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The transport of bile acids in liver cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Former studies have linked hepatocyte growth with liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) of rat liver cytosol. In search for the roles of L-FABP in hepatocytes, we previously stably transfected rat L-FABP sense and antisense cDNAs into rat hepatoma HTC cells that do not contain L-FABP RNA or protein, thereby providing a zero-background, homologous cell model of L-FABP-expression suitable for controlled studies of its intracellular functions in hepatocyte-derived cells. The present study demonstrates the abilities of L-FABP to promote DNA synthesis and cell growth, preserve cell morphology, extend survival, and act cooperatively with unsaturated fatty acids in the transfected hepatoma cells in the absence of serum. Following removal of serum, the three control L-FABP-nonexpressing cell lines increased in cell lines increased in cell number for 24 hr and thereafter declined, whereas the three L-FABP-expressing cell lines exhibited a 39% higher rate of DNA synthesis per cell at 24 hr and grew in cell number for 48 hr. As a result, at 72 hr there were 2.5-fold (avg.) as many L-FABP-expressing cells than L-FABP-nonexpressing cells. In addition, the L-FABP-expressing cells retained their original polygonal morphology at 48 hr, when in contrast most of the control nonexpressing cells were spherical in shape with membrane blebs. In an effort to identify the agonists that collaborate with L-FABP in the growth promotion and preservation of cell morphology, various free fatty acids were examined at 48 hr for their ability to elminate the differences in behavior of the two cell types in the serum-free medium. The unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid (18:1 ω9), linoleic acid (18:2ω6), α-linolenic acid (18: 3ω3), and arachidonic acid (20:4ω6), at 1 μM markedly elevated the level of DNA synthesis in the more depressed control L-FABP-nonexpressing cells and moderately raised it in the less depressed L-FABP-expressing cells. In accord, the control L-FABP-nonexpressing cells needed 10?6–10?5 M linoleic acid to achieve the extent of DNA synthesis attained by the expressing cells in the absence of added fatty acid. At 10 μM linoleic acid, their levels of DNA synthesis were equal. In contrast, five saturated fatty acids had no detectable effect on DNA synthesis. In addition, linoleic acid at 1 μM, but not the saturated fatty acid palmitic acid (16:0), prevented the above morphological alterations in the control L-FABP-nonexpressing cells observed in the absence of serum, thereby retaining their original polygonal morphology and that of the expressing cells. The findings are consistent with the concept that L-FABP improves the efficacy of the utilization of unsaturated fatty acid ligands of L-FABP in the formation, integrity, and fluidity of cell membranes that are involved in cell growth, morphology, and survival. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effect of thiazolidinediones on bile acid transport in rat liver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Snow KL  Moseley RH 《Life sciences》2007,80(8):732-740
The thiazolidinedione derivatives, troglitazone, rosiglitazone, and pioglitazone, are novel insulin-sensitizing drugs that are useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, hepatotoxicity associated with troglitazone led to its withdrawal from the market in March 2000. In view of case reports of hepatotoxicity from rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, it is unclear whether thiazolidinediones as a class are associated with hepatotoxicity. Although the mechanism of troglitazone-associated hepatotoxicity has not been elucidated, troglitazone and its major metabolite, troglitazone sulfate, competitively inhibit adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent taurocholate transport in isolated rat canalicular liver plasma membrane vesicles mediated by the canalicular bile salt export pump (Bsep). These results suggest that cholestasis may be a factor in troglitazone-associated hepatotoxicity. To determine whether this effect is 1) limited to canalicular bile acid transport and 2) is specific to troglitazone, the effect of troglitazone, rosiglitazone, and ciglitazone on bile acid transport was examined in rat basolateral (blLPM) and canalicular (cLPM) liver plasma membrane vesicles. In cLPM vesicles, troglitazone, rosiglitazone, and ciglitazone (100 microM) all significantly inhibited ATP-dependent taurocholate transport. In blLPM vesicles, these three thiazolidinediones also significantly inhibited Na(+)-dependent taurocholate transport. Inhibition of bile acid transport was concentration dependent and competitive in both cLPM and blLPM vesicles. In conclusion, these findings are consistent with a class effect by thiazolidinediones on hepatic bile acid transport. If hepatotoxicity is associated with this effect, then hepatotoxicity is not limited to troglitazone. Alternatively, if hepatotoxicity is limited to troglitazone, other mechanisms are responsible for its reported hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

Gllcocorticoid inhibition of amino acid transport in rat hepatoma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dexamethasone rapidly and reversibly inhibits the initial rate of transport of α-aminoisobutyric acid in rat hepatoma cells in tissue culture. Colcemid and cytochalasin B neither inhibit transport nor interfere with its inhibition by dexamethasone, arguing that microtubules and microfilaments are not involved in this hormonal effect. Continuous protein synthesis is required both for the dexamethasone inhibition of transport and for its reversal, although cycloheximide alone inhibits transport in control cells by less than 25%. A model for the dexamethasone inhibition of amino acid transport is presented suggesting that glucocorticoids either block the synthesis or enhance the degradation of a rate-limiting protein in the transport system.  相似文献   

Expression of calcium-binding protein regucalcin mRNA in hepatoma cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Whether the gene expression of hepatic Ca2+-binding protein regucalcin is altered in hepatomas was investigated. The change in regucalcin mRNA levels was analyzed by Northern blotting using liver regucalcin complementary DNA (0.9 kb). Rat hepatoma was induced by continuous feeding of basal diet containing 0.06% 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (3-Me-DAB). After 35 weeks feeding, rats were sacrificed, and the non-tumorous and tumorous tissues of the livers were removed. In individual rats, the regucalcin mRNA levels in the tumorous tissues were generally decreased in comparison with that of the non-tumorous tissues of the chemical-fed rats, although the chemical administration might decrease the mRNA expression in normal rat liver, suggesting that the chemical administration causes a suppresive effect on the mRNA expression. When the genomic DNA extracted from the liver tumorous tissues was digested with restriction enzymes (EcoRI, BamHI and HindIII) and analyzed by Southern blotting, no rear-ranged band was found in the regucalcin gene from the hepatoma. Interestingly, in the transplantable Morris hepatoma cells, the regucalcin mRNA was markedly expressed, while the albumin mRNA was expressed only slightly. The present study demonstrates that regucalcin mRNA is clearly expressed in the transformed cells (Morris hepatoma cells).  相似文献   

J Short  L Kibert  R Wedmore  P Ove  R Zemel 《Cytobios》1979,25(98):115-128
Chromatin protein methylation in proliferating liver cells and hepatomas was examined in vivo and in vitro. Methylation in vivo was estimated using 2-14 C-L-methionine and 3H-methyl-L-methionine. 3H/14C ratios were calculated for crude histone and nonhistone chromatin protein fractions and compared to those calculated for serum albumin. From this, determination of a methylation index was calculated using serum albumin as a standard. Results of this study indicate that both histones and nonhistone chromatin proteins are methylated to a greater extent in proliferating liver cells and in hepatomas than in control preparations. These observations are generally supported by our in vitro methylation studies. The results are discussed in terms of chromatin protein methylation and its possible relationship to DNA replication.  相似文献   

We studied cytochemical localization of ectoadenosine triphosphatase in the rat liver during development from 15-day-old fetus to 4-week-old and adult animal. First signs of the enzyme activity were found in some of the primitive bile canaliculi of 15-day-old fetuses. The majority of canaliculi, however, did not reveal any reaction product. Although intensity of the cytochemical reaction increased at 20 days of gestation, it still remained relatively low. Intensity of the reaction increased significantly and its product became readily detectable in the liver of newborn rats. Liver of 1-, 2-, and 4-week-old animals showed strong reaction for ecto-ATPase at the luminal surface of the plasma membrane of the bile canaliculi. Liver of adult rats contained a prominent reaction product similar to that seen in newborns, 1-, 2-, and 4-week-old animals. At all stages of fetal development, as well as in postnatal and adult rats, reaction was found only within the hepatic bile canalicular system and exclusively at the luminal surface of the canalicular plasma membrane. Using diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC), a specific inhibitor of ecto-ATPase activity, cytochemical reaction was blocked in all examined samples. Results of the present study, taken together with established biochemical and immunological data, provide conclusive morphological evidence in support of the view that canalicular ecto-ATPase is involved in bile acid efflux.  相似文献   

Interactions between some stable linear peptides with renin inhibitory activity and a multispecific transport system in the basolateral plasma membrane of liver cells was studied on cell suspensions. The peptides used in our experiments were taken up by liver cells and subsequently eliminated without any biotransformation (e.g., proteolysis). No degradation products could be detected in the extracellular medium by thin-layer chromatography. All peptides tested inhibited the uptake of physiological and of some foreign substrates of the multispecific bile acid transporter (MT). The phalloidin response of liver cells was also inhibited to a similar degree in a concentration-dependent manner. The potency of inhibition did not correlate with the lipophilic properties of the peptides. On the other hand a tight correlation could be documented between the inhibition of cholate transport and that of the phalloidin response. Transport inhibition of typical substrates of the MT by the above renin inhibitors was competitive. In contrast, the transport of a typical substrate of the bilirubin carrier (rifampicin), of amino acids (alpha-aminoisobutyric acid), long chain fatty acids (oleic acid) and cationic compounds (thiamin hydrochloride) was not inhibited by the same renin inhibitors. These results indicate that linear renin inhibiting peptides are taken up into liver cells by carrier proteins related to the MT.  相似文献   

Amino acid starvation causes an adaptive increase in the initial rate of transport of selected neutral amino acids in an established line of rat hepatoma cells in tissue culture. After a lag of 30 min, the initial rate of transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) increases to a maximum after 4 to 6 h starvation of 2 to 3 times that seen in control cells. The increased rate of transport is accompanied by an increase in the Vmax and a modest decrease in the Km for this transport system, and is reversed by readdition of amino acids. The enhancement is specific for amino acids transported by the A or alanine-preferring system (AIB, glycine, proline); uptake of amino acids transported by the L or leucine-preferring system (threonine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, leucine) or the Ly+ system for dibasci amino acids (lysine) is decreased under these conditions. Amino acids which compete with AIB for transport also prevent the starvation-induced increase in AIB transport; amino acids which do not compete fail to prevent the enhancement. Paradoxically threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, which do not compete with AIB for transport, block the enhancement of transport upon amino acid starvation. The starvation-induced enhancement of amino acid transport does not appear to be the result of a release from transinhibition. After 30 min of amino acid starvation, AIB transport is either unchanged or slightly decreased even though amino acid pools are already depleted. Furthermore, loading cells with high concentrations of a single amino acid following a period of amino acid starvation fails to prevent the enhancement of AIB transport, whereas incubation of the cells with the single amino acid for the entire duration of amino acid starvation prevents the enhancement; intracellular amino acid pools are similar under both conditions. The enhancement of amino acid transport requires concomitant RNA and protein synthesis, consistent with the view that the adaptive increase reflects an increased amount of a rate-limiting protein involved in the transport process. Dexamethasone, which dramatically inhibits AIB transport in cells incubated in amino acid-containing medium, both blocks the starvation-induced increase in AIB transport, and causes a time-dependent decrease in transport velocity in cells whose transport has previously been enhanced by starvation.  相似文献   

Changes in mammalian cell volume as induced by either anisoosmolarity, hormones, nutrients or oxidative stress critically contribute to the regulation of metabolism, membrane transport, gene expression and the susceptibility to cellular stress. Osmosensing, i.e. the registration of cell volume changes, triggers signal transduction pathways towards effector pathways (osmosignaling) which link alterations of cell volume to changes in cell function. This review summarizes our own work on the understanding of how osmosensing and osmosignaling integrate into the overall context of bile acid transport, growth factor signaling and the execution of apoptotic programs.  相似文献   

We studied the uptake of leucine, phenylalanine, and the amino acid analog, 2-aminonorborane-2-carboxylic acid, by rat hepatoma cells in tissue culture. The uptake of these amino acids was partially mediated by a plasma membrane transport system similar to the L agency described in other cell types in that it does not require extracellular sodium and is subject to trans-stimulation. Initial rates of sodium-independent transport of these amino acids were calculated using mathematical transformations of the uptake time course curves. The glucocorticoid dexamethasone inhibits the activity of this transport system; the initial rates of sodium-independent uptake of leucine, phenylalanine, and 2-aminonorborane-2-carboxylic acid are decreased by approximately one-third (average = 30%, n = 19) after incubation of HTC cells with 0.1 microM dexamethasone. This inhibition requires at least 15 h, reaching a maximum at 24 h of exposure of the cells to the hormone. Dexamethasone has an asymmetrical effect on sodium-independent amino acid transport in that exposure of the cells to the hormone does not inhibit the rates of outflow of leucine or phenylalanine from preloaded cells into medium without sodium. Inhibition of uptake is blocked by 0.1 mM cycloheximide and 4 microM actinomycin D, indicating the need for continuous protein synthesis for dexamethasone action. Insulin, which is known to partially reverse the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on the A amino acid transport system in HTC cells, does not alter the action of dexamethasone on the L system. Previous investigations have demonstrated inhibition by dexamethasone of at least two distinct sodium-dependent amino acid transport activities in HTC cells. The data presented here, showing inhibition by the glucocorticoid of a sodium-independent transport activity, indicate that the effect of the hormone is independent of the energy source of the amino acid transport systems affected.  相似文献   

Delivery of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins to the apical surface takes place by transcytosis in hepatocytes and also probably in epithelial Madin-Darby canine cells. The integral protein MAL2 was demonstrated to be essential for basolateral-to-apical transcytosis in hepatoma HepG2 cells. Reduction of endogenous MAL2 levels impedes cargo delivery to the apical membrane, but, paradoxically, cargo does not accumulate in the subapical compartment where MAL2 predominantly resides but in distant endosome elements. To understand how transcytosis can be apparently mediated at a distance, we have analyzed the dynamics of machinery and cargo by live-cell imaging of MAL2 and transcytosing CD59, a GPI-anchored protein, in HepG2 cells. MAL2 was revealed as being a highly dynamic protein. Soon after basolateral endocytosis of CD59, a fraction of MAL2 redistributed into peripheral vesicular clusters that concentrated CD59 and that were accessible to transferrin (Tf) receptor, a basolateral recycling protein. Following Tf receptor segregation, the clusters fused in a MAL2(+)globular structure and moved toward the apical surface for CD59 delivery. All these processes were impaired in cells with reduced MAL2 content. Other GPI-anchored proteins examined behave similarly. As MAL2 is expressed by many types of epithelia, the sorting events described herein are probably of quite general utility.  相似文献   

Kupffer cells are resident macrophages in the liver and play a central role in the hepatic response to injury. Bile acids can impair macrophage function leading to decreased cytokine release. TGR5 is a novel, membrane-bound bile acid receptor, and it has been suggested that the immunosuppressive effect of bile acids can be mediated by TGR5. However, the function of TGR5 in Kupffer cells has not been studied and a direct link between TGR5 and cytokine production in macrophages has not been established. The present study demonstrates that TGR5 is localized in the plasma membrane of isolated Kupffer cells and is responsive to bile acids. Furthermore, bile acids inhibited LPS-induced cytokine expression in Kupffer cells via TGR5-cAMP dependent pathways. TGR5-immunoreactivity in Kupffer cells was increased in rat livers following bile-duct ligation, suggesting that TGR5 may play a protective role in obstructive cholestasis preventing excessive cytokine production thereby reducing liver injury.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that intracellular carrier proteins mediate active transport of the bile acids within hepatocytes and ileocytes, during the enterohepatic circulation. In mammalian species only ileal bile acid binding proteins have been so far identified, while liver cytosolic carriers have never been found. On the contrary, in non-mammalian vertebrates, only liver, and not ileal, bile acid binding proteins were reported. The aim of the present work is to find the missing cytosolic transport proteins. A bioinformatic search allowed us to identify a non-mammalian putative bile acid binding protein in the chicken ileum (cI-BABP), which we recombinantly expressed and purified. The protein exhibits the capability, tested by in vitro NMR experiments, of binding bile acids. Furthermore, strong NMR evidence reported that the human liver fatty acid binding protein (hL-FABP) can also bind bile acids. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that both cI-BABP and hL-FABP have a bile acid binding function in the two organisms, and support a previous hypothesis on the role of hL-FABP in regulating bile acid metabolism and determining bile acid pool size.  相似文献   

Fusion of membrane vesicles has been implicated in many intracellular processes including the transport of proteins destined for secretion or storage. Vesicular transport coupled with membrane fusion has been demonstrated for rough endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi and Golgi to plasma membrane transport as well as receptor mediated endocytosis and receptor recycling. Recent studies with inhibitors suggest that metalloendoproteases may mediate a wide variety of intracellular fusion events. Thus, in order to examine the potential role of metalloendoproteases in both transport/secretion and endocytosis/recycling we have used selected dipeptide substrates to probe these processes in human HepG2 cells. Using pulse-chase labeling, immunoprecipitation, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis we show that transport and secretion of newly synthesized proteins along the exocytotic route were completely inhibited by substrate dipeptides (e.g. Cbz-Gly-Phe-amide, where Cbz is benzyloxycarbonyl) but not by irrelevant dipeptides (e.g. Cbz-Gly-Gly-amide). The effect was rapid, reversible, and specific. The secretory pathway was blocked between the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi as well as Golgi and plasma membrane as judged by the status of N-glycosylation intermediates. In addition, these inhibitors specifically inhibited protein synthesis without alterations in cellular ATP concentrations. However, cell-free amino acid incorporation was not inhibited. Receptor-mediated uptake of asialoglycoproteins was specifically and reversibly inhibited by dipeptide substrates. This effect appears to be secondary to inhibition of recycling as neither ligand binding nor internalization were affected. Thus the present observations suggest that metalloendoprotease activity may be involved in the regulation of multiple intracellular pathways perhaps at the level of vesicular fusion events.  相似文献   

Both adult liver and choroid plexus express the organic aniontransport protein (oatp1) and transport[35S]bromosulfophthalein(BSP). Studies of the developing rat liver reveal that oatp1 mRNA andprotein do not begin to be expressed until 15 days postnatal and are atadult levels by 30 days. Uptake of[35S]BSP follows thesame time course. In contrast, neonatal rat choroid plexus expressesoatp1 mRNA and protein. When quantified on a weight basis, the uptakeof [35S]BSP in choroidplexus is lower in the adult than at earlier stages of development.Although fluorescence confocal microscopy of adult rat choroid plexusshows that oatp is localized to the apical surface, facing thecerebrospinal fluid, this method reveals an intracellular localizationof oatp1 in the neonate. Approximately 12 wk are required for theappearance of the adult pattern of distribution. Changes in thelocalization and activity of oatp1 during development could play animportant role in the pathobiology of maturation of the liver and thecentral nervous system.


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