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It has been postulated that parthenogenesis in weevil species is of hybrid origin, but some have speculated that Wolbachia infection plays a role through the modification of host breeding systems. Here we focus on Strophosoma weevils, which are known to be pests in young forest stands. Using molecular data, we investigated the diversity of the two most common Strophosoma species in Europe: S. capitatum, which reproduces bisexually, and S. melanogrammum, which is parthenogenetic. Also researched were their associations with the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia. These species of weevil were found to be clearly distinguishable based on their mitochondrial DNA, with the bisexual taxa being more diverse. However, the nuclear DNA divergence of the two species was very low, and the parthenogenetic taxon was found to be heterozygous. Wolbachia infection was detected in all individuals of the S. melanogrammum populations and less than half of the S. capitatum populations. Moreover, multiple Wolbachia strains were found in both taxa (two in the former and three in the latter). The results of this research suggest that parthenogenesis in this genus is of hybrid origin and that Wolbachia could have played a role in speciation of these weevils.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of the C-banded karyotype of Paederius rubrothoracicus carpathicola Scheerp. The result indicates that the chromosome number is 2n = 36 and n Male = 17 + Xyp. The examined karyotype shows a paracentromeric position of constitutive heterochromatin in all autosomes. The y chromosome is wholly euchromatic.  相似文献   

棉蝗的染色体组型和C带研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究了棉蝗(Chondracris roses rosea De Geer)的染色体组型和C带.结果表明:棉蝗的染色体数目:2n(♂)=22十XO=23,全部为端着丝粒染色体,NF=23,核型公式:2n(♂)=2X = 23t,按染色体长度顺序排列分成四组,但按相对程度也可分为三组;所有染色体都具有明显的着丝粒带;异染色质总量为15.94土0.26%;染色体组中最长与最短染色体之比为5.89 : l,臂比大于2:1的染色体比例为零,棉蝗的核型属"1C"核型.  相似文献   

The C-banding patterns of twelve weevil species are presented. The obtained results confirm the existence of two groups of species: with a small or large amount of heterochromatin in the karyotype. The first group comprises seven species (Apionidae: Holotrichapion pisi; Curculionidae: Phyllobius urticae, Ph. pyri, Ph. maculicornis, Tanymecus palliatus, Larinodontes turbinatus, Cionus tuberculosus). In weevils with a small amount of heterochromatin, tiny grains on the nucleus in interphase are visible, afterwards in mitotic and meiotic prophase appearing as dark dots. The absence of C-bands does not indicate a lack of heterochromatin but heterochromatic regions are sometimes so small that the condensation is not visible during the cell cycle. The second group comprises five species (Otiorhynchus niger, O. morio, Polydrusus corruscus, Barypeithes chevrolati, Nedyus quadrimaculatus) which possess much larger heteropicnotic parts of chromosomes visible during all nuclear divisions. The species examined have paracentromeric C-bands on autosomes and the sex chromosome X, except for Otiorhynchus niger, which also has an intercalary bands on one pair of autososomes. All the species examined differ in the size of segments of constitutive heterochromatin. The y heterochromosome is dot-like and wholly euchromatic in all the studied species.  相似文献   

C-banded karyotypes were studied in the males of seven ladybird species from the subfamily Coccinellinae, viz. Adonia variegata (Goeze), Tythaspis sedecimpunctata (L.), Coccinella septempunctata (L.), Calvia decemguttata (L.), Calvia quatuordecimguttata (L.), Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (L.), Phyllobora vigintiduopunctata (L.). All the species, with the exception of Tythaspis sedecimpunctata (L.), possess 2n = 20, n(male) = 9 + Xy(p). Tythaspis sedecimpunctata (L.), however, has 2n = 24, n(male) = 11+Xy. The examined karyotypes show only a paracentromeric position of constitutive heterochromatin in all autosomes and the sex chromosome X, while the y heterochromosome is dot-like and wholly euchromatic. Successive stages of spermiogenesis were analysed.  相似文献   

In Abies procera plantations Strophosoma melanogrammum and S. capitatum cause economic damage due to the adult stage feeding on the needles. No chemical treatments of these weevils are allowed in Denmark, so the potential of biological control was evaluated. We studied pathogenicity of thirteen isolates of entomopathogenic fungi and the field effect of soil application of Metarhizium anisopliae against Strophosoma spp. All of the tested isolates were capable of causing infections under laboratory conditions and average survival time at 20°C ranged between 13 and 23 days for S. melanogrammum and between 23 and 28 days for S. capitatum when dipped in a fungal suspension adjusted to 1×107 conidia mL-1. Under field conditions up to 90% of the living collected individuals died due to M. anisopliae infection in the treated plots, whereas less than 1% died of M. anisopliae infection in control plots. In accordance, the population of Strophosoma spp. was reduced in plots where the fungus was applied compared to control plots.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and C-banding patterns of sixteen weevil species are presented. The obtained results confirm the existence of two groups of species with either a small or large amount of heterochromatin in the karyotype. The first group comprises twelve species (Apionidae: Oxystoma cerdo, Eutrichapion melancholicum, Ceratapion penetrans, Ceratapion austriacum, Squamapion flavimanum, Rhopalapion longirostre; Nanophyidae: Nanophyes marmoratus; Curculionidae: Centricnemus (=Peritelus) leucogrammus, Sitona humeralis, Sitona lineatus, Sitona macularis, Sitona suturalis). In weevils with a small amount of heterochromatin, tiny grains on the nucleus during interphase are visible, afterwards appearing as dark dots during mitotic and meiotic prophase. The second group comprises four species from the curculionid subfamily Cryptorhynchinae (Acalles camelus, Acalles commutatus, Acalles echinatus, Ruteria hypocrita) which possess much larger heteropycnotic chromosome parts visible during all nuclear divisions. The species examined have pericentromeric C-bands on autosomes and on the X chromosome.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Kopf vonDermestes maculatus wird eine Struktur beschrieben, die wahrscheinlich als Muskelrezeptor die Bewegung der Mandibel kontrolliert: Etwa 10 multipolare Neurone senden Dendriten ohne ciliÄre Strukturen in das Innere des sehr dünnen dritten Mandibelmuskels, Musculus tentorio-mandibularis, wo sie sich periodisch jeweils im Niveau der Z-Scheiben verzweigen. Die Möglichkeit wird erwogen, da\ die Änderung im lonenmilieu bei der Kontraktion des Muskels als Reiz perzipiert wird.
Fine structure of a muscle receptor organ in the head ofDermestes maculatus De Geer (Insecta, Coleoptera)
Summary A structure is described in the head ofDermestes maculatus, which probably controls the motion of the mandible as a muscle receptor: About 10 multipolar neurons send dendritic processes without any ciliary structure into the interior of the third mandibular muscle, musculus tentorio-mandibularis, where they periodically ramify in the levels of the Z-bands. The possibility is being discussed, that the dendritic terminations detect muscular activity by detecting the ionic changes associated with contraction.

Zur Terminologie: Die vorliegende Untersuchung befa\t sich mit einem Propriorezeptor, dessen Neurone keine ciliÄren Strukturen aufweisen. Für solche Rezeptoren hat sich in der Literatur der Terminus Streckrezeptor eingebürgert (vgl. Sinoir, 1969), was schon im Hinblick auf eine Abgrenzung von den Chordotonalorganen, die ja auch LÄngenÄnderungen messen, nicht glücklich zu sein scheint. Die Bezeichnung Muskelrezeptor lehnt sich an Whitear (1965) an. Für Rezeptoren ohne ciliÄre Strukturen, bei denen allein ein Bindegewebsstrang das reizvermittelnde Gewebe darstellt, verwende ich entsprechend den Terminus Bindegewebsrezeptor  相似文献   

The lady beetle Coleomegilla maculata (De Geer) is a natural enemy of several insect pests and feeds on pollen and nectar to survive periods when prey is scarce. The effect of the feeding interval on the development, survival, fecundity, and longevity of C. maculata was determined. Newly hatched larvae of C. maculata were reared individually and fed with eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) at intervals of one, two, and three days under controlled conditions (23 ± 1oC; 60 ± 10% RH; 12 h phtophase). The duration of larval instars and the total larval stage was prolonged as the feeding interval increased. The larval period lasted on average 9.2 ± 0.19 days when the larvae were fed daily with prey, and 14.6 ± 0.48 days when food was offered at three-day intervals. There was an inverse relationship between food intervals, survival, and weight of larvae and adults of the coccinellid. Survival rate of larvae fed daily was 76.8%, while the rate was 50.0% and 23.4% for larvae fed every two and three days, respectively. Coleomegilla maculata showed fecundity of 781.1 ± 149.02, 563.4 ± 80.81 and 109.0 ± 103.0 eggs when fed daily and at intervals of two and three days, respectively.  相似文献   

Arvelius albopunctatus (De Geer) is widely distributed in the Neotropical region, being an important pest of Solanaceae. Color variation of nymphs was described for this and other pentatomid species and their knowledge is essential for an early identification. From December 2005 to July 2006 nymphs and adults of A. albopunctatus were collected in forest fragments in Criciúma, I?ara, Maracajá and Araranguá (SC, Brazil). Known morphs of nymphs of both 4th and 5th instars were observed, as well as three new morphs, here described and named red morph (4th and 5th instars), green morph (4th and 5th instars) and orange morph (5th instar).  相似文献   

Takenouchi  Y. 《Genetica》1974,45(1):91-110

The chromosomes of 34 Japanese weevils belonging to 13 subfamilies were investigated in male and/or female germ line cells using squash preparations with the exception of one species studied by sectioning. The results are summarised in Table 1. Excluding two species with Neo-XY, the other 32 species have an Xyp sex-determining mechanism.


Observations were made of the C-banding patterns in several cells from 182 Japanese quail embryos to detect presence of stable variants. Each of the eight largest autosomes contains a C-band at the centromeric region. The short arm of autosome 8 is C-band positive, as is the entire W chromosome. The Z chromosome consistently contains an interstitial C-band in the long arm and a less prominent one in the short arm. Distinct variants of chromosome 4 and the Z chromosome were observed. In the Z chromosome a C-band at the terminal region of the short arm was markedly elongated in some embryos. Likewise, the short arm of chromosome 4 was much more prominent in one or both of the homologues in some embryos. Most of the microchromosomes contain a prominent C-band. The heteromorphisms are useful chromosome markers to detect the origins of heteroploidy in early embryos.  相似文献   

Y. Takenouchi 《Genetica》1973,44(4):621-632
The chromosomes of 24 Japanese weevils were reinvestigated in the male germ line using squash preparations. The results are summarized in Table 1. All species have an Xyp sex-determining mechanism.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that colonization of early-season cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., by overwintered boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, is concentrated on field margins. However, supporting experimental evidence is not available. In 1999 and 2000, we examined colonization patterns of overwintered boll weevils in Central Texas cotton on the bases of adult collections by a pneumatic sampler and hand collections of abscised infested squares. Samples were taken from sites arranged in a grid that extended inward >70 m from the field margin. Adults were collected from shortly after seedling emergence until the flowering stage, and infested squares were collected during the one-third grown square stage. Despite numerical trends, the numbers of adult weevils collected were not significantly different between years or sexes, or among plant phenological stages. Field-to-field variation among collections was considerable and likely prevented detection of differences among these factors. Spatial patterns represented by adult weevil and infested square collections were examined by logistic regressions fitted to the respective probabilities of weevil detection at each designated sample site. Although we observed trends for slightly decreased probability of weevil detection with increased distance from the field margin, these trends were too weak to be demonstrated statistically. Our results indicate the boll weevil does not consistently exhibit a strong edge-oriented colonization pattern, and that management tactics that are predicated on these patterns, such as border sprays, should be used with caution.  相似文献   

寄生物和寄主的发育关联研究已有很多报道,而人们对捕食者与猎物的同步发育关系却知之甚少。本文研究了大斑芫菁Mylabris phalerata及其猎物棉蝗Chondracris rosea rosea在18℃、22℃、25%、28℃、31℃和34℃恒温下的发育特性及发育同步性。大斑芫菁幼虫(除5龄外)发育起点温度均低于10℃,而棉蝗每个阶段的发育起点温度都高于10℃。大斑芫菁5龄幼虫的有效积温为440.53日度,低于棉蝗卵的462.96日度,并且大斑芫菁1~4龄幼虫的有效积温均少于1—4龄蝗蝻。大斑芫菁成虫出现、卵孵化和幼虫滞育解除日期与棉蝗产卵和卵孵化日期,显示大斑芫菁的发育和棉蝗的发育具有季节同步性,而且大斑芫菁的滞育同步化了大斑芫菁和棉蝗的发育。  相似文献   

The plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), is a well known pest in apple and peach orchards, but it also is capable of having an economic impact in highbush blueberries. Host phenology and plum curculio oviposition patterns were determined on four highbush blueberry cultivars differing in fruit maturation period. Numbers of oviposition scars were higher on early- ('Weymouth') and mid-season ('Duke' and 'Bluecrop') blueberries than on late-season 'Elliott' in 2001, 2002, and 2003. In 2002, eggs were first present on the three earliest cultivars 21 d before those on 'Elliott', whereas eggs were found on 'Elliott' >40 d after the last sample with eggs for the other three cultivars. The pattern of host phenology and infestation levels suggested that plum curculio oviposition synchronizes well with the availability of suitable fruit for oviposition on early and mid-season cultivars compared with a late-season cultivar of highbush blueberries. The implications of a transition to use of reduced-risk insecticides are discussed in relation to plum curculio management.  相似文献   

Hulcr J 《ZooKeys》2010,(56):105-119
Following the recent reclassification of the Palaeotropic xyleborine genera (Hulcr and Cognato in press), additional species are transferred to correct genera or synonymized based on analysis of their morphological characters. The following species are given new combinations: Debus amphicranoides (Hagedorn), comb. n., Debus birmanus (Eggers, 1930), comb. n., Debus dolosus (Blandford, 1896), comb. n., Debus eximius (Schedl, 1970), comb. n., Debus interponens (Schedl, 1954), comb. n., Debus robustipennis (Schedl, 1954), comb. n., Debus spinatus (Eggers, 1923), comb. n., Microperus alpha (Beeson, 1929), comb. n., Microperus corporaali (Eggers), comb. n., Microperus eucalyptica (Schedl, 1938), comb. n., Microperus nugax (Schedl, 1939), comb. n., Pseudowebbia percorthylus (Schedl, 1935), comb. n., Truncaudum circumcinctus (Schedl, 1941), comb. n.THE FOLLOWING SPECIES ARE SYNONYMIZED: Arixyleborus hirtipennis (Eggers), syn. n., with Arixyleborus puberulus (Blandford); Coptoborus palmeri (Hopkins), syn. n., with Debus emarginatus (Eichhoff); Coptoborus terminaliae (Hopkins), syn. n., with Debus emarginatus (Eichhoff); Cyclorhipidion polyodon (Eggers), syn. n., with Truncaudum agnatum (Eggers); Euwallacea artelaevis (Schedl), syn. n., with Planiculus bicolor (Blandford); Xyleborinus perminutissimus (Schedl), syn. n., with Xyleborinus perpusillus (Eggers); Xyleborus exesus Blandford, syn. n., with Debus emarginatus (Eichhoff); Xyleborus fulvulus (Schedl), syn. n., with Microperus corporaali (Eggers); Xyleborus marginicollis (Schedl), syn. n., with Diuncus justus (Schedl); Xyleborus shoreae Stebbing, syn. n., with Debus fallax (Eichhoff).THE FOLLOWING SPECIES ARE GIVEN NEW STATUS: Streptocranus superbus (Schedl, 1951), restored name; Webbia divisus Browne, 1972, restored name; Webbia penicillatus (Hagedorn, 1910), restored name. Genus Taphrodasus Wood (1980) is declared not valid.  相似文献   

Galls induced by six species of Lixinae weevils from Ukrainian steppes are described. The gall formation by Larinus species is doubtful. One gall may in some cases be jointly occupied by different weevil species. The adaptive significance of gall formation in Lixinae is discussed.  相似文献   

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