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Compared with other mammals, reproduction is expected to be particularly costly for European badgers ( Meles meles L.) since both the gestation and mating periods occur in the winter when the animals are inactive and feed little. This paper assesses the costs of breeding status in both male and female badgers, in terms of body condition, ectoparasite load, haematology and mortality. By the end of the lactation period (May), breeding females had suffered a marked loss in body condition, although there was no such cost associated with gestation. However, females regained the weight that they had lost by the autumn following lactation. Lactating two-year-olds experienced a higher age-specific mortality than those that did not breed, but there was no difference among older females. No costs of breeding status could be detected among males at the end of the spring mating period. However, breeding males sustained testicular activity later into the summer than non-breeders, and by the autumn they had acquired more bite wounds and become anaemic. This suggests that there was a physiological cost associated with extended testicular activity in breeding males.  相似文献   

Rosie  Woodroffe 《Journal of Zoology》1995,236(2):183-188
The European badger has been used for many years as a model for the study of delayed implantation. Extensive experimental work has shown that implantation, which occurs around the winter solstice, is triggered by photoperiod. This paper presents data on estimated implantation dates in a wild population of badgers, measured by ultrasound scanning. It shows that females' nutritional state prior to implantation also influences implantation date, with females in good condition implanting relatively early. Photoperiod is known to influence implantation on a timescale of months, but body condition acted on a timescale of days; thus while photoperiod may be used to set the time of breeding to correspond approximately with seasonal variation in good availability, females may use body condition to calibrate their reproduction in response to their own local conditions. Giving birth early in the year provides cubs with the maximum period of growth prior to the summer, when food availability is very low. Since females feed little during gestation and the early phases of lactation, females in good condition will be able to afford to implant earlier than those with smaller fat reserves.  相似文献   

Hans  Kruuk 《Journal of Zoology》1978,184(1):1-19
The paper describes habitat preferences, spacing, range sizes, group composition and territorial behaviour of the European badger in a study area in southern England. Animals were followed at night with the aid of radio-location and night-vision equipment, and colour-marked food was used to establish range-size.  相似文献   

A multivariate examination of cranial variation within and between European populations of Meles meles (L.) revealed that populations from Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, and the Slovak Republic could be differentiated both by cranial form and by the degree of sexual dimorphism exhibited. Irish material was characterized by low sexual dimorphism, particularly when compared to Slovak specimens. Badgers from the British Isles had larger skulls than other samples and were more similar to each other than they were to badgers from mainland Europe. Size played a greater role in differentiating samples of female badgers than it did in males. Significant variation occurred within the British Isles, with individual samples being highly differentiable. There was, however, little relationship between morphological similarity and geographic proximity. We contend that macrogeographical (between-country) variation in the species is primarily determined by historical factors and adaptation to current conditions, while microgeographic (within-country) variation is a result of selectively neutral processes.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of male and female badgers in the south-west of England was studied by post-mortem examination of 1875 badgers collected in 1973–80. The sample was obtained by several methods and showed that animals obtained as road casualties were not representative of the total population samples. Active spermatogenesis was present throughout the year, and in some males aged 8–9 months. A few females first ovulated as yearlings but most primiparous females were adults. Births were in general confined to the early part of the year, but ovulations and matings also occurred at other times. Almost all (97%) adult females possessed corpora lutea. Unimplanted blastocysts were found in females for 11 months of the year (over 80% of adult females in July-November). Implanted embryos were found in only 32% of adults in January and February: the number of blastocysts per female and the number of implanted embryos per female were not significantly different, indicating that sows implanted all blastocysts or none. Foetal mortality was 36% and post-natal losses were estimated at 42% from the proportion of lactating females.  相似文献   

Although most authors characterize the badger Meles meles as an omnivore, the species is sometimes described as a food specialist and in particular as a specialist predator on earthworms Lumbricus terrestris . The validity of the'food specialist'hypothesis is examined, using data from 11 quantitative studies of badger diet to test two predictions: 1) any one population of badgers relies to a disproportionate extent on a single type of food; and 2) consumption of the predominate food is independent of its availability. As regards the first prediction, when data on year-round consumption were corrected for seasonal variation in total intake, no study showed earthworms to comprise more than 50% of the diet and in three studies they accounted for no more than 5% of intake. In two studies, fruit comprised more than 50% of the diet and fruit and insects together accounted for 95–97% of total consumption. Compared across different studies, consumption of any one food, including earthworms, varied more or less continuously across a wide spectrum of values, providing no support for the idea that a given food can be characterized as being of either major or minor importance. With respect to the second prediction, there was no evidence that consumption of either earthworms or any other food was consistently invariant across seasons; and in any case, the idea that badger diet contains a constant proportion of any one food does not make functional sense. Taken together with information about the morphology of the digestive system and a priori arguments about the conditions in which food specialization is likely to be adaptive, studies of diet confirm that the badger is best viewed as a generalist or opportunist feeder.  相似文献   

Morphometric variation in 30 craniometric characters of 465 skulls of the European badgers (Meles meles) from across Europe was analysed. Multivariate analyses revealed that the populations from Norway, Sweden, and Finland differ from other European populations in having smaller skulls. The analyses also revealed significant differences between the ‘south‐western Norwegian’ and ‘main Fennoscandian’ forms. On average, badgers from south‐west Norway were smaller than those of the remaining Fennoscandia. Morphological differences between the ‘south‐western Norwegian’ and ‘main Fennoscandian’ populations of M. meles suggest a possible in situ semisympatric divergence since the beginning of the Holocene warming, or a complex history of two groups involving at least two colonization routes. The small‐sized Scandinavian badgers may be close to the ancestral form that used to be widespread in Denmark and throughout Europe. The animals from south‐west Norway may instead be descendants of ancestors that were the first to penetrate the southern parts of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The ‘main Fennoscandian’ badgers are likely to have been the descendants of the second wave of recolonization of Scandinavia. Specifically, they might have colonized the Scandinavian Peninsula from the east after the last glaciation.  相似文献   

Seasonal distribution of road kills in the European badger (Meles meles)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Data from 984 road-killed badgers collected in the south of England during 1984 show a bimodal distribution in mortality for both sexes, with peaks in mortality occurring in spring and late summer. There was no significant difference between the total number of males and females killed, and no difference in the seasonal distribution of deaths between the two sexes. Nor was there evidence that dispersal of young animals contributes to either of the seasonal peaks in mortality. We suggest that the seasonal peaks in mortality reflect increased activity in conjunction with mating.  相似文献   

Social interactions among hosts influence the persistence and spread of infectious pathogens. Daily and seasonal variation in the frequency and type of social interactions will play an important role in disease epidemiology and, alongside other factors, may have an influence on wider disease dynamics by causing seasonal forcing of infection, especially if the seasonal variation experienced by a population is considerable. We explored temporal variation in within‐group contacts in a high‐density population of European badgers Meles meles naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis (the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis). Summer contacts were more likely and of longer duration during the daytime, while the frequency and duration of winter contacts did not differ between day and night. In spring and autumn, within‐group contacts peaked at dawn and dusk, corresponding with when they were of shortest duration with reduced potential for aerosol transmission of pathogens. Summer and winter could be critical for transmission of M. bovis in badgers, due to the high frequency and duration of contacts during resting periods, and we discuss the links between this result and empirical disease data. This study reveals clear seasonality in daily patterns of contact frequency and duration in species living in stable social groups, suggesting that changes in social contacts could drive seasonal forcing of infection in wildlife populations even when the number of individuals interacting remains similar.  相似文献   

Hans  Kruuk  Tim  Parish 《Journal of Zoology》1982,196(1):31-39
This paper discusses the relationship between the distribution and biomass of the main prey of European badgers, Meles meles and the badgers group size, territory size and population density. The distribution of areas rich in earthworms, Lumbricus spp., is correlated with badger range size, whilst badger group size increases with the biomass of worms per badger territory and badger density increases with overall worm biomass. Regulation of badger density in an area is likely to take place through regulation of group size, in the absence of other factors such as persecution and lack of suitable sett-sites.  相似文献   

  • 1 Estimations of European badger population density in the UK are usually based on surveys of numbers of main setts. However, this approach cannot be used in low‐density areas, such as the Mediterranean region, where no main setts can be defined. Therefore, an alternative method is needed to estimate badger density over large areas.
  • 2 We reviewed the existing published information to evaluate whether badger density is correlated to the density of all setts in an area (not only the main setts) and to ask whether badger density can be predicted from total sett number throughout the geographical range of the species.
  • 3 In multiple regression analysis, badger density and the size of the study area explained 73% of the variance in sett density. Badger density had a significant positive effect on sett density, while the effect of study area size was not significant. Therefore, total sett density can be used to obtain an estimation of relative badger density in all habitats and regions throughout the badger's geographical range, allowing comparative research.

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