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Autophagy is a process in which a eukaryotic (but not prokaryotic) cell destroys its own components through the lysosomal machinery. This tightly regulated process is essential for normal cell growth, development, and homeostasis, serving to maintain a balance between synthesis and degradation, resulting in the recycling of cellular products. Here we try to expand the concept of autophagy and define it as a general mechanism of regulation encompassing various levels of the biosphere. Interestingly, one of the consequences of such an approach is that we must presume an existence of the autophagic processes in the prokaryotic domain.  相似文献   

Evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas for sustaining biodiversity is crucial to achieving conservation outcomes. While studies of effectiveness have improved our understanding of protected‐area design and management, few investigations (< 5%) have quantified the ecological performance of reserves for conserving species. Here, we present an empirical evaluation of protected‐area effectiveness using long‐term measures of a vulnerable assemblage of species. We compare forest and woodland bird diversity in the Australian Capital Territory over 11 yr on protected and unprotected areas located in temperate eucalypt woodland and matched by key habitat attributes. We examine separately the response of birds to protected areas established prior to 1995 and after 1995 when fundamental changes were made to regional conservation policy. Bird diversity was measured in richness, occurrence of vulnerable species, individual species trajectories and functional trait groups. We found that protected areas were effective in maintaining woody vegetation cover in the study region, but were less effective in the protection of the target bird species assemblage. Protected areas were less species rich than unprotected areas, with significant declines in richness across sites protected prior to 1995. Small, specialised and vulnerable species showed stronger associations with unprotected areas than protected areas. Our findings indicate that recently established reserves (post‐1995) are performing similarly to unprotected woodland areas in terms of maintaining woodland bird diversity, and that both of these areas are more effective in the conservation of woodland bird populations than reserves established prior to 1995. We demonstrate that the conservation value of protected areas is strongly influenced by the physical characteristics, as well as the landscape context, of a given reserve and can diminish with changes in surrounding land use over time. Both protected areas and off‐reserve conservation schemes have important roles to play in securing species populations.  相似文献   

Birds are visually oriented predators, and some are known or supposed to prey upon tadpoles. Neotropical tadpoles exhibit several colorations that could potentially improve survivorship through camouflage, aposematism, or mimetism. In this study, we tested tadpoles of two hylid species for protective effects of their colorations, one potentially aposematic (Bokermannohyla martinsi) and another (Ololygon machadoi) previously hypothesized as disruptive and/or mimetic to a naucorid insect (Limnocoris porphyros). We conducted in situ and ex situ experiments and observed that the uniformly black B. martinsi tadpoles were more intensely preyed upon by birds than those of O. machadoi, regardless of background color, which may have happened because the disruptive coloration of O. machadoi hampered its detection. Alternatively, the duration of the experiments may have been too short for birds to learn about a possible toxicity of B. martinsi tadpoles, which are more active and thus more visible. Birds that had a previous experience with L. porphyros tended to attack tadpoles of O. machadoi less than naive birds. On the other hand, we did not observe any change in predation levels upon B. martinsi tadpoles whether presented to birds before or after L. porphyros. Our results indicate that the predation by birds, although apparently occasional, is likely to be influenced by tadpole coloration.  相似文献   

W. J. Phillipps 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):201-205
This article examines the discourse attendant upon ‘old’ places in contemporary Japan through a case study of a commuter village near Kyoto. It shows how such localities are represented in a national debate about the strength of Japan's ‘vanishing’ tradition, and how local communities mobilize parts of this debate in their dialogue with a variety of collective others about local identity. The guiding axii of this nostalgic discourse are assertions about the typicality of ‘old’ places and their uniqueness. Finally, the article shows how alongside a debate about such communities as repositories of tradition, there is a discussion about their feudal legacy, social control and political conservatism.  相似文献   

Franz Bairlein 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):243-253
Capsule Routes and destinations have been unveiled but modern techniques offer the chance to explore much more.

Ringing of birds unveiled many mysteries of avian migrations, notably routes and destinations. However, there is still much to be explored by the use of ringing and other marks. Satellite tracking, geolocation and global positioning systems, and even electronic tags may enable much more detailed insights into the migration patterns of individual birds and populations. But also a more elaborated colour-marking approach is recommended. Moreover, particular chemical and molecular markers appear to be very useful in the study of bird migration by delineating the origin of birds and connectivity between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Co-ordinated, collaborative, standardized and large-scale migration networks provide another elaborate tool to study differential migration and patterns of migratory timing and fuelling. Although our understanding of bird migration has gained much from captive studies about the internal mechanisms in the control of bird migration, we still lack knowledge about external factors, such as food availability, weather, competitors, parasites or diseases. Such data are also required to refine theoretical models of migration strategies. Future migration research must aim at much more comparative research and a more integrative approach at various spatial and temporal scales, and link various subdisciplines. It must also consider that migration is only one part of the life of a migrating species. Thus, linking migration and breeding is another future challenge, both for basic science and for effective protection of migratory birds.  相似文献   

Forest management modified the original structure of most European forests, and in the most extreme cases, genuinely natural and semi-natural forests were turned into plantations through clear felling and replanting, often using non-native species. We compared the bird community structure of native oak woods of northern Italy with that of their anthropogenic counter-parts: black locust and sweet chestnut woods. The three stand types were compared in terms of vegetation structure, bird species richness, diversity and abundance of foraging guilds. We analysed both the overwintering and the breeding community, to assess whether management had specific seasonal effects on bird diversity. Forestry-imposed disturbances affected bird diversity more consistently in winter than in breeding time: bird species richness and diversity were significantly greater in oak and chestnut stands, which were the preferred habitat for bark foragers and foliage gleaners. In the breeding period, bird diversity of black locust woodlands increased, and inter-stand differences were not significant. At this time of year, understorey gleaners were more abundant in black locust stands (where shrubs were denser). In winter, species richness, diversity and the abundance of several guilds were positively correlated with stand age, whereas in the breeding period canopy gleaners preferred younger woodlots. Despite the lack of inter-stand differences in breeding bird diversity, young-managed woods benefited generalist birds that need no particular conservation efforts. Conversely, priority species for forest conservation such as specialised bark foragers positively selected native and mature stands throughout the year. We suggest that detailed year-round studies on diversity and community composition could sharpen the precision with which it is possible to prescribe conservation measures in forested areas.  相似文献   

Paul J. Weldon 《Ibis》2022,164(1):1-12
Human-scent contamination of bird nests and the human-made trails leading to them is suspected to influence nest survival by attracting or deterring predatory mammals. This paper (1) reviews studies in which human-scent contamination was suspected to have biased the survival of real and artificial nests by influencing the behaviour of predatory mammals, (2) summarizes the procedures used in attempts to mitigate human-scent contamination in nest-survival studies, and (3) describes procedures to enhance the design and interpretation of nest-survival experiments. The behaviour of various non-domesticated mammals is confirmed or suspected to be affected by human scent, so similar effects on nest predators are plausible. However, suggestions that human scent affects nest survival by influencing the behaviour of predatory mammals are poorly supported, due to a dearth of appropriately designed experiments. Some studies failed to include measures to reduce human-scent contamination, and the effectiveness of scent-mitigation methods used in other studies has seldom been verified. In addition, volatile compounds arising from soil and vegetation disturbed underfoot by field researchers may have confounded many nest-survival studies. Investigators have routinely inferred human-scent effects from post hoc predation patterns or have simply acknowledged possible human-scent effects among other potential influences of nest fate. Studies are needed of the effects of human scent using uniform methods of scent application and verified methods of scent mitigation, where the fates of different types of nests are examined under a range of field conditions. More fundamentally, studies of naïve and experienced mammals are needed to assess their responses to human scent and clarify its salience in wildlife disturbance.  相似文献   

Worldwide, many areas of agricultural land which were once covered with native vegetation have been converted to tree plantations. Such landscape transformation can influence the dynamics of wildlife populations through, for example, altering rates of predation (e.g. predation of nests of birds). Nest predation can influence reproductive success and, in turn, may alter populations by affecting juvenile recruitment. We quantified predation of bird nests in woodland remnants surrounded by two types of land use, grazing farmland and exotic Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) plantation. We also examined differences in predation rates between artificial and natural nests. We found both artificial and natural nests were more susceptible to nest predation in woodland remnants surrounded by a pine plantation than in woodland remnants located within farmland. Our study suggests that higher levels of nest predation may reduce occupancy of woodland remnants by small‐bodied birds over time, including species of conservation concern. This may have been occurred as a result of the conversion of semi‐cleared grazing land to exotic pine plantation.  相似文献   

Until recently, the endangered Humboldt penguin was considered a sedentary bird, which remained near its breeding colonies throughout the year. In this pilot study we used five satellite transmitters on Humboldt penguins during the austral winter and were able to track one bird from Pan de Azúcar Island (26°09S, 70°40W), Northern Chile to Iquique (20°12S, 70°07W), a distance of 640 km, between May 24 and June 26, 1996. While a 35 km protection zone around breeding islands might be helpful to prevent competition of penguins with fisheries during the summer months, this might not improve the survival of migrating birds in the winter. Further studies are required to determine the extent of migration and to confirm the recorded travelling route and landing locations in order to detect possible threats to Humboldt penguins from fishing and other industries throughout the year.
Zusammenfassung Während noch vor wenigen Jahrzehnten Millionen Humboldtpinguine die Küsten Perus und Chiles bevölkerten, wird die Art heute als gefährdet eingestuft. Die Fischerei stellt die größte Bedrohung für diese Tierart dar, deren Gesamtbestand sich nach letzten Schätzungen nur noch auf 10 000 Individuen beläuft. Wir setzten im Südherbst 1996 fünf Argos-Satellitensender ein, um festzustellen, ob Humboldtpinguine des Naturschutzgebietes Pan de Azúcar (26°09S) im Winter ortstreu bleiben oder saisonale Wanderungen durchführen. Während sich vier der Vögel im Untersuchungszeitraum (18–74 Tage) nicht weiter als 87 km von ihrer Brutinsel entfernten, wanderte ein Vogel im Juni 1996 nach Norden bis vor die Stadt Iquique (20° 12S, 640 km vom Ausgangspunkt entfernt). Obwohl die in einer früheren Studie ermittelte Größe eines marinen Schutzgebietes von 35 km Durchmesser rund um die Brutinsel in den Sommermonaten ausreichend sein mag, belegen die neuen Ergebnisse, daß weitere Untersuchungen über das Wanderverhalten der Humboldtpinguine als Grundlage für einen effektiven Artenschutz unerläßlich sind.

Fred Cooke 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):211-222
Capsule A comparison between North American and European ornithology shows many differences between the two.

While local knowledge was developed over millennia in Europe, in North America much was originally learned from the indigenous people. Knowing the food value of wild game was essential to survival and led to a strong tradition of wildlife management in North America. However, there was also systematic exploration of the local avifauna by museum-based collectors. This dual origin of ornithology is still detectable today. North American ornithology, particularly through the introduction of the Migratory Birds Convention Act of 1917, is strongly influenced by federal, state and provincial governments who have a statutory responsibility for the protection of wild birds. Because the USA and Canada, and more recently Mexico, are responsible for the administration of the Act, many initiatives in bird conservation involve international co-operation, starting initially with the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, but now extended to all species of birds. Many partnerships involving government, professional and amateur ornithologists (e.g. Bird Studies Canada) have resulted in monitoring of bird populations similar to that done by the BTO. However, there still seems to be a paucity of population studies and survey information in the mainstream ornithological journals in North America.  相似文献   

This study compared the bird assemblages of native semi-natural woodlands and non-native Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantations in Ireland to identify what vegetation variables most influenced birds and to identify management targets in plantations to maximise future bird conservation. Point counts were conducted in 10 Oak (Quercus spp.) and 10 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) native woodlands and in five Mid-rotation (20–30 years old) and five Mature (30–50 years old) Sitka spruce plantations. Ordination was used to characterise woodland types according to their constituent bird species. Total bird density (calculated using Distance software) and species richness were assessed for the different woodland types. Oak and Ash woodland bird assemblages were separated from Mid-rotation and Mature plantations by the ordination. There was no difference in total bird density between any of the woodland types. Oak woodlands had significantly higher species richness than either Mid-rotation or Mature Sitka spruce plantations. Ash had higher species richness than Mature Sitka spruce plantations. Understorey vegetation was negatively associated with total bird density, which also varied with survey year. Understorey vegetation was positively associated with species richness. Reasons for the relationships between vegetation and bird assemblages are discussed. Management should seek to increase shrub and understorey vegetation in the Mid-rotation phase to improve the contribution of plantations to bird conservation.  相似文献   

A new method is introduced which tolerates distortions between spectrogram patterns in template matching. Cross-correlation provides a fast method to calculate similarities but it is sensitive to durational and spectral fluctuations. Dynamic time warping tolerates durational differences but requires that frequency components match. An extension to dynamic time warping is introduced where frequency is warped in addition to time. This allows for a detailed analysis to find the similarities and differences between the sound units to be compared. The method was applied to analyses of owl and Bengalese finch vocalizations.  相似文献   

The number of hybrids recorded in the field may be biased because these data may simply reflect the detectability of a hybrid pairing. A questionnaire was constructed for assessing the detectability of natural avian hybrids. Ratings from 17 independent experienced observers were subjected to factor analysis and all observers loaded onto the same single factor. The reliability was extremely high (Cronbachs alpha=0.96). Initially, I found a weak positive and significant correlation between the number of hybrids and their detectability index (rs=0.268; P=0.015; n=81). However, the respective correlations within three orders and one family containing enough hybrids for analysis revealed non-significant results. Significant differences existed among orders with respect to both detectability and hybrid frequency. At the family level, differences existed in detectability, but not in the number of hybrids recorded. Furthermore, I found no publication bias. These results suggest a general influence of detectability and on higher taxonomic levels, and that either detectability or the number of hybrids vary between orders possibly due to phylogenetic effects. Data about hybrids should be used in a cautious manner in analyses across a wide range of species, but seem unbiased when restricted to analyses within orders and families. As a rule of thumb, distinctness of hybrids seems to be a function of the plumage difference between the hybridising species.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   



Cyprus is recognised as a hotspot for illegal bird trapping in the Mediterranean basin. A consumer demand for the Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) is driving the use of non-selective trapping methods, resulting in the indiscriminate killing of millions of migratory birds. Efforts to tackle the issue have so far been characterised mostly by a top-down approach, focusing on legislation and enforcement. However, trapping levels are not decreasing and conflict between stakeholder groups is intensifying.


To understand why efforts to stop illegal bird trapping have not been effective, we used semi-structured interviews to interview 18 local bird trappers and nine representatives from the pertinent environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the governmental agencies responsible for enforcing the legislation.


We found distinct differences between the views of the local trapping community and the environmental NGOs, particularly on why trapping is occurring and its impact on the avifauna. This disparity has contributed to misrepresentations of both sides and a high degree of conflict, which is potentially proving counterproductive to conservation interventions. In addition, it appears that trappers are a heterogeneous group, likely driven by various motivations besides profit.


We argue that stakeholders interested in reducing illegal bird trapping need to develop anti-poaching strategies that aim at minimising the disparity in the views, and subsequently the conflict, acknowledging also that trappers are not a homogenous group, as often treated.

The threatened forest habitats of the tropical Andes are reportedly being modified and destroyed 30% faster than their lowland tropical counterparts, but impacts on the hyper-diverse resident avifauna have received little systematic study. We present a baseline analysis of the effects of habitat modification on birds in a lower montane forest landscape in Ecuador, comparing avian community composition in landscape elements subjected to different levels of human modification: primary forest, secondary forest, edge habitat and agricultural land. We use data from a point count survey of 300 counts at 150 sites to test whether community composition and density of birds with different reported habitat preferences and foraging strategies change among landscape elements. Species richness and diversity were lowest in agricultural land, but on some measures, equally low in primary forest. Richness and diversity peaked in secondary forest and edge habitat, but ordination and density analysis revealed clear differences in their species composition. While secondary forest contained mostly forest-preferring species, edge habitat harboured a mix of forest and open-land birds. There was a clearly structured gradient in species composition across landscape elements, with densities of habitat specialists, foraging guilds and families varying considerably from primary forest to agricultural land. Agricultural land was characterised by an assemblage of widespread, abundant species very different from that in core forest habitats. As such, while the majority of montane forest birds appear resilient to a certain level of habitat modification, they cannot persist, and are displaced, where forest has been cleared outright. We argue that, for Andean montane forests, preservation of mature secondary forest offers flexibility in supplementing preserved primary forest areas to provide sufficient habitat for the persistence of this incredibly diverse but severely threatened bird community.  相似文献   

Many migratory bird species fly mainly during the night (nocturnal migrants), others during daytime (diurnal migrants) and still others during both night and day. Need to forage during the day, atmospheric structure, predator avoidance and orientation conditions have been proposed as explanations for the widespread occurrence of nocturnal migration. However, the general principles that determine the basic nocturnal-diurnal variation in flight habits are poorly known. In the present study optimal timing of migratory flights, giving the minimum total duration of the migratory journey, is evaluated in a schematic way in relation to ecological conditions for energy gain in foraging and for energy costs in flight. There exists a strong and fundamental advantage of flying by night because foraging time is maximized and energy deposition can take place on days immediately after and prior to the nocturnal flights. The increase in migration speed by nocturnal compared with diurnal migration will be largest for birds with low flight costs and high energy deposition rates. Diurnal migration will be optimal if it is associated with efficient energy gain immediately after a migratory flight because suitable stopover/foraging places have been located during the flight or if energy losses during flight are substantially reduced by thermal soaring and/or by fly-and-forage migration. A strategy of combined diurnal and nocturnal migration may be optimal when birds migrate across regions with relatively poor conditions for energy deposition (not only severe but also soft barriers). Predictions about variable timing of migratory flights depending on changing foraging and environmental conditions along the migration route may be tested for individual birds by analysing satellite tracking results with respect to daily travel routines in different regions. Documenting and understanding the adaptive variability in daily travel schedules among migrating animals constitute a fascinating challenge for future research.  相似文献   

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