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Summary We describe in this paper the human male synaptic cycle using light and electron microscopy and the distribution of cells in the different stages of prophase I. The pattern of chromosome pairing and synapsis is an important tool to determine accurately whether a given synaptic behavior in infertile or sterile men is really abnormal or not. The relationship of prepachytene to pachytene cells is also important for the diagnosis of the different types of meiotic arrest at the primar spermatocyte level.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the sequential study of synaptonemal complexes by light and electron microscopy. The method is easy, permits one to determine the geometry of chromosome pairing, and should become a routine procedure in the diagnosis of human male subfertility. It should also be useful to establish the risk of recurrence of chromosome aberrations in the progeny of carriers of chromosome rearrangements.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Gerónimo Forteza Bover, the pioneer of human genetics in Spain, an excellant teacher and a good friend  相似文献   

The progression of first meiotic prophase and synaptonemal complex (SC) formation in female rats, Rattus norvegicus S.D., is described through the analysis of the different stages of the first meiotic prophase, and confirms the high synchrony of the process in this species. Leptotene is a stage of very short duration and since pairing of the homologues begins very early, only a leptotene-zygotene stage can be distinguished. The progression of pairing during zygotene is asynchronous. The morphology of the SCs is similar to that described in other species. During diplotene and before desintegration of the lateral elements, desynapsis takes place.In some oocytes a double or even multiple nature of lateral elements was seen. Associations between SCs and nucleoli or nucleolar filaments are frequent. The presence of fragmented SCs can be interpreted as a technical artifact.  相似文献   

Using the silver staining technique, in somatic and meiotic chromosomes of the Armenian hamster (Cricetulus migratorius), it is possible to stain synaptonemal complexes (SCs) and the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in early spermatocytes. There are five pairs of autosomes (Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8) which have terminally located NORs. Synaptonemal complexes and accessory structures present in the sex chromosomes within the sex vesicle can be easily observed using light microscopy.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs), axes of the X and Y chromosomes, and nucleoli in surface-spread preparations of spermatocytes are selectively stained for both light and electron microscopy by ammoniacal silver. Combined with a simple technique for transferring material from glass slides to grids, sequential light and electron microscopic analysis of full SC complements is possible with no further preparation. This new method has potential for both basic and clinical cytogenetic research.  相似文献   

We describe the behaviour of synaptonemal complexes (SCs) in Syrian hamster and mouse oocytes. InMesocricetus auratus, synaptonemal complexes can be observed from birth up to 7 days of life. In foetuses fromMus musculus, synaptonemal complexes can be observed from the 14th day of gestation up to the first day post-partum, when the cells enter the dictyotene stage. In both species, synaptonemal complexes show, in general, the same morphology described in male cells by light and electron microscopy, with the exception that the axes of the sex bivalent are not identifiable. The leptotene stage can be identified although it is probably of short duration. Only one type of zygotene (zygote ne II of Dietrich and Mulder(Chromosoma 88: 377), 1983) has been observed. In the hamster we also describe a desynaptic diplotene stage previous to the desintegration of the SCs. In oocytes from both species late pairing (or precocious separation) of a single bivalent can be seen in a few cells. Interlocking of some bivalents with delayed pairing of the affected region is rather frequent. Furthermore, hamster oocytes may show heterosynapsis of the telomeres of autosomal bivalents by pachytene.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptonemal complex (SC), a part of the ultrastructure of the pachytene bivalent of eukaryotic organisms, is intimately connected with the pairing of homologous chromosomes. Its development, structure, and function have been studied extensively with the electron microscope during the past 20 years. A simple method of staining with silver nitrate has made it possible for us to visualize human SCs with the light microscope.  相似文献   

Nuclei from Chinese hamster testicular cells in suspension were prepared in a sucrose gradient. Following the basic procedure of Blobel and co-workers for separating a fibrous lamina-nuclear pore complex, synaptonemal complexes (SCs) from spermatocytes were isolated free of other nuclear structures, except for fibrillar tufts at the attachment plaques in which annuli were observed. All the major morphological components of the SC appeared to be intact, showing that the structure could survive the procedure and was not dispersed by the removal of DNA with DNase and solubilization of membranes and some proteins with Triton X-100. Isolated sex bodies were also well preserved, as were various structures from other cell types in the mixed cell suspension, such as spermatid manchettes, acrosomal ‘ghosts’, axonemes, etc. While no nuclear matrix was found associated with autosomal SCs, a residual material was present in the sex body, in which the X and Y axes were embedded. The results indicate the feasibility of isolating and fractionating SCs from testicular cell suspensions enriched for pachytene spermatocytes. The association between SC attachment plaques and annuli that is seen in spreads of whole nuclei persists through the isolation procedure and implies an integrated structural relationship.  相似文献   

When Locusta migratoria spermatocytes are surface-spread on various salines, the axial element of leptotene and zygotene chromosomes, and the synaptonemal complex of pachytene chromosomes are well-preserved, although, in most instances, virtually denuded of chromatin. A complex association of chromosome ends with the nuclear membrane is apparent as early as leptotene, and, as pairing is initiated, the nuclear attachment points of the partner half-bivalents fuse, apparently incorporating additional membrane material between them. The meiotic kinetochore originates in association with the axial element during early prophase, and prior to synaptonemal complex formation and chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

A method is presented for sequential analysis of the development and behaviour of the Synaptonemal Complex (SC) in primary spermatocytes of male mice, using agar filtration for electron microscope grid preparation. The mice were treated with hydroxyurea (HU) to produce a gap in the spermatogenic line. The front of surviving cells behind the gap was examined day by day. The first visible parts of unpaired axial elements, with some barely recognizable paired regions were found 9 days after the last HU injection i.e. directly after the last S-phase before meiosis. During mid zygotene and late zygotene the axes of the autosomes had a fuzzy ill-defined appearance with irregular regions of apparent thickening. The axes of the XY pair could be recognized only at late zygotene. During pachytene the SCs of the autosomal pairs did not show a significant change except for a slight increase in size of the attachment points of the axial elements. On the first day of pachytene the axes of the XY pair appeared thin and long. On the second day the axes of the XY pair showed maximal pairing of about 50% of the axis of the Y chromosome. From the third to the fifth day a decrease of the paired region of the sex chromosomes was found together with an increase in thickness of the axes, which reached its maximum on the fourth day. Diplotene could be easily recognized: the autosomal axes showed a sharp, well-defined outline with thick attachment points with deltoid structure, and desynapsis was very clear. The axes of the XY pair showed variation during diplotene but on the third day of diplotene a characteristic bulging could be seen. The axes of the autosomes disappeared at this time and in most cases only the attachment points remained visible. The duration of the prophase classes of meiosis I was found to be: zygotene approximately 2 days; pachytene a little more than 5 days and diplotene approximately 3 days. Leptotene could not be traced by the method used. If it exists at all, it must be a stage of very short duration.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the sequential analysis of male meiosis using hydroxyurea (HU). HU produces a gap in the spermatogenic line. The front of surviving cells behind the gap was examined day by day using silverstained whole mount spreads on glass slides. With this method it was possible to study the development and behaviour of the synaptonemal complex (SC) in mouse spermatocytes by the light microscope. At zygotene no unpaired axial elements could be seen. Unpaired axial elements were found to be specific for the diplotene stage. The axes of the XY pair could be recognized from late zygotene up to diplotene.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for preparing two-dimensional surface spreads of synaptonemal complexes (SCs) from plant meiocytes for examination by light and/or electron microscopy. Clear, well-spread preparations of SCs and unpaired axial cores have been obtained from a range of meiotic prophase I stages (leptotene to pachytene) from Allium and Secale meiocytes.  相似文献   

The distribution of DNA in synaptonemal complexes of rat and mouse spermatocytes, and of chick oocytes was investigated by immunogold electron microscopy. Except for a few specific sites, DNA was not immunolocalized in the space between lateral elements of the complex. Some labeled fibrils connecting the lateral elements with the central element were observed associated with recombination nodules or near them. However, other labeled fibrils in the space between lateral elements did not appear to present any relationship to recombination nodules. The immunocytochemical approaches used here confirmed the presence of significant amounts of DNA in the lateral elements as previously indicated by preferential DNA staining methods. Furthermore, our findings support the view that recombination nodules are the site of chiasma formation.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) (structures involved in chromosome pairing during meiosis) were isolated and purified from rat spermatocytes for the purpose of biochemical and morphological analysis. Spermatocytes were lysed in a medium, containing Triton X-100, EDTA and DTT; the resulting swollen nuclei were disrupted by DNAse II, and the suspension was centrifuged through 1.5 M sucrose. The resulting preparation consisted for at least 60% of free SCs, as judged from electron micrographs of agar filtrates. The purified SCs still possessed lateral and transversal elements and attachment plaques. A small fraction also contained a central element. Particularly in diplotene SCs, the lateral elements clearly consisted of two subelements, which are connected by thinner fibres. The lateral elements may fall apart into a network of thinner fibres, presumably as a result of degradation during isolation. On SDS-polyacrylamide gels, the major protein components of purified SCs had relative mobilities (Mrs) of 67 to 60 and 57 to 55 kDa; in addition, there were minor proteins with Mrs of 90, 35, 33, 28, and 26 kDa, and varying amounts of histones. The 67 to 60 kDa proteins comigrate with lamins of rat liver pore complexes and laminae. A possible relationship between SCs and pore complexes and laminae is discussed.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes of the repopulating spermatocytes of male rats were analyzed day by day using silver-stained surface spread nuclei between 8 and 25 days after restricting the germ cell population to spermatogonia by treatment of gossypol acetic acid at 30 mg/kg body weight/day for 70 days. The method allowed sequential analysis of male meiotic prophase on successive days after the last day of treatment. The leptotene cells appeared on day 11 and were characterized by a network of lateral elements and large nucleolar bodies in a diffuse mass. On day 13 the unpaired lateral elements and short stretches of synaptonemal complexes characteristic for zygotene could be seen. Pachytene nuclei showing 20 autosomal synaptonemal complexes and XY axes appeared on day 15. The diplotene cells were defined on day 22 by the loss of a complete synaptonemal complex set and by the appearance of disjoined lateral elements and persistent segments of synaptonemal complexes.  相似文献   

Mice heterozygous for one or more Robertsonian (Rb) translocation chromosomes have been used to analyze synaptonemal complex (SC) configurations and kinetochore arrangements in trivalents and multivalents. Rb heterozygosity without arm homologies leads to the formation of heteromorphic trivalents in meiosis I; alternating homology of the chromosome arms produces ringlike or chainlike multivalents. Immunofluorescence double-labeling with human antibodies to SCs and kinetochores was performed on surface-spread pachytene spermatocytes. Both Rb bivalents and Rb trivalents clearly showed that metacentrics possess only one centromere. In heteromorphic trivalent SCs, the nonhomologous kinetochores of the two acrocentrics were closely paired in a cis-configuration and juxtaposed opposite the kinetochore of the metacentric; the latter appeared to be an integral part of the longitudinal SC axis. Meiotic multivalents of interpopulation hybrids included up to 36 chromosome arms. In multivalent SCs, the kinetochores always lay together, with the SC arms arranged away from the central centromere cluster. The paracentromeric regions of the Rb chromosomes appeared to remain unsynapsed on both sides of the centromeres. The SC arms were often linked by end-to-end associations. Following desynapsis of the multivalent SC, the kinetochores of the Rb metacentrics showed a highly nonrandom topologic distribution within the nucleus, reminiscent of their arrangement during synapsis.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of spread maize pachytene synaptonemal complexes   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
C. B. Gillies 《Chromosoma》1981,83(5):575-591
The Counce-Meyer microspreading technique for animal synaptonemal complexes (SCs) has been adapted to allow spreading of the SCs of maize pachytene microsporocytes for examination in the electron microscope (EM). The spread nuclei were well dispersed and flattened, and unstained SCs could be seen with light microscope (LM) phase optics. After PTA or ammoniacal silver staining, the SCs and kinetochores were readily recognized in the EM. Variable degrees of asynapsis, stretching of the SCs, and nonhomologous synapsis of lateral elements were noted, and cases of interlocking of lateral elements or SCs were not uncommon. Distinct lens-shaped thickenings of one or both lateral elements were observed at numerous sites along the SC in most nuclei. — The yield of well spread, complete nuclei, although not high, was sufficient to allow karyotypes to be prepared, based on relative SC lengths and arm ratios. The karyotypes agreed well with published EM and LM determinations, establishing the accuracy of the spreading technique for maize. However, considerable variation in absolute lengths of the SCs was noted. To evaluate the utility of the technique for cytogenetic investigations, two paracentric inversions, and two reciprocal translocations were spread and examined in the EM. The breakpoints estimated from measurements of spread SCs were in agreement with LM determinations.  相似文献   

The effect of tequila in the synaptonemal complex (SC) of mouse spermatocytes was determined. We tested 3 dosages (2.1, 4.2 and 8.4 g/kg) administered in a single intraperitoneal inoculation. The frequency of SC alterations was established in pachytenic nuclei 5 days after the administration using a silver impregnation technique. Three types of alterations were observed (desynapses, breaks and multiaxials) and the rate of each alteration was compared with that obtained with appropriate controls, including cyclophosphamide (CP) (150 mg/kg). The results showed a significant increase induced by tequila only in the frequency of desynapses. This damage began at the second highest dose (4.2 g/kg). The other SC alterations were in the control range. CP, however, induced a significant increase in all 3 types of SC alterations.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne hapla Race A (meiotic, n=17) females have 17 synaptonemal complexes (SC). The karyotype length is constant throughout pachytene, although nuclear volume increases as pachytene progresses. Each SC has at least one region in which two pairs of lateral elements run parallel to each other for a distance of 1–2 m, thus forming a double SC (dSC). Decondensed chromatin regions (DCR) occur along some SCs and represent 5% of the length of the karyotype. The DCRs may be the location of the sex-determining chromatin. Spermatocytes from males of the same meiotic parthenogenetic race (A) have SCs and cylindrical granular complexes (CGC) while males and females from a mitotic (3n=45) parthenogenetic race (B) lack such structures. The CGCs may contribute precursors necessary for the formation of SCs.  相似文献   

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