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Increasing land salinization in Australia is predicted to lead to severe declines in species diversity in affected areas, and perhaps significant numbers of species extinctions. Much of the diversity that will be lost consists of understorey and mid-storey species, yet the overwhelming majority of research has focussed on salinity tolerance in tree species. We investigated how the presence of a shallow, saline water table affected the understorey species composition, species richness and species diversity in two remnant Eucalyptus wandoo Blakely woodlands in the Western Australian wheatbelt. Species richness and species diversity were significantly lower in areas with a shallow water table at elevations < 0.5 m above the lowest local elevation, compared with both higher elevations and with areas of low elevation without a shallow water table. Species composition (Bray-Curtis similarities) was also significantly different in low elevation, saline areas. At one site, saline areas were colonized by native and alien species that were not present in the surrounding vegetation, yet the community that has developed does not contain either the species or structural diversity of the surrounding system. At the other site, no colonisation of saline areas by new species occurred. Even though small differences in elevation (< 0.5 m) at our study sites were important in moderating the impacts of salinity in areas with a shallow water table, the loss of species diversity, species richness and structural complexity in low-lying elevations indicated that the ecological risk from secondary salinity to species associated only with drainage lines, seasonally wet flats and other low-lying areas is severe. The priority is to identify those vegetation communities that are restricted to only low relative elevations within the landscape and that only occur in remnants predicted to be at a high risk of developing a shallow and saline water table.  相似文献   

王飞  丁建丽  魏阳  周倩倩  杨晓东  王前锋 《生态学报》2017,37(15):5007-5022
基于不同地理区域,借助目前已有或者构建新的盐分和植被指数定量评估研究区的土壤盐度状况。但多数指数并未在盐渍化较为严重的中国新疆地区进行系统性对比分析。因此,以新疆阜北地区(采样数=37),玛纳斯河绿洲(采样数=68)和渭干河-库车河绿洲(采样数=38)为研究区,以灌区农田和盐渍地采样数据和Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI为数据源,利用线性模型和多个非线性模型(10个)测试上述指数(14个指数)和原始波段对于研究区土壤盐度的敏感性。结果显示,阜北地区基于遥感获取的扩展的增强型植被指数Extented Enhanced Vegetation Index(EEVI)在全样本和部分样本(盐渍化样本,土壤盐度0.3%)两种模式下(0—10cm),较其他指数和波段而言较为敏感。在全样本和部分样本(土壤饱和溶液电导率2ds/m)两种模式下,与玛纳斯流域各层土壤盐度最为敏感的为band 2,部分样本模式下土壤盐度变异性显著性探测最大下探深度为30cm。渭干河-库车河绿洲全样本模式下,最大土壤盐度变异性显著性探测深度为40cm,0—10cm和10—20cm深度表现最为敏感的是土壤盐分指数SI-T,20—40cm深度则为植被指数TGDVI。部分样本下(土壤饱和溶液电导率2ds/m),0—10cm深度最为敏感的为band5,10—20cm深度最为敏感的为TGDVI,20—40cm深度则为EEVI。其他指数因地理环境的差异性(气候,土壤盐分类型,土壤类型,采样时间),与土壤盐度之间并未达到显著性(sig=0.05或者0.01)的水平。以上结果只是初步结论,但也暗示其中的某些指数在本区具有一定土壤盐度的识别潜力。此外,由于土壤本身的复杂性,需要采集更多的样本以深入分析不同盐度等级下上述指数的具体表现。  相似文献   

Abstract Although the potential impacts of rising water tables and secondary salinization on agricultural land in southern Australia have been recognized for some time, it is only recently that the impacts on native vegetation have been considered. Despite the likely extent and severity of the problem, no comprehensive approach to assessing the impact of salinity upon native vegetation has been attempted to date. In the present paper, we discuss the causes and impacts of rising water tables and dryland salinity, assess the levels of risk in different ecosystem types and consider the possibilities for the maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem function in vegetation at risk. We examine the salinity risk to woodland vegetation in the Western Australian (WA) wheatbelt, and consider both broad‐scale context and finer‐scale variation within individual patches of vegetation. From this information, we develop a set of conceptual models of the potential impacts of shallow saline water tables on ecosystem structure and processes in remnant vegetation in agricultural areas, particularly in the WA wheatbelt. First, we suggest that fine‐scale variability in surface topography and soil characteristics may play an important role in limiting the impacts of rising saline water tables. The outcome will depend on the interaction of the heterogeneity of the impact, species distribution in relation to small‐scale environmental heterogeneity and variation in species response to hydrological change. Second, we suggest that shallow saline water tables can be considered to cause an ‘edge effect’, which moves inwards from the edge of remnants of native vegetation. Finally, we consider how saline surface flows exacerbate the effects of shallow saline water tables and hasten vegetation decline in remnant areas. We put these models forward as hypotheses to be tested in different situations. We contrast the situation of secondary salinization in Australian vegetation with that of naturally saline systems in Australia and elsewhere, and suggest that these systems may provide important signposts toward developing management approaches for vegetation at risk. In conclusion, we consider the need to set priorities for the protection and restoration of natural vegetation at risk from altered hydrology, based on an assessment of relative threat and probability of persistence or recovery. We highlight the urgency for action that protects native vegetation from the increasing risks of rising water tables.  相似文献   

砒砂岩黄土区植被盖度对土壤侵蚀的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
十大孔兑砒砂岩区为鄂尔多斯北部水土流失最为严重的地区之一,土壤侵蚀发生、发展极大影响了区域水、土资源开发利用。应用通用土壤侵蚀模型(Universal Soil Loss Equation, USLE)计算了区域土壤侵蚀模数,采用整体回归拟合和分段回归拟合的方法对研究区植被盖度和土壤侵蚀模数的关系进行了分析并识别土壤侵蚀模数阈值和对应植被盖度。结果表明:2000—2017年十大孔兑砒砂岩黄土区土壤侵蚀模数在时间尺度上呈现复杂的变化趋势,多年土壤侵蚀模数平均值为29.31 t hm-2 a-1;最大和最小值分别为65.6 t hm-2 a-1和10.95 t hm-2 a-1。从总体来看,土壤侵蚀模数随着植被盖度增加呈极显著抛物线型变化趋势(P<0.001);在坡度级别分别为<5°、5—10°和>10°时,土壤侵蚀模数阈值(18.18 t hm-2 a-1、34.29 t hm-2  相似文献   

禹城市耕地土壤盐分与有机质的指示克里格分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨奇勇  杨劲松  余世鹏 《生态学报》2011,31(8):2196-2202
针对目前黄淮海平原盐渍土改良区存在的土壤盐碱、瘠薄等障碍问题,以该区域典型县域禹城市为研究对象,综合运用GIS和非参数地质统计学的指示克立格法,对0-20 cm深度的耕地土壤盐分和有机质的空间变异性进行了分析,并给出了土壤盐分和有机质满足一定阀值条件的概率分布图。结果表明,土壤盐分和有机质采用指示克里格方法都可以获得较为稳健的变异函数;受结构性因素与随机性因素共同影响,它们的指示半方差均表现为中等强度的空间自相关性,且单元指示克里格与多元指示克里格插值结果表明,土壤盐分、有机质的概率分布存在空间上的规律性与相似性;在空间分布上,研究区域土壤盐分含量高和有机质含量低的高概率区域主要分布在西北部的张庄镇、西部的房寺镇以及南部的莒镇乡等地区,该区域有一定的次生盐渍化风险;而土壤盐分含量高和有机质含量低的低概率分布区域主要分在徒骇河流经的河滩高地,土壤类型为褐土化潮土,是研究区域的主要高产区,基本无盐渍化。研究获取的综合指示概率分布图和概率风险评价对土壤可持续利用管理具有重要意义,为区域土壤质量的提高和土壤障碍因子消减提供参考。  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of tree species and soil properties on organic matter accumulation and associated nutrients, an area-based sampling of the forest floor was carried out in a 28 years old species trial including Norway spruce, Douglas fir, beech, and common oak at two sites, a poor and sandy soil, and a fertile loamy soil.The accumulation of C, N and P in the forest floor was significantly higher at the sandy site than at the loamy site under all species. At the loamy site, oak was characterized by lesser accumulation of C, N and P than the other species. Remarkably, the C/N-ratios showed no substantial differences, whereas the C/P-ratios were significantly higher at the sandy site for all species. pH was significantly lower at the sandy site for all species, and among the species, pH was lower in the conifer forest floors than in the broadleave forest floors. The concentration of ammonium, nitrate and phosphate in the soil solution was much higher at the loamy site under all species showing a stronger microbial activity. It is therefore hypothesized that the differences in accumulation rates were, at least partly, caused by differences in the mineralization regimes. Strong root infiltration in the forest floors at the sandy site compared to almost none at the loamy site, is probably responsible for the differences in mineralization rate due to competition between the organic matter decomposers and the tree-roots/mycorrhiza for nutrients.  相似文献   

Termitaria are major sites of functional heterogeneity in tropical ecosystems, through their strong influence on soil characteristics, in particular soil physico-chemical properties and water status. These factors have important consequences on nutrient availability for plants, plant spatial distribution, and vegetation dynamics. However, comprehensive information about the influence of termite-rehandled soil on soil water regime is lacking. In a humid shrubby savanna, we characterized the spatial variations in soil texture, soil structure and maximum soil water content available for plants (AWC max) induced by a large termite mound, at three deepths (0–0.10, 0.20–0.30 and 0.50–0.60 m). In addition, during a three month period at the end of the rainy season, soil water potential was surveyed by matrix sensors located on the termite mound and in the surrounding soil at the same depths and for the 80–90 cm layer. Concurrently, the leaf shedding patterns of two coexisting deciduous shrub species exhibiting contrasted soil water uptake patterns were compared for individuals located on termite mounds and in undisturbed control areas. For all the soil layers studied, clay and silt contents were higher for the mound soil. Total soil clods porosity was higher on the mound than in control areas, particularly in the 0.20-0.60 m layer, and mound soil exhibited a high shrinking/swelling capacity. AWCmax of the 0-0.60 m soil layer was substantially higher on the termite mound (112 mm) than in the surroundings (84 mm). Furthermore, during the beginning of the dry season, soil water potential measured in situ for the 0.20-0.90 m soil layer was higher on the mound than in the control soil. In contrast, soil water potential of the 0-0.10 m soil layer was similar on the mound and in the control soil. In the middle of the dry season, the leaf shedding pattern of Crossopteryx febrifuga shrubs (which have limited access to soil layers below 0.60 m) located on mounds was less pronounced than that of individuals located on control soil. In contrast, the leaf shedding pattern of the shrub Cussonia barteri (which has a good access to deep soil layers) was not influenced by the termite mound. We conclude that in this savanna ecosystem, termite mounds appear as peculiar sites which exhibit improved soil water availability for plants in upper soil layers, and significantly influence aspects of plant function. Implications of these results for understanding and modelling savanna function and dynamics, and particularly competitive interactions between plant species, are discussed.  相似文献   

免耕对北方旱作玉米土壤水分及物理性质的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
通过2006-2008年的田间试验,研究了北京地区免耕与传统翻耕条件下土壤水分的时空动态及其对土壤相关物理性质的影响.结果表明:研究期间,免耕和翻耕地0~100 cm土层的土壤贮水量随时间及降水变化的趋势一致,但免耕地的土壤贮水量在不同时刻以及不同降雨条件下均高于翻耕地,增幅在2.7%~30.3%,降雨相对充分条件下土壤贮水量的增量有所增加,但免耕在相对缺水的地区更值得推广;免耕地0~100 cm土层的平均土壤含水量明显高于传统翻耕,增幅在3.4%~12.8%,其中表层(0~20 cm)和底层(80~100 cm)的水分增量明显高于中间层次,最高增量可达22.2%;免耕覆盖的耕作方式可通过降低土壤容重、提高土壤孔隙度、促进土壤水稳性团聚体的形成等作用来提高土壤的保水能力和水分利用效率,进而促进作物增收.与对照相比,免耕3年后土壤水分利用率和春玉米产量分别较传统翻耕提高13.3%和16.4%.  相似文献   

Abstract In arid zones, water availability is the most important factor limiting seedling establishment and plant distribution. However, within a region with a defined water regime, the physical and chemical properties of the soil could be the cause of the spatial pattern of plant communities. Prosopis argentina Burk. and Prosopis alpataco Phil. are sympatric at a regional scale but at the local scale they occupy clearly differentiated edaphic niches. Prosopis argentina reaches its ecological optimum in the sandy soils of active dunes, whereas P. alpataco achieves it in heavy, clayish, saline and periodically flooded soils. We studied the effect of salinity, and its interaction with soil type, on the establishment and early growth of these species in order to evaluate their adaptive mechanisms, and to analyse how this was related to the ecological success of these species. Salinity affected emergence and early growth of P. argentina and P. alpataco seedlings differently. Higher salinity led to decreased height, total biomass and shoot and root biomass of plants in both species but the effect was stronger in P. argentina than in P. alpataco, and greater in clayish than in sandy soils. These results would indicate that exclusion of P. argentina from clayish and saline soils would occur during emergence and the first stages of seedling establishment as a consequence of salinity. In P. alpataco other edaphic limitations, like texture or fertility in sandy soils, appear to be always more important. The osmotic effect evidenced by decreasing water and osmotic potentials of plants under saline conditions may be associated with growth reduction in both P. argentina and P. alpataco. However, this factor cannot explain differences in growth between species under salinity. The higher contents of Ca++ and K+, and the lower contents of Na+ in P. alpataco suggest that the greater tolerance of this species depends on its ability to regulate and control absorption and transport of ions.  相似文献   

Aims Riparian forests in the Brazilian Cerrado, also known as gallery forests, are very heterogeneous in structure, species composition and ecological features due to strong and abrupt variations of soil, hydrological and topographic properties. However, what are the variables driving forest carbon stock and productivity, mortality and recruitment in disturbed gallery forests?Methods We used 36 permanent plots data from a gallery forest in the Brazilian Cerrado. We investigated how tree community dynamics vary in a gallery forest on two contrasting disturbance levels—logged and non-logged—across a topographic gradient intrinsically related to differences in moisture conditions, edge effects, as well as soil fertility and texture.Important findings Soil variables were reduced into principal components and we used structural equation modelling to disentangle covarying variables. We also included carbon stocks as a determinant variable of dynamics rates. Logged forest had 50% higher productivity than non-logged forest and streamside forest had aboveground carbon stocks 70% higher than the forest edge. Both logging and natural disturbance drove variation in the carbon stocks which contributed to shaping productivity and recruitment rates. Distance from the river also drove mortality and carbon stock rates. Areas with high-carbon stocks favoured higher competition and lessened productivity and recruitment rates. Although soil fertility and texture are considered crucial components shaping forest dynamics, there was no clear influence of those variables on the present forest, probably because the strong effects of soil moisture, forest edge and disturbance disrupted the correlation between soil and forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary Pythium spp. were more abundant in the southerly and more temperature regions of the barley growing region of South Australia than in the drier and hotter north. Populations were more abundant in the top 10 cm than in the 10 to 20 cm soil zone. Eleven species ofPythium were identified from barley crops.P. irregulare appeared to be the most abundant and was one of the most pathogenic species on barley.P. volutum was also highly pathogenic; it had not been recorded in South Australia before. A factorial experiment using ninePythium spp. and four levels of soil water indicated that unlike other species,P. irregulare, P. volutum andP. graminicolum were most pathogenic in soils with a water content close to field capacity. A factorial experiment usingP. irregulare at four levels of soil water and six inoculum levels showed that inhibition of growth in barley seedlings byP. irregulare increased as the level of water in the soil increased. The experiments support the hypothesis that inhibition of growth of barley seedlings byPythium spp. is most severe in the southerly parts of the barley growing area of South Australia particularly where there is a combination of high soil water and high population densities.  相似文献   

Salt‐tolerant plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (ST‐PGPR) significantly influence the growth and yield of wheat crops in saline soil. Wheat growth improved in pots with inoculation of all nine ST‐PGPR (ECe = 4.3 dS·m?1; greenhouse experiment), while maximum growth and dry biomass was observed in isolate SU18 Arthrobacter sp.; simultaneously, all ST‐PGPR improved soil health in treated pot soil over controls. In the field experiment, maximum wheat root dry weight and shoot biomass was observed after inoculation with SU44 B. aquimaris, and SU8 B. aquimaris, respectively, after 60 and 90 days. Isolate SU8 B. aquimaris, induced significantly higher proline and total soluble sugar accumulation in wheat, while isolate SU44 B. aquimaris, resulted in higher accumulation of reducing sugars after 60 days. Percentage nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) in leaves of wheat increased significantly after inoculation with ST‐PGPR, as compared to un‐inoculated plants. Isolate SU47 B. subtilis showed maximum reduction of sodium (Na) content in wheat leaves of about 23% at both 60 and 90 days after sowing, and produced the best yield of around 17.8% more than the control.  相似文献   

在干旱半干旱生态脆弱区,地下水是限制植物种类组成、数量和生长发育的关键因素之一。近年来由于气候变化与土地利用强度的增加,我国北方普遍出现以极端气候变化、地表水体萎缩和地下水位下降为特征的生态过程,对区域生态系统安全和可持续发展构成严重威胁。而有关干旱半干旱区地下水埋深变化驱动退化植被恢复和稳定性维持方面的系统研究尚存不足。系统总结了地下水埋深变化分别对植物、土壤产生的影响及其三者间相互作用关系,比较分析了前人的研究成果,归纳总结了地下水埋深变化的驱动作用和影响因素,以及干旱半干旱区地下水埋深变化对植物土壤系统影响的预测模型研究,以期为今后应对地下水埋深变化制定生态保护策略提供理论指导依据。对本研究做了展望。  相似文献   

Jones  M.  Sinclair  F.L.  Grime  V.L. 《Plant and Soil》1998,201(2):197-207
Soil cores were taken to estimate root length prior to transplanting and after 60 days growth of a dry season sorghum crop in an agroforestry experiment in a semi-arid region of north-east Nigeria. The experiment compared sorghum grown alone and with two tree species (Acacia nilotica subsp adstringens and Prosopis juliflora) and one management treatment (pruning of tree crowns). Data on soil water content were collected from 6 days before and 20, 60 and 110 days after sorghum transplanting. The main findings were: (i) Per unit root length, A. nilotica had a more negative effect on sorghum above and below ground than P. juliflora. This appeared to be correlated with greater rates of water extraction from layers of soil shared with crop roots; (ii) Crown pruning substantially reduced the competitive effect of P. juliflora on crop yield but did not affect the impact of A. nilotica on intercropped sorghum. Since the impact of pruning on tree-crop competition varies with species, tree species selection and management will be a key factor in determining the feasibility of dryland agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

通过在甘肃引黄灌区灰钙土2015—2017年的田间试验,研究深松35 cm秸秆还田、深松35 cm秸秆不还田与传统旋耕秸秆不还田对土壤紧实度、容重、入渗率和0~100 cm土层土壤水分、玉米产量、养分吸收量的影响.结果表明: 与深松35 cm秸秆不还田及旋耕秸秆不还田相比,深松35 cm秸秆还田使0~40 cm土层土壤紧实度和容重降低最明显,2017年收获后紧实度与容重较2015年试验前分别下降42.6%、7.0%,且2016和2017年播种前与收获后0~40 cm土层紧实度和容重的变幅最小,紧实度变异系数平均为6.1%,容重为3.2%,土壤入渗率较旋耕秸秆不还田提高33.6%;深松35 cm秸秆还田可显著提高春秋两季0~100 cm土层剖面含水量,降低剖面水分变异,0~100 cm土层土壤贮水量较旋耕秸秆不还田春季增加15.5%,秋季增加5.6%,水分利用效率提高32.4%;此外,深松35 cm秸秆还田能促进玉米生产,较旋耕秸秆不还田的经济产量两年平均分别增产25.6%,生物产量提升33.3%,玉米氮、磷、钾养分吸收量分别提高49.6%、51.5%和37.6%.综上,深松35 cm秸秆还田能改善物理土壤特性,稳定耕层物理性状,提高0~100 cm土层剖面水分含量及春秋两季土壤平均贮水量,降低水分变异,是促进玉米水肥高效利用,实现高产的最优措施,为甘肃引黄灌区耕层构建技术的深入研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

岷江上游森林土壤大孔隙特征及其对水分出流速率的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
石辉  陈凤琴  刘世荣 《生态学报》2005,25(3):507-512
大孔隙是森林土壤中常见的现象 ,对土壤壤中流的产生有重要的影响。但由于大孔隙研究方法的不成熟 ,各种方法得到的大孔隙半径范围并不一致。一般认为田间持水量和饱和含水量之间的土壤孔隙为大孔隙 ,利用水分穿透曲线和 Poiseuille方程研究了岷江上游不同植被下土壤的大孔隙状况 ,这种方法一方面与传统的研究方法相衔接 ,另一方面所得到的大孔隙与土壤水分运动有关 ,反映了土壤大孔隙的研究目的 ,因而是一种相对合理的研究方法。岷江上游几种主要植被下土壤大孔隙半径主要集中于 0 .3~ 2 .4 mm之间 ,平均在 0 .4 8~ 1.17mm之间 ,均值为 0 .84 mm,均方差为 0 .2 2 6 ;且随着剖面的发育表现出上部土层多 ,下部土层少的特点。同时 ,半径在 2 .4~ 1.4 m m之间的特大孔隙较少 ,<1.0 m m的小孔隙较多。大孔隙的平均半径对于水分出流速率有重要的影响 ,特别是半径 >1.4 mm的孔隙数量影响最大 ,虽然其数量仅占大孔隙数量的 5 %以下 ,但决定了稳定出流速率 70 %的变异。大孔隙所占过水断面的最高比例为 2 1.2 2 % ,最低为 2 .6 % ;在大孔隙所占过水断面的比例小于 2 0 %的条件下 ,稳定出流速率随大孔隙的增多而增大  相似文献   

水氮互作对小麦土壤水分利用和茎中果聚糖含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过田间试验,以强筋小麦济麦20为材料,设置3个施氮水平:0 kg·hm-2(N0)、180 kg·hm-2(N1)、240 kg·hm-2(N2);4个灌水处理:不灌水(W0)、底墒水+拔节水+开花水(W1)、底墒水+冬水+拔节水+开花水(W2)、底墒水+冬水+拔节水+开花水+灌浆水(W3),每次灌水量为60 mm,研究水氮互作对土壤水分含量、旗叶光合速率、倒二茎中果聚糖含量及氮肥和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:施氮水平为180 kg·hm-2处理的旗叶光合速率和倒二茎中果聚糖含量较高,籽粒产量、氮肥表观利用效率、氮肥农学利用率和水分利用效率最高;施氮水平为240 kg·hm-2处理的茎中果聚糖含量较高;不施氮(N0)或施氮过多(N2)均不利于小麦籽粒产量、氮肥和水分利用效率的提高.W1水分处理促进了倒二茎中果聚糖的积累和向籽粒的转运,有利于产量的提高.180 kg·hm-2施氮水平配合灌溉底墒水+拔节水+开花水的水氮交互处理(N1W1)具有较高的籽粒产量及较高的氮肥和水分利用效率,在此基础上增加施氮量或灌水量,小麦旗叶光合速率和倒二茎中果聚糖含量升高,籽粒产量无显著变化或降低,氮肥和水分利用效率降低.  相似文献   

Emergence and growth of barley was severely decreased by short periods (less than 24 hours) of pre-emergence waterlogging at 20°C. The extent of damage depended on a combination of duration of waterlogging, soil water potential and aggregate size. Potentials of less than—4kPa prevented loss of plants developing in aggregates of less than 2 mm diameter after a transitory period of waterlogging although some shoot and root damage occurred. By comparison seeds growing in soil consisting of aggregates greater than 2 mm in diameter were not damaged by transitory waterlogging even when drainage only occurred at−0.8kPa. The severity of damage increased with the period of waterlogging. A criterion obtained as the product of mean size grade and water potential gave a single value (−4NM−1) below which emergence was satisfactory. Waterlogging halfway through germination gave more severe damage than near sowing date or near emergence.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林群落土壤呼吸及其影响因子   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄湘  李卫红  陈亚宁  马建新 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1951-1959
利用LI-8100土壤碳通量自动测定仪监测塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林群落土壤呼吸的日变化动态,分析其土壤呼吸与环境因子的关系,比较二者的差异。结果表明:(1)胡杨和柽柳群落土壤呼吸的日变化过程相同,最大值出现时间一致,呈单峰值曲线,但是不同月份最大值出现时间不同;(2)胡杨群落的土壤呼吸速率大于柽柳群落的;(3)胡杨和柽柳群落的土壤呼吸速率与距地表2cm处气温之间存在显著的指数关系,但是不同植物类型的土壤呼吸对温度的敏感性有所不同;(4)胡杨和柽柳群落的土壤呼吸速率与土壤水分都存在显著的线性关系;(5)通过多元回归分析表明,塔里木河下游76%~93%左右的荒漠河岸林群落土壤呼吸速率受温度和水分的共同控制。  相似文献   

以北京地区油松(Pinus tabuliformis)人工林不同演替类型林分为研究对象,研究油松纯林、油松-栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)混交林和栓皮栎纯林三种不同演替类型林分的空间结构、林下植被和土壤水分的变化规律及其相互作用关系。结果表明:(1)林分水平及垂直空间结构、草本层物种多样性、更新幼树生长、土壤持水和透气性能等指标在三种不同演替类型林分间差异显著(P<0.05),林分空间结构参数中的角尺度、林层指数和开敞度显著影响了各类型林分的灌草多样性,混交度、林层指数和大小比数显著影响了更新幼树的生长,混交度和林层指数显著影响了土壤水分的变化(P<0.05)。(2)松栎混交林灌草生物量、天然更新幼树的生长以及土壤水分物理状况均好于纯林,并主要受林分混交度和林层指数的共同作用。(3)各演替类型林分内均存在栓皮栎更新幼树,混交林栓皮栎更新幼树数量最多、长势最好,对林地资源的竞争最为激烈。因此,可以通过调整林分空间结构实现种间关系及林地资源的调控,以充分发挥森林生态系统的各项功能与价值。  相似文献   

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