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ESS models of reproductive allocation have been used extensively to explain patterns of floral diversity in angiosperms. These theoretical explorations assume that proportional allocation to pollen, ovules, and seeds, as well as to secondary features such as showy petals and nectar rewards, can evolve independently within the limits set by total resource availability. In populations of California wild radish, we have shown previously that petal size, a strong determinant of visitation by honey bee pollinators, is positively correlated with both pollen and nectar production, but not with ovule or seed number per flower. These phenotypic associations may reflect selection, environmental correlation, and/or genetic constraint. By exerting selection on the petal size : pollen number ratio over two generations, we eliminated the positive correlation between petal size and pollen production, with both characters showing significant change after a single selection episode. Once these two floral traits became uncoupled, nectar sugar production was significantly correlated only with petal size. Our results suggest that natural selection could readily alter reproductive allocation in these flowers, and that the phenotypic correlations observed in nature may be maintained by selection for effective reproductive phenotypes.  相似文献   

If two previously isolated taxa mutually assimilate through hybridization and subsequent biparental introgression, and if their introgressed descendants have the same or higher fitness than their parents, then gene flow should result in the local extinction of parental taxa via replacement by hybrid derivatives. These dramatic events may occur rapidly, even in a few generations. Given the speed at which such extinction by hybridization may occur, it may be difficult to identify that the process has occurred. Thus, documented instances of extinction by hybridization are rare, and especially so for cases in which both parents are replaced by the hybrid lineage. Here we report morphological and allozyme evidence for the local extinction of two Raphanus species in California via replacement by their hybrid-derived descendants. The results from a greenhouse experiment demonstrate that California wild radishes have a specific combination of traits from their progenitors, and comparison of our results to that of an earlier report indicate that pure parental types are no longer present in the wild. Our results also show the hybrid-derived lineage has transgressive fruit weight compared to its parents. Allozyme analysis demonstrates that California wild radishes are derived from hybridization between the putative parental species. However, that analysis also demonstrates that California wild radish has now become an evolutionary entity separate from both of its parents. We suggest that the aggressive colonizing behavior of the hybrid-derived lineage probably results from a novel combination of parental traits, rather than genetic variability of the population per se.  相似文献   

Floral phenotypes are considered a product of pollinator‐mediated selection, which also has the side effect of decreasing floral variation within species. Correlates of flower visibility and function were studied in a carnation species (Dianthus inoxianus), which has crepuscular anthesis and scent‐based pollination by the hawkmoth Hyles livornica. We also assessed constancy of flower form in nature and in cultivation and, using fruit set as an estimate of plant relative fitness, tested whether the main pollinator exerted phenotypic selection on floral traits. Petal claw, which is roughly equivalent to the average depth at which an insect's proboscis must be inserted to reach nectar, was remarkably constant among wild plants (coefficient of variation 8%). In contrast, the area of the visible part of the petal, and the intensity of a coloured dot pattern on the petal was very variable (respectively CV = 34% and 102%). Cultivation in a common environment revealed significant variation among genotypes as regards petal area, degree of laciniation and extension of the dot pattern, but not petal claw length, which remained steady. Petal area, shape and colour did not affect relative fitness during the year of study, but plants with intermediate petal claws (i.e. floral tubes) set significantly more fruit. Results are compatible with low response of the main pollinator to variation in visual traits (petal area, laciniation, colour) and high responsiveness to variation in other aspects (tube length). Inconsistent phenotypic selection by pollinators may add to other causes of floral variation in the genus Dianthus, the causes of which are discussed.  相似文献   

  • Flower colour polymorphism refers to the presence of multiple colour variants in plant populations. Investigation of this phenomenon led to multiple discoveries, including the principles of heredity and the foundations of population genetics. I examined flower colour variation across native and introduced ranges of Convolvulus arvensis, which exhibits flower colour polymorphism (individuals have white or pink petals).
  • To study flower colour variation of this species throughout large geographic scale, I used observations gathered from the iNaturalist platform. To handle a large amount of data, I trained a neural network to classify the plants' morphs based on photographs. After which I performed spatial analyses to examine the patterns of the colour frequency, also in relation to environmental factors.
  • The results show that flower colours are polymorphic across the whole species range, but the frequency of pink versus white flowers varies. In the Palearctic, I observed geographic clines of colour morph frequencies: a higher frequency of the pink morph in populations from Northwest Europe, whereas in South and East Europe, towards the eastern edge of the range, the white morph was dominant. In contrast, pattern of colour distribution in North America (where the species is invasive) seems random, but the model indicates a link between higher proportions of pink morphs in mild and humid climates.
  • The mechanisms behind the observed patterns remain largely unknown, as changes in a morphs' frequency are not strongly linked to abiotic factors. To understand the spatial pattern, a detailed investigation, accounting for the species' phylogeography is needed. This study provides another example of how the general public may collect data relevant to ecological studies, even when the data are not collected for a specific project.

Plant growth rate has frequently been associated with herbivore defence: a large investment in quantitative defence compounds occurs at the expense of growth. We tested whether such a relationship also holds for growth rate and pathogen resistance. For 15 radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cultivars, we determined the potential growth rate and the resistance to fungal wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. We subsequently aimed to explain a putative negative relationship between growth rate and resistance based on plant chemical composition. Both growth rate and resistance level varied greatly among cultivars. Moreover, there was a strong negative correlation between growth rate and resistance, i.e. there are costs associated with a high resistance level. Roots of slow-growing, resistant cultivars have a higher biomass density. Using pyrolysis mass spectrometry. we part1y explained variation in both growth rate and resistance in terms of the same change in chemical composition. Leaves of slow-growing, resistant cultivars contained more cell wall material. Surprisingly, roots of slow-growing, highly resistant cultivars contained significantly less cell wall material, and more cytoplasmic elements (proteins). We speculate that this higher protein concentration is related to high construction and turn-over costs and high metabolic activity. The latter in turn is thought to be responsible for a rapid and adequate resistance reaction, in which phenols may be involved.  相似文献   

For sexual selection to be important in plants, it must occur at pollen load sizes typical of field populations. However, studies of the impact of pollen load size on pollen competition have given mixed results, perhaps because so few of these studies directly examined the outcome of mating when pollen load size was varied. We asked whether seed paternity after mixed pollination of wild radish was affected by pollen load sizes ranging from 22 to 220 pollen grains per stigma. We examined the seed siring abilities of 12 pollen donors across 11 maternal plants. Seed paternity was statistically indistinguishable across the pollen load sizes even though, overall, the pollen donors sired different numbers of seeds. This lack of effect of pollen load size on seed paternity may have occurred because fruit abortion and early abortion or failure of fertilization of seeds increased as load size decreased. Thus, failures of fruits and seeds sired by poorer pollen donors may keep seed paternity constant across pollen load sizes.  相似文献   

Categorizing individuals into discrete forms in colour polymorphic species can overlook more subtle patterns in coloration that can be of functional significance. Thus, quantifying inter-individual variation in these species at both within- and between-morph levels is critical to understand the evolution of colour polymorphisms. Here we present analyses of inter-individual colour variation in the Reunion grey white-eye (Zosterops borbonicus), a colour polymorphic wild bird endemic to the island of Reunion in which all highland populations contain two sympatric colour morphs, with birds showing predominantly grey or brown plumage, respectively. We first quantified colour variation across multiple body areas by using a continuous plumage colour score to assess variation in brown-grey coloration as well as smaller scale variation in light patches. To examine the possible causes of among-individual variation, we tested if colour variation in plumage component elements could be explained by genotypes at two markers near a major-effect locus previously related to back coloration in this species, and by other factors such as age, sex and body condition. Overall, grey-brown coloration was largely determined by genetic factors and was best described by three distinct clusters that were associated to genotypic classes (homozygotes and heterozygote), with no effect of age or sex, whereas variation in smaller light patches was primarily related to age and sex. Our results highlight the importance of characterizing subtle plumage variation beyond morph categories that are readily observable since multiple patterns of colour variation may be driven by different mechanisms, have different functions and will likely respond in different ways to selection.  相似文献   

A critical concern in the debate over the importance of sexual selection in plants is whether the nonrandom mating demonstrable in greenhouse crosses can occur in the field. Field populations likely experience smaller and more variable pollen load sizes than those that have been used in many greenhouse experiments. Therefore, we performed a greenhouse experiment in which we varied both pollen load size and composition in wild radish, Raphanus sativus, and examined the paternity of seeds. We used five maternal plants and four pairs of pollen donors. We were able to produce pollen loads of 40, 118, and 258 grains per stigma. The smallest of the pollen loads was scant enough to result in a slight, but significant reduction in seed number per fruit. While variation in pollen load composition significantly affected the proportions of seeds fathered by different donors, variation in pollen load size did not. The relative performance of different donors was constant across pollen load sizes, suggesting that, for this species, differential performance of pollen donors can occur at pollen load sizes that are likely to occur in field populations.  相似文献   

  • Victoria (Nymphaeaceae), an annual or perennial aquatic plant genus, contains only two species: V. amazonica (Poepp.) J. C. Sowerby and V. cruziana A. D. Orb. Both species have large floating leaves and variable flower colour. Both Victoria species are night bloomers, which have white petals on the first blooming night that then turn pink or ruby red on the second blooming day. The mechanism of the colour change of Victoria petals during anthesis is still unclear.
  • In this study, flavonoids in Victoria petals of both species were evaluated and quantified by high‐performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection (HPLC‐DAD) and by ultra‐performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC‐MS/MS) for the first time.
  • In total, 14 flavonoids were detected in Victoria petals, including 4 anthocyanins and 10 flavonols. The flavonoid compositions differed across the two species, resulting in different colours between the inner and outer petals. With increased anthocyanin content across blooming days, the colour of Victoria flowers changed over time.
  • The results of this study will improve understanding of the chemical mechanism of colour formation and lay the foundation for selective colour breeding in Victoria.

Plant traits that increase pollinator visitation should be under strong selection. However, few studies have demonstrated a causal link between natural variation in attractive traits and natural variation in visitation to whole plants. Here we examine the effects of flower number and size on visitation to wild radish by two taxa of pollinators over 3 years, using a combination of multiple regression and experimental reductions in both traits. We found strong, consistent evidence that increases in both flower number and size cause increased visitation by syrphid flies. The results for small bees were harder to interpret, because the multiple regression and experimental manipulation results did not agree. It is likely that increased flower size causes a weak increase in small-bee visitation, but strong relationships between flower number and small-bee visitation seen in 2 years of observational studies were not corroborated by experimental manipulation of this trait. Small bees may actually have responded to an unmeasured trait correlated with flower number, or lower small-bee abundances when the flower number manipulation was conducted may have reduced our ability to detect a causal relationship. We conclude that studies using only 1 year, one method, or measuring only one trait may not provide an adequate understanding of the effects of plant traits on pollinator attraction.  相似文献   

Crop-weed hybridization can potentially influence the evolutionary ecology of wild populations. Many crops are known to hybridize with wild relatives, but few studies have looked at the long-term persistence of crop genes in the wild. This study investigated one factor in the hybridization process in radish: differential pollinator visitation to wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) vs. crop-wild F1 hybrids (R. sativus x R. raphanistrum). Wild genotypes had yellow flowers, a recessive single-locus trait, whereas hybrids always had white or pale pink flowers. In experimental arrays in northern Michigan, total pollinator visitation was significantly biased toward wild plants when the frequencies of wild and hybrid plants were equal. Syrphid flies, the most frequent visitors, preferred wild plants while bumble bees showed no preference. This pattern was also observed when hybrid plants were overrepresented in the array (12 hybrid:2 wild). In contrast, when hybrid plants were rare (2 hybrid:12 wild), neither morph was preferred by any pollinator group. Later in the summer, pollinators were also observed in a large experimental garden with nearly equal frequencies of wild and hybrid plants. Cabbage butterflies (Pieris rapae) strongly overvisited wild plants, while bumble bees showed a slight preference for hybrids. Taken together, these studies suggest that F1 hybrids may not be at a disadvantage with regard to pollinator visits when they occur at low frequencies or when bumble bees are frequent flower visitors. Thus, variation in the proportion of white-flowered morphs among wild radish populations could be influenced by different histories of crop-to-wild hybridization, as well as by variation in the composition of local pollinator taxa.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin synthesis in radish ( Raphanus sativus L. cv. Scarlet Globe) seedlings after treatment with chlorocholine chloride (CCC) and gibberellic acid (GA) has been investigated. CCC promotes and GA3 inhibits the synthesis. When both substances are given together, CCC reverses the inhibition caused by GA3. Simultaneous external feeding of anthocyanin precursors (sucrose and phenylalanine) reverses the GA3 inhibition. A higher amount of total free amino acids, in particular phenylalanine, was present in CCC-treated seedlings compared to controls grown on distilled water. The amount of phenylalanine was lower in seedlings treated with both CCC and GA3 as compared to seedlings treated with CCC alone, and total free sugars (reducing plus non-reducing) was lower in CCC treated seedlings than in controls grown on distilled water. We conclude that CCC and GA3 control the anthocyanin synthesis at the level of precursors.  相似文献   

Changes in the properties of soil solution in the rhizosphere of developing radish plants were investigated. Variations in these properties were expected to affect the distribution and speciation of metals in the soil and soil solution. Applications of essential nutrients were linked to plant transpiration rates and prevented excess addition of nutrient ions, so that subtle changes in soil solution composition would not be obscured. Soil solution pH, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the concentrations of major and trace elements in solution were found to vary over time. Strict control of fertilizer additions led to the maintenance of a relatively low ionic strength in the soil solution, and under such conditions trace metal solubility appeared to be highy influenced by the concentration of DOC. A chemical speciation analysis was performed which showed that, while dissolved Cd and Zn were largely uncomplexed in unplanted soil, Cd and Zn in the rhizosphere existed mainly as complexed forms. It is hypothesized that this is partly a result of Ca-metal-ligand equilibrium in solution, with higher Ca concentrations in unplanted soil leading to more of the Cd and Zn in solution existing in the uncomplexed state. Changes in the concentrations of uncomplexed Cd and Zn with time gave the best correlations with changes in plant uptake of these metals over time, supporting the hypothesis that plants mainly absorb the free metal ion from soil solution.  相似文献   

Plants use chemical defences to reduce damage from herbivores and the effectiveness of these defences can be altered by biotic and abiotic factors, such as herbivory and soil resource availability. Streptanthus polygaloides , a nickel (Ni) hyperaccumulator, possesses both Ni-based defences and organic defences (glucosinolates), but the extent to which these defences interact and respond to environmental conditions is unknown. S. polygaloides plants were grown on high-Ni and low-Ni soil and concentrations of Ni and glucosinolates were compared with those of the congeneric non-hyperaccumulator, S. insignus spp. insignus , grown under the same conditions. Ni contents were highest (4000 μg g−1 dry tissue) in S. polygaloides plants grown on high-Ni soil. Glucosinolate content was significantly higher in S. insignus than in S. polygaloides suggesting that plants defended by Ni produce a lower concentration of organic defences. In a separate experiment, high-Ni S. polygaloides plants were exposed to simulated herbivory or live folivores to determine the inducibility of Ni-based and organic defences. Contents of Ni were not affected by either herbivory treatment, whereas glucosinolate concentrations were >30% higher in damaged plants. We concluded that the Ni-based defence of S. polygaloides is not induced by herbivory.  相似文献   

The factors influencing the allocation of chemical defences to plant offspring have largely been unexplored, conceptually and experimentally. Because evolutionary interactions between maternal plants and their progeny can affect resource allocation patterns among sibling offspring, we suggest that kin conflict as well as herbivore–plant interaction theories need to be considered to predict chemical defence allocation patterns. Optimal defence theory predicts that maternal plants should defend more heavily those offspring in which resources have been disproportionately invested. In contrast, kin conflict theory predicts that natural selection will favour genotypes that can compete successfully for maternal defences irrespective of their quality, even at the expense of the fitness of siblings and the maternal plant. Evidence for these defence patterns were evaluated by examining the allocation of furanocoumarins to seeds of the wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa, Apiaceae). Furanocoumarins are toxins that are localized within the oil tubes of the maternal tissues of seeds. We evaluated the role of offspring investment (endosperm mass) and seed genotype on furanocoumarin allocation by mating an array of pollen donors with pollen recipients. Furanocoumarins were found to be positively correlated with endosperm mass on one side of the seed, a result consistent with optimal defence theory; however, on the other side of the seed, furanocoumarin content was influenced by seed genotype and was unrelated to endosperm mass. These effects varied with maternal plant. Further experiments demonstrated that nearly 80% of furanocoumarin production occurs after pollination, when fertilization products are active. Although the amount of furanocoumarin influenced by the seed genotype is small relative to the total quantity in the seed, these furanocoumarins are the first line of defence against important predators, such as the parsnip webworm, Depressaria pastinacella (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). We found that parsnip webworm larvae were able to discriminate among genotypes within an inflorescence. In line with previous studies, these results suggest that a genotype's ability to influence furanocoumarin defence may affect its probability of survival. We conclude that the distribution of defences among plant offspring in wild parsnip is probably influenced by competition among seed genotypes that conflicts with maternal optimal defence. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of 24-epibrassinolide (BR) on the cytokinin-bioassay based on growth of isolated radish ( Raphanus sativus L. cv. Tondo Rosso Quarantino) cotyledons. BR stimulated growth of the cotyledons by about 50% when applied at saturating concentrations (3 μ M ). This effect was much lower than that of saturating concentrations of benzyladenine (BA) which was about 150% at 10 μ M BA. The effects of saturating concentrations of BR and BA were additive. BR, but not BA, stimulated H+-secretion by the cotyledons (measured as acidification of the incubation medium) slightly but reproducibly. These results indicate that the modes of action of the two phytoregulators are at least partially different.
BR-induced stimulation of H+-secretion was of similar amplitude to that induced by a concentration of fusicoccin (30 n M ) such as to stimulate growth to the same extent as BR. These results suggest that BR-induced stimulation of radish cotyledon growth might depend, at least in part, on BR-induced acidification of the wall space, similar to that observed on Azuki bean epicotyls and maize roots.  相似文献   

  • Invasive plants displaying disparate pollination environments and abiotic conditions in native and non-native ranges provide ideal systems to test the role of different ecological factors driving flower colour variation.
  • We quantified corolla reflectance of the ornithophilous South American Nicotiana glauca in native populations, where plants are pollinated by hummingbirds, and in populations from two invaded regions: South Africa, where plants are pollinated by sunbirds, and the Balearic island of Mallorca, where plants reproduce by selfing. Using visual modelling we examined how corolla reflectance could be perceived by floral visitors present in each region. Through Mantel tests we assessed a possible association between flower colour and different abiotic factors.
  • Corolla reflectance variation (mainly along medium to long wavelengths, i.e. human green-yellow to red colours) was greater among studied regions than within them. Flower colour was more similar between South America and South Africa, which share birds as pollinators. Within invaded regions, corolla reflectance variation was lower in South Africa, where populations could not be distinguished from each other by sunbirds, than in Spain, where populations could be distinguished from each other by their occasional visitors. Differences in corolla colour among populations were partially associated with differences in temperature.
  • Our findings suggest that shifts in flower colour of N. glauca across native and invaded ranges could be shaped by changes in both pollination environment and climatic factors. This is the first study on plant invasions considering visual perception of different pollinators and abiotic drivers of flower colour variation.

The possibility that sexual selection has played a role in theevolution of plant reproductive characters remains interesting, butcontroversial. One reason is that clear demonstration of the necessaryconditions for sexual selection is lacking. For sexual selection tooccur, differences in pollen donor performance must be consistent acrossmaternal plants and not be due to mechanisms such asself-incompatibility that produce interactions between maternal plantsand pollen donors. Here, I performed two experiments with wild radish totest whether differences in pollen donor performance are consistentacross maternal plants and not due to subtle effects of theincompatibility system. In the first, all maternal and paternal lineageshad different S-alleles. There were 16 maternal plants, four in each offour lineages and four pollen donors, one in each of four lineages. Rankorder of pollen donor performance, in terms of number of seeds siredafter mixed pollination, was highly consistent across maternal plantsand maternal lineages. In addition, maternal stress treatment had aneffect on mating success of pollen donors, but the effect was subtle anddid not affect the rank order of seeds sired by the four pollen donors.In the second experiment, pollinations were performed on both mature andimmature stigmas. Immature stigmas allowed some self seed set, so theincompatibility system was compromised. There was some nonrandom seedpaternity on both mature and immature stigmas. However, the amount ofnonrandom mating was less on immature stigmas. Taken together, theseexperiments show that the kind of consistent nonrandom mating necessaryfor sexual selection occurs in wild radish, but that the incompatibilitysystem and the mechanisms for sorting among compatible mates may overlapin time of development or in somepathways.  相似文献   

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