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新疆额尔齐斯河水系银鲫克隆多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)由于其独特的遗传背景和繁殖方式而成为研究进化遗传学和选择育种的一个独特的模式生物。到目前为止,我们对新疆额尔齐斯河水系银鲫群体的多样性状况一直知之甚少。为了更好地了解额尔齐斯河水系银鲫群体的克隆多样性状况,本研究中,我们采集了来自新疆额尔齐斯河水系的4个鲫鱼群体。通过流式细胞术分析血细胞样品,结果证实这些鲫鱼均为三倍体银鲫。通过血清转铁蛋白电泳表型分析,我们从这些银鲫群体中鉴定出总共8个不同的克隆。在这些鉴定的克隆中,有4个克隆(克隆A、J、M和S)同于以前鉴定的克隆,而另外的4个克隆是新发现的。克隆A和M分布最广,出现在所调查的4个群体中;克隆J出现在2个不同的群体中;其余的5个克隆中每个克隆均为单个群体所拥有。不同克隆在群体中的这种分布谱式可能反映了银鲫的各个克隆可在不同水体之间迁移以及同一克隆在不同水体中生存能力存在有差异。在取样的银鲫群体中,发现有一个群体的克隆多样性水平明显低于其他3个群体,而这后3个群体的克隆多样性水平是与已报道过的银鲫群体相似的。这一结果可能暗示着修建水利工程和过度捕捞等人类活动的不利影响。本研究所揭示的克隆多样性将有助于进化遗传学和选择育种研究。同时,也反映了保护额尔齐斯河水系银鲫克隆多样性的重要性。  相似文献   

应用微卫星标记对雌核发育银鲫的遗传多样性初探   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:34  
利用Crooijmans et al.(1997)分离的包含CA重复单元的普通鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpino.L)的8个微卫星DNA标记,对银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)的5个不同雌核发育系的24尾个体进行PCR扩增。分析电泳结果发现,除MFW28未能在银鲫中稳定地扩增出相应的同源序列,其余的7对引物扩增的重复性和稳定性都很好,随引物不同,各等位基因数为1-14个,大小在100-506bp。在MFW1、MFW4、MFW19、MFW20、MFW23和MFW246个微卫星的扩增图谱中,不同的雌核发育系扩增出各自独特的图谱,而同一系内的不同个体间具有高度的遗传同质性,但仍然在个别个体中检测到少量的多态片段。不同系间的扩增图谱呈现出高度的遗传异质性,共鉴定出23个可以用于有效区分5个不同雌核发育系的分子标记。这5个微卫星标记反映了银鲫5个雌核发育系间的相互亲缘关系,其中P和A系同属一个雌核发育系,F系起源于E系,A、D和E系可能分别独立地起源于不同的杂交事件,鉴定的微卫星分子标记为进行银鲫群体遗传学和进化遗传学研究,以及银鲫的分子标记育种和进行基因组作图提供了理想的工具。  相似文献   

饥饿对银鲫血液组分和卵巢发育的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对银鲫 (Carassiusauratusgibelio)进行投喂、饥饿 (1~ 4周 )、饥饿投喂 (饥饿 2周再投喂 2周 )处理后 ,测定其血液组分和卵巢发育的指标。结果表明 :饥饿处理后银鲫血液中血糖、甘油三酯的含量显著降低 ;红细胞数量、血红蛋白含量和胆固醇含量先显著降低 ,随后回升到投喂组水平 ;在饥饿过程中白细胞的数量、红细胞的长短径、红细胞沉降率和总蛋白均无明显变化。饥饿投喂处理的银鲫血液中红细胞数量、甘油三酯和胆固醇含量与投喂组无差异 ,但血糖含量仍显著低于投喂组 ,而白细胞数和血红蛋白含量显著高于投喂组。饥饿 4周延缓了银鲫卵巢发育 ,其性腺成熟系数和卵径均显著低于投喂组 ;饥饿投喂组的性腺成熟系数和卵径仍显著低于投喂组。分析说明饥饿阻碍了银鲫的卵巢发育 ,而饥饿对银鲫血液组分的影响在再投喂后得到恢复。  相似文献   

【目的】探明上海某养殖场的异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)发生死亡的病因,研究致病菌分类地位和毒力基因携带情况。【方法】通过病原菌的筛查和回感试验,确定发病原因,对16S rRNA基因、gyrB和rpoB管家基因测序,建立病原菌系统进化树,结合API-32E细菌鉴定系统对菌株的生理生化进行鉴定,综合判定致病菌的种类及其分类地位;根据已报道的7个毒力基因fimA、citC、gadB、mukF、katB、esrB和sodB序列,设计引物进行PCR扩增,研究病原菌毒力基因携带情况。【结果】致病菌GY15是导致异育银鲫发病的原因,GY15的16S rRNA、gyrB和rpoB基因与已报道的迟缓爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)相似性在99%以上,构建系统进化树和API鉴定确定该菌株为E.tarda,腹腔注射回感可导致异育银鲫死亡,半致死浓度(LD_(50))为4.26×105 CFU/m L;已报道的7种毒力基因在该致病菌中均能被检测到;药敏试验结果显示,该菌对恩诺沙星、氟苯尼考和氧氟沙星等15种药物敏感,对新霉素、四环素和复方新诺明等18种药物表现为耐药。【结论】首次报道E.tarda可感染异育银鲫,它对异育银鲫的养殖造成威胁。  相似文献   

Zhou L  Gui JF 《Genetica》2002,115(2):223-232
Polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, is an excellent model system for evolutionary genetics owing to its specific genetic background and reproductive modes. Comparative karyotype studies were performed in three cultured clones, one artificially manipulated group, and one mated group between two clones. Both the clones A and P had 156 chromosomes in their karyotypes, with 36 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. The karyotype of clone D contained 162 chromosomes, with 42 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. All the three clones had six small chromosomes in common. Group G, being originated from the clone D by artificial manipulation, showed supernumerary microchromosomes or chromosomal fragments, in addition to the normal chromosome complement that was identical to the clone D. The offspring from mating between clones D and A had 159 chromosomes. Comparing with the clone A, the DA offspring showed three extra metacentric chromosomes. In addition, variable RAPD fingerprint patterns and unusual SCAR marker inheritance were, respectively, detected among individuals of artificial group G and in the mated DA offspring. Both the chromosome and molecular findings suggest that genome reshuffling might have occurred by manipulation or mating of the clones.  相似文献   

apelin是一种参与哺乳动物和鱼类摄食调控的重要神经肽。为了更好地研究apelin在银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)上的摄食调控作用,本试验采用RACE技术首次获得了银鲫apelin的cDNA全长序列,并通过实时荧光定量PCR(RT-PCR)技术检测了apelin基因在各组织的表达情况以及餐前餐后和禁食对其表达量的影响。结果显示银鲫apelin全长cDNA序列长度为1082 bp,其中5’非编码区(5’-UTR)的长度为114 bp,3’非编码区(3’-UTR)的长度为734 bp,开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF)的长度为234 bp。银鲫apelin基因的ORF区编码77个氨基酸,前22个氨基酸为信号肽。apelin基因在银鲫21个组织中普遍表达,特别是在下丘脑中表达量最高。在餐前餐后的试验中,银鲫下丘脑apelin基因在餐后表达量显著下降(p<0.05);在禁食试验中,禁食组下丘脑apelin基因的表达量在第5天显著升高(p<0.05),第7天极显著升高(p<0.01),复投喂后,apelin基因的表达量在第9天、第11天、第14天极显著降低(p<0.01)。综上所述,apelin基因可能是银鲫的诱食因子,在其摄食调控起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

【目的】分离鉴定江苏省扬州市养殖场异育银鲫患病病原。【方法】采用常规的理化特性和分子生物学的方法,对从濒死异育银鲫肝脏处分离到的菌株YZ-1进行表型生物学、分子生物学及药敏试验的系统研究。【结果】该菌株16S r RNA基因(序列长度1 446 bp,Gen Bank登录号为JX164202)与其它杀鲑气单胞菌16S r RNA基因一致性在99%-100%之间,构建发育树确定该菌株为杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲑亚种(Aeromonas salmonicida subsp.salmonicida)。人工回感可导致异育银鲫死亡。药敏试验结果显示:对头孢呋辛、复方新诺明、恩诺沙星等23种抗生素敏感;对阿米卡星、四环素、大观霉素、头孢拉定等11种抗生素中度敏感;对青霉素G、链霉素、庆大霉素、氟苯尼考、万古霉素等10种抗生素耐药。【结论】研究结果证实引起异育银鲫死亡的病原为杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲑亚种。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了通过收集器不同粪便收集时间和饲料中肉骨粉(MBM)含量对异育银鲫干物质、蛋白、能量、磷的表观消化率 (ADC) 影响.不同梯度(0, 20, 40, 60, 80 ,100%)的肉骨粉替代鱼粉(FM) 蛋白配制成六种等氮 (粗蛋白: 410 g/kg) 等能 (总能: 18 kJ/g) 的饲料,通过11周的饲养实验,实验开始后2周开始收集粪便,收集时间分别是:排粪后 1 min, 投喂后4h和16h. 结果表明,干物质、蛋白、能量、磷的消化率明显随粪便收集时间增加而升高(p<0.05),但在高肉骨粉替代饲料中差异不显著(p>0.05). 干物质、蛋白、能量、磷的消化率随饲料中肉骨粉含量的增加呈线性或近线性下降.因此,在消化率测定中应该尽快收集排出的粪便以保证消化率的真实性.消化率是影响肉骨粉利用一个因素.  相似文献   

本实验评价了饲料中豆粕替代鱼粉蛋白后对异育银鲫的生长、饲料利用、氮代谢和鱼体免疫力等的影响。实验设计4种等氮等能的饲料,每种3个重复,分别以豆粕替代饲料中鱼粉蛋白的0%(对照,D1)、20%(D2)、80%(D3)和100%(D4)。实验在半循环水养殖系统持续16周,鱼的初重约2.32g,实验期间水温23-30℃。结果表明,随着饲料中豆粕含量的升高,摄食率显著升高(P<0.05),特定生长率、饲料转化效率、蛋白沉积率和能量沉积率显著降低(P<0.05);蛋白表观消化率显著升高,干物质和能量表观消化率则显著降低(P<0.05);总氮摄入量、表观氮摄入量、粪氮排出量、非粪氮排泄量、总氮沉积率均随着饲料中豆粕含量的升高呈显著降低到的趋势(P< 0.05),生产每千克鱼的氮排放量则随着饲料中豆粕含量的升高显著升高(P< 0.05);血清葡萄糖和甘油三酯的含量显著升高,而胆固醇的含量显著降低(P<0.05);血清的溶菌酶显著降低,超氧化物岐化酶逐渐升高(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

银鲫肌酸激酶M3-CK cDNA的克隆及其表达特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用抑制性差减杂交结合SMART cDNA合成和RACE—PCR技术克隆到雌核发育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)肌酸激酶M3-CK基因的全长cDNA。银鲫M3-CK cDNA全长1551bp,编码380个氨基酸,与普通鲤鱼(cyprinus carpio)M3-CK的氨基酸序列同源性高达95%。种系分析表明,银鲫M3-CK与其它脊椎动物的肌肉型肌酸激酶聚为较近的一支,与鲤鱼的M3-CK聚在一起,与脑特异型肌酸激酶及线粒体型肌酸激酶分歧较大。虚拟Northern杂交显示银鲫M3-CK基因在胚胎发育中差异表达。RT—PCR表明,银鲫M3-CK基因在成熟卵母细胞和胚胎发育早期可检测到少量的转录产物,在胚胎发育期间从肌肉效应期开始转录,并一直持续表达。组织RT—PCR表明,银鲫M3-CK基因只在心脏和肌肉表达。  相似文献   

利用RACE及克隆等方法获得了异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)c型溶菌酶基因全长cDNA序列.序列分析表明,所克隆的异育银鲫溶菌酶的cDNA全长751 bp,包括溶菌酶基因开放阅读框(ORF)438 bp,5′ 非编码区(UTR)为109 bp和3′ UTR为204 bp.438 bp ORF共编码146个氨基酸,其成熟肽的分子量预测值为14 543.6,理论等电点为8.86.通过ClustalW软件,将异育银鲫和其它多个物种c型溶菌酶的氨基酸序列进行多序列比对发现,所克隆的异育银鲫溶菌酶编码的氨基酸序列中存在c型溶菌酶的活性中心(Glu53和Asp69),且与活性位点相邻的氨基酸序列高度保守.同时,8个保守的半胱氨酸残基也与其它物种的c型溶菌酶相一致.结合BLASTN分析的结果,可以确认所获得的异育银鲫溶菌酶cDNA序列属于c型溶菌酶.异育银鲫c型溶菌酶和人c型溶菌酶(pdb 1at6_)在蛋白质序列上有50%相似性,其三维(3-D)结构非常类似.通过氨基酸空间位置比较发现,两者具有类似的酶活中心,异育银鲫c型溶菌酶只能形成3个二硫键,比人少1个.荧光定量RT-PCR检测和溶菌酶活性测定显示,异育银鲫头肾和脾脏c型溶菌酶mRNA的表达量约为肝胰脏的2.9 倍和1.7 倍,异育银鲫头肾和脾脏的溶菌酶活性约为肝胰脏的6.2 倍和4倍.  相似文献   

For coexistence, the sexual form in sexual/asexual complexes needs short-term advantages that can compensate for the two-fold disadvantage of sex. Higher mortality in the asexual form due to a higher parasite load will provide an advantage to the sexual form. In Lake Suwa, Japan, the parasite load (Metagonnimus sp.; Trematoda) of triploid gynogenetic females of Carassius auratus was significantly higher than that of diploid sexual females. In an immunoassay using healthy wild fish that were conditioned for 1 month in laboratory tanks, the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) immune reaction of sexual females was significantly higher than that of gynogenetic females. The NBT activity indicates the abundance of oxygen radicals from phagocytes, and hence the level of immune activity of the phagocytes. We suggest that the higher parasite load of the gynogenetic form is in part due to the lower immune activity of the phagocytes (nonspecific immune reaction) in the gynogenetic form compared to the sexual form.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate population-related peculiarities of the adaptive responses of Carassius auratus gibelio. In order to do this, male specimens from polluted (B) and clean (Z) sites were exposed to commercial pesticides thiocarbamate Tatoo (9.1 μg·L(-1)and 91 μg·L(-1)) or tetrazine Apollo (2 μg·L(-1) and 10 μg·L(-1)) during fourteen days. The control fish from site B was distinguished by weakness of antioxidant defence (measured from superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, redox index of glutathione (GSH), superoxide anion (O(2)) and lipid peroxidation levels), imbalance of the concentrations of protein metallothionein (MT-SH) and MT-related metals (MT-Me) and neurotoxicity. Differences in glutathione-S-transferase activity in the liver and vitellogenin-like proteins in the serum were also showed between B and Z control groups. Common effects of pesticides were related to a decrease in GSH, an increase in O(2) production, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity and hepatosomatic index. Apollo provoked particular elevation of MT-SH/MT-Me ratio. Population-related difference in the response was the activation of antioxidant defence in fish from site B and its inhibition in fish from site Z. The genotoxic effect of exposures was more expressed in fish from site B. Principal component analysis combine all exposed groups from site Z and control group from site B in one set, and separated each exposed group from site B. The main distinguishing index of each population selected by classification and regression tree analysis was MT-SH.  相似文献   

Fifteen polymorphic microsatellites were isolated from the genome of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch). Allele numbers ranged from two to four with an average of 2.7/locus, and the proportion of tri‐ and diallelic heterozygotes was 99.3%. The individuals tested seem to have originated from two different clonal lines: 14 of 16 showed the same genotype at all loci tested, whereas the remaining two were also identical, but different from the former ones. Eleven out of 15 primer pairs cross‐amplified products from the genome of common carp, whereas only five from that of zebrafish.  相似文献   

Transferrin polymorphism has been studied in the polyploid Carassius auratus by cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs from its three subspecies C. auratus gibelio, C. auratus auratus, and C. auratus cuvieri. DNA polymorphism of extremely high extent was shown for the transferrin gene by the 248 segregation sites among coding region sequences of its alleles. The deduced amino acid sequences of the transferrin alleles showed variable theoretical physicochemical parameters, which might constitute molecular basis for their electrophoretic heterogeneity. Positive selection was inferred by the replacement/synonymous ratios larger than 1 in partial allelic lineages which was subsequently confirmed by likelihood simulation under neutral or selection models. Furthermore, the correspondent sites to these selected codons were collectively located at two planes in the crystallographic structure of rabbit transferrin, which suggested that the rapid evolution of C. auratus transferrin might correlate to its adaptation to variable environmental elements such as oxygen pressure. The minimal 26 recombination events were detected among coding sequences of C. auratus transferrin, with partial mosaic sequences and breakpoints identified by identity scanning and information site analyses. Phylogenetic analyses revealed multiple antique allelic lineages of transferrin, which was estimated to diverge fifteen to twenty MYA. All these features strongly suggested the role of balancing selection in long persistence of high transferrin polymorphism in C. auratus. Furthermore, owing to its particular evolutionary backgrounds, the silver crucian carp might possess a distinctive balancing selection mechanism.  相似文献   

In this study, we isolated and characterized nine polymorphic trinucleotide microsatellites (CAG and CCT) from the crucian carp (Carassius auratus). The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to six. Five loci showed a significantly excess homozygosity, and a genetic linkage between CAL0102 and CAL0495 was strongly suggested. Our results confirmed the triploidy of Korean individuals, and the microsatellites were found to be useful for analysing the allelic state of the polyploid crucian carp.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among four clones (A, D, E, F) of gynogenetic silver crucian carp was studied using transferrin and isozymes in the blood as markers. Of the five proteins investigated, three (transferrin, esterase and superoxide dismutase) indicated polymorphism and eight polymorphic loci were detected. These loci were probably encoded by codominant alleles and their inheritance patterns were analyzed. Intraclonal homogeneity and interclonal heterogeneity were observed in these clones, which allowed us to infer the clonal nature and evolutionary relationship between them. Clonal diversity in this population of silver crucian carp in China was also compared with data reported from gynogenetic crucian carp in Germany.  相似文献   

The ploidy of silver crucian carp Carassius auratus gibelio individuals, originating from nine natural habitats of Hungary, was estimated by erythrocyte nucleus area analysis. On the basis of DNA polymorphism, the genetic homogeneity or heterogeneity and the chromosome number of different offspring derived from the crossing of triploid and diploid populations and of two types of silver crucian carp females with other cyprinid males ( Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Carassius auratus and Barbus conchonius ) were determined. The results of chromosome and RAPD analysis demonstrated that diploid females could reproduce sexually with silver crucian carp and other cyprinid males and that the offspring of intra‐ and interspecific crosses contained the paternal DNA. Triploid females usually reproduced by gynogenesis and their offspring were clones, however, in very rare cases paternal genes were actually transmitted ( i.e . paternal leakage) to the offspring and the progeny were triploid interspecific hybrids. RAPD analysis showed that while the paternal DNA appeared in the offspring, the maternal phenotype was strongly expressed.  相似文献   

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