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Anti-cancer topoisomerase I (Top1) inhibitors (camptothecin and its derivatives irinotecan and topotecan, and indenoisoquinolines) induce lethal DNA lesions by stabilizing Top1-DNA cleavage complex (Top1cc). These lesions are repaired by parallel repair pathways including the tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1)-related pathway and homologous recombination. As TDP1-deficient cells in vertebrates are hypersensitive to Top1 inhibitors, small molecules inhibiting TDP1 should augment the cytotoxicity of Top1 inhibitors. We developed a cell-based high-throughput screening assay for the discovery of inhibitors for human TDP1 using a TDP1-deficient chicken DT40 cell line (TDP1−/−) complemented with human TDP1 (hTDP1). Any compounds showing a synergistic effect with the Top1 inhibitor camptothecin (CPT) in hTDP1 cells should either be a TDP1-related pathway inhibitor or an inhibitor of alternate repair pathways for Top1cc. We screened the 400,000-compound Small Molecule Library Repository (SMLR, NIH Molecular Libraries) against hTDP1 cells in the absence or presence of CPT. After confirmation in a secondary screen using both hTDP1 and TDP1−/− cells in the absence or presence of CPT, five compounds were confirmed as potential TDP1 pathway inhibitors. All five compounds showed synergistic effect with CPT in hTDP1 cells, but not in TDP1−/− cells, indicating that the compounds inhibited a TDP1-related repair pathway. Yet, in vitro gel-based assay revealed that the five compounds did not inhibit TDP1 catalytic activity directly. We tested the compounds for their ability to inhibit poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) because PARP inhibitors are known to potentiate the cytotoxicity of CPT by inhibiting the recruitment of TDP1 to Top1cc. Accordingly, we found that the five compounds inhibit catalytic activity of PARP by ELISA and Western blotting. We identified the most potent compound (Cpd1) that offers characteristic close to veliparib, a leading clinical PARP inhibitor. Cpd1 may represent a new scaffold for the development of PARP inhibitors.  相似文献   

Noninvasive real-time quantification of cellular protease activity allows monitoring of enzymatic activity and identification of activity modulators within the protease's natural milieu. We developed a protease activity assay based on differential localization of a recombinant reporter consisting of a Golgi retention signal and a protease cleavage sequence fused to alkaline phosphatase (AP). When expressed in mammalian cells, this protein localizes to Golgi bodies and, on protease-mediated cleavage, AP translocates to the extracellular medium where its activity is measured. We used this system to monitor the Golgi-associated protease furin, a pluripotent enzyme with a key role in tumorigenesis, viral propagation of avian influenza, ebola, and HIV as well as in activation of anthrax, pseudomonas, and diphtheria toxins. This technology was adapted for high-throughput screening of 39,000-compound small molecule libraries, leading to identification of furin inhibitors. Furthermore, this strategy was used to identify inhibitors of another Golgi protease, the beta-site amyloid precursor protein (APP)-cleaving enzyme (BACE). BACE cleavage of the APP leads to formation of the Abeta peptide, a key event that leads to Alzheimer's disease. In conclusion, we describe a customizable noninvasive technology for real-time assessment of Golgi protease activity used to identify inhibitors of furin and BACE.  相似文献   

A functional cell-based assay was developed using a generic proprietary assay protocol, based on a membrane-potential sensitive dye, for the identification of small-molecule antagonists against the Kv1.3 potassium ion channel. A high-throughput screen (HTS) was subsequently performed with 20,000 compounds from the Evotec library, preselected using known small molecule antagonists for both sodium and potassium ion channels. Following data analysis, the hit rate was measured at 1.72%, and subsequent dose-response analysis of selected hits showed a high hit confirmation rate yielding approximately 50 compounds with an apparent IC50 value lower than 10 microM. Subsequent electrophysiological characterization of selected hits confirmed the initial activity and potency of the identified hits on the Kv1.3 target and also selectivity toward Kv1.3 through measurements on HERG as well as Kv1.3-expressing cell lines. Follow-up structure-activity relationship analysis revealed a variety of different clusters distributed throughout the library as well as several singlicates. In comparison to known Kv1.3 blockers, new chemical entities and scaffolds showing potency and selectivity against the Kv1.3 ion channel were detected. In addition, a screening strategy for ion channel drug discovery HTS, medicinal chemistry, and electrophysiology is presented.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are important epigenetic factors regulating a variety of vital cellular functions such as cell cycle progression, differentiation, cell migration, and apoptosis. Consequently, HDACs have emerged as promising targets for cancer therapy. The drugability of HDACs has been shown by the discovery of several structural classes of inhibitors (HDACis), particularly by the recent approval of two HDACis, vorinostat (ZOLINZA) and romidepsin (Istodax), for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma by the US Food and Drug Administration. The outstanding potential of HDACis, with a defined isoform selectivity profile as drugs against a plurality of diseases, vindicates increased effort in developing high-throughput capable assays for screening campaigns. In this study, a dual-competition assay exploiting changes in fluorescence anisotropy and lifetime was used to screen the LOPAC (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO) library against the bacterial histone deacetylase homologue HDAH from Bordetella, which shares 35% identity with the second deacetylase domain of HDAC6. The binding assay proved to be highly suitable for high-throughput screening campaigns. Several LOPAC compounds have been identified to inhibit HDAH in the lower micromolar range. Most interestingly, some of the hit compounds turned out to be weak but selective inhibitors of human class IIa and IIb HDACs.  相似文献   

Checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1), a serine/threonine kinase, plays an important role in DNA damage checkpoint control and is an attractive target for cancer treatment. To develop a Chk1-specific cell-based assay, stable clones were established in which Chk1 kinase domain fused at its N-terminus with p53 through 4 tandem repeats of Gly-Gly-Gly-Gly-Ser was expressed in an inducible manner. Chk1 kinase specificity of the phosphorylation of fused p53 was confirmed by the experiments with a kinase-inactive Chk1. Only in the presence of an inducer molecule was phosphorylation of p53 at Ser-15 in the stable clones induced. Furthermore, its assay performance proved acceptable for high-throughput screening applications, judging from the Z' factor values (> 0.77). Finally, the cell-based assay thus established yielded structure-activity relationship data for a small set of test inhibitors of Chk1 within cells. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the established cell-based assay provides a novel and highly sensitive cellular platform for Chk1 inhibitor discovery.  相似文献   

Cationic peptides, known to disrupt bacterial membranes, are being developed as promising agents for therapeutic intervention against infectious disease. In the present study, we investigate structure-activity relationships in the bacterial membrane disruptor betapep-25, a peptide 33-mer. For insight into which amino acid residues are functionally important, we synthesized alanine-scanning variants of betapep-25 and assessed their ability to kill bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus) and to neutralize LPS (lipopolysaccharide). Activity profiles were found to vary with the bacterial strain examined. Specific cationic and smaller hydrophobic alkyl residues were crucial to optimal bactericidal activity against the Gram-negative bacteria, whereas larger hydrophobic and cationic residues mediated optimal activity against Gram-positive Staph. aureus. Lysine-substituted norleucine (n-butyl group) variants demonstrated that both charge and alkyl chain length mediate optimal activity. In terms of LPS neutralization, activity profiles were essentially the same against four species of LPS (E. coli 055 and 0111, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and Klebsiella pneumoniae), and different for two others (Ps. aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens), with specific hydrophobic, cationic and, surprisingly, anionic residues being functionally important. Furthermore, disulfide-bridged analogues demonstrated that an anti parallel beta-sheet structure is the bioactive conformation of betapep-25 in terms of its bactericidal, but not LPS endotoxin neutralizing, activity. Moreover, betapep-25 variants, like the parent peptide, do not lyse eukaryotic cells. This research contributes to the development and design of novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒主蛋白酶(main protease, Mpro)通过水解多聚蛋白质体(polyprotein)调控病毒基因组RNA复制,且人体不存在其同源蛋白酶,这使Mpro成为抗新型冠状病毒药物开发的理想靶标之一。本研究基于荧光偏振技术(fluorescence polarization,FP)和生物素-亲和素反应(biotin-avidin system, BAS)原理,成功地建立了三明治样荧光偏振筛选模型用于Mpro小分子抑制剂的快速筛选。通过对天然产物化合物库进行高通量筛选,发现了漆树酸(anacardic acid,AA)是Mpro的竞争型抑制剂,1,2,3,4,6-O-五没食子酰葡萄糖(1,2,3,4,6-O-pentagalloylglucose,PGG)是Mpro的混合型抑制剂,且已报道的部分抑制剂是非特异性Mpro小分子抑制剂。文中建立的三明治样荧光偏振筛选模型具有良好的简便性、灵敏性和稳定性,初步证实了漆树酸和PGG是一类新型苗头化合物,建立科学严谨的活性评价体系对于抗新型冠状病毒药物的筛选与发现是至关重要的。  相似文献   

High-throughput subcellular imaging is a powerful tool for investigating the function of genes. In order to identify novel regulators of apoptosis we transiently transfected HeLa cells with 938 hypothetical genes of unknown function, and captured their nuclear images with an automated fluorescence microscope. We selected genes that induced greater than 3-fold increase in the percentage of apoptotic nuclei compared with vector-transfected cells. The full-length genes C10orf61, MGC 26717, and FLJ13855 were identified as candidate proapoptotic genes, and their apoptotic effects were confirmed by DNA fragmentation ELISAs and Western blotting for caspase-7 and PARP. We conclude that a subcellular image-based apoptotic screen is useful for identifying genes with proapoptotic activity.  相似文献   

ABCG2 is a member of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cassette family of multidrug transporters associated with resistance of tumor cells to many cytotoxic agents. Evaluation of modulators of ABCG2 activity has relied on methods such as drug sensitization, biochemical characterization, and transport studies. To search for novel inhibitors of ABCG2, a fluorescent cell-based assay was developed for application in high-throughput screening. Accumulation of pheophorbide a (PhA), an ABCG2-specific substrate, forms the basis for the assay in NCI-H460/MX20 cells overexpressing wild-type ABCG2. Treatment of these cells with 10 microM fumitremorgin C (FTC), a specific ABCG2 inhibitor, increased cell accumulation of PhA to 5.6 times control (Z' 0.5). Validation included confirmation with known ABCG2 inhibitors: FTC, novobiocin, tariquidar, and quercetin. Verapamil, reported to inhibit P-glycoprotein but not ABCG2, had insignificant activity. Screening of a library of 3523 natural products identified 11 compounds with high activity (> or = 50% of FTC, confirmed by reassay), including 3 flavonoids, members of a family of compounds that include ABCG2 inhibitors. One of the inhibitors detected, eupatin, was moderately potent (IC50 of 2.2 microM) and, like FTC, restored sensitivity of resistant cells to mitoxantrone. Application of this assay to other libraries of synthetic compounds and natural products is expected to identify novel inhibitors of ABCG2 activity.  相似文献   

Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1, also called MAP3K5) is a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K) that plays important roles in stress-induced cell death and inflammation, and is expected as a new therapeutic target for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases. We identified novel ASK1 inhibitors by virtual screening from the public chemical library collected by Chemical Biology Research Initiative (CBRI) at the University of Tokyo.  相似文献   

A series of 114 SIRT inhibitor candidates was assembled using ‘click chemistry’, by reacting two alkynes bearing 2-anilinobenzamide pharmacophore with 57 azide building blocks in the presence of Cu(I) catalyst. Screening identified two SIRT2-selective inhibitors, which were more SIRT2-selective than AGK2, a known SIRT2 inhibitor. These findings will be useful for further development of SIRT2-selective inhibitors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Rho GTPases are involved in many biological processes and participate in cancer development. Their activation is catalysed by exchange factors [RhoGEFs (Rho GTPase guanine nucleotide-exchange factor)] of the Dbl family. RhoGEFs display proto-oncogenic features, thus appearing as candidate targets for anticancer drugs. Dominant-negative Rho GTPase mutants have been widely used to block RhoGEF signalling. However, these tools suffer from limitations, due to the high number of RhoGEFs and the complex mechanisms that control Rho GTPase activation. RESULTS: RhoG-T17N is a poor inhibitor of its exchange factor TRIO-GEFD1 (first exchange domain of the exchange factor TRIO) in vivo: although it binds to TRIO-GEFD1, RhoG-T17N does not block the downstream signalling. Using the yeast exchange assay, we show that in the presence of TRIO-GEFD1, RhoG-T17N can bind to its effectors, which illustrates how negative mutants may produce misleading interpretations and emphasizes the need for new types of RhoGEF inhibitors. In that prospect, we adapted the yeast exchange assay method to identify RhoGEF inhibitors. Using this novel approach, we screened a 3500-chemical-compound library and identified a potential inhibitor of TRIO-GEFD1. This molecule inhibited TRIO-GEFD1 in vitro. Among the chemical analogues of this compound, we identified two molecules with better inhibitory activity. The three TRIO-GEFD1 inhibitors had no effect on ARHGEF17 and ARNO [ARF (ADP-ribosylation factor) nucleotide-binding-site opener], two exchange factors for RhoA and Arf1 respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The development of RhoGEF inhibitors appears as a valuable tool for the study of Rho GTPase signalling pathways. The yeast exchange assay adaptation we present here is suitable to screen for chemical or peptide libraries and identify candidate inhibitors.  相似文献   

A quinazoline that decreases polyglutamine aggregate burden in a cell-based assay was identified from a high-throughput screen of a chemical-compound library, provided by the NIH Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (MLSMR). A structure and activity study yielded leads with submicromolar potency.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a simple and robust fluorescence polarization (FP)-based binding assay and adaptation to high-throughput identification of small molecules blocking dsRNA binding to NS1A protein (nonstructural protein 1 from type A influenza strains). This homogeneous assay employs fluorescein-labeled 16-mer dsRNA and full-length NS1A protein tagged with glutathione S-transferase to monitor the changes in FP and fluorescence intensity simultaneously. The assay was optimized for high-throughput screening in a 384-well format and achieved a z' score greater than 0.7. Its feasibility for high-throughput screening was demonstrated using the National Institutes of Health clinical collection. Six of 446 small molecules were identified as possible ligands in an initial screening. A series of validation tests confirmed epigallocatechine gallate (EGCG) to be active in the submicromolar range. A mechanism of EGCG inhibition involving interaction with the dsRNA-binding motif of NS1A, including Arg38, was proposed. This structural information is anticipated to provide a useful basis for the modeling of antiflu therapeutic reagents. Overall, the FP-based binding assay demonstrated its superior capability for simple, rapid, inexpensive, and robust identification of NS1A inhibitors and validation of their activity targeting NS1A.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of human noroviruses (NoV) have been hampered by the lack of a permissive cell culture system. We have developed a sensitive and reliable mammalian cell-based assay for the human NoV GII.4 strain RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). The assay is based on the finding that RNAs synthesized by transiently expressed RdRp can stimulate retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-dependent reporter luciferase production via the beta interferon promoter. Comparable activities were observed for the murine norovirus (MNV) RdRp. RdRps with mutations at divalent metal ion binding residues did not activate RIG-I signaling. Furthermore, both NoV and MNV RdRp activities were stimulated by the coexpression of their respective VPg proteins, while mutations in the putative site of nucleotide linkage on VPg abolished most of their stimulatory effects. Sequencing of the RNAs linked to VPg revealed that the cellular trans-Golgi network protein 2 (TGOLN2) mRNA was the template for VPg-primed RNA synthesis. Small interfering RNA knockdown of RNase L abolished the enhancement of signaling that occurred in the presence of VPg. Finally, the coexpression of each of the other NoV proteins revealed that p48 (also known as NS1-2) and VP1 enhanced and that VP2 reduced the RdRp activity. The assay should be useful for the dissection of the requirements for NoV RNA synthesis as well as the identification of inhibitors of the NoV RdRp.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase 1 (DPP1) (EC; also known as cathepsin C, cathepsin J, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase, and dipeptidyl aminotransferase) is a lysosomal cysteinyl protease of the papain family involved in the intracellular degradation of proteins. Isolated enzyme assays for DPP1 activity using a variety of synthetic substrates such as dipeptide or peptide linked to amino-methyl-coumarin (AMC) or other fluorophores are well established. There is, however, no report of a simple whole-cell-based assay for measuring lysosomal DPP1 activity other than the use of flow cytometry (fluorescence-activated cell sorting) or the use of invasive activity-based probes or the production of physiological products such as neutrophil elastase. The authors investigated a number of DPP1 fluorogenic substrates that have the potential to access the lysosome and enable the measurement of DPP1 enzyme activity in situ. They describe the development and evaluation of a simple noninvasive fluorescence assay for measuring DPP1 activity in fresh or cryopreserved human THP-1 cells using the substrate H-Gly-Phe-AFC (amino-fluoro-coumarin). This cell-based fluorescence assay can be performed in a 96-well plate format and is ideally suited for determining the cell potency of potential DPP1 enzyme inhibitors.  相似文献   

Uptake of nonesterified long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) into many cell types and organs such as liver, heart, intestine, and skeletal muscle occurs primarily through a saturable, protein-mediated mechanism. Membrane proteins that increase the uptake of LCFAs, such as FAT/CD36 and fatty acid transport proteins, represent significant therapeutic targets for the treatment of metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes. However, currently available methods for the quantification of LCFA uptake neither allow for real-time measurements of uptake kinetics nor are ideally suited for the development of LCFA uptake inhibitors in high-throughput screens. To address both problems, we developed a LCFA uptake assay using a fluorescently labeled fatty acid and a nontoxic cell-impermeable quenching agent that allows fatty acid transport to be measured in real time using fluorescence plate readers or standard fluorescence microscopy. With this assay, we faithfully reproduced known differentiation- and hormone-induced changes in LCFA uptake by 3T3-L1 cells and determined LCFA uptake kinetics with previously unobtainable temporal resolution. Applications of this novel assay should facilitate new insights into the biology of fatty acid uptake and provide new means for obesity-related drug discovery.  相似文献   

 The MAGE gene family of tumour antigens are expressed in a wide variety of human cancers. We have identified 43 nonamer peptide sequences, from MAGE-1, -2 and -3 proteins that contain binding motifs for HLA-A3 MHC class I molecules. The T2 cell line, transfected with the cDNA for the HLA-A3 gene, was used in a MHC class I stabilisation assay performed at 37°C and 26°C. At 37°C, 2 peptides were identified that stabilised HLA-A3 with high affinity (fluorescence ratio, FR >1.5), 4 peptides with low affinity (FR 1.11 – 1.49) and 31 peptides that did not stabilise this HLA haplotype (FR <1.1). At 26°C, 12 peptides were identified that stabilised HLA-A3 with high affinity, 8 peptides with low affinity and 17 peptides that did not stabilise this HLA haplotype. Two peptides stabilised HLA-A3 at both temperatures. Small changes in one to three amino acids at positions distinct from the anchor residues altered peptide affinity. Data were compared to a similar study in which a peptide competition assay was used to investigate MAGE-1 peptide binding to several HLA haplotypes. This study demonstrates that anchor residues do not accurately predict peptide binding to specific HLA haplotypes, changes in one to three amino acids at positions distinct from anchor residues influence peptide binding and alternative methods of determining peptide binding yield different results. We are currently investigating the ability of these peptides to induce antitumour cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity as they may be of potential therapeutic value. Received: 4 January 1996 / Accepted: 20 March 1996  相似文献   

Aurora A kinase is a key regulator of mitosis, which is upregulated in several human cancers, making it a potential target for anticancer therapeutics. Consequently, robust medium- to high-throughput cell-based assays to measure Aurora A kinase activity are critical for the development of small-molecule inhibitors. Here the authors compare measurement of the phosphorylation of two Aurora A substrates previously used in high-content screening Aurora A assays, Aurora A itself and TACC3, with a novel substrate Lats2. Using antibodies directed against phosphorylated forms of Aurora A (pThr288), P-TACC3 (pSer558), and P-Lats2 (pSer83), the authors investigate their suitability in parallel for development of a cell-based assay using several reference Aurora inhibitors: MLN8054, VX680, and AZD1152-HQPA. They validate a combined assay of target-specific phosphorylation of Lats2 at the centrosome and an increase in mitotic index as a measure of Aurora A activity. The assay is both sensitive and robust and has acceptable assay performance for high-throughput screening or potency estimation from concentration-response assays. It has the advantage that it can be carried out using a commercially available monoclonal antibody against phospho-Lats2 and the widely available Cellomics ArrayScan HCS reader and thus represents a significant addition to the tools available for the identification of Aurora A specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

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