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禄丰古猿化石地点的植物叶化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1987年,在云南禄丰古猿化石地点D剖面第4层(薄层黑色炭质粘土与灰色细砂互层)发现植物叶部印痕化石,经鉴定属壳斗科绝灭的雷龙潭槲叶(Dryophyllum relongtanense Colani),该种植物常参与组成亚热带至暖温带的常绿阔叶林或常绿与落叶阔叶混交林。  相似文献   

青海泽库中新世植物群   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究的植物化石产自青海泽库中新统的砂质泥岩夹油页岩层中。经鉴定有11属12种,包括4新种。该地层剖面自上而下层序如下:上覆地层第四系~~~~~不整合~~~~~上第三系中新统3.深灰色粉砂质泥岩夹油页岩、芒硝及石膏。产植物化石。78.18米2.棕红色及绿色粉砂质泥岩、裂隙中含纤维质石膏。268.28米1.紫红色砾岩。厚度不明。~~~~~~不整合~~~~~~下伏地层白垩系紫红色砂砾岩、夹紫绿色玄武岩。植物群组合特征:本文研究的植物化石,除常绿的裸子植物?Taxus qinghaiensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

黑龙江依兰早第三纪植物群的古气候分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对黑龙江依兰煤矿煤层间的大量植物叶痕化石研究表明:依兰植物群有蕨类植物2 种,裸子植物10 种,被子植物58 种,分属34 科46属。植物群可分为两个植物组合:一个是下煤层上顶板的矿页岩层化石的组合,称A 段组合,时代为早始新世。植物种类丰富,含有较多常绿阔叶成分,属北亚热带的常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶、针阔叶混生林。通过植物叶相特征分析,其全缘叶比例为38% 。用气候诺模图得出其古气候为年均温13.2℃,年温差20℃;另一个植物组合是煤系地层之上,即上煤层顶部的油页岩层中的B段化石组合,时代为早渐新世。植物以落叶成分为主,属暖温带落叶阔叶林和针阔叶混生林。全缘叶比例为30% 。古气候年均温为11℃,年温差25℃。表明植物区系组成完全不同,显示出气候随时代发生了演变,而使区系逐渐发展到今日的寒温带气候和植被  相似文献   

戴静  陈威兆  金露露  黄亮 《生物多样性》2022,30(11):22553-48
栎属(Quercus)植物叶片化石在新生代地层中分布普遍, 对亚热带常绿阔叶林具有重要的指示意义。本文对采自云南省宜良县上新统茨营组中的栎属植物叶片化石进行角质层结构分析, 结合叶形态特征, 系统描述了4种栎属植物: 阔叶栎(Quercus latifolia)线叶栎(Q. scottii)、楔基栎(Q. simulata)和黄毛青冈相似种(Q. cf. delavayi)。通过对比化石和现生植物的叶形态和角质层特征, 本文认为叶片形状、叶基和叶尖特征、二级脉数量、表皮细胞和垂周壁特征、气孔大小和形状、气孔密度、毛基类型、形态和分布情况可以作为区分不同种类的特征, 但是不能只考虑其中的一个因素, 应该综合这些特征作为判断依据。结合宜良植物群中其他化石资料认为, 包括壳斗科柯属(Lithocarpus)、栲属(Castanopsis)以及樟科、榆科、木兰科等在内的植物, 代表了以栎属青冈组为优势树种的半湿润常绿阔叶林。宜良植物群与同时期相近纬度的植物群相比, 植被类型相似, 但是落叶成分较少。宜良植物群中的线叶栎、楔基栎和阔叶栎同晚始新世的线叶栎以及早中新世的楔基栎和阔叶栎相比, 形态并未发生大的变化, 与现生植物也非常相似, 进一步说明云南现代常绿阔叶林的主要成分来自于古老植物的承袭, 没有发生较大的改变。  相似文献   

三峡库区世坪常绿阔叶林群落特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
重庆丰都世坪森林公园的常绿阔叶林是长江三峡库区低海拔区残存的较典型常绿阔叶林,林内植物种类丰富。1hm2固定样地的调查表明,群落内共有维管束植物195种,隶属73科142属,植物的科属组成丰富。群落内区系地理成分复杂,与热带植物区系关系较密切,但温带区系成分也占有相当大的比重。群落的外貌主要由中小型革质、单叶为主的常绿高位芽植物所决定。群落成层现象明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层3个层次,层间植物丰富。总之,无论区系组成还是群落外貌和结构均体现了中亚热带北缘常绿阔叶林的特征。世坪森林公园的常绿阔叶林是三峡库区宝贵的植物基因库,希望有关部门尽快在此设立常绿阔叶林保护区,以保护本地区植被恢复的种质资源。  相似文献   

四川西部高原上新世植物群   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文描述的植物化石系产自四川西部高原德昌县昔格达组和松潘县红土坡。德昌昔格达组植物群计有5属7种,其中包括4新种,它们全系被子植物,以常绿阔叶植物为主兼有少量落叶植物的混生林,代表亚热带的气候环境。松潘红土坡的植物化石数量很少,均为落叶植物,显示温带的气候特点。这两个植物群代表的地质时代均属上新世或上新世晚期。  相似文献   

解放后的数年来,上泥盆纪的陆相地层及植物化石,在中国陆积有所发现,如湖北西南部长阳县及松滋县的黄家磴层,广东花县的打鼓领层,江西安远县的盘古山层以及甘肃天水县的巴都系红层,植物化石经作者的研究,发表于中国古生物志,总号第136册,新甲种第4号及中国科学(外文版)第1卷第2期。在那里对於中国上泥盆纪陆相地层及植物化石和全世界同时代的地层及化石的关系,讨论比较详细。和全世界上泥盆纪相似,中国上泥盆纪植物群最重要的代表,是一  相似文献   

本研究利用扫描电子显微镜对栎属(Quercus L.)植物中18个种[10种属于栎亚属(Quercus),8种来源于青冈亚属(Cyclobalanopsis)]的花粉进行了详细的外壁纹饰研究。这些栎属植物广泛分布于中国热带和亚热带地区。结果显示,落叶类型栎亚属花粉外壁具有瘤状或分散的瘤状纹饰,常绿类型栎亚属花粉具有棒状或聚合棒状纹饰,青冈亚属花粉具有皱波状、刺状或聚合棒状纹饰。花粉外壁纹饰特征可为栎属花粉化石的属内种级分类提供有效的鉴定依据。大量的现代栎属花粉研究显示,具有棒状纹饰的花粉多源自于分布在高海拔地区的常绿类型栎亚属植物,而具有皱波状和刺状纹饰的花粉多来源于相对低海拔地区分布的青冈亚属植物。在古环境重建中,栎属化石花粉的形态多样性不仅可以帮助我们可靠地区分关键地层中的常绿和落叶栎属植物,也可能成为指示不同海拔高度的潜在的古气候指标。  相似文献   

1 压型化石 植物遗传体在沉积物中被压实而呈扁实状态 ,随着细胞的压扁 ,内部的结构随之消失 ,常常留下一层与植物残骸原形一致的碳质薄膜 ,这种化石类型称为压型化石 ,是最常见的植物化石类型。在压型化石上植物叶片表皮层、气孔等的细胞形态均可完好保存。2 印痕化石 印痕化石是植物遗体在埋葬前陷落在松软细密的底质上的印迹。由于植物遗体在埋葬时业已消失 ,所以印痕化石很少或不粘附碳质。从印痕化石上不能看到细胞的细节 ,但却能发现植物体的主要特征 ,如通过植物叶片的印痕化石可知叶形、脉序等特征。3 模型化石 立体的植物器…  相似文献   

杨力  王满堂  陈晓萍  孙俊  钟全林  程栋梁 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7745-7754
叶面积与叶生物量的关系对于理解植物叶片的碳收益和投资权衡策略具有重要意义。收益递减假说认为植物的叶面积与叶生物量成显著异速生长关系,其异速生长指数<1.0,但该假说是否适用于不同生活型(常绿与落叶)亚热带木本植物不同冠层高度(上下冠层)当年生小枝的叶片仍不清楚。以江西亚热带常绿阔叶林的69种常绿与落叶木本植物当年生小枝上的叶为研究对象,采用标准化主轴回归估计(standardized major axis estimation,SMA)方法检验不同冠层高度和生活型叶面积与叶生物量的异速生长关系。结果显示:(1)当年生小枝叶生物量在不同冠层高度和生活型的植物中无显著差异(P>0.05),叶面积在常绿和落叶植物中有显著差异(P<0.05),常绿和落叶植物的比叶重存在显著差异(P<0.05),而落叶植物的比叶重在不同冠层高度存在显著差异(P<0.05),同一冠层,常绿植物比叶重显著高于落叶植物(P<0.05);(2)69种植物的叶面积与叶生物量异速生长指数具有物种特异性,60.9%的物种叶面积与叶生物量呈等速生长关系;(3)不同冠层和生活型植物的叶面积与叶生物量呈等速生长关系,但其异速生长常数在不同冠层高度与生活型间存在差异。这些结果表明冠层高度和生活型未改变叶面积-生物量之间的等速生长关系,不支持"收益递减"假说。  相似文献   

槲栎叶复合群及其地史学和系统学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据槲栎叶复合群研究的最新成果订正了国产槲叶栎属 (Dryophyllum)的化石。通过对该属 9种化石的整理 ,将 Dryophyllum dewalquei、D.parvum、D.relongtanense、D.yunnanensis和 D.sp.等 5种分别归入 Berryophyllum dewalquei、B.parvum、B.relongtanense、B.yunnanensis和 B.sp.;将 D.fushunense归入 Castaneophyllum fushunense;将 D.nervosaum归入 Quercusnervosum;将 D.relongtanense的一部分归入Q.lantenoisii;D.subfalcatum尚不能确定归属 ,但可以肯定不属槲栎叶复合群。同时 ,还讨论了槲栎叶复合群的地史学意义。该复合群是原始壳斗科向现代壳斗科过渡的中间类群 ,壳斗科各现代属出现的时间不早于古新世  相似文献   

Chinese specimens of Dryophyllurn which regarded as 9 species have been revised based on Jones's researches on Dryophyllum. Five of them have been moved to Berryophyllum (Dryophyllum dewalquei, D. parvurn, D. relongtanense, D. yunnanensis and D. sp. ); D. fushunense to Castaneophyllum fushunense; D. nervosaurn to Quercus nervosum, and some speciemen identified as D. relongtanense to Q. lantenoisii. Speciemen of Dryophyllum subfalcaturn from the Cretaceous of Northestern China does not belong to Dryophyllurn. Geological significance were discussed. Berryophyllum and CastaneophyUurn seem to be middle-groups between ancient Fagaceae and modern Fagaceae. It also indicates that the modern genera of Fagaceae did not occur until the Eocene.  相似文献   

About 250 fossil pollen types related to 113 extant angiospermous families from the Cretaceous and the Tertiary in China are discussed in the first part of this article. In the second part, comparisons of early records of fossil pollen in and outside China are made to trace the oldest fossil records. Based on these data, we conclude that many plants may have originated in China, a finding that may be important for the study of the origin and early development of angiosperms.  相似文献   

壳斗科的地质历史及其系统学和植物地理学意义   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
在收集整理现有壳斗科化石资料的基础上,讨论了壳斗科及其各属的起源时间、地史分布和地史 演替过程以及这些化石资料在系统学和植物地理学上的意义。白垩纪尚无壳斗科可靠的大化石记录, 微化石需要进一步研究才能确定亲缘关系以及古新世壳斗科已经分化出两个类群。从以上这些事实推 论壳斗科起源于白垩纪晚期,而壳斗科现代各属出现的时间应不晚于古新世。最早发现的壳斗科化石和现代栗亚科和水青冈亚科在形态结构上非常相似,这一事实表明,壳斗科分为两个亚科的观点更接近客观事实。在水青冈亚科中,三棱栎类的化石最早出现;在栎属中,青冈亚属更接近祖先类群;在地史中全缘栎类较具齿栎类出现早,粗齿的落叶栎类出现最晚。三棱栎属、栲属和石栎属的化石在老第三纪出现于北美和欧洲的事实说明,北美、欧洲和东亚在老第三纪时有一个相通的壳斗科植物区系。南美的三棱栎是通过北美进入南美的。中国横断山、欧洲地中海沿岸和北美西北部有一类形态特征相似、亲缘关系相近的硬叶栎类,它们之间有相同的地质演替历史,它们现代分布边界可能就是古地中海的边界。美洲的栎类有两个来源,常绿硬叶栎类是通过古地中海沿岸而经北美-欧洲陆桥到达的,落叶栎类则是在中新世以后通过白令海峡到达的。  相似文献   

The fossil history of the Fagaceae from China and its systematic and biogeographic implications are discussed based on revisionary studies of the fossil records. No creditable macrofossil record of the Fagaceae exists in the Cretaceous deposits and all the Cretaceous microfossil reports remain equivocal and require further study. The Paleocene fossils show the appearance and diversification of the two groups corresponding to the subfamilies Fagoideae and Castaneoideae sensu Nixon. By the Eocene, all modern genera had been present. The oldest fagaceous fossils represent subfamily Fagoideae with affinities to the extant genus Trigonobalanus. The leaf fossil genus Berryophyllum, with affinities to Quercus subg. Cyclobalanopsis, has been documented by the early Eocene and might have occurred earlier than other fossils assignable to Quercus. The appearance of evergreen sclerophyllous Ouercus with entire leaves might have occurred earlier than those with toothed leaves. Deciduous, urticoid-leaved oak fossils (Quercus subg. Quercus sect. Quercus) had not appeared until the Miocene. Fossil equivalents of Trigonobalanus, Castanopsis and Lithocarpus had occurred in Europe and North America by the early Tertiary, suggesting that continuous distributions were achieved via the northern hemisphere land bridges. Three groups of evergreen sclerophyllous oaks of apparent close phylogenetic relationships occurred in the Hengduan mountains, the Mediterranean area and northwestern North America. Their fossil forms have become dominant elements of those vegetation zones since the Miocene. A shared fossil history indicates a possible biogeographic boundary formed by the ancient Mediterranean. The evidence suggests that the oaks might arrive in North America during two distinct geologic periods: evergreen sclerophyllous entire-leaved oaks appeared by the Early Tertiary, whereas thedeciduous oaks with urticoid leaves appeared in the Late Tertiary.  相似文献   

Fossil wood is subject to different taphonomic, sampling and recognition biases in the palaeobotanical record when compared with leaves and palynomorphs. Wood therefore provides a systematically independent source of information that can increase our knowledge of past biodiversity and environments. Increase in fossil wood records from Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments helps further the understanding of trends in anatomical specialization through geological time. These data can then be used to distinguish such specialization from anatomical response to environmental change. Two case studies, a Late Cretaceous early Tertian' wood flora from Antarctica and a lower Tertiary w ood flora from southern England, have been used to exemplify the importance of studying the fossil wood component of palaeofloras.  相似文献   

Study of plant microfossils and additional macrofossils collected from sediments in the vicinity of Sucker Creek along the Oregon-Idaho boundary has provided additional data on the composition of this fossil flora. A total of seven taxa new to the flora have been recognized. These include colonies of Botryococcus; pollen of Podocarpus, Pachysandra, and the Onagraceae; and leaves of Cephalotaxus californica and Vaccinium sophoroides. The occurrence of Podocarpus in this mid-Miocene flora is particularly significant in view of the limited number of records of this genus in the Tertiary of North America. In addition to these new records, the presence of three additional taxa—Castanea, Nyssa, and Ilex—previously recognized on the basis of leaf remains, is further substantiated by the occurrence of fossil pollen in the sediments.  相似文献   

A new fossil occurrence of Ostrya (Betulaceae) is reported based on 14 involucre impressions from the lower Oligocene of Löhe Basin, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. They are characterized by their bladder-like shape with longitudinal veins and perpendicular or branched intercostal veins that form a reticulate venation. The discovery of these fossil involucres represents the earliest unequivocal fossil record of Ostrya in East Asia and the record at the lowest latitude. Its fossil history suggests that the modern distribution pattern of Ostrya might have been established since the early Oligocene, and that this genus has inhabited low altitude areas since then.  相似文献   

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