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Grass carp were raised in 227 1 indoor tanks at 12.8, 18.3, 23.9 and 29.4° C temperatures, each experimental condition received five fish. Five grass carp were also raised in a 1135 1 tank maintained at 29.4° C representing low stocking density (29.4° C-L). Food consumption, food conversion, and growth of carp were not different among the 18.3, 23.9, and 29.4° C experimental conditions with identical stocking density. The least growth and food consumption were noted for the fish at the 12.8° C temperature. The fish at the low stocking density had the best growth and maximum food consumption.  相似文献   

Because grass carp may feed selectively on water plants, additional conventional methods may be necessary for effective control of aquatic vegetation. For economic reasons aquatic herbicides are most likely to be used in conjunction with grass carp within an integrated aquatic weed control programme. The acutely lethal toxicities of ten herbicides to grass carp were measured. A preliminary evaluation of the risk to these fish showed that, when used at the recommended rate, the maximum herbicide concentration likely to be found in water should cause little harm to the fish, although attention should be given to the possible inhibition of feeding.  相似文献   

Fingerling grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella , 90–160 mm t.l. , were acclimated to experimental salinities of < 1 (fresh water), 91, 195 and 317 mOsm/kg. Oxygen consumption rates of fish declined, as salinity increased, from 0.16 mg O2/g-h in fresh water to 0.11 mg O2/g-h at an ambient concentration of 317 mOsm/kg. Plasma electrolytes (Na+ and Cl−1) and total plasma ionic concentrations increased slightly following 10 days of exposure to ambient salinities greater than 195 mOsm/kg. At 317 mOsm/kg fish appeared to lose control of plasma electrolyte concentrations. As the osmotic gradient was reduced between the fish and the external medium it might have become advantageous to the maintenance of the osmotic equilibrium to reduce blood circulation to the gills, thus imposing a reduction in metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Growth data for grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella , in managed small impoundments were examined for density related effects. Ponds ranged in area from 0.02 to 5.0 ha; various species stocking combinations were used. Growth during the first year of life was strongly affected by density. Total standing stock increased and average size decreased with increasing density. This growth–density relationship was more variable among fish in the second year of life, primarily because of differences in availability of preferred food in different ponds. Survival tended to vary during the first year of life depending on the size at stocking but was uniformly high in the second year.  相似文献   

In aquarium experiments common invertebrates from streams and ponds were offered to O-group grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.) in the presence of palatable plants. When there was no cover for the prey to hide under, the carp ate many of the invertebrates, but when stones were provided, considerably more invertebrates escaped. Rainbow trout eggs were not eaten, but trout fry were taken as soon as they had emerged from artificial spawning redds. While searching for food, grass carp never disturbed the stones covering possible food organisms.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the tolerance of 2+ grass carp to an oceanic water. It was found that at a temperature of 20.1°C±0.4°C the maximum survival times of the fish in concentrations of seawater equivalent to 17.5 and 10.5 g/1 sodium chloride were 5 h and approximately 24 days respectively. The importance of these results lies in the consideration of the possibility of grass carp migrating through brackish or seawater from one river system to another. Such a migration would seem to be impossible through seawater but may be possible through brackish water.  相似文献   

Complete energy budgets were constructed for 19 grass carp, Ctenupharyngudon idella (Val.), held individually in a respirometer for a month. The fish were fed one of four diets or starved. Diets varying in the proportions of protein, lipid and carbohydrate were described as high protein (HP), high carbohydrate (HC) or high lipid (HL). A fourth diet (LM) was made from dried duckweed, Lemna spp., to provide a more natural diet. Fish were fed and faeces collected daily and oxygen consumption was measured continuously over the month that each experiment lasted. Excretion of ammonia and urea was measured on several days. The total energy lost via nitrogenous waste was calculated using an average daily ammonia quotient (AQ).
For growing fish between 50 and 61% of consumed energy was lost via respiration. Energetic losses via nitrogenous wastes were highest on the HP diet (4.7%) and lowest on the HC diet (3.1%). Faecal loss washigheston the HL diet (19.4%)and lowest on the HP diet (10.2%). Over a month of starvation, 32.5% of energy requirement was met by the respiration of protein and 3.2% of the total energy lost was via nitrogenous waste. Fish fed zero or sub-maintenance rations tended to respire lipid in preference to protein whereas fish fed super-maintenance rations accumulated lipid. Protein retention was proportionally highest on HP (48% of total energy retained as growth) and lowest on HC (32%) and HL (30%). This reflected the accumulation of lipid on both the high carbohydrate and high lipid diets. The partitioning of metabolizable energy (ME) was investigated and 0.45 (HL), 0.59 (HP) and 0-67 (HC) kJ ME.kJ-1 retained were lost via respiration.  相似文献   

Young grass carp held under laboratory conditions were fed either duckweed or tubificid worms. Food consumption ( C ), faecal production ( F ), excretion ( U ), metabolism ( R ) and growth ( G ) were estimated for fish fed both diets. Fish fed tubificid worms had higher growth rates than those fed duckweed, in terms of wet weight, dry matter, protein, lipid and energy. Fish fed duckweed consumed more wet and dry matter than did the fish fed tubificids, but rates of protein and lipid consumption were lower. The energy budget was estimated to be 100C = 9 F + 8 U + 61 R + 22 G for fish fed tubificids, and 100C = 35 F + 5 U + 51 R + 9 G for fish fed duckweed. Linear relationships existed between specific growth rate in wet weight and rate of food absorption (consumption minus faecal production) in dry matter, protein or energy. Food type did not have a significant effect on these relationships. It was concluded that differences in growth rate between grass carp fed different diets were mainly caused by differences in absorption rate.  相似文献   

The rate at which triploid grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella , consumed two plant species from different locations was measured and compared to the chemical composition of the plants. Grass carp fed on Elodea canadensis from three lakes at significantly different rates ( P > 0.001), but did not eat Elodea densa from two of the sites at different rates. Feeding rate of the grass carp was positively correlated to the concentration of calcium ( r = 0.976) and lignin ( r = 0.946), but negatively correlated to the content of iron ( r =−0.808), silica (r=-0.934) and cellulose ( r =−0.922). Multiple regression analysis revealed that calcium and cellulose content were the most important predictors of consumption rate. These experiments demonstrate that water chemistry may affect palatability and could in part be responsible for some of the discrepancies in grass carp consumption rate and preference studies.  相似文献   

Fingerling grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella ) were cultured in 380 1 circular fiberglass tanks at stocking densities of 0.53, 1.06, 1.59 and 2.11 fish/1. Fish were fed duckweed ( Lemna minima ) to satiation. Fish grew from 2.7 g to a maximum mean weight of 72.7 g in 88 days. Fish stocked at 0.53 fish/1 grow more rapidly than those stocked at higher densities. Mean daily consumption rates were strongly correlated with oxygen levels and when oxygen levels dropped below 4 mg/1 consumption was reduced approximately 40%. High biomass, growth, and survival rates obtained during this study indicate grass carp are well suited for intensive tank culture.  相似文献   

Grass carp acclimated to 3, 5, 7, and 9% salinities were tested for salinity tolerance. The upper tolerance limit (LS50) for 3 and 5%, and 7% acclimated fish were 14.2 and 14.0%, respectively. Fish acclimated to 9% had a 50% mortality at an estimated salinity of 16.0%, for 24 h exposure. Weight losses for the 3 and 5% acclimated fish were significantly lower than for those acclimated to 9%.  相似文献   

The morphology of the intestinal epithelium is described and compared with published data. In the gut of this stomachless fish, three zones can be distinguished based on light and electron microscopic observations of absorptive cells: a rostral zone with numerous fat droplets, a second zone with large P.A.S.-positive supranuclear vacuoles and pinocytotic vesicles, and a third zone without these characteristics. In these zones deep invaginations of the cell membrane is a feature of the basal part of the cells. The presence of pinocytotic vesicles in the second zone is considered evidence of the uptake of undigested protein-like substances.
Juvenile grass carp from 15 to 335 days, fed on either animal or vegetable food, were measured. The growth rates indicate that animal food stimulates rapid growth. The data also show a vegetable diet causes a slight increase in relative gut length, mainly in the length of the first zone.  相似文献   

Crosses between female carp x male grass carp resulted in androgenetic grass carp and hybrids. Fertilizing grass carp eggs with carp milt that had been irradiated with ultraviolet light for 15 min at 1.0 mW/cm2 produced gynogenetic grass carp. We compared the morphology of experimental progeny with that of the parental species to determine if inheritance was strictly matroclinous in gynogenesis and strictly patroclinous in andro-genesis. Dorsal and anal fin rays, lateral line scales, gill rakers, pharyngeal teeth, and the relative length of the dorsal fin all suggested that gynogenetic grass carp were identical with the maternal species and androgenetic grass carp with the paternal species. Hybrids were intermediate between the parents except that the number of anal rays was identical with that in carp. The number of dorsal rays, the body depth, and the pharyngeal teeth in hybrids were more like those in carp than in grass carp, whereas the number of gill rakers was more similar to that in the paternal species.  相似文献   

Individual grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellu , were maintained in a respirometer for a month and fed pelleted diets containing various proportions of carbohydrate, fat and protein at different ration levels. Oxygen consumption was measured continuously, allowing the effects of consecutive daily feeding on respiration to be studied. The relationships established between daily food intake and oxygen consumption showed that, on average, 23.3% (high protein diet), 15.3% (high carbohydrate diet), 20.7% (high lipid diet) and 7.0% ( Lemnu diet ) of the absorbed energy was partitioned into specific dynamic action (SDA). (Here the term SDA is used to describe the oxygen consumption of a feeding fish in excess of the routine metabolic rate.) In terms of the overall energy budgets of growing fish, SDA represented between 12 and 58% of the total heat lost over the experimental period and was equivalent to between 14 and 33% of the consumed energy. Ration was positively correlated with heat loss due to total respiration ( r = 0.881) and with heat loss due to SDA ( r = 0.762). As ration increased, the size of SDA relative to total respiration increased. Significant positive correlations were found between oxygen consumption (total or due to SDA) and specific growth rate, and between oxygen consumption and the deposition of protein and energy. However, growth rate had a minimal influence on daily oxygen consumption when compared with food intake.  相似文献   

The olfactory sensitivity of a herbivore, the grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella , to ten amino acids was investigated using electrophysiological recording techniques. Underwater electroolfactogram recordings increased exponentially with logarithmic increases of stimulus concentration from threshold to 1 × 10−3 m. Calculated detection thresholds ranged from 1 × 10−7.15 m to 1 × 10−8.7 M and are similar to those previously reported for carnivorous fish species. The relative stimulatory efficacy (RSE) of the ten amino acids determined at 1 × 10−4 M revealed five groups of stimuli, with cysteine the most stimulatory and proline the least. Measures of amino acid RSE did not differ significantly from those of previously studied carnivores, except for arginine. Grass carp showed strong responses to this compound, whereas it has produced only limited responses in carnivores. Differences in the responsiveness of herbivores and carnivores were not observed, suggesting that feeding niche segregation is probably not facilitated by differential olfactory sensitivities to feeding stimuli.  相似文献   

Nitrogenous excretion by grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.), was measured in the form of ammonia and urea. Endogenous nitrogen excretion (ENE) was estimated as the daily rate of excretion by grass carp which had been starved for 2 days. ENE was scaled allometrically with body weight with weight exponents of 0.75 for ammonia, 0.63 for total nitrogen and 0.63 for the energy lost. The proportion of nitrogen attributable to urea was smaller than that attributable to ammonia and decreased from 25 to 12% as fish weight increased from 2 to over 10 g.
Linear relationships were found between daily rates of ammonia, total nitrogen and energy loss and daily rates of food intake. High carbohydrate and high lipid diets were not shown to have a protein-sparing action compared to a high protein diet. Differences in the amount of nitrogen excreted were explained by the differing nitrogen contents of the diets. Nitrogen budgets were erected and their implications discussed.  相似文献   

It is thought that grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) eggs must remain suspended in the water column in order to hatch successfully. Using sand, the effects of varying sediment levels on grass carp eggs were tested at different developmental states and temperatures. Survival was high (15–35%, depending on temperature and trial) in the unburied treatment where eggs rested on a sand bed but were not covered by sediment. Survival was lower in the partial burial (5–10%) and very low (0–4%) in the full burial treatment. In all treatments, delayed hatching (organisms remaining in membranes past the stage of hatching competence) was noted. Deformities such as missing heads and pericardial edema occurred at high rates in the partial and full burials. Eggs that come in contact with the benthos and are resuspended in the water column should be considered in embryonic drift models.  相似文献   

从草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idella肝肾cDNA文库中克隆得到胶原凝集素基因。草鱼胶原凝集素全长cDNA为1128bp,其中5′非编码区229bp,3′非翻译区104bp,最大开放阅读框为795bp,编码264个氨基酸。系统进化分析表明草鱼胶原凝集素与斑马鱼的亲缘关系最近。根据草鱼胶原凝集素序列特征,克隆了包含糖基识别域(CRD)的cDNA,并进行原核表达、纯化获得其重组蛋白PCRD。进行PCRD与6种细菌的凝集和糖抑制实验,结果表明半乳糖、葡萄糖、甘露糖和麦芽糖4种糖都会使PCRD与嗜水气单胞菌的凝集明显下降甚至极大地干扰凝集;麦芽糖使金黄色葡萄球菌的凝集明显下降,而肽聚糖和甘露糖会使凝集受到抑制;此外,PCRD的凝集反应不依赖Ca2+。  相似文献   

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