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As the area of plantation forest expands worldwide and natural, unmanaged forests decline there is much interest in the potential for planted forests to provide habitat for biodiversity. In regions where little semi-natural woodland remains, the biodiversity supported by forest plantations, typically non-native conifers, may be particularly important. Few studies provide detailed comparisons between the species diversity of native woodlands which are being depleted and non-native plantation forests, which are now expanding, based on data collected from multiple taxa in the same study sites. Here we compare the species diversity and community composition of plants, invertebrates and birds in Sitka spruce- (Picea sitchensis-) dominated and Norway spruce- (Picea abies-) dominated plantations, which have expanded significantly in recent decades in the study area in Ireland, with that of oak- and ash-dominated semi-natural woodlands in the same area. The results show that species richness in spruce plantations can be as high as semi-natural woodlands, but that the two forest types support different assemblages of species. In areas where non-native conifer plantations are the principle forest type, their role in the provision of habitat for biodiversity conservation should not be overlooked. Appropriate management should target the introduction of semi-natural woodland characteristics, and on the extension of existing semi-natural woodlands to maintain and enhance forest species diversity. Our data show that although some relatively easily surveyed groups, such as vascular plants and birds, were congruent with many of the other taxa when looking across all study sites, the similarities in response were not strong enough to warrant use of these taxa as surrogates of the others. In order to capture a wide range of biotic variation, assessments of forest biodiversity should either encompass several taxonomic groups, or rely on the use of indicators of diversity that are not species based.  相似文献   

It is difficult to map and quantify biodiversity at landscape level in areas with low data availability, despite demand from decision-makers. We propose a methodology to determine potential biodiversity pattern using habitat suitability maps of the understory plant species with highest cover and occurrence frequency in the three different forests types of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). We used a database of vascular plants from 535 surveys from which we identified 35 indicative species. We explored more than 50 potential explanatory variables to develop habitat suitability maps of the indicative species, which were combined to develop a map of the potential biodiversity. Correlation among environmental, topographic and forest landscape variables were discussed, as well as the marginality and the specialization of the indicative species. We detected differences in the niches of the species prevailing in the three forest types. The developed map of potential biodiversity uncovered hotspots of biodiversity in the ecotone of Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica as well as in the wettest part of the mixed N. pumilioN. betuloides forests. It allowed thus to identify forest areas with different conservation potential and can be readily used as a decision support system for conservation and management strategies at different scales including the identification of land-use conflicts (e.g. of biodiversity with timber production and livestock) and the development of a network of protected areas, which currently does not cover the forests of highest conservation value.  相似文献   

Plantation forests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportunity?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Losses of natural and semi-natural forests, mostly to agriculture, are a significant concern for biodiversity. Against this trend, the area of intensively managed plantation forests increases, and there is much debate about the implications for biodiversity. We provide a comprehensive review of the function of plantation forests as habitat compared with other land cover, examine the effects on biodiversity at the landscape scale, and synthesise context-specific effects of plantation forestry on biodiversity. Natural forests are usually more suitable as habitat for a wider range of native forest species than plantation forests but there is abundant evidence that plantation forests can provide valuable habitat, even for some threatened and endangered species, and may contribute to the conservation of biodiversity by various mechanisms. In landscapes where forest is the natural land cover, plantation forests may represent a low-contrast matrix, and afforestation of agricultural land can assist conservation by providing complementary forest habitat, buffering edge effects, and increasing connectivity. In contrast, conversion of natural forests and afforestation of natural non-forest land is detrimental. However, regional deforestation pressure for agricultural development may render plantation forestry a ‘lesser evil’ if forest managers protect indigenous vegetation remnants. We provide numerous context-specific examples and case studies to assist impact assessments of plantation forestry, and we offer a range of management recommendations. This paper also serves as an introduction and background paper to this special issue on the effects of plantation forests on biodiversity.
Eckehard G. BrockerhoffEmail:


The detrimental effects of conifer plantations on open ground habitats have been well catalogued and discussed, but the potential contribution of planted forests to the conservation of woodland biodiversity has not been quantified to the same extent. This quantification is needed urgently to help forest managers fulfil commitments to biodiversity enhancement as outlined in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, the UK Forestry Standard and the UK Woodland Assurance Scheme (UKWAS). Results are presented from a five-year programme of research aimed at obtaining baseline information on biodiversity in planted forests and evaluating the contribution of planted forests to the conservation of native flora and fauna. Fifty-two plots were surveyed in total, covering a range of different tree crops (Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L., Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr., Norway spruce Picea abies L. and Corsican pine Pinus nigra var maritima (Aitón) Melville) and stand ages (pre-thicket, mid-rotation, mature and over-mature) in three contrasting bioclimatic zones (upland, foothills and lowlands) throughout Britain. Additional plots were established in semi-natural woodland to allow comparisons between the biodiversity of plantations and native stands. Over 2000 species were recorded in total, including 45 Red Data Book species. Planted stands had similar or richer fungal and invertebrate communities to those of the native stands but poorer lichen and vascular plant communities. The latter were strongly affected by shading, dense, mid-rotation Sitka spruce stands having the lowest species counts. In contrast, these stands had a high diversity of mycorrhizal fungi, including a number of rare and threatened species normally associated with native pine wood. Bryophyte species-richness was related more to climate than woodland type, with the wetter upland spruce and native oak stands having the most diverse communities. Compared to the younger planted stands, over-mature planted stands had a higher proportion of species characteristic of semi-natural woodland stands. This related to greater structural diversity and higher deadwood volumes in the over-mature stands. It is concluded that conifer plantations make a positive contribution to biodiversity conservation in the UK and hence to the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. No single stand or crop type provides ‘optimal’ conditions for biodiversity, but the habitat value of plantations could be enhanced by increasing the area managed under alternative systems to clear-felling, such as ‘continuous cover’ and/or non-intervention natural reserves.  相似文献   

Plantation forests have been expanding in many tropical and subtropical environments. Howerver, even when they replace less wildlife friendly land uses such as pastures and annual crops, the biodiversity levels of pristine natural habitats often have not been recovered. Here we addressed how the landscape context of plantation forests located in South-eastern Brazil affects species richness and community resilience of medium and large size mammals. The area covered by native habitat fragments surrounding plantation forests is positively related to functional richness, including the presence of species more vulnerable to extinction in fragmented landscapes. In addition, the degree of aggregation of plantation forest stands is negatively related to more vulnerable species. No primates were recorded in our seven plantation forest sites (ranging from 272 to 24,921 ha), even when they were seen in native habitat fragments adjacent to commercial tree stands. Two invasive species (Sus scrofa and Lepus capensis) were recorded in four plantation forest sites. The impoverishment of fauna in plantation forests is due to two factors. First, plantation forests generally are structurally simplified habitats when compared to highly diverse tropical forests. Secondly, the isolation from habitat fragments which act as source of individuals in the landscape precludes the establishment of individual in plantation forest. We also highlighted the management practices to improve the complexity of vegetation in commercial tree stands should be taken cautiously, insofar as reduced productivity per area entails a greater demand for land. Thus, an alternative would be intensify the management of the commercial tree stands for wood production together with the restoration of adjacent areas set aside to conservation and native habitat fragments protection.  相似文献   

Plantation forests are of increasing importance worldwide for wood and fibre production, and in some areas they are the only forest cover. Here we investigate the potential role of exotic plantations in supporting native forest-dwelling carabid beetles in regions that have experienced extensive deforestation. On the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand, more than 99% of the previous native forest cover has been lost, and today exotic pine (Pinus radiata) plantations are the only forest habitat of substantial area. Carabids were caught with pitfall traps in native kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) forest remnants and in a neighbouring pine plantation, grassland and gorse (Ulex europaeus) shrubland. A total of 2,700 individuals were caught, with significantly greater abundance in traps in young pine, grassland and gorse habitats than in kanuka and older pine. Rarefied species richness was greatest in kanuka, a habitat that supported two forest specialist species not present in other habitat types. A critically endangered species was found only in the exotic plantation forest, which also acts as a surrogate habitat for most carabids associated with kanuka forest. The few remaining native forest patches are of critical importance to conservation on the Canterbury Plains, but in the absence of larger native forest areas plantation forests are more valuable for carabid conservation than the exotic grassland that dominates the region.  相似文献   

In the future, a significant proportion of Northern forests may become intensively managed through the planting of monospecific stands of native or introduced trees, and the use of multiple silvicultural treatments such as forest fertilization. Such an intensification of management in selected parts of the landscape is suggested by different zoning models, for example the Triad approach, which is under evaluation in some regions of North America. In this study, based on Fennoscandian conditions, we predicted landscape-scale extinction risks of five hypothetical model insect species dependent on fresh dead wood from Norway spruce (Picea abies), by simulating colonizations and local extinctions in forest stands. Intensified forestry applied to 50% of the spruce stands led to strongly increased extinction risks of all species during the following 150 years. For one species—the sun-exposure specialist—there were strong effects already after 50 years. The negative effects of intensive plantation forestry could be compensated for by taking greater biodiversity conservation measures in other managed forests or by setting aside more forests. This is consistent with the Triad model, which is according to our analyzes an effective way to decrease extinction risks, especially for the short-dispersing species and the species associated with closed forest. A zoning of forest land into intensive forestry, conventional forestry, and set asides may be better at combining increased timber production and maintenance of biodiversity in comparison to landscapes where all production forests are managed in the same way.  相似文献   

Novel or emergent ecosystems arising from human action present both threats and opportunities for biodiversity. It has been suggested that exotic species can “facilitate” or “inhibit” native biodiversity through habitat modification. In Britain, there is a discussion over the contribution to biodiversity of plantations of exotic conifer species as these are commonly thought to have little relevancy as a habitat for native biodiversity. To address this we compared the species richness of a range of different taxonomic groups (lichens, bryophytes, fungi, vascular plants, invertebrates and songbirds) in exotic and native forest stands of differing structural stages in northern and southern Britain. In terms of overall native species-richness there was no significant difference between the exotic and the native stands. In the north, six species groups showed higher values in the exotic Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) stands with the remaining six showing higher values in the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands. Most notably, lichen species richness was much lower in the exotic stands compared to the native stands, whereas bryophyte and fungal species richness was proportionately higher in the exotic stands. In the south, five species groups (all invertebrate taxa) showed higher species richness in exotic Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands compared to native oak (Quercus robur) stands. Five species groups had higher species-richness in the oak stands, in particular lichens and fungi. It is concluded that emergent ecosystems of exotic conifer species are not irrelevant to biodiversity. Where already well-established they can provide habitat for native species particularly if native woodland is scarce and biodiversity restoration is an immediate priority.  相似文献   

Kelp forests dominate temperate and polar rocky coastlines and represent critical marine habitats because they support elevated rates of primary and secondary production and high biodiversity. A major threat to the stability of these ecosystems is the proliferation of non-native species, such as the Japanese kelp Undaria pinnatifida (‘Wakame’), which has recently colonised natural habitats in the UK. We quantified the abundance and biomass of U. pinnatifida on a natural rocky reef habitat over 10 months to make comparisons with three native canopy-forming brown algae (Laminaria ochroleuca, Saccharina latissima, and Saccorhiza polyschides). We also examined the biogenic habitat structure provided by, and epibiotic assemblages associated with, U. pinnatifida in comparison to native macroalgae. Surveys conducted within the Plymouth Sound Special Area of Conservation indicated that U. pinnatifida is now a dominant and conspicuous member of kelp-dominated communities on natural substrata. Crucially, U. pinnatifida supported a structurally dissimilar and less diverse epibiotic assemblage than the native perennial kelp species. However, U. pinnatifida-associated assemblages were similar to those associated with Saccorhiza polyschides, which has a similar life history and growth strategy. Our results suggest that a shift towards U. pinnatifida dominated reefs could result in impoverished epibiotic assemblages and lower local biodiversity, although this could be offset, to some extent, by the climate-driven proliferation of L. ochroleuca at the poleward range edge, which provides complex biogenic habitat and harbours relatively high biodiversity. Clearly, greater understanding of the long-term dynamics and competitive interactions between these habitat-forming species is needed to accurately predict future biodiversity patterns.  相似文献   

The once extensive native forests of New Zealand’s central North Island are heavily fragmented, and the scattered remnants are now surrounded by a matrix of exotic pastoral grasslands and Pinus radiata plantation forests. The importance of these exotic habitats for native biodiversity is poorly understood. This study examines the utilisation of exotic plantation forests by native beetles in a heavily modified landscape. The diversity of selected beetle taxa was compared at multiple distances across edge gradients between each of the six possible combinations of adjacent pastoral, plantation, clearfell and native forest land-use types. Estimated species richness (Michaelis–Menten) was greater in production habitats than native forest; however this was largely due to the absence of exotic species in native forest. Beetle relative abundance was highest in clearfell-harvested areas, mainly due to colonisation by open-habitat, disturbance-adapted species. More importantly, though, of all the non-native habitats sampled, beetle species composition in mature P. radiata was most similar to native forest. Understanding the influence of key environmental factors and stand level management is important for enhancing biodiversity values within the landscape. Native habitat proximity was the most significant environmental correlate of beetle community composition, highlighting the importance of retaining native remnants within plantation landscapes. The proportion of exotic beetles was consistently low in mature plantation stands, however it increased in pasture sites at increasing distances from native forest. These results suggest that exotic plantation forests may provide important alternative habitat for native forest beetles in landscapes with a low proportion of native forest cover.  相似文献   

Tropical plantations are rapidly expanding as a source of industrial wood. In Indonesia, such large-scale industrial plantations are generally made of large mono-specific blocks interspersed with natural forest remnants. The extent and biodiversity value of these remnants vary as laws and regulations on their design and management are either unclear, without solid scientific basis or left to the interpretation of private companies responsible for the plantations. Our study area comprises of three Acacia mangium plantations, which have on average 18% of their total area set aside from production and conserved as natural forests. These remnant natural forests may, if appropriately designed and managed, be used to mitigate the negative impact of plantations on biodiversity by providing some degree of connectivity with and between remaining natural forest patches (such as the Tesso Nilo conservation area). We sampled natural vegetation in one and primate diversity in all three plantation sector and examined patterns of primate species richness and abundance with relation to spatial arrangement and dimensions of conservation area, which has been set aside from plantation production. We demonstrate unambiguously the critical importance of a well-connected network of natural forest corridors in the plantation landscape to maintain primates and discuss the potential biodiversity value of natural forest remnants in broad-scale industrial landscapes.  相似文献   

Data on the condition of Picea genus (spruce) representatives in an urban environment have been analyzed. The viability under different environmental conditions and stand types is evaluated. The relative viability of forest stands is evaluated. Morphogenic traits of conifers are examined for the annual increment development. The photosynthetic pigments dynamics is tracked for two coniferous plants across various forest types, including park forests, roadside hedgerows, and plantings in the residential area. The specific responses of pigment system to the urban environment have been revealed for the two coniferous plant species. We have found an increased concentration of carotinoids and higher resilience of blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.) in an urban environment.  相似文献   

Forest plantations of exotic conifers represent an important economic activity in NW Patagonia, Argentina. However, there is a remarkable lack of information on the impact of forestry on native biodiversity. We analyzed the effect of Pinus ponderosa plantations on bird communities, considering different stand management practices (dense and sparse tree covers), and different landscape contexts where they are planted (Austrocedrus chilensis forest and steppe). Ultimately we wished to assess in which way plantations may be designed and managed to improve biodiversity conservation. Bird richness and abundance did not change significantly in the steppe, although community composition did, and was partially replaced by a new community, similar to that of ecotonal forests. In contrast, in the A. chilensis forest areas, species richness decreased in dense plantations, but bird community composition remained relatively constant when replacing the native forest with pine plantations. Also, in A. chilensis forest, stand management practices aiming at maintaining low tree densities permit the presence of many bird species from the original habitat. In the steppe area in turn, both dense and sparse plantations are unsuitable for most steppe species, thus it is necessary to manage them at higher scales, maintaining the connectivity of the native matrix to prevent the fragmentation of bird populations. We conclude that pine plantations can provide habitat for a substantial number of native bird species, and this feature varies both with management practices and with the landscape context of areas where afforestation occurs.  相似文献   

The results of the study of 21 populations of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) from different parts of the species natural range by microsatellite (SSR) analysis of nuclear DNA are presented. Using nine loci developed for Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Picea glauca (Moench) Voss and detecting variation in Picea obovata, the parameters of intra- and interpopulation genetic diversity, as well as the degree of population differentiation, were determined. It was demonstrated that the population of Siberian spruce in the study was characterized by a relatively high average level of intrapopulation variability (Ho = 0.408; He = 0.423) and low interpopulation differentiation (Fst = 0.048, P = 0.001) at this class of DNA markers. The genetic distance between populations ranged from 0.009 to 0.167, averaging 0.039. The isolated Magadan population, located in the extreme Northeast of Russia at a considerable distance from the main species range and characterized by the lowest genetic diversity among the studied populations, was maximally differentiated from the rest of the spruce populations. In addition, the steppe Ubukun population from Buryatia and the population from the Bogd Khan Uul Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia, were considerably different in the genetic structure from most populations of Siberian spruce, although to a lesser extent than the Magadan population. These findings are consistent with the results of previous studies of this species carried out using allozyme and microsatellite loci of chloroplast DNA and point to the prospects of using nuclear microsatellites as DNA markers to analyze the population genetic structure of Siberian spruce.  相似文献   

川西米亚罗亚高山云杉林种子雨和土壤种子库研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
 对川西米亚罗亚高山20、30、60年人工云杉(Picea asperata)林及天然林的种子雨和土壤种子库进行了研究。结果表明:该区云杉种子雨一般从每年的10月初开始下落,一直到翌年的1月底结束,但不同林龄的云杉种子雨强度不同,60年人工林种子雨量最大,然后依次为30年人工林、天然林、20年人工林,其大小分别为(1 088.16±52.34)粒•m-2、(973.45±63.12)粒•m-2、(579.99±28.93)粒•m-2、(66.73±5.71)粒•m-2。云杉降雨历程与其林龄大小也有一定的关系,表现在种子雨发生时间和降雨高峰期的不同。30、60年人工云杉林及天然林下土壤种子库存在显著差异,两次取样(2003年3月26日和2003年8月21日)土壤种子库大小分别为(507.2±40.32)粒•m-2和(267.6±25.14)粒•m-2、(1 065.6±88.06)粒•m-2和(872.8±77.12)粒•m-2、(472.8±20.82)粒•m-2和(185.5±22.48)粒•m-2。土壤种子库中云杉种子主要都集中在枯枝落叶层,占66%左右,0~2 cm层占24%左右,2~5 cm层占10%左右。到8月21日,土壤中所有云杉种子都失去活力,腐烂死亡和动物取食是种子库损耗的主要因素。云杉种子库属于Thompson和Grime定义的第Ⅱ类。该区云杉幼苗一般在6月初开始出现,6月中旬左右达到出苗高峰,3种云杉林下幼苗密度差异很大,60年人工林下幼苗最多,其次为30年人工林和天然林。由于生境适合度低,死亡的幼苗数量较多,特别是自然死亡数。综合种子雨、种子库和转换的幼苗数量几个方面来看,在一定龄级范围内,人工林结实能力和更新潜力随林龄增加而增加,且人工林在更新潜力方面比天然林(约150年)要好。虽然该区云杉林下有大量种子下落,但由于种子大量损耗和幼苗死亡,种子萌发为幼苗再通过环境筛作用而最终补充到云杉种群的个体数量非常有限。  相似文献   

With rapid urban expansion, biodiversity conservation and human asset protection often require different regimes for managing wildfire risk. We conducted a controlled, replicated experiment to optimise habitat restoration for the threatened Australian pink-tailed worm-lizard, Aprasia parapulchella while reducing fire fuel load in a rapidly developing urban area. We used dense addition of natural rock (30 % cover) and native grass revegetation (Themeda triandra and Poa sieberiana) to restore critical habitat elements. Combinations of fire and herbicide (Glyphosate) were used to reduce fuel load and invasive exotic species. Rock restoration combined with herbicide application met the widest range of restoration goals: it reduced fire fuel load, increased ant occurrence (the primary prey of A. parapulchella) in the short-term and increased the growth and survival of native grasses. Lizards colonised the restored habitat within a year of treatment. Our study documents an innovative way by which conflicts between biodiversity conservation and human asset protection can be overcome.  相似文献   

Many contemporary landscapes have vast areas of production land-uses within landscape mosaics, which may impact species dispersal and occurrence. Here, we determined the extent to which commercial exotic plantation forests affect arthropod diversity associated with natural Afrotemperate forests in the southern Cape Afrotemperate landscape mosaic, South Africa. Natural forests and fynbos vegetation naturally coexist here, with the addition of exotic plantation forests to form a heterogeneous landscape. Epigaeic arthropods were collected by means of pitfall trapping at stations along transects from inside natural Afrotemperate forest, across the edge and into the surrounding land use, which included natural fynbos vegetation, mature forestry plantation blocks (Pinus radiata) and areas where plantations have been clear-felled. Stations were set at 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 m to both sides of the forest edge with the addition of 100 m stations situated in the natural forest. Arthropod assemblages were distinct in all land-use types. Natural edge effect between forest and fynbos, as measured by arthropod compositional changes, was 20 m into natural forests, yet when bordered by plantations this edge increased up to 30 m into the forest. Once plantations were clear-felled, edge effects increased up to 50 m into natural forests. Responses in terms of assemblage composition and species richness were however taxon specific. Results show that (1) pine plantations are not alternative habitat for native Afrotemperate forest arthropods, (2) there were stark changes in arthropod assemblage composition at edges between these land-use types and (3) that the effects of timber plantation practices (re: clear-felling) also penetrate deep into surrounding natural forests and need to be considered in regional landscape planning. The need for an effective rehabilitation strategy of clear-felled areas is identified as key priority for bordering natural forests. Ongoing monitoring in both the disturbed area and the adjoining natural forest should be undertaken to ensure sufficient recovery.  相似文献   

Industrial timber plantations severely impact biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Forest fragments survive within plantations, but their conservation value in highly deforested landscapes in Southeast Asia is poorly understood. In this study, we compared bird assemblages in acacia plantations and fragmented forests in South Sumatra to evaluate each habitat’s potential conservation value. To clarify the impact of habitat change, we also analyzed the response of feeding guild composition. Five habitat types were studied: large logged forest (LLF), burnt logged forest (BLF), remnant logged forest (RLF), 4-year-old acacia plantation (AP4), and 1-year-old acacia plantation (AP1). Estimated species richness (Chao 2) was highest in LLF then AP4 and BLF, while AP1 and RLF had lower estimated species richness. Community composition was roughly divided into two groups by non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination: acacia plantation and logged forest. Sallying substrate-gleaning insectivores, such as drongos, broadbills, and some flycatchers, were restricted to LLF, whereas acacia plantation hosted many terrestrial frugivores, such as doves. Although fragmented forests in our study site lacked several common tropical forest species, these fragments provide an important habitat for some sallying and terrestrial insectivores. A network of small riparian remnant forests could be a complementary habitat for some species, while the conservation value of burnt forest might be low. In conclusion, the highly fragmented forests in plantations are suboptimal habitats for birds but are still very important, because large primary forest blocks have been nearly lost in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

Frequent bark beetle outbreaks cause biome-scale impacts in boreal and temperate forests worldwide. Despite frequent interceptions at ports of entry, the most aggressive bark beetle species of Ips and Dendroctonus in North America and Eurasia have failed to establish outside their original home continents. Our experiments showed that Ips typographus can breed in six North American spruce species: Engelmann spruce, white spruce¸ Sitka spruce, Lutz spruce, black spruce and red spruce. This suggests that differences between the Eurasian historical host and North American spruce species are not an insurmountable barrier to establishment of this tree-killing species in North America. However, slightly diminished quality of offspring beetles emerged from the North American spruces could reduce the chance of establishment through an Allee effect. The probabilistic nature of invasion dynamics suggests that successful establishments can occur when the import practice allows frequent arrivals of non-indigenous bark beetles (increased propagule load). Model simulations of hypothetical interactions of Dendroctonus rufipennis and I. typographus indicated that inter-species facilitations could result in more frequent and severe outbreaks than those caused by I. typographus alone. The potential effects of such new dynamics on coniferous ecosystems may be dramatic and extensive, including major shifts in forest structure and species composition, increased carbon emissions and stream flow, direct and indirect impacts on wildlife and invertebrate communities, and loss of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation result in landscapes where high quality habitat patches are surrounded by matrix habitats of low and variable quality. For mobile species to persist in such landscapes, individual animals often rely on the high quality habitats but also use matrix habitats for supplemental resources or while moving between higher quality patches. Determining what habitat features animals select when in these matrix areas is important, as retaining desirable features in lower quality habitats may enable species persistence. We examine a population of US federally threatened Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in northcentral Washington, near the southwestern range limit, where lynx habitat is fragmented by topography, wildfires, and human impacts. We used Global Positioning System radio-collar data from 17 lynx in the North Cascade Mountains during 2007–2013 to explore lynx habitat use. We used Random Forest models to analyze core hunting, resting, and denning habitat, and the habitats lynx select while between patches of core habitat. While selecting core habitat, lynx used spruce (Picea engelmannii)-fir (Abies lasiocarpa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), and mixed sub-boreal-Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests, and avoided dry forests and forest openings including new burns. When not in core habitat, lynx used a wider range of habitats, including new burns where fire skips and residual trees offered cover. Our results show clearly that Canada lynx tolerate a wider range of habitats where they occupy fragmented landscapes. Consequently, maintaining animals in fragmented landscapes requires that we identify and conserve not only the core habitats a particular species selects, but also the habitat features animals use while in less suitable environments.  相似文献   

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