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Esterification of -methylglucoside with an -hydroxy acid (glycolic, lactic or malic acid) was carried out using Novozym 435 (Lipase B from Candida antarctica). 2-Methyl-2-butanol was more efficient as solvent for the reaction than ethyl acetate, 1,4-dioxane, n-hexane, acetonitrile or acetone. The molar ratio of -methylglucoside:-hydroxy acid which gave the quickest reaction rate was 1:10 and the highest conversion (75%) was with malic acid.  相似文献   

To check feasibility and effectiveness of the α-amylase reporter system, two vectors were designed and tested using hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) and Homo sapiens granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor 2 (hGM-CSF2) as a model. By integrating the vector containing two independent cassettes into the same genome locus, high-producing clones of HBsAg (or hGM-CSF2) were screened using the α-amylase as a reporter. Results show there was a positive correlation (Correlation coefficient, R 2 > 0.95) between the yield of recombinant proteins and the α-amylase activity of corresponding transformants, which was independent of the gene dosage.  相似文献   

1. The behaviour of rat liver α-glucosidases on dextran gel (Sephadex G-100) columns was studied. A `retardation' of an acid α-glucosidase activity was observed. This activity was identified as lysosome α-(1→4)-glucosidase. A single gel-filtration step resulted in a 700-fold purification of the enzyme. The same technique was also used to purify the acid α-glucosidase of human kidney. 2. The acid α-glucosidases of both tissues show very similar pH optima when tested with maltose or glycogen as substrate.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are described for the use of ferricyanide as an electron acceptor for the cytochemical demonstration by light and electron microscopy of mammalian L--hydroxy acid oxidase activity in peroxisomes of rat kidney. Enzyme activity survives brief fixation in cold formaldehyde or in Karnovsky's fixative. Cytochemical localization of -hydroxy acid oxidase activity in cryostat sections, or in finely chopped tissue blocks, is based on a simulaneous coupling reaction, in which ferrocyanide (produced by the enzymatic reduction of ferricyanide) is captured by copper to yield an insoluble, amorphous, electron-opaque deposit of cupric ferrocyanide (Hatchett's Brown). Under cytochemical conditions, the enzyme is most active in the presence of D,L--hydroxy butyric acid. The staining reaction requires the presence of substrate, and is abolished by heat treatment of sections. The use of rubeanic acid (dithiooxamide) is recommended for the visualization of the copper-containing reaction product by light microscopy. The cytochemical localization obtained is specific for peroxisomes located in cells of the proximal tubule of the rat nephron. By light microscopy, renal peroxisomes can be distinguished from lysosomes and mitochondria on the basis of their size, shape, number, and intracellular distribution. At an ultrastructural level, amorphous, electronopaque cupric ferrocyanide reaction product is precisely localized to the nucleoid and peripheral portion of the matrix of the peroxisome in lightly stained areas, and throughout the organelle, where staining is more intense. Staining results with the ferricyanide method for L--hydroxy acid oxidase, reported herein, are compared with those obtainable with the tetrazolium technic developed by Alien and Beard for the same enzyme, and with the 3,3-diamino-benzidine (DAB) method for catalase.This study was supported by grants MT-1273 and MT-1341 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

The enzymatic synthesis of an α-chitin-like substance via a non-biosynthetic pathway has been achieved by transglycosylation in an aqueous system of the corresponding substrate, tri-N-acetylchitotriose [(GlcNAc)(3)] for lysozyme. A significant amount of water-insoluble product precipitated out from the reaction system. MALDI-TOFMS analysis showed that the resulting precipitate had a degree of polymerization (DP) of up to 15 from (GlcNAc)(3). Solid-state (13)C NMR analysis revealed that the resulting water-insoluble product is a chitin-like substance consisting of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues joined exclusively in a β-(1→4)-linked chain with stringent regio-/stereoselection. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement as well as (13)C NMR analysis showed that the crystal structure of synthetic product corresponds to α-chitin with a high degree of crystallinity. We propose that the multiple oligomers form an α-chitin-like substance as a result of self-assembly via oligomer-oligomer interaction when they precipitate.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the pentapeptide p-toluene-sulfonyl-(α-aminoisobutyryl)5-methyl ester (Tosyl-(Aib)5-OMe) has been determined in the space group PI. Pentapeptide molecules are folded in the 310 helical conformation and packed together, so as to yield a hydrophobic channel with a minimim diameter of 5.2 Å. The channel contains crystallographically disordered material. This structure provides a model for channel formation by hydrophobic peptide aggregates and should prove useful in studies of alamethicin, suzukacillin and related Aib containing membrane channels. Triclinic (PI) crystals of the pentapeptide are obtained in the presence of LiClO4 in aqueous methanol, whereas crystallization from methanol alone yields crystals in the space group Pbca. The conformations of the peptide in the two crystal forms are very similar and only the molecular packing is dramatically different.  相似文献   

Kinetic resolution of α-lipoic acid, a case of remote stereocenter discrimination, was accomplished using lipase from Aspergillus oryzae WZ007. Performance of this lipase was investigated for enantioselective esterification of (S)-α-lipoic acid, leaving the target product (R)-α-lipoic acid in unreacted form. The effects of chain length of alcohol, type of solvent, molar ratio of alcohol:acid, and reaction temperature were studied. The optimum reaction conditions were found to be esterification with n-octanol at 50°C in heptane with an alcohol:acid molar ratio of 5:1. The conversion rate of α-lipoic acid was 75.2%, with an enantiomeric excess of 92.5% towards unreacted substrate in a reaction time of 48 h.  相似文献   

A subset of familial Parkinson's disease (PD) cases is associated with the presence of disease-causing point mutations in human α-synuclein [huAS(wt)], including A53T. Surprisingly, the human neurotoxic amino acid 53T is present in non-primate, wild-type sequences of α-synucleins, including that expressed by mice [mAS(wt)]. Because huAS(A53T) causes neurodegeneration when expressed in rodents, the amino acid changes between the wild-type human protein [huAS(wt)] and mAS(wt) might act as intramolecular suppressors of A53T toxicity in the mouse protein, restoring its physiological structure and function. The lack of structural information for mAS(wt) in aqueous solution has prompted us to conduct a comparative molecular dynamics study of huAS(wt), huAS(A53T), and mAS(wt) in water at 300 K. The calculations are based on an ensemble of nuclear magnetic resonance-derived huAS(wt) structures. huAS(A53T) turns out to be more flexible and less compact than huAS(wt). Its central (NAC) region, involved in fibril formation by the protein, is more solvent-exposed than that of the wild-type protein, in agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance data. The compactness of mAS(wt) is similar to that of the human protein. In addition, its NAC region is less solvent-exposed and more rigid than that of huAS(A53T). All of these features may be caused by an increase in the level of intramolecular interactions on passing from huAS(A53T) to mAS(wt). We conclude that the presence of "compensatory replacements" in the mouse protein causes a significant change in the protein relative to huAS(A53T), restoring features not too dissimilar to those of the human protein.  相似文献   

α-Aminoadipic acid (AAA) is a nonproteinogenic amino acid with potential applications in pharmaceutical, chemical and animal feed industries. Currently, AAA is produced by chemical synthesis, which suffers from high cost and low production efficiency. In this study, we engineered Escherichia coli for high-level AAA production by coupling lysine biosynthesis and degradation pathways. First, the lysine-α-ketoglutarate reductase and saccharopine dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and α-aminoadipate-δ-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus erythropolis were selected by in vitro enzyme assays for pathway assembly. Subsequently, lysine supply was enhanced by blocking its degradation pathway, overexpressing key pathway enzymes and improving nicotinamide adenine dineucleotide phosphate (NADPH) regeneration. Finally, a glutamate transporter from Corynebacterium glutamicum was introduced to elevate AAA efflux. The final strain produced 2.94 and 5.64 g/L AAA in shake flasks and bioreactors, respectively. This work provides an efficient and sustainable way for AAA production.  相似文献   

A convenient, one-step synthesis of α-hydroxy long chain, very long-chain and branched chain fatty acids from non-oxygenated fatty acids is described. The procedure involves preparation of fatty acid dianion using lithium diisopropylamide and oxygenation of the dianion by molecular oxygen.  相似文献   

A bacterial P450 monooxygenase-based whole cell biocatalyst using Escherichia coli has been applied in the production of ω-hydroxy dodecanoic acid from dodecanoic acid (C12-FA) or the corresponding methyl ester. We have constructed and purified a chimeric protein where the fusion of the monooxygenase CYP153A from Marinobacter aquaeloei to the reductase domain of P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium ensures optimal protein expression and efficient electron coupling. The chimera was demonstrated to be functional and three times more efficient than other sets of redox components evaluated. The established fusion protein (CYP153AM. aq.-CPR) was used for the hydroxylation of C12-FA in in vivo studies. These experiments yielded 1.2 g l–1 ω-hydroxy dodecanoic from 10 g l–1 C12-FA with high regioselectivity (> 95%) for the terminal position. As a second strategy, we utilized C12-FA methyl ester as substrate in a two-phase system (5:1 aqueous/organic phase) configuration to overcome low substrate solubility and product toxicity by continuous extraction. The biocatalytic system was further improved with the coexpression of an additional outer membrane transport system (AlkL) to increase the substrate transfer into the cell, resulting in the production of 4 g l–1 ω-hydroxy dodecanoic acid. We further summarized the most important aspects of the whole-cell process and thereupon discuss the limits of the applied oxygenation reactions referring to hydrogen peroxide, acetate and P450 concentrations that impact the efficiency of the production host negatively.  相似文献   

Enzyme extracts of the wild type yeast Zygosaccharomyces bisporus were applied for the pyruvate decarboxylase catalysed condensation of pyruvate and (R)-(+)-and (S)-(?)-perillyl aldehyde, (±)-citronellal, neral, geranial or (R)-(?)-myrtenal to form novel α-hydroxy ketones. Best yields were obtained when the transformation medium contained 25% (v/v) of the cosolvent N,N-dimethylformamide. Conversion of (R)-(+)-perillyl aldehyde to (1R)-1-hydroxy-1-[(4’R)-4’-isopropenyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl]-2-propanone proceeded highly stereospecifically (>99% de), whereas the stereoselectivity was somewhat less in the transformation of (S)-(?)-perillyl aldehyde (58% de) and (R)-(?)-myrtenal (92% de). All of the new compounds imparted characteristic odour impressions as determined by means of GC-olfactometry.  相似文献   

Summary The α-conotoxin MII is a 16 amino acid long peptide toxin isolated from the marine snail,Conus magus. This toxin has been found to be a highly selective and potent inhibitor of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the subtype α3β2. To improve the bioavailability of this peptide, we have coupled to the N-terminus of conotoxin MII, 2-amino-D,L-dodecanoic acid (Laa) creating a lipidic linear peptide which was then successfully oxidised to produce the correctly folded conotoxin MII construct.  相似文献   

The location in the seed, molecular properties and biological role of protein α-amylase inhibitors from wheat are discussed. Inhibition specificity of albumin inhibitors and structural features essential for interaction with inhibited amylases are also examined. The possible significance of these naturally occurring inhibitors in relation to their presence in foods in active form is described. Finally, genetic aspects of the albumin inhibitor production and the possibility of improving nutritional value and insect re  相似文献   

In the course of a study of possible mechanisms for chemical evolution in the primeval sea, we found the novel formation of -amino acids and N-acylamino acids from -oxo acids and ammonia in an aqueous medium. Glyoxylic acid reacted with ammonia to form N-oxalylglycine, which gave glycine in a 5–39% yield after hydrolysis with 6N HCl. Pyruvic acid and ammonia reacted to give N-acetylalanine, which formed alanine in a 3–7% overall yield upon hydrolysis. The pH optima in these reactions were between pH 3 and 4. These reactions were further extended to the formation of other amino acids. Glutamic acid, phenylalanine and alanine were formed from -ketoglutaric acid, phenylpyruvic acid and oxaloacetic acid, respectively, under similar conditions. N-Succinylglutamic acid was obtained as an intermediate in glutamic acid synthesis. Phenylacetylphenyl-alanineamide was also isolated as an intermediate in phenylalanine synthesis. Alanine, rather than aspartic acid, was produced from oxaloacetic acid. These reactions provide a novel route for the prebiotic synthesis of amino acids. A mechanism for the reactions will be proposed.  相似文献   

The α-subunit of the casein protein kinase CK2 has been implicated in both light-regulated and circadian rhythm-controlled plant gene expression, including control of the flowering time. Two putative CK2α genes of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) have been obtained from a cDNA library constructed with mRNA isolated from cold-acclimated crown tissue. The genomic organisation of the two genes was determined by Southern hybridisation analysis. Primer designs to the Lpck2a-1 and Lpck2a-2 cDNA sequences permitted the amplification of genomic products containing large intron sequences. Amplicon sequence analysis detected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the p150/112 reference mapping population. Validated SNPs, within diagnostic restriction enzyme sites, were used to design cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) assays. The Lpck2a-1 CAPS marker was assigned to perennial ryegrass linkage group (LG) 4 and the Lpck2a-2 CAPS marker was assigned to LG2. The location of the Lpck2a-1 gene locus supports the previous conclusion of conserved synteny between perennial ryegrass LG4, the Triticeae homoeologous group 5L chromosomes and the corresponding segment of rice chromosome 3. Allelic variation at the Lpck2a-1 and Lpck2a-2 gene loci was correlated with phenotypic variation for heading date and winter survival, respectively. SNP polymorphism may be used for the further study of the role of CK2α genes in the initiation of reproductive development and winter hardiness in grasses.  相似文献   

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