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Species discrimination within the gigartinalean red algal genus Hypnea has been controversial. To help resolve the controversy and explore phylogeny within the genus, we determined rbcL sequences from 30 specimens of 23 species within the genus, cox1 from 22 specimens of 10 species, and psaA from 16 species. We describe H. caespitosa as a new species characterized by a relatively slender main axis; a pulvinate growth habit with entangled, anastomosing, and subulate uppermost branches; and unilaterally borne tetrasporangial sori. The new species occurs in the warm waters of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. The phylogenetic trees of rbcL, psaA, and cox1 sequences showed a distant relationship of H. caespitosa to H. pannosa J. Agardh from Baja California and the marked differentiation from other similar species. The rbcL + psaA tree supported monophyly of the genus with high bootstrap values and posterior probabilities. The analysis revealed three clades within the genus, corresponding to three sections, namely, Virgatae, Spinuligerae, and Pulvinatae first recognized by J. G. Agardh. Exceptions were H. japonica T. Tanaka in Pulvinatae and H. spinella (C. Agardh) Kütz. in Spinuligerae.  相似文献   

The dominance of Corallina thalli in an intertidal algal assemblage was examined by a series of algal removal experiments to test the hypothesis that other tam are competitively excluded from rock substrate. An alternate explanation, that environmental factors seasonally filter out taxa leaving Corallina as the only alga adapted for year to year survival, was considered. Development of vegetation on patches of naturally exposed bare rock was monitored and compared with manipulated surfaces. Thalli of several species were selectively removed from exposed surfaces and intact turf;. changes in tam occupying primary substrate were recorded over more than three years. No significant differences in mean percent cover for Corallina, Lithothrix, bare rock, or algal crusts were found among treatments. Except for initial growth of colonizing species, abundances of other species dad not increase in the absence of Corallina. Large amounts of rock remained bare or intermittently covered by transient populations of short-lived algae. Data from single quad-rats, where individual clumps of Lithothrix were followed from month to month, indicated that the continued presence of this co-occurring and often abundant species depended on turnover of short-lived thalli rather than persistence of the same clumps. No interactions were found among the several categories of species that appeared after rock substrate was cleared. Most species were the same ones that grew, epiphytically in intact turf at the same time. In control quadrats Corallina maintained 59-95% cover while slowly increasing on surfaces earlier exposed. I predict that Corallina species will regain their dominance in the absence of competitors for primary substrate if the slowly spreading basal crusts remain undisturbed. Morphological and life history characteristics are identified that adapt Corallina to its dominant role in this habitat.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of an undescribed species of Chrysochromulina Lackey that bears “eyelash” scales is reconstructed. The transitional region consists of two transitional plates each with an axosome, with no stellate pattern between them. Fine osmiophilic rings lie between the flagellar membrane and the outer doublets in the transitional region. The two jagella and the haptonema are inserted in a subapical depression that is lined ventrally by a spine-like projection formed by one of the parietal chloroplasts. The angles of insertion are similar to those of some other Chrysochromulina species in that both the haptonema and the right basal body lie at an extreme angle to the left basal body. The connectives of the apparatus consist of a striated distal band with a dorsal extension to the R1 and a ventral extension overlying the R2, a striated distal accessory band, an auxiliary connective from the right basal body to the adjacent ventral chloroplast, a well-developed intermediate band, two striated proximal bands, and a striated proximal accessory band. Of the microtubular roots in this Chrysochromulina species, three are associated with the left side of the cell (an R1 of 8+3; a small crystalline compound root, the R1C, associated with the R1; an R2 of three micro-tubules), and two are associated with the right basal body (an R3 of 2/2 microtubules with which the single-stranded R4 converges to form a 2/2+1 and then a 2/3 tiered arrangement). Comparisons are drawn with other species in the genus and related genera, particularly Prymne-sium.  相似文献   

The articulated coralline Calliarthron cheilosporioides Manza produces segmented fronds composed of calcified segments (intergenicula) separated by uncalcified joints (genicula), which allow fronds to bend and reorient under breaking waves in the wave‐swept intertidal zone. Genicula are formed when calcified cells decalcify and restructure to create flexible tissue. The present study has identified important differences in the main agaran disaccharidic repeating units [→3)‐β‐d ‐Galp (1→ 4)‐α‐l ‐Galp(1→] synthesized by genicular and intergenicular segments. Based on chemical and spectroscopical analyses, we report that genicular cells from C. cheilosporioides biosynthesize a highly methoxylated galactan at C‐6 position with low levels of branching with xylose side stubs on C‐6 of the [→3)‐β‐d ‐Galp (1→] units, whereas intergenicular segments produce xylogalactans with high levels of xylose and low levels of 6‐O‐methyl β‐d ‐Gal units. These data suggest that, during genicular development, xylosyl branched, 3‐linked β‐d ‐Galp units present in the xylogalactan backbones from intergenicular walls are mostly replaced by 6‐O‐methyl‐d‐ galactose units. We speculate that this structural shift is a consequence of a putative and specific methoxyl transferase that blocks the xylosylation on C‐6 of the 3‐linked β‐d ‐Galp units. Changes in galactan substitutions may contribute to the distinct mechanical properties of genicula and may lend insight into the calcification process in coralline algae.  相似文献   

A secondarily formed reticulum of cells that encloses axial strands and a carposporophyte that is almost entirely converted to sporangia are the diagnostic features of a new genus, Reticulocaulis (Naccariaceae, Nemaliales), with R. mucosissimus as the type species. A new species of Naccaria, N. hawaiiana permits close comparison with the new genus and other previously described species of Naccaria. Until now, no Naccariaceae were known in the Pacific, and these new taxa are part of the sketchily known subtidal marine flora of Hawaii.  相似文献   

Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenf., an agar‐producing red alga introduced from northeast Asia to Europe and North America, is often highly abundant in invaded areas. To assay its genetic diversity and identify the putative source of invasive populations, we analyzed the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene from 312 individuals of G. vermiculophylla collected in 37 native and 32 introduced locations. A total of 19 haplotypes were detected: 17 in northeast Asia and three in Europe and eastern and western North America, with only one shared among all regions. The shared haplotype was present in all introduced populations and in ~99% of individuals in the introduced areas. This haplotype was also found at three native locations in east Korea, west Japan, and eastern Russia. Both haplotype and nucleotide diversities were extremely low in Europe and North America compared to northeast Asia. Our study indicates that the East Sea/Sea of Japan is a likely donor region of the invasive populations of G. vermiculophylla in the east and west Atlantic and the east Pacific.  相似文献   

Observations are made on the occurrence and distribution of the red algal genus Hypoglossum Kützing (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales) in the tropical western Atlantic. In addition to the type of the genus, H. hypoglossoides (Stackh.) Coll. & Herv., three other species are reported: H. anomalum sp. nov., H. involvens (Harv.) J. Ag., and H. tenuifolium (Harv.) J. Ag. A key is presented to distinguish these four species. The newly described species, H. anomalum, is like other species in the genus in that its branches arise endogenously from the primary axial row but it is unique in that the branches emerge from the parent blade at some point between the midline and the margin of the blade. The new species is reported from Puerto Rico and Florida.  相似文献   

A new ceramiaceous alga, Sciurothamnion stegengae De Clerck et Kraft, gen. et sp. nov., is described from the western Indian Ocean and the Philippines. Sciurothamnion appears related to the tribe Callithamnieae on the basis of the position and composition of its procarps and by the majority of post‐fertilization events. It differs, however, from all current members of the tribe by the presence of two periaxial cells bearing determinate laterals per axial cell. Additionally, unlike any present representative of the subfamily Callithamnioideae, no intercalary foot cell is formed after diploidization of the paired auxiliary cells. The genus is characterized by a terminal foot cell (“disposal cell”), which segregates the haploid nuclei of the diploidized auxiliary cell from the diploid zygote nucleus. The nature of three types of foot cells reported in the Ceramiaceae (intercalary foot cells containing only haploid nuclei, intercalary foot cells containing haploid nuclei and a diploid nucleus, and terminal foot cells containing only haploid nuclei) is discussed.  相似文献   

The diversity of eukaryotic microorganisms is far from fully described, as indicated by the vast number of unassigned genotypes retrieved by environmental sequencing or metagenomics. We isolated several strains of unicellular green algae from algal biofilms growing on tree bark in a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest and determined them to be relatives of an unidentified lineage of environmental 18S rDNA sequences, thus uncovering its cellular identity. Light, confocal, and electron microscope observations and sequencing the 18S rRNA gene revealed that the strains represent two different species within an apparently new genus, described here as Jenufa gen. nov. Both species formed minute coccoid cells with an irregular globular outline, a smooth cell wall, and a single parietal chloroplast without a pyrenoid. The two species, described herein as J. perforata and J. minuta, differed in chloroplast morphology and cell wall structure. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA gene sequences showed a firm relationship between the two species and placed the Jenufa lineage in an unresolved position within the CS clade (Chlamydomonadales + Sphaeropleales) of the class Chlorophyceae, although possible affinities to the genus Golenkinia were suggested both by maximum‐likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods. Furthermore, two almost identical environmental 18S rDNA sequences from an endolithic microbial community occurring in dolomite rock in the central Alps turned out to be specifically related to, yet apparently distinct from, the sequence of J. minuta, indicating the existence of an undescribed Jenufa species occurring in the temperate zone.  相似文献   

The reproductive composition and genetic diversity of populations of the red seaweed Lithothrix aspergillum Gray (O. Corallinales) were studied at three southern California sites (Shaw's Cove and Treasure Island, Laguna Beach; Indian Rock, Santa Catalina Island) and at a fourth site (Bodega Bay) located in northern California. Sexually reproducing populations were confined to southern California. Diploid individuals were numerically dominant over haploid (gametophytic) individuals at all sites. Intertidal and subtidal subpopulations from Shaw's Cove differed in their reproductive profiles. Most intertidal specimens found on emersed surfaces were densely branched, turf-forming, and bore tetrasporangial (68.6%), carposporangial (11.4%), or spermatangial (5.7%) conceptacles, reflecting a sexual life history; none produced asexual bispores. In contrast, 74.3% of the larger, loosely branched subtidal specimens bore bisporangial conceptacles indicative of asexual reproduction. Nearly 70% of the Indian Rock thalli showed no evidence of conceptacle formation. Only asexual, diploid bispore-producing thalli were obtained from the Bodega Bay site. Genetic diversity (mean number of alleles per locus, percent of polymorphic loci, and average expected heterozygosity) of diploid L. aspergillum populations varied with life-history characteristics and geographic location. A total of 30 alleles was inferred from zymograms of 16 loci examined by starch-gel electrophoresis; of these loci, 11 were polymorphic. The genetic diversity of sexual, diploid populations of L. aspergillum (alleles per locus [A/L] = 1.4-1.5; percent polymorphic loci [%P] = 37.5-50.0) was relatively high compared with other red seaweeds. Lowest diversity (A/L = 1.0; %P = 0.0) occurred in the exclusively asexual Bodega Bay population which consisted of genetic clones. All sexual L. aspergillum populations deviated significantly from Hardy-Wein-berg expectations due to lower than expected heterozygosity. Genetic differentiation (Wright's Fstatistic [FST]; Nei's Genetic Distance [D]) among sexually reproducing southern California populations was low (FST= 0.030) on a local scale (ca. 5 km), suggesting high levels of gene flow, but high genetic differention (FST= 0.390 and 0.406) occurred among southern California populations separated by ca. 70 km. Very high genetic differentiation (FST= 0.583–0.683) was obtained between northern and southern California populations separated by 700–760 km. Our genetic and reproductive data suggest that the L. aspergillum population from Bodega Bay is sustained by perennation, vegetative propagation, or asexual reproduction by bispores and may represent an isolated remnant or a population established by a founder event.  相似文献   

A new red alga, Schmitzia evanescens sp. nov. (Gigartinales), is described from the northeastern coast of North I., New Zealand. Gametophytes are diminutive, delicate, mucilaginous spring annuals which grow subtidally on cobble substrata. The uniaxial construction and carposporophyte development place this new taxon in the Calosiphoniaceae, a family of only two genera, Calosiphonia H. M. Crouan et P. L. Crouan and Schmitzia P. C. Silva. This is the first report of this family in New Zealand. The new species has vegetative features of both these genera, but is assigned to Schmitzia on the basis of its unusual carposporophyte development in which the gonimoblast initial arises directly from the connecting filament at some distance from the undifferentiated intercalary auxiliary cell. Because recent investigators of other red algal genera with a similar carposporophyte development have questioned the validity of site of gonimoblast initiation as a generic criterion it is suggested that the separation of Schmitzia and Calosiphonia should be re-evaluated. These and several other genera in the Gymnophlaeaceae, Pseudoanemoniaceae, Dumontiaceae and Gloiosiphoniaceae, can be considered, on morphological and reproductive grounds, to be relatively simple and therefore perhaps primitive members of the Rhodophyta.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the phylogenetic relationship among samples of “Chantransia” stage of the Batrachospermales and Thoreales from several regions of the world based on sequences of two genes—the plastid‐encoded RUBISCO LSU gene (rbcL) and the nuclear SSU ribosomal DNA gene (SSU rDNA). All sequences of “Chantransia macrospora” were shown to belong to Batrachospermum macrosporum based on both molecular markers, confirming evidence from previous studies. In contrast, nine species are now associated with “Chantransia pygmaea,” including seven species of the Batrachospermales and two of the Thoreales. Therefore, the presence of “C. macrospora” in a stream can be considered reliable evidence that it belongs to B. macrosporum, whereas the occurrence of “C. pygmaea” does not allow the recognition of any particular species, since it is associated with at least nine species. Affinities of “Chantransia” stages to particular taxa were congruent for 70.5% of the samples comparing the rbcL and SSU analyses, which were associated with the same or closely related species for both markers. Sequence divergences have been reported in the “Chantransia” stage in comparison to the respective gametophyte, and this matter deserves further attention.  相似文献   

We describe three coccoid green algal strains belonging to a new genus and species, Marinichlorella kaistiae Z. Aslam, W. Shin, M. K. Kim, W.‐T. Im et S.‐T. Lee, in seawater samples from the South Sea of Korea. These strains were maintained at 25°C–30°C under a 12:12 light:dark (L:D) photoregime in an ASN‐III medium at a pH of 7.5. These strains were tolerant of high salinity (7.5% NaCl) (w/v) and temperature (40°C). Molecular phylogenetic analyses using 18S rRNA gene sequence data resolved these organisms to a clade separate from green coccoid algae with similar morphology. The DNA–DNA hybridization results demonstrated very low relatedness of these organisms to phylogenetically related species of the genera Chlorella and Parachlorella. The molar guanine + cytosine content (G + C mol%) of the genomic DNA of these organisms ranged from 64.7 to 69.1 mol%. Based on molecular phylogeny, DNA–DNA hybridization, and other morphological studies, we propose a new taxon, Marinichlorella kaistiae, to describe these strains and classify them in the family Chlorellaceae. The type strain is KAS007T (= KCTC AG10303T = IAM C‐620T).  相似文献   

Grateloupia filicina (C. Agardh) Lamouroux, originally described from the Mediterranean Sea, has long been considered a textbook example of a marine red alga with a cosmopolitan distribution. An rbcL‐based molecular phylogeny, encompassing samples covering the entire geographic distribution of the species, revealed a plethora of “cryptic” species, whereby the presence of genuine G. filicina is limited to the Mediterranean basin. The phylogeny revealed a strong biogeographic imprint, with specimens from temperate regions resolved in clades composed of species inhabiting the same geographic region. Presence of widely divergent morphologies in the temperate clades indicated that several lineages have converged independently to a G. filicina‐type morphology. Tropical representatives are resolved in a single clade with very uniform G. filicina‐type morphology and pairwise sequence divergences that are lower than the average divergence observed in temperate lineages. This, combined with a lack of clear geographic structure among the tropical lineages, may indicate a more recent divergence with long‐range dispersal capacities. Violations to the biogeographic signal in temperate lineages seemed to be due to either inadequate taxonomy or recent introductions. Grateloupia minima P. & H. Crouan, a taxon placed in synonymy under G. filicina, is reinstated as a separate species distributed in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Grateloupia capensis sp. nov. is described to accommodate specimens from South Africa with a G. filicina‐type morphology, and G. filicina var. luxurians is elevated to species status. Morphological and anatomical characters were put forward that support the distinctiveness of these three distinct species.  相似文献   

Uniparental auxosporulation was observed in a monoclonal culture of a Sellaphora clone isolated from the epipelon of a fishpond in the Czech Republic. The cox1 sequence for the clone confirmed that it belonged to the Sellaphora pupula–bacillum species complex but showed significant differences from all previously characterized Sellaphora species, and it is therefore described as S. marvanii sp. nov. Protoplast, valve, and girdle structure resembled those of other Sellaphora species, but a novel finding for all diatoms was a change in girdle structure during the life cycle: the most advalvar girdle band (valvocopula) bore a single line of pores in enlarged postauxospore cells but was entirely plain in small cells and gametangia. The young auxospores were covered by incunabula containing large, delicate, ± circular scales, resembling those of centric diatom auxospores; similar scales have been reported in a few other raphid diatoms (Pseudo‐nitzschia multiseries, Diploneis sp.) but contrast with the strip incunabula of some Nitzschia and Pinnularia and the helmet‐like caps of Neidium. The scales persisted during auxospore expansion, mostly as two caps over the auxospore poles. The transverse perizonium comprised a very wide, closed primary band, flanked by numerous secondary bands whose open ends were strongly incurved toward the center. Initial valves were differentiated from their immediate descendants by the very strong external demarcation of the raphe sternum, irregular shape, and curved transapical profile.  相似文献   

Pseudochorda gracilis sp. Nov. (Pseudochordacease, Laminariales) is described from the Japan Sea coast of Hokkaido/ the species is subtidal, epilithic and annual, appearing in spring and maturing in winter. Erect thalli grow solitary or in tufts on a small discoid holdfast. They are simple, cord-shaped and hollow, with inner hyphal filaments, cylindrical medullary cells and paraphyses consisting of 3–6 cells. Hair tufts are observed only in young thalli. Unilocular sporangia are sessile and narrowly ovate. In culture, P. gracilis shows a heteromorphic life history with oogamy, characteristic of the order Laminariales. Gametophytes are dioecious and dimorphic. Gametophytes mature under lower temperature conditions (usually below 10°C), and sporophytes mature under low temperature and short-day conditions (5°C, SD). The seasonal growth pattern of the species results from the photoperiod-temperature conditions controlling saprophyte maturation.  相似文献   

Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss is an invasive alga that is native to Southeast Asia and has invaded many estuaries in North America and Europe. It is difficult to differentiate G. vermiculophylla from native forms using morphology and therefore molecular techniques are needed. In this study, we used three molecular markers (rbcL, cox2‐cox3 spacer, cox1) to identify G. vermiculophylla at several locations in the western Atlantic. RbcL and cox2‐cox3 spacer markers confirmed the presence of G. vermiculophylla on the east coast of the USA from Massachusetts to South Carolina. We used a 507 base pair region of cox1 mtDNA to (i) verify the widespread distribution of G. vermiculophylla in the Virginia (VA) coastal bays and (ii) determine the intraspecific diversity of these algae. Cox1 haplotype richness in the VA coastal bays was much higher than that previously found in other invaded locations, as well as some native locations. This difference is likely attributed to the more intensive sampling design used in this study, which was able to detect richness created by multiple, diverse introductions. On the basis of our results, we recommend that future studies take differences in sampling design into account when comparing haplotype richness and diversity between native and non‐native studies in the literature.  相似文献   

Species belonging to the newly established genus Kumanoa were sampled from locations worldwide. DNA sequence data from the rbcL gene, cox1 barcode region, and universal plastid amplicon (UPA) were collected. The new sequence data for the rbcL were combined with the extensive batrachospermalean rbcL data available in GenBank. Single gene rbcL results showed the genus Kumanoa to be a well‐supported clade, and there was high statistical support for many of the terminal nodes. However, with this gene alone, there was very little support for any of the internal nodes. Analysis of the concatenated data set (rbcL, cox1, and UPA) provided higher statistical support across the tree. The taxa K. vittata and K. amazonensis formed a basal grade, and both were on relatively long branches. Three new species are proposed, K. holtonii, K. gudjewga, and K. novaecaledonensis; K. procarpa var. americana is raised to species level. In addition, the synonymy of K. capensis and K. breviarticulata is proposed, with K. capensis having precedence. Five new combinations are made, bringing the total number of accepted species in Kumanoa to 31. The phylogenetic analyses did not reveal any interpretable biogeographic patterns within the genus (e.g., K. spermatiophora from the tropical oceanic island Maui, Hawaii, was sister to K. faroensis from temperate midcontinental Ohio in North America). Previously hypothesized relationships among groups of species were not substantiated in the phylogenetic analyses, and no intrageneric classification is recommended based on current knowledge.  相似文献   

Species currently classified within the cyanobacterial genus Microcoleus were determined to fall into two distinct clades in a 16S rDNA phylogeny, one containing taxa within the Oscillatoriaceae, the other containing taxa within the Phormidiaceae. The two lineages were confirmed in an analysis of the 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences and secondary structures. The type species for Microcoleus is M. vaginatus Gomont, and this taxon belongs in the Oscillatoriaceae. Consequently, Microcoleus taxa in the Phormidiaceae must be placed in separate genera, and we propose the new genus Coleofasciculus to contain marine taxa currently placed in Microcoleus. The type species for Coleofasciculus is the well‐studied and widespread marine mat‐forming species Microcoleus chthonoplastes (Mert.) Zanardini ex Gomont. Other characters separating the two families include type of cell division and thylakoid structure.  相似文献   

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