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We designed field experiments using solar-tracking Ranunculus adoneus flowers to determine where photoreception occurred, which organs responded, and how movement was achieved. Flower peduncles bend eastward in the morning and gradually unbend over the course of the day. Peduncles were found to bend significantly more frequently in the middle region near the floral bracts, 1–3 cm below the flower, than elsewhere on the peduncle. Because the peduncle tip continued to track the sun even after the flower itself was removed, our experiments concentrated on shielding (or conversely, exposing) various portions of peduncles from (or to) sunlight. Photoreception occurred primarily in the portion of the stem just beneath the floral receptacle. By following the position of landmarks applied to the stem, we found that 40% more growth occurred on the shaded side of bent peduncles, compared to the sunlit side. In contrast, top-shielded peduncles did not solar track well and grew only 25% more on the shaded side than on the sunlit side. This growth differential corresponded to differences in cell length on the two sides of bent peduncles, with significantly longer epidermal cells occurring on the shaded side than on the sunlit side.  相似文献   

Galen C 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):195-201
Solar tracking or heliotropism simultaneously raises organ temperature and light interception. For leaves and flowers carbon gain is maximized at the expense of water loss. In this study I explore how costs and benefits associated with water use by solar-tracking flowers of the alpine snow buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus change with ambient temperature. First, I test whether heliotropism increases the water cost of reproduction in the snow buttercup under extant alpine conditions. I then explore whether water use for evaporative cooling in solar-tracking flowers reduces the risk of over-heating as temperatures increase. Solar tracking, by elevating floral temperature and irradiance causes a 29% increase in water uptake by flowers. Gas exchange measurements suggest that the extra water taken up by solar-tracking flowers is released through transpiration. Transpirational cooling in turn allows solar-tracking flowers to gain advantages of enhanced light interception and warmth while reducing the risk of over-heating. Transpiration reduces excess temperature in solar-tracking flowers, but at a water cost. Results show that even in cool alpine habitats, flower heliotropism has water costs to balance its reproductive advantages. Plants with solar-tracking flowers may tolerate hotter conditions if soil moisture is plentiful, but not under drought.  相似文献   

Floral traits affect mating success via their influence on the microenvironment in which sexual reproduction occurs as well as their impact on pollinator attraction. Here we investigate the importance of flower heliotropism as a source of parental environmental effects on pollen quality and performance. Flowers of the snow buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus, closely track the sun's rays. We experimentally restrained flowers to test for effects of heliotropism on pollen quality and performance after pollination. When equivalent amounts of pollen were transferred to recipient pistils, pollen from solar-tracking donor flowers exhibited a 32% advantage in germination compared to pollen from stationary (tethered) donor flowers. By the end of anthesis, pistils of tracking flowers contained 40% more germinating pollen grains and 44% more pollen tubes midway down the style than pistils of stationary ones. Solar tracking had no direct effect on pollen tube growth. The greater amount of germinating pollen in tracking flowers accounted for the treatment effect on pollen tube density. A survey of pollen receipt and pollen germination in naturally tracking flowers indicated that solar tracking primarily affects pollen tube density by promoting pollen germination rather than pollen deposition. We conclude that flower heliotropism, by enhancing the paternal environment for pollen development and the maternal environment for pollen germination, represents a source of positive parental environmental effects on pollen performance in snow buttercups.  相似文献   

Polyploid speciation is an important source of angiosperm diversity. Insights into the origin and establishment of new polyploid species may be gained by studying the distributions of ancestral and derivative cytotypes at multiple spatial scales. Diploid (2n = 16) and tetraploid (2n = 32) snow buttercups (Ranunculus adoneus: Ranunculaceae) occur in the alpine of the central and southern Rocky Mountains. Root-tip squashes and flow cytometry were used to determine the ploidy of 1618 individuals from 35 populations. Samples from 31 of the 35 sites were entirely of one cytotype, either diploid or tetraploid. Diploid and tetraploid snow buttercups have nonoverlapping regional distributions. Where both cytotypes occur on the same site, the two are spatially segregated despite no apparent change in habitat. Triploid snow buttercups were only found at a diploid/tetraploid contact zone, while two hexaploid plants were found in tetraploid populations. Tetraploid establishment once or twice in the history of the species complex could account for the regional distribution of the two cytotypes. Habitat differentiation between cytotypes or reproductive exclusion of minority cytotypes may explain the observed segregation at both microgeographic and regional scales.  相似文献   

Polyploid speciation is an ongoing, important source of angiosperm diversity. However, the barriers to polyploid speciation and mechanisms of establishment remain poorly understood for all but a few species. Several factors likely to have influenced tetraploid establishment, including barriers to triploid formation, consequences of mixed-ploidy pollen loads, and the reproductive success of the minority cytotype, were examined in snow buttercups (Ranunculus adoneus) through a series of pollination and transplant experiments. Tetraploid snow buttercups do not have stigmatic barriers to pollen from diploid plants, nor does pollen from tetraploid plants have an advantage over pollen from diploids when on tetraploid stigmas. Tetraploid plants transplanted into a diploid population produced 50% fewer seeds than tetraploid plants in a tetraploid population. Intrinsic barriers to triploid formation were relatively weak, but few triploid seeds formed when mixed-ploidy pollen was present. Fecundity of triploid plants was very low, and no tetraploid offspring resulted. These results indicate that in snow buttercups, a triploid plant will contribute 0.8% of the tetraploid seeds of a minority tetraploid plant making it a minor contributor to the demographics of tetraploid establishment. The reproductive costs facing minority cytotype plants may explain the previously observed spatial segregation in snow buttercups.  相似文献   

Phosphorus levels, phenology of roots and shoots, and development of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi were monitored for two years in natural populations of the perennial alpine herb, Ranunculus adoneus. The purpose of this study was to understand how phosphorus uptake relates to the phenology of R. adoneus and to ascertain whether arbusculus, fungal structures used for nutrient transfer, were present when maximum phosphorus accumulation was occurring. Arbuscules were only present for a few weeks during the growing season of R. adoneus and their presence corresponded with increased phosphorus accumulation in both the roots and shoots of R. adoneus. In addition, phosphorus accumulation and peaks in mycorrhizal development occurred well after plant reproduction and most plant growth had occurred. The late season accumulation of phosphorus by mycorrhizal roots of R. adoneus is stored for use during early season growth and flowering the following spring. In this way R. adoneus can flower before soils thaw and root or mycorrhizal nutrient uptake can occur.  相似文献   

Abstract Ranunculus prasinus is a mat-forming species of the marginal herbfields and tussock grasslands of brackish wetlands. It is only known from four wetlands, all on private land, in the driest part of Tasmania. The species has been successfully introduced from divisions from three of the populations into a secure reserve with similar vegetation to that of the natural populations. This is considered to be desirable and morally sound in that it increases the chances of survival of native biological diversity as a whole. However, ex situ measures and a gaining of security for natural populations would also be prudent.  相似文献   

In a current article in the Journal of Vegetation Science, Molina‐Montenegro and colleagues extend the study of plant–plant interactions on stress gradients to extremes – the moss and lichen‐dominated communities of Antarctica. They found that the importance of facilitation at this extreme end of a ‘cold–harsh continuum’ was similar to that reported at the extreme ends of alpine gradients around the world. In other words, in contrast to recent theory and case studies in other systems, facilitative effects did not wane in extremely stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Humans are responsible for massive changes to primate habitats, and one unanticipated consequence of these alterations may be changes in host-parasite interactions. Edges are a ubiquitous aspect of human disturbance to forest landscapes. Here we examine how changes associated with the creation of edges in Kibale National Park, Uganda, alter the parasite community that is supported by two species of African colobines: the endangered red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) and the black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza). An analysis of 822 fecal samples from edge and forest interior groups revealed no difference in the richness of parasite communities (i.e., the number of parasite species recovered from the host's fecal sample). However, for both species the proportion of individuals with multiple infections was greater in edge than forest interior groups. The prevalence of specific parasites also varied between edge and forest interior groups. Oesophagostomum sp., a potentially deleterious parasite, was 7.4 times more prevalent in red colobus on the edge than in those in the forest interior, and Entamoeba coli was four times more prevalent in red colobus on the edge than in animals from the forest interior. Environmental contamination with parasites (measured as parasite eggs/gm feces) by red colobus from the edge and forest interior differed in a similar fashion to prevalence for red colobus, but it did not differ for black-and-white colobus. For example, egg counts of Oesophagostomum sp. were 10 times higher in red colobus from the edge than in those from the interior. The less severe infections in the black-and-white colobus relative to the red colobus may reflect the fact that black-and-white colobus raid agricultural crops while red colobus do not. This nutritional gain may facilitate a more effective immune response to parasites by the black-and-white colobus. The fact that animals on the edge are likely not nutritionally stressed raises an intriguing question as to what facilitates the elevated infections in edge animals. We speculate that interactions with humans may be linked to the observed patterns of infections, and hence that understanding the ecology of infectious diseases in nonhuman primates is of paramount importance for conservation and potentially for human-health planning.  相似文献   

Mammals, microflora and gut-dwelling macrofauna have co-evolved over many millions of years until relatively recently when the geographical prevalence of macrofauna in humans has become restricted to the developing world. Immune homeostasis relies on a balance in the composition of intestinal microflora; long-lived macrofauna have also been shown to regulate immune function, and their absence in Western lifestyles is suggested to be a factor for the increasing frequency of allergy and autoimmunity. The intestinal nematode Trichuris muris was recently demonstrated to utilise microflora to initiate its life cycle. The interdependence on one another of all three factors is such that when the balance is perturbed it must be realigned or the consequences may be detrimental to the mammalian host.  相似文献   

Transport of proteins via the secretory pathway is controlled by a combination of signal dependent cargo selection as well as unspecific bulk flow of membranes and aqueous lumen. Using the plant vacuolar sorting receptor as model for membrane spanning proteins, we have distinguished bulk flow from signal mediated protein targeting in biosynthetic and endocytic transport routes and investigated the influence of transmembrane domain length. More specifically, long transmembrane domains seem to prevent ER retention, either by stimulating export or preventing recycling from post ER compartments. Long transmembrane domains also seem to prevent endocytic bulk flow from the plasma membrane, but the presence of specific endocytosis signals overrules this in a dominant manner.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management -  相似文献   


On the basis of a study of forty health care delivery institutions in Florida, California, and New Jersey, this paper examines the interaction between the immigration and health systems in the USA. We investigate barriers to care encountered by the foreign born, especially unauthorized immigrants, and the systemic contradictions between demand for their labour and the absence of an effective immigration policy. Lack of access and high costs have forced the uninsured poor into a series of coping strategies, which we describe in relation to commercial medicine. We highlight regional differences and the importance of local politics and history in shaping health care alternatives for the foreign born.  相似文献   

The range of a species is the result of the relative contribution of spatial tracking of environmental requirements and adaptation to ecological conditions outside the ancestral niche. The appearance of novel habitats caused by climatic oscillation can promote range expansion and accompanying demographic growth. The demographic dynamics of populations leave a signal in \ patterns. We modeled three competing scenarios pertaining to the circumstance of a range expansion by the Karoo Scrub‐Robin into newly available habitat resulting from the increasing aridification of southern Africa. Genetic variation was contrasted with the theoretical expectations of a spatial range expansion, and compared with data of a putative adaptive trait. We infer that this bird likely colonized the arid zone, as a consequence of adaptive evolution in a small peripheral population, followed by an expansion with recurrent exchange of migrants with the ancestral populations.  相似文献   

The role of anti-herbivore organismal defenses in algae-herbivore interaction is frequently investigated without taking into account the potential role of environmental factors in mediating the interaction. Here we reexamine the interaction between the highly acidic, brown alga Desmarestia viridis and the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, by incorporating a previously overlooked facet, the effect of changes in the wave environment on the ability of the urchin to establish contact with the alga. Factorial experiments in a wave tank (presence versus absence of waves; real versus mimic algae) showed that the aggregation of urchins on D. viridis was more than 2-fold greater in the absence than in the presence of waves. Similar numbers of urchins made contact with natural and mimic D. viridis plants, both with and without waves, indicating that any external release of chemicals (acid) from the alga had no perceptible repulsive effect on the urchin. The ability of the urchins to climb onto D. viridis increased markedly when urchin density attained a critical level. These results were consistent with field observations that urchins readily attack D. viridis under conditions of low wave action but do not under conditions of moderate wave action. We conclude (1) that the chemical makeup of D. viridis alone is neither necessary nor sufficient to limit contacts by the urchins and that (2) wave action is a major factor explaining the survival of D. viridis on urchin barrens, because waves limit the movements of the urchins towards the alga. We recommend that studies addressing marine algal defenses against herbivores be more comprehensive and examine interactions between algal traits, the physical environment, and the abundance and behavioral repertoire of herbivores.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection, adaptive divergence and gene flow may interact in a number of ways. Recent studies have focused on the balance between selection and gene flow in natural populations, and empirical work has shown that gene flow can constrain adaptive divergence, and that divergent selection can constrain gene flow. A caveat is that phenotypic diversification may be under the direct influence of environmental factors (i.e. it may be due to phenotypic plasticity), in addition to partial genetic influence. In this case, phenotypic divergence may occur between populations despite high gene flow that imposes a constraint on genetic divergence. Plasticity may dampen the effects of natural selection by allowing individuals to rapidly adapt phenotypically to new conditions, thus slowing adaptive genetic divergence. On the other hand, plasticity may promote future adaptive divergence by allowing populations to persist in novel environments. Plasticity may promote gene flow between selective regimes by allowing dispersers to adapt to alternate conditions, or high gene flow may result in the selection for increased plasticity. Here I expand frameworks for understanding relationships among selection, adaptation and gene flow to include the effects of phenotypic plasticity in natural populations, and highlight its importance in evolutionary diversification.  相似文献   

Both environmental and genetic influences can result in phenotypic variation. Quantifying the relative contributions of local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity to phenotypes is key to understanding the effect of environmental variation on populations. Identifying the selective pressures that drive divergence is an important, but often lacking, next step. High gene flow between high‐ and low‐altitude common frog (Rana temporaria) breeding sites has previously been demonstrated in Scotland. The aim of this study was to assess whether local adaptation occurs in the face of high gene flow and to identify potential environmental selection pressures that drive adaptation. Phenotypic variation in larval traits was quantified in R. temporaria from paired high‐ and low‐altitude sites using three common temperature treatments. Local adaptation was assessed using QSTFST analyses, and quantitative phenotypic divergence was related to environmental parameters using Mantel tests. Although evidence of local adaptation was found for all traits measured, only variation in larval period and growth rate was consistent with adaptation to altitude. Moreover, this was only evident in the three mountains with the highest high‐altitude sites. This variation was correlated with mean summer and winter temperatures, suggesting that temperature parameters are potentially strong selective pressures maintaining local adaptation, despite high gene flow.  相似文献   

The sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, is a large, cosmopolitan, coastal species. Females are thought to show philopatry to nursery grounds while males potentially migrate long distances, creating an opportunity for male‐mediated gene flow that may lead to discordance in patterns revealed by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear markers. While this dynamic has been investigated in elasmobranchs over small spatial scales, it has not been examined at a global level. We examined patterns of historical phylogeography and contemporary gene flow by genotyping 329 individuals from nine locations throughout the species’ range at eight nuclear microsatellite markers and sequencing the complete mtDNA control region. Pairwise comparisons often resulted in fixation indices and divergence estimates of greater magnitude using mtDNA sequence data than microsatellite data. In addition, multiple methods of estimation suggested fewer populations based on microsatellite loci than on mtDNA sequence data. Coalescent analyses suggest divergence and restricted migration among Hawaii, Taiwan, eastern and western Australia using mtDNA sequence data and no divergence and high migration rates, between Taiwan and both Australian sites using microsatellite data. Evidence of secondary contact was detected between several localities and appears to be discreet in time rather than continuous. Collectively, these data suggest complex spatial/temporal relationships between shark populations that may feature pulses of female dispersal and more continuous male‐mediated gene flow.  相似文献   

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