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Genes with a role in fertilization show a common pattern of rapid evolution. The role played by positive selection versus lack of selective constraints has been more difficult to establish. One problem arises from attempts to detect selection in an overall gene sequence analysis. I have analyzed the pattern of molecular evolution of fertilin, a gene coding for a heterodimeric sperm protein belonging to the ADAM (A disintegrin and A metalloprotease) gene family. A nonsynonymous to synonymous rate ratio (d(N)/d(S)) analysis for different protein domains of fertilin alpha and fertilin beta showed d(N)/d(S) < 1, suggesting that purifying selection has shaped fertilin's evolution. However, an analysis of the distribution of single positively selected codon sites using phylogentic analysis by maximum likelihood (PAML) showed sites within adhesion domains (disintegrin and cysteine-rich) of fertilin beta evolving under positive selection. The region 3' to the EGF-like domain of fertilin alpha, where the transmembrane and cytoplasmic tail regions are supposed to be localized, showed higher d(N) and d(S) than any other fertilin alpha region. However, it was not possible to identify positively selected codon sites due to ambiguous alignments of the carboxy-end region (ClustalX vs. DiAlign2). When this region was excluded from the PAML analysis, most single positively selected codon sites were concentrated within adhesion domains (cysteine-rich and EGF-like). The use of an ancestral sequence prior to a recent duplication event of fertilin alpha among non-Hominidae primates (Macaca, Papio, and Saguinus) revealed that the duplication is partially responsible for masking the detection of positively selected sites within the disintegrin domain. Finally, most ADAM genes with a potential role in sperm maturation and/or fertilization showed significantly higher d(N) estimates than other ADAM genes.  相似文献   

The stomach, a hallmark of gnathostome evolution, represents a unique anatomical innovation characterized by the presence of acid- and pepsin-secreting glands. However, the occurrence of these glands in gnathostome species is not universal; in the nineteenth century the French zoologist Cuvier first noted that some teleosts lacked a stomach. Strikingly, Holocephali (chimaeras), dipnoids (lungfish) and monotremes (egg-laying mammals) also lack acid secretion and a gastric cellular phenotype. Here, we test the hypothesis that loss of the gastric phenotype is correlated with the loss of key gastric genes. We investigated species from all the main gnathostome lineages and show the specific contribution of gene loss to the widespread distribution of the agastric condition. We establish that the stomach loss correlates with the persistent and complete absence of the gastric function gene kit—H+/K+-ATPase (Atp4A and Atp4B) and pepsinogens (Pga, Pgc, Cym)—in the analysed species. We also find that in gastric species the pepsinogen gene complement varies significantly (e.g. two to four in teleosts and tens in some mammals) with multiple events of pseudogenization identified in various lineages. We propose that relaxation of purifying selection in pepsinogen genes and possibly proton pump genes in response to dietary changes led to the numerous independent events of stomach loss in gnathostome history. Significantly, the absence of the gastric genes predicts that reinvention of the stomach in agastric lineages would be highly improbable, in line with Dollo''s principle.  相似文献   

Genome analysis shows that large-scale gene duplications have occurred in fungi, animals and plants, creating genomic regions that show similarity in gene content and order. However, the high frequency of gene loss reduces colinearity resulting in duplicated regions that, in the extreme, no longer share homologous genes. Here, we show that by comparison with an appropriate second genome, such paralogous regions can still be identified.  相似文献   

Genome analysis shows that large-scale gene duplications have occurred in fungi, animals and plants, creating genomic regions that show similarity in gene content and order. However, the high frequency of gene loss reduces colinearity resulting in duplicated regions that, in the extreme, no longer share homologous genes. Here, we show that by comparison with an appropriate second genome, such paralogous regions can still be identified.  相似文献   

Genome-Wide Analysis of the GRAS Gene Family in Rice and Arabidopsis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Tian C  Wan P  Sun S  Li J  Chen M 《Plant molecular biology》2004,54(4):519-532

Many genes are involved in mammalian cell apoptosis pathway. These apoptosis genes often contain characteristic functional domains, and can be classified into at least 15 functional groups, according to previous reports. Using an integrated bioinformatics platform for motif or domain search from three public mammalian proteomes (International Protein Index database for human, mouse, and rat), we systematically cataloged all of the proteins involved in mammalian apoptosis pathway. By localizing those proteins onto the genomes, we obtained a gene locus centric apoptosis gene catalog for human, mouse and rat.Further phylogenetic analysis showed that most of the apoptosis related gene loci are conserved among these three mammals. Interestingly, about one-third of apoptosis gene loci form gene clusters on mammal chromosomes, and exist in the three species, which indicated that mammalian apoptosis gene orders are also conserved. In addition, some tandem duplicated gene loci were revealed by comparing gene loci clusters in the three species. All data produced in this work were stored in a relational database and may be viewed at http://pcas.cbi.pku.edu.cn/database/apd.php.  相似文献   

In 2017, novel human metapneumovirus (HMPV) A2b subgroup strains with a 111‐nucleotide duplication in the G gene was detected by the present team. These strains were related to previously identified HMPV A2b strains with a 180‐nucleotide duplication; however, they appeared to be different strains, produced by an independent duplication event. The recent evolution of HMPV suggests that careful monitoring of this virus is required.

SIRT1 is an evolutionarily conserved protein deacetylase that modulates stress response, cellular metabolism and aging in model organisms. While SIRT1 exerts beneficial effects in protecting against age-related diseases, the role of SIRT1 in cancer has been controversial. SIRT1 promotes cell survival by deacetylating, and thereby negatively regulating the activity of important tumor suppressors such as p53. In this regard, SIRT1 has been considered to be a potential oncogene, and SIRT1 inhibitors have been studied for possible anticancer therapeutic effects. In contrast, it has been shown that SIRT1 deficiency leads to increased genomic instability and tumorigenesis, and that overexpression of SIRT1 attenuates cancer formation in mice, suggesting it may also act as a tumor suppressor. Based on this evidence, SIRT1-activating molecules could act as candidate chemotherapeutic drugs. In order to gain insight into the role of SIRT1 in cancer, we performed a comprehensive resequencing analysis of the SIRT1 gene in 41 tumor cell lines and found an unusually excessive homozygosity, which was confirmed to be allelic loss by microsatellite analysis. Furthermore, we found two novel SIRT1 mutations (D739Y and R65_A72del) in addition to the known, rare non-synonymous variation resulting in I731V. In vitro assays using purified SIRT1 protein showed that these mutations do not alter SIRT1 deacetylase activity or telomerase activity, which was shown to be regulated by SIRT1. We conclude that allelic loss or mutations in the SIRT1 gene occur prevalently during tumorigenesis, supporting the assertion that SIRT1 may serve as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Most reported examples of change in vertebrate mitochondrial (mt) gene order could be explained by a tandem duplication followed by random loss of redundant genes (tandem duplication-random loss [TDRL] model). Under this model of evolution, independent loss of genes arising from a single duplication in an ancestral species are predicted, and remnant pseudogenes expected, intermediate states that may remain in rearranged genomes. However, evidence for this is rare and largely scattered across vertebrate lineages. Here, we report new derived mt gene orders in the vertebrate "WANCY" region of four closely related caecilian amphibians. The novel arrangements found in this genomic region (one of them is convergent with the derived arrangement of marsupials), presence of pseudogenes, and positions of intergenic spacers fully satisfy predictions from the TDRL model. Our results, together with comparative data for the available vertebrate complete mt genomes, provide further evidence that the WANCY genomic region is a hotspot for gene order rearrangements and support the view that TDRL is the dominant mechanism of gene order rearrangement in vertebrate mt genomes. Convergent gene rearrangements are not unlikely in hotspots of gene order rearrangement by TDRL.  相似文献   

Opalin is a transmembrane protein detected specifically in mammalian oligodendrocytes. Opalin homologs are found only in mammals and not in the genome sequences of other animal classes. We first determined the nucleotide sequences of Opalin orthologs and their flanking regions derived from four prosimians, a group of primitive primates. A global comparison revealed that an evolutionarily conserved region exists in the first intron of Opalin. When the conserved domain was assayed for its enhancer activity in transgenic mice, oligodendrocyte-directed expression was observed. In an oligodendroglial cell line, Oli-neu, the conserved domain showed oligodendrocyte-directed expression. The conserved domain is composed of eight subdomains, some of which contain binding sites for Myt1 and cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB). Deletion analysis and cotransfection experiments revealed that the subdomains have critical roles in Opalin gene expression. Over-expression of Myt1, treatment of the cell with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), and cAMP analog (CREB activator) enhanced the expression of endogenous Opalin in Oli-neu cells and activated the oligodendrocyte enhancer. These results suggest that LIF, cAMP signaling cascades and Myt1 play significant roles in the differentiation of oligodendrocytes through their action on the Opalin oligodendrocyte enhancer.  相似文献   

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) plants damaged by insects emit a blend of volatiles, predominantly sesquiterpenes, that are implicated in attracting natural enemies of the attacking insects. To characterize sesquiterpene biosynthesis in sorghum, seven terpene synthase (TPS) genes, SbTPS1 through SbTPS7, were identified based on their evolutionary relatedness to known sesquiterpene synthase genes from maize and rice. While SbTPS6 and SbTPS7 encode truncated proteins, all other TPS genes were determined to encode functional sesquiterpene synthases. Both SbTPS1 and SbTPS2 produced the major products zingiberene, β-bisabolene and β-sesquiphellandrene, but with opposite ratios of zingiberene to β-sesquiphellandrene. SbTPS3 produced (E)-α-bergamotene and (E)-β-farnesene. SbTPS4 formed (E)-β-caryophyllene as the major product. SbTPS5 produced mostly (E)-α-bergamotene and (Z)-γ-bisabolene. Based on the genome sequences of sorghum, maize and rice and the sesquiterpene synthase genes they contain, collinearity analysis identified the orthologs of sorghum sesquiterpene synthase genes, except for SbTPS4, in maize and rice. Phylogenetic analysis implied that SbTPS1, SbTPS2 and SbTPS3, which exist as tandem repeats, evolved as a consequence of local gene duplication in a lineage-specific manner. Structural modeling and site-directed mutagenesis experiments revealed that three amino acids in the active site play critical roles in defining product specificity of SbTPS1, SbTPS2, SbTPS3 and their orthologs in maize and rice. The naturally occurring functional variations of sesquiterpene synthases within and between species suggest that multiple mechanisms, including lineage-specific gene duplication, subfunctionalization, neofunctionalization and pseudogenization of duplicated genes, have all played a role in the dynamic evolution of insect-induced sesquiterpene biosynthesis in grasses.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizae are formed by mutualistic interactions between fungi and the roots of woody plants. During symbiosis the two organisms exchange carbon and nutrients in a specific tissue that is formed at the contact between a compatible fungus and plant. There is considerable variation in the degree of host specificity among species and strains of ectomycorrhizal fungi. In this study, we have for the first time shown that this variation is associated with quantitative differences in gene expression, and with divergence in nucleotide sequences of symbiosis-regulated genes. Gene expression and sequence evolution were compared in different strains of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus; the strains included Nau, which is not compatible with birch and poplar, and the two compatible strains Maj and ATCC200175. On a genomic level, Nau and Maj were very similar. The sequence identity was 98.9% in the 16 loci analysed, and only three out of 1075 genes analysed by microarray-based hybridizations had signals indicating differences in gene copy numbers. In contrast, 66 out of the 1075 genes were differentially expressed in Maj compared to Nau after contact with birch roots. Thirty-seven of these symbiosis-regulated genes were also differentially expressed in the ATCC strain. Comparative analysis of DNA sequences of the symbiosis-regulated genes in different strains showed that two of them have evolved at an enhanced rate in Nau. The sequence divergence can be explained by a decreased selection pressure, which in turn is determined by lower functional constraints on these proteins in Nau as compared to the compatible strains.  相似文献   

Five avirulence genes from Leptosphaeria maculans, the causal agent of blackleg of canola (Brassica napus), have been identified previously through map‐based cloning. In this study, a comparative genomic approach was used to clone the previously mapped AvrLm2. Given the lack of a presence–absence gene polymorphism coincident with the AvrLm2 phenotype, 36 L. maculans isolates were resequenced and analysed for single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in predicted small secreted protein‐encoding genes present within the map interval. Three SNPs coincident with the AvrLm2 phenotype were identified within LmCys1, previously identified as a putative effector‐coding gene. Complementation of a virulent isolate with LmCys1, as the candidate AvrLm2 allele, restored the avirulent phenotype on Rlm2‐containing B. napus lines. AvrLm2 encodes a small cysteine‐rich protein with low similarity to other proteins in the public databases. Unlike other avirulence genes, AvrLm2 resides in a small GC island within an AT‐rich isochore of the genome, and was never found to be deleted completely in virulent isolates.  相似文献   

The trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs) form a specific family of G protein-coupled receptors in vertebrates. TAARs were initially considered neurotransmitter receptors, but recent study showed that mouse TAARs function as chemosensory receptors in the olfactory epithelium. To clarify the evolutionary dynamics of the TAAR gene family in vertebrates, near-complete repertoires of TAAR genes and pseudogenes were identified from the genomic assemblies of 4 teleost fishes (zebrafish, fugu, stickleback, and medaka), western clawed frogs, chickens, 3 mammals (humans, mice, and opossum), and sea lampreys. Database searches revealed that fishes had many putatively functional TAAR genes (13-109 genes), whereas relatively small numbers of TAAR genes (3-22 genes) were identified in tetrapods. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes indicated that the TAAR gene family was subdivided into 5 subfamilies that diverged before the divergence of ray-finned fishes and tetrapods. In tetrapods, virtually all TAAR genes were located in 1 specific region of their genomes as a gene cluster; however, in fishes, TAAR genes were scattered throughout more than 2 genomic locations. This possibly reflects a whole-genome duplication that occurred in the common ancestor of ray-finned fishes. Expression analysis of zebrafish and stickleback TAAR genes revealed that many TAARs in these fishes were expressed in the olfactory organ, suggesting the relatively high importance of TAARs as chemosensory receptors in fishes. A possible evolutionary history of the vertebrate TAAR gene family was inferred from the phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses.  相似文献   

Ma X  Wang X  Gao X  Wang L  Lu Y  Gao P  Deng W  Yu P  Ma J  Guo J  Cheng H  Zhang C  Shi T  Ma D 《Life sciences》2007,81(14):1141-1151
The development of functional profiling technologies provides opportunity for high-throughput functional genomics studies. We describe a cell-based screening system to identify novel human genes associated with cell proliferation. The method integrates luciferase reporter gene activity, fluorescence stain, automated microscopy and cellular phenotype assays. We successfully used the system to screen 409 novel human genes cloned by our lab and found that 27 genes significantly up-regulated promoter-Renilla luciferase reporter plasmid (pRL) activity. Among them, five genes, TRAF3IP3, ZNF306, ZNF250, SGOL1, and ZNF434, were determined through morphological observation, calcein AM fluorescence stain, MTT assay and cell cycle analysis to be associated with cell proliferation. Furthermore, we showed that the gene TRAF3IP3, which initially was identified to specifically interact with TRAF3, stimulated cell growth by modulating the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway, and RNAi of TRAF3IP3 confirmed that the effect was physiological and necessary. In summary, we integrated a rapid and efficient system for screening novel growth regulatory genes. Using the new screening system we identified five genes associated with cell proliferation for the first time.  相似文献   

On the incidence of intron loss and gain in paralogous gene families   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding gene duplication and gene structure evolution are fundamental goals of molecular evolutionary biology. A previous study by Babenko et al. (2004. Prevalence of intron gain over intron loss in the evolution of paralogous gene families. Nucleic Acids Res. 32:3724-3733) employed Dollo parsimony to infer spliceosomal intron losses and gains in paralogous gene families and concluded that there was a general excess of gains over losses. This result contrasts with patterns in orthologous genes, in which most lineages show an excess of intron losses over gains, suggesting the possibility of fundamentally different modes of intron evolution between orthologous and paralogous genes. We further studied the data and found a low level of intron position conservation with outgroups, and this led to problems with using Dollo parsimony to analyze the data. Statistical reanalysis of the data suggests, instead, that intron losses have outnumbered intron gains in paralogous gene families.  相似文献   

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