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温度对蜘蛛抗饥能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对隐蛛科的白斑隐蛛、狼蛛科的星豹蛛,栅蛛科的栓栅蛛,球蛛科的八斑鞘蛛,皿蛛科的花腹盖蛛,园蛛科的角类肥蛛,肖蛸科的鳞纹肖蛸,蟹蛛科的三突花蛛,管巢蛛科的粽管巢蛛,猫蛛科的斜纹猫蛛,跳蛛科的纵条蝇狮等11科11种蜘蛛的385头成蛛,296头2龄幼蛛和126头亚成蛛共计807头蜘蛛分别在20 ℃、25 ℃、30 ℃和35 ℃ 4种恒温条件下作了的抗饥能力研究.结果显示:(1)实验蜘蛛的2龄幼蛛、亚成蛛和成蛛抗饥能力的大小与温度的高低呈负相关,即随着温度的升高,抗饥能力减小.(2)由于蜘蛛种类不同,其抗饥能力的大小也表现出很大的差异.无论是2龄幼蛛还是成蛛,均以花腹盖蛛和鳞纹肖蛸抗饥能力最差;2龄幼蛛抗饥能力最强的是角类肥蛛;成蛛抗饥能力最强的是栓栅蛛、白斑隐蛛和角类肥蛛.(3)同一种蜘蛛,由于发育阶段不同其抗饥能力也表现出很大差异,随着蜘蛛发育阶段增长,其抗饥能力加强.在本实验条件下所有蜘蛛都是以2龄幼蛛抗饥能力较差,亚成蛛次之,成蛛的抗饥能力最强.  相似文献   

黄褐新园蛛(Neoscon,doenitzi)和茶色新园蛛(N.theisi)为我国农田常见害虫天敌。其幼蛛特征尚未见报道。鉴于在调查和统计种群数量时常易混淆。为此将两种蜘蛛通过室内饲养获得各龄期标本,进行描述。其各部位的量度统一以蜕皮后三天的幼蛛进行测量,比较如下:一龄幼蛛均在卵囊内。体淡黄色。附肢半透明状。头胸部的放射沟及颈沟均不显。眼列较为相似。但茶色新园蛛各眼显著大且黑于黄褐新园蛛。身体及附肢上具短毛。黄褐新园蛛腹部较茶色新园蛛圆。茶色新园蛛腹部背面隐约可见淡黄色的斑块。二龄幼蛛两种园蛛腹背均具淡黄色斑块,但黄褐新园…  相似文献   

青藏高原丽蝇科昆虫物种多样性初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从种数、特有物种和区系构成等角度分析了青藏高原丽蝇科昆虫的物种多样性。青藏高原已知丽蝇5亚科35属120种,占中国已知种数的44.28%,其中特有种55种,占该地区总种数的45.83%;区系构成以特有种、古北界 东洋界共同种及典型的东洋界种和古北界种为主,但澳洲界、新北界、非洲界和新热带界共同种也占一定比例。文中讨论了该地区特有种丰富的原因及地质历史环境对其的影响,分析了区系构成中各种区系成分的比例及形成原因。  相似文献   

我们在整理研究浙江和北京两地蜘蛛的过程中,先后发现了蟹蛛科双孔花蟹蛛和东方峭腹蛛的雌蛛以及管巢蛛科皮雄红螯蛛的雄蛛。这三种蜘蛛最初都是申克尔在1963年根据单个标本发表的我国种类,其配对的雌蛛或雄蛛迄今尚无记载,故有必要作一报道。因为蜘蛛中某些类群的外雌器形状类似,仅根据其外面观难以鉴别,故文内一并附以外雌器内面观图。 1.双孔花蟹蛛Xysticus lesserti Schenkel(图1—4)  相似文献   

云南省小黑山自然保护区种子植物区系研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王玉兵  杜凡  曹顺伟   《广西植物》2006,26(3):261-267
小黑山自然保护区有野生种子植物170科787属2195种。分析表明该区种子植物区系的地理成分复杂,联系广泛。热带性质的属有506属,占总属数的68.6%,温带性质的属有224属,占总属数的30.4%。热带性质的种890种,占总种数的40.9%,温带性质的种有1267种,占总种数的58.3%。表明该地区植物区系具有明显的亚热带性质,同时深受热带植物区系的影响。植物区系来源主要由东亚成分、热带亚洲成分(印度—马来西亚成分)、中国特有成分三部分融合而成。特有现象明显,有东亚特有科5科,中国特有属6属,中国特有种778种,占种总数的35.8%,而云南特有种有355种,占中国特有种的45.6%。保护区还拥有众多的珍稀濒危植物。  相似文献   

武汉天河机场地区蜘蛛群落及多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘家武  王国秀 《蛛形学报》2000,9(2):107-111
1999年7月-10月对天河机场地区4种生境的蜘蛛资源进行了调查,蜘蛛群落有12科34属52种。研究结果表明:群落的优势种为三突花蛛、锥腹肖蛸、茶色新园蛛、斜纹猫蛛、食虫沟瘤蛛、纵条蝇狮;不同生境、不同季节,群落结构组成不同;丰富度、多样性指数、均匀度、优势度不同;4种生境中的蜘蛛群落相似性很小。这主要与植被类型、密度等直接有关,另外也受农事活动的影响。  相似文献   

用网捕法对四川名山蒙顶山山区有瓣蝇类进行了调查,共采集成蝇标本18873只,隶属7科19亚科62属132种,其中古北区+东洋区种占34.8%,东洋区种占29.5%,特有种占9.8%,跨多区种占25.9%.紫翠蝇Neomyia gavisa,肥躯金蝇Chysomya pinguis及反吐丽蝇Calliphora vomitoria为该山区优势种,其构成比分别为24.4%、19.8%和11.2%;毛胫厕蝇Fannia hirtitibia等13种为当地特产种.紫翠蝇Neomyia gavisa、巨尾阿丽蝇Aldrichina grahami、反吐丽蝇Calliphora vomitoria及紫绿蝇Lucilia porphyrina常年均可见成蝇出没.  相似文献   

广西红树林蜘蛛群落研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
韦绥概  周放 《蛛形学报》2000,9(1):33-37
广西红树林区及其近邻非红树林生境共采集到蜘蛛82种,隶属于13科49属,其中红树林区有13科32属55种。红树林区以园蛛科、非红树林区以猫蛛科和狼蛛科种类所占比例较高。角腹艾蛛是红树林区的优势种。物种多样性和丰富度红树林区比非红树林区高。  相似文献   

1998~1999年、1999~2000年在武汉地区使用陷阱法系统采样,研究了大麦田蜘蛛群落结构,比较了不同的冬天气候因素对麦田蜘蛛群落结构的影响.使用Berger-Parker优势度指数分析了调查时间段大麦田的地面优势种蜘蛛.结果显示,1998~1999年的优势种蜘蛛为皿蛛科蜘蛛,隆背微蛛Erigone prominens Boes. et Str.在大麦的全生长期均为优势种.1999~2000年,主要的优势种蜘蛛为狼蛛科的类水狼株Pirata piratoides Boes.et Str.、沟渠豹蛛Pardosa laura Karsch和拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boes.et Str.).另外,通过各优势种蜘蛛雄蛛的个体数变化,探讨了各优势种蜘蛛在田间的交配繁殖情况.结果表明,冬天气候对蜘蛛的交配时期有明显影响.在暖冬天气,大多数种类的交配比冷冬提前.一般情况下,各优势种蜘蛛能在麦田繁殖1代.另外,还对平腹蛛科的2种蜘蛛的雄蛛在田间的活动情况进行了描述.  相似文献   

宁夏黄河湿地现已知有44种蝗虫,隶属2总科8科24属,占全自治区蝗虫总种数的50.57%。湿地蝗虫在种类组成上以蝗总科中的斑翅蝗科为优势类群,共计12属15种,占总种数的34.09%。网翅蝗科次之,共计3属11种,占总种数的25%。区系成分分析结果表明,宁夏黄河湿地蝗虫完全为古北界区系成分。在中国地理区划中有17个区系型,以蒙新区特有种所占比例最高,计17种,占总种数的38.64%。其次为蒙新区—青藏区系型,计4种,占9.09%。以宁夏黄河湿地11个自然行政地理区划为分类单元,对其种类生态地理分布进行聚类分析,探讨了地理生态环境与生物物种多样性之间的关系。  相似文献   

系统研究了南方5个亚热带森林生态系统地表植被的动态变化情况.研究方法是:在每个研究区域内,按照地形梯度分别布设50个1m2 的样方,记录样方内所有物种的频度及相关的环境变量,5个研究区域共设250个样方,每个样方分别调查两次.通过单元及多元统计方法分析表明:维管植物物种频度在一个区域明显下降,另二个区域显著增加;苔藓物种频度在一个区域有明显下降,另一个区域明显增加;苔藓物种数量在3个区域显著增加,另二个区域显著下降;维管植物物种数量显著增加在二个区域;物种组成沿着第一个植被梯度轴DCA 1没有显著变化,沿着第二个植被梯度轴DCA 2在二个区域有显著变化.综合分析表明,苔藓对气候变化及其波动反映敏感,是较好的气候变化及气候波动生物指示因子,而管植物数量及频度的变化没有明显证据显示与土壤酸化和大气污染有紧密关系.  相似文献   

姚一建  李熠 《生物多样性》2016,24(9):1020-414
物种是生物多样性与分类学研究的基本单元, 物种识别是生物学研究的基本问题之一。物种的划分一直以来都没有一个明确统一的标准, 这使得分类学多少带有主观的色彩, 并经常被看作艺术而不完全是科学的研究。本文简要概述了菌物分类学研究中常见的3个物种概念, 即形态学种、生物学种和系统发育学种的背景和应用现状, 并通过实例讨论了这3个物种概念的特点及应用中存在的问题, 特别是各个物种概念之间的交错, 以期为菌物分类学研究和物种概念探讨提供参考。  相似文献   

CITES(濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约)是一个通过控制贸易的方法来维护物种生存及其持续利用的国际法规,其附录中所列的物种是重点管理的对象,主要根据现有的Berne标准来确定。但是,长期的实践证明,它已不能满足实际的需要。1992年6月CITES常务委员会要求世界保护联盟协助制定一个简明、实用、科学和客观的新标准,本文对此作一简介和讨论。  相似文献   

We examined the diversity of vascular plants, butterflies, grasshoppers, gastropods and carabid beetles in three calcareous grasslands in the northwestern Swiss Jura mountains, a habitat type that has decreased dramatically during the recent decades. As many as 58 species (ca 22%) of the 266 collected are listed as threatened in northern Switzerland. The number of threatened species ranged from 27 to 49 per site, and 26 species occurred in only one of the three grasslands. The species richness of butterflies and vascular plants correlated positively among the grasslands, while the species richness of other groups did not covary. An index of complementarity indicated that the species compositions (including non-threatened species, and spiders and oribatid mites) of the groups varied greatly among the grasslands. In addition, herbivorous groups were more widely distributed than predators among the three grasslands. Due to this variation in species composition none of the three sites c an substitute for the others, if the biodiversity of these grasslands is to be maintained. Furthermore, the taxonomic groups studied are poor indicators of each others' diversity. Consequently, we support the shopping basket approach to conservation evaluation, i.e. measuring species richness, species composition and complementarity of several groups instead of just one.  相似文献   

Florida has one of the two worst non-indigenous invasive species problems in the United States, and all such species are considered by statute to be a potential ecological problem. Unfortunately, little information is available about most of Florida's invasive species. Here, we provide information on range expansion of a population of one of the lesser-known species. The Palm Beach County, Florida, population of the northern curly-tailed lizard, Leiocephalus carinatus armouri, was examined for north–south expansion of its previously documented range. Observations were conducted as contiguous expansion outward from the previously known range. We found a substantial contiguous range expansion by a minimum of 46.3 km to the south and 34.1 km to the north. This species appears to be closely associated with coastal habitat degradation in the form of human infrastructure, especially ageing pavement, sea walls, buildings, and bridge bases.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are suffering from increasing intensities and frequency of disturbances. As a result, non-native species accidentally introduced or intentionally planted for farming, plantations, and ornamental purposes may spread and potentially invade undisturbed native forest. It is not known if these introduced species will become invasive, as a result of recurrent natural disturbances such as hurricanes. Using data from three censuses (spanning 15 years) of a 16-ha subtropical wet forest plot, we investigated the impact of two hurricanes on populations of plant species that were planted in farms and plantations that were then abandoned and from the natural spread of species introduced into Puerto Rico in the past. The populations of four species (Citrus paradis, Mangifera indica, Musa sp., and Simarouba glauca) changed little over time. Six species (Artocarpus altilis, Calophyllum calaba, Genipa americana, Hibiscus pernambucensis, Syzygium jambos, and Swietenia macrophylla) declined between the first two censuses after Hurricane Hugo, then increased again in Census 3 after Hurricane Georges. Spathodea campanulata gradually increased from census to census, while Coffea arabica declined. These introduced species represent only a small part of the forest basal area and few show signs of increasing over time. The number of stems per plant, new recruits, and the growth rates of these introduced species were within the ranges of those for native plant species. The mortality rates over both census intervals were significantly lower for introduced species (<5% year−1) than for native ones (15% year−1). Many new recruits established after Hurricane Hugo (prior to this study) had opened the forest canopy and these high mortality rates reflect their death as the canopy recovered. Only Swietenia macrophylla and Syzygium jambos showed an increase in stem numbers in the closed canopy area of forest that had suffered limited human disturbance in the past. A future increase in frequency of disturbance may enable greater stem numbers of introduced species to establish, while lower-mortality rates compared to native species, may allow them to persist during inter-hurricane intervals. An increase in the population of introduced species, especially for those that grow into large trees, may have an impact on this tropical forest in the future.  相似文献   

指示种、伞护种和旗舰种等的运用常常可以作为解决保护生物学问题的捷径。指示种被用来评价环境中人为干扰因素的程度,监测其他物种的种群动态,或用于确定生物多样性较高的区域;伞护种则常用来确定需保护生境的类型和面积;而旗舰种被用于引起公众对保护行为的关注。本文试图对上述术语和概念在使用上加以明确区分,并对其应用提出一些指导性原则。认为针对上述不同类型的代理种,使用的目的和选择的标准应有所不同,彼此不能混淆使用。  相似文献   

琅琊山国家森林公园蝶类多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
诸立新  吴孝兵 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):232-235,225
报道了安徽滁州市琅琊山国家森林公园蝶类多样性的研究结果,共采集了蝴蝶4454只,隶属8科、40属、57种。应用Margalef物种丰富度模型及Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数分析了该地蝶类物种的丰富度及多样性。蝴蝶物种丰富度由大到小为森林林地(7.2747)>山缘农田(5.3499)>裸岩(3.3008),物种多样性指数由大到小为森林林地(3.3081)>裸岩(2.4628)>山缘农田(2.0009);结果表明琅琊山蝶类物种较为丰富,多样性指数说明琅琊山的生态环境良好。  相似文献   

The way we view the Species category in Primates, as in other animals, especially other vertebrates, has been going through a revolution over the past 20 years or so. Much is wrong with the idea that we can define species according to whether or not they are “reproductively isolated”: this concept, the so‐called Biological Species Concept, has never offered any guidelines in the case of allopatric populations; this has now been shown to be simply wrong. Although other ways of looking at species – the Evolutionary, Recognition, Cohesion and Genetic Species Concepts – have all provided particular insights, the only proposal to offer a repeatable, falsifiable definition of species is the Phylogenetic Species Concept. This has been criticised for increasing the number of species to be recognised, although it is not clear why this should be a problem: indeed, it tells us that the world is far richer in biodiversity than we had conceived. Am. J. Primatol. 74:687‐691, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although many species have gone extinct, their genetic components might exist in extant species because of ancient hybridization. Via advances in genome sequencing and development of modern population genetics, one can find the legacy of unknown or extinct species in the context of available genomes from extant species. Such discovery can be used as a strategy to search for hidden species or fossils in conservation biology and archeology, gain novel insight into complex evolutionary history, and provide the new sources of genetic variation for breeding and trait improvement in agriculture.  相似文献   

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