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Codon usage in mitochondrial genome of the six different plants was analyzed to find general patterns of codon usage in plant mitochondrial genomes. The neutrality analysis indicated that the codon usage patterns of mitochondrial genes were more conserved in GC content and no correlation between GC12 and GC3. T and A ending codons were detected as the preferred codons in plant mitochondrial genomes. The Parity Rule 2 plot analysis showed that T was used more frequently than A. The ENC-plot showed that although a majority of the points with low ENC values were lying below the expected curve, a few genes lied on the expected curve. Correspondence analysis of relative synonymous codon usage yielded a first axis that explained only a partial amount of variation of codon usage. These findings suggest that natural selection is likely to be playing a large role in codon usage bias in plant mitochondrial genomes, but not only natural selection but also other several factors are likely to be involved in determining the selective constraints on codon bias in plant mitochondrial genomes. Meantime, 1 codon (P. patens), 6 codons (Z. mays), 9 codons (T. aestivum), 15 codons (A. thaliana), 15 codons (M. polymorpha) and 15 codons (N. tabacum) were defined as the preferred codons of the six plant mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   



Codon usage bias has been widely reported to correlate with GC composition. However, the quantitative relationship between codon usage bias and GC composition across species has not been reported.  相似文献   

Hahn MW  Han MV  Han SG 《PLoS genetics》2007,3(11):e197
Comparison of whole genomes has revealed large and frequent changes in the size of gene families. These changes occur because of high rates of both gene gain (via duplication) and loss (via deletion or pseudogenization), as well as the evolution of entirely new genes. Here we use the genomes of 12 fully sequenced Drosophila species to study the gain and loss of genes at unprecedented resolution. We find large numbers of both gains and losses, with over 40% of all gene families differing in size among the Drosophila. Approximately 17 genes are estimated to be duplicated and fixed in a genome every million years, a rate on par with that previously found in both yeast and mammals. We find many instances of extreme expansions or contractions in the size of gene families, including the expansion of several sex- and spermatogenesis-related families in D. melanogaster that also evolve under positive selection at the nucleotide level. Newly evolved gene families in our dataset are associated with a class of testes-expressed genes known to have evolved de novo in a number of cases. Gene family comparisons also allow us to identify a number of annotated D. melanogaster genes that are unlikely to encode functional proteins, as well as to identify dozens of previously unannotated D. melanogaster genes with conserved homologs in the other Drosophila. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the apparent stasis in total gene number among species has masked rapid turnover in individual gene gain and loss. It is likely that this genomic revolving door has played a large role in shaping the morphological, physiological, and metabolic differences among species.  相似文献   

Retrotransposon evolution in diverse plant genomes   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Retrotransposon or retrotransposon-like sequences have been reported to be conserved components of cereal centromeres. Here we show that the published sequences are derived from a single conventional Ty3-gypsy family or a nonautonomous derivative. Both autonomous and nonautonomous elements are likely to have colonized Poaceae centromeres at the time of a common ancestor but have been maintained since by active retrotransposition. The retrotransposon family is also present at a lower copy number in the Arabidopsis genome, where it shows less pronounced localization. The history of the family in the two types of genome provides an interesting contrast between "boom and bust" and persistent evolutionary patterns.  相似文献   



The nucleomorphs associated with secondary plastids of cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes are the sole examples of organelles with eukaryotic nuclear genomes. Although not as widespread as their prokaryotic equivalents in mitochondria and plastids, nucleomorph genomes share similarities in terms of reduction and compaction. They also differ in several aspects, not least in that they encode proteins that target to the plastid, and so function in a different compartment from that in which they are encoded.  相似文献   

《Trends in genetics : TIG》2023,39(8):598-599
The germline mutation rate (GMR) sets the pace at which mutations, the raw material of evolution, are introduced into the genome. By sequencing a dataset of unprecedently broad phylogenetic scope, Bergeron et al. estimated species-specific GMR, offering numerous insights into how this parameter shapes and is shaped by life-history traits.  相似文献   

Genome size and complexity vary tremendously among eukaryotic species and their organelles. Comparisons across deeply divergent eukaryotic lineages have suggested that variation in mutation rates may explain this diversity, with increased mutational burdens favoring reduced genome size and complexity. The discovery that mitochondrial mutation rates can differ by orders of magnitude among closely related angiosperm species presents a unique opportunity to test this hypothesis. We sequenced the mitochondrial genomes from two species in the angiosperm genus Silene with recent and dramatic accelerations in their mitochondrial mutation rates. Contrary to theoretical predictions, these genomes have experienced a massive proliferation of noncoding content. At 6.7 and 11.3 Mb, they are by far the largest known mitochondrial genomes, larger than most bacterial genomes and even some nuclear genomes. In contrast, two slowly evolving Silene mitochondrial genomes are smaller than average for angiosperms. Consequently, this genus captures approximately 98% of known variation in organelle genome size. The expanded genomes reveal several architectural changes, including the evolution of complex multichromosomal structures (with 59 and 128 circular-mapping chromosomes, ranging in size from 44 to 192 kb). They also exhibit a substantial reduction in recombination and gene conversion activity as measured by the relative frequency of alternative genome conformations and the level of sequence divergence between repeat copies. The evolution of mutation rate, genome size, and chromosome structure can therefore be extremely rapid and interrelated in ways not predicted by current evolutionary theories. Our results raise the hypothesis that changes in recombinational processes, including gene conversion, may be a central force driving the evolution of both mutation rate and genome structure.  相似文献   



The rate at which neutral (non-functional) bases undergo substitution is highly dependent on their location within a genome. However, it is not clear how fast these location-dependent rates change, or to what extent the substitution rate patterns are conserved between lineages. To address this question, which is critical not only for understanding the substitution process but also for evaluating phylogenetic footprinting algorithms, we examine ancestral repeats: a predominantly neutral dataset with a significantly higher genomic density than other datasets commonly used to study substitution rate variation. Using this repeat data, we measure the extent to which orthologous ancestral repeat sequences exhibit similar substitution patterns in separate mammalian lineages, allowing us to ascertain how well local substitution rates have been preserved across species.  相似文献   

Previous studies have estimated that, in angiosperms, the synonymous substitution rate of chloroplast genes is three times higher than that of mitochondrial genes and that of nuclear genes is twelve times higher than that of mitochondrial genes. Here we used 12 genes in 27 seed plant species to investigate whether these relative rates of substitutions are common to diverse seed plant groups. We find that the overall relative rate of synonymous substitutions of mitochondrial, chloroplast and nuclear genes of all seed plants is 1:3:10, that these ratios are 1:2:4 in gymnosperms but 1:3:16 in angiosperms and that they go up to 1:3:20 in basal angiosperms. Our results show that the mitochondrial, chloroplast and nuclear genomes of seed plant groups have different synonymous substitutions rates, that these rates are different in different seed plant groups and that gymnosperms have smaller ratios than angiosperms.  相似文献   

The photoreceptor phytochromes, encoded by a small gene family, are responsible for controlling the expression of a number of light-responsive genes and photomorphogenic events, including agronomically important phenotypes such as flowering time and shade-avoidance behavior. The understanding and control of flowering time are particularly important goals in sorghum cultivar development for diverse environments, and naturally occurring variation in the phytochrome genes might prove useful in breeding programs. Also of interest is whether variation observed at the phytochrome loci in domesticated sorghum, or in particular races, is a result of human selection. Population genetic studies can reveal evidence of such selection in patterns of polymorphism and divergence. In this study we report a population genetic analysis of the PHY gene family in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench in a diverse panel including both cultivated and wild accessions. We show that the level of nucleotide variation in all gene family members is about half the average for this species, consistent with purifying selection acting on these loci. However, the rate of amino acid substitution is accelerated at PHYC compared to the other two loci. In comparisons to a closely related sorghum species, PHYC shows a pattern of intermediate frequency amino acid changes that differ from the patterns observed in comparisons across longer evolutionary distances. There is also a departure from expected patterns of polymorphism and divergence at synonymous sites in PHYC, although the data do not fit a simple model of directional or diversifying selection. Cultivated sorghum has a level of variation similar to that of wild relatives (ssp. verticilliflorum), but many polymorphisms are subspecies-specific, including several amino acid variants.  相似文献   

Tests of correlated evolution typically treat phenotypic characters as univariate variables, even though different trait attributes may contribute to their association with other traits. In this study, patterns of character covariation among species are analysed in a multivariate framework to test for both correlated rates and directions of evolutionary change in traits forming the genitalic complex of male grasshoppers. Although the covariation structure differs among traits, and among the constituent species of two grasshopper clades, significant co-divergence was detected among the most closely interacting genitalic traits (i.e. intromittent characters) in both clades. Co-divergence across shape space is not accompanied by similar rates of evolution among species, although the intromittent characters tend to show accelerated evolution (relative to nonintromittent characters). Differences in the evolutionary trajectories among traits may relate to their varied roles during mating. The study emphasizes the importance of a multivariate framework for detecting macroevolutionary patterns of correlated change.  相似文献   

We develop a new model for studying the molecular evolution of protein-coding DNA sequences. In contrast to existing models, we incorporate the potential for site-to-site heterogeneity of both synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates. We demonstrate that within-gene heterogeneity of synonymous substitution rates appears to be common. Using the new family of models, we investigate the utility of a variety of new statistical inference procedures, and we pay particular attention to issues surrounding the detection of sites undergoing positive selection. We discuss how failure to model synonymous rate variation in the model can lead to misidentification of sites as positively selected.  相似文献   

Estimating synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
Partitioning the total substitution rate into synnonymous and nonsynonymous components is a key aspect of many analyses in molecular evolution. Numerous methods exist for estimating these rates. However, until recently none of the estimation procedures were based on a sound statistical footing. In this paper, the evolutionary model of Muse and Gaut (1994) is used as the basis for two sets of parameters quantifying silent and replacement substitution rates. The parameters are shown to be equal when the four nucleotides are equally frequent and unequal otherwise. Maximum-likelihood estimation of these parameters is described, and the performance of these estimates is compared to that of existing estimation procedures. It is shown that the estimates of Nei and Gojobori (1986) are not unbiased for either set of parameters, although they provide very good estimates for one set as long as sequence divergence is not too high. However, some disturbing properties are found for the Nei and Gojobori estimates. In particular, it is shown that the expected value of the Nei and Gojobori estimate of silent substitution rate is a function of both the silent and replacement substitution rates. The maximum-likelihood estimates have no such problems.   相似文献   

叶片生物量和元素含量是显著影响叶片生理功能的两类重要的叶片经济性状, 且二者紧密相关。然而过去的研究多数关注C、N和P三种元素含量, 而对其他元素含量关注较少。维管附生植物不能直接从土壤中吸收养分而经常遭受养分胁迫, 养分含量与生物量之间的协同关系在这类植物中表现得尤为突出。选择维管附生石斛属植物为研究对象, 应用系统发育独立对比分析, 检测了叶片生物量和元素含量的系统发育保守性以及这些性状间的关联进化。结果表明, 叶片干物质含量、比叶重、C含量、N含量、P含量以及C/N具有较强的系统发育信号, 并且叶片干物质含量和比叶重与这四个元素含量性状间存在较强的关联进化。另外, 经系统发育校准后, Ca含量和Mg含量间存在显著正相关; P含量与Si含量间存在显著正相关; Zn含量与N含量、N/P以及Mn含量间存在显著正相关, 而与C/N间存在显著负相关。结果为探讨维管附生植物叶片生物量和元素含量的主要影响因素, 以及从进化角度探讨二者在植物进化适应过程中的生态协同功能提供案例, 对进一步了解维管附生植物的功能适应性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Our knowledge of recombination rates and patterns in plants is far from being comprehensive. However, compelling evidence indicates a central role for recombination, through its influences on mutation and selection, in the evolution of plant genomes. Furthermore, recombination seems to be generally higher and more variable in plants than in animals, which could be one of the primary reasons for differences in genome lability between these two kingdoms. Much additional study of recombination in plants is needed to investigate these ideas further.  相似文献   

McVean GA  Vieira J 《Genetics》2001,157(1):245-257
Selection acting on codon usage can cause patterns of synonymous evolution to deviate considerably from those expected under neutrality. To investigate the quantitative relationship between parameters of mutation, selection, and demography, and patterns of synonymous site divergence, we have developed a novel combination of population genetic models and likelihood methods of phylogenetic sequence analysis. Comparing 50 orthologous gene pairs from Drosophila melanogaster and D. virilis and 27 from D. melanogaster and D. simulans, we show considerable variation between amino acids and genes in the strength of selection acting on codon usage and find evidence for both long-term and short-term changes in the strength of selection between species. Remarkably, D. melanogaster shows no evidence of current selection on codon usage, while its sister species D. simulans experiences only half the selection pressure for codon usage of their common ancestor. We also find evidence for considerable base asymmetries in the rate of mutation, such that the average synonymous mutation rate is 20-30% higher than in noncoding regions. A Bayesian approach is adopted to investigate how accounting for selection on codon usage influences estimates of the parameters of mutation.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences encoding signal peptides from the precursors of alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitors from cereals are homologous to those corresponding to the precursors of thaumatin II and of plastocyanins. Non-synonymous (KA) and synonymous (KS) rates of nucleotide substitutions have been calculated for all possible binary combinations. Extreme variation in KA/KS ratios has been observed; from the 0.167 average found within the plastocyanin family to an average of 1.90 calculated for the inhibitors/thaumatin II transition. A similar calculation has been carried out for the signal peptide sequences of thionins, which are unrelated to those of the alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitor family, and an average KA/KS of 0.12 has been obtained. This variation can be largely explained in terms of an empirical index of stability related to amino acid composition and seems to be independent of functional constraints.  相似文献   



The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a key model of genetic polymorphism. Selection pressure by pathogens or other microevolutionary forces may result in a high rate of non-synonymous substitutions at the codons specifying the contact residues of the antigen binding sites (ABS), and the maintenance of extreme MHC allelic variation at the population/species level. Therefore, selection forces favouring MHC variability for any reason should cause a correlated evolution between substitution rates and allelic polymorphism. To investigate this prediction, we characterised nucleotide substitution rates and allelic polymorphism (i.e. the number of alleles detected in relation to the number of animals screened) of several Mhc class II DRB lineages in 46 primate species, and tested for a correlation between them.  相似文献   

Retrotransposons are an abundant and ancient component of plant genomes, yet recent evidence indicates that element activity in many modern plants is restricted to times of stress. Stress activation of plant retrotransposons may be a significant factor in somaclonal variation, in addition to providing an important means to isolate new active elements. Long terminal repeat retrotransposons and a second class of elements we have called miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) have recently been found to be associated with the genes of diverse plants where some contribute regulatory sequences. Because of their sequence diversity and small size, MITEs may be a valuable evolutionary tool for altering patterns of gene expression.  相似文献   

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