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圈养山魈有10%-20%因为初产或者母性不强,或者因母体奶汁分泌少等原因,不能顺利哺育自己的后代,因此必须对被弃幼仔施行人工哺育。成都动物园分别以纯牛奶和鲜羊奶为主、配以全价奶粉和米粉饲喂被弃山魈幼仔,在育幼中注意温度、湿度的控制,1个月后,适当给予苹果、蔬菜等,3月龄后可逐渐减少奶的投喂量,增加常规饲料的投喂量,6月龄后可以停奶。本育幼过程中,在同一育幼方法的基础上,采用了两种不同的饲料配方。通过比较分析,两种饲料配方日均供给能量与体重的比例相当,山魈幼仔体重增长和体尺增长没有明显的差异,其生长发育和健康状况均良好。由此说明,该育幼方法及两种饲料配方是可行的。  相似文献   

上海作为典型的低海拔地区,气候、环境等条件均与大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca栖息地存在很大差异。为了研究在上海出生并生活的大熊猫幼仔的生长发育情况,以及与四川雅安的大熊猫幼仔生长发育是否存在差异,本文比较分析了上海、雅安两地大熊猫幼仔在母兽哺育、人工辅助育幼2种育幼方式下的体质量、体尺和其他器官的生长发育情况,并采用Chapman生长模型模拟了两地大熊猫幼仔的生长曲线。研究发现:上海大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于四川雅安大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);母兽哺育的大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于人工辅助育幼的大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);雄性大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d、70 d和100 d的体质量显著大于雌性大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05)。整体而言,大熊猫幼仔的体长增长最快,其次为腹围,尾长最慢。母兽哺育大熊猫幼仔的体尺数据稍高于人工辅助育幼,与海拔无关;而相同育幼方式下,高、低海拔组幼仔体尺之间的差异无明显规律。Chapman生长模型很好地模拟了上海和雅安两地大熊猫幼仔0~120 d的生长曲线,但2条曲线在拐点日龄、拐点体质量、最大生长率均存在一些差异。通过对两地大熊猫幼仔生长发育的差异研究,为上海地区繁育大熊猫提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

测定了成都动物园圈养种群中9只人工育幼豚鹿幼仔(2004~2007年)体重和8只豚鹿的体尺,并观察了8只豚鹿的牙齿(0~63 d)的生长情况.结果为:幼仔在0~54 d内体长、肩高、后足长、耳长和尾长以及体重都随日龄呈直线增长趋势,其中体长和肩高与幼仔的日龄显著相关(P<0.01).初生幼仔齿式2(I 0/2, C 0/0, P 0/0),2周龄齿式2(I 0/2,C 0/0, P 2/2),7周龄齿式2(I 0/2,C 0/2或C 1/2, P 2/2).  相似文献   

杨名赫  佟庆  高利  刘红  李琪  王洪斌 《四川动物》2011,30(4):537-540,543
2009年5~9月对东北林蛙增温和正常条件下的生长情况进行了初步研究.将一龄和二龄林蛙随机分成两组,一组在大棚内增温条件下饲养,另一组在围栏中常温条件下饲养,大棚内的平均温度较围栏中提升了3.17℃.2009年9月在大棚中饲养一龄林蛙和二龄雌性林蛙体重分别达到(6.30±2.62)g和(36.55±11.79)g,较围...  相似文献   

人工饲料对龟纹瓢虫生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张丽莉  李恺  张天澍  王斌 《昆虫知识》2007,44(6):871-876
龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica(Thunberg)能捕食多种农业害虫,并且具有食量大、产卵多、适应性强、年发生代数多等特点,是我国农业生产中一种重要的捕食性天敌昆虫。对龟纹瓢虫人工饲料的研究则是实现其规模化饲养的关键。作者研究不同饲料对龟纹瓢虫生长和繁殖的影响,结果表明:添加橄榄油后幼虫发育历期明显增长,添加0.3%的橄榄油能显著提高幼虫的成活率;在成虫体重增长上,雌雄虫均表现为在刚羽化后几天内体重增长显著,随后增长变缓;并且添加蔗糖能显著提高雌虫的体重增长率而对雄虫作用不显著;对雌虫繁殖性能的研究发现,蚜虫喂养组有明显的持续时间较长的产卵高峰期,而人工饲料的产卵高峰期持续时间较短,并且出现时间较晚或分为2个高峰期;添加0.3%的橄榄油能显著缩短龟纹瓢虫的产卵前期,几乎达到蚜虫喂养组的水平;而添加蔗糖在一定程度也能缩短产卵前期,同时还能显著提高龟纹瓢虫的产卵量。  相似文献   

王仁忠 《植物研究》2000,20(4):450-457
植物种群营养生长和生殖生长的关系是植物生殖生态学研究的重要内容之一,自本世纪70年代,国外已有大量报道,但国内的研究报道很少。本文在种群水平上研究了人工油松种群一年生雌性枝条和雄性枝条在枝长、直径、叶数、叶生物量、枝生物量及新生枝条在大小孢子球生物量、雌雄枝条长度和生物量等方面的差异,结果表明,一年生枝条除在西方向上雌雄枝条直径差异显著和在东、西方向上雌雄枝条生物量差异显著外,其它处理条件下雌雄枝条在长度、直径、叶数、叶生物量和枝生物量等方面差异均不显著;而对新生枝条的取样分析表明同方向上雌雄枝条在大小孢子球生物量、雌雄枝条长度、雌雄枝条生物量等方面差异均显著或极显著。无论是一年生枝条,还是新生枝条,在东、西、南、北四个方向上其各项指标差异显著或极显著。  相似文献   

在实验室饲养条件下, 对东方田鼠指名亚种繁殖特性和幼仔生长发育进行了初步观察。该鼠全年均可繁殖, 平均每胎产仔3.8 ±1.5 只, 妊娠期20~21 d , 繁殖间隔期39.3 ±26.4 d , 雌雄比为1.48。幼鼠3 日龄耳壳完全直立, 4 日龄开始长下门齿, 5 日龄长上门齿, 7~8 日龄睁眼, 20 日龄可断奶, 55 日龄左右性成熟。3 种生长模型(Logistic 方程、Gompertz 方程和Von Bertalanffy 方程) 对体重、体长、尾和后足的生长过程的拟合优度均很高,择优选用Von Bertalanffy 方程对体重、体长和尾长进行描述, 选用Logistic 方程对后足长的生长过程进行描述。将该鼠的生长发育过程划分为4 个阶段, 乳鼠阶段: 初生至10 日龄; 幼鼠阶段: 11 日龄至20 日龄; 亚成年阶段: 21至55 日龄; 成年阶段: 56 日龄以后。对指名亚种和长江亚种生长、繁殖特性异同亦作了初步分析。  相似文献   

四种湿地植物在人工湿地的生长特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了表面流人工湿地中香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)、风车草(Cyperus flabelliformis)、芦苇(Phrogmites australis)和水鬼蕉(Hymenocallis littoralis)4种植物的根生物量和生长量、根系分布、地上部分的生长情况.风车草、香根草和水鬼蕉根系及地上部分的生长节律相似,9月或10月前生长较快,以后生长减慢甚至停止;芦苇则不同,7月以前生长缓慢,以后生长加速,冬季也保持较快的生长.全年根生长量和根生物量以水鬼蕉最大,显著高于其它植物(P<0.01),香根草最小,显著低于其它3种植物(P<0.01).香根草的根系垂直向下生长,分布较深,而其它3种植物的根系主要分布在浅层土壤中.风车草分株最多,叶面积指数最大.香根草叶面积指数最小.结果表明,在构建多种植物人工湿地群落时,可以考虑将芦苇与大多数湿地植物搭配以保证湿地全年保持较好的净化效果;水鬼蕉可以作为底层植物,和风车草等生长早、植株较高的植物构建多种湿地群落.  相似文献   

魏广莲  徐钢春  顾若波  徐跑 《生态学杂志》2013,24(12):3567-3573
试验选择体长、体质量基本一致的6月龄刀鲚,分别投喂日粮1(人工配合软颗粒饲料)、日粮2(人工配合饲料与鱼油混合的软颗粒饲料)及日粮3(人工配合缓沉硬颗粒料)3种配合饲料60 d,探讨不同人工饲料对刀鲚幼鱼生长性能、血清生化指标及脂质代谢酶活性的影响.结果表明: 日粮2组和日粮3组的幼鱼体质量、体质量增长率、特定生长率和肥满度显著高于日粮1组;日粮3组的饵料系数显著低于日粮1组和日粮2组;各组间体长、体长/体高、体长/体厚、肝体比及脏体比等生长指标及总蛋白、白蛋白、血糖、胆固醇和甘油三酯等血清生化指标均无显著差异;日粮1组的肉碱软脂酰基转移酶-Ⅰ(CPT-Ⅰ)含量显著高于日粮2组和日粮3组;日粮2组的肉碱软脂酰基转移酶-Ⅱ(CPT-Ⅱ)含量显著低于日粮1组和日粮3组;各组间淀粉酶、胃蛋白酶、脂肪酶活性及脂蛋白脂酶(LPL)和乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACC)含量均值无显著差异.表明日粮中添加多不饱和脂肪酸有利于刀鲚幼鱼的生长,缓沉饲料的利用效率最高,适合于刀鲚幼鱼驯养阶段使用.  相似文献   

孟加拉虎曾在西藏墨脱县各乡镇均有分布记录,但自2002年后该地区未见确认报道。2013—2018年间,我们利用红外相机技术、信息网络收集法和足迹鉴定法调查了墨脱县孟加拉虎的9个潜在分布区域。结果显示,墨脱县仅存1~3只孟加拉虎非定居个体,仅在旱季(每年10月至来年3月)游荡活动于背崩乡、墨脱镇雅鲁藏布江南岸区,以及格当乡金珠藏布南岸区。该区域内孟加拉虎的保护前景不容乐观,其原因是多方面的。本文提出如下建议以加强针对野生孟加拉虎的保护:(1)继续加强虎的基础性监测;(2)加强针对偷盗猎活动的野外巡护与执法管理;(3)加强对原始森林的保护;(4)改善原住民生计,加强宣传教育,以减少对自然资源的消耗;(5)恢复与建立景观廊道,改善栖息地连通性,以促进虎的自然扩散;(6)加强不同机构与参与方之间的合作研究和技术交流。  相似文献   

The recent incorporation of molecular methods into analyses of social and mating systems has provided evidence that mating patterns often differ from those predicted by group social organization. Based on field studies and paternity analyses at a limited number of sites, African lions are predicted to exhibit a strict within‐pride mating system. Extra‐group paternity has not been previously reported in African lions; however, observations of extra‐group associations among lions inhabiting Etosha National Park in Namibia suggest deviation from the predicted within‐pride mating pattern. We analysed variation in 14 microsatellite loci in a population of 164 African lions in Etosha National Park. Genetic analysis was coupled with demographic and observational data to examine pride structure, relatedness and extra‐group paternity (EGP). EGP was found to occur in 57% of prides where paternity was analysed (= 7), and the overall rate of EGP in this population was 41% (= 34). Group sex ratio had a significant effect on the occurrence of EGP (< 0.05), indicating that variation in pride‐level social structure may explain intergroup variation in EGP. Prides with a lower male‐to‐female ratio were significantly more likely to experience EGP in this population. The results of this study challenge the current models of African lion mating systems and provide evidence that social structure may not reflect breeding structure in some social mammals.  相似文献   

Male cheetahs, tigers, leopards, and pumas maintained under the same conditions were anesthetized and 1) serially bled before, during, and after electroejaculation (EE); 2) serially bled only (AO); or 3) serially bled before and after receiving adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). Ejaculates from leopards contained higher (p less than 0.05) sperm concentrations than cheetahs and pumas but lower (p less than 0.05) sperm motility ratings than all other species. Tigers produced a larger seminal volume and the greatest number of motile sperm/ejaculate (p less than 0.05). The percentage of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa was greater (p less than 0.05) in cheetahs (64.6%), leopards (79.5%), and pumas (73.5%) than in tigers (37.5%). The most prevalent spermatozoal deformities included a tightly coiled or bent flagellum, a deranged midpiece, or a residual cytoplasmic droplet. Mean baseline serum cortisol concentrations in leopards were 2- and 4-fold greater (p less than 0.05) than in tigers and cheetahs, respectively. Basal cortisol concentrations in pumas were similar to those of tigers, but irrespective of treatment increased 2-fold (p less than 0.01) during the bleeding period. An acute rise and fall in cortisol attributable to EE was observed only in cheetahs. In tigers and leopards, mean peak cortisol concentrations after ACTH were similar to maximal values observed after EE. However, peak cortisol levels in cheetahs and pumas after ACTH were greater (p less than 0.01) than the concentrations measured after EE, indicating that these manipulatory procedures were not eliciting a maximal adrenal response. In the EE groups, luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone levels in cheetahs were lower (p less than 0.05) than in other species, whereas levels of both hormones were comparable (p greater than 0.05) in tigers, leopards, and pumas. Elevated cortisol levels in cheetahs and pumas had no discernible effect on LH/testosterone patterns; however, the results were equivocal in tigers, and, among leopards, testosterone concentrations consistently declined over time. In this study, using a standardized approach, we identify different ejaculate and endocrine characteristics of captive cheetahs, tigers, leopards, and pumas. The data extend earlier observations and demonstrate that some, but not all, Felidae species ejaculate high numbers of pleiomorphic spermatozoa. However, inter-species differences in sperm integrity do not appear related to inter-species variations in cortisol, LH, or testosterone. The observation of continuously declining testosterone concentrations only in leopards after AO, EE, or ACTH treatment suggests that rising and/or elevated cortiso  相似文献   

  1. Globally, large terrestrial carnivores (Carnivora) have suffered precipitous declines in population and range. Today, they must persist in increasingly isolated natural habitat patches within a human-dominated matrix. Effective conservation aimed at supporting carnivores in such landscapes requires species-specific understanding of habitat requirements.
  2. We present results from a review of the published literature to assess the current state of knowledge regarding habitat preferences of the African lion Panthera leo, with the aim of identifying common drivers of habitat use across contexts.
  3. Using the Web of Science, we identified 154 usable articles and extracted information relating to study topic, location, habitats described, land-use type, and any documented habitat preferences.
  4. Only 31 studies documented evidence of habitat use, and collectively, they suggested that preferences for specific habitat types were varied and context-specific. The importance of prey abundance and proximity to water was highlighted in multiple studies. Anthropogenic factors interfered with expected patterns of habitat use. There was evident bias in study locations: 83% of the habitat-use studies were based in only three countries, and 70% were focussed on protected or managed areas.
  5. Our synthesis suggests that lions demonstrate behavioural plasticity in habitat use in response to anthropogenic pressures. To understand the limits of this plasticity and to manage Africa’s changing landscapes effectively for roaming lions, future research should be focussed on analysis of habitat use outside protected areas, taking into account gradients of distance to water, prey abundance, and anthropogenic risk.

We examined sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 genes (2,360 bp total) for 26 lions from eleven locations throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Six distinct haplotypes were observed in the combined sequences, forming two clades: the eastern and the western savannas. The Uganda-Western Kenya haplotype grouped at a basal position with the eastern clade of lions from Tsavo south to the Transvaal and Natal regions. The phylogenetic position of the haplotype from Sabi Sands in the southern part of Kruger National Park remained poorly resolved. The haplotypes found in Namibia and Botswana formed the western clade. The modest genetic variation documented here argues against taxonomic distinctions among living African lions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of diet containing the green macroalgae, Ulva lactuca, on the growth performance, feed utilization and body composition of African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Four experimental diets were formulated: D1 as a control group and D2, D3 and D4 which included 10%, 20% and 30% U. lactuca meal, respectively. 180 African catfish, weighing 9.59 ± 0.43 g, and with an average length of 11.26 ± 0.21, (mean ± SE) were divided into four groups corresponding to the different feeding regimes. The final body weight of the fish showed insignificant differences (P > 0.05) between the control and fish fed D2, whereas, there was a significant difference (P < 0.05) between these two diets compared with D3 and D4, with weights of 70.52, 60.92, 40.57 and 35.66 g recorded for D1, D2, D3 and D4, respectively. In the same trend significant differences were also evident in weight gain, specific growth rate and feed utilization. Fish fed with a diet containing 20% or 30% U. lactuca meal had poorer growth performance and feed utilization. Protein productive value, protein efficiency ratio, daily dry feed intake and total feed intake were also significantly lower in fish fed with D3 and D4 than in the control D1 and D2.Overall, the results of the experiment revealed that African catfish fed a diet with U. lactuca included at 20% and 30% levels showed poorer growth and feed utilization than the control group and fish fed diets containing 10% of U. lactuca.  相似文献   

通过研究非洲鲶鱼(Clarias gariepinus)的生长和营养利用来探讨其维生素C的需求量。平均体重为6.02g±0.4g的鲶鱼幼鱼被放置在60cm×45cm×45cm的玻璃缸中,每缸10条鱼,每个处理设3个重复。5组饵料中粗蛋白的含量均为40%,并测定且其基础饲料中维生素C的含量。在第1、2、3、4和5组中,其饵料中维生素C多聚磷酸酯的添加量依次为0(对照)、50、100,150和200mg/kg。每天用这些饵料喂鱼两次,分别在格林尼治时间的9:00和16:00喂食。鲶鱼幼鱼每周称重一次,以便进行统计分析。通过其生长和营养利用效率进行生物学评估。结果表明,特定生长率、食物转换率、蛋白质效率和食物效率在所有组中彼此间都有显著差异。综合所有实验结果看,添加维生素C多聚磷酸酯150mg/kg的第4组,幼鱼的生长和营养利用效率最好。  相似文献   

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