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Víctor O. Sadras 《Oecologia》1996,106(4):417-423
Population-level compensation occurs when herbivore attack on one individual allows another individual to grow more rapidly. This form of compensation was investigated in high and low density cotton crops subjected to three treatments: (i) undisturbed controls, (ii) uniformly damaged, in which all plants were damaged, and (iii) non-uniformly damaged, in which every second plant was damaged. Damaged plants had their vegetative buds manually removed to simulate damage by Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera). Removal of vegetative buds did not reduce seed cotton production per unit ground area. In uniformly damaged crops, compensation was essentially the result of profuse branching after release of apical dominance and activation of axilary buds. In non-uniformly damaged crops, population level mechanisms acted that involved strong plant-plant interactions. At both plant densities, undamaged plants grown alongside damaged neighbours accumulated more root and shoot biomass and produced more seed cotton than undamaged plants in uniform crops. Different degrees of symmetry in the relationship between damaged and undamaged neighbours lead to different degrees of compensation, viz. seed cotton production of non-uniformly damaged crops ranged from 98 to 125% of that in controls. At high plant density, neighbour status also affected flowerbud initiation and/or retention. Changes in competitive relationships as well as early detection of and response to neighbour status were likely involved in these responses.  相似文献   

Rapid in-vitro plant regeneration of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A rapid, clonal propagation procedure has been developed to regenerate mature cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants from pre-existing meristems that were excised from in-vitro-grown tissues. This plant regeneration procedure was applicable to diverse cotton germplasms and required specific concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) depending on the origin of the meristems. All shoots regenerated directly without a callus phase. Screening BA concentrations (0.0–10.0 μm) demonstrated that shoot meristems (apices), secondary leaf nodes, primary leaf nodes, and cotyledonary nodes derived from in-vitro-grown 28-day-old seedlings (Paymaster HS26) varied in their ability to form elongated shoots depending on the level of BA. Indicative of a germplasm-independent procedure, a BA concentration screen (0.0, 0.3, 1.0 μm) demonstrated that explants with pre-existing meristems, excised from diverse germlines, were also able to form elongated shoots at 0.3 μm BA. In most cases, elongated shoots derived from this procedure were rooted by a two-step process: an in-vitro maturation step (Murashige and Skoog medium-activated charcoal) followed by planting into soil after basal application of Rootone. This BA plant regeneration procedure was rapid, reproducible, and highly efficient for Stoneville 7A, Paymaster HS26, and other high-fiber-yielding germlines. Regenerated plants were phenotypically normal and all of the mature plants regenerated to date have initiated flowers and set viable R1 seeds. Received: 15 March 1997 / Revision received: 28 August 1997 / Accepted: 5 September 1997  相似文献   

Early-season insect pests of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) crops, including Lepidoptera larvae and mirids, feed on vegetative buds. The loss of vegetative buds transiently delays the plant's development and growth and has the potential to reduce its competitive ability. Yield reductions due to weed interference and insect damage, therefore, could be greater than expected from the additive effects of weeds and damage acting separately. Three varieties, two levels of weed infestation, and two levels of simulated damage were combined in a factorial experiment designed to assess the responses of cotton plants to the combined effects of damage and weeds. Weed treatments were: with (+W) and without weeds (-W), and damage treatments included: undamaged control (-D) and damaged plants (+D) which had their active vegetative buds removed at 30 and 49 days after sowing. Variety and interactions between variety and other factors were normally nonsignificant for all the response variables measured in this experiment. Cotton height, width, production of flowerbuds and production of fruit were all affected by both damage and weeds. While the effects of damage on these growth variables were transient, the effects of weeds normally increased with time throughout the season. Non-additive effects of weeds and damage were minor for plant height and width, and large for flowerbud and fruit production. At maturity, weed dry matter ranged from about 20 g m-2 (-W treatments) to 300 gm-2 (+W), cotton dry matter from 144 gm (+W+D) to 945 gm-2 (-W-D), and seed cotton production from 54gm-2 (+W+D) to 417 gnT-2 (-W+D). Damage did not affect vegetative dry matter and marginally increased seed production in -W plots. Non-additive effects of weeds and damage were negligible for vegetative dry matter but highly significant for seed production (P < 0.0001). These contrasting responses of vegetative and reproductive growth are in agreement with neighbouring models of plant competitive interactions that emphasise the effects of neighbour interference on the fecundity of target plants that are not mediated by changes in target-plant size.  相似文献   

Víctor O. Sadras 《Oecologia》1996,106(4):432-439
Damaged cotton plants in which reproductive organs were manually removed to simulate shedding induced by Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera) were compared with undamaged controls grown under contrasting availability of resources. Plant growth and partitioning were analysed and fruit mass was taken as a measure of compensation. Under high availability of resources (low plant density, high fertility) damaged plants had a large potential compensatory capacity due to increased vegetative growth that enhanced their ability to assimilate carbon and nitrogen with respect to undamaged controls. These plants shifted from vegetative to reproductive growth when they were allowed to set fruit in the recovery period. Actual compensation was complete, however, only when the duration and conditions of the recovery period were favourable. Under multiple stresses (high plant density, low fertility, low temperature), damage triggered a marked increase in the allocation of biomass to roots which was not reversed when plants were allowed to set fruit. The apparent shift in the allocation pattern of damaged plants under stress-which matches well the survival strategy described for many perennials-probably restricted compensatory fruit growth.  相似文献   

Bacterial seed and boll rot is a newly emerging cotton disease in Pakistan. Twenty-one cotton varieties were screened to find resistance source against the disease. None of these was found to be resistant. Five cotton varieties (CIM-595, MK2, BT-986, BT-986 & SG-1) having 700–1400 Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) units were found to be moderately resistant to the disease. SLH-317, FH-942, BT-222, BT-666, MNH-457 ranging from 1401–1700 AUDPC units were moderately susceptible while MNH-456, SLH-336, 9811, FH-942, MNH-886 susceptible to boll rot. Seven varieties (FH-114, FH-113, BT-7, BT-212, SLH-BT-4, BT-212 and FH-941) were highly susceptible to bacterial seed and boll rot indicated by 2001–2300 AUDPC units. Biochemical tests identified bacterial isolates as Pantoea agglomerans. Different inoculation techniques were assessed for bacterial pathogenicity and symptoms of boll rot were only observed in needle punctured bolls. One, two and three weeks old bolls were mechanically inoculated by injecting bacterial suspension to evaluate the boll’s age impact on disease severity. Maximum severity was observed in two weeks old bolls. Red cotton bugs (Dysdercus cingulatus) were fed on artificially inoculated diseased bolls and then transferred on healthy bolls. Diseased symptoms were noticed on healthy cotton bolls. Bacterial colonies were recovered and red cotton bug was confirmed as the disease-transmitting vector.  相似文献   

The effect of plant growth regulators on the secondary wall thickeningof cotton fibre was studied. The results indicated that the GAS andiP+iPA levels in the fibre of field-grown cotton plantsremained almost constant but the IAA and ABA levels changed considerably duringfibre development. Although the change in both IAA and ABA levels seemed not tobe closely related with the rate of cellulose accumulation, there was still arelationship between the ratio of ABA to IAA and secondary wall thickening. Inin vitro studies, ABA (50mol·L–1) markedly enhanced theaccumulation of dry matter and cellulose in the fibre cell wall duringsecondarywall thickening, but no similar effect was observed with NAA, GA3 orkinetin treatments. The role of ABA in secondary wall thickening of cottonfibreis discussed.  相似文献   

Potential Role of Abscisic Acid in Cotton Fiber and Ovule Development   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Fibers and ovules of a cotton cultivar (Gossypium hirsutum L. Trambak-108) were analyzed for growth and free abscisic acid (ABA) content by indirect enzyme immunoassay. An inverse correlation between fiber elongation and ABA content was observed. In the seed, accumulation of ABA was observed during secondary thickening and the maturation phase. The potential role of ABA in fiber and seed development is discussed. Received June 25, 1997; accepted October 15, 1997  相似文献   

Cotton is an important cash crop worldwide, and is a significant source of fiber, feed, foodstuff, oil and biofuel products. Considerable effort has been expended to increase sustainable yield and quality through molecular breeding and genetic engineering of new cotton cultivars. Given the recent availability of the whole-genome sequence of cotton, it is necessary to develop molecular tools and resources for large-scale analysis of gene functions at the genome-wide level. We have successfully developed an Agrobacterium-mediated virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) assay in several cotton cultivars with various genetic backgrounds. The genes of interest were potently and readily silenced within 2 weeks after inoculation at the seedling stage. Importantly, we showed that silencing GhNDR1 and GhMKK2 compromised cotton resistance to the infection by Verticillium dahliae, a fungal pathogen causing Verticillium wilt. Furthermore, we developed a cotton protoplast system for transient gene expression to study gene functions by a gain-of-function approach. The viable protoplasts were isolated from green cotyledons, etiolated cotyledons and true leaves, and responded to a wide range of pathogen elicitors and phytohormones. Remarkably, cotton plants possess conserved, but also distinct, MAP kinase activation with Arabidopsis upon bacterial elicitor flagellin perception. Thus, using gene silencing assays, we have shown that GhNDR1 and GhMKK2 are required for Verticillium resistance in cotton, and have developed high throughput loss-of-function and gain-of-function assays for functional genomic studies in cotton.  相似文献   

A comparative study on gossypol content of various genetic types of pigment glands of cotton varieties was conducted through an optimized high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a C18 column (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 Μm particle) with methanol-0.5% acetic acid aqueous solution, 90 : 10 (v/v), as mobile phase, at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min and UV detection at 254 nm. The method was shown to be highly reproducible, with precision [as relative standard deviation (RSD)] and accuracy [as relative mean error (RME)] < 10%, both intra-day and inter-day. Absolute recoveries were > 94%. The results revealed major differences among the different gland varieties or species of cotton, including the special and ordinary glandless and glandedGossypium hirsutum, G. barbadense, and displayed the precious resources of different glands of extraordinary cotton  相似文献   

The HUB2 gene encoding histone H2B monoubiquitination E3 ligase is involved in seed dormancy, flowering timing, defence response and salt stress regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study, we used the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter to drive AtHUB2 overexpression in cotton and found that it can significantly improve the agricultural traits of transgenic cotton plants under drought stress conditions, including increasing the fruit branch number, boll number, and boll‐setting rate and decreasing the boll abscission rate. In addition, survival and soluble sugar, proline and leaf relative water contents were increased in transgenic cotton plants after drought stress treatment. In contrast, RNAi knockdown of GhHUB2 genes reduced the drought resistance of transgenic cotton plants. AtHUB2 overexpression increased the global H2B monoubiquitination (H2Bub1) level through a direct interaction with GhH2B1 and up‐regulated the expression of drought‐related genes in transgenic cotton plants. Furthermore, we found a significant increase in H3K4me3 at the DREB locus in transgenic cotton, although no change in H3K4me3 was identified at the global level. These results demonstrated that AtHUB2 overexpression changed H2Bub1 and H3K4me3 levels at the GhDREB chromatin locus, leading the GhDREB gene to respond quickly to drought stress to improve transgenic cotton drought resistance, but had no influence on transgenic cotton development under normal growth conditions. Our findings also provide a useful route for breeding drought‐resistant transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Leaves of 12-week-old tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun NN) were infiltrated with suspensions of Pseudomonas syringae pv, pisi (DSM 50291) to induce hypersensitive reaction (HR). Cotyledons of 2-week-old cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala 442 and Coker BR) were infiltrated with Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum (race 10) to induce the disease. In tobacco, HR-related increases in NH+4 levels started within 2 h after infection and continued up to the time of tissue decay. Increase of NH+4 and especially K+ efflux were detected in intercellular washing fluids (IWF). Antibiotics stopped and later reverted NH+4 production and K+ efflux, but only if applied within 2 h after infection. When 10 mM NH+4 was injected into leaves, it was rapidly consumed from the IWF, and also, although more slowly, within the leaf cells. The concomitant K+ efflux was strong but delayed, and most of the K+ was reabsorbed after 2 h. Bacterial cell multiplication in HR stopped before the appearance of HR symptoms and cell necrosis. In the compatible reaction in cotton cotyledons, both NH+4accumulation and K+ efflux proceeded much more slowly than in the HR with tobacco, and bacteria continued to multiply until general cell necrosis occurred. The compatible reaction developed faster in constant darkness than in a light/dark rhythm. Bacterial enzymes produced NH+4, mainly from proteins of host cells, in both light and darkness. Continuous light delayed the main peak of both NH+4 production and K+ efflux. High CO2 concentration inhibited both processes, thus indicating that photorespiration plays a role in enhancing the release of free ammonium during bacterial pathogenesis. This is supported by shifts in the pattern of amino acids. The results demonstrate the accelerating and aggravating effect of ammonium in pathogenesis and HR, though ammonium is not the primary agent.  相似文献   

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