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X-ray small-angle diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and temperature scanning densitometry (TSD) were used to study the effect of -lysin on the phase transitions of lipid assemblies from 1,2-0-dixehadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoholine (DHPC). The experiments were carried out in excess of water in a temperature range of 0–55 °C, and at low peptide concentrations between 10-4 and 10-2 moles peptide per mole phospholipid. The incorporation of -lysin into lipid assemblies alters the lipid structure without significant changes on the temperatures of phase transition from gel to liquid crystalline phase. The temperature of the main transition was nearly unaffected. A reduction in the transition volume of the lipids with increasing concentrations of -lysin was observed. The minor changes in these parameters were interpreted as long-range structural changes caused by the peptide incorporation. The results are discussed in terms of the concept of cooperative phase transition of entire clusters occurring within a membrane implying that relative stable domains of gel phase, and liquid crystalline phase co-exist.  相似文献   

To determine if alterations in lipid composition and/or membrane order of cerebral microvessels may contribute to the age-related changes in blood-brain barrier (BBB) function, cerebral microvessels isolated from male Fischer 344 rats at 3 (young), 12 (intermediate age), and 24 (aged) months of age were studied. The steady state fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene incorporated into isolated cerebral microvessel membranes at 35°C, in aged rats was not different compared to young rats (0.2787±0.0029 vs 0.2847±0.0049). In addition, the thermotropic transition temperature of these membranes was not altered with age. Moreover, the fatty acid composition, the double bond index as well as cholesterol to phospholipid molar ratios were not significantly altered with age. In contrast, the concentration of conjugated dienes in lipid extracts of cerebral microvessels of aged rats (10.04±1.10 O.D./mg phospholipids) was significantly increased compared to the concentration in young rats (6.98±0.52 O.D./mg phospholipids) (p<0.01). It is concluded that aging is not associated with significant changes in lipid composition or membrane order of cerebral microvessels. However, the increased concentration of conjugated dienes in cerebral microvessels of aged rats is indicative of ongoing free radical damage in these microvessels which may contribute to the age-related changes in BBB function.  相似文献   

新城疫病毒引起的新城疫是一种常见的禽类传染病。新城疫病毒可诱导感染的宿主产生细胞、体液和黏膜免疫应答,是一种理想的疫苗载体,可表达病毒和细菌的多种蛋白。这些病原体包括禽流感病毒、人副流感病毒3型、犬瘟热病毒、禽巨肺病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、Nipah病毒、水疱性口炎病毒、狂犬病毒、牛短崭热病毒、传染性支气管炎病毒、重症急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒、埃博拉病毒、马尔堡病毒、肠病毒71型、脊灰病毒、Ⅰ型人类免疫缺陷病毒、传染性法氏囊病毒、诺如病毒、非洲猪瘟病毒、牛疱疹病毒1型、西尼罗病毒、鹅细小病毒、猪圆环病毒Ⅱ型、传染性喉气管炎病毒、鸡毒支原体和博氏疏螺旋体等。本文简要综述重组新城疫病毒的构建及其免疫机制的研制现状。  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction are used to investigate the influence of surface charges on the structure of ionizable lipid membranes of dimyristoylmethylphosphatidic acid. The membrane surface charge density is regulated by varying the pH of the aqueous phase. Changes of the conformational order of the lipid chains are determined from the intensity of the CC stretch chain vibrations around 1100 cm?1 in a lipid Raman spectrum. In going from an electrical neutral to a negatively charged membrane, the conformational order is reduced by 5% in the ordered and by 9% in the fluid membrane phase, corresponding to 0.6 and 0.8 CC bonds, respectively, which change from a trans to a gauche conformation. The electrostatically induced conformational change is mainly concentrated at the lipid chain ends as indicated by the spectral variations of the 890 cm?1 CH3 rocking band of the chain termini. The X-ray diffraction experiments show that increasing the surface charge density in the ordered membrane phase leads to a lateral expansion of the packing of the lipid polar groups, whereas the packing of the lipid chains in a plane perpendicular to the chain axes remains constant, indicating an increase of the tilt of the lipid chains from δ = 10° (pH 3) to δ = 27° (pH 9).  相似文献   

Z曲线是DNA序列信息的一种几何学表示形式。利用Z曲线坐标所对应的生物学含义,可以对DNA序列的生物信息进行系统分析。本文对40株自测序和从GenBank下载的新城疫病毒(NDV)全基因组序列,利用网络提供和自开发的Z曲线分析系统,对NDV生物信息进行了比较分析,构建了NDV全基因组的X、Y、Z分量沿序列的分布曲线和三维Z曲线,比较了不同基因型NDV基因组Z曲线的特征。结果显示,在NDV全基因组中A、G碱基或A、C碱基是占优势的,在基因组的前1/3序列中,G、C含量大于A、T的含量。不同基因型NDV全基因组的Z曲线(从ClassI到ClassII的I-VIII型)有向Z轴靠拢的趋势。  相似文献   

Raman spectra of dihexadecylphosphatidic acid (DHPA) and of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and its longer chain homologues have been obtained as a function of temperature in order to study the conformational order of the hydrocarbon chains in lipid bilayers. The frequency of the longitudinal acoustical (LA) vibration band is evaluated in terms of the length of all-trans chain segments. In the ordered phase, the chains are found to be overwhelmingly in the all-trans conformation. In the fluid phase, definite all-trans segments occur predominantly, the length of which coincides with the extension of the order parameter plateau known from deuterium magnetic resonance (DMR). The frequency of the skeletal optical (SO) trans vibration band leads to the same result, if evaluated under the assumption of vibrational decoupling by gauche bands in the fluid phase, thus lending support to this assumption. The intensity of this band determined from the band area increases linearly with chain length in the ordered phase and is independent of chain length in the fluid phase. Evaluating the intensity for the length of all-trans segments, the same result for the chain conformation is obtained as derived from the frequencies, with the additional information that the length of the all-trans segments in the fluid phase does not vary with chain length.  相似文献   

【目的】利用口蹄疫病毒的反向遗传操作技术,构建含不同外源标签口蹄疫病毒的全长克隆,鉴定口蹄疫病毒结构蛋白VP1容忍不同外源标签的能力。【方法】通过融合PCR技术,在FMDV O/HN/93全长感染性克隆的VP1 G-H环分别引入V5、TC12、KT3、3FLAG外源标签,构建全长质粒。全长质粒经Not I线化后转染表达T7 RNA聚合酶的稳定细胞,拯救重组病毒。RT-PCR、序列测定、间接免疫荧光鉴定病毒,噬斑和一步生长曲线分析重组病毒的生物学特性。【结果】成功拯救到表达V5或KT3表位标签的重组病毒,未能拯救到表达TC12或3×FLAG的重组病毒。V5和KT3表位标签的插入均影响了口蹄疫病毒的复制能力。【结论】重组口蹄疫病毒的成功拯救为未来标记疫苗以及口蹄疫病毒作为表达载体等的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文研究了NDV-CN株对5株不同的人肿瘤细胞的体外杀伤作用。结果表明5株肿瘤细胞对NDV-CN敏感,于感染早期出现细胞收缩变圆,失去贴壁性,感染第5天时细胞存活率低于10%。其中尤以HEP3B细胞最敏感。但NDV-CN株对人二倍体细胞2BS有弱杀伤性。病毒感染早期可检测到感染细胞中有病毒核酸的复制、感染细胞表面有病毒蛋白的表达,脑浆内有病毒粒子存在。NDV-CN株主要诱导HEP3B及T24细胞产生凋亡,主要诱导Hep2、Hela及A549细胞产生坏死。  相似文献   

新城疫病毒引起的新城疫是一种禽类急性接触性传染病,采用疫苗防治该病是当前研究的热点领域之一。HN/F蛋白是2种有效的疫苗候选分子,乳酸乳球菌、鼠伤寒沙门菌、单增李斯特菌、根癌农杆菌、鸡痘病毒、牛痘病毒、鸽痘病毒、禽红白血病病毒、禽副粘病毒3型、传染性法氏囊病病毒和传染性气管炎病毒等微生物经过改造后可成为理想的疫苗载体。本文综述了重组乳酸乳球菌(rLL-HN)、重组鼠伤寒沙门菌(rSt-F和rSt-HN)、重组单增李斯特菌(rLm-F)、重组根癌农杆菌(rAt-F)、重组鸡痘病毒(rFPV-HN、rFPV-F-gB和rFPV-F-HN-gB)、重组牛痘病毒(rVV-F)、重组鸽痘病毒(rPPV-F)、重组禽红白血病病毒(rAEV-HN)、重组禽副粘病毒3型(rAPMV-F)、重组传染性法氏囊病病毒(rIBDV-HN)和重组传染性气管炎病毒(rIBV-HN)等疫苗的构建及其免疫机制的研制现状。  相似文献   

Study of the effect of protein chemical acylation on their functional properties or activity often brings valuable information regarding structure-function relationships. We performed such work on wheat lipid transfer protein, LTP1, to investigate the role of grafted acyl chains on the lipid binding and transfer properties. LTP1 was acylated by using anhydride derivatives of various chain lengths from C2 to C6. Only the chemical modifications with hexanoic acid yielded a marked effect on the tertiary structure and a slight change in the secondary structure. The affinity of the modified proteins for myristoyl-lysophosphatidylcholine was similar to that of the native protein accompanied by a slight decrease in stoichiometry. Interestingly, the acylation of LTP1 enhanced the lipid transfer activity by at least a factor of 10 for hexanoic chain length. Finally, the grafting of acyl chains was investigated by means of molecular modelling, and an attempt is made to correlate with our experimental data.  相似文献   

溶瘤病毒疗法是一种重要的抗癌手段。经研究,新城疫病毒(Newcastlediseasevirus,NDV)是一种非常有效的溶瘤病毒(oncolyticvirus,OV),它能选择性杀伤肿瘤细胞,对正常细胞几乎无影响。本文从NDV诱导肿瘤细胞发生凋亡、自噬、抑制细胞代谢、刺激机体免疫反应和诱导肿瘤细胞发生核糖体应激反应等方面综述了新城疫病毒的抗肿瘤效应机制,并着重探讨了NDV通过诱导核糖体压力应激反应调控肿瘤细胞翻译系统并诱导细胞发生凋亡的具体机制,旨在为今后NDV抗肿瘤作用的深入研究及靶向治疗癌症提供更加扎实丰富的理论基础。  相似文献   

新城疫病毒FMW株体外溶瘤作用及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:【目的】筛选出能高效抑制多种人肿瘤细胞生长增殖的新城疫(New Castle disease virus, NDV)毒株,为进一步构建重组高效靶向溶瘤毒株奠定基础。【方法】以体外噻唑蓝法测定NDV对A549、 SMMC7721等肿瘤细胞及人胚干细胞L-O2、人胚肾细胞HEK293等的生长抑制率,空斑试验确定病毒滴度及感染复数。利用形态学观察、 Hoechst荧光染色、流式细胞术及免疫印迹等分析了NDV-FMW诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的细胞生物学变化及其机制。【结果】从近50株NDV中筛选出NDV-FMW,以  相似文献   

HCV (hepatitis C virus) represents a major global health problem. A consistent body of evidence has been accumulating, suggesting a peculiar overlap between the HCV life cycle and lipid metabolism. This association becomes evident both for the clinical symptoms of HCV infection and the molecular mechanisms underlying the morphogenesis and entry process of this virus. The HCV core–lipid droplets association seems to be central to the HCV morphogenesis process. Moreover, the biogenesis pathway of very‐low‐density lipoproteins has been shown to be involved in HCV morphogenesis with MTP (microsomal triacylglycerol transfer protein), ApoB (apolipoprotein B) and ApoE (apolipoprotein E) as essential elements in the production of infectious HCV particles. HCV infectivity also correlates with the lipidation status of the particles. Furthermore, some HCV cellular receptors and the regulation of the entry process are also connected to lipoproteins and lipid metabolism. Specifically, lipoproteins modulate the entry process and the cholesterol transporter SR‐BI (scavenger receptor class B type I) is a cellular entry factor for HCV. The present review aims to summarize the advances in our understanding of the HCV–lipid metabolism association, which may open new therapeutic avenues.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(4-6):178-189

Cholesterol- and glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane lipid microdomains, frequently called lipid rafts, are thought to play an important role in the spatial and temporal organization of immunological synapses. Higher ordering of lipid acyl chains was suggested for these entities and imaging of membrane order in living cells during activation can therefore help to understand the mechanisms responsible for the supramolecular organization of molecules involved in the activation of T cells. Here, we employ the phase-sensitive membrane dye di-4-ANEPPDHQ together with a variety of spectrally-resolved microscopy techniques, including 2-channel ratiometric TIRF microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging, to characterize membrane order at the T cell immunological synapse at high spatial and temporal resolution in live cells at physiological temperature. We find that higher membrane order resides at the immunological synapse periphery where proximal signalling through the immunoreceptors and accessory proteins in microclusters has previously been shown to take place. The observed spatial patterning of membrane order in the immunological synapse depends on active receptor signalling.  相似文献   

[目的]为了对途经三江保护区的野生迁徙水禽携带禽流感病毒(AIV)和新城疫病毒(NDV)的状况进行有效监测.[方法]在2005年10月、2006年4月、2006年10月3个候鸟的迁徙季节从三江保护区采集了158只野鸟的咽拭子和肛拭子样本.应用SPF鸡胚盲传、血凝和血凝抑制试验和RT-PCR等方法进行了病毒的分离和鉴定.[结果]结果共分离到20株AIV和13株NDV.20株AIV均来自2006年10月采集的样品,经常规血清学分型鉴定分为12个亚型,11个亚型来源于绿头鸭,分别为H2N2(2/20),H2N6(2/20),H3N4(1/20),H3N6(2/20),H3N7(2/20),H3N8(2/20),H6N2(2/20),H11N2(1/20),H11N3(1/20),H11N5(2/20),H11N6(1/20),另外一株来源于白眉鸭,为H5N2(1/20).13株NDV则来自3个迁徙季节的5种不同水禽采,其中包括绿头鸭(8/13),豆雁(1/13),白额雁(1/13),绿翅鸭(1/13)和鸳鸯(2/13).[结论]这一结果表明,拥有极大种群数量、在世界范围内广泛分布的绿头鸭,被认为可能是AIV和NDV最重要的自然宿主之一,并在病毒的传播上比其他野生鸟类具有更为重要的生态学意义.  相似文献   

新城疫病毒是理想的新型活病毒疫苗载体,具有巨大的优势和应用前景。采用生产实践中广泛应用、免疫效果良好的NDV LaSota弱毒疫苗株,建立了反向遗传操作系统。在此基础上,进一步构建了表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的重组NDV基因组cDNA克隆,成功救获了重组病毒rLaSota-EGFP,病毒F1代尿囊病毒液按1×104EID50接种9~10日龄SPF鸡胚尿囊腔,接种后分别于24h、48h、72h及96h收获尿囊液,检测平均HA滴度分别为28、210.3、211.3和211,每mL尿囊液病毒量EID50分别为108.64、109.22、109.21和109.64,重组病毒与亲本株生长滴度在相近时间达到峰值,生长动力学特性与亲本株无明显差异。各代次重组病毒按1×106EID50病毒量接种9~10日龄SPF鸡胚,96h内完全不致死鸡胚。救获重组病毒保持了LaSota弱毒疫苗亲本毒株对鸡胚良好的高滴度生长适应和低致病特性,并且鸡胚连续传9代次仍保持GFP的稳定表达及生物学特性不变。重组病毒rLaSota-EGFP的成功救获为开展新城疫病毒活载体疫苗研制提供了可行的技术平台。  相似文献   

在新城疫病毒(Newcastle diseasevirus,NDV)膜融合的过程中融合糖蛋白(Fusion protein,F)的两段七肽重复区(Heptad repeat,HR)发挥着重要作用。这两段七肽重复区能够形成反相平行的六螺旋束结构,这被认为是融合蛋白融合后构象的核心结构。对融合作用的深入系统研究将有助于膜融合病毒的防控。  相似文献   

[目的]新城疫病毒的血凝素.神经氨酸酶(HN)和融合蛋白(F)在病毒装配、出芽、释放及侵入宿主细胞的过程中发挥关键作用,但HN对病毒致病力的影响程度尚不完全清楚.[方法]为探讨这一问题,本研究以中等毒力毒株Mukteswar的HN基因替换我国广泛应用的LaSota疫苗株HN基因,通过反向遗传操作技术拯救出嵌合病毒(rL-MuHN).[结果]rL-MuHN红细胞吸附能力较亲本株rLaSota无显著升高,具有相似的细胞融合活性;嵌合病毒ICPI由rLaSota株的0.36降为0,MDT≥90,IVPI=0与rLaSota株相同,保持典型低致病力缓发型特点不变.进一步以Mukteswar株F基因替换rL-MuHN的F基因,拯救出F和HN双基因替换嵌合病毒rL-MuFHN,尽管该病毒的细胞融合能力显著提高,但其MDT、ICPI和IVPI分别为98 h,0.59和0,显示F和HN双基因替换仍未能使嵌合新城疫病毒rL-MuFHN的致病力达到中等毒力毒株Mukteswar(MDT、ICPI及IVPI分别为46 h、1.32和0.64)的水平.[结论]试验结果表明,F及HN囊膜蛋白基因之外的病毒基因组骨架背景对病毒的致病性同样具有重要的决定性意义,不同HN蛋白对嵌合病毒的致病能力的影响不同,与供体毒株毒力无关;以流行野毒株HN替代rLaSota疫苗株构建抗原针对性更强的弱毒疫苗株存在技术可行性.  相似文献   

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