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Roger  Bailey 《Ibis》1966,108(2):224-264
The present study of an upwelling area off the southeast coast of Arabia, between 52° and 60° E. is based primarily on observations on board the R.R.S, `Discovery’ during the International Indian Ocean Expedition. During oceanographic surveys off the Arabian coast from June to August 1963 and in early March and late May 1964 I made 234 counts of birds of about an hour each, the results of which have been used as an index of bird density. In this area, the only offshore islands known to be important to sea-birds are the Kuria Muria Islands, which were apparently at the centre of an upwelling area. The upwelling of cold water along the Arabian coast during the southwest monsoon from May to September greatly increases organic production in the sea, and large populations of organisms at every level of the food chain develop there. Previous work in Arabia and the Arabian Sea is reviewed. Little is recorded about the ecology of sea-birds there, but the composition of the fauna is quite well-known. The distribution of every sea-bird species recorded from 52° E. to 60° E., and within 200 miles offshore, is described, with particular reference to my own observations. Details are given of the distribution of common species during the southwest monsoon of mid-June-mid-August 1963 and in March and May 1964. Specimens collected on the `Discovery’ are recorded together with their measurements. Of 12 sea-bird species seen commonly off Arabia during the southwest monsoon in 1963, 11 were seen in late May 1964, but only five in March. There is certain evidence that two species have bred on the Kuria Muria Islands and suggestive evidence for a further three. Information on breeding seasons in the Arabian Sea is based on short visits to breeding colonies, mostly outside the breeding season, and on the plumage condition of specimens. Nevertheless, the sum of the evidence suggests that breeding is regular at the same time every year, and in most species seems to be in the northern summer. The food of sea-birds in the Arabian Sea, determined from stomach contents and visual observation, only serves to stress the lack of knowledge on this subject. A brief summary of feeding methods recorded by me suggests that they may be important in avoiding interspecific competition, for there seems to be little overlap. The density of sea-birds during the southwest monsoon 1963, expressed as the number of each species seen per hour, was analysed in relation to: (i) the sea surface temperature, which was inversely correlated with the zooplankton density from 0–200 m. (ii) the distance from the Kuria Muria Islands, the only likely breeding station; (iii) the distance from the nearest land which may have been important to land-tied sea-birds. All the abundant species were commonest close to land in the cool-water area and, with the exception of migrants from the southern hemisphere, most were concentrated around the Kuria Muria Islands in the centre of upwelling. A multiple analysis suggested that the islands were of real importance to some species. A separate analysis also demonstrated the existence of a correlation between sea-bird numbers and the abundance of zooplankton from 0–200 m. depth, but not the abundance of zooplankton at the sea surface. During the southwest monsoon the southeast Arabian coast is inhabited by a distinctive cool-water fauna within the tropical zone of the Indian Ocean. The high degree of endemism, the high proportion of migrants, including some from the southern hemisphere, and the absence of most pantropical species, suggest that the marked changes in the environment off southeast Arabia demand considerable adaptation. A brief discussion of the possible origins of the Arabian coast sea-bird fauna shows that it is not typical of either a subtropical or a tropical community in other regions. The likelihood that sea-birds breed in the summer, the concentration of most species in the upwelling area at that time and their absence during the winter, clearly demonstrates the importance of the upwelling. However, the results of the analysis suggest that some species were concentrated around the Kuria Muria Islands in the centre of the upwelling because the islands had a real importance to them, possibly as a breeding station. The correlation between sea-bird density and zooplankton abundance in the top 200 m., but not at the surface, may be explained if sea-birds concentrate in areas of high productivity rather than in areas of abundant surface plankton, which is largely irrelevant as food.  相似文献   

R. E. Moreau  M.B.O.U. 《Ibis》1940,82(1):48-91
The sea-bird breeding stations in East African waters are enumerated. Between the Lamu archipelago, where many species nest, and the Rovuma the most important station is Latham Island with its Booby colony ( S. dactylatra melanops ), which existed at least 115 years ago. Less than half a dozen terneries (mainly S. dougallii and S. fuscata) are known, and no gullery. Reef-Herons, the only sea-birds to breed on bush-covered islets or in mangroves, are more widespread than the other species. The Terns lay about July, the Reef-Herons a month earlier, and the Gannets about four months later in most years.
Early records of birds in Zanzibar and Pemba are discussed specifically. The recent extinction of Francolins in Zanzibar is taken as proved.
The land-birds of Mafia and the neighbouring islets are listed and discussed, mainly on the basis of a recent collection. The avifauna is purely East African, devoid of endemics, and, considering the size of Mafia and its proximity to the mainland, astonishingly depauperate in some respects. Thirteen families (including Psittacidæ, Coliidæ, Picidæ, Alaudidæ, Timaliidæ, and Zosteropidæ) and several other coastal species are not represented. The phenology is discussed.  相似文献   

Humans have interacted with the Wadden Sea since its origin 7,500 years ago. However, exploitation, habitat alteration and pollution have strongly increased since the Middle Ages, affecting abundance and distribution of many marine mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates and plants. Large whales and some large birds disappeared more than 500 years ago. Most small whales, seals, birds, large fish and oysters were severely reduced by the late 19th and early 20th centuries, leading to the collapse of several traditional fisheries. In the 20th century, conservation efforts have enabled some breeding birds and seals to recover. But other species declined further due to continuing exploitation, habitat destruction, pollution and eutrophication. Moreover, complex three-dimensional habitats such as oyster banks, Sabellaria reefs and subtidal eelgrass beds have been lost completely. In contrast, several opportunistic species such as gulls, polychaetes, green algae and exotic invaders increased during the 20th century. Taken together, multiple human impacts have caused dramatic losses of large predators and habitat-building species in the Wadden Sea over the last 500 years. Although still of high natural value and global importance, the Wadden Sea is a fundamentally changed ecosystem. On the other hand, reduced hunting pressure, increased habitat protection and reduced river pollution have enabled the recent recovery of several species and an increase in environmental quality. These successes, together with a historical vision of what was once possible, should guide current and future conservation, restoration and management efforts towards a more sustainable interaction between man and the sea.  相似文献   

Records of pinnipeds and sirenians are rare in the western Indian Ocean away from continental coasts. In the case of pinnipeds there are apparently no records at all in this area, except for occasional stray Elephant seals Mirounga leonina as far north as Mauritius and Rodriguez, and a single record of an undetermined species in the southern Maldive Islands: the Indian Ocean now lacks any counterpart of the Monk seals of the Caribbean and the Pacific (King, 1956, 1964). In the case of sirenians, Dugongs are widely distributed round the continental coasts of the Indian Ocean, including Madagascar, the Comoros, and Ceylon, but there is much less information concerning them on more remote Indian Ocean islands. This paper draws attention to hitherto unnoticed reports of animals which could be either pinnipeds or sirenians made by 18th and early 19th century navigators, and reviews some of the published evidence for the existence of these animals in the 17th and 18th centuries in the Mascarene Islands. It is shown that many of the reef islands of the tropical western Indian Ocean were formerly inhabited by seals, of undetermined species and now extinct, and that some of the early references to Dugongs in fact concerned seals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is a reexamination of the success story of how Mendelian genetics gave birth to a revolution in plant and animal breeding which produced the spectacular 20th century agricultural progress and made it possible to feed the exploding population of the Earth. Critics have pointed to the problematic social effect of the agricultural revolution, and they have doubted the importance of the new genetics, especially during the first three or four decades of the 20th century. This paper argues that the criticism has tended to take a narrow instrumental view of science underestimating the guiding role of theory in practical matters. Plant and animal breeding continued to depend mainly on the old 19th century techniques, hybridization, mass selection and individual selection. But they were combined and used in much more efficient ways than before. New theoretical knowledge, general theories as well as particular knowledge about species, strains and individuals, radically improved the planning and execution of breeding work.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate disruption, including temperature and precipitation regime shifts, has been linked to animal population declines since the mid‐20th century. However, some species, such as Arctic‐breeding geese, have thrived during this period. An increased understanding of how climate disruption might link to demographic rates in thriving species is an important perspective in quantifying the impact of anthropogenic climate disruption on the global state of nature. The Greenland barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) population has increased tenfold in abundance since the mid‐20th century. A concurrent weather regime shift towards warmer, wetter conditions occurred throughout its range in Greenland (breeding), Ireland and Scotland (wintering) and Iceland (spring and autumn staging). The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between weather and demographic rates of Greenland barnacle geese to discern the role of climate shifts in the population trend. We quantified the relationship between temperature and precipitation and Greenland barnacle goose survival and productivity over a 50 year period from 1968 to 2018. We detected significant positive relationships between warmer, wetter conditions on the Icelandic spring staging grounds and survival. We also detected contrasting relationships between warmer, wetter conditions during autumn staging and survival and productivity, with warm, dry conditions being the most favourable for productivity. Survival increased in the latter part of the study period, supporting the possibility that spring weather regime shifts contributed to the increasing population trend. This may be related to improved forage resources, as warming air temperatures have been shown to improve survival rates in several other Arctic and northern terrestrial herbivorous species through indirect bottom‐up effects on forage availability.  相似文献   

M. A. Ogilvie  R. J. F. Taylor 《Ibis》1967,109(3):299-309
An expedition studying geese spent six weeks in the summer of 1964 on the west coast of West-Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The topography of the area is described. Observations were made on 28 species of birds and details of numbers and distribution are given for each. Counts were made over a period of a week of the numbers of Common Eider Somateria mollissima which began nesting in a small colony as the snow cleared from the ground. Weights and measurements were taken of Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima and Glaucous Gulls Larus hyperboreus. One species new to Svalbard was seen, a Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. Previously unrecorded breeding sites of Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus, and Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis were found, and it is concluded that the further spread of the Barnacle Goose is probable. New sea-bird colonies were also located.  相似文献   

Dispersal and breeding system traits are thought to affect colonization success. As species have attained their present distribution ranges through colonization, these traits may vary geographically. Although several theories predict associations between dispersal ability, selfing ability and the relative position of a population within its geographic range, there is little theoretical or empirical consensus on exactly how these three variables are related. We investigated relationships between dispersal ability, selfing ability and range position across 28 populations of 13 annual, wind‐dispersed Asteraceae species from the Namaqualand region of South Africa. Controlling for phylogeny, relative dispersal ability – assessed from vertical fall time of fruits – was positively related to an index of autofertility – determined from hand‐pollination experiments. These findings support the existence of two discrete syndromes: high selfing ability associated with good dispersal and obligate outcrossing associated with lower dispersal ability. This is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for colonization success drives the evolution of an association between these traits. However, no general effect of range position on dispersal or breeding system traits was evident. This suggests selection on both breeding system and dispersal traits acts consistently across distribution ranges.  相似文献   

Once the Japanese ibis, or the Japanese crested ibis, was widely distributed in Asia including Japan, Korea, China and Siberia, and was not a rare species. However, this species started to disappear over its entire range beginning in the late 19th or early 20th century. Currently, only a single population of 15–20 individuals survives in wild in Yang Xian, Shaanxi, China. Several individuals, mostly immature birds, are kept in captivity in Beijing zoo. One of them is an adult male captured in 1981 in Japan and sent to Beijing zoo for breeding two years ago. In Japan, only, a single old female survives in captivity. Scientists of the Japanese Ibis Preservation Center in Sado Island and Ueno zoo, Tokyo, had attempted several times to breed Japanese ibises in captivity, but they have failed in all of their attempts. In Beijing zoo, a similar attempt is now being carried out. As the basis of an artificial breeding programme of this and other species of birds, the authors have attempted to establish a noninvasive method for estimation of gonadal activities of birds and also a method to induce a complete series of the ovarian activity,i.e., ovarian growth, ovulation and oviposition, by means of hormone administration to some species of birds. In this communication, the author briefly reports recent results of these attempts in addition to results of measurements of gonadotropin levels in plasma of captive Japanese ibises and white ibises, a closely related species,Threskiornis aethiopicus.  相似文献   

The 18 penguin species are exclusively and widely distributed in the Southern hemisphere, from the Equator to the Antarctic continent, and are thus submitted to various ecological constraints in their reproductive strategy. This results in a high variability in all aspects of the breeding biology of the different species. Although penguins appear primarily adapted for a marine existence, they remain dependent on land for breeding, rearing young, and moulting. Here we describe and compare the breeding cycle of all the penguin species, highlighting the characteristics of each species in terms of breeding range, population status, threats induced by environmental changes, duration of the different phases of the breeding cycle, mate fidelity, body mass, body height, egg mass and duration of egg formation. We also focus on the breeding cycle of the genus Aptenodytes, since it largely differs from the breeding cycle of most of the other penguin species.  相似文献   

Previous models have suggested that biparental care will beevolutionarily stable when each parent only partially compensatesfor decreases in effort by their partner. We investigated asystem where breeding success is an accelerating function ofparental effort. This could occur in species with a high predationlevel—for example, in a dense sea-bird colony or in specieswhere eggs or young are very prone to cooling. In these caseswe found that parents will fully compensate for decreased partnereffort, or else they will abandon the breeding attempt altogether.We use a second graphical model to show that biparental carecan exist under a situation of full compensation for reducedpartner effort if neither parent can do all the care alone.Each parent will abandon the breeding attempt if his or hercondition falls below a certain threshold. If the participationof both parents is necessary for the breeding attempt to besuccessful, then neither parent will want to force their partnerto abandon by making them work so hard that they fall belowthe condition threshold. Because abandonment by oen partnermeans the failure of the breeding attempt, each individualwill do at least enough work so that the partner will not abandon,resulting in biparental care. There will be a region of conflictbetween the parents, within which the conflict can be resolvedin various ways. Possible resolutions of this conflict, andthe consequences and applications of the model, are discussed.  相似文献   

358个欧洲小麦品种的农艺性状鉴定与评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文研究了欧洲18个国家20世纪育成的代表性品种358个,简述了各国品种的特点,全部品种的生育期、株高、主穗粒数和千粒重等性状变异丰富。总体上,株高随育成年限逐年代降低的趋势明显;主穗粒数有随育成年代逐渐增加的趋势;生育期和千粒重与品种育成时间之间无明显相关。分析了株高和抽穗期对穗粒数和千粒重的影响,向育种家推荐了一批优良种质,并提供了部分品种的系谱。  相似文献   

The seasonal distributions of humpback and blue whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae and Balaenoptera musculus , respectively) in the North Atlantic Ocean are not fully understood. Although humpbacks have been studied intensively in nearshore or coastal feeding and breeding areas, their migratory movements between these areas have been largely inferred. Blue whales have only been studied intensively along the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and their seasonal occurrence and movements elsewhere in the North Atlantic are poorly known. We investigated the historical seasonal distributions of these two species using sighting and catch data extracted from American 18th and 19th century whaling logbooks. These data suggest that humpback whales migrated seasonally from low-latitude calving/ breeding grounds over a protracted period, and that some of them traveled far offshore rather than following coastal routes. Also, at least some humpbacks apparently fed early in the summer west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, well south of their known present-day feeding grounds. In assessing the present status of the North Atlantic humpback population, it will be important to determine whether such offshore feeding does in fact occur. Blue whales were present across the southern half of the North Atlantic during the autumn and winter months, and farther north in spring and summer, but we had too few data points to support inferences about these whales' migratory timing and routes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since the 18th century, the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis has been thought to comprise a single species with several different color morphs, but recently some of these color morphs have been assigned to separate species based on morphology, geographical distribution, and molecular sequence data. This research was aimed at testing the ability of three of these species, H. medicinalis, Hirudo verbana, and Hirudo orientalis, to interbreed. We found that in the laboratory, all three species were able to mate with each other and produce hybrid offspring. This suggests that the reproductive isolation is not strong among these species of the genus Hirudo. However, fewer offspring were produced from interspecific crosses compared with intraspecific crosses. This decrease of fecundity (and in some cases, offspring viability) indicates some degree of reproductive isolation between H. medicinalis, H. verbana, and H. orientalis.  相似文献   

The existence of free radicals, as chemical entities, was inferred 100 years ago but not universally accepted for some 30-40 years. The existence and importance of free radicals in biological systems was not recognized until the mid 1950s, by a small number of visionary scientists who can be credited with founding the field of reactive oxygen biochemistry. For most of the remaining 20th century, reactive oxygen species (ROS) were considered a type of biochemical "rusting agent" that caused stochastic tissue damage and disease. As we enter the 21st century, reactive oxygen biochemistry is maturing as a discipline and establishing its importance among the biomedical sciences. It is now recognized that virtually every disease state involves some degree of oxidative stress. Moreover, we are now beginning to recognize that ROS are produced in a well-regulated manner to help maintain homeostasis on the cellular level in normal, healthy tissue. This review summarizes the history of reactive oxygen biochemistry, outlining major paradigm shifts that the field has undergone and continues to experience. The contributions of Earl Stadtman to the recent history of the field (1980-present) are especially highlighted. The role of ROS in signal transduction is presented in some detail as central to the latest paradigm shift. Emerging technologies, particularly proteomic technologies, are discussed that will facilitate further evolution in the field of reactive oxygen biochemistry.  相似文献   

The Black Death (1349–1350 in Norway) is often cited as the cause of a severe population decline and building hiatus in the middle of the 14th century. This paper analyses this hypothesis by matching the Black Death with human and environmental impacts on tree-ring growth. The number of buildings dated by dendrochronology in Norway shows a dramatic decline several decades before the plague. In Norway, the building hiatus, which has parallels in several other places in Europe, dates from the late-13th century almost to the 16th century. The first dated houses built after the plague date from the 15th century and many of the logs have exceptionally wide tree rings compared to timber from other periods. Assuming the rapid growth was because of an open landscape, the trees are likely to have grown on infields of farms abandoned due to the 14th century population decline. Since many of these fast-growing trees germinated in the early-14th century and the number of dated buildings drops dramatically several decades before the plague, the Black Death can hardly be the only reason for the population decline in Norway and one plausible explanation is that some environmental impact occurred decades earlier. The dendroclimatological evidence of cold and wet summers in the years before the plague is suggestive, but historical sources also pinpoint famine due to crop failure. They also tell of farms being abandoned several decades before the plague and mention periods of heavy rainfall and famine in the early-14th century.  相似文献   

The victors of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece were awarded crowns made of olive branches. In Antiquity, the symbolism of plants was related to myths, properties, aesthetic values, and civilization. Theophrastus first classifies and identifies plants, and gathers information about them, in his classic books (4th century BC). Symbolic plants are native to the Mediterranean region and they exhibit some convergent behaviour with respect to their functional characteristics. These plants were collected (among other species) by Professor J. Sibthorp and his partners in two botanical journeys in the Levant during the 18th century, and they have been illustrated for Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana.  相似文献   

We review the state of African ungulate taxonomy over the last 120 years, with an emphasis on the introduction of the polytypic species concept and the discipline's general neglect since the middle of the 20th century. We single out negative consequences of ‘orthodox’ taxonomy, highlighting numerous cases of neglect of threatened lineages, unsound translocations that led to lineage introgression, and cases of maladaptation to local conditions including parasitic infections. Additionally, several captive breeding programmes have been hampered by chromosome rearrangements caused by involuntary lineage mixing. We advocate that specimen‐based taxonomy should regain its keystone role in mammal research and conservation biology, with its scientific values augmented with genomic evidence. While integration with molecular biology, ecology and behaviour is needed for a full understanding of ungulate alpha diversity, we stress that morphological diversity has been neglected despite its tremendous practical importance for some groups of ‘utilizers’ such as trophy hunters, wildlife tourists and conservationists. We conclude that there is no evidence that purported ‘taxonomic inflation’ has adverse effects on ungulate conservation: rather, it is taxonomic inertia that has such adverse effects. We stress that sound science, founded on robust taxonomy, should underpin effective sustainable management (hunting, ranching, captive breeding and reintroduction programmes) of this unique African natural resource.  相似文献   

Christmas Island, at 2° N, 157° W in the Central Pacific Ocean, supports 18 breeding species of sea-birds. Data on the breeding seasons collected by the authors and other visitors to the island are analyzed in individual species accounts. Population estimates are given, the distribution of each species on the island is outlined, and for some species information on the sexual and moult cycles of marked individuals is presented. The Discussion concerns the ultimate and proximate factors controlling breeding seasons and the role of social factors in maintaining breeding synchrony in sea-birds, the diversity of the breeding regimes exhibited on Christmas Island (summary and analysis in Fig. 2 and Table 5), and comparison of these regimes with those found in the birds of Ascension Island and the Galapagos Archipelago.  相似文献   

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