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一个不足200人的群体,一群不足800头的驯鹿,得到了政府的大力扶持,却依然在传统与现代的夹缝中徘徊。让我们倾听他们从山林里发出的微弱声音,跟他们一起思考:传统和现代,先进和落后……  相似文献   

My Heroes     

My Surgeon     

说起我们“白颊长臂猿”家族,那可是大名鼎鼎,是与人类亲缘关系最密切的高级灵长类动物之一,是著名长臂猿大家族的一支。同人类一样,没有尾巴,脸上也能表现喜、怒、恐、惊等多种复杂的情感。别看我们的身材矮小不足1米,两臂伸展开时却长达1.5米,两手下垂可触地。我家中的成年“男子”体毛以黑色为主,面颊的两旁各有一块白毛,这也许就是我们“白颊长臂猿”称号的由来吧!  相似文献   

My twins     
Paul Moorehead 《CMAJ》2004,171(9):1080

My Corrhizas     

My brother     
Kaylynn Purdy 《CMAJ》2021,193(36):E1433

My bird     
《Current biology : CB》2022,32(20):R1050-R1058

My Barber     

While America has increasingly become known for having a higher rate of persons in prison or under correctional supervision than any other country in the world; over the last two decades, new laws have begun emerging in America, placing restrictions on former offenders long after their correctional supervision has ended. These laws directly impact the lives of millions of ex-offenders who are no longer under correctional supervision, placing restrictions on where they may live, work and travel. The following essay, by a former offender who discharged parole in December 2000, highlights the punitive and destructive nature of these laws.  相似文献   

正一、北医生化引我进入生物化学1947年我由北京大学化学系毕业后,恰逢在北京大学医学院生化科任教的师姐李玉瑞赴美深造。使我有机会进入北医生化科,开始了我热爱的生物化学的一生。当时生化科主任刘思职教授原来就曾在北大化学系教过我们。科内核心团队是由协和医学院生化  相似文献   

Douglas Waugh 《CMAJ》1989,141(9):943


作为这种活动,跟我以前所参加的很多活动,还是有很大的不同的。以前旅游是主要目的,就是享受大自然,享受生活,休闲自己,开阔眼界等等。这次主要在于对保护区的一种了解,包括保护区的同志是怎样工作的,保护区的范围是什么样的,真正的保护区里边是跟我们日常见到的自然环境到底有什么区别,我想这是我们感受到的最大的不同。  相似文献   


In this paper, I describe my 62 years in primatology focusing on some of the key findings from fieldwork conducted in Japan, India, and Africa. My first study on nonhuman primates described in detail the division of a troop of Japanese macaques at Takasakiyama. After that, I had an opportunity to work on Hanuman langurs at Dharwar, India. These langurs lived in one-male, multi-female groups. This type of group structure was maintained through takeovers by all-male parties. The adult male and all juvenile males were chased out of the group. By this process, the one-male, multi-female group system was maintained. The incoming adult male bit and killed all infants in the group. Mothers who lost their infants went into estrus and mated with the newly arrived male. For many years, scientists ignored these events or ruled them out as abnormal behavior. My work on Japanese macaques suggested that concentrated resources created by artificial feeding exaggerated dominance rank hierarchies among individuals, whereas it is comparatively relaxed in the natural environment. I also investigated the population dynamics of a troop and the life histories of individuals. From these studies, I documented the frequency of twin births, the carrying of dead infants by mothers, and the occurrence of physical malformations. These observations were made possible through artificial feeding, revealing the merits and demerits of this approach. I pointed out that authors and journal editors must be careful to acknowledge important elements of the environment where studies are conducted, and these should be described when reporting results in scientific articles. My studies of chimpanzees were conducted at Bossou, Guinea. I suggested that there are males who lived outside of bisexual groups. Chimpanzees in this population made and used many kinds of tools. Some of them were observed only at Bossou, and a few were only discovered 20 years after the establishment of Bossou as a research site. After decades of research on tool use in this species, I also suggested that there are cultural zones throughout the geographic distribution of chimpanzees.


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