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The role of relative spike timing on sensory coding and stochastic dynamics of small pulse-coupled oscillator networks is investigated physiologically and mathematically, based on the small biological eye network of the marine invertebrate Hermissenda. Without network interactions, the five inhibitory photoreceptors of the eye network exhibit quasi-regular rhythmic spiking; in contrast, within the active network, they display more irregular spiking but collective network rhythmicity. We investigate the source of this emergent network behavior first analyzing the role of relative input to spike–timing relationships in individual cells. We use a stochastic phase oscillator equation to model photoreceptor spike sequences in response to sequences of inhibitory current pulses. Although spike sequences can be complex and irregular in response to inputs, we show that spike timing is better predicted if relative timing of spikes to inputs is accounted for in the model. Further, we establish that greater noise levels in the model serve to destroy network phase-locked states that induce non-monotonic stimulus rate-coding, as predicted in Butson and Clark (J Neurophysiol 99:146–154, 2008a; J Neurophysiol 99:155–165, 2008b). Hence, rate-coding can function better in noisy spiking cells relative to non-noisy cells. We then study how relative input to spike–timing dynamics of single oscillators contribute to network-level dynamics. Relative timing interactions in the network sharpen the stimulus window that can trigger a spike, affecting stimulus encoding. Also, we derive analytical inter-spike interval distributions of cells in the model network, revealing that irregular Poisson-like spike emission and collective network rhythmicity are emergent properties of network dynamics, consistent with experimental observations. Our theoretical results generate experimental predictions about the nature of spike patterns in the Hermissenda eye.  相似文献   

We are interested in noise-induced firings of subthreshold neurons which may be used for encoding environmental stimuli. Noise-induced population synchronization was previously studied only for the case of global coupling, unlike the case of subthreshold spiking neurons. Hence, we investigate the effect of complex network architecture on noise-induced synchronization in an inhibitory population of subthreshold bursting Hindmarsh–Rose neurons. For modeling complex synaptic connectivity, we consider the Watts–Strogatz small-world network which interpolates between regular lattice and random network via rewiring, and investigate the effect of small-world connectivity on emergence of noise-induced population synchronization. Thus, noise-induced burst synchronization (synchrony on the slow bursting time scale) and spike synchronization (synchrony on the fast spike time scale) are found to appear in a synchronized region of the JD plane (J: synaptic inhibition strength and D: noise intensity). As the rewiring probability p is decreased from 1 (random network) to 0 (regular lattice), the region of spike synchronization shrinks rapidly in the JD plane, while the region of the burst synchronization decreases slowly. We separate the slow bursting and the fast spiking time scales via frequency filtering, and characterize the noise-induced burst and spike synchronizations by employing realistic order parameters and statistical-mechanical measures introduced in our recent work. Thus, the bursting and spiking thresholds for the burst and spike synchronization transitions are determined in terms of the bursting and spiking order parameters, respectively. Furthermore, we also measure the degrees of burst and spike synchronizations in terms of the statistical-mechanical bursting and spiking measures, respectively.  相似文献   

Firing-rate models provide a practical tool for studying signal processing in the early visual system, permitting more thorough mathematical analysis than spike-based models. We show here that essential response properties of relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) can be captured by surprisingly simple firing-rate models consisting of a low-pass filter and a nonlinear activation function. The starting point for our analysis are two spiking neuron models based on experimental data: a spike-response model fitted to data from macaque (Carandini et al. J. Vis., 20(14), 1–2011, 2007), and a model with conductance-based synapses and afterhyperpolarizing currents fitted to data from cat (Casti et al. J. Comput. Neurosci., 24(2), 235–252, 2008). We obtained the nonlinear activation function by stimulating the model neurons with stationary stochastic spike trains, while we characterized the linear filter by fitting a low-pass filter to responses to sinusoidally modulated stochastic spike trains. To account for the non-Poisson nature of retinal spike trains, we performed all analyses with spike trains with higher-order gamma statistics in addition to Poissonian spike trains. Interestingly, the properties of the low-pass filter depend only on the average input rate, but not on the modulation depth of sinusoidally modulated input. Thus, the response properties of our model are fully specified by just three parameters (low-frequency gain, cutoff frequency, and delay) for a given mean input rate and input regularity. This simple firing-rate model reproduces the response of spiking neurons to a step in input rate very well for Poissonian as well as for non-Poissonian input. We also found that the cutoff frequencies, and thus the filter time constants, of the rate-based model are unrelated to the membrane time constants of the underlying spiking models, in agreement with similar observations for simpler models.  相似文献   

We are interested in characterization of synchronization transitions of bursting neurons in the frequency domain. Instantaneous population firing rate (IPFR) R(t), which is directly obtained from the raster plot of neural spikes, is often used as a realistic collective quantity describing population activities in both the computational and the experimental neuroscience. For the case of spiking neurons, a realistic time-domain order parameter, based on R(t), was introduced in our recent work to characterize the spike synchronization transition. Unlike the case of spiking neurons, the IPFR R(t) of bursting neurons exhibits population behaviors with both the slow bursting and the fast spiking timescales. For our aim, we decompose the IPFR R(t) into the instantaneous population bursting rate Rb(t) (describing the bursting behavior) and the instantaneous population spike rate Rs(t) (describing the spiking behavior) via frequency filtering, and extend the realistic order parameter to the case of bursting neurons. Thus, we develop the frequency-domain bursting and spiking order parameters which are just the bursting and spiking “coherence factors” βb and βs of the bursting and spiking peaks in the power spectral densities of Rb and Rs (i.e., “signal to noise” ratio of the spectral peak height and its relative width). Through calculation of βb and βs, we obtain the bursting and spiking thresholds beyond which the burst and spike synchronizations break up, respectively. Consequently, it is shown in explicit examples that the frequency-domain bursting and spiking order parameters may be usefully used for characterization of the bursting and the spiking transitions, respectively.  相似文献   

An important tool to study rhythmic neuronal synchronization is provided by relating spiking activity to the Local Field Potential (LFP). Two types of interdependent spike-LFP measures exist. The first approach is to directly quantify the consistency of single spike-LFP phases across spikes, referred to here as point-field phase synchronization measures. We show that conventional point-field phase synchronization measures are sensitive not only to the consistency of spike-LFP phases, but are also affected by statistical dependencies between spike-LFP phases, caused by e.g. non-Poissonian history-effects within spike trains such as bursting and refractoriness. To solve this problem, we develop a new pairwise measure that is not biased by the number of spikes and not affected by statistical dependencies between spike-LFP phases. The second approach is to quantify, similar to EEG-EEG coherence, the consistency of the relative phase between spike train and LFP signals across trials instead of across spikes, referred to here as spike train to field phase synchronization measures. We demonstrate an analytical relationship between point-field and spike train to field phase synchronization measures. Based on this relationship, we prove that the spike train to field pairwise phase consistency (PPC), a quantity closely related to the squared spike-field coherence, is a monotonically increasing function of the number of spikes per trial. This derived relationship is exact and analytic, and takes a linear form for weak phase-coupling. To solve this problem, we introduce a corrected version of the spike train to field PPC that is independent of the number of spikes per trial. Finally, we address the problem that dependencies between spike-LFP phase and the number of spikes per trial can cause spike-LFP phase synchronization measures to be biased by the number of trials. We show how to modify the developed point-field and spike train to field phase synchronization measures in order to make them unbiased by the number of trials.  相似文献   

Compelling behavioral evidence suggests that humans can make optimal decisions despite the uncertainty inherent in perceptual or motor tasks. A key question in neuroscience is how populations of spiking neurons can implement such probabilistic computations. In this article, we develop a comprehensive framework for optimal, spike-based sensory integration and working memory in a dynamic environment. We propose that probability distributions are inferred spike-per-spike in recurrently connected networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. As a result, these networks can combine sensory cues optimally, track the state of a time-varying stimulus and memorize accumulated evidence over periods much longer than the time constant of single neurons. Importantly, we propose that population responses and persistent working memory states represent entire probability distributions and not only single stimulus values. These memories are reflected by sustained, asynchronous patterns of activity which make relevant information available to downstream neurons within their short time window of integration. Model neurons act as predictive encoders, only firing spikes which account for new information that has not yet been signaled. Thus, spike times signal deterministically a prediction error, contrary to rate codes in which spike times are considered to be random samples of an underlying firing rate. As a consequence of this coding scheme, a multitude of spike patterns can reliably encode the same information. This results in weakly correlated, Poisson-like spike trains that are sensitive to initial conditions but robust to even high levels of external neural noise. This spike train variability reproduces the one observed in cortical sensory spike trains, but cannot be equated to noise. On the contrary, it is a consequence of optimal spike-based inference. In contrast, we show that rate-based models perform poorly when implemented with stochastically spiking neurons.  相似文献   

We consider an excitatory population of subthreshold Izhikevich neurons which exhibit noise-induced firings. By varying the coupling strength J, we investigate population synchronization between the noise-induced firings which may be used for efficient cognitive processing such as sensory perception, multisensory binding, selective attention, and memory formation. As J is increased, rich types of population synchronization (e.g., spike, burst, and fast spike synchronization) are found to occur. Transitions between population synchronization and incoherence are well described in terms of an order parameter $\mathcal{O}$ . As a final step, the coupling induces oscillator death (quenching of noise-induced spikings) because each neuron is attracted to a noisy equilibrium state. The oscillator death leads to a transition from firing to non-firing states at the population level, which may be well described in terms of the time-averaged population spike rate $\overline{R}$ . In addition to the statistical-mechanical analysis using $\mathcal{O}$ and $\overline{R}$ , each population and individual state are also characterized by using the techniques of nonlinear dynamics such as the raster plot of neural spikes, the time series of the membrane potential, and the phase portrait. We note that population synchronization of noise-induced firings may lead to emergence of synchronous brain rhythms in a noisy environment, associated with diverse cognitive functions.  相似文献   

We study the collective dynamics of a Leaky Integrate and Fire network in which precise relative phase relationship of spikes among neurons are stored, as attractors of the dynamics, and selectively replayed at different time scales. Using an STDP-based learning process, we store in the connectivity several phase-coded spike patterns, and we find that, depending on the excitability of the network, different working regimes are possible, with transient or persistent replay activity induced by a brief signal. We introduce an order parameter to evaluate the similarity between stored and recalled phase-coded pattern, and measure the storage capacity. Modulation of spiking thresholds during replay changes the frequency of the collective oscillation or the number of spikes per cycle, keeping preserved the phases relationship. This allows a coding scheme in which phase, rate and frequency are dissociable. Robustness with respect to noise and heterogeneity of neurons parameters is studied, showing that, since dynamics is a retrieval process, neurons preserve stable precise phase relationship among units, keeping a unique frequency of oscillation, even in noisy conditions and with heterogeneity of internal parameters of the units.  相似文献   

Hebbian learning allows a network of spiking neurons to store and retrieve spatio-temporal patterns with a time resolution of 1 ms, despite the long postsynaptic and dendritic integration times. To show this, we introduce and analyze a model of spiking neurons, the spike response model, with a realistic distribution of axonal delays and with realistic postsynaptic potentials. Learning is performed by a local Hebbian rule which is based on the synchronism of presynaptic neurotransmitter release and some short-acting postsynaptic process. The time window of this synchronism determines the temporal resolution of pattern retrieval, which can be initiated by applying a short external stimulus pattern. Furthermore, a rate quantization is found in dependence upon the threshold value of the neurons, i.e., in a given time a pattern runsn times as often as learned, wheren is a positive integer (n 0). We show that all information about the spike pattern is lost if only mean firing rates (temporal average) or ensemble activities (spatial average) are considered. An average over several retrieval runs in order to generate a post-stimulus time histogram may also deteriorate the signal. The full information on a pattern is contained in the spike raster of a single run. Our results stress the importance, and advantage, of coding by spatio-temporal spike patterns instead of firing rates and average ensemble activity. The implications regarding modelling and experimental data analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanisms whereby the caudate nucleus modifies hippocampal spiking activity have been studied. Epileptiform activity was induced in the cat hippocampus by topical application of sodium penicillin in different concentrations. The frequency of induced spikes appeared to be directly correlated to the two doses of epileptogenic agent. The inhibitory effect of 10 Hz caudate stimulation on spike frequency was present even when stimulation lasted for 180 s. Likewise 25 Hz caudate stimulation brought about an inhibition which was maintained by stimulus trains lasting up to 90 s, while the degree of inhibition was reduced by trains of longer duration (120, 150 and 180 s); similar results were also noted in some atropine-treated cats. The time course of spikes in cats with electrolytic lesions of the caudate exhibited an increase in both frequency and duration. The results indicate that there is an optimal parameter for caudate stimulation causing inhibition of penicillin-induced hippocampal spiking activity, and suggest the possibility of tonic control of hippocampal excitability exerted by the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

Catfish detect and identify invisible prey by sensing their ultra-weak electric fields with electroreceptors. Any neuron that deals with small-amplitude input has to overcome sensitivity limitations arising from inherent threshold non-linearities in spike-generation mechanisms. Many sensory cells solve this issue with stochastic resonance, in which a moderate amount of intrinsic noise causes irregular spontaneous spiking activity with a probability that is modulated by the input signal. Here we show that catfish electroreceptors have adopted a fundamentally different strategy. Using a reverse correlation technique in which we take spike interval durations into account, we show that the electroreceptors generate a supra-threshold bias current that results in quasi-periodically produced spikes. In this regime stimuli modulate the interval between successive spikes rather than the instantaneous probability for a spike. This alternative for stochastic resonance combines threshold-free sensitivity for weak stimuli with similar sensitivity for excitations and inhibitions based on single interspike intervals.  相似文献   

Multi-electrode array recordings of spike and local field potential (LFP) activity were made from primary auditory cortex of 12 normal hearing, ketamine-anesthetized cats. We evaluated 259 spectro-temporal receptive fields (STRFs) and 492 frequency-tuning curves (FTCs) based on LFPs and spikes simultaneously recorded on the same electrode. We compared their characteristic frequency (CF) gradients and their cross-correlation distances. The CF gradient for spike-based FTCs was about twice that for 2-40 Hz-filtered LFP-based FTCs, indicating greatly reduced frequency selectivity for LFPs. We also present comparisons for LFPs band-pass filtered between 4-8 Hz, 8-16 Hz and 16-40 Hz, with spike-based STRFs, on the basis of their marginal frequency distributions. We find on average a significantly larger correlation between the spike based marginal frequency distributions and those based on the 16-40 Hz filtered LFP, compared to those based on the 4-8 Hz, 8-16 Hz and 2-40 Hz filtered LFP. This suggests greater frequency specificity for the 16-40 Hz LFPs compared to those of lower frequency content. For spontaneous LFP and spike activity we evaluated 1373 pair correlations for pairs with >200 spikes in 900 s per electrode. Peak correlation-coefficient space constants were similar for the 2-40 Hz filtered LFP (5.5 mm) and the 16-40 Hz LFP (7.4 mm), whereas for spike-pair correlations it was about half that, at 3.2 mm. Comparing spike-pairs with 2-40 Hz (and 16-40 Hz) LFP-pair correlations showed that about 16% (9%) of the variance in the spike-pair correlations could be explained from LFP-pair correlations recorded on the same electrodes within the same electrode array. This larger correlation distance combined with the reduced CF gradient and much broader frequency selectivity suggests that LFPs are not a substitute for spike activity in primary auditory cortex.  相似文献   

Cortical pyramidal cells fire single spikes and complex spike bursts. However, neither the conditions necessary for triggering complex spikes, nor their computational function are well understood. CA1 pyramidal cell burst activity was examined in behaving rats. The fraction of bursts was not reliably higher in place field centers, but rather in places where discharge frequency was 6-7 Hz. Burst probability was lower and bursts were shorter after recent spiking activity than after prolonged periods of silence (100 ms-1 s). Burst initiation probability and burst length were correlated with extracellular spike amplitude and with intracellular action potential rising slope. We suggest that bursts may function as "conditional synchrony detectors," signaling strong afferent synchrony after neuronal silence, and that single spikes triggered by a weak input may suppress bursts evoked by a subsequent strong input.  相似文献   

1. A system has been developed for using IBM PC-compatible computers in combination with a Grafitek Data Logging Interface to record spike trains on magentic discs for later analysis. 2. The times and amplitudes of spikes detected on two input channels are recorded, together with a third channel containing information on computer-generated stimuli and keyboard-activated event markers. In excess of 50,000 spikes can be recorded with a computer having 640 k of Random Access Memory. 3. The recorded spike trains can be reconstructed on the computer monitor and keyboard-controlled window discriminators can be used to select the spikes for analysis by amplitude. 4. The same recorded data can be analysed to produce displays of spike count against time, amplitude histograms, inter-spike interval histograms, peri-stimulus time histograms(PSTH), raster displays and auto- and cross-correlations between activity on the two channels. Each spike is identified by number, allowing easy location of the start and finish of the section of data to be analysed, and the PSTH, raster and correlation analyses allow pretriggering to investigate event occurring before stimulation. 5. The axes of the displays histograms can be adjusted to produce optimum displays, and hard copy can be produced on dot matrix printers or digital plotters. 6. Quantitative analysis enables comparison between different recordings and treatments.  相似文献   

Relationships between spiking-neuron and rate-based approaches to the dynamics of neural assemblies are explored by analyzing a model system that can be treated by both methods, with the rate-based method further averaged over multiple neurons to give a neural-field approach. The system consists of a chain of neurons, each with simple spiking dynamics that has a known rate-based equivalent. The neurons are linked by propagating activity that is described in terms of a spatial interaction strength with temporal delays that reflect distances between neurons; feedback via a separate delay loop is also included because such loops also exist in real brains. These interactions are described using a spatiotemporal coupling function that can carry either spikes or rates to provide coupling between neurons. Numerical simulation of corresponding spike- and rate-based methods with these compatible couplings then allows direct comparison between the dynamics arising from these approaches. The rate-based dynamics can reproduce two different forms of oscillation that are present in the spike-based model: spiking rates of individual neurons and network-induced modulations of spiking rate that occur if network interactions are sufficiently strong. Depending on conditions either mode of oscillation can dominate the spike-based dynamics and in some situations, particularly when the ratio of the frequencies of these two modes is integer or half-integer, the two can both be present and interact with each other.  相似文献   

In stochastic resonance (SR), the presence of noise helps a nonlinear system amplify a weak (sub-threshold) signal. Chaotic resonance (CR) is a phenomenon similar to SR but without stochastic noise, which has been observed in neural systems. However, no study to date has investigated and compared the characteristics and performance of the signal responses of a spiking neural system in some chaotic states in CR. In this paper, we focus on the Izhikevich neuron model, which can reproduce major spike patterns that have been experimentally observed. We examine and classify the chaotic characteristics of this model by using Lyapunov exponents with a saltation matrix and Poincaré section methods in order to address the measurement challenge posed by the state-dependent jump in the resetting process. We found the existence of two distinctive states, a chaotic state involving primarily turbulent movement and an intermittent chaotic state. In order to assess the signal responses of CR in these classified states, we introduced an extended Izhikevich neuron model by considering weak periodic signals, and defined the cycle histogram of neuron spikes as well as the corresponding mutual correlation and information. Through computer simulations, we confirmed that both chaotic states in CR can sensitively respond to weak signals. Moreover, we found that the intermittent chaotic state exhibited a prompter response than the chaotic state with primarily turbulent movement.  相似文献   

Neuronal variability plays a central role in neural coding and impacts the dynamics of neuronal networks. Unreliability of synaptic transmission is a major source of neural variability: synaptic neurotransmitter vesicles are released probabilistically in response to presynaptic action potentials and are recovered stochastically in time. The dynamics of this process of vesicle release and recovery interacts with variability in the arrival times of presynaptic spikes to shape the variability of the postsynaptic response. We use continuous time Markov chain methods to analyze a model of short term synaptic depression with stochastic vesicle dynamics coupled with three different models of presynaptic spiking: one model in which the timing of presynaptic action potentials are modeled as a Poisson process, one in which action potentials occur more regularly than a Poisson process (sub-Poisson) and one in which action potentials occur more irregularly (super-Poisson). We use this analysis to investigate how variability in a presynaptic spike train is transformed by short term depression and stochastic vesicle dynamics to determine the variability of the postsynaptic response. We find that sub-Poisson presynaptic spiking increases the average rate at which vesicles are released, that the number of vesicles released over a time window is more variable for smaller time windows than larger time windows and that fast presynaptic spiking gives rise to Poisson-like variability of the postsynaptic response even when presynaptic spike times are non-Poisson. Our results complement and extend previously reported theoretical results and provide possible explanations for some trends observed in recorded data.  相似文献   

The non-spiking neurons 151 are present as bilateral pairs in each midbody ganglion of the leech nervous system and they are electrically coupled to several motorneurons. Intracellular recordings were used to investigate how these neurons process input from the mechanosensory P neurons in isolated ganglia. Induction of spike trains (15 Hz) in single P cells evoked responses that combined depolarizing and hyperpolarizing phases in cells 151. The phasic depolarizations, transmitted through spiking interneurons, reversed at around -20 mV. The hyperpolarization had two components, both reversing at around -65 mV, and which were inhibited by strychnine (10 micromol l(-1)). The faster component was transmitted through spiking interneurons and the slower component through a direct P-151 interaction. Short trains (<400 ms) of P cell spikes (15 Hz) evoked the phasic depolarizations superimposed on the hyperpolarization, while long spike trains (>500 ms) produced a succession of depolarizations that masked the hyperpolarizing phase. The amplitude and duration of the hyperpolarization reached their maximum at the initial spikes in a train, while the depolarizations persisted throughout the duration of the stimulus train. Both phases of the response were relatively unaffected by the spike frequency (5-25 Hz). The non-spiking neurons 151 processed the sensory signals in the temporal rather than in the amplitude domain.  相似文献   

This paper describes two approaches for sensing changes in spiking cells when only a limited amount of spike data is available, i.e., dynamically constructed local expansion rates and spike area distributions. The two methods were tested on time series from cultured neuron cells that exhibit spiking both autonomously and in the presence of periodic stimulation. Our tested hypothesis was that minute concentrations of toxins could affect the local statistics of the dynamics. Short data sets having relatively few spikes were generated from experiments on cells before and after being treated with a small concentration of channel blocker. In spontaneous spiking cells, local expansion rates show a sensitivity that correlates with channel concentration level, while stimulated cells show no such correlation. Spike area distributions on the other hand showed measurable differences between control and treated conditions for both types of spiking, and a much higher degree of sensitivity. Because these methods are based on analysis of short time series analysis, they might provide novel means for cell drug and toxin detection.  相似文献   

The field of recurrent neural networks is over-populated by a variety of proposed learning rules and protocols. The scope of this work is to define a generalized framework, to move a step forward towards the unification of this fragmented scenario. In the field of supervised learning, two opposite approaches stand out, error-based and target-based. This duality gave rise to a scientific debate on which learning framework is the most likely to be implemented in biological networks of neurons. Moreover, the existence of spikes raises the question of whether the coding of information is rate-based or spike-based. To face these questions, we proposed a learning model with two main parameters, the rank of the feedback learning matrix R and the tolerance to spike timing τ. We demonstrate that a low (high) rank R accounts for an error-based (target-based) learning rule, while high (low) tolerance to spike timing promotes rate-based (spike-based) coding. We show that in a store and recall task, high-ranks allow for lower MSE values, while low-ranks enable a faster convergence. Our framework naturally lends itself to Behavioral Cloning and allows for efficiently solving relevant closed-loop tasks, investigating what parameters (R,τ) are optimal to solve a specific task. We found that a high R is essential for tasks that require retaining memory for a long time (Button and Food). On the other hand, this is not relevant for a motor task (the 2D Bipedal Walker). In this case, we find that precise spike-based coding enables optimal performances. Finally, we show that our theoretical formulation allows for defining protocols to estimate the rank of the feedback error in biological networks. We release a PyTorch implementation of our model supporting GPU parallelization.  相似文献   

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