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Katara P  Grover A  Sharma V 《Protoplasma》2012,249(4):901-907
Phylogenetic footprinting is a method for the discovery of regulatory elements in a set of homologous regulatory regions, usually collected from multiple species. It does so by identifying the best conserved motifs in those homologous regions. There are two popular sets of methods-alignment-based and motif-based, which are generally employed for phylogenetic methods. However, serious efforts have lacked to develop a tool exclusively for phylogenetic footprinting, based on either of these methods. Nevertheless, a number of software and tools exist that can be applied for prediction of phylogenetic footprinting with variable degree of success. The output from these tools may get affected by a number of factors associated with current state of knowledge, techniques and other resources available. We here present a critical apprehension of various phylogenetic approaches with reference to prokaryotes outlining the available resources and also discussing various factors affecting footprinting in order to make a clear idea about the proper use of this approach on prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Bowser PR  Tobe SS 《Peptides》2007,28(1):83-93
The role of the YXFGLa family of allatostatin (AST) peptides in dipterans is not well-established. The recent completion of sequencing of genomes for multiple Drosophila species provides an opportunity to study the evolutionary variation of the allatostatins and to examine regulatory elements that control gene expression. We performed comparative analyses of Ast genes from seven Drosophila species (Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila simulans, Drosophila ananassae, Drosophila yakuba, Drosophila pseudoobscura, Drosophila mojavensis, and Drosophila grimshawi) and used phylogenetic footprinting methods to identify conserved noncoding motifs, which are candidates for regulatory regions. The peptides encoded by the Ast precursor are nearly identical across species with the exception of AST-1, in which the leading residue may be either methionine or valine. Phylogenetic footprinting predicts as few as 3, to as many as 17 potential regulatory sites depending on the parameters used during analysis. These include a Hunchback motif approximately 1.2 kb upstream of the open reading frame (ORF), overlapping motifs for two Broad-complex isoforms in the first intron, and a CF2-II motif located in the 3'-UTR. Understanding the regulatory elements involved in Ast expression may provide insight into the function of this neuropeptide family.  相似文献   

Myostatin is a paracrine/autocrine factor that inhibits muscle growth, and mutations that affect myostatin activity or expression produce dramatic increases in muscle mass in several species. However, at present it is less clear whether differences in myostatin expression or activity exist between species with differing body sizes. Here we demonstrate that mouse muscle expresses far greater levels of myostatin mRNA than cow. In addition, activity of a 1200 bp mouse myostatin promoter construct was significantly greater than that of a 1200 bp cow myostatin promoter construct in C2C12 myotubes. In contrast, activity of reporter constructs flanked by one or both untranslated regions (UTRs) was not significantly different between the two species. Sequence analysis identified a number of promoter regions which differed between larger species (cow, pig, goat, sheep, human) and smaller (mouse, rat), including a TATA-box sequence, a CACCC box, two AT-rich regions (AT1 and AT2), and a palindromic sequence (PAL). We therefore used mutagenesis to alter the mouse sequence for each of these elements to that of the cow. Mutagenesis of the TATA, CACC, and AT1 sequences of the mouse to those of the cow significantly decreased activity of the mouse myostatin promoter compared to the wild type mouse promoter, while mutation of the AT2 and PAL sequences tended to increase promoter activity. Finally, the cow myostatin promoter was less responsive to FoxO signaling than the mouse myostatin promoter. Together these data support the hypothesis that differences in promoter activity between mouse and cow may contribute to differences in expression of the myostatin gene between these species.  相似文献   

The enhancer of split locus and neurogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Enhancer of split (E(spl)) is one of a group of so-called neurogenic genes of Drosophila. We describe two different types of E(spl) alleles, dominant and recessive, which exert opposite effects on both central and peripheral nervous system development. The only extant dominant allele determines a reduction in the number of central neurons and peripheral sensilla; this phenotype is not reduced by a normal complement of wild-type alleles. Since animals carrying a triploidy for the wild-type locus develop similar defects, the dominant allele is probably the result of a gain-of-function mutation. Several recessive alleles, obtained as revertants of the dominant allele, are loss-of-function mutations and determine considerable neural hyperplasia. The present evidence suggests that neural defects of E(spl) mutants are due to defective segregation of neural and epidermal lineages, leading to neural commitment of less or of more cells than in the wild type, depending upon whether the animals carry the dominant or any of the recessive alleles, respectively. Therefore, E(spl) formally behaves as a gene switching between neural and epidermal pathways.  相似文献   

With a view to identifying proteins that regulate the expression of the Drosophila ftz gene we have sequenced its enhancer-like upstream element (USE) and determined the binding sites for embryonic nuclear proteins within this region by in vitro DNAaseI footprinting. We find that greater than 50% of this element is bound by nuclear protein. By footprinting and gel-retardation studies in embryonic extracts from different developmental stages, we have characterised a number of USE/protein complexes whose nature alters in concert with changes in the ftz expression pattern, suggesting that these USE-binding proteins may be involved in the regulation of gene activity. In some cases this suggestion is substantiated by the observation that the protected DNA sequences show homology to the binding sites for ftz regulating DNA-binding proteins such as the pair-rule gene product even-skipped.  相似文献   

Hybrid 5' regulatory regions were constructed in which the upstream activator sequence (UAS) and promoter of various nif genes were exchanged with the upstream regulatory sequence (URS) of the fdhF gene from Escherichia coli. They were analysed for their regulatory response under different growth conditions with the aid of fdhF'-'lacZ or nif'-'lacZ fusions. Placement of the UAS from the Bradyrhizobium japonicum nifH gene in front of the spacer (DNA region between URS and promoter) plus promoter from fdhF renders fdhF expression activatable by the Klebsiella pneumoniae NIFA protein, both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. This excludes the possibility that the spacer of the fdhF5' flanking region contains a site recognized by a putative oxygen- or nitrate-responsive repressor. There was also considerable activation by NIFA of fdhF expression in a construct lacking the nifH UAS but containing the fdhF spacer plus promoter. Further experimental evidence suggests that this reflects a direct interaction between NIFA and RNA polymerase at the ntrA-dependent promoter. A second set of hybrid constructs in which the URS from fdhF (E. coli) was placed in front of the nifD spacer plus promoter from B. japonicum or in front of the K. pneumoniae nifH, nifU, nifB spacers and promoters, delivered inactive constructs in the case of the nifD, nifU and nifB genes. However, a nifH'-'lacZ fusion preceded by its own spacer and promoter plus the foreign fdhF URS displayed all the regulatory characteristics of fdhF expression, i.e. anaerobic induction with formate and repression by oxygen and nitrate. Although it is not known why only one out of the four nif promoters could be activated by the fdhF URS, this result nevertheless demonstrates that the various regulatory stimuli affecting expression of fdhF in E. coli have their target at the upstream regulatory sequence.  相似文献   

Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) plays a fundamental role in numerous developmental processes including morphogenesis of limbs, nervous system, and teeth. Using a Bayesian alignment algorithm for phylogenetic footprinting we analyzed approximately 28 kb of noncoding DNA in the SHH locus of human and mouse. This showed that the length of conserved noncoding sequences (4196 nt) shared by these species was approximately 3 times larger than the SHH coding sequence (1386 nt). Most segments were located in introns (53%) or within 2-kb regions upstream (16%) or downstream (20%) of the first and last SHH codon. Even though regions more than 2 kb upstream or downstream of the first and last SHH codon represented 57% (16 kb) of the sequence compared, they accounted for only 11% (494 nt) of the total length of conserved noncoding segments. One region of 650 nt downstream of SHH was identified as a putative scaffold/matrix attachment region (SMAR). Human-mouse analysis was complemented by sequencing in apes, monkeys, rodents, and bats, thus further confirming the evolutionary conservation of some segments. Gel-shift assays indicated that conserved segments are targeted by nuclear proteins and showed differences between two cell types that expressed different levels of SHH, namely human endothelial cells and breast cancer cells. The relevance of these findings with respect to regulation of SHH expression during normal and pathologic development is discussed.  相似文献   

Both positive selection and negative selection have been shown to drive the evolution of coding regions. It is of interest to know if the corresponding 5' regions of genes may be subjected to selection of comparable intensities. For such a comparison, we chose the Accessory gland protein (Acp) genes as our test case. About 700 bp and 600 bp for the 5' and coding regions, respectively, of eight previously unstudied genes were sequenced from 21 isogenic lines of D. melanogaster and one line from D. simulans. The ratio of divergence at the amino-acid replacement sites (A) over that at the synonymous sites (S) was twice the ratio for common polymorphism. Interestingly, the 5' region shows the same trend, with the 5'/S divergence ratio being 1.8 times higher than the 5'/S ratio for common polymorphism. There are several possible explanations for the 5'/S ratios, including demography, negative selection, and positive selection. Under normal conditions, positive selection is the most likely explanation. If that is true, about 45 to 50 percent of all fixed differences at both the replacement and 5' sites were adaptive, even though the substitution rate in the former is only half that of the latter (K(A)/K(S) approximately 0.3 vs. K(5')/K(S) approximately 0.6). As previous analyses have indicated, the inclusion of slightly deleterious polymorphism confounds the inference of positive selection. The analysis of published polymorphism data covering 97 verified 5' regions of Drosophila suggests more pronounced selective constraint on the 5' untranslated region and the core promoter (together corresponding to approximately 200 bp in this data set) when compared to the more distal portion of the 5' region of genes.  相似文献   

The interaction of three neurogenic loci viz. Delta, Enhancer of split and Notch, and a related gene, Hairless, of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated at the adult morphology level by measuring the effects of the mutations of the three other genes on the expression of the recessive lethal antimorphic Abruptex mutations of the Notch locus. The Abruptex mutations were also coupled in cis or trans with facet-glossy or split mutations of the Notch locus. In some of the experiments, the genotype of the fly was homozygous for either facet-glossy or split mutation or their wild type alleles but heterozygous for the Abruptex. Facet-glossy is located in a large intron of the locus, whereas split is located in the same exon as Abruptex. In all compounds studied, Delta suppressed the expression of Abruptex while Hairless and Enhancer of split enhanced it. The interactions of the four genes studied were allele specific, suggesting an interaction at the protein level. The comparison of the results presented in this study on the interaction of the neurogenic genes with other results on the same subject suggests that the interactions are similar in embryonic and imaginal development.  相似文献   

The MIKC MADS-box gene family has been shaped by extensive gene duplications giving rise to subfamilies of genes with distinct functions and expression patterns. However, within these subfamilies the functional assignment is not that clear-cut, and considerable functional redundancy exists. One way to investigate the diversity in regulation present in these subfamilies is promoter sequence analysis. With the advent of genome sequencing projects, we are now able to exert a comparative analysis of Arabidopsis and poplar promoters of MADS-box genes belonging to the same subfamily. Based on the principle of phylogenetic footprinting, sequences conserved between the promoters of homologous genes are thought to be functional. Here, we have investigated the evolution of MADS-box genes at the promoter level and show that many genes have diverged in their regulatory sequences after duplication and/or speciation. Furthermore, using phylogenetic footprinting, a distinction can be made between redundancy, neo/nonfunctionalization, and subfunctionalization.  相似文献   

Drosophila heteroneura and D differens are closely related, interfertile species of the Hawaiian picture-winged group. They display marked qualitative and quantitative differences in the pattern of expression of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and an aldehyde oxidase (AO-1). These presumptive regulatory differences are revealed by comparisons of the relative levels of these enzymes in various tissues in larvae and adults. In hybrids produced between parents carrying different electrophoretic alleles at the structural loci for these two enzymes, each allele is expressed according to the developmental program characteristic of the parent from which it was derived. This result indicates control of the differences in pattern of expression by one or more cis-acting sites associated with each structural locus. The distribution of activity among all the three forms of these dimeric enzymes produced in hybrids indicates that the pattern differences reflect differential accumulation of enzyme molecules, not altered catalytic properties. As expected, the regulatory differences segregate with the electrophoretic markers in backcrosses.  相似文献   

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