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The study was conducted to assess the traits traditionally used to select the Bonga sheep reared in Southern Ethiopia. The breed was included for improvement under the community based breeding program (CBBP) launched in the year 2009. The results are based on the data collected from the project between 2009 till 2012. The findings are based on focus group discussions with the community elders who have been rearing the Bonga sheep for more than 20 years. The present findings are based on information obtained from 50% of the total respondents who were involved in CBBP. The Bonga sheep is a mutton type breed and the ewes are moderately prolific. In the past this breed of sheep were bartered to settle legal disputes and were traded against household commodities.. However, over the years (and also after the intervention of CBBP) the sheep have been selected for their body weight as well as for their distribution in many parts of Ethiopia The respondents selected the lambs at both pre weaning and post weaning stages. Traditionally the traits of rams are selected based on their body length, canon circumference, broad face, enlarged thyroid, while for the ewes, traits prolificacy, skin thickness and pelvic width are determining characters. Fat tail and brown coat color were preferred irrespective of the sexes in trait selection. The ram lambs selected for breeding purpose are locally known as “Dookoo”. These rams are selected based on some predetermined phenotypic traits and are initially selected at preweaning stage and further, again at the post weaning stage. These rams are preferentially cared and are provided with supplementary feed and comfortable housing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the reproductive performance of dairy cows on problem farms in southern Iceland. In all 229 cows on 6 farms were studied. The animals were examined clinically by rectal palpation, once a month. Blood samples were taken 2–5 and 7–10 weeks after calving. The blood samples were analysed for the contents of glucose, urea, inorganic phosphate, calcium and magnesium. Milk samples for progesterone profiles were taken, by the farmer, every 4th day from day 10 postpartum until first oestrus. Because of this sampling method, 128 cows had no rise in progesterone levels, when milk sampling was stopped. These 128 animals were excluded from the study. The results are based on 101 animals. There was a large variation between cows in postpartum reproductive performance. In the total material 1st ovulation occurred later than reported in many other countries. Fifty percent of the cows had ovulated 35 days after calving and 90 percent 70 days after calving. The first luteal phase was short in about 60 % of the cows. The progesterone values assayed from those short cycles were lower than the values assayed from the following cycle. First artificial insemination (ai) was on the average 77 days postpartum (pp). The conception rate to first service was 49 %. Of 100 milk samples taken at the time of ai, 20 had high progesterone value. This indicates a high frequency of luteal phase inseminations. Clinical ketosis was diagnosed in 35 cows. Of these, 31 had a low glucose value. Cows with clinical ketosis ovulated, on the average, later than other animals and 24 ovulated later than 40 days pp. The results indicated that the fertility problems of these cows studied were late ovulations, low conception rate, probably in part, due to luteal phase inseminations, and a high frequency of ketosis which could be caused by low quality feedstuff.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to 1500 randomly selected dairy herds in Sweden, asking for general information about the herds, including routines from birth to first calving and also routines at breeding, calving and during the grazing period. Fifty-eight percent of the questionnaires were returned. The preweaned calves were kept in individual calf pens in 68% and in group housing systems in 28% of the herds. Pens with slatted floors were the main housing system for replacement heifers from weaning to breeding, and tie stalls from breeding to first calving. Whole milk was used in 44% and milk replacements in 42% of the herds. The calves received, as a median, 2.5 litres of milk per meal and 2 meals per day. The median age at weaning was 8 weeks. Age was the single most common criteria used for deciding both weaning and breeding time. The median age when the heifers were first turned out to pasture was 6 months. Prophylactic anthelmintic treatment was used by 65% of the herds. The most common diet for replacement heifers before calving was a combination of grain, hay and silage.  相似文献   

Twenty calves were placed on study at 3 days of age and were placed according to birth order into one of two groups: SS, which received 0.05% BW sodium zeolite A (SZA) added to their milk replacer, and CO, which received only milk replacer. Blood samples were taken on days 0, 30, and 60 for osteocalcin (OC) and deoxypyridinoline (DPD) analysis. On day 60, the calves were euthanized, and synovial fluid, articular cartilage, and both fused metacarpals were collected for bone quality analyses such as architecture and mechanical properties, mineral composition, and glycosaminoglycan concentration. There were no differences in OC concentrations because of treatment (p = 0.12), and CO calves had lower DPD concentrations than SS calves (p = 0.01), but the OC-to-DPD ratio was not different between treatments (p = 0.98). No differences in bone architecture or mechanical properties were detected. SZA supplementation increased cortical bone (p = 0.0002) and articular cartilage (p = 0.05) aluminum content. Glycosaminoglycan concentrations were not different in synovial fluid or cartilage. Supplementation of SZA appeared to alter the rate of bone turnover without altering bone strength. Aluminum concentrations in the bone and cartilage increased, which may be a concern, although the long-term consequences of such remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of parenteral iron on red blood cell parameters, performance, and health in dairy Holstein calves. Twenty neonatal calves were equally divided at random into two groups, one of which served as controls. Care was taken to ensure homogeneity of sex, age, and general health status of the animals. The controls received a normal diet and water ad libitum, while the study animals were injected with 1 g iron as Fe-dextran 2 days after birth. A daily record was kept of the calves’ weight and growth parameters. At periods of 24–48 h after birth and at 14, 28, and 42 days of age, jugular blood was drawn from all the experimental and control animals to measure the packed cell volume, red blood count, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and iron levels. At the start of the experiments, there were no significant differences between these parameters between the two study groups (p > 0.05). With time, significant differences were seen between most of the values measured (p < 0.05) except for the mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and iron level. Significant differences were seen for total weight gain and mean daily weight gain, which were higher in the iron-supplemented group (p < 0.05).  相似文献   


The quality of stockmanship contributes to the human–animal relationship, animal welfare and productivity. Attitudes can affect the way farmers treat their animals, the environment they provide the animals with, and even their own job satisfaction through the feedback received from the animals. Farmers' perceptions of animals have also been shown to have an impact on productivity. We investigated 161 Finnish dairy farmers' attitudes toward improving animal welfare through an attitude questionnaire that used the Theory of Planned Behavior as a theoretical framework. The theory states that personal attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, together shape an individual's behavioral intentions and behaviors. To study the relationship between attitudes, animal welfare, and milk production, we used environment-based animal welfare indicator data consisting of categorized housing and management parameters, and mean milk production data. Non-parametric partial correlation analyses and regression analyses revealed that perceiving the measures to improve animal welfare to be important and easy were positively, although weakly, related to higher animal welfare standards/indicators, while no connection with production was established. Contrary to our expectations, sources of subjective norms, such as an agricultural adviser, were mostly negatively linked with animal welfare indicators and even with production. The farmers considered taking care of their own well-being as the most important way of improving animal welfare, and intending to do so was weakly but positively linked with animal welfare indicators. Any causal relationships, however, cannot be derived from the data.  相似文献   



Global policy regarding optimal umbilical cord care to prevent neonatal illness is an active discussion among researchers and policy makers. In preparation for a large cluster-randomized control trial to measure the impact of 4% chlorhexidine as an umbilical wash versus dry cord care on neonatal mortality in Southern Province, Zambia, we performed a qualitative study to determine local perceptions of cord health and illness and the cultural belief system that shapes umbilical cord care knowledge, attitudes, and practices.

Methods and Findings

This study consisted of 36 focus group discussions with breastfeeding mothers, grandmothers, and traditional birth attendants, and 42 in-depth interviews with key community informants. Semi-structured field guides were used to lead discussions and interviews at urban and rural sites. A wide variation in knowledge, beliefs, and practices surrounding cord care was discovered. For home deliveries, cords were cut with non-sterile razor blades or local grass. Cord applications included drying agents (e.g., charcoal, baby powder, dust), lubricating agents (e.g., Vaseline, cooking oil, used motor oil) and agents intended for medicinal/protective purposes (e.g., breast milk, cow dung, chicken feces). Concerns regarding the length of time until cord detachment were universally expressed. Blood clots in the umbilical cord, bulongo-longo, were perceived to foreshadow neonatal illness. Management of bulongo-longo or infected umbilical cords included multiple traditional remedies and treatment at government health centers.


Umbilical cord care practices and beliefs were diverse. Dry cord care, as recommended by the World Health Organization at the time of the study, is not widely practiced in Southern Province, Zambia. A cultural health systems model that depicts all stakeholders is proposed as an approach for policy makers and program implementers to work synergistically with existing cultural beliefs and practices in order to maximize effectiveness of evidence-based interventions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the influence of in-feed and therapeutic antimicrobials on resistance in commensal fecal Escherichia coli isolated from preweaned calves. Four groups of 30, day-old calf-ranch calves were enrolled and raised until 4 weeks of age. Groups 1 to 3 were raised without antimicrobials in the feed. Group 1 was isolated from the other groups and received no antimicrobial therapy. Group 2 was housed on the calf ranch and did not receive antimicrobial therapy, whereas groups 3 and 4 could be treated with antimicrobials. Group 4 was fed neomycin and tetracycline HCl in the milk replacer. Fecal samples were collected from calves on days 1, 14, and 28. Three E. coli isolates per sample were evaluated for susceptibility to 12 antimicrobials. Cluster analysis was used to group isolates having similar susceptibility patterns. Cumulative logistic regression was used to evaluate factors associated with increasing levels of multiple antimicrobial resistance. In-feed antimicrobials were associated with higher levels of multiple antimicrobial resistance in fecal E. coli.f In calves not receiving in-feed antimicrobials, older calves had higher levels of resistance compared to day-old calves. Individual antimicrobial therapy increased resistance in these calves but appeared to be transient. There was no environmental influence on resistance in E. coli populations among study groups.  相似文献   

The giant earthworm, Rhinodrilus alatus (Righi 1971), has been captured in the southeastern Brazilian Cerrado biome for approximately 80 years and used as bait for amateur fishing throughout Brazil. Local knowledge and traditional extraction practices are crucial for the establishment of management strategies for the species because, although its extraction involves conflicts and social and environmental impacts, the species is one of the major sources of income for approximately 3,000 people, especially for members of an Afro-descendant community that has approximately 2,000 inhabitants. Participatory tools, such as seasonal calendar, transect walks and participatory maps, were individually or collectively used with extractors and traders (former extractors), and 129 semi-structured and unstructured interviews were conducted with the same individuals between 2005 and 2012. The capture of Rhinodrilus alatus was observed in different seasons and areas of occurrence of the species in 17 municipalities, where this giant earthworm is the only species extracted for trade. All information obtained was verified by community members in 17 meetings. The extractors have an extensive knowledge of the life history, behavior, distribution, and possible impacts of climate change on the species. Different capture techniques, which have different impacts, are used during the dry and rainy seasons and are passed by the extractors through the generations. Local knowledge contributed to the establishment of agreements for the use of capture techniques that have less impact, to the expansion of scientific knowledge and the reassessment of the conservation status of Rhinodrilus alatus. The present study may serve as an example for management projects for other giant earthworm species in other regions of Brazil and in other countries.  相似文献   

One hundred Danish dairy calves had temperature loggers implanted subcutaneously on the neck. Post-operatively, the calves were given a single antibiotic treatment, and tissue reactions were assessed on 6 post-operative visits. After approximately 5 months, the loggers were removed and material submitted for histologic examination. This paper presents 1) the surgical procedure, 2) the prevalence of tissue reaction at the post-operative visits, 3) the degree of implant recovery, 4) the results of histopathologic examinations, 5) an evaluation of age at implantation or veterinary practitioner as risk factors for tissue reaction and missing implant recovery 5 months after implantation, and 6) evaluation of tissue reaction as a risk factor for lack of recovery 5 months after implantation. The implant was rejected on 7 calves (7%). Additionally, 5 calves (5%) had the temperature logger removed because of presence of an abcess. No migration of the temperature loggers were observed. The results of a repeated measures analysis and the histopathological findings indicate that contamination during the surgery resulted in inflammation and abcess formation. It is recommended that in the presence of an abcess, the temperature logger should be removed.  相似文献   

Cross- and long-shelf Ekman transport components were correlatedwith the variability of zooplankton biomass from 1977 to 1990off the southern Brazilian coast (27°S to 35°S and 46°Wto 54°W). During warm months the dominant cross-shelf Ekmantransport was oriented offshore, where an increase in zooplanktonbiomass occurred with intervals of 2–3 months. The presenceof the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW; the water mass thattypically upwells at the continental shelf) was confirmed byseasonal temperature–salinity diagrams. The high zooplanktonbiomass values observed in this study were frequently causedby salps, which play an important ecological role in the pelagiccommunity in upwelling zones that has not been investigatedyet.  相似文献   

为了解我院护理人员对绩效考核的评价及满意度,以更好的修订和完善绩效考核评价指标体系.方法:采用任意抽样的方法,运用医院护理人员对绩效考核评价调查问卷,对我院262名护理人员进行调查.结果:基本工资和奖金是护理主要收入来源;工作能力和工作年限是培训和晋升机会主要依据;护理人员对医院绩效考核满意度较低.结论:对护理人员绩效考核评价体系进行全面改革,以调动护理人员积极性,提高满意度.  相似文献   

Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - Early microbial colonization is a determinant factor in animal health, and probiotic administration has been demonstrated to modulate intestinal microbiota...  相似文献   

The prevalence of antimicrobial drug-resistant bacteria is typically highest in younger animals, and prevalence is not necessarily related to recent use of antimicrobial drugs. In dairy cattle, we hypothesize that antimicrobial drug-resistant, neonate-adapted bacteria are responsible for the observed high frequencies of resistant Escherichia coli in calves. To explore this issue, we examined the age distribution of antimicrobial drug-resistant E. coli from Holstein cattle at a local dairy and conducted an experiment to determine if low doses of oxytetracycline affected the prevalence of antimicrobial drug-resistant E. coli. Isolates resistant to tetracycline (>4 μg/ml) were more prevalent in <3-month-old calves (79%) compared with lactating cows (14%). In an experimental trial where calves received diets supplemented with or without oxytetracycline, the prevalence of tetracycline-resistant E. coli was slightly higher for the latter group (P = 0.039), indicating that drug use was not required to maintain a high prevalence of resistant E. coli. The most common resistance pattern among calf E. coli isolates included resistance to streptomycin (>12 μg/ml), sulfadiazine (>512 μg/ml), and tetracycline (>4 μg/ml) (SSuT), and this resistance pattern was most prevalent during the period when calves were on milk diets. To determine if prevalence was a function of differential fitness, we orally inoculated animals with nalidixic acid-resistant strains of SSuT E. coli and susceptible E. coli. Shedding of SSuT E. coli was significantly greater than that of susceptible strains in neonatal calves (P < 0.001), whereas there was no difference in older animals (P = 0.5). These data support the hypothesis that active selection for traits linked to the SSuT phenotype are responsible for maintaining drug-resistant E. coli in this population of dairy calves.  相似文献   

With the aim of determining the occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp., 222 fecal samples were collected from Murrah buffalo calves aged up to 6 mo. Fecal DNA was genotyped with a nested polymerase chain reaction targeting the 18S rRNA gene and sequencing of the amplified fragment. Nested 18S PCR was positive for 48.2% of the samples. Sequence analysis showed that the most frequent species in these animals was Cryptosporidium ryanae, which was present in buffalo calves as young as 5 d. The zoonotic species Cryptosporidium parvum was detected in one animal. An uncommon Cryptosporidium 18S genotype was found in buffaloes.  相似文献   

The effect of the administration of milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria to calves was evaluated. The strains included were: Lactobacillus murinus CRL1695, Lact. mucosae CRL1696, Lact. johnsonii CRL1693, and Lact. salivarius CRL1702, which were selected for their beneficial and functional properties and isolated from healthy calves in the northwestern region of Argentina. The trial was conducted on a dairy farm located in Tucumán (Holando-Argentino calves). A randomized controlled trial was performed in which 56 new-born animals were divided into two groups: the treated group (T) received the fermented milk for 60 days and the control group (C) only milk. The animals were fed a solid diet ad libitum. The treated group was given a daily dose of 1 × 109CFU of the probiotic fermented milk while the control group was fed milk. Body weight and biometrical parameters were recorded between 15 and 60 days of age, and average daily gain was calculated with three samplings per animal throughout the trial. Rectal swabs and fecal and blood samples were also collected. Results showed the efficacy of the probiotic: lower morbidity and mortality of calves (morbidity was 69.20% in animals without the probiotic, and 46.15% in probiotic-treated animals, with P = 0.09; mortality in C was 34.61 and 7.69% in animals fed with ferment milk; P = 0.02).The calves fed with probiotic evidenced an improvement in nutritional parameters, body condition and weight gain (health index P = 0.01; average daily gain P = 0.03).Viable bacterial numbers showed no differences between the two experimental groups. Hematological parameters and serum proteins were not modified by the treatment. The results suggest that the fermented milk containing lactic acid bacteria can be a viable veterinary product for young calves due to its beneficial effects on health and growth.  相似文献   



Control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and zoonotic tuberculosis (zTB) has relied upon surveillance and slaughter of infected cattle, milk pasteurisation and public health education. In Cameroon, like many other sub-Saharan African countries, there is limited understanding of current cattle husbandry or milk processing practices or livestock keepers awareness of bTB. This paper describes husbandry and milk processing practices within different Cameroonian cattle keeping communities and bTB awareness in comparison to other infectious diseases.

Study design

A population based cross-sectional sample of herdsmen and a questionnaire were used to gather data from pastoralists and dairy farmers in the North West Region and Vina Division of Cameroon.


Pastoralists were predominately male Fulanis who had kept cattle for over a decade. Dairy farmers were non-Fulani and nearly half were female. Pastoralists went on transhumance with their cattle and came into contact with other herds and potential wildlife reservoirs of bTB. Dairy farmers housed their cattle and had little contact with other herds or wildlife. Pastoralists were aware of bTB and other infectious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and fasciolosis. These pastoralists were also able to identify clinical signs of these diseases. A similar proportion of dairy farmers were aware of bTB but fewer were aware of foot-and-mouth and fasciolosis. In general, dairy farmers were unable to identify any clinical signs for any of these diseases. Importantly most pastoralists and dairy farmers were unaware that bTB could be transmitted to people by consuming milk.


Current cattle husbandry practices make the control of bTB in cattle challenging especially in mobile pastoralist herds. Routine test and slaughter control in dairy herds would be tractable but would have profound impact on dairy farmer livelihoods. Prevention of transmission in milk offers the best approach for human risk mitigation in Cameroon but requires strategies that improved risk awareness amongst producers and consumers.  相似文献   

Smallpox and the ABO system in Southern Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The stockpersons handling the transportation of animals between farms and slaughterhouses are rarely assessed for their animal welfare knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP). Thus, this investigation presents a unique opportunity to study these interactions. Herein, a cross-sectional survey was carried out among 266 stockpersons in 10 Kenyan livestock markets to determine their animal welfare KAP. The survey questionnaire was based on Kenya’s Regulations for Animal Transport (Act No: CAP. 360-L.N. 119/1984). Mean percentage scores for knowledge, attitudes, and practices were 78.0 ± 14.1, 75.6 ± 16.0, and 64.5 ± 17.6, respectively. From the responses to statements related to animal husbandry, practices of the housing of unfamiliar groups of animals, cooperation with other stakeholders, and stress caused to animals during handling, it was found that stockpersons’ animal welfare KAP was inadequate. Women aged > 50 years or having more than 10 years of experience had significantly higher levels of animal welfare KAP (p < 0.05). In conclusion, although Kenyan stockpersons may score adequately on the parameters of animal welfare knowledge and attitudes, their followed practices are poor, which may possibly be influenced by gender, age, or level of experience.  相似文献   

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