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The alignment of the 28S gene of several species of Pezizales allowed to select two pairs of primers able to amplify the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA in mycorrhizal fungi, such as truffles. The higher yield of the amplification product demonstrates a better annealing of the new primers to the rDNA, as compared to the universal primers internal transcribed spacer 1 and internal transcribed spacer 4. Therefore, the new primers can be used as an easier and more sensitive tool for the identification of truffle species in any stage of their life cycle, including the mycorrhizal phase.  相似文献   

Hu M  Jex AR  Campbell BE  Gasser RB 《Nature protocols》2007,2(10):2339-2344
Exploring mitochondrial (mt) genomes has significant implications for various fundamental research areas, including mt biochemistry and physiology, and, importantly, such genomes provide a rich source of markers for population genetics and systematic studies. Although some progress has been made, there is a paucity of information on mt genomes for many metazoan organisms, particularly invertebrates such as parasitic helminths, which relates mainly to the technical limitations associated with sequencing from tiny amounts of material. In this article, we describe a practical long PCR approach for the amplification and subsequent sequencing of the entire mt genome from individual helminths, which overcomes these limitations. The protocol includes the isolation of genomic DNA, long PCR amplification, electrophoresis and sequencing, and takes approximately 1-3 weeks to carry out. The present user-friendly, cost-effective approach has demonstrated utility to the study of a range of parasites, and has the potential to be applied to a wide range of organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract:The identity of photobionts from 20 species of the Physciaceae from different habitats and geographical regions has been determined by ITS rDNA sequence comparisons in order to estimate the diversity of photobionts within that lichen group, to detect patterns of specificity of mycobionts towards their photobionts and as a part of an ongoing study to investigate possible parallel cladogenesis of both symbionts. Algal-specific PCR primers have been used to determine the ITS rDNA sequences from DNA extractions of dried lichens that were up to 5 years old. Direct comparisons and phylogenetic analyses allowed the assignment of Physciaceae photobionts to four distinct clades in the photobiont ITS rDNA phylogeny. The results indicate a diversity within the genus Trebouxia Puymaly and Physciaceae photobionts that is higher than expected on the basis of morphology alone. Physciaceae photobionts belonged to 12 different ITS lineages of which nine could unambiguously be assigned to six morphospecies of Trebouxia. The identity of the remaining three sequences was not clarified; they may represent new species. Specificity at the generic level was low as a whole range of photobiont species were found within a genus of Physciaceae and different ranges were detected. The photobionts ofPhyscia (Schreb.) Michaux were closely related and represented one morphospecies of Trebouxia, whereas the algal partners of Buellia De Not and Rinodina (Ach.) S. Gray were in distant lineages of the ITS phylogeny and from several Trebouxia morphospecies. Photobiont variation within a genus of Physciaceae may be due to phylogeny, geographical distance or because photobionts from neighbouring lichens were taken (‘algal sharing’). At the species level Physciaceae mycobionts seem to be rather selective and contained photobionts that were very closely related within one morphospecies of Trebouxia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Amplification and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA genes from DNA samples extracted directly from the environment allows the study of microbial diversity in natural ecosystems without the need for cultivation. In this study this methodology has been applied to two coastal lagoons. Activity and numbers of heterotrophic bacteria have indicated that, as expected, Prévost lagoon (located on the French Mediterranean coast) is more eutrophic than that of the Arcachon Bay (French Atlantic coast). Analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that, in both environments, a relatively large number of clones related to Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroides as well as to α-Proteobacteria were found. One hundred percent similarity with the sequences of the data bases were not found for any of the more than a hundred clones studied, in fact for most clones maximum similarity was below 95% for the approx. 200 bases sequenced. Similarity was not higher with any of the sequences found for the 14 isolates (pure cultures) obtained from the same samples. Redundancy, i.e. number of identical sequences, was higher in the samples from Arcachon. In addition, sequences related to representatives of ten major phylogenetic branches of Bacteria were obtained from Prévost lagoon; however only five branches were represented by the data from Arcachon. These findings indicated a higher bacterial phylogenetic diversity in the Prévost lagoon.  相似文献   

Next-generation amplicon sequencing is a powerful tool in ecological studies of fungi. Technological development suggests that short fragment high-throughput techniques, e.g. Illumina, will gain importance in fungal community analyses. Thus there is a need for short (250 bp) and informative molecular identifiers. Here we compared ITS1 vs. ITS2 rDNA using empirical data from a study of hyperdiverse leaf-associated fungal communities. Our results suggest that ITS2 may be more variable and recovers more of the molecular diversity. We confirm an earlier in silico study showing that ITS1 and ITS2 yielded somewhat different taxonomic community compositions when blasted against public databases. However, we demonstrate that both ITS1 and ITS2 reveal similar patterns in community structure when analyzed in a community ecology context.  相似文献   

We have designed two original sets of oligonucleotide primers hybridizing the relatively conserved motifs within the immunoglobulin signal sequences of each of the 15 heavy chain and 18 kappa light chain gene families. Comparison of these 5' primers with the immunoglobulin signal sequences referenced in the Kabat database suggests that these oligonucleotide primers should hybridize with 89.4% of the 428 mouse heavy chain signal sequences and with 91.8% of the 320 kappa light chain signal sequences with no mismatch. Following PCR amplification using the designed primers and direct sequencing of the amplified products, we obtained full-length variable sequences belonging to major (V(H)1, V(H)2, V(H)3, Vkappa1 and Vkappa21) but also small-sized (V(H)9, V(H)14, Vkappa2, Vkappa9A/9B, Vkappa12/13, Vkappa23 and Vkappa33/34) gene families, from nine murine monoclonal antibodies. This strategy could be a powerful tool for antibody sequence assessment whatever the V gene family before humanization of mouse monoclonal antibody or identification of paratope-derived peptides.  相似文献   

PCR-RFLP patterns of four isolates of Trichinella for rDNA ITS1 region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have studied the genetic differences among four isolates of Trichinella including a new strain of Trichinella spiralis (ISS 623) recently found from a human case who took a badger in Korea. Because they have a different host origin and came from geographically separated regions, we supposed the genetic pattern of the isolates might be different as had been previously reported. It was analysed by PCR-RFLP analysis of the rDNA repeat that can readily distinguish a species or strain from others. Isolated genomic DNA of each isolate of Trichinella larvae was amplified with ITS1 specific primers and digested with restriction endonucleases. The PCR product of ITS1 was confirmed using Southern blot analysis to be a 910 bp fragment. The restriction fragments of each isolate had variable patterns when it was digested with Rsa 1 only. According to the RFLP patterns, the estimated genetic divergence between each isolate was different. In conclusion, four isolates of Trichinella including a new strain of T. spiralis obtained from a Korean patient may have genetic differences in the ITS1 region and the Shanghai isolate was genetically more similar to the Japanese unknown isolate than others in the ITS1 region.  相似文献   

分离自蚊幼虫的腐霉一新种及其rDNA的ITS区段分析   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
苏晓庆 《菌物学报》2006,25(4):523-528
在一次室外蚊虫生物防治实验中,从被病菌感染的蚊幼虫体中分离到一株卵菌。根据其形态特征及其rDNA的ITS区段的碱基系列,鉴定为腐霉属一新种,命名为贵阳腐霉Pythiumguiyangense。对新种作了拉丁文描述。对新种与其近似种卡地腐霉P.carolinianum、奇雄腐霉P.middletonii和多卵腐霉P.multisporum的区别进行了讨论。模式标本(干培养物)保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS),活培养物保存在贵阳医学院。  相似文献   

Abstract The size of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as measured by gel electrophoresis of PCR products, amplified by primers ITS1 and ITS4, was over 800 bp for all Saccharomyces sensu stricto species, but yeasts belonging to other Saccharomyces species had a shorter ITS region, making this characteristic potentially useful in the identification of Saccharomyces isolates. The ITS product length was homogeneous within the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae .  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the Taxaceae genera and the monotypic family Cephalotaxaceae has been extraordinarily controversial. In this paper chloroplast matK genes and nuclear ITS sequences were determined for all six genera of the two families and representatives of other conifer families. Analysis using either the nonsynonymous sites or the deduced amino acid sequences of matK genes strongly indicates that taxad genera and Cephalotaxaceae are monophyletic, with the Taxodiaceae/Cupressaceae clade as their sister group. Cephalotaxus is basal to the taxad genera, among which two clades, Torreya/Amentotaxus and Taxus/Pseudotaxus/Austrotaxus, are resolved. They correspond to Janchen's two tribes, Torreyeae and Taxeae. In Taxeae, Austrotaxus is the first to branch off. Analyses of the nuclear ITS sequence data corroborated the topology of the matK gene tree. These results refute the views that Cephalotaxaceae has no alliance with Taxaceae and that Austrotaxus and Amentotaxus should be excluded from the Taxaceae. We estimated the divergence time between the Taxodiaceae/Cupressaceae and the Cephalotaxaceae/Taxaceae clades to be 192-230 Myr ago and the divergence time between taxads and Cephalotaxus to be 149-179 Myr ago. Soon after the latter divergence event, within 6-8 Myr, the two taxad tribes originated. In conclusion, our data do not support Florin's claim that taxads could be traced to Devonian psilophytes (359-395 Myr ago).  相似文献   

PCR primer sets were developed for the specific amplification and sequence analyses encoding the gyrase subunit B (gyrB) of members of the family Microbacteriaceae, class Actinobacteria. The family contains species highly related by 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses. In order to test if the gene sequence analysis of gyrB is appropriate to discriminate between closely related species, we evaluate the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny of its members. As the published universal primer set for gyrB failed to amplify the responding gene of the majority of the 80 type strains of the family, three new primer sets were identified that generated fragments with a composite sequence length of about 900 nt. However, the amplification of all three fragments was successful only in 25% of the 80 type strains. In this study, the substitution frequencies in genes encoding gyrase and 16S rDNA were compared for 10 strains of nine genera. The frequency of gyrB nucleotide substitution is significantly higher than that of the 16S rDNA, and no linear correlation exists between the similarities of both molecules among members of the Microbacteriaceae. The phylogenetic analyses using the gyrB sequences provide higher resolution than using 16S rDNA sequences and seem able to discriminate between closely related species.  相似文献   

目的通过对1例“脂膜炎”患者外周血分离株的表型及分子生物学鉴定,报道国内首例皮瘤丝孢酵母菌血症。方法采集患者的血及鼻咽结节组织标本通过真菌培养获得分离株,经沙氏培养基、马铃薯培养基、科玛嘉念珠菌显色培养后形态学观察及API 20C AUX系统鉴定,最后经PCR扩增rDNA基因测序证实。采用CLSI制定的M27-A2微量稀释法对病原菌株进行7种药物的体外药敏试验。结果分离株通过表型和分子生物学鉴定为“皮瘤丝孢酵母”。药敏结果显示菌株对两性霉素B耐药,氟康唑、伏立康唑、伊曲康唑、5-氟胞嘧啶敏感。卡泊芬净的抑菌浓度较低,而米卡芬净的抑菌浓度相对较高。患者因多种并发症死亡。结论皮瘤丝孢酵母引起的真菌血症为我国首例报道。API 20C AUX酵母鉴定系统可作为鉴定皮瘤丝孢酵母快速而简便的方法。通过分子生物学DNA序列检测分析能鉴定皮瘤丝孢酵母。  相似文献   

The discovery of RFLPs and their utilization as genetic markers has revolutionized research in human molecular genetics. However, only a fraction of the DNA sequence polymorphisms in the human genome affect the length of a restriction fragment and hence result in an RFLP. Polymorphisms that are not detected as RFLPs are typically passed over in the screening process though they represent a potentially important source of informative genetic markers. We have used a rapid method for the detection of naturally occurring DNA sequence variations that is based on enzymatic amplification and direct sequencing of genomic DNA. This approach can detect essentially all useful sequence variations within the region screened. We demonstrate the feasibility of the technique by applying it to the human retinoblastoma susceptibility locus. We screened 3,712 bp of genomic DNA from each of nine individuals and found four DNA sequence polymorphisms. At least one of these DNA sequence polymorphisms was informative in each of three families with hereditary retinoblastoma that were not informative with any of the known RFLPs at this locus. We believe that direct sequencing is a reasonable alternative to other methods of screening for DNA sequence polymorphisms and that it represents a step forward for obtaining informative markers at well-characterized loci that have been minimally informative in the past.  相似文献   

I described the development of degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for intron‐containing regions of nine candidate wing patterning and pigmentation genes in Heliconius butterflies. Primers were developed by comparing sequence data from Drosophila melanogaster, Precis coenia, and a variety of other insects so they are likely to be applicable widely among the butterfly family Nymphalidae and perhaps Lepidoptera in general. The amplified regions are highly variable and should be useful for inferring relationships among closely related species and estimating the phylogeographical and population genetic structure of individual species.  相似文献   

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