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表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)可多通路多途径预防和治疗肿瘤。本文综述了EGCG通过Nrf2通路预防肿瘤,从膜受体通路、线粒体通路、P53-Bax、67-LR-eEF1A、VEGF等通路促进肿瘤细胞的凋亡及周期阻滞,抑制肿瘤的侵袭和迁移的研究新进展。  相似文献   

Molecular targets for breast cancer therapy and prevention   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The recent completion of the human genome sequence has raised great hopes for the discovery of new breast cancer therapies based on newly-discovered genes linked to breast cancer development and progression. Here we describe breast cancer therapies that have emerged from gene-based scientific efforts over the past 20 years and that are now approved for clinical testing or treatment.  相似文献   

Molecular epidemiology, biomarkers and cancer prevention.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Molecular epidemiological studies within the field of cancer research provide the potential for elucidating the carcinogenic cascade at the molecular level. Identification of susceptible subsets of the population, based on polymorphisms in genes involved in carcinogenesis, has the potential to delineate more clearly those factors that might increase cancer risk among some, but not all, individuals. Rapid advances in human genomics are making it possible to develop detailed profiles of susceptible subgroups based upon genetic variants in multiple pathways. Here we discuss examples of recent susceptibility studies involving genes, such as those involved in carcinogen metabolism, DNA repair, cell cycle and immune status, that hold the promise of increasing our understanding of cancer etiology and possible prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Carcinogenesis is a complex and multistep process that involves the accumulation of successive transformational events driven by genetic mutations and epigenetic alterations that affect major cellular processes and pathways such as proliferation, differentiation, invasion and survival. Massive deregulation of all components of the epigenetic machinery is a hallmark of cancer. These alterations affect normal gene regulation and impede normal cellular processes including cell cycle, DNA repair, cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Since epigenetic alterations appear early in cancer development and represent potentially initiating events during carcinogenesis, they are considered as promising targets for anti-cancer interventions by chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic strategies using epigenetically active agents. In this field, plant-derived compounds have shown promise. Here, we will give an overview of plant-derived compounds displaying anticancer properties that interfere with the epigenetic machinery.  相似文献   

Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, has been recognized for almost 100 years as being essential for bone health. Vitamin D provides an adequate amount of calcium and phosphorus for the normal development and mineralization of a healthy skeleton. Vitamin D made in the skin or ingested in the diet, however, is biologically inactive and requires obligate hydroxylations first in the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and then in the kidney to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D is the major circulating form of vitamin D that is the best indicator of vitamin D status. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D is the biologically active form of vitamin D. This lipid-soluble hormone interacts with its specific nuclear receptor in the intestine and bone to regulate calcium metabolism. It is now recognized that the vitamin D receptor is also present in most tissues and cells in the body. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, by interacting with its receptor in non-calcemic tissues, is able to elicit a wide variety of biologic responses. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D regulates cellular growth and influences the modulation of the immune system. There is compelling epidemiologic observations that suggest that living at higher latitudes is associated with increased risk of many common deadly cancers. Both prospective and retrospective studies help support the concept that it is vitamin D deficiency that is the driving force for increased risk of common cancers in people living at higher latitudes. Most tissues and cells not only have a vitamin D receptor, but also have the ability to make 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. It has been suggested that increasing vitamin D intake or sun exposure increases circulating concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which in turn, is metabolized to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) in prostate, colon, breast, etc. The local cellular production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D acts in an autocrine fashion to regulate cell growth and decrease the risk of the cells becoming malignant. Therefore, measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is important not only to monitor vitamin D status for bone health, but also for cancer prevention.  相似文献   

Diverse actions of retinoid receptors in cancer prevention and treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retinoids (retinol [vitamin A] and its biologically active metabolites) are essential signaling molecules that control various developmental pathways and influence the proliferation and differentiation of a variety of cell types. The physiological actions of retinoids are mediated primarily by the retinoic acid receptors alpha, beta, and gamma (RARs) and rexinoid receptors alpha, beta, and gamma. Although mutations in RARalpha, via the PML-RARalpha fusion proteins, result in acute promyelocytic leukemia, RARs have generally not been reported to be mutated or part of fusion proteins in carcinomas. However, the retinoid signaling pathway is often compromised in carcinomas. Altered retinol metabolism, including low levels of lecithin:retinol acyl trasferase and retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2, and higher levels of CYP26A1, has been observed in various tumors. RARbeta(2) expression is also reduced or is absent in many types of cancer. A greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which retinoids induce cell differentiation, and in particular stem cell differentiation, is required in order to solve the issue of retinoid resistance in tumors, and thereby to utilize RA and synthetic retinoids more effectively in combination therapies for human cancer.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains one of the most common and deadly cancers. Intestinal gut microflora is important to maintain and contributes to several intestinal functions, including the development of the mucosal immune system, absorption of complex macromolecules, synthesis of amino acids/vitamins and the protection against pathogenic microorganisms. It is well known that the gut microbiota changes or dysbiosis may have an essential impact in the initiation and promotion of chronic inflammatory pathways and also have a profound different genetic and epigenetic alterations leading to dysplasia, clonal expansion, and malignant transformation. Probiotic bacteria has antitumor activity with various mechanisms such as nonspecific physiological and immunological mechanisms. This review evaluates the effects of microbiota and probiotics in clinical trials, in vitro and animal model studies that have explored how probiotic against cancer development and also discusses the possible immunomodulatory mechanisms. Several mechanisms alteration of the intestinal microflora; inactivation of cancerogenic compounds; competition with putrefactive and pathogenic microbiota; improvement of the host's immune response; antiproliferative effects via regulation of apoptosis and cell differentiation; fermentation of undigested food; inhibition of tyrosine kinase; reduces the enteropathogenic complications before and after colon cancer surgery and improve diarrhea and it's have been able to create the integrity of gut mucosal and have stimulatory effects on the systemic immune system and prevent the CRC metastasis. Research in clinical trials encouraging findings that support a role of probiotics in CRC prevention and improve the safety and effectiveness of cancer therapy even though additional clinical research is still necessary.  相似文献   

Chromosome stability is ensured by precisely fine-tuned dynamics of mitotic spindles, which are controlled by a network of various microtubule-associated and interacting proteins including the kinesin-13 family. The best characterized member of this family is the mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK). By efficiently depolymerizing microtubules, MCAK influences various key events during mitosis. MCAK itself is regulated by its interaction partners, its intrinsic conformation switch and the phosphorylation of mitotic kinases like Aurora A/B, cyclin-dependent kinase 1 and Polo-like kinase 1. Perturbing its regulation alters MCAK’s conformation, catalytic activity, subcellular localization and stability, leading further to mitotic defects in spindle formation and chromosome movement. Indeed, MCAK is aberrantly regulated in various cancer types, which is linked to increased invasiveness, metastasis and drug resistance. In the current review, we summarize recently published data concerning MCAK, correlate its conformation changes with its depolymerization activity and function, propose a model of its regulation by multiple mitotic kinases and highlight its potential involvement in oncogenesis and drug resistance.  相似文献   

Sulindac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that has shown significant anticancer activity. Sulindac sulfide amide (1) possessing greatly reduced COX-related inhibition relative to sulindac displayed in vivo antitumor activity that was comparable to sulindac in a human colon tumor xenograft model. Inspired by these observations, a panel of diverse sulindac amide derivatives have been synthesized and their activity probed against three cancer cell lines (prostate, colon and breast). A neutral analog, compound 79 was identified with comparable potency relative to lead 1 and activity against a panel of lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines. Several new series also show good activity relative to the parent (1), including five analogs that also possess nanomolar inhibitory potencies against acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Several new analogs identified may serve as anticancer lead candidates for further development.  相似文献   

Azadirachta indica, also known as neem, is commonly found in many semi-tropical and tropical countries including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The components extracted from neem plant have been used in traditional medicine for the cure of multiple diseases including cancer for centuries. The extracts of seeds, leaves, flowers, and fruits of neem have consistently shown chemopreventive and antitumor effects in different types of cancer. Azadirachtin and nimbolide are among the few bioactive components in neem that have been studied extensively, but research on a great number of additional bioactive components is warranted. The key anticancer effects of neem components on malignant cells include inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of cell death, suppression of cancer angiogenesis, restoration of cellular reduction/oxidation (redox) balance, and enhancement of the host immune responses against tumor cells. While the underlying mechanisms of these effects are mostly unclear, the suppression of NF-κB signaling pathway is, at least partially, involved in the anticancer functions of neem components. Importantly, the anti-proliferative and apoptosis-inducing effects of neem components are tumor selective as the effects on normal cells are significantly weaker. In addition, neem extracts sensitize cancer cells to immunotherapy and radiotherapy, and enhance the efficacy of certain cancer chemotherapeutic agents. This review summarizes the current updates on the anticancer effects of neem components and their possible impact on managing cancer incidence and treatment.  相似文献   

Opportunities to improve the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a causal agent for approximately 5.3% of cancers worldwide, including cervical cancer, and subsets of genital and head and neck cancer. Persistent HPV infection is a necessary, but not sufficient, cause of cervical cancer. Of the >100 HPV genotypes, only about a dozen, termed "high-risk", are associated with cancer. HPV-16 is present in approximately 50% of all cervical cancers and HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-31 and HPV-45 together account for approximately 80%. Most high-risk HPV infections are subclinical, and are cleared by the host's immune system. The remainder produces low or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs), also called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), which also may regress spontaneously. However persistent high grade SIL represents the precursor lesion of cervical cancer and carcinogenic progression is associated with integration of the viral DNA, loss of E2 and upregulation of viral oncogene expression, and chromosomal rearrangements like 3q gain. Cytologic screening of the cervix for SIL and intervention has reduced the incidence of cervical cancer in the US by an estimated 80% and HPV viral DNA and other molecular tests may improve screening further. The licensure of a preventive HPV vaccine ushers in a new era, but issues remain, including: protection restricted to a few oncogenic HPV types, access in low resource settings and impact on current cytologic screening protocols. Importantly, preventive HPV vaccination does not help with current HPV infection or disease. Here we examine the potential of second-generation preventive HPV vaccines and therapeutic HPV vaccination to address these outstanding issues.  相似文献   

New insight into BRAF mutations in cancer   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
There has been much recent progress in our understanding of the role played by the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK cascade in human cancer. RAS is an oncogene and this pathway is known to promote proliferation and malignant transformation. More recently, however, RAF has become the focus of attention, particularly in melanoma, where approximately 70% of cases carry mutations in the BRAF gene. The majority of the mutations in BRAF in cancer are activating, but rare mutants that cannot activate MEK have provided new insight into RAF signalling networks that exist in cancer and normal cells. Surprisingly, germline mutations in BRAF that occur in rare genetic syndromes have also recently been described. The induction of BRAF mutations in melanoma depends on the type of UV exposure that the skin receives, and some studies have suggested the existence of susceptibility loci that make it more likely that some individuals will acquire these mutations. Importantly, genetic profiling and microarray studies have provided insight into the spectrum of melanomas in which BRAF plays a role and also revealed intriguing new data that could be important for the diagnosis and treatment of human cancers.  相似文献   

The hallmarks of tumor tissue are not only genetic aberrations but also the presence of metabolic and oxidative stress as a result of hypoxia and lactic acidosis. The stress activates several prosurvival pathways including metabolic remodeling, autophagy, antioxidant response, mitohormesis, and glutaminolysis, whose upregulation in tumors is associated with a poor survival of patients, while their activation in healthy tissue with statins, metformin, physical activity, and natural compounds prevents carcinogenesis. This review emphasizes the dual role of stress response pathways in cancer and suggests the integrative understanding as a basis for the development of rational therapy targeting the stress response.  相似文献   

Compounds based on a flavonoid (di-phenolic) ring structure are emerging as a potentially important new class of pharmaceutical compounds with a broad range of biological activities, most prominent of which are their potential role as anticancer agents. These compounds exert a wide range of upregulating and downregulating effects on signal transduction processes within cells in both plants and animals. The observation that human communities, which consume large quantities of these compounds (legume-based vegetarian diets), have a lower incidence of many degenerative diseases and some cancers has led to the speculation that these compounds, or synthetic analogs, may be of therapeutic value. This article reviews the evidence supporting this hypothesis and provides some examples of attempts to develop new therapeutics based on dietary isoflavones or novel isoflavonoid structures in maintaining prostate health and in cancer treatment and management. One of these compounds, phenoxodiol, is now in human clinical trials and has shown promise in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer where the cancer is refractory or resistant to standard chemotherapy, and in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes is also known as group A Streptococcus (GAS) and is an important human pathogen that causes considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. The GAS serotype M1T1 clone is the most frequently isolated serotype from life-threatening invasive (at a sterile site) infections, such as streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome and necrotizing fasciitis. Here, we describe the virulence factors and newly discovered molecular events that mediate the in vivo changes from non-invasive GAS serotype M1T1 to the invasive phenotype, and review the invasive-disease trigger for non-M1 GAS. Understanding the molecular basis and mechanism of initiation for streptococcal invasive disease may expedite the discovery of novel therapeutic targets for the treatment and control of severe invasive GAS diseases.  相似文献   

Among approximately 65 kinases of the malarial genome, RIO2 (right open reading frame) kinase belonging to the atypical class of kinase is unique because along with a kinase domain, it has a highly conserved N-terminal winged helix (wHTH) domain. The wHTH domain resembles the wing like domain found in DNA binding proteins and is situated near to the kinase domain. Ligand binding to this domain may reposition the kinase domain leading to inhibition of enzyme function and could be utilized as a novel allosteric site to design inhibitor. In the present study, we have generated a model of RIO2 kinase from Plasmodium falciparum utilizing multiple modeling, simulation approach. A novel putative DNA-binding site is identified for the first time in PfRIO2 kinase to understand the DNA binding events involving wHTH domain and flexible loop. Induced fit DNA docking followed by minimization, molecular dynamics simulation, energetic scoring and binding mode studies are used to reveal the structural basis of PfRIO2-ATP-DNA complex. Ser105 as a potential site of phosphorylation is revealed through the structural studies of ATP binding in PfRIO2. Overall the present study discloses the structural facets of unknown PfRIO2 complex and opens an avenue toward exploration of novel drug target.  相似文献   

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