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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Haversian remodeling on the tensile properties of human cortical bone by testing specimens containing, as far a possible, a single type of bone tissue. Fifty-one specimens were prepared from sixteen fresh tibias, removed at autopsy. Age range was 19-35. Regions were selected so that the specimens would consist almost exclusively of either primary bone or Haversian bone. The ultimate tensile strength, ultimate strain and Young's modulus of elasticity were determined at a loading rate of 0.05 mm s-1. The primary bone specimens were found to have a significantly higher ultimate tensile strength and modulus of elasticity than those formed of Haversian bone.  相似文献   

To explore the hypothesis that load-induced fluid flow in bone is a mechano-transduction mechanism in bone adaptation, unit cell micro-mechanical techniques are used to relate the microstructure of Haversian cortical bone to its effective poroelastic properties. Computational poroelastic models are then applied to compute in vitro Haversian fluid flows in a prismatic specimen of cortical bone during harmonic bending excitations over the frequency range of 10(0) to 10(6) Hz. At each frequency considered, the steady state harmonic response of the poroelastic bone specimen is computed using complex frequency-domain finite element analysis. At the higher frequencies considered, the breakdown of Poisueille flow in Haversian canals is modeled by introduction of a complex fluid viscosity. Peak bone fluid pressures are found to increase linearly with loading frequency in proportion to peak bone stress up to frequencies of approximately 10 kHz. Haversian fluid shear stresses are found to increase linearly with excitation frequency and loading magnitude up until the breakdown of Poisueille flow. Tan delta values associated with the energy dissipated by load-induced fluid flow are also compared with values measured experimentally in a concurrent broadband spectral analysis of bone. The computational models indicate that fluid shear stresses and fluid pressures in the Haversian system could, under physiologically realistic loading, easily reach the level of a few Pascals, which have been shown in other works to elicit cell responses in vitro.  相似文献   

Haversian bone remodelling used to be considered an attribute of adult bone. In the present paper, typical haversian remodelling was observed in the humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia, fibula and 6th and 7th ribs as soon as the 24th week. Its aspect suggests an already ancient occurrence. Remodelling was found in the same bone pieces of the neonate as well as in the clavicle and the other ribs. Mechanical factors may be responsible for starting the remodelling but their effects could be modulated by metabolic needs. Other still unknown factors might play a role too.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the connection between microstructure of the osteonal cortical bone and its overall elastic properties. The existing models either neglect anisotropy of the dense tissue or simplify cortical bone microstructure (accounting for Haversian canals only). These simplifications (related mostly to insufficient mathematical apparatus) complicate quantitative analysis of the effect of microstructural changes – produced by age, microgravity, or some diseases – on the overall mechanical performance of cortical bone. The present analysis fills this gap; it accounts for anisotropy of the dense tissue and uses realistic model of the porous microstructure. The approach is based on recent results of Sevostianov et al. (2005) and Saadat et al. (2012) on inhomogeneities in a transversely-isotropic material. Bone?s microstructure is modeled according to books of Martin and Burr (1989), Currey (2002), and Fung (1993) and includes four main families of pores. The calculated elastic constants for porous cortical bone are in agreement with available experimental data. The influence of each of the pore types on the overall moduli is examined.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional micromechanical fibre reinforced composite materials model for osteonal cortical bone is presented. The interstitial bone is modelled as a matrix, the osteons are modelled as fibres, and the cement line is presented as interface tissue. The interaction between osteons and microcracks is evaluated by linear elastic fracture mechanics theory, followed by a determination of the stress intensity factor at the vicinity of the microcrack tips. The results indicate that bone microstructural heterogeneity greatly influences fracture parameters. Furthermore, microstructural morphology and loading conditions affect growth trajectories, the microcrack propagation trajectory deviates from the osteon under tensile loading, and osteon penetration is observed under compressive loads.  相似文献   

Relaxation Young's modulus of cortical bone was investigated for two different directions with respect to the longitudinal axis of bone (bone axis, BA): the modulus parallel (P) and normal (N) to the BA. The relaxation modulus was analyzed by fitting to the empirical equation previously proposed for cortical bones, i.e., a linear combination of two Kohlraush-Williams-Watts (KWW) functions (Iyo et al., 2003. Biorheology, submitted): E(t)=E0 (A1 exp[-(t/tau1)beta]+(1-A1) exp[-(t/tau2)gamma]), [0 < A1, beta, gamma < 1], where E0 is the initial modulus value E0. Tau1 and tau2(>tau1) are characteristic times of the relaxation, A1 is the fractional contribution of the fast relaxation (KWW1 process) to the whole relaxation process, and beta and gamma are parameters describing the shape of the relaxation modulus. In both P and N samples, the relaxation modulus was described well by the empirical equation. The KWW1 process of a P sample almost completely coincided with that of an N sample. In the slow process (KWW2 process), there was a difference between the relaxation modulus of a P sample and that of an N sample. The results indicate that the KWW1 process in the empirical equation represents the relaxation in the collagen matrix in bone and that the KWW2 process is related to a higher-order structure of bone that is responsible for the anisotropic mechanical properties of bone.  相似文献   

The structure of the components of the Haversian canals of the osseous tissue of the adult human mandible was studied in celloidin sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Fine blood vessels - mostly profiles of postcapillary venules, precapillaries and occasional capillaries - were demonstrated in osteons with Haversian canals 60-80 microns in diameter. Neither lymph capillaries nor vessels were observed, even in wider Haversian canals with larger blood vessels. The intraosseal spaces with rich blood vessel plexuses likewise did not contain any lymphatics with a characteristic form.  相似文献   

Haversian systems or secondary osteons are an integral component of compact bone. However, as their exact shape is debatable, this study describes a technique to view their morphology in three dimensions. Bone remodeling in adult ovine long bones was labelled at intervals using a series of chelating fluorochromes. A series of longitudinal sections were cut at 25 microm intervals through blocks of the distal radius embedded in methylmethacrylate using a sledge macrotome. The chelating agents were used as markers of bone formation in the study of bone growth and osteon morphology. The two-dimensional image of each section was examined using an epifluorescence microscope. Images were transferred to a PC via a CCD low light colour video camera. Surface reference points were noted on each of the sections and, using computer software, a three-dimensional image of a refilling labelled osteon was reconstructed and its dimensions measured. Haversian systems may have a gentle spiral course along the longitudinal axis of the bone. They intertwine with adjacent osteons and give multiple branches along their course producing a complex pattern of organization. The mean labelled length and diameter of the osteons was 1.4 + 1 mm and 145 + 0.42 microm [Mean + S.D], respectively.  相似文献   

The ultimate compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of femoral cortical bone from adult geese (Anser anser), were determined by sex and by quadrant by compressing small right circular cylinders which were 2.4 mm in height and 0.8 mm in diameter. The average ultimate compressive strength was 183 +/- 29 MPa. The average modulus of elasticity was 13.2 +/- 3.4 GPa. The bending strength and bending modulus of elasticity were determined by a three point bend test on rectangular prisms which had the approximate dimensions 0.75 mm X 0.75 mm X 25 mm. The average bending strength was 263 +/- 44 MPa while the average bending modulus was 19.6 +/- 3.1 GPa. The calcium content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and no correlation was found with the mechanical properties. The histology of the cortical bone was examined both quantitatively and qualitatively. A unique type of Haversian bone is described. Goose bone was found to be morphologically similar to adolescent human bone and to have mechanical properties similar to those of adult human bone.  相似文献   

We have used a hierarchical multiscale modeling scheme for the analysis of cortical bone considering it as a nanocomposite. This scheme consists of definition of two boundary value problems, one for macroscale, and another for microscale. The coupling between these scales is done by using the homogenization technique. At every material point in which the constitutive model is needed, a microscale boundary value problem is defined using a macroscopic kinematical quantity and solved. Using the described scheme, we have studied elastic properties of cortical bone considering its nanoscale microstructural constituents with various mineral volume fractions. Since the microstructure of bone consists of mineral platelet with nanometer size embedded in a protein matrix, it is similar to the microstructure of soft matrix nanocomposites reinforced with hard nanostructures. Considering a representative volume element (RVE) of the microstructure of bone as the microscale problem in our hierarchical multiscale modeling scheme, the global behavior of bone is obtained under various macroscopic loading conditions. This scheme may be suitable for modeling arbitrary bone geometries subjected to a variety of loading conditions. Using the presented method, mechanical properties of cortical bone including elastic moduli and Poisson's ratios in two major directions and shear modulus is obtained for different mineral volume fractions.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of bone shape and size variation is modulated by genetic, mechanical, nutritional, and hormonal patterning throughout its lifetime. Microstructural changes across cross sections are a result of mechanistic optimization that results over the years of evolution while being based on universal, time-invariant ingredients and patterns. Here we report changes across anatomical sections of bone with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) that undermines the work of evolution through genetic mutation. This work examines the microstructure and molecular composition of different anatomical positions (anterior, medial, posterior, and lateral regions) in the diaphysis of an OI human tibia. The study shows that although there is no significant microstructural difference, molecular changes are observed using FTIR revealing differences in molecular composition of the four anatomical positions. In addition, the nanomechanical properties of anterior section of OI bone seem more heterogeneous. The nanomechanical properties of interstitial lamellae in all these bone samples are consistently greater than those of osteonal lamellae. The nanomechanical properties of bone depend on its anatomical section and on the measurement direction as well. Variations in molecular structure with anatomical positions and also corresponding differences in nanomechanical properties are reported. These are compared to those observed typically in healthy bone illustrating the unique influence of OI on bone multiscale behavior which results from an evolutionary process lasting for many years.  相似文献   

This research presents a new modelling procedure which allows the computation of the physical properties of the human cortical bone, considered as a strongly heterogeneous medium consisting of bony architecture and the physical properties of the two basic components: the collagen and the hydroxyapatite (Hap). The numerical simulations are based on the homogenisation theory, however, since the size of the Hap crystals are small compared to the size of a collagen stick, a new entity (the elementary volume of mineral content (EVMC)) is defined at the nanoscopic scale. This model permits the testing of all the possible structural configurations that may be present and suggests that the anisotropy of the bone is not only induced by the haversian structure but by the properties of the Hap crystals and their special organisation.  相似文献   

This research presents a new modelling procedure which allows the computation of the physical properties of the human cortical bone, considered as a strongly heterogeneous medium consisting of bony architecture and the physical properties of the two basic components: the collagen and the hydroxyapatite (Hap). The numerical simulations are based on the homogenisation theory, however, since the size of the Hap crystals are small compared to the size of a collagen stick, a new entity (the elementary volume of mineral content (EVMC)) is defined at the nanoscopic scale. This model permits the testing of all the possible structural configurations that may be present and suggests that the anisotropy of the bone is not only induced by the haversian structure but by the properties of the Hap crystals and their special organisation.  相似文献   

Although the age-related loss of bone quality has been implicated in bone fragility, a mechanistic understanding of the relationship is necessary for developing diagnostic and treatment modalities in the elderly population at risk of fracture. In this study, a finite element based cohesive zone model is developed and applied to human cortical bone in order to capture the experimentally shown rising crack growth behavior and age-related loss of bone toughness. The cohesive model developed here is based on a traction–crack opening displacement relationship representing the fracture processes in the vicinity of a propagating crack. The traction–displacement curve, defining the cohesive model, is composed of ascending and descending branches that incorporate material softening and nonlinearity. The results obtained indicate that, in contrast to initiation toughness, the finite element simulations of crack growth in compact tension (CT) specimens successfully capture the rising R-curve (propagation toughness) behavior and the age-related loss of bone toughness. In close correspondence with the experimentally observed decrease of 14–15% per decade, the finite element simulation results show a decrease of 13% in the R-curve slope per decade. The success of the simulations is a result of the ability of cohesive models to capture and predict the parameters related to bone fracture by representing the physical processes occurring in the vicinity of a propagating crack. These results illustrate that fracture mechanisms in the process zone control bone toughness and any modification to these would cause age-related toughness loss.  相似文献   

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Gamma radiation sterilization is the method used by the majority of tissue banks to reduce disease transmission from infected donors to recipients through...  相似文献   

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