using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. One representative isolate per clone was further investigated for virulence traits, phylogenetic affiliation, and antimicrobial susceptibility. Macrorestriction analysis of 620 isolates revealed a range of clone diversity among the sections and animals, with up to 9 and 16 different clones per section and animal, respectively. Most of the clones for a given animal were shared between two adjacent intestinal sections. The overall highest clonal diversity was observed within the colon. While the astA gene was present in a large number of clones, other virulence genes and hemolytic ability were detected only sporadically. Clones of all four ECOR groups dominated the intestinal sections. Phylogenetic analysis and the occurrence of virulence genes correlated with the isolation frequencies for clones. All E. coli clones from wild boars were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested. In conclusion, though several parameters (including an animal-specific and highly diverse E. coli clone composition, the simultaneous occurrence of single clones in two adjacent intestinal sections of a given animal, and a higher E. coli diversity in the large intestine than in the small intestine) of E. coli populations of wild boars were similar to those of previously described E. coli populations of conventionally reared domestic pigs, our data also indicate possible differences, as seen for the E. coli diversity in the large intestine, the occurrence of certain virulence genes and phylogenetic groups, and antimicrobial susceptibilities.  相似文献   

The genus Listeria is ubiquitous in the environment and includes the globally important food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. While the genomic diversity of Listeria has been well studied, considerably less is known about the genomic and morphological diversity of Listeria bacteriophages. In this study, we sequenced and analyzed the genomes of 14 Listeria phages isolated mostly from New York dairy farm environments as well as one related Enterococcus faecalis phage to obtain information on genome characteristics and diversity. We also examined 12 of the phages by electron microscopy to characterize their morphology. These Listeria phages, based on gene orthology and morphology, together with previously sequenced Listeria phages could be classified into five orthoclusters, including one novel orthocluster. One orthocluster (orthocluster I) consists of large-genome (∼135-kb) myoviruses belonging to the genus “Twort-like viruses,” three orthoclusters (orthoclusters II to IV) contain small-genome (36- to 43-kb) siphoviruses with icosahedral heads, and the novel orthocluster V contains medium-sized-genome (∼66-kb) siphoviruses with elongated heads. A novel orthocluster (orthocluster VI) of E. faecalis phages, with medium-sized genomes (∼56 kb), was identified, which grouped together and shares morphological features with the novel Listeria phage orthocluster V. This new group of phages (i.e., orthoclusters V and VI) is composed of putative lytic phages that may prove to be useful in phage-based applications for biocontrol, detection, and therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

Sixty-three nalidixic acid-resistant Aeromonas sp. isolates were obtained from imported shrimp. Phylogenetic analysis of gyrB sequences indicated that 18 were A. enteropelogenes, 26 were A. caviae, and 19 were A. sobria. Double missense mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of gyrA at codon 83 (Ser→Val/Ile) and codon 92 (Leu→Met) coupled with a point mutation of parC at codon 80 (Ser→Ile/Phe) conferred high levels of quinolone resistance in the isolates. A majority of A. enteropelogenes and A. caviae strains harbored toxin genes, whereas only a few A. sobria strains harbored these genes. The fluoroquinolone-resistant Aeromonas spp. exhibited higher cytotoxicity than fluoroquinolone-sensitive, virulent Aeromonas spp. to rat epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A serologic investigation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in hybrid wild boar herds was conducted during 2008–2009. PRRSV isolates with novel genetic markers were recovered. Experimental infection of pigs indicated that hybrid wild boars are involved in the epidemiology of PRRSV.  相似文献   

Individual sequences of a genomic subtracted, PCR-amplified, mixed-sequence probe (GS probe) were cloned and sequenced. The GS probe differentiated restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns for Listeria monocytogenes but did not hybridize with members of other bacterial genera. Sequence analysis identified several L. monocytogenes sequences already present in the GenBank database; the putative identities of other sequences were inferred from homology data, and still other sequences did not exhibit significant levels of homology with any GenBank sequences.  相似文献   

In order to examine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection in wild rodents and insectivores of South Korea and to assess their potential role as a source of human cryptosporidiosis, a total of 199 wild rodents and insectivore specimens were collected from 10 regions of South Korea and screened for Cryptosporidium infection over a period of 2 years (2012-2013). A nested-PCR amplification of Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP) gene fragment revealed an overall prevalence of 34.2% (68/199). The sequence analysis of 18S rRNA gene locus of Cryptosporidium was performed from the fecal and cecum samples that tested positive by COWP amplification PCR. As a result, we identified 4 species/genotypes; chipmunk genotype I, cervine genotype I, C. muris, and a new genotype which is closely related to the bear genotype. The new genotype isolated from 12 Apodemus agrarius and 2 Apodemus chejuensis was not previously identified as known species or genotype, and therefore, it is supposed to be a novel genotype. In addition, the host spectrum of Cryptosporidium was extended to A. agrarius and Crosidura lasiura, which had not been reported before. In this study, we found that the Korean wild rodents and insectivores were infected with various Cryptosporidium spp. with large intra-genotypic variationa, indicating that they may function as potential reservoirs transmitting zoonotic Cryptosporidium to livestock and humans.  相似文献   

Cronobacter spp. (Enterobacter sakazakii) is an important pathogen contaminating powdered infant formula (PIF). To describe the genotypic diversity of Cronobacter isolated in China, we identified the isolates using fusA allele sequencing, and subtyped all of the isolates using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multi-locus sequence typing (MLST), and multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA). A total of 105 isolates were identified, which included C. sakazakii (58 isolates), C. malonaticus (30 isolates), C. dublinensis (11 isolates), C. turicensis (5 isolates), and C. muytjensii (1 isolate). These isolates were showed to have 85 PFGE-patterns, 71 sequence types (STs), and 55 MLVA-patterns. Comparisons among the three molecular subtyping methods revealed that the PFGE method was the most distinguishable tool in identifying clusters of Cronobacter spp. through DNA fingerprinting, and MLST method came second. However, ESTR-1, ESTR-2, ESTR-3, and ESTR-4 were not effective loci for subtyping Cronobacter spp. such that the MLVA method requires further improvement.  相似文献   

Current Fungal Infection Reports - This review summarizes the analysis of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) sequencing of Coccidioides spp. strains isolated in the endemic region of...  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasitic protozoan that infects nearly one-third of the world population. The present study was done to isolate and genotype T. gondii from wild boar from forests of Pahang, Malaysia. A total of 30 wild boars'' blood, heads and hearts were obtained for this study and 30 (100.0%) were found to be seropositive when assayed with modified agglutination test (MAT≥6). The positive samples were inoculated into mice and T. gondii was only isolated from samples that had strong seropositivity (MAT≥1∶24).The isolates were subjected to PCR-RFLP analysis and all the Peninsular Malaysia isolates of T. gondii are of clonal type I.  相似文献   

Between April and December 1996, a serious outbreak of poliomyelitis occurred in Albania; almost 140 subjects were involved, and the episode presented an unusually high mortality rate (12%). During the outbreak, water samples from the Lana River in Tirana, Albania, and stool samples from two cases of paralytic poliomyelitis were collected and analyzed for the presence of polioviruses. Six polioviruses were isolated from the environmental and human samples, according to standard methods. All the samples were characterized by partial genomic sequencing of 330 bases across the 5′ untranslated region (5′-UTR) (nucleotide positions 200 to 530) and of 300 bases across the VP1 region (nucleotide positions 2474 to 2774). Comparison of these sequences with those present in data banks permitted the identification of environmental isolates Lana A and Lana B as, respectively, a Sabin-like type 2 poliovirus and an intertypic recombinant poliovirus (Sabin-like type 2/wild type 1), both bearing a G instead of an A at nucleotide position 481. The two other environmental polioviruses were similar to the isolates from the paralytic cases. They were characterized by a peculiar 5′-UTR and by a VP1 region showing 98% homology with the Albanian epidemic type 1 isolates reported by other authors. This study confirms the environmental circulation in Albania of recombinant poliovirus strains, likely sustained by a massive vaccination effort and by the presence in the environment of a type 1 poliovirus, as isolated from the Lana River in Tirana about 2 months before the first case of symptomatic acute flaccid paralysis was reported in this town.  相似文献   

Members of the Bacteroides spp. are the anaerobic pathogens most commonly isolated from human clinical material. Metronidazole has been the drug of choice for the prevention and treatment of Bacteroides and other such anaerobic infections for nearly 40 years. Although the emergence of metronidazole-resistance in Bacteroides spp. was reported recently, the published rate remains low, at <5%. Isolates of Bacteroides spp. originating from different wards at the University Hospital of Szeged in Hungary were investigated for metronidazole resistance genes by PCR and characterized by other molecular methods. We report here the first strains of Bacteroides spp. with elevated MICs to metronidazole from Hungary. Of 167 isolates, four had metronidazole MICs >2 μg/mL, and two were positive fornim genes with metronidazole MICs of 4 and 12 μg/mL. The nim genes were determined to be nim A and nim B, and proved to be activated by upstream copies of the IS1186 element. The nim A gene was localized in a pIP417-like plasmid, and the nim B gene on the chromosome.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrance of Listeria strains in different food products was determined. Biochemical characteristic of the isolated strains was achieved in accordance with procedure included in PNEN ISO 11290 standard, genus was determined byApiListeria (bioMéieux) test. Sensitivity to selected antibacterial medicines was investigated using disck method and Mueller-Hinton 2 Agar medium. From the 577 examinated food samples 126 strains of Listeria were isolated and among them: 34.1% L. monocytogenes, 36,5% L. welshimeri, 19.0% L. innocua, 3.17% L. grayi, 0.79% L. seeligeri, 0.79% L. seeligeri/welshinmeri and 5.56% L. ivelshimeri/innocua. L. monocytogenes strains most often were found in minced pork, culinary products and in frozen vegetables. On the base of ApiListeria (bioMéieux) test the isolated L. monocytogenes strains were qualified into 2 biochemical types. It was found that all L. monocytogenes were sensitive to sulphametaksazol/trimetoprim and ampicyllin, 25% of strains were moderatety sensitive to penicillin and only 2 L. monocytogenes strains were resistant to gentamicin. Presence of Listeria spp. microorganisms in food products may be an production hygiene indicator for critical control point and show the possibility of contamination with L. monocytogenes strains.  相似文献   

AIMS: The current study examined the antimicrobial susceptibility of 86 Listeria spp. isolated from processed bison carcasses. MATERIALS AND METhods: Susceptibility to 25 antimicrobial agents was determined using E-test and National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) panels. Most Listeria isolates (88-98%) exhibited resistance to bacitracin, oxacillin, cefotaxime, and fosfomycin. Resistance to tetracycline (18.6%) was also common. Of the 16 tetracycline-resistant Listeria isolates, 15 carried tetM and 2 contained integrase of Tn1545 transposons. Rifampicin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were the most active antimicrobial agents against Listeria spp., with a MIC(90) of 0.38 microg ml(-1). Ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin, gentamicin, and tobramycin also exhibited good activity against Listeria spp., with MIC(90) not exceeding 1 microg ml(-1). Differences in resistance among Listeria spp. was displayed, as Listeria innocua strains were more resistant than other Listeria species. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed that Listeria monocytogenes strains from bison were susceptible to the antibiotics most commonly used to treat human listeriosis. However, the presence of antimicrobial resistance in L. innocua indicates the potential for transfer of resistance and a conjugative transposon to L. monocytogenes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The findings of our study will provide useful information for the development of public health policy in the use of antimicrobials in food animal production.  相似文献   

An erythromycin-resistant (Emr) Listeria innocua and an Emr Listeria monocytogenes isolate both carried ermC genes, which code for rRNA methylases. The ermC genes were transferable by conjugation to recipient L. monocytogenes, Listeria ivanovii, and Enterococcus faecalis but did not appear to be associated with conjugative plasmids.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is an important food-borne pathogen and is widely tested for in food, environmental and clinical samples. Identification traditionally involved culture methods based on selective enrichment and plating followed by the characterization of Listeria spp. based on colony morphology, sugar fermentation and haemolytic properties. These methods are the gold standard; but they are lengthy and may not be suitable for testing of foods with short shelf lives. As a result more rapid tests were developed based on antibodies (ELISA) or molecular techniques (PCR or DNA hybridization). While these tests possess equal sensitivity, they are rapid and allow testing to be completed within 48 h. More recently, molecular methods were developed that target RNA rather than DNA, such as RT-PCR, real time PCR or nucleic acid based sequence amplification (NASBA). These tests not only provide a measure of cell viability but they can also be used for quantitative analysis. In addition, a variety of tests are available for sub-species characterization, which are particularly useful in epidemiological investigations. Early typing methods differentiated isolates based on phenotypic markers, such as multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, phage typing and serotyping. These phenotypic typing methods are being replaced by molecular tests, which reflect genetic relationships between isolates and are more accurate. These new methods are currently mainly used in research but their considerable potential for routine testing in the future cannot be overlooked.  相似文献   

The susceptibility or resistance to 26 antimicrobial agents was determined for 64 strains of Listeria monocytogenes and 102 strains of L. innocua isolated from Italian meat products. Some strains of L. monocytogenes were found to be resistant to tetracycline, erythromycin, co-trimoxazole and clindamycin. No plasmids were found in any L. monocytogenes strain. Five strains of L. innocua contained a 7.9 kbp plasmid, but these isolates were not resistant to any antibiotic in common and treatment with curing agents could not eliminate resistance to antibiotics. These results suggest that antibiotic resistance was not likely to be plasmid mediated in our strains.  相似文献   

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