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This study aimed to evaluate environmental influences on fish distribution and to assess the extent to which concepts in river ecology accommodate levels of spatio-temporal heterogeneity of fish assemblages in a 1,080-km long tropical river. A total of 25 sites were sampled between November 2002 and March 2003 in two seasons (summer/wet versus winter/dry). A thermal gradient separating the upper reaches from the lower reaches was detected. The middle-upper reaches showed higher conductivity and lower dissolved oxygen and pH levels compared with the other reaches. Although some significant associations were found between some fish abundance and environmental variables, the most abundant species (Tilapia rendalli, Geophagus brasiliensis, and Oligosarcus hepsetus) occurred in most sites and under most environmental conditions. Fish community structure varied more in space (longitudinal) than through time (seasonal). The community in the lower reach species was more diverse in comparison with the other reaches. Differences in the fish assemblage structure among the longitudinal river sections appear to have been influenced by the effects of damming, and seem to be partially consistent with the Serial Discontinuity Concept, which views dams as discontinuities within the river continuum. Only the lower river reach showed seasonal differences in the fish community structure, attributable to the influence of flooding. Management plans and biodiversity conservation will benefit by considering the effects of dam disruption and flood increased connectivity to the lotic systems. Handling editor: J. Trexler  相似文献   

This study aims to discuss the seasonal and spatial dynamics of fish assemblage of River Soan in relation with environmental changes. Survey was conducted during pre monsoon and post monsoon seasons in 2008. Physico chemical and biological samplings were carried out at 26 sites which were selected along the whole stretch of the river. High concentration of total phosphorous and conductivity, low pH and dissolved oxygen were measured at urban part of midstream zone whereas high concentration of total nitrogen was measured at downstream zone. A total of 22 species were collected during the survey among which Barilius pakistanicus, Puntius ticto, Crossocheilus diplochilus and Labeo dero were distributed throughout the river stretch. Maximum fish diversity was recorded at suburban part of midstream while its urban part was appeared to be the most species poor part of the Soan River. Herbivore individuals constituted the dominant trophic group of fish assemblage. Significant seasonal and spatial changes in fish assemblage were determined at river downstream. Upstream- downstream differences in fish assemblage were more pronounced during pre monsoon and seem to be related to thermal gradient and hydrological changes. Seasonal variations in fish assemblage were significant only at downstream zone and were influenced by velocity, floodplains and migration patterns in fish assemblage. Understanding of spatial and seasonal trends in fish assemblage in relation with their environment is of great importance for the management and conservation of fish assemblage. Findings of this study will be helpful in future attempts to restore and conserve the aquatic assemblages of Himalayan streams.  相似文献   

The curvilinear relationship between species richness and habitat area (species–area relationship (SAR)) is a fundamental ecological pattern. The relationship is often viewed from a long‐term perspective across relatively large spatial scales, reflecting a balance between immigration and extinction dynamics. We explored whether predictions of SAR also manifest over short time periods (days) in benthic habitat patches of a dynamic floodplain river where littoral faunal assemblages are continuously assembled and disassembled with changing water levels. We examined the relationship of patch size with faunal abundance (i.e. fish and aquatic invertebrates), taxonomic richness, trophic group richness and overall assemblage composition. Strong taxa–area relationships emerged despite the relatively short experimental time period (21 days); larger patches had more taxa and trophic groups. For the smallest patches, taxonomic richness was especially sensitive to abundance of individuals; abundance of individuals was a less important predictor of taxonomic and trophic group richness for the largest patches. Despite the relatively short time frame for study within this temporally dynamic ecosystem, our findings indicate a strong SAR for fishes and macroinvertebrates inhabiting patchy habitats in the littoral zone of this tropical river.  相似文献   

Biodiversity patterns may be influenced by the species geographical range sizes, but this is rarely shown. We used a highly replicated and large-scale study in coastal Ecuador to determine for the first time the importance of latitudinal range size of plant species in their response to land-use activities. We examined herbaceous plant communities of five land-use types with decreasing anthropogenic disturbance (from the most intervened rice and pasture to the less intervened managed agroforest, abandoned agroforest, and forest) in a low and a high impact human-dominated landscape. All species were classified in four latitudinal range size quartiles, from the 25% species with the narrowest to the 25% with the widest range size. We found notable differences between patterns of total species richness and those of individual range size quartiles. Whereas total species richness was higher in more intervened land-use types, percentages of narrow-ranged species were significantly higher in less intervened land-use types. In contrast, percentages of wide-ranging species were higher in more intervened land-use types. Hence, responses of plant species to human activities were influenced by traits that determine their range sizes. An analysis of floristic similarity between land-use types revealed that narrow-ranged species were mainly preserved in forest fragments, but the other land-use types supported many unique narrow-ranged species and therefore made an important contribution to their preservation at the landscape level. Conservation efforts should combine protection of natural habitats with strategies to maintain a diversity of low-intensity land-use types, looking for win-win solutions or trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and human welfare in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Synopsis The ichthyofauna of the Sepik-Ramu basin is composed of diadromous species and the freshwater derivatives of marine families. Fish species diversity, ichthyomass and fish catches are low even by Australasian standards. Three major factors have produced the depauperate ichthyofauna and restricted fishery within the basin: First, the zoogeographic origins of the ichthyofauna. Australasian freshwater fishes, being mainly derived from marine families, generally exhibit ecological characteristics that have evolved for life in estuaries, not rivers. This has led to peculiarities in river fish ecology and explains the probable low fish production from rivers in this region in general. Several important riverine trophic resources are not exploited by the Australasian freshwater ichthyofauna. The modes of reproduction amongst the Australasian freshwater ichthyofauna have limited the colonisation and exploitation of floodplain habitats. Second, Sepik-Ramu lowland habitats, especially floodplains, are very young. This has resulted in low fish species diversity in lowlands, whilst diversity at higher altitudes is equable, in comparison to river systems in southern New Guinea/ northern Australia. Third, the Sepik-Ramu lacks an estuary in sharp contrast to river systems in southern New Guinea or northern Australia. Most of the 18 families of Australasian fishes missing from the Sepik-Ramu are probably absent because of this factor alone. In particular, the Sepik-Ramu has not been colonised by any family of fishes having pelagic eggs, resulting in the loss from the fauna of the few Australasian fish taxa with high reproductive rates. Consequently, the general problems with river fish ecology in Australasia are exacerbated within the Sepik-Ramu by the particular development and morphology of the basin. Fish species diversity in the Sepik-Ramu is low, even in comparison with those taxa representative of marine families resident in rivers in nearby zoogeographic regions (S.E. Asia) whose ichthyofaunas are otherwise dominated by freshwater dispersant groups. The Sepik-Ramu ichthyofauna is considered noteworthy for what is absent, not what is present. Ichthyomass and fish production can be increased by fish species introductions whilst, in theory, biodiversity of the native fish fauna can be maintained. The directions in which ecological evaluations of proposed introductions might proceed in practice for the Sepik-Ramu are discussed but are constrained by the lack of knowledge on species interactions from other areas.  相似文献   

Under a particular set of selective forces, specific combinations of traits (strategies) will be favored in a given population, within the particular constraints of the considered species. For fishes, three demographic strategies have been suggested to result from adaptive responses to environmental predictability (i.e., seasonality): periodic, opportunistic and equilibrium [Winemiller KO, Rose KA (1992) Patterns of life-history diversification in North American fishes: implications for population regulation. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 49:2196–2218]. These strategies optimize fitness within predictable, unpredictable and stable systems, respectively. We tested these predictions of life history trait distribution along a gradient of hydrologic seasonality in West African tropical rivers at the drainage basin scale. We used logistic regression of species presence–absence data to test whether dominant life history traits of species caused community compositional change in response to a gradient of seasonality in hydrologic regime across basins. After accounting for taxonomic relatedness, species body size and statistical redundancy inherent to related traits, we found a higher proportion of species producing a great number of small oocytes, reproducing within a short period of time and presenting a low degree of parental care (the periodic strategy) in highly seasonal drainage basins (e.g., rivers with a short and predictable favorable season). Conversely, in more stable drainage basins (e.g., rivers with a wet season of several months), we observed a greater proportion of species producing small numbers of large oocytes, reproducing within a long period of time and providing parental care to their offspring (the equilibrium strategy). Our results suggest that distributions of tropical freshwater fishes at the drainage basin scale can be partly explained by the match between life history strategies and seasonality gradients in hydrological conditions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Functional characteristics of species are of great importance for understanding their roles in ecosystems and can be used to detect long-term chances in the environment. We evaluated temporal changes (1983–1985 and 2017–2019) in taxonomic and functional indices of the fish fauna in shallow areas of a tropical bay heavily impacted by anthropogenic activities in recent decades. The hypothesis that functional indices change over time as a result of environmental degradation was tested. Our results showed a significant decrease in species richness and abundance over time, and in functional richness, while others functional diversity indices (divergency, evenness, and originality) remained stable. Thirteen functional groups were detected, some of which contained only one species, raising concerns about the loss of ecosystem functions due to ongoing changes. We also observed an increase in beta diversity over time, which may be the result of a decrease in local richness without leading to regional extinctions. Turnover was the most important process in structuring the fish fauna at the evaluated time scale. The relative stability of the functional structure and the higher levels of turnover seem to be related to the dominance of functional groups, within which species replace each other according to their responses to environmental filters that select for specific functional traits. Incorporating functional diversity indices and beta diversity variations in the fish community helped to enhance the existing information about this coastal system by offering improved estimates of biological diversity through diverse approaches. The predominance of turnover identified in the preset study suggests a dynamic and fluctuating species composition within the habitat. In this sense, habitat preservation should prioritize the protection of diverse habitats to accommodate a broad spectrum of species.  相似文献   

The fish assemblage of the Mondego estuary was studied from June 2003 to May 2004. Five areas with different environmental conditions were sampled monthly, using a 2 m beam trawl (5 mm mesh size at the cod end). To complement information, sampling was also performed, seasonally, using a 7 m otter trawl with a 10 mm mesh size. Thirty-two species were identified. Dicentrarchus labrax, Pomatoschistus microps, Pomatoschistus minutus, Solea solea, Platichthys flesus and Diplodus vulgaris were the most abundant species. Marine juvenile migrants had the highest number of species, thirteen, followed by estuarine residents with eight species. Marine species that use the estuary as nursery grounds were the most abundant in terms of density and biomass. In spring and summer, juveniles occur in the upper, oligohaline areas, but afterwards, in autumn and winter, they tend to disperse to the middle and lower areas, with higher marine influence. Comparing the results obtained in this study with those reported in the early 1990’s, a marked decrease in species richness can be noticed, which is probably due to anthropogenic factors, namely an increase in depth of the main channel and intense euthrophication processes in the middle and upper areas.  相似文献   

Abstract Towards the end of the Wet season in the tropical coastlands of northern Australia, there are dramatic upstream movements of many fish species in some seasonally flowing streams. These movements are considered to be a part of refuge-seeking migrations. Aspects of the dynamics of the movements in Magela Creek (in the ‘Top End’ of the Northern Territory) downstream from the Ranger Uranium Mine have been examined with a range of techniques (mainly direct observation) to facilitate the development of a possible procedure for monitoring impacts of the mine on the fish community of the creek system. Data on diel patterns of movements validated that monitoring, for 1 h at midday at a single point adjacent to the mine, reflects day-to-day changes in total diel movements. To help identify the location of any impacts arising in the future, information on upstream progress rates, longitudinal changes in movements, and movements between the creek and lowland billabongs, were used to (i) demonstrate the creek-long continuity of movements and (ii) indicate the possible sources and destinations of fish approaching the mine. Marked differences in sources were apparent for two groups of species: terapontids originating from the lowland creek channels, and chequered rainbowfish and ambassids originating from the floodplain and lowland billabongs. Identification of the relative contributions from these habitats will require additional monitoring effort.  相似文献   

The relationship between food web dynamics and hydrological connectivity in rivers should be strongly influenced by annual flood pulses that affect primary production dynamics and movement of organic matter and consumer taxa. We sampled basal production sources and fishes from connected lagoons and the main channel of a low-gradient, floodplain river within the Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela. Stable isotope analysis was used to model the contribution of four basal production sources to fishes, and to examine patterns of mean trophic position during the falling-water period of the annual flood cycle. IsoSource, a multi-source mixing model, indicated that proportional contributions from production sources to fish assemblages were similar in lagoons and the main channel. Although distributions differed, the means for trophic positions of fish assemblages as well as individual species were similar between the two habitats. These findings contradict recent food web studies conducted in temperate floodplain rivers that described significant differences in trophic positions of fishes from slackwater and floodplain versus main channel habitats. Low between-habitat trophic variation in this tropical river probably results from an extended annual flood pulse (ca. 5 mo.) that allows mixing of sestonic and allochthonous basal production sources and extensive lateral movements of fishes throughout the riverscape.  相似文献   

The tank bromeliads Aechmea aquilega (Salisb.) and Catopsis berteroniana (Schultes f.) coexist on a sun‐exposed Neotropical inselberg in French Guiana, where they permit conspicuous freshwater pools to form that differ in size, complexity and detritus content. We sampled the algal communities (both eukaryotic and cyanobacterial taxa, including colourless forms) inhabiting either A. aquilega (n = 31) or C. berteroniana (n = 30) and examined differences in community composition and biomass patterns in relation to several biotic and abiotic variables. Chlorella sp. and Bumilleriopsis sp. were the most common taxa and dominated the algal biomass in A. aquilega and C. berteroniana, respectively. Using a redundancy analysis, we found that water volume, habitat complexity and the density of phagotrophic protozoa and collector‐gatherer invertebrates were the main factors explaining the distribution of the algal taxa among the samples. Hierarchical clustering procedures based on abundance and presence/absence data clearly segregated the samples according to bromeliad species, revealing that the algal communities in the smaller bromeliad species were not a subset of the communities found in the larger bromeliad species. We conclude that, even though two coexisting tank bromeliad populations create adjacent aquatic habitats, each population hosts a distinct algal community. Hence, bromeliad diversity is thought to promote the local diversity of freshwater algae in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

The Casiquiare River is a unique biogeographic corridor between the Orinoco and Amazonas basins. We investigated the importance of this connection for Neotropical fishes using peacock cichlids (Cichla spp.) as a model system. We tested whether the Casiquiare provides a conduit for gene flow between contemporary populations, and investigated the origin of biogeographic distributions that span the Casiquiare. Using sequences from the mitochondrial control region of three focal species (C. temensis, C. monoculus, and C. orinocensis) whose distributions include the Amazonas, Orinoco, and Casiquiare, we constructed maximum likelihood phylograms of haplotypes and analyzed the populations under an isolation‐with‐migration coalescent model. Our analyses suggest that populations of all three species have experienced some degree of gene flow via the Casiquiare. We also generated a mitochondrial genealogy of all Cichla species using >2000 bp and performed a dispersal‐vicariance analysis (DIVA) to reconstruct the historical biogeography of the genus. This analysis, when combined with the intraspecific results, supports two instances of dispersal from the Amazonas to the Orinoco. Thus, our results support the idea that the Casiquiare connection is important across temporal scales, facilitating both gene flow and the dispersal and range expansion of species.  相似文献   

We describe the relationship between macroinvertebrate community composition, the physicochemical environment and anthropogenic impacts, in running water sites across a range of water qualities in England and Wales. We have also investigated the degree of spatial structure present in both the macroinvertebrate community and the measured environment. Selected explanatory variables could account for 26% of the variation in lotic macroinvertebrate assemblage composition across England and Wales. The explanatory power of the CCA model was based predominantly on a combination of local scale variables (substrate, alkalinity, urban run-off) and regional scale variables (discharge category, northing). The physicochemical gradient associated with changes in stream type from headwaters to estuary dominated assemblage composition. The influence of pollution and habitat modification were of secondary importance. There was a substantial level of spatial structure to both the physicochemical (47% of its explanatory power spatially structured) and anthropogenic stress data (63% of its explanatory power spatially structured), which resulted in a high level of predictable spatial structuring in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Almost 40% of the variation in assemblage composition accounted for by the explanatory model exhibited spatial structure. Positive spatial autocorrelation in macroinvertebrate community composition extended to sites up to 150km apart. As a consequence, community composition could be described from northing and easting with 75% of the explanatory power of the eight physicochemical variables. Our study has confirmed the importance of the longitudinal gradient within catchments, as well as the geographical position of the catchment to macroinvertebrate communities. We have also demonstrated how quantifying the spatial structure in the dataset can improve our understanding of the factors influencing macroinvertebrate community structure.  相似文献   

Henk Wolda 《Oecologia》1992,89(1):47-52
Summary The stability of a large variety of insect populations was studied using 14 years of light-trap data collected in a relatively undisturbed tropical forest in Panama. Special emphasis was placed on trends in abundance over time. A large between-species variation was found in stability, ranging from nearly constant to violently fluctuating. Over a 14-year period 22% of the species with more than 26 individuals caught showed an average trend of more than 10% of their mean abundance per year, and 4% a trend of more than 20% per year. Even among the 78 species represented by more than 1000 individuals, 7 species, 9%, showed a trend of more than 10% of mean abundance per year. These results appear to be incompatible with the generally held tenet that natural populations in undisturbed environments fluctuate within rather narrow abundance limits, and may indicate that at least a certain proportion of natural populations are not kept within such limits by regulatory processes. Actual fluctuating patterns vary a great deal between species, suggesting the absence of some dominant environmental process affecting several species at the same time. The total number of species and individuals, and the associated value of the -diversity index remained at the same level over the 14 years.  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity is increasingly dependent on human-altered habitats. In a fragmented forest landscape in northern Costa Rica within the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, an area of great conservation importance, we compared the diversity and composition of ground-dwelling beetle communities in five habitat types along a gradient of increasing disturbance: primary forest, logged forest, secondary forest, plantation (Gmelina arborea) and pasture. Using pitfall trapping we captured a total of 1,877 beetles (Coleoptera), comprising 422 morphospecies in 26 families. The plantation sites had the lowest number of species followed by secondary forest and pasture. Multivariate analysis separated the beetle fauna according to land use, and suggested that only the logged forest maintains a similar species assemblage to primary forest. However, each habitat harboured a number of unique species indicating the conservation value of the mosaic of habitats found in fragmented landscapes. Our results suggest that to maintain forest beetle species diversity it is essential that areas of natural forest are conserved. However, other land uses also provide beetle habitats and in fragmented areas active management to maintain a mosaic of land uses will contribute to the conservation of beetle diversity.  相似文献   

Synopsis The phenology of Labeo dussumieri, an omnivorous carp common to South Asia, was investigated in a population inhabiting a flood plain anabranch of the Mahaweli Ganga, Sri Lanka. The Mahaweli Ganga exhibited a bimodal discharge pattern typical of many equatorial rivers, with a minor peak during the S.W. monsoon and a major peak during the N.E. monsoon. Seasonal changes in several lotic variables were measured in an attempt to correlate changes in environmental conditions to reproduction and growth in L. dussumieri. The onset of gonad recrudescence and spawning were synchronized with the increased river discharge during the S.W. and N.E. monsoons: gonad development followed one monsoonal discharge peak and spawning took place at the beginning of the other. Most fish spawned at the beginning of the major discharge peak in October and November, following the September dry season. Increased discharge was concomitant with a fall in temperature, light intensity, pH and conductivity. Growth was shown to be seasonal, exhibiting an annual bimodal pattern with peaks coincident with S.W. and N.E. monsoonal rains. Seasonal changes in growth were expressed by two models in terms of: (a) change of somatic weight or fork length with time, (b) change of specific growth rate in response to river discharge, modified by somatic weight. Gonad recrudescence and spawning stress did not appear to influence growth rate.  相似文献   

Combined effects of cumulative nutrient inputs and biogeochemical processes that occur in freshwater under anthropogenic eutrophication could lead to myriad shifts in nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry in global freshwater ecosystems, but this is not yet well‐assessed. Here we evaluated the characteristics of N and P stoichiometries in bodies of freshwater and their herbaceous macrophytes across human‐impact levels, regions and periods. Freshwater and its macrophytes had higher N and P concentrations and lower N : P ratios in heavily than lightly human‐impacted environments, further evidenced by spatiotemporal comparisons across eutrophication gradients. N and P concentrations in freshwater ecosystems were positively correlated and N : P was negatively correlated with population density in China. These results indicate a faster accumulation of P than N in human‐impacted freshwater ecosystems, which could have large effects on the trophic webs and biogeochemical cycles of estuaries and coastal areas by freshwater loadings, and reinforce the importance of rehabilitating these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. Anthropogenic influences on recent tree mortality in mid-montane mixed conifer forests of southern California, USA, and northern Baja California, Mexico, were investigated. The Pinus jeffreyi-Abies concolor phase of the mixed-conifer montane community was sampled at three sites, characterized by: (1) low levels of air pollution and long-term fire suppression (Holcomb Valley in the San Bernardino Mountains, California); (2) chronic, severe air pollution and long-term fire suppression (Barton Flats in the San Bernardino Mountains, California); and (3) little air pollution and no fire suppression (La Corona Arriba in the Sierra San Pedro Martir in Baja California, Mexico). Similar percentages of dead standing trees, around 14 %, were found at both San Bernardino sites, but a comparatively low level, 4 %, was found in the Mexican forest. Anthropogenic effects, in particular fire suppression, may play an important role in enhancing the impact of natural stresses on the dynamics of mixed conifer forests.  相似文献   

Davis  Jack R. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):95-117
Macrobenthic communities were surveyed in 1987–88 as part of acomprehensive study of fish kills and water quality in the upper TrinityRiver. The purpose was to characterize macrobenthic integrity in relation toambient and storm-associated water quality and other environmental factors.No physical habitat features were found to be substantially limiting toaquatic life. Water and sediment quality generally were good, andmacrobenthic communities typically were healthy. Ecological conditions werevastly improved compared to the recent past, attributable mainly todecreased contaminant loading from wastewater treatment plants and reducedincidence of raw sewage bypassing. Nonetheless, some impact was evident incertain reaches. Deleterious effects at Beach St. evidently resulted frompesticides derived from urban runoff. Slight impacts by dissolved metalswere suggested for Grand Prairie and Continental Ave.; possible sourcesincluded urban runoff and wastewater treatment plant effluents. Moderateimpacts at S. Loop 12 were attributed to low-flow toxicity induced by awastewater treatment plant discharge; ammonia and chlorine were consideredprimarily responsible, with metals and pesticides possibly involved.Macrobenthic communities were somewhat degraded from Trinidad to US 79, dueto storm-related stresses by DO depression, pesticides, and metallic oxides.Overall impacts were relatively slight on a long-term basis, however, and ahigh aquatic life use was attained at most sites. The degree of macrobenthicintegrity was considered remarkable for an effluent-dominated system withsuch extensive urbanization in the watershed.  相似文献   

二滩水电站水库形成后鱼类种类组成的演变   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文对二滩水库建成前后,雅砻江下游长约380km河段的鱼类种类结构、生态类群及相对资源量的变化进行了研究。结果表明水库建成后不同区段的鱼类种类结构发生了变化,喜栖静水和缓流环境的种类逐渐在库区占主导地位,适应急流环境的种类主要分布于库尾和支流等局部水域中,一些外来种已经定居并在某些水域形成了优势种群。在水库建成后的头几年,由于鱼类种群密度增加还导致了渔业捕捞量大幅度上升。针对上述变化,结合雅砻江梯级电站建设可能带来的进一步环境改变,作者提出了建立自然保护江段、开展人工繁殖放流、进行水库生态调度以及防止外来种入侵等措施和建议。  相似文献   

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