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The aim of this study is to assess and compare the performance of commonly used hierarchical, partitional (k-means) and Gaussian model-based (Expectation–Maximization algorithm) clustering techniques to appropriately identify subgroup patterns within vertical ground reaction force data, using a continuous waveform analysis. In addition, we also compared the performance across each technique using normalized and non-normalization input scores. Both generated and real data (one hundred and twenty two vertical jumps) were analyzed. The performance of each cluster technique was measured by assessing the ability to explain variances in jump height using a stepwise regression analysis. Only k-means (normalized scores; 82%) and hierarchical clustering (normalized scores; 85%) were able to extend the ability to describe variances in jump height beyond that achieved using the group analysis (i.e. one cluster; 78%). Further, our findings strongly indicate the need to normalize the input data (similarity measure) when clustering. In contrast to the group analysis, the subgroup analysis was able to identify cluster specific phases of variance, which improved the ability to explain variances in jump height, due to the identification of cluster specific predictor variables. Our findings therefore highlight the benefit of performing a subgroup analysis and may explain, at least in part, the contrasting findings between previous studies that used a single group level of analysis.  相似文献   

The best method of assessing muscular force qualities during isoinertial stretch shorten cycle lower body movements remains a subject of much debate. This study had 2 purposes: Firstly, to calculate the interday reliability of peak force (PF) measurement and a variety of force-time measures, and, secondly, to compare the reliability of the 2 most common technologies for measuring force during loaded jump squats, the linear position transducer (PT), and the force plate (FP). Twenty-five male elite level rugby union players performed 3 rebound jump squats with a 40-kg external load on 2 occasions 1 week apart. Vertical ground reaction forces (GRFs) were directly measured via an FP, and force was differentiated from position data collected using a PT. From these data, a number of force-time variables were calculated for both the FP and PT. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), coefficient of variation (CV), and percent change in the mean were used as measures of between-session reliability. Additionally, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficients were used to investigate intercorrelations between variables and technologies. Both FP and PT were found to be a reliable means of measuring PF (ICC = 0.88-0.96, CV = 2.3-4.8%), and the relationship between the 2 technologies was very high and high for days 1 and 2, respectively (r = 0.67-0.88). Force-time variables calculated from FP data tended to have greater relative and absolute consistency (ICC = 0.70-0.96, CV = 5.1-51.8%) than those calculated from differentiated PT data (ICC = 0.18-0.95, CV = 7.7-93.6%). Intercorrelations between variables ranged from trivial to practically perfect (r = 0.00-1.00). It was concluded that PF can be measured reliably with both FP and PT technologies, and these measurements are related. A number of force-time values can also be reliably calculated via the use of GRF data. Although some of these force-time variables can be reliably calculated using position data, variation of measurement is generally greater when using position data to calculate force.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated displacement, time, velocity and acceleration history of center of mass (COM) and electrical activity of knee extensors to estimate the dominance of the factors influencing the vertical velocity in squat jumps (SJs), countermovement jumps (CMJs) and drop jumps (DJs) performed with small (40°) and large (80°) range of joint motion (SROM and LROM). The maximum vertical velocity (v4) was 23.4% (CMJ) and 7.8% (DJ) greater when the jumps were performed with LROM compared with SROM (p < 0.05). These differences are considerably less than it could be expected from the greater COM and knee angular displacement and duration of active state. This small difference can be attributed to the greater deceleration during eccentric phase (CMJ:32.1%, DJ:91.5%) in SROM than that in LROM. v4 was greater for SJ in LROM than for SJ in SROM indicating the significance of the longer active state and greater activation level (p < 0.001). The difference in v4 was greater between SJ and CMJ in SROM (38.6%) than in LROM (9.0%), suggesting that elastic energy storage and re-use can be a dominant factor in the enhancement of vertical velocity of CMJ and DJ compared with SJ performed with SROM.  相似文献   

In this study, designed to determine the effect of lower extremity inertia manipulation on joint kinetics and segment energetics during the swing phase, 15 male distance runners were filmed as they performed treadmill running (3.35 m s-1) under five load conditions: no added load and loads of 0.25 kg and 0.50 kg added to each thigh or each foot. Results of this study demonstrated that the energetics of the lower extremity movements during the swing phase of the running cycle were dominated by mechanical energy transfers between adjacent segments attributed to the joint reaction forces, which acted to redistribute mechanical energy within the system. These contributions were considerably greater than those of the net joint moments, which primarily reflected muscular generation and dissipation of mechanical energy. Lower extremity loading caused little change in the movement pattern of the swing leg. However, increases in the joint reaction forces and net moments and in the amount of work done and the energy transfer attributed to the reaction forces and moments were observed, but were limited to the joints proximal to the location of the added load. These results were consistent with the increased aerobic demand associated with increases in lower extremity inertia that have been reported elsewhere and also have implications for the manner in which the neuromuscular system controls the motion of the legs during running.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the number of familiarization sessions required to obtain an accurate measure of reliability associated with loaded vertical jump and 20-m sprint running performance. Ten physically active men attended 5 separate testing sessions over a 3-week period where they performed unloaded and loaded (10-kg extra load) countermovement (CMJ) and static (SJ) jumps, followed by straight-line 20-m sprints. Jump height was recorded for the vertical jumps using a jump mat, while the time for 10 m and 20 m was recorded during the sprints using photocells. The highest (jump conditions) and fastest (sprint) of 3 trials performed during each of the 5 testing sessions was used in the subsequent analysis. Familiarization was assessed using the scores obtained during the 5 separate testing sessions. Reliability was assessed by calculating intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and coefficient of variation (CV). No significant differences were obtained between the testing sessions for any of the measures. ICCs ranged from 0.89 to 0.95, while CVs ranged from 1.9 to 2.6%. These results indicate that high levels of reliability can be achieved without the need for familiarization sessions when using loaded and unloaded CMJ and SJ and 20-m sprint performance with physically active men.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between reactive strength in a vertical and a horizontal drop jump (DJ). Subjects (n = 28) with previous jump training experience, performed 6 vertical DJs and 6 horizontal DJs from a 0.4-m box. Contact time, height jumped, distance jumped, and reactive strength index (RSI) were calculated and analyzed. Typical error measurements (TEMCV%) and intraclass correlations (ICCs) were used to assess the intrasubject reliability. Relationships between jumps and within jumps of the aforementioned variables were assessed using ICCs. The ICC (r > 0.789) and the TEMCV% (<10%) indicated good reliability for both vertical and horizontal DJs across each variable. Contact time showed no relationship between jumps (r = 0.222) and had no effect on the vertical DJ height (r = 0.152) or horizontal DJ distance (r = 0.261). The RSI correlation (r = 0.533) indicated a large relationship between reactive ability in the horizontal DJ and the vertical DJ. Contact times were significantly lower in vertical DJs compared with horizontal DJs (p < 0.0001). This study indicated that horizontal DJs are reliable and may be better used to train reactive movements that do not require brief contact times.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a weight-bearing free weight resistance training program alone on knee flexion, hip flexion, and knee valgus during unilateral and bilateral drop jump tasks. Twenty-nine young adult females with previous athletic experience were randomly divided into a control (n = 16) and a resistance training (n = 13) groups. The resistance training group completed 8 weeks of lower extremity, weight-bearing exercises using free weights, whereas the control group did not train. A pre- and posttest was conducted to measure knee valgus, knee flexion, and hip flexion during unilateral (30 cm) and bilateral (60 cm) vertical drop jumps for maximum height. Joint angles were determined using 3-dimensional electromagnetic tracking sensors (MotionMonitor; Innovative Sports Training, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Initial training intensity for the bilateral squat was 50% of the subject's 1 repetition maximum (RM), which increased 5% each week to 85% during the final week. Sets and repetitions ranged from 2 to 4 and from 4 to 12, respectively. The training loads for all other exercises (lunge, step-up, unilateral squat, and Romanian deadlift) increased from 15RM to 6RM from the initial to the final week. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to determine differences in the hip and knee joint angles. No significant differences for knee valgus and hip flexion measures were found between the groups after training; however, knee flexion angle significantly increased in the training group from the pretest (77.2 ± 4.1°) to posttest (83.2 ± 3.7°) during the bilateral drop jump. No significant changes occurred during the unilateral drop jump. Bilateral measures for knee flexion, hip flexion, and knee valgus were significantly (p < 0.05) greater than the unilateral measures during the drop jump task, which indicate an increased risk for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury during unilateral drop jumps. The data support that the strength and conditioning specialist can implement resistance training alone during a short-term training period to reduce the risk of ACL injury by increasing knee flexion during a bilateral drop jump task. Increased knee flexion angles after resistance training may indicate a reduced risk for knee injury from improved neuromuscular control, resulting in a softer landing.  相似文献   

The maximum velocity (Vmax) reached during countermovement jumps (CMJ) has been considered a performance indicator to evaluate vertical jump ability. The aim of this study was to compare Vmax during loaded CMJ (CMJloaded) using three different technologies to show a criterion for selecting the more appropriate depending on its use. Nine recreationally active men performed a CMJloaded test. Five jumps were made in each of 6 series with a 20- kg barbell + 0, + 5, + 10, + 15, + 20 and + 25 kg, with 2 seconds rest between the jumps and 5 minutes rest between the series to explore a wide range of speeds. Vmax was obtained from force platform, inertial device and linear encoder technologies. Bland-Altman plots and mean differences were used to compare devices. Reproducibility was tested using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for single measures and typical error (TE). All technologies showed high levels of reproducibility, ICC higher than 0.75 and TE lower than 10 %. There were non-significant differences in Vmax between each pair of technologies (linear encoder 2.11 ± 0.24 m·s-1, accelerometer 2.11 ± 0.26 m·s-1, force platform 2.12 ± 0.24 m·s-1) reporting a very low bias. However the limits of agreement between the different technologies evaluated were high (± 0.33 m·s-1). In conclusion, the accelerometer, linear encoder and force platform were suitably reliable to be used to measure Vmax during loaded vertical jumps but their values were not interchangeable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether performing high force or explosive force movements prior to sprinting would improve running speed. Fifteen NCAA Division III football players performed a heavy-load squat (HS), loaded countermovement jump (LCMJ), or control (C) warm-up condition in a counterbalanced randomized order over the course of 3 weeks. The HS protocol consisted of 1 set of 3 repetitions at 90% of the subject's 1 repetition maximum (1RM). The LCMJ protocol was 1 set of 3 repetitions at 30% of the subject's 1RM. At 4 minutes post-warm-up, subjects completed a timed 40-m dash with time measured at 10, 30, and 40 m. The results of the study indicated that when preceded by a set of HS, subjects ran 0.87% faster (p < or = 0.05) in the 40-m dash (5.35 +/- 0.32 vs. 5.30 +/- 0.34 seconds) in comparison to C. No significant differences were observed in the 10-m or 30-m split times between the 3 conditions. The data from this study suggest that an acute bout of low-volume heavy lifting with the lower body may improve 40-m sprint times, but that loaded countermovement jumps appear to have no significant effect.  相似文献   

Characterization of scapular kinematics under demanding load conditions might aid to distinguish between physiological and clinically relevant alterations. Previous investigations focused only on submaximal external load situations. How scapular movement changes with maximal load remains unclear. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate 3D scapular kinematics during unloaded and maximal loaded shoulder flexion and extension. Twelve asymptomatic individuals performed shoulder flexion and extension movements under unloaded and maximal concentric and eccentric loaded isokinetic conditions. 3D scapular kinematics assessed with a motion capture system was analyzed for 20° intervals of humeral positions from 20° to 120° flexion. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to evaluate kinematic differences between load conditions for scapular position angles, scapulohumeral rhythm and scapular motion extent. Increased scapular upward rotation was seen during shoulder flexion and extension as well as decreased posterior tilt and external rotation during eccentric and concentric arm descents of maximal loaded compared to unloaded conditions. Load effects were further seen for the scapulohumeral rhythm with greater scapular involvement at lower humeral positions and increased scapular motion extent under maximal loaded shoulder movements. With maximal load applied to the arm physiological scapular movement pattern are induced that may imply both impingement sparing and causing mechanisms.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe aim of this study was to determine the within- and between-day reliability of lower limb biomechanical variables collected during single leg squat (SLS) and single leg landing (SLL) tasks.Methods15 recreational athletes took part in three testing sessions, two sessions on the same day and another session one week later. Kinematic and kinetic data was gathered using a ten-camera movement analysis system (Qualisys) and a force platform (AMTI) embedded into the floor.ResultsThe combined averages of within-day ICC values (ICCSLS = 0.87; ICCSLL = 0.90) were higher than between-days (ICCSLS = 0.81; ICCSLL = 0.78). Vertical GRF values (ICCSLS = 0.90; ICCSLL = 0.98) were more reliable than joint angles (ICCSLS = 0.85; ICCSLL = 0.82) and moments (ICCSLS = 0.83; ICCSLL = 0.87).DiscussionThis study demonstrates that all joint angles, moments, and vertical ground reaction force (GRF) variables obtained during both tasks showed good to excellent consistency with relatively low standard error of measurement values. These findings would be of relevance to practitioners who are using such measures for screening and prospective studies of rehabilitative techniques.  相似文献   

One of the most popular exercises for developing lower-body muscular power is the weighted vertical jump. The present study sought to examine the effect of altering the position of the external load on the kinematics and kinetics of the movement. Twenty-nine resistance-trained rugby union athletes performed maximal effort jumps with 0, 20, 40, and 60% of their squat 1 repetition maximum (1RM) with the load positioned (a) on the posterior aspect of the shoulder using a straight barbell and (b) at arms' length using a hexagonal barbell. Kinematic and kinetic variables were calculated through integration of the vertical ground reaction force data using a forward dynamics approach. Performance of the hexagonal barbell jump resulted in significantly (p < 0.05) greater values for jump height, peak force, peak power, and peak rate of force development compared with the straight barbell jump. Significantly (p < 0.05) greater peak power was produced during the unloaded jump compared with all trials where the external load was positioned on the shoulder. In contrast, significantly (p < 0.05) greater peak power was produced when using the hexagonal barbell combined with a load of 20% 1RM compared with all other conditions investigated. The results suggest that weighted vertical jumps should be performed with the external load positioned at arms' length rather than on the shoulder when attempting to improve lower-body muscular performance.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated kinematical characteristics of the knee and ankle extensors to estimate the length change properties of the contractile and the passive elements in countermovement jumps (CMJ) and drop jumps (DJ) performed with small (40°) and large (80°) range of joint motion (SRM and LRM). At SRM the accelerations at maximal muscle lengths compared with the last phase of joint flexion were greater for the gastrocnemius and the soleus (124.9% and 79.4%) and also were greater than at the beginning of joint extension, while no difference was measured at LRM. The differences suggest that at LRM the length change of the serial passive elements from the end of joint flexion to the beginning of joint extension is minimal and simultaneously the length change of the contractile elements is significant, but at SRM – especially in the plantar flexors – the length change of the contractile elements is minimal while in the passive elements significant. It can be presumed that for SRM at the end of joint flexion significant elastic energy is stored and at the beginning of joint extension reused, while for LRM elastic energy storage is not dominant.  相似文献   

Previous research has highlighted the importance of muscle and tendon structure to stretch shortening cycle performance. However, the relationships between muscle and tendon structure to performance are highly dependent on the speed and intensity of the movement. The purpose of this study was to determine if muscle and tendon structure is associated with the rate of force development (RFD) throughout static squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), and drop jump (DJ; 30-cm height). Twenty-five strength- and power-trained men participated in the study. Using ultrasonography, vastus lateralis (VL) and gastrocnemius (GAS) pennation (PEN) and fascicle length (FL), and Achilles tendon (AT) thickness and length were measured. Subjects then performed SJ, CMJ, and DJ, during which RFD was calculated over time 5 distinct time intervals. During CMJs, early RFD could be predicted between 0 and 10 milliseconds by both GAS-FL (r2 = 0.213, β = 0.461) and AT-length (r2 = 0.191, β = 20.438). Between 10 and 30 milliseconds GAS-FL was a significant predictor of CMJ-RFD (r2 = 0.218, β = 0.476). During DJ, initial RFD (0-10 milliseconds) could be significantly predicted by GAS-FL (r2 = 0.185, β = 20.434), VL-PEN (r2 = 0.189, β = 0.435), and GAS-PEN (r2 = 0.188, β = 0.434). These findings suggest that longer ATs may have increased elasticity, which can decrease initial RFD during CMJ; thus, their use in talent identification is not recommended. The GAS fascicle length had an intensity-dependent relationship with RFD, serving to positively predict RFD during early CMJs and an inverse predictor during early DJs. During DDJs, subjects with greater PEN were better able to redirected initial impact forces. Although both strength and plyometric training have been shown to increase FL, only heavy strength training has been shown to increase PEN. Thus, when a high eccentric load or multiple jumps are required, heavy strength training might be used to elicit muscular adaptations that are suited to fast force production during jumping.  相似文献   

A precise analysis of the mechanical response of collagen fibrils in tendon tissue is critical to understanding the ultrastructural mechanisms that underlie collagen fibril interactions (load transfer), and ultimately tendon structure–function. This study reports a novel experimental approach combining macroscopic mechanical loading of tendon with a morphometric ultrascale assessment of longitudinal and cross-sectional collagen fibril deformations. An atomic force microscope was used to characterize diameters and periodic banding (D-period) of individual type-I collagen fibrils within murine Achilles tendons that were loaded to 0%, 5%, or 10% macroscopic nominal strain, respectively. D-period banding of the collagen fibrils increased with increasing tendon strain (2.1% increase at 10% applied tendon strain, p < 0.05), while fibril diameter decreased (8% reduction, p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences between 0% and 5% applied strain were observed, indicating that the onset of fibril (D-period) straining lagged macroscopically applied tendon strains by at least 5%. This confirms previous reports of delayed onset of collagen fibril stretching and the role of collagen fibril kinematics in supporting physiological tendon loads. Fibril strains within the tissue were relatively tightly distributed in unloaded and highly strained tendons, but were more broadly distributed at 5% applied strain, indicating progressive recruitment of collagen fibrils. Using these techniques we also confirmed that collagen fibrils thin appreciably at higher levels of macroscopic tendon strain. Finally, in contrast to prevalent tendon structure–function concepts data revealed that loading of the collagen network is fairly homogenous, with no apparent predisposition for loading of collagen fibrils according to their diameter.  相似文献   

A heme-acquisition system present in several Gram-negative bacteria requires the secretion of hemophores. These extracellular carrier proteins capture heme and deliver it to specific outer membrane receptors. The Serratia marcescens HasA hemophore is a monodomain protein that binds heme with a very high affinity. Its α/β structure, as that of its binding pocket, has no common features with other iron- or heme-binding proteins. Heme is held by two loops L1 and L2 and coordinated to iron by an unusual ligand pair, H32/Y75. Two independent regions of the hemophore β-sheet are involved in HasA-HasR receptor interaction. Here, we report the 3-D NMR structure of apoHasA and the backbone dynamics of both loaded and unloaded hemophore. While the overall structure of HasA is very similar in the apo and holo forms, the hemophore presents a transition from an open to a closed form upon ligand binding, through a large movement, of up to 30 Å, of loop L1 bearing H32. Comparison of loaded and unloaded HasA dynamics on different time scales reveals striking flexibility changes in the binding pocket. We propose a mechanism by which these structural and dynamic features provide the dual function of heme binding and release to the HasR receptor.  相似文献   

Manual wheelchair propulsion has been linked to a high incidence of overuse injury and pain in the upper extremity, which may be caused by the high load requirements and low mechanical efficiency of the task. Previous studies have suggested that poor mechanical efficiency may be due to a low effective handrim force (i.e. applied force that is not directed tangential to the handrim). As a result, studies attempting to reduce upper extremity demand have used various measures of force effectiveness (e.g., fraction effective force, FEF) as a guide for modifying propulsion technique, developing rehabilitation programs and configuring wheelchairs. However, the relationship between FEF and upper extremity demand is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to use forward dynamics simulations of wheelchair propulsion to determine the influence of FEF on upper extremity demand by quantifying individual muscle stress, work and handrim force contributions at different values of FEF. Simulations maximizing and minimizing FEF resulted in higher average muscle stresses (23% and 112%) and total muscle work (28% and 71%) compared to a nominal FEF simulation. The maximal FEF simulation also shifted muscle use from muscles crossing the elbow to those at the shoulder (e.g., rotator cuff muscles), placing greater demand on shoulder muscles during propulsion. The optimal FEF value appears to represent a balance between increasing push force effectiveness to increase mechanical efficiency and minimize upper extremity demand. Thus, care should be taken in using force effectiveness as a metric to reduce upper extremity demand.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of 5 weeks of eccentrically loaded and unloaded jump squat training in experienced resistance-trained athletes during the strength/ power phase of a 15-week periodized off-season resistance training program. Forty-seven male college football players were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups. One group performed the jump squat exercise using both concentric and eccentric phases of contraction (CE; n = 15). A second group performed the jump squat exercise using the concentric phase only (n = 16), and a third group did not perform the jump squat exercise and served as control (CT; n = 16). No significant differences between the groups were seen in power, vertical jump height, 40-yd sprint speed and agility performance. In addition, no differences between the groups were seen in integrated electromyography activity during the jump squat exercise. Significant differences between the CE and CT groups were seen in Delta 1RM squat (65.8 and 27.5 kg, respectively) and Delta 1RM power clean (25.9 and 3.8 kg, respectively). No other between-group differences were observed. Results of this study provide evidence of the benefits of the jump squat exercise during a short-duration (5-week) training program for eliciting strength and power gains. In addition, the eccentric phase of this ballistic movement appears to have important implications for eliciting these strength gains in college football players during an off-season training program. Thus, coaches incorporating jump squats (using both concentric and eccentric phases of contraction) in the off-season training programs of their athletes can see significant performance improvements during a relatively short duration of training.  相似文献   

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