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Plants ofNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Burley 21 which showed no difference in nicotine content were used to establish callus cultures. Cultures were initiated from different plants and from different leaves within each plant. The nicotine content of the calli was determined, and the results subjected to an analysis of variance. Differences between plants and differences within plants significantly affected the nicotine content of the cultures. The differences between plants were transmitted sexually and asexually, providing evidence that they are genetically determined. No such differences in nicotine content were found between the plants from which the cultures were established, indicating that nicotine production in vitro involves additional genes to those which are needed for nicotine production in the plant. The differences within plants were further investigated by establishing callus cultures from pith explants taken from different parts of the stem. Explants from apical pith tissue gave calli having far more nicotine and more roots than cultures derived from basal pith explants. This results may reflect the proximity of the apical pith explants to the site of auxin synthesis in the stem apex. Callus cultures derived from pith explants showed greater growth and nicotine production than those derived from leaf explants when the calli were induced on Murashige-Skoog medium containing -naphthalene acetic acid. This result is in conflict with the widely held belief that explants from different parts of the plant give cultures with similar yields of species-specific compounds.Abbreviations HN High nicotine - LN low nicotine  相似文献   

The metabolism of D- and L-p-fluorophenylalanine (PFP) in DL-PFP resistant and sensitive tobacco cell cultures (Nicotiana tabacum), cell lines TX4 and TX1, respectively, has been compared. The amino acid analogue was taken up at a lower rate by the resistant cell line TX4. Incorporation of PFP into protein was also considerably reduced in TX4 cells, compared to TX1 cells. This, however, resulted mainly from a diminished availability of PFP due to a more rapid conversion of PFP by TX4 cells. TX1 cells and TX4 cells converted PFP qualitatively in the same way. The only detectable metabolite of D-PFP was N-malonyl-D-PFP, while all metabolites of L-PFP were identified as sequent products of the initial deamination of L-PFP by the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL). As TX4 cells were endowed with higher PAL-activity than TX1 cells, the resistant cells were able to metabolize L-PFP more rapidly to give, e.g., p-fluorocinnamoyl glucose ester and p-fluorocinnamoyl putrescine. In the presence of the specific PAL-inhibitor -aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid TX4 cells were slightly more sensitive to PFP. This suggests that the better detoxification contributes to the acquired resistance. The use of PFP as specific indicator for cell lines with increased PAL-activity, and hence increased levels of phenolic compounds, is discussed.Abbreviations AOPP -aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid - MCW methanol:chloroform:water - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase - PFP p-fluorophenylalanine - Phe phenylalanine  相似文献   

James R. Wong  Ian M. Sussex 《Planta》1980,148(2):103-107
Variant clones were isolated from Nicotiana silvestris Speg. et Comes cell cultures at low frequencies following severe abscisic-acid (ABA) or mannitol-induced water-stress treatments of plated cells. N. tabacum L. variants were not recovered. Variants from the ABA selection experiments exhibited a 10-fold increase in resistance to the hormone. This trait was stable in non-selective conditions for as long as was tested (200 days), but did not alter the response of the cells to water stress. Cell lines from the waterstress selection were not more resistant to mannitol than the parent line, and had a wide range of response to ABA.  相似文献   

Arginine transport in suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin-38 was investigated. Cells that were preincubated in the presence of Ca2+ for 6 h prior to transport exhibited stimulated transport rates. After the preincubation treatment, initial rates of uptake were constant for at least 45 min. Arginine accumulated in the cells against a concentration gradient; this accumulation was not the result of exchange diffusion. Arginine uptake over a concentration range of 2.5 M to 1 mM was characterized by simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km of 0.1 mM and a Vmax of 9,000 nmol g-1 fresh weight h-1. Transport was inhibited by several compounds including carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone, 2,4-dinitrophenol, N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and N-ethylmaleimide. Inhibition by these compounds was not the result of increased efflux resulting from membrane damage. A variety of amino acids and analogs, with the exception of D-arginine, inhibited transport, indicating that arginine transport was mediated by a general L-aminoacid permease. Competition experiments indicated that arginine and lysine exhibited cross-competition for transport, with Ki values similar to respective Km values. Arginine transport and low-affinity lysine transport are probably mediated by the same system in these cells.Abbreviations BTP Bis Tris Propane - CCCP Carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - DTT Dithiothreitol - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - MES 2(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid This paper is the third in a series on amino-acid transport into cultured tobacco cells. For parts I and II, see Harrington and Henke (1981) and Harrington et al. (1981)  相似文献   

When [2-14C]tyramine was fed in vivo by petiolar uptake to Nicotiana tabacum Xanthi n.c. leaves partially inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus, radioactivity accumulated in inoculated areas bearing necrotic lesions, mainly in the veins and around the lesions. Light-microscopic autoradiography showed that integration of radioactivity was especially evident in xylem cell walls. This was confirmed in sections of petiole by electron-microscopic autoradiography. Study of the mechanism of insolubilisation of tyramine showed that the amine was integrated in regions in which peroxidase activity could be located cytochemically using 3,3-diaminobenzidine and H2O2 as substrates. When sections of petiole were incubated with labelled tyramine and H2O2 after fixation in glutaraldehyde, a distribution of radioactivity similar to that obtained after feeding tyramine by petiolar uptake was observed. It is concluded that simple phenols such as tyramine can be integrated in vivo into cell walls because they are oxidised by peroxidases. This result illustrates the difficulty of studying the metabolism of exogenous phenols in plants, especially in lignifying tissues which contain active wall-bound peroxidases.Abbreviations DAB 3,3-diamino-benzidine - TMV tobacco mosaic virus  相似文献   

Recently, some evidence for the occurence of a light-independent protochlorophyllide-reducing enzyme in greening barley plants has been presented. In the present work this problem was reinvestigated. -[14C] Aminolevulinic acid was fed to isolated barley shoots from plants which had been preilluminated for various lengths of time. Porphyrins which had been synthesized during the dark incubation were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. There was no evidence for a light-independent synthesis of chlorophyll(ide). The 14C-labelled precursor was incorporated almost exclusively into protochlorophyllide. The reduction of labelled protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide was strictly light-dependent. These results are not consistent with the existence of a light-independent protochlorophyllide-reductase in barley as proposed previously.Abbreviation HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

R. Wagner  F. Feth  K. G. Wagner 《Planta》1986,167(2):226-232
In order to elucidate the NAD-recycling pathway the following enzyme activities have been characterized in different tobacco tissues and in tomato root: NAD pyrophosphatase, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)/nicotinic acid mononucleotide (NaMN) glycohydrolases, nicotinamidase and nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase. The investigations were performed with protein extracts purified by gel filtration and enzymatic activities were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography methods. The kinetic parameters of the different enzymes from tobacco root and their specificity are reported. The data are in favor of the so-called pyridine-nucleotide cycle VI (NADNMNnicotinamidenicotinic acidNaMNnicotinic acid adenine dinucleotideNAD). In the nicotine-producing tobacco root a further direct route leading from NaMN to nicotinic acid is proposed. These data are reconciled with the assumption that it is nicotinic acid which is provided by the pyridine-nucleotide cycle for the synthesis of nicotine.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - Na nicotinic acid - NaAD nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide - NaMN nicotinic acid mononucleotide - NMN nicotinamide mononucleotide - PRPP 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate This contribution is dedicated to Professor Augustin Betz on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

A. J. Conner  C. P. Meredith 《Planta》1985,166(4):466-473
The development of strategies for selecting and characterizing aluminum-resistant variants from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. cell cultures is described. Plated cells, smeared callus, in-vitro-grown shoots, and seedlings of wild-type N. plumbaginifolia all showed similar responses to Al, with total growth inhibition at or above 600 M Al. The strict control of both cell density and aggregate size is important in selection experiments for total inhibition of the growth of wild-type cells. Two approaches for the selection of Al-resistant variants were used. In a direct method, cells were plated onto medium containing 600 M Al which inhibited growth and chlorophyll synthesis in wildtype cells. A double selection strategy based on both cell growth and greening was used to isolate 29 Al-resistant variants. In the other approach, a rescue method, suspensions were cultured for 10 d in medium containing 600 M Al, then plated onto standard medium for recovery of survivors. Using this strategy, 217 Al-resistant variants were selected. After six to twelve weeks of growth in the absence of Al, each variant was cloned and reselected from single cells. Al resistance was retained in 31% and 51% of the variants selected by the direct and rescue strategies, respectively. Seedling segregation data are presented for the progeny (selfed and backcrossed) of plants regenerated from one of the variants and are consistent with those expected for a single dominant mutation.  相似文献   

Procedures were devised for heterotrophic culture and autotrophic establishment of protoplast-derived cell cultures from the sat mutant of Nicotiana sylvestris Speg. et Comes lacking serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (SGAT; EC activity. Increasing photon flux rates (dark, 40, 80 mol quanta·m-2·s-1) enhanced the growth rate of autotrophic (no sucrose) wild-type (WT) cultures in air and 1% CO2. Mutant cultures showed a similar response to light under conditions suppressing photorespiration (1% CO2), and maintained 65% of WT chlorophyll levels. In normal air, however, sat cultures developed severe photorespiratory toxicity, displaying a negligible rate of growth and rapid loss of chlorophyll to levels below 1% of WT. Low levels of sucrose (0.3%) completely reversed photorespiratory toxicity of the mutant cells in air. Mutant cultures maintained 75% of WT chlorophyll levels in air, displayed light stimulation of growth, and fixed 14CO2 at rates identical to WT. Autotrophic sat cultures accumulated serine to levels nearly nine-fold above that of WT cultures in air. Serine accumulated to similar levels in mixotrophic (0.3% sucrose) sat cultures in air, but had no deleterious effect on fixation of 14CO2 or growth, indicating that high levels of serine are not toxic, and that toxicity of the sat mutation probably stems from depletion of intermediates of the Calvin cycle. Autotrophic sat cultures were employed in selection experiments designed to identify spontaneous reversions restoring the capacity for growth in air. From a population of 678 000 sat colonies, 23 plantlets were recovered in which sustained growth in air resulted from reacquisition of SGAT activity. Twenty-two had SGAT levels between 25 and 50% of WT, but one had less than 10% of WT SGAT activity, and eventually developed symptoms typical of the sat mutant. The utility of autotrophic sat cultures for selection of chloroplast mutations diminishing the oxygenase activity of ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC is discussed.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - SGAT Serine:glyoxylate aminotransferase - WT wild-type  相似文献   

Callus cultures of two low-alkaloid lines of Nicotiana tabacum L. had considerably lower nicotine contents than cultures from the respective highalkaloid cultivars which were isogenic except for the two loci for alkaloid accumulation. Thus, there was a strong correlation between the nicotine content of callus cultures and the plants from which they were derived.  相似文献   

M. Mäder  C. Walter 《Planta》1986,169(2):273-277
De-novo synthesis of acid and basic peroxidases has been studied in cell suspension cultures of tobacco by incorporation of 3H- and 14C-amino acids. Incorporation rates were found to be high for acid peroxidases and low for basic peroxidases. Synthesis of all peroxidases was inhibited by cycloheximide and actinomycin D. Subculturing of the cells increased the rates of radioactive amino-acid incorporation into all peroxidases within the first 24 h. This rise in peroxidase synthesis was correlated with the age of the transferred cells. The older the cells were the more pronounced was the effect. During the culture cycle the high rates of peroxidase synthesis at the second day dropped back to initial values. Peroxidase synthesis was thus inversely related to peroxidase accumulation which was very low at the beginning and increased continuously. By pulse-chase experiments it has been shown that newly synthesized acid peroxidases accumulated in the medium. This process was inhibited by monensin. Only the acid peroxidases were secreted into the cell wall and from there released. The basic peroxidases were not detectable in the medium.Abbreviations AA* radioactive amino-acid mixture - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Hyoscyamine-6beta-hydroxylase (H6H) catalyses the conversion of hyoscyamine into its epoxide scopolamine, a compound with a higher added value in the pharmaceutical market than hyoscyamine. We report the establishment of tobacco cell cultures carrying the Hyoscyamus muticus h6h gene under the control of the promoter CAMV 35S. The cell cultures were derived from hairy roots obtained via genetically modified Agrobacterium rhizogenes carrying the pRi and pLAL21 plasmids. The cultures were fed with hyoscyamine, and 4 weeks later the amount of scopolamine produced was quantified by HPLC. The transgenic cell suspension cultures showed a considerable capacity for the bioconversion of hyoscyamine into scopolamine, and released it to the culture medium. Although the scale-up from shake-flask to bioreactor culture usually results in reduced productivities, our transgenic cells grown in a 5-L turbine stirred tank reactor in a batch mode significantly increased the scopolamine accumulation.  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactive aminolevulinic acid (ALA) into chlorophyll (Chl) a and b , as well as protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) in light-grown barley seedlings ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Clipper) transferred to darkness is demonstrated.
In the experiments described, 6-day-old, glasshouse-grown seedlings were transferred to darkness and incubated in [14C]- or [3H]- ALA for 18 h.
Chl a and b were extracted and purified to constant specific radioactivity by HPLC and TLC of their magnesium-free derivatives, pheophytin a and b . The presence of label in the tetrapyrrole ring of the Chls was established by removal of the phytol chain by alkaline hydrolysis and determination of the specific radioactivity of the chlorin e 6 and rhodin g 7 derivatives.
Barley seedlings that had been grown in darkness for 5 days, transferred to light for 20 h, and then returned to darkness in the presence of radioactive ALA also incorporated label into Chl. However, this was only apparent in intact seedlings. Excised leaves from greened etiolated plants did not incorporate ALA into Chl in darkness. This was consistent with the finding of Apel et al. (K. Apel, M. Motzkus and K. Dehesh, 1984. Planta 161: 550–554) and may account for their failure to obtain evidence for a light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase in greening barley.
Although the incorporation of ALA into Chl compared to Pchlide was slight (5%), the presence of label in the tetrapyrrole nucleus of Chl a and b is unequivocal evidence of a light-independent pathway of Chl biosynthesis in barley that has been exposed to light during development. Limited entry of exogenous labelled ALA into the precursor pools leading to the dark reduction of Pchlide is postulated.  相似文献   

A ‘metal-free’ chlorophyll (Chl) a, pheophytin (Phe) a, functions as the primary electron acceptor in PS II. On the basis of Phe a/PS II = 2, Phe a content is postulated as an index for estimation of the stoichiometry of pigments and photosystems. We found Phe a in a Chl d-dominant cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina, whereas Phe d was absent. The minimum Chl a:Phe a ratio was 2:2, indicating that the primary electron donor is Chl a, accessory is Chl d, and the primary electron acceptor is Phe a in PS II of A. marina. Chl d was artificially formed by the treatment of Chl a with papain in aqueous organic solvents. Further, we will raise a key question on the mechanisms of water oxidation in PS II.  相似文献   

Jan Szopa  Karl G. Wagner 《Planta》1984,162(2):132-138
From isolated nuclei of suspension cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (E.C. 2.7.76) has been purified to homogeneity as evidenced by polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of more than 15 nmol min-1·mg-1 with denatured calf thymus DNA as template. Sodium-dodecyl-sulfate gel electrophoresis and protein highperformance liquid chromatography revealed a subunit composition of four proteins with molecular weights of 165 000, 135 000, 35 000 and 25 000 and with a stoichiometry of 1:1:2:2. The RNA polymerase did not exhibit any detectable proteinkinase activity. The 25 000 subunit binds ADP in a molar ratio of 1:1; it could not be decided whether this subunit has an ATPase activity or is merely an acceptor of ADP.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate This contribution is dedicated to Professor Fritz Cramer on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) shoots associated with the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis Kütz. (ATCC 29413) were regenerated in mixed cultures of tobacco callus and the cyanobacterium. The cyanobacteria were localized inside the tissues as well as on the surface of regenerated shoots, formed heterocysts, and were capable of acetylene reduction.  相似文献   

When 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-dependent tobacco cell suspensions, one normal and one transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, were subcultured on hormone-lacking medium the stationary phase of the cell cycle was reached earlier than on medium containing 2,4-D. Addition of the auxin 2,4-D could restore cell division activity within 10–12 h for the most rapidly reacting cell line. The cell-division response was characterized as being auxin-specific and optimal with 2,4-D at 2.2 10-6 M. Although the cell lines used showed different characteristics, both reacted with a rapid increase in at least three mRNA species within 1 or 2 h after 2,4-D application. Two, 2,4-D-induced protein spots, seen after in-vitro translation, had the same characteristics (MWs 35 kilodaltons (kDa) and 25 kDa with isoelectric points of 7.1 and 6.3, respectively) in both cell lines. Water-treated controls did not show alterations in the translatable mRNA populations. This indicates that the accumulation of the corresponding mRNAs is an early hormone-induced event. Since cell division is the only measurable reaction found after auxin application, cell systems as described here offer excellent possibilities for studying early auxin-induced changes at the molecular level preceding mitosis.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - kDa kilodalton  相似文献   

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells respond to treatment with fungal elicitors by synthesizing wallbound p-hydroxybenzoic acid (p-HBA). The biosynthetic pathway to p-HBA is still hypothetical. Tracer experiments with l-phenylalanine indicate the involvement of the general phenylpropanoid pathway. 3,4 (Methylenedioxy) innamic acid, an inhibitor of hydrocycinnamate CoA ligase, inhibits the accumulation of anthocyanins in carrot, while it does not interfere with p-HBA synthesis. Thus p-HBA biosynthesis does not appear to involve CoA thioesters. In the present report the sequence of enzymic reactions leading to p-HBA was investigated in vitro using protein preparations from cells treated with a fungal elicitor from Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzp. The side-chain degradation from p-coumaric acid to p-HBA is not analogous to the -oxidation of fatty acids and involves p-hydroxybenzaldehyde as an intermediate. The final step from p-hydroxybenzaldehyde to p-HBA is catalyzed by an NAD-dependent p-hydroxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase (EC 1.2.1.-). This reaction was characterized with regard to cofactor requirements, pH and temperature optima. The in-vitro formation of p-HBA from p-coumaric acid and the activity of the hydroxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase are moderately elicitor-induced but to a much lesser extent than phenylalanine ammonialyase, which is the starting enzyme of the general phenylpropanoid pathway.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MDCA 3,4-(methylenedioxy)-cinnamic acid - p-HBA p-hydroxybenzoic acid This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and a sholarship of the Land Baden-Württemberg (J.-P. S.).  相似文献   

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