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Scytalidoglutamic peptidase (SGP) from Scytalidium lignicolum is the founding member of the newly discovered\ family of peptidases, G1, so far found exclusively in fungi. The crystal structure of SGP revealed a previously undescribed fold for peptidases and a unique catalytic dyad of residues Gln53 and Glu136. Surprisingly, the beta-sandwich structure of SGP is strikingly similar to members of the carbohydrate-binding concanavalin A-like lectins/glucanases superfamily. By analogy with the active sites of aspartic peptidases, a mechanism employing nucleophillic attack by a water molecule activated by the general base functionality of Glu136 has been proposed. Here, we report the first crystal structures of SGP in complex with two transition state peptide analogs designed to mimic the tetrahedral intermediate of the proteolytic reaction. Of these two analogs, the one containing a central S-hydroxyl group is a potent sub-nanomolar inhibitor of SGP. The inhibitor binds non-covalently to the concave surface of the upper beta-sheet and enables delineation of the S4 to S3' substrate specificity pockets of the enzyme. Structural differences in these pockets account for the unique substrate preferences of SGP among peptidases having an acidic pH optimum. Inhibitor binding is accompanied by a structuring of the region comprising residues Tyr71-Gly80 from being mostly disordered in the apoenzyme and leading to positioning of crucial active site residues for establishing enzyme-inhibitor contacts. In addition, conformational rearrangements are seen in a disulfide bridged surface loop (Cys141-Cys148), which moves inwards, partially closing the open substrate binding cleft of the native enzyme. The non-hydrolysable scissile bond analog of the inhibitor is located in the active site forming close contacts with Gln53 and Glu136. The nucleophilic water molecule is displaced and a unique mode of binding is observed with the S-OH of the inhibitor occupying the oxyanion binding site of the proposed tetrahedral intermediate. Details of the enzyme-inhibitor interactions and mechanistic interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

Bossi RT  Negri A  Tedeschi G  Mattevi A 《Biochemistry》2002,41(9):3018-3024
L-Aspartate oxidase (Laspo) catalyzes the conversion of L-Asp to iminoaspartate, the first step in the de novo biosynthesis of NAD(+). This bacterial pathway represents a potential drug target since it is absent in mammals. The Laspo R386L mutant was crystallized in the FAD-bound catalytically competent form and its three-dimensional structure determined at 2.5 A resolution in both the native state and in complex with succinate. Comparison of the R386L holoprotein with the wild-type apoenzyme [Mattevi, A., Tedeschi, G., Bacchella, L., Coda, A., Negri, A., and Ronchi, S. (1999) Structure 7, 745-756] reveals that cofactor incorporation leads to the ordering of two polypeptide segments (residues 44-53 and 104-141) and to a 27 degree rotation of the capping domain. This motion results in the formation of the active site cavity, located at the interface between the capping domain and the FAD-binding domain. The structure of the succinate complex indicates that the cavity surface is decorated by two clusters of H-bond donors that anchor the ligand carboxylates. Moreover, Glu121, which is strictly conserved among Laspo sequences, is positioned to interact with the L-Asp alpha-amino group. The architecture of the active site of the Laspo holoenzyme is remarkably similar to that of respiratory fumarate reductases, providing strong evidence for a common mechanism of catalysis in Laspo and flavoproteins of the succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase family. This implies that Laspo is mechanistically distinct from other flavin-dependent amino acid oxidases, such as the prototypical D-amino acid oxidase.  相似文献   

Creatininase from Pseudomonas putida is a member of the urease-related amidohydrolase superfamily. The crystal structure of the Mn-activated enzyme has been solved by the single isomorphous replacement method at 1.8A resolution. The structures of the native creatininase and the Mn-activated creatininase-creatine complex have been determined by a difference Fourier method at 1.85 A and 1.6 A resolution, respectively. We found the disc-shaped hexamer to be roughly 100 A in diameter and 50 A in thickness and arranged as a trimer of dimers with 32 (D3) point group symmetry. The enzyme is a typical Zn2+ enzyme with a binuclear metal center (metal1 and metal2). Atomic absorption spectrometry and X-ray crystallography revealed that Zn2+ at metal1 (Zn1) was easily replaced with Mn2+ (Mn1). In the case of the Mn-activated enzyme, metal1 (Mn1) has a square-pyramidal geometry bound to three protein ligands of Glu34, Asp45, and His120 and two water molecules. Metal2 (Zn2) has a well-ordered tetrahedral geometry bound to the three protein ligands of His36, Asp45, and Glu183 and a water molecule. The crystal structure of the Mn-activated creatininase-creatine complex, which is the first structure as the enzyme-substrate/inhibitor complex of creatininase, reveals that significant conformation changes occur at the flap (between the alpha5 helix and the alpha6 helix) of the active site and the creatine is accommodated in a hydrophobic pocket consisting of Trp174, Trp154, Tyr121, Phe182, Tyr153, and Gly119. The high-resolution crystal structure of the creatininase-creatine complex enables us to identify two water molecules (Wat1 and Wat2) that are possibly essential for the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme. The structure and proposed catalytic mechanism of the creatininase are different from those of urease-related amidohydrolase superfamily enzymes. We propose a new two-step catalytic mechanism possibly common to creatininases in which the Wat1 acts as the attacking nucleophile in the water-adding step and the Wat2 acts as the catalytic acid in the ring-opening step.  相似文献   

Pyrococcus furiosus phosphoglucose isomerase (PfPGI) is a metal-containing enzyme that catalyses the interconversion of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) and fructose 6-phosphate (F6P). The recent structure of PfPGI has confirmed the hypothesis that the enzyme belongs to the cupin superfamily and identified the position of the active site. This fold is distinct from the alphabetaalpha sandwich fold commonly seen in phosphoglucose isomerases (PGIs) that are found in bacteria, eukaryotes and some archaea. Whilst the mechanism of the latter family is thought to proceed through a cis-enediol intermediate, analysis of the structure of PfPGI in the presence of inhibitors has led to the suggestion that the mechanism of this enzyme involves the metal-dependent direct transfer of a hydride between C1 and C2 atoms of the substrate. To gain further insight in the reaction mechanism of PfPGI, the structures of the free enzyme and the complexes with the inhibitor, 5-phospho-d-arabinonate (5PAA) in the presence and absence of metal have been determined. Comparison of these structures with those of equivalent complexes of the eukaryotic PGIs reveals similarities at the active site in the disposition of possible catalytic residues. These include the presence of a glutamic acid residue, Glu97 in PfPGI, which occupies the same position relative to the inhibitor as that of the glutamate that is thought to function as the catalytic base in the eukaryal-type PGIs. These similarities suggest that aspects of the catalytic mechanisms of these two structurally unrelated PGIs may be similar and based on an enediol intermediate.  相似文献   

NADP+-dependent monomeric isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) from the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii (AvIDH) is one of members of the beta-decarboxylating dehydrogenase family and catalyzes the dehydration and decarboxylation of isocitrate to yield 2-oxoglutrate and CO2 in the Krebs cycle. We solved the crystal structure of the AvIDH in complex with cofactor NADP+ (AvIDH-NADP+ complex). The final refined model shows the closed form that has never been detected in any previously solved structures of beta-decarboxylating dehydrogenases. The structure also reveals all of the residues that interact with NADP+. The structure-based sequence alignment reveals that these residues were not conserved in any other dimeric NADP+-dependent IDHs. Therefore the NADP+ specificity of the monomeric and dimeric IDHs was independently acquired through the evolutional process. The AvIDH was known to show an exceptionally high turnover rate. The structure of the AvIDH-NADP+ complex indicates that one loop, which is not present in the Escherichia coli IDHs, reliably stabilizes the conformation of the nicotinamide mononucleotide of the bound NADP+ by forming a few hydrogen bonds, and such interactions are considered to be important for the monomeric enzyme to initiate the hydride transfer reaction immediately. Finally, the structure of the AvIDH is compared with that of other dimeric NADP-IDHs. Several structural features demonstrate that the monomeric IDHs are structurally more related to the eukaryotic dimeric IDHs than to the bacterial dimeric IDHs.  相似文献   

Fms1 is a rate-limiting enzyme for the biosynthesis of pantothenic acid in yeast. Fms1 has polyamine oxidase (PAO) activity, which converts spermine into spermidine and 3-aminopropanal. The 3-aminopropanal is further oxidized to produce beta-alanine, which is necessary for the biosynthesis of pantothenic acid. The crystal structures of Fms1 and its complex with the substrate spermine have been determined using the single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) phasing method. Fms1 consists of an FAD-binding domain, with Rossmann fold topology, and a substrate-binding domain. The active site is a tunnel located at the interface of the two domains. The substrate spermine binds to the active site mainly via hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. In the complex, C11 but not C9 of spermine is close enough to the catalytic site (N5 of FAD) to be oxidized. Therefore, the products are spermidine and 3-aminopropanal, rather than 3-(aminopropyl) 4-aminobutyraldehyde and 1,3-diaminoprone.  相似文献   

Propionate metabolism in Salmonella typhimurium occurs via 2-methylcitric acid cycle. The last step of this cycle, the cleavage of 2-methylisocitrate to succinate and pyruvate, is catalysed by 2-methylisocitrate lyase (PrpB). Here we report the X-ray crystal structure of the native and the pyruvate/Mg(2+) bound PrpB from S. typhimurium, determined at 2.1 and 2.3A, respectively. The structure closely resembles that of the Escherichia coli enzyme. Unlike the E. coli PrpB, Mg(2+) could not be located in the native Salmonella PrpB. Only in pyruvate bound PrpB structure, Mg(2+) was found coordinated with pyruvate. Binding of pyruvate to PrpB seems to induce movement of the Mg(2+) by 2.5A from its position found in E. coli native PrpB. In both the native enzyme and pyruvate/Mg(2+) bound forms, the active site loop is completely disordered. Examination of the pocket in which pyruvate and glyoxalate bind to 2-methylisocitrate lyase and isocitrate lyase, respectively, reveals plausible rationale for different substrate specificities of these two enzymes. Structural similarities in substrate and metal atom binding site as well as presence of similar residues in the active site suggest possible similarities in the reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

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Autocrine motility factor (AMF), a tumor-secreted cytokine, stimulates cell migration in vitro and metastasis in vivo. AMF is identical to the extracellular cytokines neuroleukin and maturation factor and, interestingly, to the intracellular enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase. The cytokine activity of AMF is inhibited by carbohydrate phosphate compounds as they compete for AMF binding with the carbohydrate moiety of the AMF receptor (AMFR), which is a glycosylated seven transmembrane helix protein. Here, we report the first comprehensive high-resolution crystal structure analyses of the inhibitor-free form and the eight types of inhibitor (phosphate, erythrose 4-phosphate (E4P), arabinose 5-phosphate (A5P), sorbitol 6-phosphate (S6P), 6-phosphogluconic acid (6PGA), fructose 6-phosphate (F6P), glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), or mannose 6-phosphate (M6P)) complexes of mouse AMF (mAMF). We assayed the inhibitory activities of these inhibitors against the cytokine activity of mAMF. The inhibitory activities of the six-carbon sugars (G6P, F6P, M6P, and 6PGA) were found to be significantly higher than those of the four or five-carbon sugars (E4P or A5P). The inhibitory activities clearly depend on the length of the inhibitor molecules. A structural comparison revealed that a water-mediated hydrogen bond between one end of the inhibitor and a rigid portion of the protein surface in the shorter-chain inhibitor (E4P) complex is replaced by a direct hydrogen bond in the longer-chain inhibitor (6PGA) complex. Thus, to obtain a new compound with higher inhibitory activities against AMF, water molecules at the inhibitor binding site of AMF should be replaced by a functional group of inhibitors in order to introduce direct interactions with the protein surface. The present structure-activity relationship studies will be valuable not only for designing more effective AMF inhibitors but also for studying general protein-inhibitor interactions.  相似文献   

The polyisoprenoid compound undecaprenyl phosphate is required for biosynthesis of cell wall peptidoglycans in Gram-positive bacteria, including pathogenic Enterococcus, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus spp. In these organisms, the mevalonate pathway is used to produce the precursor isoprenoid, isopentenyl 5-diphosphate. Mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase (MDD) catalyzes formation of isopentenyl 5-diphosphate in an ATP-dependent irreversible reaction and is therefore an attractive target for inhibitor development that could lead to new antimicrobial agents. To facilitate exploration of this possibility, we report the crystal structure of Staphylococcus epidermidis MDD (1.85 Å resolution) and, to the best of our knowledge, the first structures of liganded MDD. These structures include MDD bound to the mevalonate 5-diphosphate analogs diphosphoglycolyl proline (2.05 Å resolution) and 6-fluoromevalonate diphosphate (FMVAPP; 2.2 Å resolution). Comparison of these structures provides a physical basis for the significant differences in Ki values observed for these inhibitors. Inspection of enzyme/inhibitor structures identified the side chain of invariant Ser192 as making potential contributions to catalysis. Significantly, Ser → Ala substitution of this side chain decreases kcat by ∼103-fold, even though binding interactions between FMVAPP and this mutant are similar to those observed with wild type MDD, as judged by the 2.1 Å cocrystal structure of S192A with FMVAPP. Comparison of microbial MDD structures with those of mammalian counterparts reveals potential targets at the active site periphery that may be exploited to selectively target the microbial enzymes. These studies provide a structural basis for previous observations regarding the MDD mechanism and inform future work toward rational inhibitor design.  相似文献   

5'-Methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine (MTA/AdoHcy) nucleosidase is a key enzyme in a number of critical biological processes in many microbes. This nucleosidase catalyzes the irreversible hydrolysis of the N(9)-C(1') bond of MTA or AdoHcy to form adenine and the corresponding thioribose. The key role of the MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase in biological methylation, polyamine biosynthesis, methionine recycling, and bacterial quorum sensing has made it an important antimicrobial drug target. The crystal structures of Escherichia coli MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase complexed with the transition state analog, formycin A (FMA), and the nonhydrolyzable substrate analog, 5'-methylthiotubercidin (MTT) have been solved to 2.2- and 2.0-A resolution, respectively. These are the first MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase structures to be solved in the presence of inhibitors. These structures clearly identify the residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis in the active site. Comparisons of the inhibitor complexes to the adenine-bound MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase (Lee, J. E., Cornell, K. A., Riscoe, M. K., and Howell, P. L. (2001) Structure (Camb.) 9, 941-953) structure provide evidence for a ligand-induced conformational change in the active site and the substrate preference of the enzyme. The enzymatic mechanism has been re-examined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Arginase is a manganese-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of L-arginine to L-ornithine and urea. In ureotelic animals arginase is the final enzyme of the urea cycle, but in many species it has a wider role controlling the use of arginine for other metabolic purposes, including the production of creatine, polyamines, proline and nitric oxide. Arginase activity is regulated by various small molecules, including the product L-ornithine. The aim of these structural studies was to test aspects of the catalytic mechanism and to investigate the structural basis of arginase inhibition. RESULTS: We report here the crystal structures of arginase from Bacillus caldovelox at pH 5.6 and pH 8.5, and of binary complexes of the enzyme with L-arginine, L-ornithine and L-lysine at pH 8.5. The arginase monomer comprises a single compact alpha/beta domain that further associates into a hexameric quaternary structure. The binary complexes reveal a common mode of ligand binding, which places the substrate adjacent to the dimanganese centre. We also observe a conformational change that impacts on the active site and is coupled with the occupancy of an external site by guanidine or arginine. CONCLUSIONS: The structures reported here clarify aspects of the active site and indicate key features of the catalytic mechanism, including substrate coordination to one of the manganese ions and an orientational role for a neighboring histidine residue. Stereospecificity for L-amino acids is found to depend on their precise recognition at the active-site rim. Identification of a second arginine-binding site, remote from the active site, and associated conformational changes lead us to propose a regulatory role for this site in substrate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Cilia are microtubule-based organelles that assemble via intraflagellar transport (IFT) and function as signaling hubs on eukaryotic cells. IFT relies on molecular motors and IFT complexes that mediate the contacts with ciliary cargo. To elucidate the architecture of the IFT-B complex, we reconstituted and purified the nonameric IFT-B core from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and determined the crystal structures of C. reinhardtii IFT70/52 and Tetrahymena IFT52/46 subcomplexes. The 2.5-Å resolution IFT70/52 structure shows that IFT52330–370 is buried deeply within the IFT70 tetratricopeptide repeat superhelix. Furthermore, the polycystic kidney disease protein IFT88 binds IFT52281–329 in a complex that interacts directly with IFT70/IFT52330–381 in trans. The structure of IFT52C/IFT46C was solved at 2.3 Å resolution, and we show that it is essential for IFT-B core integrity by mediating interaction between IFT88/70/52/46 and IFT81/74/27/25/22 subcomplexes. Consistent with this, overexpression of mammalian IFT52C in MDCK cells is dominant-negative and causes IFT protein mislocalization and disrupted ciliogenesis. These data further rationalize several ciliogenesis phenotypes of IFT mutant strains.  相似文献   

PLK1 (polo-like kinase 1) is a key mitotic kinase and a therapeutic target in the treatment of proliferative diseases. Here we investigate the relative substrate specificity and pharmacological relatedness of PLK1, -2, -3, and -4 that together comprise a conserved family of Ser/Thr kinases (PLK family). We report consensus substrate sequences for PLK2, -3, and -4 and an expanded consensus sequence for PLK1, which we use to design an optimal peptide substrate, PLKtide. We report inhibitory activity for the entire PLK family across a diverse set of small-molecule ATP-competitive inhibitors including several clinical compounds. With respect to both substrate and ATP-site specificity, highest similarity is observed between PLK2 and PLK3, PLK1 is next most similar, and PLK4 is least similar. Further, we have identified and report time-dependent inhibition by two potent and selective PLK inhibitors.  相似文献   

The structure of retinol dehydratase (DHR) from Spodoptera frugiperda, a member of the sulfotransferase superfamily, in complexes with the inactive form of the cofactor PAP 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate (PAP) and (1) the product of the reaction with retinol anhydroretinol (AR), (2) the retinoid inhibitor all-trans-4-oxoretinol (OR), and (3) the potent steroid inhibitor androsterone (AND) have been determined and compared to the enzyme complex with PAP and retinol. The structures show that the geometry of the active-site amino acids is largely preserved in the various complexes. However, the beta-ionone rings of the retinoids are oriented differently with respect to side chains that have been shown to be important for the enzymatic reaction. In addition, the DHR:PAP:AND complex reveals a novel mode for steroid binding that contrasts significantly with that for steroid binding in other sulfotransferases. The molecule is displaced and rotated approximately 180 degrees along its length so that there is no acceptor hydroxyl in close proximity to the site of sulfate transfer. This observation explains why steroids are potent inhibitors of retinol dehydratase activity, rather than substrates for sulfonation. Most of the steroid-protein contacts are provided by the alpha-helical cap that distinguishes this member of the superfamily. This observation suggests that in addition to providing a chemical environment that promotes the dehydration of a sulfonated intermediate, the cap may also serve to minimize a promiscuous sulfotransferases activity.  相似文献   

HsEg5 is an important mitotic kinesin responsible for bipolar spindle formation at early mitosis. A rich body of evidence shows that inhibition of HsEg5 can result in mitotic arrest followed by cellular apoptosis. Recently identified HsEg5 inhibitor, CK0238273, exhibits potent antitumor activity and is currently in clinical trial. Here we report the cocrystal structure of the motor domain of HsEg5 in complex with CK0238273 at a 2.15 Å resolution. Compared to the previously published HsEg5-Monastrol complex structure, CK0238273 shares the same induced-fit pocket with similar allosteric inhibitory mechanism. However, CK0238273 shows better fitting to the binding pocket with 65% increase of hydrophobic interaction area than that of Monastrol. Some unique hydrophilic interactions were also observed mostly between the phenyl ring and 8-chloro on quinazolinone of CK0238273 with ARG221 and GLY217. We believe that the combination of these interactions defines the superior potency and specificity of CK0238273.  相似文献   

The structures of tomato 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACS) in complex with either cofactor pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) or both PLP and inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine have been determined by x-ray crystallography. The structures showed good conservation of the catalytic residues, suggesting a similar catalytic mechanism for ACS and other PLP-dependent enzymes. However, the proximity of Tyr152 to the C-gamma-S bond of model substrate S-adenosylmethionine implies its critical role in the catalysis. The concerted accomplishment of catalysis by cofactor PLP and a protein residue, as proposed on the basis of the ACS structures in this paper, may represent a general scheme for the diversity of PLP-dependent catalyses. PLP-dependent enzymes have been categorized into four types of folds. A structural comparison revealed that a core fragment of ACS in fold type I is superimposable over tryptophan synthase beta subunit in fold type II and mouse ornithine decarboxylase in fold type III, thus suggesting a divergent evolution of PLP-dependent enzymes.  相似文献   

Fructansucrases (FSs) catalyze a transfructosylation reaction with sucrose as substrate to produce fructo-oligosaccharides and fructan polymers that contain either β-2,1 glycosidic linkages (inulin) or β-2,6 linkages (levan). Levan-synthesizing FSs (levansucrases) have been most extensively investigated, while detailed information on inulosucrases is limited. Importantly, the molecular basis of the different product specificities of levansucrases and inulosucrases is poorly understood.We have elucidated the three-dimensional structure of a truncated active bacterial GH68 inulosucrase, InuJ of Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC533 (residues 145-708), in its apo form, with a bound substrate (sucrose), and with a transfructosylation product. The sucrose binding pocket and the sucrose binding mode are virtually identical with those of GH68 levansucrases, confirming that both enzyme types use the same fully conserved structural framework for the binding and cleavage of the donor substrate sucrose in the active site. The binding mode of the first transfructosylation product 1-kestose (Fru-β(2-1)-Fru-α(2-1)-Glc, where Fru = fructose and Glc = glucose) in subsites − 1 to + 2 shows for the first time how inulin-type fructo-oligosaccharide bind in GH68 FS and how an inulin-type linkage can be formed. Surprisingly, observed interactions with the sugar in subsites + 1 and + 2 are provided by residues that are also present in levansucrases. The binding mode of 1-kestose and the presence of a more distant sucrose binding site suggest that residues beyond the + 2 subsite, in particular residues from the nonconserved 1B-1C loop, determine product linkage type specificity in GH68 FSs.  相似文献   

Nowotny M  Gaidamakov SA  Crouch RJ  Yang W 《Cell》2005,121(7):1005-1016
RNase H belongs to a nucleotidyl-transferase superfamily, which includes transposase, retroviral integrase, Holliday junction resolvase, and RISC nuclease Argonaute. We report the crystal structures of RNase H complexed with an RNA/DNA hybrid and a mechanism for substrate recognition and two-metal-ion-dependent catalysis. RNase H specifically recognizes the A form RNA strand and the B form DNA strand. Structure comparisons lead us to predict the catalytic residues of Argonaute and conclude that two-metal-ion catalysis is a general feature of the superfamily. In nucleases, the two metal ions are asymmetrically coordinated and have distinct roles in activating the nucleophile and stabilizing the transition state. In transposases, they are symmetrically coordinated and exchange roles to alternately activate a water and a 3'-OH for successive strand cleavage and transfer by a ping-pong mechanism.  相似文献   

The major soluble avian eye lens protein, delta crystallin, is highly homologous to the housekeeping enzyme argininosuccinate lyase (ASL). ASL is part of the urea and arginine-citrulline cycles and catalyzes the reversible breakdown of argininosuccinate to arginine and fumarate. In duck lenses, there are two delta crystallin isoforms that are 94% identical in amino acid sequence. Only the delta2 isoform has maintained ASL activity and has been used to investigate the enzymatic mechanism of ASL. The role of the active site residues Ser-29, Asp-33, Asp-89, Asn-116, Thr-161, His-162, Arg-238, Thr-281, Ser-283, Asn-291, Asp-293, Glu-296, Lys-325, Asp-330, and Lys-331 have been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis, and the structure of the inactive duck delta2 crystallin (ddeltac2) mutant S283A with bound argininosuccinate was determined at 1.96 A resolution. The S283A mutation does not interfere with substrate binding, because the 280's loop (residues 270-290) is in the open conformation and Ala-283 is more than 7 A from the substrate. The substrate is bound in a different conformation to that observed previously indicating a large degree of conformational flexibility in the fumarate moiety when the 280's loop is in the open conformation. The structure of the S283A ddeltac2 mutant and mutagenesis results reveal that a complex network of interactions of both protein residues and water molecules are involved in substrate binding and specificity. Small changes even to residues not involved directly in anchoring the argininosuccinate have a significant effect on catalysis. The results suggest that either His-162 or Thr-161 are responsible for proton abstraction and reinforce the putative role of Ser-283 as the catalytic acid, although we cannot eliminate the possibility that arginine is released in an uncharged form, with the solvent providing the required proton. A detailed enzymatic mechanism of ASL/ddeltac2 is presented.  相似文献   

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