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Genetic approaches have proved to be extremely useful in dissecting the complex nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium-legume endosymbiotic association. Here we describe a novel Medicago truncatula mutant called api, whose primary phenotype is the blockage of rhizobial infection just prior to nodule primordium invasion, leading to the formation of large infection pockets within the cortex of noninvaded root outgrowths. The mutant api originally was identified as a double symbiotic mutant associated with a new allele (nip-3) of the NIP/LATD gene, following the screening of an ethylmethane sulphonate-mutagenized population. Detailed characterization of the segregating single api mutant showed that rhizobial infection is also defective at the earlier stage of infection thread (IT) initiation in root hairs, as well as later during IT growth in the small percentage of nodules which overcome the primordium invasion block. Neither modulating ethylene biosynthesis (with L-alpha-(2-aminoethoxyvinylglycine or 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid) nor reducing ethylene sensitivity in a skl genetic background alters the basic api phenotype, suggesting that API function is not closely linked to ethylene metabolism or signaling. Genetic mapping places the API gene on the upper arm of the M. truncatula linkage group 4, and epistasis analyses show that API functions downstream of BIT1/ERN1 and LIN and upstream of NIP/LATD and the DNF genes.  相似文献   

The relationships between symbiotic performance and nodular antioxidant enzymes were studied for the associations between three Medicago truncatula lines and three Sinorhizobium meliloti strains. The results showed that the variability in symbiotic efficiency was dependent on the bacterial partner, host plant and their interaction. The contribution of each factor to the total amount of variance differed with the measured parameter. The aerial biomass production and nitrogen-fixing capacity were affected similarly by the three factors, whereas root and nodule biomass and catalase (CAT, E.C., guaiacol peroxidase (POX, E.C. and ascorbate peroxidase (APX, E.C. antioxidant activities were mainly influenced by the M. truncatula line. The nodule number was dependent on the bacterial strain, and superoxide dismutase (SOD, E.C. was dependent mainly on the plant–rhizobium interaction. A highly significant correlation was found between nitrogen-fixing activity, shoot biomass production, total nodule protein content and catalase activity. The other nodular antioxidant enzymes were differentially expressed between associations and showed no clear correlation with symbiotic efficiency.  相似文献   

Analysis of Medicago truncatula nodule expressed sequence tags   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Systematic sequencing of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) can give a global picture of the assembly of genes involved in the development and function of organs. Indeterminate nodules representing different stages of the developmental program are especially suited to the study of organogenesis. With the vector lambdaHybriZAP, a cDNA library was constructed from emerging nodules of Medicago truncatula induced by Sinorhizobium meliloti. The 5' ends of 389 cDNA clones were sequenced, then these ESTs were analyzed both by sequence homology search and by studying their expression in roots and nodules. Two hundred fifty-six ESTs exhibited significant similarities to characterized data base entries and 40 of them represented 26 nodulin genes, while 133 had no similarity to sequences with known function. Only 60 out of the 389 cDNA clones corresponded to previously submitted M. truncatula EST sequences. For 117 cDNAs, reverse Northern (RNA) hybridization with root and nodule RNA probes revealed enhanced expression in the nodule, 48 clones are likely to code for novel nodulins, 33 cDNAs are clones of already known nodulin genes, and 36 clones exhibit similarity to other characterized genes. Thus, systematic analysis of the EST sequences and their expression patterns is a powerful way to identify nodule-specific and nodulation-related genes.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a new Medicago truncatula hyper-nodulation mutant, designated sunn (super numeric nodules). Similar to the previously described ethylene-insensitive mutant sickle, sunn exhibits a 10-fold increase in the number of nodules within the primary nodulation zone. Despite this general similarity, these two mutants are readily distinguished based on anatomical, genetic, physiological, and molecular criteria. In contrast to sickle, where insensitivity to ethylene is thought to be causal to the hyper-nodulation phenotype (R.V. Penmetsa, D.R. Cook [1997] Science 275: 527-530), nodulation in sunn is normally sensitive to ethylene. Nevertheless, sunn exhibits seedling root growth that is insensitive to ethylene, although other aspects of the ethylene triple response are normal; these observations suggest that hormonal responses might condition the sunn phenotype in a manner distinct from sickle. The two mutants also differ in the anatomy of the nodulation zone: Successful infection and nodule development in sunn occur predominantly opposite xylem poles, similar to wild type. In sickle, however, both infection and nodulation occur randomly throughout the circumference of the developing root. Genetic analysis indicates that sunn and sickle correspond to separate and unlinked loci, whereas the sunn/skl double mutant exhibits a novel and additive super-nodulation phenotype. Taken together, these results suggest a working hypothesis wherein sunn and sickle define distinct genetic pathways, with skl regulating the number and distribution of successful infection events, and sunn regulating nodule organogenesis.  相似文献   

Phytopathogen infection alters primary metabolism status and plant development. The alternative oxidase (AOX) has been hypothesized to increase under pathogen attack preventing reductions, thus optimizing photosynthesis and growth. In this study, two genotypes of Medicago truncatula, one relatively resistant (Jemalong A17) and one susceptible (TN1.11), were infected with Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani. The in vivo foliar respiratory activities of the cytochrome oxidase pathway (COP) and the alternative oxidase pathway (AOP) were measured using the oxygen isotope fractionation. Gas exchange and photosynthesis-related parameters were measured and calculated together with antioxidant enzymes activities and organic acids contents. Our results show that the in vivo activity of AOX (valt) plays a role under fungal infection. When infected with R. solani, the increase of valt in A17 was concomitant to an increase in net assimilation, in mesophyll conductance, to an improvement in the maximum velocity of Rubisco carboxylation and to unchanged malate content. However, under F. oxysporum infection, the induced valt was accompanied by an enhancement in the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC1.15.1.1), catalase (CAT; EC1.11.1.6) and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX; EC1.11.1.7), activities and to an unchanged tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates. These results provide new insight into the role of the in vivo activity of AOX in coordinating primary metabolism interactions that, partly, modulate the relative resistance of M. truncatula to diseases caused by soil-borne pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

PRAF proteins are present in all plants, but their functions remain unclear. We investigated the role of one member of the PRAF family, MtZR1, on the development of roots and nitrogen‐fixing nodules in Medicago truncatula. We found that MtZR1 was expressed in all M. truncatula organs. Spatiotemporal analysis showed that MtZR1 expression in M. truncatula roots was mostly limited to the root meristem and the vascular bundles of mature nodules. MtZR1 expression in root nodules was down‐regulated in response to various abiotic stresses known to affect nitrogen fixation efficiency. The down‐regulation of MtZR1 expression by RNA interference in transgenic roots decreased root growth and impaired nodule development and function. MtZR1 overexpression resulted in longer roots and significant changes to nodule development. Our data thus indicate that MtZR1 is involved in the development of roots and nodules. To our knowledge, this work provides the first in vivo experimental evidence of a biological role for a typical PRAF protein in plants.  相似文献   

The effects of sewage sludges were investigated on the symbiotic interactions between the model plant Medicago truncatula and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae or the rhizobial bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti. By comparison to a control sludge showing positive effects on plant growth and root symbioses, sludges enriched with polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons or heavy metals were deleterious. Symbiosis-related proteins were detected and identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, and image analysis was used to study the effects of sewage sludges on M. truncatula symbiotic proteome.  相似文献   

Medicago spp. are able to develop root nodules via symbiotic interaction with Sinorhizobium meliloti. Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are involved in various signalling pathways in plants, and we found that expression of MtCPK3, a CDPK isoform present in roots of the model legume Medicago truncatula, is regulated during the nodulation process. Early inductions were detected 15 min and 3-4 days post-inoculation (dpi). The very early induction of CPK3 messengers was also present in inoculated M. truncatula dmi mutants and in wild-type roots subjected to salt stress, indicating that this rapid response is probably stress-related. In contrast, the later response was concomitant with cortical cell division and the formation of nodule primordia, and was not observed in wild-type roots inoculated with nod (-) strains. This late induction correlated with a change in the subcellular distribution of CDPK activities. Accordingly, an anti-MtCPK3 antibody detected two bands in soluble root extracts and one in the particulate fraction. CPK3::GFP fusions are targeted to the plasma membrane in epidermal onion cells, a localization that depends on myristoylation and palmitoylation sites of the protein, suggesting a dual subcellular localization. MtCPK3 mRNA and protein were also up-regulated by cytokinin treatment, a hormone linked to the regulation of cortical cell division and other nodulation-related responses. An RNAi-CDPK construction was used to silence CPK3 in Agrobacterium rhizogenes-transformed roots. Although no major phenotype was detected in these roots, when infected with rhizobia, the total number of nodules was, on average, twofold higher than in controls. This correlates with the lack of MtCPK3 induction in the inoculated super-nodulator sunn mutant. Our results suggest that CPK3 participates in the regulation of the symbiotic interaction.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origins of legume root nodules are largely unknown. We have identified a gene, LATD, of the model legume Medicago truncatula, that is required for both nodule and root development, suggesting that these two developmental processes may share a common evolutionary origin. The latd mutant plants initiate nodule formation but do not complete it, resulting in immature, non-nitrogen-fixing nodules. Similarly, lateral roots initiate, but remain short stumps. The primary root, which initially appears to be wild type, gradually ceases growth and forms an abnormal tip that resembles that of the mutant lateral roots. Infection by the rhizobial partner, Sinorhizobium meliloti, can occur, although infection is rarely completed. Once inside latd mutant nodules, S. meliloti fails to express rhizobial genes associated with the developmental transition from free-living bacterium to endosymbiont, such as bacA and nex38. The infecting rhizobia also fail to express nifH and fix nitrogen. Thus, both plant and bacterial development are blocked in latd mutant roots. Based on the latd mutant phenotype, we propose that the wild-type function of the LATD gene is to maintain root meristems. The strong requirement of both nodules and lateral roots for wild-type LATD gene function supports lateral roots as a possible evolutionary origin for legume nodules.  相似文献   

? Responses of the Medicago truncatula-Sinorhizobium interaction to variation in N?-fixation of the bacterial partner were investigated. ? Split-root systems were used to discriminate between local responses, at the site of interaction with bacteria, and systemic responses related to the whole plant N status. ? The lack of N acquisition by a half-root system nodulated with a nonfixing rhizobium triggers a compensatory response enabling the other half-root system nodulated with N?-fixing partners to compensate the local N limitation. This response is mediated by a stimulation of nodule development (number and size) and involves a systemic signaling mechanism related to the plant N demand. In roots co-infected with poorly and highly efficient strains, partner choice for nodule formation was not modulated by the plant N status. However, the plant N demand induced preferential expansion of nodules formed with the most efficient partners when the symbiotic organs were functional. The response of nodule expansion was associated with the stimulation of symbiotic plant cell multiplication and of bacteroid differentiation. ? A general model where local and systemic N signaling mechanisms modulate interactions between Medicago truncatula and its Sinorhizobium partners is proposed.  相似文献   

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