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Given the extensive efforts applied toward proteomics and research in biomarkers, methods for the simultaneous measurement of proteins, peptides, metabolic intermediates, hormones, etc. in a complex sample may be required in the foreseeable future. Assays based on mass spectrometric detection may be suitable for meeting the demands of such complex samples with sensitivity and specificity. An analytical method for the quantitation of C-reactive protein (CRP), a well-known marker of inflammation, is described. Exact quantities of two synthetic (13)C-labeled CRP tryptic peptides were added as internal standards directly to the sample prior to chemical treatment, trypsinization, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry quantitation. C-reactive protein levels based on isotopic response ratios were measured. Intact C-reactive protein was spiked into blank rat urine for chemical and enzymatic treatment, producing linear response ratios of labeled to unlabeled peptides. For rigorous quantitation, standard curves, and quality control samples were prepared in rat urine with highly purified labeled and unlabeled peptides over the 50 pg-5 ng/muL concentration range. Using the same chemical and enzymatic treatment used for digestion of intact CRP, data from these samples demonstrated excellent analytical performance. The method was successfully applied toward the quantitation of urinary C-reactive protein from a study of drug-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

The cell wall of yeast consists of an internal skeletal layer and an external layer of glycoproteins covalently linked to the stress-bearing polysaccharides. The cell wall protein (CWP) population consists of over 20 different proteins, and may vary in composition. We present two complementary methods for quantifying CWPs, based on isobaric tagging and tandem MS: (1) absolute quantitation of individual CWPs, allowing estimation of surface densities; and (2) relative quantitation of CWPs, allowing monitoring of the dynamics of the CWP population. For absolute quantitation, we selected a representative group of five proteins (Cwp1p, Crh1p, Scw4p, Gas1p, and Ecm33p), which had 67 x 10(3), 44 x 10(3), 38 x 10(3), 11 x 10(3) and 6.5 x 10(3) of wall-bound copies per cell, respectively. As Cwp1p is predominantly incorporated in the birth scar, this corresponds to a protein density of c. 22 x 10(3) copies microm(-2). For relative quantitation, we compared wild-type cells to gas1Delta cells, in which the cell wall integrity pathway is constitutively activated. The levels of Crh1p, Crh2p, Ecm33p, Gas5p, Pst1p and Pir3p increased about three- to fivefold, whereas the level of Scw4p was significantly decreased. We propose that our methods are widely applicable to other fungi.  相似文献   

This tutorial article introduces mass spectrometry (MS) for peptide fragmentation and protein identification. The current approaches being used for protein identification include top-down and bottom-up sequencing. Top-down sequencing, a relatively new approach that involves fragmenting intact proteins directly, is briefly introduced. Bottom-up sequencing, a traditional approach that fragments peptides in the gas phase after protein digestion, is discussed in more detail. The most widely used ion activation and dissociation process, gas-phase collision-activated dissociation (CAD), is discussed from a practical point of view. Infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) and electron capture dissociation (ECD) are introduced as two alternative dissociation methods. For spectral interpretation, the common fragment ion types in peptide fragmentation and their structures are introduced; the influence of instrumental methods on the fragmentation pathways and final spectra are discussed. A discussion is also provided on the complications in sample preparation for MS analysis. The final section of this article provides a brief review of recent research efforts on different algorithmic approaches being developed to improve protein identification searches.  相似文献   

Detailed studies fo the 5-lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism is a difficult challenge, but nonetheless, an important pursuit. The leukotriense are perplexing compounds to quantitate due, in part, to their production in very small quantities by only certain cells, as well as to their chemical/biochemical instability. Several mass spectrometric techniques have been developed to quantitate 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) and leukotriene b4 (LTB4). The mass spectral properties of terbutyldimethylsilyl derivatives of LTB4 are reported here which are quite favorable for electron impact ionization. Catalytic reduction of LTB4 prior to derivatization greatly improved capillary gas chromatographic behavior as well as electron impact mass spectral properties. Subpicomole quantities could be readily detected by selected ion recording of the M-57 ion, which is the most abundant ion in the mass spectrum. Lipoxygenase products labeled with oxygen-18 at the carboxyl moiety are uniquely stable to catalytic reduction and, thus, may serve as useful internal standards.  相似文献   

A new technique to evaluate methods for the synthesis of peptides was developed. It is based on the identification and quantitation of peptide by-products by mass spectrometry. Model oligopeptides containing 10 or 20 alanine residues were synthesized by automated solid phase methods using a variety of protocols, and the levels of deletion and insertion peptides were measured by the 252Cf fission fragment ionization time-of-flight spectrometric technique in which the total, unfractionated, synthetic product was deposited on a film of nitrocellulose and analyzed. The introduction of D-alanine at every third residue of the model eliminated peptide conformation problems that led to incomplete reactions in the all L model. Couplings with preformed symmetrical anhydrides in dimethylformamide gave rise to significant levels of both deletion peptides and insertion peptides. The best of the protocols examined was a double coupling of tert-butyloxycarbonyl-alanine by in situ activation with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide in dichloromethane. [D-Ala3,6,9,12,15,18]Ala20-Val was synthesized with an average deletion of only 0.036% per step and an average insertion of only 0.029% per step, which is equivalent to a stepwise yield of 99.93% for the target peptide.  相似文献   

An assay was developed using electrospray ionization negative ion tandem mass spectrometry (MS) to identify and quantitate the major product in the reaction of leukotriene A(4) (LTA(4)) with deoxyguanosine (dGuo). A second quantitative assay was established using the same separation and detection techniques to determine the amount of dGuo isolated from enzymatically processed DNA. The amount of LTA(4)-dGuo adduct could then be analytically determined in DNA samples and normalized to the amount of dGuo that had been simultaneously derived from the DNA sample. Stable isotope-labeled internal standards used for these quantitative assays were readily synthesized from isotopically labeled [(15)N(5)(13)C(10)]deoxyguanosine triphosphate and analyzed for isotopic purity using MS. A comparison of fragment ions formed from stable isotope analogs of dGuo revealed the loss of deoxyribose and secondarily the loss of a series of stable neutral small molecules in a fashion similar to patterns described previously for the collisional fragmentation of protonated guanine determined by positive ion fast atom bombardment/MS/MS. The combined quantitative assays were used for the determination of the amount of endogenously formed LTA(4)-dGuo adducts observed in DNA when isolated human neutrophils that had been incubated with arachidonic acid were stimulated with calcium ionophore to initiate leukotriene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometric peptide mapping, particularly by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization (MALDI-MS), has recently been shown to be an efficient tool for the primary structure characterization of proteins. In combination with in situ proteolytic digestion of proteins separated by one- and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), mass spectrometric peptide mapping permits identification of proteins from complex mixtures such as cell lysates. In this study we have investigated several ion channel membrane proteins (porins) and their supramolecular assembly in mitochondrial membranes by peptide mapping in solution and upon digestion in the gel matrix. Porins are integral membrane proteins serving as nonspecific diffusion pores or as specific systems for the transport of substrates through bacterial and mitochondrial membranes. The well-characterized porin from Rhodobacter capsulatus (R.c.-porin) has been found to be a native trimeric complex by the crystal structure and was used as a model system in this study. R.c.-porin was characterized by MALDI-MS peptide mapping in solution, and by direct in situ-gel digestion of the trimer. Furthermore, in this study we demonstrate the direct identification of the noncovalent complex between a mitochondrial porin and the adenine nucleotide translocator from rat liver, by MALDI-MS determination of the specific peptides due to both protein sequences in the SDS-PAGE gel band. The combination of native gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric peptide mapping of the specific gel bands should be developed as a powerful tool for the molecular identification of protein interactions. Proteins Suppl. 2:63–73, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Biomarkers play a key role in preclinical screening and diagnosis of a disease. Various support materials are utilized for this task, in combination with MALDI-TOF-MS. The way to effectively bind serum contents and their profiling is well-elaborated by the material-enhanced laser desorption ionization (MELDI) approach. In this particular work, focus is placed on the development of a strategy to identify low molecular weight serum peptides. Poly(GMA/DVB) is derivatized in a way to achieve an affinity termed as immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC). Iminodiacetic acid (IDA) is used as a chelating ligand, whereas copper (Cu2+) acts as a metal ion for complexing peptides and proteins out of blood serum. Polymer binds the serum compounds over a broad mass range, which includes low mass peptides and high mass albumin (66 kDa). Bound contents are eluted from material by an acetonitrile/trifluoroacetic acid mixture, which proves the reversible nature of metal and amino acid linkage. Polystyrene/divinyl benzene (PS/DVB) monolithic capillary column is used for fractionation through RP-HPLC, prior to the target spotting. The tandem TOF fragment ion mass spectra of each fraction is acquired and used to search against the Swiss-Prot database, using the Mascot search engine for the identification of peptides.  相似文献   

Verification of candidate biomarkers requires specific assays to selectively detect and quantify target proteins in accessible biofluids. The primary objective of verification is to screen potential biomarkers to ensure that only the highest quality candidates from the discovery phase are taken forward into preclinical validation. Because antibody reagents for a clinical grade immunoassay often exist for a small number of candidates, alternative methodologies are required to credential new and unproven candidates in a statistically viable number of serum or plasma samples. Using multiple reaction monitoring coupled with stable isotope dilution MS, we developed quantitative, multiplexed assays in plasma for six proteins of clinical relevance to cardiac injury. The process described does not require antibodies for immunoaffinity enrichment of either proteins or peptides. Limits of detection and quantitation for each signature peptide used as surrogates for the target proteins were determined by the method of standard addition using synthetic peptides and plasma from a healthy donor. Limits of quantitation ranged from 2 to 15 ng/ml for most of the target proteins. Quantitative measurements were obtained for one to two signature peptides derived from each target protein, including low abundance protein markers of cardiac injury in the nanogram/milliliter range such as the cardiac troponins. Intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were predominantly <10 and 25%, respectively. The configured multiplex assay was then used to measure levels of these proteins across three time points in six patients undergoing alcohol septal ablation for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. These results are the first demonstration of a multiplexed, MS-based assay for detection and quantification of changes in concentration of proteins associated with cardiac injury in the low nanogram/milliliter range. Our results also demonstrate that these assays retain the necessary precision, reproducibility, and sensitivity to be applied to novel and uncharacterized candidate biomarkers for verification of proteins in blood.Discovery of disease-specific biomarkers with diagnostic and prognostic utility has become an important challenge in clinical proteomics. In general, unbiased discovery experiments often result in the confident identification of thousands of proteins, hundreds of which may vary significantly between case and control samples in small discovery studies. However, because of the stochastic sampling of proteomes in discovery “omics” experiments, a large fraction of the protein biomarkers “discovered” in these experiments are false positives arising from biological or technical variability. Clearly discovery omics experiments do not lead to biomarkers of immediate clinical utility but rather produce candidates that must be qualified and verified in larger sample sets than were used for discovery (1).Traditional, clinical validation of biomarkers has relied primarily on immunoassays because of their specificity and sensitivity for the target analyte and high throughput capability. However, antibody reagents for a clinical grade immunoassay often only exist for a short list of candidates. The development of a reliable sandwich immunoassay for one target protein is expensive, has a long development time, and is dependent upon the generation of high quality protein antibodies. For the large majority of new, unproven candidate biomarkers, an intermediate verification technology is required that has shorter assay development time lines, lower assay cost, and effective multiplexing of dozens of candidates in low sample volumes. Ideally the approach should be capable of analyzing hundreds of samples of serum or plasma with good precision. The desired outcome of verification is a small number of highly credentialed candidates suitable for traditional preclinical and clinical validation studies.Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)1 coupled with stable isotope dilution (SID) MS has recently been shown to be well suited for direct quantification of proteins in plasma (24) and has emerged as the core technology for candidate biomarker verification. MRM assays can be highly multiplexed such that a moderate number of candidate proteins (in the range of 10–50) can be simultaneously targeted and measured in the statistically viable number of patient samples required for verification (hundreds of serum samples). However, sensitivity for unambiguous detection and quantification of proteins by MS-based assays is often constrained by sample complexity, particularly when the measurements are being made in complex fluids such as plasma.Many biomarkers of current clinical importance, such as prostate-specific antigen and the cardiac troponins, reside in the low nanogram/milliliter range in plasma and, until recently, have been inaccessible by non-antibody approaches. Our laboratory has recently shown for the first time that a combination of abundant protein depletion with limited fractionation at the peptide level prior to SID-MRM-MS provides robust limits of quantitation (LOQs) in the 1–20 ng/ml range with coefficient of variation (CV) of 10–20% at the LOQ for proteins in plasma (3).Here we demonstrate that this work flow can be extended to configure assays for a number of known markers of cardiovascular disease and, more importantly, can be deployed to measure their concentrations in clinical samples. We modeled a verification study comprising six patients undergoing alcohol septal ablation treatment for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, a human model of “planned” myocardial infarction (PMI), and obtained targeted, quantitative measurements for moderate to low concentrations of cardiac biomarkers in plasma. This work provides additional evidence that MS-based assays can be configured and applied to verification of new protein targets for which high quality antibody reagents are not available.  相似文献   

Graphitic nanofibres (GNFs), 100–200 nm in diameter and 5–20 μm in length have been modified in order to yield different affinities (Cu2+ and Fe3+ loaded immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) as well as cation and anion exchange materials) for the extraction of a range of biomolecules by their inherited hydrophobicity and the hydrophilic chemical functionalities, obtained by derivatization. Modified GNFs have for the first time been employed as carrier materials for protein profiling in material-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (MELDI) for the enrichment and screening of biofluids. For that purpose, the derivatized GNF materials have comprehensively been characterized regarding surface area, structural changes during derivatization, IMAC, as well as ion exchange and protein-loading capacity and recovery. GNF derivatives revealed high protein-binding capacity (2,000 μg ml−1 for insulin) and ideal sensitivities, resulting in a detection limit of 50 fmol μl−1 (for insulin), which is crucial for the detection of low abundant species in biological samples. Compared to other MELDI carrier materials, sensitivity was enhanced on GNF derivatives, which might be ascribed to the fact that GNFs support desorption and ionization mechanisms and by absorbing laser energy in addition to matrix.  相似文献   

There is a variety of approaches to reduce the complexity of the proteome on the basis of functional small molecule-protein interactions such as affinity chromatography 1 or Activity Based Protein Profiling 2. Trifunctional Capture Compounds (CCs, Figure 1A) 3 are the basis for a generic approach, in which the initial equilibrium-driven interaction between a small molecule probe (the selectivity function, here S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine, SAH, Figure 1A) and target proteins is irreversibly fixed upon photo-crosslinking between an independent photo-activable reactivity function (here a phenylazide) of the CC and the surface of the target proteins. The sorting function (here biotin) serves to isolate the CC - protein conjugates from complex biological mixtures with the help of a solid phase (here streptavidin magnetic beads). Two configurations of the experiments are possible: "off-bead" 4 or the presently described "on-bead" configuration (Figure 1B). The selectivity function may be virtually any small molecule of interest (substrates, inhibitors, drug molecules). S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM, Figure 1A) is probably, second to ATP, the most widely used cofactor in nature 5, 6. It is used as the major methyl group donor in all living organisms with the chemical reaction being catalyzed by SAM-dependent methyltransferases (MTases), which methylate DNA 7, RNA 8, proteins 9, or small molecules 10. Given the crucial role of methylation reactions in diverse physiological scenarios (gene regulation, epigenetics, metabolism), the profiling of MTases can be expected to become of similar importance in functional proteomics as the profiling of kinases. Analytical tools for their profiling, however, have not been available. We recently introduced a CC with SAH as selectivity group to fill this technological gap (Figure 1A).SAH, the product of SAM after methyl transfer, is a known general MTase product inhibitor 11. For this reason and because the natural cofactor SAM is used by further enzymes transferring other parts of the cofactor or initiating radical reactions as well as because of its chemical instability 12, SAH is an ideal selectivity function for a CC to target MTases. Here, we report the utility of the SAH-CC and CCMS by profiling MTases and other SAH-binding proteins from the strain DH5α of Escherichia coli (E. coli), one of the best-characterized prokaryotes, which has served as the preferred model organism in countless biochemical, biological, and biotechnological studies. Photo-activated crosslinking enhances yield and sensitivity of the experiment, and the specificity can be readily tested for in competition experiments using an excess of free SAH.Download video file.(106M, mov)  相似文献   

Poly(A) binding protein (PAB1) is involved in a number of RNA metabolic functions in eukaryotic cells and correspondingly is suggested to associate with a number of proteins. We have used mass spectrometric analysis to identify 55 non-ribosomal proteins that specifically interact with PAB1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Because many of these factors may associate only indirectly with PAB1 by being components of the PAB1-mRNP structure, we additionally conducted mass spectrometric analyses on seven metabolically defined PAB1 deletion derivatives to delimit the interactions between these proteins and PAB1. These latter analyses identified 13 proteins whose associations with PAB1 were reduced by deleting one or another of PAB1's defined domains. Included in this list of 13 proteins were the translation initiation factors eIF4G1 and eIF4G2, translation termination factor eRF3, and PBP2, all of whose previously known direct interactions with specific PAB1 domains were either confirmed, delimited, or extended. The remaining nine proteins that interacted through a specific PAB1 domain were CBF5, SLF1, UPF1, CBC1, SSD1, NOP77, yGR250c, NAB6, and GBP2. In further study, UPF1, involved in nonsense-mediated decay, was confirmed to interact with PAB1 through the RRM1 domain. We additionally established that while the RRM1 domain of PAB1 was required for UPF1-induced acceleration of deadenylation during nonsense-mediated decay, it was not required for the more critical step of acceleration of mRNA decapping. These results begin to identify the proteins most likely to interact with PAB1 and the domains of PAB1 through which these contacts are made.  相似文献   

The relationship between the food demand of a clam population (Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams & Reeve 1850)) and the isotopic contributions of potential food sources (phytoplankton, benthic diatoms, and organic matter derived from the sediment surface, seagrass, and seaweeds) to the clam diet were investigated. In particular, we investigated the manner in which dense patches of clams with high secondary productivity are sustained in a coastal lagoon ecosystem (Hichirippu Lagoon) in Hokkaido, Japan. Clam feeding behavior should affect material circulation in this lagoon owing to their high secondary productivity (ca. 130 g C m−2 yr−1). Phytoplankton were initially found to constitute 14–77% of the clam diet, although phytoplankton nitrogen content (1.79–4.48 kmol N) and the food demand of the clam (16.2 kmol N d–1) suggest that phytoplankton can constitute only up to 28% of clam dietary demands. However, use of isotopic signatures alone may be misleading. For example, the contribution of microphytobenthos (MPB) were estimated to be 0–68% on the basis of isotopic signatures but was subsequently shown to be 35±13% (mean ± S.D.) and 64±4% (mean ± S.D.) on the basis of phytoplankton biomass and clam food demand respectively, suggesting that MPB are the primary food source for clams. Thus, in the present study, the abundant MPB in the subtidal area appear to be a key food source for clams, suggesting that these MPB may sustain the high secondary production of the clam.  相似文献   



In this review we compare the advantages and disadvantages of different model biological systems for determining the metabolic functions of cells in complex environments, how they may change in different disease states, and respond to therapeutic interventions.


All preclinical drug-testing models have advantages and drawbacks. We compare and contrast established cell, organoid and animal models with ex vivo organ or tissue culture and in vivo human experiments in the context of metabolic readout of drug efficacy. As metabolism reports directly on the biochemical state of cells and tissues, it can be very sensitive to drugs and/or other environmental changes. This is especially so when metabolic activities are probed by stable isotope tracing methods, which can also provide detailed mechanistic information on drug action. We have developed and been applying Stable Isotope-Resolved Metabolomics to examine metabolic reprogramming of human lung cancer cells in monoculture, in mouse xenograft/explant models, and in lung cancer patients in situ (Lane et al. in Omics 15:173–182, 2011; Fan et al. in Metabolomics 7(2):257–269, 2011a, in Pharmacol Ther 133:366–391, 2012a, in Metabolomics 8(3):517–527, b; Xie et al. in Cell Metab 19:795–809, 2014; Ren et al. in Sci Rep 4:5414, 2014; Sellers et al. in J Clin Investig 125(2):687–698, 2015). We are able to determine the influence of the tumor microenvironment using these models. We have now extended the range of models to fresh human tissue slices, similar to those originally described by Warburg (Biochem Z 142:317–333, 1923), which retain the native tissue architecture and heterogeneity with a paired benign versus cancer design under defined cell culture conditions. This platform offers an unprecedented human tissue model for preclinical studies on metabolic reprogramming of human cancer cells in their tissue context, and response to drug treatment (Xie et al. 2014). As the microenvironment of the target human tissue is retained and individual patient’s response to drugs is obtained, this platform promises to transcend current limitations of drug selection for clinical trials or treatments


Development of ex vivo human tissue and animal models with humanized organs including bone marrow and liver show considerable promise for analyzing drug responses that are more relevant to humans. Similarly using stable isotope tracer methods with these improved models in advanced stages of the drug development pipeline, in conjunction with tissue biopsy is expected significantly to reduce the high failure rate of experimental drugs in Phase II and III clinical trials.

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells isolated from mammalian preimplantation embryos. They are capable of differentiating into all cell types and therefore hold great promise in regenerative medicine. Here we show that murine ES cells can be fully SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture)-labeled when grown feeder-free during the last phase of cell culture. We fractionated the SILAC-labeled ES cell proteome by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis and by isoelectric focusing of peptides. High resolution analysis on a linear ion trap-orbitrap instrument (LTQ-Orbitrap) at sub-ppm mass accuracy resulted in confident identification and quantitation of more than 5,000 distinct proteins. This is the largest quantified proteome reported to date and contains prominent stem cell markers such as OCT4, NANOG, SOX2, and UTF1 along with the embryonic form of RAS (ERAS). We also quantified the proportion of the ES cell proteome present in cytosolic, nucleoplasmic, and membrane/chromatin fractions. We compared two different preparation approaches, cell fractionation followed by one-dimensional gel separation and in-solution digestion of total cell lysate combined with isoelectric focusing, and found comparable proteome coverage with no apparent bias for any functional protein classes for either approach. Bioinformatics analysis of the ES cell proteome revealed a broad distribution of cellular functions with overrepresentation of proteins involved in proliferation. We compared the proteome with a recently published map of chromatin states of promoters in ES cells and found excellent correlation between protein expression and the presence of active and repressive chromatin marks.  相似文献   

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