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Most nests of Arapaima gigas in floodplains of the Amazon were built at the margins of the forests surrounding temporary or permanent lakes and their connecting channels. They were found under forested levees in locations that were shallow and sandy. From 2000 to 2005, the adult population increased six-fold but nest density increased only two-fold.  相似文献   

In the southern Gulf of Mexico, the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, is one of the most frequently captured species in landings of small-scale fisheries. Based on the analysis of two fishery-dependent sampling periods (1993–1994 and 2007–2014), this study aimed to determine reproductive parameters and identify temporal differences between the two time periods. In the first sampling period, 776 males and 352 females with a size range of 28.0–120.0 cm total stretched length (LT) were analysed, and in the second sampling period, 387 males and 432 females with a size range of 28.0–122.0 cm LT were analysed. The size at 50% maturity in the second sampling period was significantly different between sexes, 82.6 cm LT for females and 73.8 cm LT for males (no estimation was possible for the first sampling period). The size at 50% maternity was not different between sampling periods, 97.3 cm LT for the first sampling period and 99.0 cm LT for the second sampling period. Litter size varied from 3 to 19 embryos and the average was not statistically different in both periods, 10.1 (S.D. = 3.8) for the first sampling period and 11.3 (S.D. = 3.5) for the second sampling period. The female reproductive cycle is asynchronous, and it seems to be annual, with a gestation period of 5–6 months, and a consecutive ovarian cycle and gestation period. Temporal (between sampling periods) and latitudinal (southern Gulf versus northern regions) variations occur in the synchronicity of the reproductive cycle, temporal variation in the relationship between maternal length and litter size, and latitudinal variation in average size of mature sharks.  相似文献   

Female brown smoothhound sharks Mustelus henlei were found to reproduce annually. A mature female carried both developing oocytes in the ovary and developing embryos in the uteri concurrently for c. 1 year. A great variability in the size of embryos was recorded each month, and the maximum embryo sizes were found from late January to mid‐March. The largest oocytes in mature females were observed in mid‐March. Gestation lasted c. 10 months. A linear relationship between maternal total length (LT) and the number of pups per litter (litter size one to 21) was estimated. Birth LT was reached in c. 280 mm. Females and males matured at 570–660 and 550–560 mm LT, respectively. Difference in the litter size among Californian coast (one to 10) and northern Gulf of California (one to 21) populations existed for this smoothhound shark.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between the morphology of the reproductive system and the reproductive strategies of six neotropical catfishes using macroscopic and microscopic analyses. The reproductive system of the examined Siluriformes showed diversified characteristics, but permitted their being grouped according to three reproductive strategies: pelagic spawning, demersal spawning, and internally fertilizing. The pelagic spawners Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Conorhynchos conirostris have testes that are characterized by filiform lobes, absence of testicular secretion, full‐grown oocytes of small diameter, thin zona radiata, and cuboidal follicular cells. Pimelodus maculatus is morphologically distinct from the other two pelagic spawners catfishes due to the presence of testicular secretion. The demersal spawners Lophiosilurus alexandri and Rhinelepis aspera possess homogeneous testicular secretion, large mature oocytes, and columnar follicular cells. The most specialized reproductive system was observed in the internally fertilizing Trachelyopterus galeatus, which possesses a seminal vesicle accessory to the testes, spermatozoa with elongated nuclei that form spermatozeugmata, and a secretory ovarian lamellar epithelium that is associated with sperm storage. The reproductive system observed in Neotropical catfishes showed a relationship associated with the type of fertilization and the reproductive strategies of the six species studied. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Centropomus parallelus was described from 589 individuals captured in estuarine and coastal waters in Southern Brazil. Length-frequency distribution showed the dominance of males in smaller length-classes (132–290 mm LT), whereas females were dominant in larger length-classes (>290 mm LT). Total length at maturity (L50) was 180 mm LT and corresponded to 29% of the maximum length recorded. Histological sections revealed one hermaphrodite (205 mm LT) and few immature females. Life history traits provided herein can contribute to sustainable fisheries management practices.  相似文献   

To place associations among body size, age at maturity, age, and reproductive traits of a long-lived organism in the context of current life history models based on the concept of norms of reaction, we examined data from a mark-recapture study of Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingi) in southeastern Michigan during 24 of the years between 1953 and 1988. Females matured between 14 and 20 years of age. Both the smallest and largest adult females in the population were reproducing for the first time in their lives. This result suggests that a combination of differences in juvenile growth rates and ages at maturity, and not indeterminate growth, are the primary cause of variation in body size among adults. Body size variation among individuals was not related to age at sexual maturity. Females that had slower growth rates as juveniles matured later at similar mean body size compared to those with more rapid growth that matured at an earlier age. As a result, a linear model of age at sexual maturity with growth rates of primiparous females between hatching and maturity was significant and negative (R2 = 0.76). Frequency of reproduction of the largest and smallest females was not significantly different. Clutch size did not vary significantly with age among either primiparous or multiparous females. Clutch sizes of primiparous females and multiparous females were not significantly different. However, older females (>55 years minimum age) reproduced more frequently than did younger females (minimum age <36 y).  相似文献   

Arapaima gigas is a CITES II listed species, but it is also one of the most important food fish of the Amazon basin with a historically very large commercial and subsistence fishery. By the 1980s it became commercially extinct in many areas, and in early 2001 the Brazilian government banned all fishing, although this has not prevented illegal fishing. Therefore we developed 14 variable microsatellite markers for A. gigas to gain a knowledge of its population structure, which is needed to implement a sound management policy, and also to provide us with the forensic tools to manage and monitor this over‐exploited fish.  相似文献   

Individuals of the same species may present different reproductive tactics depending on the environment in which they develop and mature. The present study aimed to define the gonadal development phases of males and females of Astyanax rivularis and to carry out a comparative analysis of the reproductive development of specimens captured in two isolated environments of the São Francisco River basin in Serra da Canastra, Brazil (Point 1: low vegetation and river showing calm and crystalline waters with small well formations; Point 2: current waters, and well-established areas of arboreal vegetation). Thus, the gonads of A. rivularis specimens were collected, fixed and processed with techniques for light microscopy. Five maturation phases of the females' reproductive cycle were established: immature, developing, spawning capable, regressing and regenerating. Three maturation phases of the males' reproductive cycle were observed: spawning capable, regressing, and regenerating. There are differences in the phases of gonadal development of A. rivularis between the two sampling points so that, possibly, animals upstream of the waterfall demonstrate a delay in the reproductive cycle in relation to animals downstream.  相似文献   

The white croaker Micropogonias furnieri , in the coastal Rocha Lagoon, spawned during 5 months, in late spring and summer. It was eurythermic (gonad growth at 12·5 to 25·5° C, spawning at 20 to 27° C) and mesoxic (living at 5·2 to 9·1 mg l-1). The spawning occurred in brackish (8–18 salinity), basic ( c . 8 pH) and oxygenated ( c . 8·0 mg l-1) waters. The temperature appeared to be an important environmental factor affecting the timing of reproduction. The size at first maturity (19–20 cm) was 11–12 cm lower than the reported for the Río de la Plata spawning area (Uruguay). Juveniles were observed throughout most of the year suggesting that the lagoon is also a nursery area. In Brazil, M. furnieri spawns in marine areas while in Uruguay it spawns in estuaries. This is the first time that a coastal lagoon of the subtropical and temperate western coast of the South Atlantic Ocean has been shown to be a spawning area of a marine species.  相似文献   

We analyzed variation in phenotypic plasticity of life history traits between two Cardamine flexuosa populations based on differences in plasticity of age and size at maturity. C. flexuosa (Cruciferae) is a facultative, vernalization-sensitive, long-day annual, and its phenology and the phenotypic expressions of many life history traits are largely controlled by photoperiod and vernalization in natural populations. We used plants from two populations which differed in their responses to chilling and photoperiod treatments. The timing of developmental processes was changed by controlling temperature and photoperiod regimes in growth chambers. Plasticity in size at maturity was analyzed as changes in a growth trajectory using two parameters, age at maturity (Δt) and growth rate (k). Both traits showed plasticity, but differences between the populations were found mostly for Δt. Distinctive differences in size at maturity of individuals in the two populations were mainly due to different amounts of plasticity in Δt. Variations in plasticity of nine other life history traits and their associations to age and size at maturity were also analyzed. Variation for eight of the traits can be described, at least in part, as a function of age and size at maturity for both populations, and most of the variation in the total number of seeds was explained by age and size at maturity. Only age at maturity had any effect on changes in resource allocation. The nine life history traits were integrated through associated character expressions with age and size at maturity. Changes in the association between a trait and age and/or size at maturity were rather conservative compared to changes in the plasticity of a trait between the two populations. Associations with age and size at maturity are mostly explicable in terms of inherent relationships in the developmental processes, and they may limit the ecological range expansion and the adaptive evolution of plasticity in C. flexuosa. The negative correlation between reproductive allocation and age at maturity can be a cost of delaying maturation in C. flexuosa.  相似文献   

This study was the first to investigate the key reproductive traits of the electric lantern fish Electrona risso (Myctophidae, n = 918) and the bigscale fishes (Melamphaidae) Melamphaes polylepis (n = 260) and Scopelogadus mizolepis (n = 649). Specimens of these mesopelagic species were collected in March and April 2015 in the eastern Central Atlantic (0–24° N, 20–26° W). Sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 in E. risso and M. polylepis but significantly skewed toward female dominance in S. mizolepis. Reproductive phases were determined macroscopically and by histological analyses on selected individuals. Female length at 50% maturity (L50) was 55.1 mm standard length (LS) in E. risso, with an observed female maximum length (Lmax) of 81.2 mm LS. M. polylepis females had an L50 of 40.2 mm LS and an Lmax of 86.7 mm LS. S. mizolepis had an L50 of 46 mm LS and an Lmax of 97.9 mm LS. The three species show histological features of iteroparity, but the E. risso population appears to occur in two year-classes and experience only one spawning season per lifetime in the study region. All three species are batch-spawners. A batch fecundity of 2668 eggs was estimated from one E. risso individual, with a relative batch fecundity of 369 eggs g−1 gonad-free body mass. M. polylepis had a batch fecundity of 1027 eggs and a relative batch fecundity of 149 eggs g−1 (n = 3). S. polylepis had a batch fecundity of 1545 eggs and a relative batch fecundity of 215 eggs g−1 (n = 21). The median gonado-somatic index during the actively spawning phase of E. risso was 4.5, significantly lower than that of M. polylepis (7.5) and S. mizolepis (7.1). No regressing or regenerating phases were observed in this study. Batch-spawning in all three species is suggested to be advantageous to cope with intra-annual variability in food supply and other risks for offspring survival. With what appears to be in effect a (facultative) semelparous strategy in combination with a short life span in E. risso, interannual differences would have a great effect on population dynamics of this species. Knowledge is still lacking on temporal aspects of reproduction such as the duration of the spawning season and the frequency of spawning, as well as age and growth.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism fuels swimming and other biological processes. We compared the swimming performance and energy metabolism within and across eight freshwater fish species. Using swim tunnel respirometers, we measured the standard metabolic rate (SMR) and maximum metabolic rate (MMR) and calculated the critical swimming speed (Ucrit). We accounted for body size, metabolic traits, and some morphometric ratios in an effort to understand the extent and underlying causes of variation. Body mass was largely the best predictor of swimming capacity and metabolic traits within species. Moreover, we found that predictive models using total length or SMR, in addition to body mass, significantly increased the explained variation of Ucrit and MMR in certain fish species. These predictive models also underlined that, once body mass has been accounted for, Ucrit can be independently affected by total length or MMR. This study exemplifies the utility of multiple regression models to assess within-species variability. At interspecific level, our results showed that variation in Ucrit can partly be explained by the variation in the interrelated traits of MMR, fineness, and muscle ratios. Among the species studied, bleak Alburnus alburnus performed best in terms of swimming performance and efficiency. By contrast, pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus showed very poor swimming performance, but attained lower mass-specific cost of transport (MCOT) than some rheophilic species, possibly reflecting a cost reduction strategy to compensate for hydrodynamic disadvantages. In conclusion, this study provides insight into the key factors influencing the swimming performance of fish at both intra- and interspecific levels.  相似文献   

Synopsis Aspects of the reproductive biology are described for the thorny stingray,Dasyatis centroura, caught off the coasts of Tunis, mainly from the Gulfs of Gabes and Tunis. Sexual maturity in males occurs at a disk width (DW) of 800 mm. Female maturation occurs between 660 mm and 1000mm DW All males and females having a DW greater than 800 and 1000mm, respectively, were adults. Females are larger than males, with adult specimens having an average DW of 1040mm in males and 1345mm in females. Gestation lasts for a minimum of about 4 months. The number of reproductive cycles per year is unknown. Vitellogenesis is completed at the end of the gestation. Parturition and ovulation occur in June. Fecundity ranges from 2 to 6 individuals per litter.  相似文献   

The nurse shark is an extremely abundant shallow water species in Florida and the Caribbean, yet its biology is poorly known. Moreover, there is a great deal of misinformation about it in the literature. The maximum size and weight attained by the nurse shark have often been exaggerated. None of the specimens measured in this study exceeded 265cm TL and 114.5kg, and none of the specimens actually measured by other researchers exceeded 280cm. Females reach maturity at a length of 223–231cm, or at 86% of their maximum size. Males reach maturity between 214 and 214.6cm in length or at about 83% of their maximum size. Mating primarily occurs from mid-June to early July. The embryos are enclosed in sturdy egg capsules for the first 12–14 weeks of gestation. In a gravid female, the embryos are at different stages of development during the first four months of gestation. Embryos are lecithotrophic and there is no evidence of any supplemental mode of embryonic nourishment. Embryos measure 28–30.5cm at birth. The gestation period is estimated at about five to six months. Brood sizes are large, ranging from 21 to 50 young, with a median of 34 young. The reproductive cycle of the nurse shark consists of a five to six-month gestation period and a two-year ovarian cycle. Thus, the reproductive cycle is biennial and a female produces a brood every two years. The nurse shark is an opportunistic predator that consumes a wide range of small fishes, primarily grunts (Haemulidae).  相似文献   

A number of invertebrates show predator-induced plasticity in life-history and morphological traits that are considered adaptive. Evidence is accumulating that vertebrates may also adjust their life-history traits in response to predators; however, some of the patterns of plasticity, which appear to be an adaptive response specifically to the risk of size-selective predation, may instead result from reduced foraging in response to predator presence. Here, we describe a study of predator-induced plasticity in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We have predicted that the plastic response to cues from a small, gape-limited, natural predator of guppies, the killlifish (Rivulus hartii), would be the opposite of that caused by reduced food intake. We have found that male guppies increased their size at maturity, both length and mass, in response to the non-lethal presence of this predator. This pattern of plasticity is the opposite of that observed in response to reduced food intake, where male guppies reduce size at maturity. The increase in size at maturity that we observed would likely reduce predation on adult male guppies by this native predator because it is gape-limited and can only eat juvenile and small adult guppies. This size advantage would be important especially because male guppies grow very little after maturity. Therefore, the pattern of plasticity that we observed is likely adaptive. In contrast, female guppies showed no significant response in size at first parturition to the experimental manipulation; however, we did find evidence suggesting that females may produce more, smaller offspring in response to cues from this predator.  相似文献   

S. Meintjes 《Hydrobiologia》1996,325(3):213-218
Reproductive traits of Triops granarius females were examined. Fertilization by males was a prerequisite for oviposition. Clutch size ranged from 1 to 154, and clutch frequency (per 24 hours) from 1 to 9. Clutch size generally increased with increasing body size and increasing age. Total reproductive output was dependent upon life span, and estimated at around 200 eggs for a life span of 25 days. Clutch data indicate that T. granarius may have r-selected traits.  相似文献   

Geographic variations in reproductive parameters of Mustelus manazo from five localities, four in Japan (Aomori, Tokyo Bay, Maizuru, and Shimonoseki) and one in Taiwan, were investigated from November 1994 to June 1996. Differences in age and length at sexual maturity from Aomori to Taiwan were approximately 3 years and 300mm in TL, respectively, for both sexes. The sharks appeared to mature at a later age and to a larger size in the most northern population, Aomori, and to be faster and smaller in the southern population, Taiwan. Mating, ovulation and fertilization periods were generally during May and August in the four localities of Tokyo Bay, Maizuru, Shimonoseki, and Taiwan. In Aomori, males showed no clear monthly variation in gonad index, and females in Aomori had a protracted reproductive period. Females became pregnant every year in all localities, except Aomori. The Aomori population apparently has a different reproductive cycle. The Tokyo Bay population is distinctive regarding growth and sex ratios of embryos. In all localities, the number of embryos per litter increased relative to total length of mother. There was no geographic variation in reproductive parameters between Maizuru and Shimonoseki. The coast between these last two sampling areas is a continuous steep slope with similar environmental conditions, and mixing of the two populations may occur.  相似文献   

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