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Mechanism of triclosan inhibition of bacterial fatty acid synthesis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Triclosan is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent that inhibits bacterial fatty acid synthesis at the enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (FabI) step. Resistance to triclosan in Escherichia coli is acquired through a missense mutation in the fabI gene that leads to the expression of FabI[G93V]. The specific activity and substrate affinities of FabI[G93V] are similar to FabI. Two different binding assays establish that triclosan dramatically increases the affinity of FabI for NAD+. In contrast, triclosan does not increase the binding of NAD+ to FabI[G93V]. The x-ray crystal structure of the FabI-NAD+-triclosan complex confirms that hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions between triclosan and both the protein and the NAD+ cofactor contribute to the formation of a stable ternary complex, with the drug binding at the enoyl substrate site. These data show that the formation of a noncovalent "bi-substrate" complex accounts for the effectiveness of triclosan as a FabI inhibitor and illustrates that mutations in the FabI active site that interfere with the formation of a stable FabI-NAD+-triclosan ternary complex acquire resistance to the drug.  相似文献   

Medium-chain fatty acid synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Significant advances have been made in the past few years in our understanding of the mechanism of synthesis of fatty acids, the structural organization of fatty acid synthetase complexes and the mechanism of regulation of activity of these enzyme systems. Numerous fatty acid synthetase complexes have been purified to homogeneity and the mechanism of synthesis of fatty acids by these enzyme systems has been ascertained from tracer, and recently, kinetic studies. The results obtained by these methods are in complete agreement. Furthermore, the kinetic results have indicated that fatty acid synthesis proceeds by a seven-site ping-pong mechanism. Several of the fatty acid synthetases have been dissociated completely to nonidentical half-molecular weight subunit species and these have been separated by affinity chromatography. From one of these subunits acyl carrier protein has been obtained. Whether the nonidentical subunits can be dissociated into individual proteins or whether these subunits are each comprised of one peptide is still a matter of controversy. However, it appears to us that each of the half-molecular weight subunits is indeed comprised of individual proteins. Studies on the regulation of activity of fatty acid synthetase complexes of avian and mammalian liver have resulted in the separation by affinity chromatography of three species (apo, holo-a and holo-b) of fatty acid synthetase. Since these species have radically different enzyme activities they may provide a mechanism of short-term regulation of fatty acid synthetase activity. Other studies have shown that the quantity of avian and mammalian liver fatty acid synthetases is controlled by a change in the rate of synthesis of this enzyme complex. This change in the rate of synthesis of enzyme complex is under the control of insulin and glucagon. The former hormone increases the rate of enzyme synthesis, whereas the latter decreases it. Further studies on fatty acid synthetase complexes will undoubtedly concentrate upon more refined aspects of the structural organization of these enzyme systems, including the sequencing of acyl carrier proteins, the effects of protein-protein interaction on the kinetics of the partial reactions of fatty acid synthesis catalyzed by separated enzymes of the complex, the mechanism of hormonal regulation of fatty acid synthetase activity and x-ray diffraction analysis of subunits and complex.  相似文献   

The recently discovered bacterial fatty acid 16-methyl-8(Z)-heptadecenoic acid was synthesized for the first time in four steps (22% overall yield) starting from commercially available 8-methylnonanoic acid. The synthetic approach provided enough material to corroborate the structure and stereochemistry of the acid, which was recently identified in a Micrococcus bacterium from Lake Pomorie in Bulgaria. Reference equivalent-chain length values in nonpolar capillary gas chromatography for methyl 16-methyl-8(Z)-heptadecenoate and methyl 16-methyl-8(E)-heptadecenoate are also reported. This information will be helpful in subsequent characterizations of these fatty acids, as well as in the total identification of the fatty acid profile of bacteria producing these compounds.  相似文献   

beta-Ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase III (KAS III, also called acetoacetyl-ACP synthase) encoded by the fabH gene is thought to catalyze the first elongation reaction (Claisen condensation) of type II fatty acid synthesis in bacteria and plant plastids. However, direct in vivo evidence that KAS III catalyzes an essential reaction is lacking, because no mutant organism deficient in this activity has been isolated. We report the first bacterial strain lacking KAS III, a fabH mutant constructed in the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis subspecies lactis IL1403. The mutant strain carries an in-frame deletion of the KAS III active site region and was isolated by gene replacement using a medium supplemented with a source of saturated and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids. The mutant strain is devoid of KAS III activity and fails to grow in the absence of supplementation with exogenous long-chain fatty acids demonstrating that KAS III plays an essential role in cellular metabolism. However, the L. lactis fabH deletion mutant requires only long-chain unsaturated fatty acids for growth, a source of long-chain saturated fatty acids is not required. Because both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are required for growth when fatty acid synthesis is blocked by biotin starvation (which prevents the synthesis of malonyl-CoA), another pathway for saturated fatty acid synthesis must remain in the fabH deletion strain. Indeed, incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into fatty acids in vivo showed that the fabH mutant retained about 10% of the fatty acid synthetic ability of the wild-type strain and that this residual synthetic capacity was preferentially diverted to the saturated branch of the pathway. Moreover, mass spectrometry showed that the fabH mutant retained low levels of palmitic acid upon fatty acid starvation. Derivatives of the fabH deletion mutant strain were isolated that were octanoic acid auxotrophs consistent with biochemical studies indicating that the major role of FabH is production of short-chain fatty acid primers. We also confirmed the essentiality of FabH in Escherichia coli by use of a plasmid-based gene insertion/deletion system. Together these results provide the first genetic evidence demonstrating that FabH conducts the major condensation reaction in the initiation of type II fatty acid biosynthesis in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that mitochondria are able to synthesize fatty acids in a malonyl-CoA/acyl carrier protein (ACP)-dependent manner. This pathway resembles bacterial fatty acid synthesis (FAS) type II, which uses discrete, nuclearly encoded proteins. Experimental evidence, obtained mainly through using yeast as a model system, indicates that this pathway is essential for mitochondrial respiratory function. Curiously, the deficiency in mitochondrial FAS cannot be complemented by inclusion of fatty acids in the culture medium or by products of the cytosolic FAS complex. Defects in mitochondrial FAS in yeast result in the inability to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources, the loss of mitochondrial cytochromes a/a3 and b, mitochondrial RNA processing defects, and loss of cellular lipoic acid. Eukaryotic FAS II generates octanoyl-ACP, a substrate for mitochondrial lipoic acid synthase. Endogenous lipoic acid synthesis challenges the hypothesis that lipoic acid can be provided as an exogenously supplied vitamin. Purified eukaryotic FAS II enzymes are catalytically active in vitro using substrates with an acyl chain length of up to 16 carbon atoms. However, with the exception of 3-hydroxymyristoyl-ACP, a component of respiratory complex I in higher eukaryotes, the fate of long-chain fatty acids synthesized by the mitochondrial FAS pathway remains an enigma. The linkage of FAS II genes to published animal models for human disease supports the hypothesis that mitochondrial FAS dysfunction leads to the development of disorders in mammals.  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase are the two major enzymes involved in the synthesis of fatty acids in animals. The activities of both enzymes are affected by nutritional manipulations. Although acetyl-CoA carboxylase is considered generally to be the rate-limiting step in lipogenesis, there is evidence that suggests that fatty acid synthetase may become rate limiting under certain conditions. The principal support for the view that acetyl-CoA carboxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme for lipogenesis is that the activity of the enzyme is controlled by allosteric effectors that change the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme. Until recently, the only known control of fatty acid synthetase was through changes in rate of enzyme synthesis. Data are reviewed that show that fatty acid synthetase can exist in forms possessing different catalytic activities. Thus fatty acid synthetase appears to be subject to the type of control necessary for an enzyme to serve as a regulator of the rate of a biological process over a short term.  相似文献   

Enzyme systems for fatty acid synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Microsomal synthesis of fatty acid amides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Mitochondria and fatty acids are tightly connected to a multiplicity of cellular processes that go far beyond mitochondrial fatty acid metabolism. In line with this view, there is hardly any common metabolic disorder that is not associated with disturbed mitochondrial lipid handling. Among other aspects of mitochondrial lipid metabolism, apparently all eukaryotes are capable of carrying out de novo fatty acid synthesis (FAS) in this cellular compartment in an acyl carrier protein (ACP)-dependent manner. The dual localization of FAS in eukaryotic cells raises the questions why eukaryotes have maintained the FAS in mitochondria in addition to the “classic” cytoplasmic FAS and what the products are that cannot be substituted by delivery of fatty acids of extramitochondrial origin. The current evidence indicates that mitochondrial FAS is essential for cellular respiration and mitochondrial biogenesis. Although both β-oxidation and FAS utilize thioester chemistry, CoA acts as acyl-group carrier in the breakdown pathway whereas ACP assumes this role in the synthetic direction. This arrangement metabolically separates these two pathways running towards opposite directions and prevents futile cycling. A role of this pathway in mitochondrial metabolic sensing has recently been proposed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipids of Mitochondria edited by Guenther Daum.  相似文献   

Citrate cleavage enzyme and fatty acid synthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Whereas other organisms utilize type I or type II synthases to make fatty acids, trypanosomatid parasites such as Trypanosoma brucei are unique in their use of a microsomal elongase pathway (ELO) for de novo fatty acid synthesis (FAS). Because of the unusual lipid metabolism of the trypanosome, it was important to study a second FAS pathway predicted by the genome to be a type II synthase. We localized this pathway to the mitochondrion, and RNA interference (RNAi) or genomic deletion of acyl carrier protein (ACP) and beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase indicated that this pathway is likely essential for bloodstream and procyclic life cycle stages of the parasite. In vitro assays show that the largest major fatty acid product of the pathway is C16, whereas the ELO pathway, utilizing ELOs 1, 2, and 3, synthesizes up to C18. To demonstrate mitochondrial FAS in vivo, we radio-labeled fatty acids in cultured procyclic parasites with [(14)C]pyruvate or [(14)C]threonine, either of which is catabolized to [(14)C]acetyl-CoA in the mitochondrion. Although some of the [(14)C]acetyl-CoA may be utilized by the ELO pathway, a striking reduction in radiolabeled fatty acids following ACP RNAi confirmed that it is also consumed by mitochondrial FAS. ACP depletion by RNAi or gene knockout also reduces lipoic acid levels and drastically decreases protein lipoylation. Thus, octanoate (C8), the precursor for lipoic acid synthesis, must also be a product of mitochondrial FAS. Trypanosomes employ two FAS systems: the unconventional ELO pathway that synthesizes bulk fatty acids and a mitochondrial pathway that synthesizes specialized fatty acids that are likely utilized intramitochondrially.  相似文献   

Subgrouping of bacterial populations by cellular fatty acid composition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The cellular fatty acid composition of six bacterial species isolated from the seeds and leaves of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) and from soil were analysed. The quantitative data from the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles were highly reproducible. Numerical analysis of Xanthomonas maltophilia . FAME profiles sub-grouped strains according to when they were isolated in the growing season. The analytical method used was sensitive enough to differentiate strains of Klebsiella terrigena isolated from either soil or leaves. The results from this study confirm reports that analyses of bacterial FAME composition were rapid to perform, specific and allowed differentiation of strains within the same species.  相似文献   

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