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We measured the conduction velocity of the intracranial portion of the auditory nerve in 3 patients undergoing vestibular nerve section to treat Ménière's disease. The conduction velocity varied from patient to patient, with an average value of 15.1 m/sec. The latency of peak III of the brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) increased by an average of 0.5 msec as a result of exposure of the eighth nerve, and if that increase is assumed to affect the entire length of the auditory nerve (2.6 cm) evenly, then the corrected estimate of conduction velocity would be 22.0 m/sec. Estimates of conduction velocity based on the interpeak latencies of peaks I and II of the BAEP, assuming that peak II is generated by the mid-portion of the intracranial segment of the auditory nerve, yielded similar values of conduction velocities (about 20 m/sec).  相似文献   

Sounds provide us with useful information about our environment which complements that provided by other senses, but also poses specific processing problems. How does the auditory system distentangle sounds from different sound sources? And what is it that allows intermittent sound events from the same source to be associated with each other? Here we review findings from a wide range of studies using the auditory streaming paradigm in order to formulate a unified account of the processes underlying auditory perceptual organization. We present new computational modelling results which replicate responses in primary auditory cortex [Fishman, Y.I., Arezzo, J.C., Steinschneider, M., 2004. Auditory stream segregation in monkey auditory cortex: effects of frequency separation, presentation rate, and tone duration. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 1656-1670; Fishman, Y. I., Reser, D. H., Arezzo, J.C., Steinschneider, M., 2001. Neural correlates of auditory stream segregation in primary auditory cortex of the awake monkey. Hear. Res. 151, 167-187] to tone sequences. We also present the results of a perceptual experiment which confirm the bi-stable nature of auditory streaming, and the proposal that the gradual build-up of streaming may be an artefact of averaging across many subjects [Pressnitzer, D., Hupé, J. M., 2006. Temporal dynamics of auditory and visual bi-stability reveal common principles of perceptual organization. Curr. Biol. 16(13), 1351-1357.]. Finally we argue that in order to account for all of the experimental findings, computational models of auditory stream segregation require four basic processing elements; segregation, predictive modelling, competition and adaptation, and that it is the formation of effective predictive models which allows the system to keep track of different sound sources in a complex auditory environment.  相似文献   

Pyrosequencing is a new nonelectrophoretic, single-tube DNA sequencing method that takes advantage of co-operativity between four enzymes to monitor DNA synthesis (M. Ronaghi, M. Uhlén, and P. Nyrén, Science 281, 363-365). Pyrosequencing has so far only been performed on single-stranded DNA. In this paper different enzymatic strategies for template preparation enabling pyrosequencing on double-stranded DNA were studied. High quality data were obtained with several different enzyme combinations: (i) shrimp alkaline phosphatase and exonuclease I, (ii) calf intestine alkaline phosphatase and exonuclease I, (iii) apyrase and inorganic pyrophosphatase together with exonuclease I, and (iv) apyrase and ATP sulfurylase together with exonuclease I. In many cases, when the polymerase chain reaction was efficient exonuclease I could be omitted. In certain cases, additives such as dimethyl sulfoxide, single-stranded DNA-binding protein, and Klenow DNA polymerase improved the sequence quality. Apyrase was the fastest and most efficient of the three different nucleotide degrading enzymes tested. The data quality obtained on double-stranded DNA was comparable with that on single-stranded DNA. Pyrosequencing data for more than 30 bases could be generated on both long and short templates, as well as on templates with high GC content.  相似文献   

In the Christian tradition, representing the divine has often been considered both an impossible and yet necessary endeavour rooted in the human need in certain moments of weakness to visualize God. In this article, based on research findings from fieldwork carried out with urban indigenous groups in La Paz, Bolivia, I suggest that the articulation of local and Catholic representational traditions and practices has produced an understanding of the religious image not so much as an object of detached contemplation or a reference to a religious symbol but rather as an energized element which physically shapes the relationship and exchange between the material and the spiritual world. I suggest that through a study of Andean religious images we may be able to produce an alternative ontological perspective on the relationship between the spiritual, material, and living worlds.


Dans la tradition chrétienne, la représentation du divin est souvent considérée comme une gageure impossible et pourtant nécessaire, motivée par la nécessité humaine de visualiser Dieu dans les moments de faiblesse. À partir des matériaux de terrain obtenus auprès de groupes autochtones urbains à La Paz, en Bolivie, l'auteur suggère ici que l'articulation des traditions et pratiques de représentation locales et catholiques a conduit à concevoir l'image religieuse moins comme un objet de contemplation détachée ou une référence à un symbole religieux que comme un élément chargé d'énergie, qui donne physiquement forme à la relation et aux échanges entre le monde matériel et le monde spirituel. L'article suggère qu'à travers l'étude des images religieuses andines, on pourrait élaborer un autre point de vue ontologique sur la relation entre les mondes spirituel, matériel et vivant.  相似文献   

Genealogy, or the study of one's ancestral patri-lineage, has a long and esteemed pedigree in French Canadian and Québécois history. From Cyprien Tanguay's late-nineteenth-century encyclopedias to René Jetté's updated versions more than a century later, genealogy has been an important component of French Canadian nationalisms. Tracing one's ancestry back to the early St. Lawrence settlement in the seventeenth century has provided Québécois subjects with opportune political and social capital with which to make territorial and national claims legitimate. Through a case study approach, I explain how genealogy provides the grounds upon which Québécois and French subjects remember a shared past. Specifically, I examine a variety of sites of memory in the French countryside, including a museum that relies on ‘genealogics’ to call the French Canadian Québécois back to its roots. As such, I demonstrate how the biological, read as a contemporary articulation of Balibar's notion of the racial supplément necessary to nation building, travels across the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Ricinuleids are one of the least investigated groups of Arachnida. In particular, knowledge of their ultrastructure is poor. Observations of the distal tarsomeres of ricinuleids show differences in their shape and equipment of surface structures. Legs I and II are used by the Ricinulei to explore their surroundings with tentative movements. The tarsomeres of these legs show similarities in shape and surface structures that distinguish them from those of legs III and IV. In this study, 11 different structures of the tarsomere surfaces of two cave-dwelling species, Pseudocellus pearsei and P. boneti from México, were investigated for the first time with scanning and transmission electron microscopy and discussed regarding their possible function: 1) a single treelike ramifying seta resembles a no pore single-walled (np-sw) sensillum; 2) setae occurring in a small number and possessing a bipartite shaft represent terminal pore single-walled (tp-sw) sensilla. The surface of the proximal half of the shaft shows small branches. The distal half has a smooth surface; 3) long setae with conspicuous longitudinal lamellae show characteristics of chemoreceptive wall pore single-walled (wp-sw) sensilla; 4) frequent small wp-sw sensilla with flat and irregular lamellae; 5) very short wp-sw sensilla occurring solitary or in groups; 6) a few short setae with smooth surface correspond to wp-sw sensilla; 7) a single short clubbed seta articulating in a flat pit is considered to be a np-sw sensillum; 8) common long setae with a pointed tip show characteristics of mechanoreceptive np-sw sensilla; 9) ventral setae with adhesive and mechanosensory function are accompanied by multicellular "class III" glands; 10) slit organs with mechanoreceptive function; and 11) dome-like tubercles with no indication of sensorial function. Several of these sensilla form a sensory field on the dorsofrontal surface which is particularly pronounced on the distal tarsomeres of legs I and II.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the possible effects of the electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by an ordinary GSM mobile phone (902.4 MHz pulsed at 217 Hz) on brainstem auditory processing. Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) were recorded in 17 healthy young adults, without a mobile phone at baseline, and then with a mobile phone on the ear under EMF‐off and EMF‐on conditions. The amplitudes, latencies, and interwave intervals of the main ABR components (waves I, III, V) were compared among the three conditions. ABR waveforms showed no significant differences due to exposure, suggesting that short‐term exposure to mobile phone EMF did not affect the transmission of sensory stimuli from the cochlea up to the midbrain along the auditory nerve and brainstem auditory pathways. Bioelectromagnetics 31:48–55, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During echolocation, toothed whales produce ultrasonic clicks at extremely rapid rates and listen for the returning echoes. The auditory brainstem response (ABR) duration was evaluated in terms of latency between single peaks: 5.5 ms (from peak I to VII), 3.4 ms (I–VI), and 1.4 ms (II–IV). In comparison to the killer whale and the bottlenose dolphin, the ABR of the harbour porpoise has shorter intervals between the peaks and consequently a shorter ABR duration. This indicates that the ABR duration and peak latencies are possibly related to the relative size of the auditory structures of the central nervous system and thus to the animal’s size. The ABR to a sinusoidal amplitude modulated stimulus at 125 kHz (sensitivity threshold 63 dB re 1 μPa rms) was evaluated to determine the modulation rate transfer function of a harbour porpoise. The ABR showed distinct envelope following responses up to a modulation rate of 1,900 Hz. The corresponding calculated equivalent rectangular duration of 263 μs indicates a good temporal resolution in the harbour porpoise auditory system similar to the one for the bottlenose dolphin. The results explain how the harbour porpoise can follow clicks and echoes during echolocation with very short inter click intervals.  相似文献   

在30只氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的SD大鼠上记录神经元单位放电,观察短纯音诱发的皮层AI区神经元ON-OFF反应的特性及电刺激杏仁外侧核(lateral amygdaloid nucleus,LA)对ON-OFF反应以及调谐曲线的影响。实验证实,AI区神经元ON-OFF反应的模式与纯音刺激的强度、频率及作用时程有关;刺激LA可以抑制ON-OFF反应的放电频数,使反应的阈值升高,或使反应放电构型发生变化;此外,刺激LA能使ON-OFF神经元的调谐曲线变窄,Q10数值增大。研究结果不仅表明ON-OFF神经元能对纯音刺激的时程、强度和频率等多种信息进行编码,而且还证明杏仁外侧核可以在皮层水平参与听觉信息的调制,削弱或衰减某些听觉信息,导致整个调谐曲线上移变窄,从而提高AI区ON-OFF神经元的频率选择性能,有利于检测外界嘈杂环境中特定的听觉信息。  相似文献   

A comparative study of albumin variants found in Brazil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
10 rare albumin variants found in Brazil have been compared with 6 others, discovered elsewhere, through horizontal starch gel electrophoresis in four buffer systems. Belém V can be clearly distinguished from Naskapi but shows the same mobility as Máku (= Belém III) in two different pHs. Coari II, Manaus I and Porto Alegre II can be separated from all others in three buffer systems. Belém II (= Mexico) and Belém I also show unique patterns, but Coari I, Porto Alegre I and Belém IV could not be distinguished from Santa Ana. The possibly synonymous Belém III-Belém V-Máku should have originated from an Amerindian gene pool, but Coari I-Porto Alegre I-Belém IV-Santa Ana may have a Caucasoid origin.  相似文献   

Despite the institution of multicultural policies and pluriethnic governments across Latin America, racist violence against Indigenous and Afro-descendant groups persists. Yet the racial facets of violence against non-ethnic campesinos remain unexplored. Integrating scholarship on race as a global structure and Latin American racial formations, I offer an account of racialization in Colombia. This article analyzes the racial dynamics of resistance to extractivism in Colombia's Campesino University, uniting Indigenous and campesino groups like the San José de Apartadó Peace Community. While the dominant race lexicon separates “campesinos” like San José's peasants from “Indigenous” and “Black” groups, I argue that the identifier campesino mestizo hides how San José's farmers were “de-indigenized” yet remain racialized as the less-than-human “Indigenous savage”. If racialization works to dominate but also divide the subaltern, then Campesino University participants’ cross-ethnic solidarity network against what they affirm is a shared experience of racist violence both unveils and counters racism.  相似文献   

Presented survey summarizes the results of the studies published predominantly after 2000, dealing with the plant communities around and above the timberline in (montane) subalpine to alpine (subnival) belt of the Western Carpathians. All of these communities underwent a critical syntaxonomical and nomenclatorical revision, hence the demonstrated overview of high-mountain vegetation of Western Carpathians (mostly from Slovakia, less from Poland border areas) represent the current state of knowledge. The high-altitude vegetation database, which is the part of Slovak National Vegetation Database, SNVD (), incorporated 8,160 published relevés on 15 May 2007 (of the total of 30,469 published relevés in the SNVD). Concerning the unpublished relevés, the individual authors have provided more than 18,400 of them to be stored in SNVD; 2,301 of all unpublished relevés could be assigned to high-altitude vegetation. Mountain and alpine vegetation is in SNVD presented by 15 classes; the most frequent class is Mulgedio-Aconitetea. With its quantity and also the quality of relevés, the high-altitude database, as well as the whole SNVD, represents the unique database within Slovakia, which provides information not only about the locality, floristic composition and variability of individual vegetation types, but also about several environmental variables such as inclination, aspect, geology or soil type, characteristic for individual relevés. Together with other Central European databases, SNVD takes up the leading position in Europe.  相似文献   

Mochida T  Gomi H  Kashino M 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e13866


There has been plentiful evidence of kinesthetically induced rapid compensation for unanticipated perturbation in speech articulatory movements. However, the role of auditory information in stabilizing articulation has been little studied except for the control of voice fundamental frequency, voice amplitude and vowel formant frequencies. Although the influence of auditory information on the articulatory control process is evident in unintended speech errors caused by delayed auditory feedback, the direct and immediate effect of auditory alteration on the movements of articulators has not been clarified.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This work examined whether temporal changes in the auditory feedback of bilabial plosives immediately affects the subsequent lip movement. We conducted experiments with an auditory feedback alteration system that enabled us to replace or block speech sounds in real time. Participants were asked to produce the syllable /pa/ repeatedly at a constant rate. During the repetition, normal auditory feedback was interrupted, and one of three pre-recorded syllables /pa/, /Φa/, or /pi/, spoken by the same participant, was presented once at a different timing from the anticipated production onset, while no feedback was presented for subsequent repetitions. Comparisons of the labial distance trajectories under altered and normal feedback conditions indicated that the movement quickened during the short period immediately after the alteration onset, when /pa/ was presented 50 ms before the expected timing. Such change was not significant under other feedback conditions we tested.


The earlier articulation rapidly induced by the progressive auditory input suggests that a compensatory mechanism helps to maintain a constant speech rate by detecting errors between the internally predicted and actually provided auditory information associated with self movement. The timing- and context-dependent effects of feedback alteration suggest that the sensory error detection works in a temporally asymmetric window where acoustic features of the syllable to be produced may be coded.  相似文献   

The effects of phenytoin (PHT) on brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were studied in 65 epileptic patients who received long-term PHT monotherapy at therapeutic and supra-therapeutic levels with no clinical evidence of brain-stem toxicity. Abnormal BAEPs were found in 7.5% and 33.3% of patients with therapeutic and supra-therapeutic PHT levels respectively. Serum PHT levels had a trend towards a positive relationship with the I–V interpeak latency (IPL), and a significant negative relationship with the amplitudes of waves I and V. at supra-therapeutic levels, both I–V and I–III IPLs were significantly prolonged while at therapeutic evels onl I–III IPLs were prolonged. The absolute latency of wave I was prolonged in both the therapeutic and the supra-therapeutic groups. These results suggest that PHT acts both peripherally on either the auditory nerve or the cochlea, and centrally on brain-stem conduction.  相似文献   

The structure and function of primate communication have attracted much attention, and vocal signals, in particular, have been studied in detail. As a general rule, larger social groups emit more types of vocal signals, including those conveying the presence of specific types of predators. The adaptive advantages of receiving and responding to alarm calls are expected to exert a selective pressure on the auditory system. Yet, the comparative biology of primate hearing is limited to select species, and little attention has been paid to the effects of social and vocal complexity on hearing. Here, we use the auditory brainstem response method to generate the largest number of standardized audiograms available for any primate radiation. We compared the auditory sensitivities of 11 strepsirrhine species with and without independent contrasts and show that social complexity explains a significant amount of variation in two audiometric parameters-overall sensitivity and high-frequency limit. We verified the generality of this latter result by augmenting our analysis with published data from nine species spanning the primate order. To account for these findings, we develop and test a model of social drive. We hypothesize that social complexity has favoured enhanced hearing sensitivities, especially at higher frequencies.  相似文献   

On the basis of the article by the Dutch botanist Hugo De Vries 'On the law of separation of hybrids' published in the Reports of the Académie des Sciences in 1900, and the beginning of the controversy about priority with Carl Correns and Erich von Tschermak, I consider the question of the posthumous influence of the Mendel paper. I examine the construction of the new theoretical framework which enabled its reading in 1900 as a clear and acceptable presentation of the rules of the transmission of hereditary characters. In particular, I analyse the introduction of the idea of determinants of organic characters, understood as separable material elements which can be distributed randomly in descendants. Starting from the question of heredity, such as it was defined by Darwin in 1868, and after its critical developments by August Weismann, Hugo De Vries was able to suggest such an idea in his Intracellular Pangenesis. He then laid out a programme of research which helps us to understand the 'rediscovery' published in 1900.  相似文献   

We studied the E.I.R. in eight normal subjects and fifteen obese ones with three successive small glucose pulses (5 g.) e.v. at 30' interval. In normal subjects the three successive loads gave rise to identical responses for both glucose and I.R.I. Obese could be divided, on the basis of their E.I.R. to the first load, into normal responders (group I), hyper-responders (group II) and hypo-résponders (group III); on the basis of the E.I.R. to the second load, group I could be divided in two subgroups: Ia and Ib. We found an identical E.I.R. to all glucose loads in group Ia; a reduced E.I.R. to successive loads in groups Ib and II. Group III didn't have any insulin response to all glucose loads.  相似文献   

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