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The kinship theory of genomic imprinting predicts that conflicts of interest between parents can promote the evolution of opposed expression patterns of maternally and paternally derived alleles in the offspring. The social Hymenoptera (ants, some bees, and some wasps) are particularly suitable to test this theory, because a variety of social conflicts are predicted due to relatedness asymmetries between female and male nestmates that are a corollary of haplo-diploid sex determination. Here I argue that the kin-selection predictions for genomic imprinting in social Hymenoptera might in many cases be more complex than previously suggested, because the optimal strategy will have to take fitness effects in different castes and sexes into account.  相似文献   

There is little direct evidence of the fitness effects of changes in malaria gametocyte sex ratio. Gametocyte sex ratios in haemospororin parasites (phylum Apicomplexa) are usually female skewed. However, in some cases and especially in Haemoproteus parasites, less female-biased and even male-biased sex ratios are encountered. The 'fertility insurance hypothesis' tries to explain these biases as an evolutionary strategy to facilitate gamete encounter. Thus, the hypothesis predicts that, if there is a reduction in gametocyte density (intensity of infection) or other factors preventing gametes from meeting, a change to a higher proportion of male gametocytes may be favoured. By contrast, a change in sex ratio may be caused by other non-adaptive mechanisms, for example differential survival of the gametocytes of each sex. We study within-host changes in Haemoproteus majoris sex ratios following an experimental reduction in the density of the parasites in the blood in a breeding population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus). Medication with the antimalarial drug primaquine induced a significant reduction in Haemoproteus gametocyte infection intensity in two different breeding seasons and under two different doses of medication. Sex ratios became male skewed following the experimental treatment in agreement with the predictions of the 'fertility insurance' hypothesis. Also in support of the hypothesis, a significant change towards male-biased sex ratios emerged for non-medicated birds in one year, probably owing to the natural immune reduction of the density of the parasites in the blood. The alternative possibility that changes are caused by different lifespans of gametocytes is not supported by changes in sex ratios in control hosts, where new production and release of gametocytes occur.  相似文献   

FoxP2 mutations in humans are associated with a disorder that affects both the comprehension of language and its production, speech. This discovery provided the first opportunity to analyze the genetics of language with molecular and neurobiological tools. The amino acid sequence and the neural expression pattern of FoxP2 are extremely conserved, from reptile to man. This suggests an important role for FoxP2 in vertebrate brains, regardless of whether they support imitative vocal learning or not. Its expression pattern pinpoints neural circuits that might have been crucial for the evolution of speech and language, including the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Recent studies in songbirds show that during times of song plasticity FoxP2 is upregulated in a striatal region essential for song learning. This suggests that FoxP2 plays important roles both in the development of neural circuits and in the postnatal behaviors they mediate.  相似文献   

James WH 《Teratology》2000,62(5):342-345
BACKGROUND: The causes of oral clefts (cleft lip with or without cleft palate, CL/P, and cleft palate alone, CP) have not been established. However, maternal intrauterine hormone profiles have been suspected of being involved. There is now substantial evidence that maternal hormone concentrations around the time of conception partially control the sexes of offspring. It is possible that the hormone profiles that control sex of offspring share features of the profiles suspected of causing clefts. This can be tested by examining the sex ratios (proportions male) of the unaffected sibs of probands. If these sex ratios are skewed in the same direction as that of probands, that suggests, ex hypothesi, maternal hormonal involvement in the causation of clefts. METHODS: Accordingly, a search was made for data on the sex ratios of the unaffected sibs of probands with clefts. For reasons given in the text, this search was informal rather than based on electronic data retrieval systems. Nine papers were located giving sex ratios of sibs of probands with CL/P and CP. RESULTS: Published data suggest that the sibs of probands with CL/P have a significantly higher sex ratio than the sibs of probands with CP. Thus the sib sex ratios are skewed in the same direction as those of the probands themselves. In other words, parents (mothers) of CL/P patients apparently have a tendency to produce boys, and parents of CP patients to produce girls. CONCLUSION: Accordingly, it is suggested that maternal hormone profiles may partially explain the unusual sex ratios (of probands and their sibs), as well as the malformations.  相似文献   

Canalization in evolutionary genetics: a stabilizing theory?   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Canalization is an elusive concept. The notion that biological systems ought to evolve to a state of higher stability against mutational and environmental perturbations seems simple enough, but has been exceedingly difficult to prove. Part of the problem has been the lack of a definition of canalization that incorporates an evolutionary genetic perspective and provides a framework for both mathematical and empirical study. After briefly reviewing the importance of canalization in studies of evolution and development, we aim, with this essay, to outline a research program that builds upon the definition of canalization as the reduction in variability of a trait, and uses molecular genetic approaches to shed light on the problems of canalization.  相似文献   

The understory in forest plantations can increase richness and diversity of natural enemies due to greater plant species richness. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the presence of the understory and climatic season in the region (wet or dry) can increase the richness and abundance of Hymenoptera parasitoids in Eucalyptus plantations, in the municipality of Belo Oriente, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. In each eucalyptus cultivation (five areas of cultivation) ten Malaise traps were installed, five with the understory and five without it. A total of 9,639 individuals from 30 families of the Hymenoptera parasitoids were collected, with Mymaridae, Scelionidae, Encyrtidae and Braconidae being the most collected ones with 4,934, 1,212, 619 and 612 individuals, respectively. The eucalyptus stands with and without the understory showed percentage of individuals 45.65% and 54.35% collected, respectively. The understory did not represent a positive effect on the overall abundance of the individuals Hymenoptera in the E. grandis stands, but rather exerted a positive effect on the specific families of the parasitoids of this order.  相似文献   

Summary This paper develops a mathematical model of an iterated, asymmetric Hawk-Dove game with the novel feature that not only are successive pairs of interactants — in the roles of owner and intruder contesting a site — drawn randomly from the population, but also the behaviour adopted at one interaction affects the role of a contestant in the next. Under the assumption that a site is essential for reproduction, the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) of the population is found to depend on the probability, w, that the game will continue for at least a further period (which is inversely related to predation risk), and five other parameters; two of them are measures of site scarcity, two are measures of fighting costs, and the last is a measure of resource holding potential (RHP). Among the four strategies — Hawk (H), Dove (D), Bourgeois (B) and anti-Bourgeois (X) — only D is incapable of being an ESS; and regions of parameter space are found in which the ESS can be only H, or only X, or only B; or either H or X; or either X or B; or either H or B; or any of the three. The scarcer the sites or the lower the costs of fighting, or the lower the value of w, the more likely it is that H is an ESS; the more abundant the sites or the higher the costs of fighting, or the higher the value of w, the more likely it is that X or B is an ESS. The different ESSs are interpreted as different ecotypes. The analysis suggests how a non-fighting population could evolve from a fighting population under decreasing risk of predation. If there were no RHP, or if RHP were low, then the ESS in the non-fighting population would be X; only if RHP were sufficiently high would the ESS be B, and the scarcer the sites, the higher the RHP would have to be. These conclusions support the thesis that if long-term territories are essential for reproduction and sites are scarce, then ownership is ruled out not only as an uncorrelated asymmetry for settling disputes in favour of owner, but also as a correlated asymmetry.  相似文献   

Under temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), temperatures experienced by embryos during development determine the sex of the offspring. Consequently, populations of organisms with TSD have the potential to be strongly impacted by climatic warming that could bias offspring sex ratio, a fundamental demographic parameter involved in population dynamics. Moreover, many taxa with TSD are imperiled, so research on this phenomenon, particularly long-term field study, has assumed great urgency. Recently, turtles with TSD have joined the diverse list of taxa that have demonstrated population-level changes in breeding phenology in response to recent climate change. This raises the possibility that any adverse impacts of climate change on populations may be alleviated by individual plasticity in nesting phenology. Here, we examine data from a long-term study on a population of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) to determine whether changes in phenology are due to individual plasticity and whether individual plasticity in the timing of nesting has the capacity to offset the sex ratio effects of a rise in climatic temperature. We find that individual females show plasticity in the date of first nesting each year, and that this plasticity depends on the climate from the previous winter. First nesting date is not repeatable within individuals, suggesting that it would not respond to selection. Sex ratios of hatchlings within a nest declined nonsignificantly over the nesting season. However, small increases in summer temperature had a much stronger effect on nest sex ratios than did laying nests earlier in the season. For this and other reasons, it seems unlikely that individual plasticity in the timing of nesting will offset the effects of climate change on sex ratios in this population, and we hypothesize that this conclusion applies to other populations with TSD.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common destructive inflammatory disease that affects 0.5-1% of the population in many countries. Even though several new treatments have been introduced for patients with RA, a considerable proportion of patients do not benefit from these, and the need for alternative treatment strategies is clear. This review explores the potential for a therapy targeting the adaptive immune system by modulating co-stimulation of T cells with a CTLA4-Ig fusion protein (abatacept).  相似文献   

A sex-specific genetic marker (growth hormone pseudogene) and age-at-maturation data were used to infer the cause of male-biased phenotypic sex ratios in adult chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from the Kwethluk and Tuluksak Rivers, south-west Alaska. The results showed that: (1) adult genetic and phenotypic sex ratios were similar and were male biased, (2) genetic sex ratios of pre-smolts were not male biased and (3) the average age-at-maturation for males was significantly less than for females. These results suggest that the sex ratio distortion is due to gender bias in marine survival probably related to gender differences in marine life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Pervasive Grid adoption is predicated on the availability of widely deployed usable software and a user community willing to use it. Currently, widespread adoption of Grids, even within technically sophisticated communities, is limited, and determining and eliminating these barriers to adoption are essential in order for Grids to becoming widely capitalized. Through a series of face-to-face interviews conducted during the summer of 2004, we have identified issues relating to job submission, file transfer, usability, and systems management that must be resolved in order to improve the usability of Grid infrastructures. The background to these issues and some possible solutions are described in this paper.
Jennifer M. SchopfEmail:

A convention is a rule based on arbitrary cues that allows quick resolution of potentially protracted disputes. A familiar example is the Bourgeois strategy, in which the second of two animals to discover a resource yields it to the first, even though it may be stronger than its opponent. Here we develop a game-theoretic model to show that neighbors with imperfect information about one another's fighting abilities can be favored to accept a landmark as the designator of a territory boundary, even when the resulting territory is smaller than the one that would have been won through fighting. Thus, the use of landmarks or other mutually obvious solutions can serve as a convention for territory partitioning. For a distribution of fighting ability with low variance and high skew, there is a remarkably high probability that an animal will accept a smaller territory than it would have won through fighting. The analysis provides a possible explanation for the observed use of landmarks as boundary markers by territorial animals in a variety of taxa, including birds, fish, insects, and mammals. The analysis also suggests why territory boundaries are stable, once established, despite changes in characteristics of the residents or the environment.  相似文献   



Our objective was to evaluate if natural recovery may be exploited in disease control of Verticillium wilt in olive. Therefore, we evaluated the following: the incidence of natural recovery; the Verticillium dahliae viability within olive tissues over time and the effectiveness of soil solarization, calcium cyanamide and pollarding of trees at soil level in promoting natural recovery.


Three different experiments (A, B and C) were performed in commercial olive orchards planted with the highly susceptible cv. ‘Bella di Cerignola’ and infested with the non-defoliating V. dahliae pathotype.


In experiment A, in the period 2010–2012, natural recovery occurred on 35 of 138 diseased trees (25 %); however, this recovery was transient and lasted between 3 months for 11 trees (8 %) and 21 months for one tree (0.7 %). V. dahliae tended to be inactivated in twigs within 1 or 2 years after symptom onset (experiment A). However, it was evident that V. dahliae was more abundant in larger (trunk and first- or second-order branches) versus thinner woody parts of olive trees (roots; experiment B). In the attempt to explore whether natural recovery could be further stimulated artificially, it was observed that soil solarization and soil application of calcium cyanamide were ineffective in promoting its occurrence. Tree pollarding at soil level induced a transient recovery, which lasted only 1 year (experiment C).


Based on our observations, natural recovery of susceptible olive from Verticillium wilt has a low impact on the disease epidemiology in the short-term only and cannot be effectively stimulated in practice by soil solarization, calcium cyanamide or tree pollarding.  相似文献   

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