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The crystal structure of the membrane-integrated nitric oxide reductase cNOR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was determined. The smaller NorC subunit of cNOR is comprised of 1 trans-membrane helix and a hydrophilic domain, where the heme c is located, while the larger NorB subunit consists of 12 trans-membrane helices, which contain heme b and the catalytically active binuclear center (heme b(3) and non-heme Fe(B)). The roles of the 5 well-conserved glutamates in NOR are discussed, based on the recently solved structure. Glu211 and Glu280 appear to play an important role in the catalytic reduction of NO at the binuclear center by functioning as a terminal proton donor, while Glu215 probably contributes to the electro-negative environment of the catalytic center. Glu135, a ligand for Ca(2+) sandwiched between two heme propionates from heme b and b(3), and the nearby Glu138 appears to function as a structural factor in maintaining a protein conformation that is suitable for electron-coupled proton transfer from the periplasmic region to the active site. On the basis of these observations, the possible molecular mechanism for the reduction of NO by cNOR is discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Respiratory Oxidases.  相似文献   

NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) reductase domains are members of the FAD-FMN family of proteins. The FAD accepts two reducing equivalents from NADPH (dehydrogenase flavin) and FMN acts as a one-electron carrier (flavodoxin-type flavin) for the transfer from NADPH to the heme protein, in which the FMNH*/FMNH2 couple donates electrons to cytochrome P450 at constant oxidation-reduction potential. Although the interflavin electron transfer between FAD and FMN is not strictly regulated in CPR, electron transfer is activated in neuronal NOS reductase domain upon binding calmodulin (CaM), in which the CaM-bound activated form can function by a similar mechanism to that of CPR. The oxygenated form and spin state of substrate-bound cytochrome P450 in perfused rat liver are also discussed in terms of stepwise one-electron transfer from CPR. This review provides a historical perspective of the microsomal mixed-function oxidases including CPR and P450. In addition, a new model for the redox-linked conformational changes during the catalytic cycle for both CPR and NOS reductase domain is also discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the bacterial nitric oxide reductase (cNOR) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is reported. Its overall structure is similar to those of the main subunit of aerobic and micro-aerobic cytochrome oxidases (COXs), in agreement with the hypothesis that all these enzymes are members of the haem-copper oxidase superfamily. However, substantial structural differences between cNOR and COX are observed in the catalytic centre and the delivery pathway of the catalytic protons, which should be reflected in functional differences between these respiratory enzymes. On the basis of the cNOR structure, we propose a possible reaction mechanism of nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide as a working hypothesis.  相似文献   

Microbial flavohemoglobins (flavoHbs) and hemoglobins (Hbs) show large *NO dioxygenation rate constants ranging from 745 to 2900 microM(-1) s(-1) suggesting a primal *NO dioxygenase (NOD) (EC function for the ancient Hb superfamily. Indeed, modern O2-transporting and storing mammalian red blood cell Hb and related muscle myoglobin (Mb) show vestigial *NO dioxygenation activity with rate constants of 34-89 microM(-1) s(-1). In support of a NOD function, microbial flavoHbs and Hbs catalyze O2-dependent cellular *NO metabolism, protect cells from *NO poisoning, and are induced by *NO exposures. Red blood cell Hb, myocyte Mb, and flavoHb-like activities metabolize *NO in the vascular lumen, muscle, and other mammalian cells, respectively, decreasing *NO signalling and toxicity. HbFe(III)-OO*, HbFe(III)-OONO and protein-caged [HbFe(III)-O**NO2] are proposed intermediates in a reaction mechanism that combines both O-atoms of O2 with *NO to form nitrate and HbFe(III). A conserved Hb heme pocket structure facilitates the dioxygenation reaction and efficient turnover is achieved through the univalent reduction of HbFe(III) by associated reductases. High affinity flavoHb and Hb heme ligands, and other inhibitors, may find application as antibiotics and antitumor agents that enhance the toxicity of immune cell-derived *NO or as vasorelaxants that increase *NO signalling.  相似文献   

Electron- and proton-transfer reactions in bacterial nitric oxide reductase (NOR) have been investigated by optical spectroscopy and electrometry. In liposomes, NOR does not show any generation of an electric potential during steady-state turnover. This electroneutrality implies that protons are taken up from the same side of the membrane as electrons during catalysis. Intramolecular electron redistribution after photolysis of the partially reduced CO-bound enzyme shows that the electron transfer in NOR has the same pathway as in the heme-copper oxidases. The electron is transferred from the acceptor site, heme c, via a low-spin heme b to the binuclear active site (heme b3/FeB). The electron-transfer rate between hemes c and b is (3 +/- 2) x 10(4) s(-1). The rate of electron transfer between hemes b and b3 is too fast to be resolved (>10(6) s(-1)). Only electron transfer between heme c and heme b is coupled to the generation of an electric potential. This implies that the topology of redox centers in NOR is comparable to that in the heme-copper cytochrome oxidases. The optical and electrometric measurements allow identification of the intermediate states formed during turnover of the fully reduced enzyme, as well as the associated proton and electron movement linked to the NO reduction. The first phase (k = 5 x 10(5) s(-1)) is electrically silent, and characterized by the disappearance of absorbance at 433 nm and the appearance of a broad peak at 410 nm. We assign this phase to the formation of a ferrous NO adduct of heme b3. NO binding is followed by a charge separation phase (k = 2.2 x 10(5) s(-1)). We suggest that the formation of this intermediate that is not linked to significant optical changes involves movement of charged side chains near the active site. The next step creates a negative potential with a rate constant of approximately 3 x 10(4) s(-1) and a weak optical signature. This is followed by an electrically silent phase with a rate constant of 5 x 10(3) s(-1) leading to the last intermediate of the first turnover (a rate constant of approximately 10(3) s(-1)). The fully reduced enzyme has four electrons, enough for two complete catalytic cycles. However, the protons for the second turnover must be taken from the bulk, resulting in the generation of a positive potential in two steps. The optical measurements also verify two phases in the oxidation of low-spin hemes. Based on these results, we present mechanistic models of NO reduction by NOR. The results can be explained with a trans mechanism rather than a cis model involving FeB. Additionally, the data open up the possibility that NOR employs a P450-type mechanism in which only heme b3 functions as the NO binding site during turnover.  相似文献   

Flavodiiron proteins have emerged in the last two decades as a newly discovered family of oxygen and/or nitric oxide reductases widespread in the three life domains, and present in both aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Herein we present the main features of these fascinating enzymes, with a particular emphasis on the metal sites, as more appropriate for this special issue in memory of the exceptional bioinorganic scientist R. J. P. Williams who pioneered the notion of (metal) element availability-driven evolution. We also compare the flavodiiron proteins with the other oxygen and nitric oxide reductases known until now, highlighting how throughout evolution Nature arrived at different solutions for similar functions, in some cases adding extra features, such as energy conservation. These enzymes are an example of the (bioinorganic) unpredictable diversity of the living world.  相似文献   

The interdependent relationships among nitric oxide synthase (NOS), its coenzyme, cofactors and nitric oxide (NO(free radical) were studied using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. It was found that superoxide-dependent hydroxyl free radical (OH(free radical), derived from NOS coenzyme and cofactors, inhibits NOS activity, and that endogenous NO(free radical) generated by NOS scavenges OH(free radical) and protects NOS function. These results reveal a new role for NO(free radical) that may be important in NOS function and cellular free radical homeostasis.  相似文献   

The review briefly summarizes current knowledge of the bacterial nitric-oxide reductase (NOR). This membrane enzyme consists of two subunits, the smaller one contains haem C and the larger one two haems B and nonhaem iron. The protein sequence and structure of metal centres demonstrate the relationship of NOR to the family of terminal oxidases. The binuclear Fe-Fe reaction centre, consisting of antiferromagnetically coupled haem B and nonhaem iron, is analogous to Fe-Cu centre of terminal oxidases. The data on the structure and function of NOR and terminal oxidases suggest that all these enzymes are closely evolutionally related. The catalytic properties are determined most of all by the relatively high toxicity of nitric oxide as a substrate and the resulting strong need to maintain its concentration at nanomolar levels. A kinetic model of the action of the enzyme comprises substrate inhibition. NOR does not conserve the free energy of nitric oxide reduction because it does not work as a proton pump and, moreover, the protons coming into the reaction are taken from periplasm, i.e. they do not cross the membrane.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is a denitrification intermediate which is produced from nitrite and then further converted via nitrous oxide to nitrogen. Here, the effect of low concentrations of the protonophore carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone on the time courses for dissolved gases was examined. While NO was found to oscillate, N(2)O only increased gradually as the reduction of nitrite progressed. The frequency and shape of protonophore-induced NO oscillations were influenced by temperature and the concentration of electron donor N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine (TMPD) in a manner compatible with the observed differential effects on the two involved enzyme activities. We demonstrated the existence of a pH interval, where [NO] oscillates even without uncoupler addition. Occurrence of nitric oxide oscillations in mixtures of a nitrite reductase mutant with a nitric oxide reductase mutant suggests that they cannot be due to a competition of the enzymes for redox equivalents from one common respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from Paracoccus halodenitrificans reduced nitrite or nitric oxide to nitrous oxide. Extraction of these membranes with the detergent CHAPSO [3-(3-cholamidopropyldimethylammonio)-1-(2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate)], followed by ammonium sulfate fractionation of the solubilized proteins, resulted in the separation of nitrite and nitric oxide reductase activities. The fraction containing nitrite reductase activity spectrally resembled a cd-type cytochrome. Several cytochromes were detected in the nitric oxide reductase fraction. Which, if any, of these cytochromes is associated with the reduction of nitric oxide is not clear at this time.Abbreviations PMS phenazine methosulfate - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - CHAPSO 3-(3-cholamidopropyl-dimethylammonio)-1-(2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate) - NH buffer 150 mM NaCl-50 mM - HEPES pH 7.5; octylglucoside, octyl--d glucopyranoside - NIR intrite reductase (nitrite to nitric oxide) - NOR nitric oxide reductase (nitric oxide to nitrous oxide)  相似文献   

Structure, function, and mechanism of ribonucleotide reductases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of ribonucleotides to 2'-deoxyribonucleotides and thereby provides the precursors needed for both synthesis and repair of DNA. In the recent years, many new crystal structures have been obtained of the protein subunits of all three classes of RNR. This review will focus upon recent structural and spectroscopic studies, which have offered deeper insight to the mechanistic properties as well as evolutionary relationship and diversity among the different classes of RNR. Although the three different classes of RNR enzymes depend on different metal cofactors for the catalytic activity, all three classes have a conserved cysteine residue at the active site located on the tip of a protein loop in the centre of an alpha/beta-barrel structural motif. This cysteine residue is believed to be converted into a thiyl radical that initiates the substrate turnover in all three classes of RNR. The functional and structural similarities suggest that the present-day RNRs have all evolved from a common ancestral reductase. Nevertheless, the different cofactors found in the three classes of RNR make the RNR proteins into interesting model systems for quite diverse protein families, such as diiron-oxygen proteins, cobalamin-dependent proteins, and SAM-dependent iron-sulfur proteins. There are also significant variations within each of the three classes of RNR. With new structures available of the R2 protein of class I RNR, we have made a comparison of the diiron centres in R2 from mouse and Escherichia coli. The R2 protein shows dynamic carboxylate, radical, and water shifts in different redox forms, and new radical forms are different from non-radical forms. In mouse R2, the binding of iron(II) or cobalt(II) to the four metal sites shows high cooperativity. A unique situation is found in RNR from baker's yeast, which is made up of heterodimers, in contrast to homodimers, which is the normal case for class I RNR. Since the reduction of ribonucleotides is the rate-limiting step of DNA synthesis, RNR is an important target for cell growth control, and the recent finding of a p53-induced isoform of the R2 protein in mammalian cells has increased the interest for the role of RNR during the different phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a signaling and defense molecule of major importance in living organisms. In the model legume Medicago truncatula, NO production has been detected in the nitrogen fixation zone of the nodule, but the systems responsible for its synthesis are yet unknown and its role in symbiosis is far from being elucidated. In this work, using pharmacological and genetic approaches, we explored the enzymatic source of NO production in M. truncatula-Sinorhizobium meliloti nodules under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. When transferred from normoxia to hypoxia, nodule NO production was rapidly increased, indicating that NO production capacity is present in functioning nodules and may be promptly up-regulated in response to decreased oxygen availability. Contrary to roots and leaves, nodule NO production was stimulated by nitrate and nitrite and inhibited by tungstate, a nitrate reductase inhibitor. Nodules obtained with either plant nitrate reductase RNA interference double knockdown (MtNR1/2) or bacterial nitrate reductase-deficient (napA) and nitrite reductase-deficient (nirK) mutants, or both, exhibited reduced nitrate or nitrite reductase activities and NO production levels. Moreover, NO production in nodules was found to be inhibited by electron transfer chain inhibitors, and nodule energy state (ATP-ADP ratio) was significantly reduced when nodules were incubated in the presence of tungstate. Our data indicate that both plant and bacterial nitrate reductase and electron transfer chains are involved in NO synthesis. We propose the existence of a nitrate-NO respiration process in nodules that could play a role in the maintenance of the energy status required for nitrogen fixation under oxygen-limiting conditions.  相似文献   

During spermatogenesis, preleptotene and leptotene spermatocytes, residing in the basal compartment of the seminiferous epithelium, must traverse the blood-testis barrier (BTB) to gain entry to the adluminal compartment for further development at late stage VIII and early stage IX of the epithelial cycle. As such, the timely opening and closing of the BTB is crucial to spermatogenesis. A compromise in this process can lead to infertility. Moreover, the BTB is unique in its relative localization in the seminiferous epithelium compared to the tight junctions (TJs) found in other epithelia. Sertoli cell TJs are situated near the basal lamina in the testis, closest to the basement membrane (a modified form of extracellular matrix [ECM]), unlike TJs found in other epithelia, which are found nearest the apical portion of an epithelium, farthest away from ECM. Needless to say, BTB function in the testis is maintained by intricate regulatory mechanisms. In addition to hormones and cytokines, nitric oxide (NO) was recently shown to be a putative TJ regulator in the testis. Perhaps equally important, TJ dynamics in the testis were shown to be regulated, at least in part, by occludin, a TJ-integral membrane protein, via the NO/soluble guanylate cyclase/cGMP/protein kinase G signaling pathway. This minireview summarizes recent advances in the field regarding the role of NO in testicular function, with special emphasis regarding its role in TJ dynamics and the likely implications of these studies for male contraceptive development.  相似文献   

Flock U  Watmough NJ  Adelroth P 《Biochemistry》2005,44(31):10711-10719
The respiratory nitric oxide reductase (NOR) from Paracoccus denitrificans catalyzes the two-electron reduction of NO to N(2)O (2NO + 2H(+) + 2e(-) --> N(2)O + H(2)O), which is an obligatory step in the sequential reduction of nitrate to dinitrogen known as denitrification. NOR has four redox-active cofactors, namely, two low-spin hemes c and b, one high-spin heme b(3), and a non-heme iron Fe(B), and belongs to same superfamily as the oxygen-reducing heme-copper oxidases. NOR can also use oxygen as an electron acceptor; this catalytic activity was investigated in this study. We show that the product in the steady-state reduction of oxygen is water. A single turnover of the fully reduced NOR with oxygen was initiated using the flow-flash technique, and the progress of the reaction monitored by time-resolved optical absorption spectroscopy. Two major phases with time constants of 40 micros and 25 ms (pH 7.5, 1 mM O(2)) were observed. The rate constant for the faster process was dependent on the O(2) concentration and is assigned to O(2) binding to heme b(3) at a bimolecular rate constant of 2 x 10(7) M(-)(1) s(-)(1). The second phase (tau = 25 ms) involves oxidation of the low-spin hemes b and c, and is coupled to the uptake of protons from the bulk solution. The rate constant for this phase shows a pH dependence consistent with rate limitation by proton transfer from an internal group with a pK(a) = 6.6. This group is presumably an amino acid residue that is crucial for proton transfer to the catalytic site also during NO reduction.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase activity in plants   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Research on NO in plants has gained considerable attention in recent years mainly due to its function in plant growth and development and as a key signalling molecule in different intracellular processes in plants. The NO emission from plants is known since the 1970s, and now there is abundant information on the multiple effects of exogenously applied NO on different physiological and biochemical processes of plants. The physiological function of NO in plants mainly involves the induction of different processes, including the expression of defence-related genes against pathogens and apoptosis/programmed cell death (PCD), maturation and senescence, stomatal closure, seed germination, root development and the induction of ethylene emission. NO can be produced in plants by non-enzymatic and enzymatic systems. The NO-producing enzymes identified in plants are nitrate reductase, and several nitric oxide synthase-like activities, including one localized in peroxisomes which has been biochemically characterized. Recently, two genes of plant proteins with NOS activity have been isolated and characterized for the first time, and both proteins do not have sequence similarities to any mammalian NOS isoform. However, different evidence available indicate that there are other potential enzymatic sources of NO in plants, including xanthine oxidoreductase, peroxidase, cytochrome P450, and some hemeproteins. In plants, the enzymatic production of the signal molecule NO, either constitutive or induced by different biotic/abiotic stresses, may be a much more common event than was initially thought.  相似文献   

Bacterial nitric oxide reductases are integral membrane proteins that catalyze the reduction of two molecules of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide and water. They are diverged members of the superfamily of heme/copper oxidases. The enzyme from Paracoccus denitrificans (NorBC) contains two subunits; NorB comprises the membrane-integrated active site, which harbors a heme iron/non-heme iron dinuclear center. NorC is a membrane-anchored c-type cytochrome and presumably the site of electron uptake. A DNA construct encoding the water-soluble domain of NorC (NorC(sol)) was coexpressed with the cytochrome c maturation genes in Escherichia coli. Using redox potentiometry, electronic absorption, circular dichroism (CD), magnetic CD (MCD), nuclear magnetic resonance, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy the following observations were made: (i) NorC(sol) was folded into a alpha-helical structure. (ii) The low-spin heme iron was coordinated by histidine and methionine in both redox states. (iii) The midpoint redox potential of the NorC(sol) heme was 183 mV, much lower than the corresponding value of 275 mV in the NorBC complex. This points to an increased solvent exposure of the NorC(sol) heme compared to in the native NorBC complex and shows that the electronic properties of NorC are modulated by NorB in the complex. (iv) The EPR and MCD spectra of NorC(sol) were considered alongside the spectra of NorBC, which has helped to resolve the contribution that different redox centers make in the holo-enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide and cardiac function   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nitric oxide (NO) participates in the control of contractility and heart rate, limits cardiac remodeling after an infarction and contributes to the protective effect of ischemic pre- and postconditioning. Low concentrations of NO, with production of small amounts of cGMP, inhibit phosphodiesterase III, thus preventing the hydrolysis of cAMP. The subsequent activation of a protein-kinase A causes the opening of sarcolemmal voltage-operated and sarcoplasmic ryanodin receptor Ca(2+) channels, thus increasing myocardial contractility. High concentrations of NO induce the production of larger amounts of cGMP which are responsible for a cardiodepression in response to an activation of protein kinase G (PKG) with blockade of sarcolemmal Ca(2+) channels. NO is also involved in reduced contractile response to adrenergic stimulation in heart failure. A reduction of heart rate is an evident effect of NO-synthase (NOS) inhibition. It is noteworthy that the direct effect of NOS inhibition can be altered if baroreceptors are stimulated by increases in blood pressure. Finally, NO can limit the deleterious effects of cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction possibly via the cGMP pathway. The protective effect of NO is mainly mediated by the guanylyl cyclase-cGMP pathway resulting in activation of PKG with opening of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channels and inhibition of the mitochondrial permeability transition pores. NO acting on heart is produced by vascular and endocardial endothelial NOS, as well as neuronal and inducible synthases. In particular, while in the basal control of contractility, endothelial synthase has a predominant role, the inducible isoform is mainly responsible for the cardiodepression in septic shock.  相似文献   

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