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Previously, an interspecific cross between Fusarium circinatum and Fusarium subglutinans was used to generate a genetic linkage map. A ca. 55 % of genotyped markers displayed transmission ratio distortion (TRD) that demonstrated a genome-wide distribution. The working hypothesis for this study was that TRD would be non-randomly distributed throughout the genetic linkage map. This would indicate the presence of distorting loci. Using a genome-wide threshold of α = 0.01, 79 markers displaying TRD were distributed on all 12 linkage groups (LGs). Eleven putative transmission ratio distortion loci (TRDLs), spanning eight LGs, were identified in regions containing three or more adjacent markers displaying distortion. No epistatic interactions were observed between these TRDLs. Thus, it is uncertain whether the genome-wide TRD was due to linkage between markers and genomic regions causing distortion. The parental origins of markers followed a non-random distribution throughout the linkage map, with LGs containing stretches of markers originating from only one parent. Thus, due to the nature of the interspecific cross, the current hypothesis to explain these observations is that the observed genome-wide segregation was caused by the high level of genomic divergence between the parental isolates. Therefore, homologous chromosomes do not align properly during meiosis, resulting in aberrant transmission of markers. This also explains previous observations of the preferential transmission of F. subglutinans alleles to the F1 progeny.  相似文献   

Several isolates of three Fusarium species associated with the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex were characterized for their ability to synthesize gibberellins (GAs): Fusarium sacchari (mating population B), Fusarium konzum (mating population I) and Fusarium subglutinans (mating population E). Of these, F. sacchari is phylogenetically related to Fusarium fujikuroi and is grouped in the Asian clade of the complex, while F. konzum and F. subglutinans are only distantly related to Fusarium fujikuroi and belong to the American clade. Variability was found between the different F. sacchari strains tested. Five isolates (B-12756; B-1732, B-7610, B-1721 and B-1797) were active in GA biosynthesis and accumulated GA3 in the culture fluid (2.76–28.4 μg/mL), while two others (B-3828 and B-1725) were inactive. GA3 levels in strain B-12756 increased by 2.9 times upon complementation with ggs2 and cps-ks genes from F. fujikuroi. Of six F. konzum isolates tested, three (I-10653; I-11616; I-11893) synthesized GAs, mainly GA1, at a low level (less than 0.1 μg/mL). Non-producing F. konzum strains contained no GA oxidase activities as found for the two F. subglutinans strains tested. These results indicate that the ability to produce GAs is present in other species of the G. fujikuroi complex beside F. fujikuroi, but might differ significantly in different isolates of the same species.  相似文献   

The deep ocean supports a highly diverse and mostly endemic fauna, yet little is known about how or where new species form in this remote ecosystem. How speciation occurs is especially intriguing in the deep sea because few obvious barriers exist that would disrupt gene flow. Geographic and bathymetric patterns of genetic variation can provide key insights into how and where new species form. We quantified the population genetic structure of a protobranch bivalve, Neilonella salicensis, along a depth gradient (2200–3800 m) in the western North Atlantic using both nuclear (28S and calmodulin intron) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) loci. A sharp genetic break occurred for each locus between populations above 2800 m and below 3200 m, defining two distinct clades with no nuclear or mitochondrial haplotypes shared between depth regimes. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses provided strong support for two clades, separated by depth, within N. salicensis. Although no morphological divergence was apparent, we suggest that the depth‐related population genetic and phylogenetic divergence is indicative of a cryptic species. The frequent occurrence of various stages of divergence associated with species formation along bathymetric gradients suggests that depth, and the environmental gradients that attend changes in depth, probably play a fundamental role in the diversification of marine organisms, especially in deep water. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 897–913.  相似文献   

The Gibberella fujikuroi complex includes many plant pathogens of agricultural crops and trees, all of which have anamorphs assigned to the genus Fusarium. In this study, an interspecific hybrid cross between Gibberella circinata and Gibberella subglutinans was used to compile a genetic linkage map. A framework map was constructed using a total of 578 AFLP markers together with the mating type (MAT-1 and MAT-2) genes and the histone (H3) gene. Twelve major linkage groups were identified (n=12). Fifty percent of the markers showed significant deviation from the expected 1:1 transmission ratio in a haploid F(1) cross (P <0.05). The transmission of the markers on the linkage map was biased towards alleles of the G. subglutinans parent, with an estimated 60% of the genome of F(1) individuals contributed by this parent. This map will serve as a powerful tool to study the genetic architecture of interspecific differentiation and pathogenicity in the two parental genomes.  相似文献   

Fusarium subglutinans (Wollenweber and Reinking) Nelson et al. was found to produce intracellular milk-clotting enzyme (MCE) with good milk-clotting activity (MCA). The crude activity of the produced enzyme was recorded as optimum at 55 degrees C and pH 4.5. The highest yield i.e. 78.43 SU/mg dry biomass was obtained after 4 days of rotary shaking at 30 degrees C when the fermentation medium containes wheat flour 2%, glucose 1% and (NH4)2SO4 0.1% with an initial pH value 6.0. Under these conditions, the maximum ratio of MCA to proteolytic activity (PA) amounting to 603.31 SU/PU mg(-1) was also achieved. Production of intracellular MCE by F. subglutinans was assumed to be active growth-associated type. This enzyme preparation was less active than the calf rennet, but was superior to those of Meito's and Pfizer's rennets.  相似文献   

The Mexican cotton Gossypium gossypioides is a perplexing entity, with conflicting morphological, cytogenetic, and molecular evidence of its phylogenetic affinity to other American cottons. We reevaluated the evolutionary history of this enigmatic species using 16.4 kb of DNA sequence. Phylogenetic analyses show that chloroplast DNA (7.3 kb), nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS; 0.69 kb), and unique nuclear genes (8.4 kb) yield conflicting resolutions for G. gossypioides. Eight low-copy nuclear genes provide a nearly unanimous resolution of G. gossypioides as the basalmost American diploid cotton, whereas cpDNA sequences resolve G. gossypioides deeply nested within the American diploid clade sister to Peruvian G. raimondii, and ITS places G. gossypioides in an African (rather than an American) clade. These data, in conjunction with previous evidence from the repetitive fraction of the genome, implicate a complex history for G. gossypioides possibly involving temporally separated introgression events from genetically divergent cottons that are presently restricted to different hemispheres. Based on repetitive nuclear DNA, it appears that G. gossypioides experienced nuclear introgression from an African species shortly after divergence from the remainder of the American assemblage. More recently, hybridization with a Mexican species may have resulted in cpDNA introgression, and possibly a second round of cryptic nuclear introgression. Gossypium gossypioides provides a striking example of the previously unsuspected chimeric nature of some plant genomes and the resulting phylogenetic complexity produced by multiple historical reticulation events.  相似文献   

Nonpolar methylene chloride-soluble extracts from the mycelia of Fusarium semitectum and Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans were toxic to Colorado potato beetles. The major toxic metabolite was isolated and found to be the cyclodepsipeptide, beauvericin. This is the first report of the isolation of beauvericin from the genus Fusarium.  相似文献   

Clear-cut variation in the length of genital filaments amongst Bolivian specimens of Lutzomyia runoides (Fairchild & Hertig, 1953), of the species group aragaoi, allowed us to recognise two different, non-overlapping populations living in sympatry. The additional observation of their mutually exclusive colonisation of isolated trees strongly suggested the existence of cryptic speciation. Multivariate, size-in and size-free analyses bearing on characters other than genital filaments could separate the two putative cryptic species of L. runoides, and showed that they were different from L. inflata, previously regarded as conspecific.  相似文献   

Scauflaire J  Gourgue M  Munaut F 《Mycologia》2011,103(3):586-597
A large number of Fusarium isolates closely related to F. subglutinans were collected from maize in Belgium. We used a robust polyphasic approach to describe a new biological species, Fusarium temperatum, within the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex. F. temperatum can be distinguished from F. subglutinans and from other Fusarium species within the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex with AFLP fingerprint profile, differences in the translation elongation factor 1-α and β-tubulin DNA sequence and interspecies mating compatibility analyses. Intraspecies mating compatibility suggests that sexual reproduction might be common for field isolates of F. temperatum, and reliable female fertile mating population tester strains were proposed for this heterothallic species.  相似文献   

Cryptic trysts, genomic mergers, and plant speciation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The nucleic acid metabolism in obligate parasitism has although been quite frequently studied and elegantly reviewed (HEITEFUSS 1966), works on facultative parasitism are so far only a few. However, the recent demonstrations of inducing obligate parasites to grow on culture media has removed the sharp demarcation between the two groups of parasites to a great extent. Marked increase in the amount and activity of RNA in infected tissues was reported in a number of compatible combinations with susceptible hosts (QUICK and SHAW 1964, MUKHERJEE and SHAW 1962, TANI et al. 1975). As regards DNA content in infected tissues, an increase was reported on one hand by WILLIAMS et al. (1968) while on the other HEITEFUSS (1965, 1966 a) observed almost unchanged or only slight decrease in combinations having compatible reactions. The present investigation has been designed to study the nucleic acid contents in malformed inflorescence of two cultivars of mango (Mangi-fera indica L.) caused by Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans Wr. et Rg. Mango plants producing one of the principal fruit crops in the Indian subcontinent when infected by the fungus show development of abnormal in-florescence which fail to fruit and thus result in tremendous economic loss. The identification of the causal organism, isolated from a large number of inflorescences collected from different parts of Burdwan, West Bengal, India, was confirmed by IARI, New Delhi.  相似文献   

Understanding the earliest events in speciation remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Thus identifying species whose populations are beginning to diverge can provide useful systems to study the process of speciation. Drosophila aldrichi, a cactophilic fruit fly species with a broad distribution in North America, has long been assumed to be a single species owing to its morphological uniformity. While previous reports either of genetic divergence or reproductive isolation among different D. aldrichi strains have hinted at the existence of cryptic species, the evolutionary relationships of this species across its range have not been thoroughly investigated. Here we show that D. aldrichi actually is paraphyletic with respect to its closest relative, Drosophila wheeleri, and that divergent D. aldrichi lineages show complete hybrid male sterility when crossed. Our data support the interpretation that there are at least two species of D. aldrichi, making these flies particularly attractive for studies of speciation in an ecological and geographical context.  相似文献   


The two species of yellow-nosed albatross, Atlantic (Thalassarche chlororhynchos) and Indian (T. carteri), are morphologically similar, but they differ in breeding behaviour and distribution. Both species are listed as endangered by the IUCN due to the limited number of breeding sites, threats from introduced predators and diseases, and impact of commercial fishing. We quantified genetic variation between and within the two species. Using nuclear (microsatellites and two nuclear sequences) and mitochondrial (control region) markers, we analysed 354 samples from four breeding islands (Atlantic: Nightingale, Inaccessible, and Gough; Indian: Amsterdam) and bycatch samples from South Africa and New Zealand. In addition to all markers separating the two species, nuclear markers showed Atlantic yellow-nosed albatrosses from Gough Island are genetically distinct from those breeding at Nightingale and Inaccessible Islands in the Tristan da Cunha archipelago. Nuclear markers confirmed that all bycatch samples were Indian yellow-nosed albatrosses, however, the bycatch birds from South Africa and New Zealand were distinct from each other and from birds breeding on Amsterdam Island, suggesting colony specific dispersal at sea. Our study supports the current recognition of two yellow-nosed albatross species and recognises genetically distinct groups of both Atlantic and Indian yellow-nosed albatross breeding on different islands, which is important for their conservation and management.


The effects of culture conditions on the ice nucleus production of Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans isolated from the gut of larvae of the rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker) were examined. The ice nucleus production was only affected by cultivation temperature and pH: the optimum temperature and pH were 15°C to 20°C and 4.0 to 6.0, respectively.  相似文献   

Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. pini (= F. circinatum) is a pathogen of pine and is one of eight mating populations (i.e., biological species) in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex. This species complex includes F. thapsinum, F. moniliforme (= F. verticillioides), F. nygamai, and F. proliferatum, as well as F. subglutinans associated with sugarcane, maize, mango, and pineapple. Differentiating these forms of F. subglutinans usually requires pathogenicity tests, which are often time-consuming and inconclusive. Our objective was to develop a technique to differentiate isolates of F. subglutinans f. sp. pini from other isolates identified as F. subglutinans. We sequenced the histone H3 gene from a representative set of Fusarium isolates. The H3 gene sequence was conserved and contained two introns in all the isolates studied. From both the intron and the exon sequence data, we developed a PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique that reliably distinguishes F. subglutinans f. sp. pini from the other biological species in the G. fujikuroi species complex.  相似文献   

Microbes and other organisms smaller than one to a few millimeters in size are hypothesized to have global populations, in contrast to the geographically restricted ranges of larger organisms. However, fungi, which routinely have reproductive propagules no larger than 10 micrometers, challenge the generality of this hypothesis because recent studies have shown that globally distributed morphological species embrace two or more geographically restricted phylogenetic species. We used the concordance of gene genealogies to recognize phylogenetic species in the globally distributed opportunistic human pathogenic fungus, Aspergillus fumigatus. Based on DNA sequence data of five loci for each of 63 individuals collected from five continents, we have delineated two phylogenetic species in this single morphological species. Unlike all other fungi examined to date, both genetically isolated groups showed a global distribution with no evidence of a correlation between genotype and geographic location. Sexual reproduction has never been observed in A. fumigatus, but when the same data were used to explore the association of alleles at the five loci for one of the phylogenetic species, evidence was found to support recombination. The discovery of a cryptic species is medically relevant because different species are likely to differ in virulence or drug resistance. The discovery of a globally distributed A. fumigatus species clade highlights the need for ecological studies of the fungus to either document global dispersal or propose alternative mechanisms by which it persists as single, global phylogenetic population.  相似文献   

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