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Summary A vaccine of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) admixed with tumor cells induced systemic immunity and had a therapeutic effect on subclinical, disseminated micrometastasis. Inbred strain-2 guinea-pigs given IV injections of 5×103 to 106 syngeneic L10 hepatocarcinoma cells were vaccinated after metastatic foci were established in the lung parenchyma. The purpose of this study was to establish the variables that can be manipulated to assure optimal immunotherapy while minimizing deleterious side effects of the BCG. In the present study we examined the variables of source, dose, and ratio of BCG to tumor cells. Four BCG sources (lyophilized Tice and Connaught; fresh-frozen Phipps and Tice) were compared. No significant differences among these BCG preparations could be detected with respect to adjuvant potential when they were admixed with attenuated tumor cells in a vaccine. The dose study clearly demonstrated that a BCG dose dependency exists with relation to induction of effective cell-mediated immunity or survival from disseminated micrometastatic disease. Furthermore, evaluations of dose versus ratio of BCG to tumor cells also supported a BCG dose dependency, with the lowest effective BCG dose being directly influenced by tumor burden of the host. Cutaneous reactivity and hypersensitivity of the primary and secondary immunization sites of tumor-bearing animals treated with effective and ineffective vaccines supported the direct association of reaction to BCG and specific tumor immunity. However, when an in vitro leukocyte migration inhibition assay was used, the degree of reactivity to BCG could not be exploited as a quantitative, diagnostic monitor of effective systemic tumor immunity.  相似文献   

 We have developed a novel approach to cancer immunotherapy – an autologous whole-cell vaccine modified with the hapten dinitrophenyl (DNP). This approach elicits significant inflammatory responses in metastatic sites and some objective tumor responses. Post-surgical adjuvant immunotherapy with DNP-modified melanoma vaccine in a setting of micrometastatic disease produces significant survival prolongation in stage III melanoma patients. Histologically, the inflammatory responses of the tumor consist of infiltration by lymphocytes, the majority of which are CD8+, HLA-DR+ T cells. T cells from these lesions tend to have mRNA for interferon γ. T cell receptor analysis suggests that the tumor-infiltrating T cells are clonally expanded. DNP-modified vaccine also induces T cells in the peripheral blood, which respond to DNP-modified autologous cells in a hapten-specific, MHC-restricted manner. Moreover, a T cell line generated from these lymphocytes responded to only a single HPLC fraction of MHC-associated, DNP-modified tumor peptides. Since inflammatory responses in metastases were not consistently associated with dramatic tumor regression, we considered the possibility of immunosuppression at the tumor site. We found that mRNA for the anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-10 (IL-10) is expressed in most metastatic melanoma tissues and subsequently demonstrated that IL-10 protein is produced by melanoma cells. Thus the efficacy of DNP vaccine could be further enhanced by inhibition of IL-10 production or binding. Finally, we expect these results obtained with melanoma to be applicable to other human cancers. Received: 6 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

Dendritic cells for specific cancer immunotherapy   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The characterization of tumor-associated antigens recognized by human T lymphocytes in a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted fashion has opened new possibilities for immunotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of human cancers. Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen presenting cells that are well suited to activate T cells toward various antigens, such as tumor-associated antigens, due to their potent costimulatory activity. The availability of large numbers of DC, generated either from hematopoietic progenitor cells or monocytes in vitro or isolated from peripheral blood, has profoundly changed pre-clinical research as well as the clinical evaluation of these cells. Accordingly, appropriately pulsed or transfected DC may be used for vaccination in the field of infectious diseases or tumor immunotherapy to induce antigen-specific T cell responses. These observations led to pilot clinical trials of DC vaccination for patients with cancer in order to investigate the feasibility, safety, as well as the immunologic and clinical effects of this approach. Initial clinical studies of human DC vaccines are generating encouraging preliminary results demonstrating induction of tumor-specific immune responses and tumor regression. Nevertheless, much work is still needed to address several variables that are critical for optimizing this approach and to determine the role of DC-based vaccines in tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Summary Guinea pigs, each with established, 7-day-old, syngeneic visceral micrometastases of line 10 tumor implanted intravenously, were immunized by intradermal inoculations into several sites of a mixture of irradiated line 10 cells and an emulsion containing heat-killed BCG or Mycobacterium phlei bacilli. This treatment led to survival of 72 of 80 treated animals (90%). Therapeutic effectiveness depended on the dose of mycobacteria and on that of irradiated tumor cells. Animals treated by intradermal injection of mycobacteria attached to oil droplets alone or with irradiated tumor cells alone, all died with multiple foci of pulmonary tumor.  相似文献   

After decades of work to develop immune-based therapies for cancer, the first drugs designed specifically to engage the host anti-tumor immune response for therapeutic benefit were recently approved for clinical use. Sipuleucel-T, a vaccine for advanced prostate cancer, and ipilimumab, a monoclonal antibody that mitigates the negative impact of cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 signaling on tumor immunity, provide a modest clinical benefit in some patients. The arrival of these drugs in the clinic is a significant advance that we can capitalize on for even better clinical outcomes. The strategic and scientifically rational integration of vaccines and other direct immunomodulators with standard cancer therapeutics should lead to therapeutic synergy and high rates of tumor rejection. This review focuses on the use of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and HER-2-specific monoclonal antibodies to dissect mechanisms of immune tolerance relevant to breast cancer patients and illustrates how appropriate preclinical models can powerfully inform clinical translation. The immune-modulating activity of targeted, pathway-specific, small molecule therapeutics is also discussed. Fully understanding how cancer drugs impact the immune system should lead to the ultimate personalized cancer medicine: effective combinatorial immunotherapy strategies that simultaneously target signaling pathways essential for tumor growth and progression, and systematically break multiple, distinct immune tolerance pathways to maximize tumor rejection and effect cure.  相似文献   

Summary A group of 23 colorectal cancer patients were treated by a new type of active specific immunotherapy (ASI) following complete surgical resection of liver metastases (R0 resection). For ASI treatment we used a vaccine consisting of 1 × 107 autologous, irradiated (200 Gy) metastases-derived tumor cells incubated with 32 hemagglutination units (HU) of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The adjuvant vaccine therapy was started 2 weeks after surgery and was repeated five times at 14-days intervals followed by one boost 3 months later. The delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions to the vaccine were measured as well as the DTH reactions to a challenge test of 1 × 107 non-virus-modified autologous tumor cells from liver metastases or 1 × 107 autologous normal liver cells. In addition 32 HU NDV alone and a standard antigen test (Merieux test) were applied pre- and post-vaccination. The vaccination was well tolerated. In 13 of 23 patients an increasing reactivity against the vaccine was observed during the vaccination procedure. Nine patients (40%) experienced an increased DTH reactivity against autologous tumor cells following vaccination, while 17% or fewer showed an increased reactivity to Merieux test antigens, NDV, or normal liver cells. The increased antitumor response was not correlated to responsiveness to NDV alone, autologous liver cells, enzymes and culture medium used for vaccine preparation or standard antigens (Merieux test). After a follow-up of at least 18 months 61% of the vaccinated patients developed tumor recurrence in comparison to 87% of a matched control groups from the same institution that had been only surgically treated. The results of this phase II trial are encouraging and should stimulate further prospective randomized studies.  相似文献   

Summary The question of whether host immune factors play a protective role in breast cancer has been long debated. Early evidence based predominantly on histopathologic changes seen in ipsolateral axillary lymph nodes was suggestive. More recently, the availability of quantitative in vivo and in vitro tests of cellular and humoral immunity in breast cancer has given further support to this concept. A number of attempts have utilized both active and passive techniques of immunotherapy, with or without cytoreductive chemotherapy, to combat the disease. This review summarizes the literature pertaining to immunology and immunotherapy of breast cancer with the hope that such knowledge may lead to further improvements in our skill in the treatment of human breast cancer.  相似文献   

Eighteen postoperative patients with non-small cell lung cancer were actively immunized with a vaccine that included autologous cryopreserved irradiated tumor cells admixed with bacillus Calmette-Guerin. Patients received three weekly intradermal immunizations beginning 1-3 months after surgery (15 patients) or after completion of postoperative radiotherapy (3 patients). There was marked heterogeneity in the relative proportion of tumor cells versus host infiltrating cells within individual vaccines (range of percent tumor cells 7-75%). Five patients exhibited positive delayed cutaneous skin test reactivity (DCR) to autologous irradiated tumor cells prior to immunization, whereas 8 of 13 converted from skin test negative to positive. There were no correlations between DCR reactivity and in vitro lymphoproliferative responses to autologous tumor cells or to clinical outcomes, i.e., freedom from relapse. Possible explanations for the heterogeneity of the lung cancer vaccine and approaches for improving its immunogenicity are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite years of intensive research, breast cancer remains the leading cause of death in women worldwide. New technologies including oncolytic virus therapies, virus, and phage display are among the most powerful and advanced methods that have emerged in recent years with potential applications in cancer prevention and treatment. Oncolytic virus therapy is an interesting strategy for cancer treatment. Presently, a number of viruses from different virus families are under laboratory and clinical investigation as oncolytic therapeutics. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) have been shown to be able to induce and initiate a systemic antitumor immune response. The possibility of application of a multimodal therapy using a combination of the OV therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors and cancer antigen vaccination holds a great promise in the future of cancer immunotherapy. Display of immunologic peptides on bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) is also increasingly being considered as a new and strong cancer vaccine delivery strategy. In phage display immunotherapy, a peptide or protein antigen is presented by genetic fusions to the phage coat proteins, and the phage construct formulation acts as a protective or preventive vaccine against cancer. In our laboratory, we have recently tested a few peptides (E75, AE37, and GP2) derived from HER2/neu proto-oncogene as vaccine delivery modalities for the treatment of TUBO breast cancer xenograft tumors of BALB/c mice. Here, in this paper, we discuss the latest advancements in the applications of OVs and bacterial viruses display systems as new and advanced modalities in cancer immune therapeutics.  相似文献   

An L3T4-, Lyt2+ tumor-specific, cloned T-lymphocyte cell line (RTT-2) was isolated from a spleen cell population harvested from C3H/HeJ mice, following in vivo immunization against a syngeneic MCA-induced fibrosarcoma (MCA-F) and in vitro restimulation with 1-butanol-extracted, isoelectrophoretically purified MCA-F tumor-specific transplantation antigen (TSTA). RTT-2 required exposure to homotypic-extracted MCA-F TSTA in combination with low-dose IL-2 to maintain its specific cytotoxic activity in vitro. In vivo local adoptive transfer of RTT-2 caused specific neutralization of homotypic MCA-F, but not heterotypic MCA-D, tumor cells. Systemic in vivo transfer of RTT-2 alone augmented host resistance. In combination with a triple regimen of weekly doses of purified TSTA (1 microgram SC) and a single ip injection of CY (20 mg/kg), adoptive transfer of RTT-2 cells (1 X 10(7)) retarded the neoplastic outgrowth in and prolonged the survival of primary hosts bearing 3-, 7-, and 14-day established MCA-F tumors. In a spontaneous pulmonary metastasis model following amputation of a tumor-bearing limb, the triple regimen of TSTA/CY/RTT-2 markedly reduced the number of lung colonies. Thus RTT-2, which displays specific tumoricidal activity in vitro and in vivo, may afford a suitable tool to dissect T-cell receptors recognizing tumor markers on 1-butanol-extracted, MCA-F TSTA.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the use of low-dose cyclophosphamide (CY) with active specific immunotherapy in patients with advanced melanoma and other metastatic cancers, and outlines the basic scientific research that supports this use. In various animal models, CY augments delayed-type hypersensitivity responses, increases antibody production, abrogates tolerance, and potentiates antitumor immunity. The mechanism of CY immunopotentiation involves inhibition of a suppressor function, as indicated by extensive work in the MOPC-315 plasmacytoma murine model. Human studies of the immunopotentiating effect of CY have yielded both positive and negative results. Toxicity associated with low-dose CY has been mild in these studies. Results of efficacy have been variable for reasons such as small sample sizes, short follow-up periods, and the weaker immunogenicity of human tumor-associated antigens. Although beneficial clinical outcomes have been observed in historically controlled trials, there are few randomized, controlled trials that evaluate outcome in relation to CY immunopotentiation of active specific immunotherapy. Additional randomized, controlled trials should be done to examine the clinical efficacy of CY immunopotentiation of therapeutic cancer vaccines. Received: 3 April 1998 / Accepted: 6 May 1998  相似文献   

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), breast cancer constitutes 18% of all cancers in Saudi women. Whilst locally advanced breast cancer disease is unusual in Western countries, it constitutes more than 40% of all non-metastatic breast cancer in KSA. The relative frequency of locally advanced disease among our breast cancer population and the lack of a uniform consensus in the literature about its optimal management have prompted this retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients with Stage III breast cancer patients seen at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center between 1981 and 1991. In all, 315 patients were identified. Their median age ±SD was 46±11.6 years which is distinctly different from the 60–65 years median age in industrial Western nations. Most patients were younger than 50 years (64%) and premenopausal (62%). Patients were approximately equally divided between Stage III A and Stage III B Patients received multimodality treatment, including surgery., adjuvant chemotherapy, tamoxifen, and adjuvant radiotherapy. Sixty-one patients were excluded from survival analysis as they were considered lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 254 patients, 73 (29%) were alive and disease free, and 18 patients (7%) were alive but, with evidence of the disease. The remaining 163 (64%) had died from breast cancer or its related complications. Their median overall survival (OS) was 54 months, (95%, Cl, 27 to 121 months) and the median progression-free survival (PFS) was 28.8 months (95% Cl, 14.2 to 113 months). Cox proportional hazard, model identified Stage III B and the number of positive axillary lymph nodes as poor predictors of OS and PFS. Radiotherapy was the only adjuvant modality that affected survival favourably. The prognosis of patients with Stage III disease remains poor despite the use of a multimodality approach. The overall young age of our patients may have contributed to the poor outcome. Moreover, the adverse effect of Stage III B disease (as compared with Stage III A) and axillary nodal status was evident. Whilst the favourable effect of radiotherapy on survival was demonstrated, the lack of independent efficacy of other modalities (adjuvant chemotherapy and tamoxifen) or the apparent deleterious effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy should be addressed with discretion in such retrospective analysis. Optimal management of patients with locally advanced breast cancer disease should be appraised in well designed, prospective, randomised studies.  相似文献   

The long-held belief that breast cancer is a weakly immunogenic tumor and a poor candidate for immunotherapy should be reappraised. There is ample evidence for the existence of an immune response, which is, however, attenuated by multiple inhibitory factors. Many tumor-associated antigens (TAA) have been identified in breast cancer, some of which appear to play a critical role in tumorigenesis and may be attractive targets for immunotherapy. There is evidence for DC recruitment and activation within breast cancers, and the presence of intratumoral activated DCs impacts favorably upon survival. Furthermore, there is a striking paucity of activated DCs within the primary draining or sentinel lymph nodes of breast cancers. Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) are often documented, however, their function is impaired by inhibitory cytokines, increased regulatory T lymphocyte activity, tumor cell MHC molecule alterations, and aberrant Fas ligand expression, amongst others. DCs are recognized as one of the critical interfaces between a cancer and the immune system, and have emerged as a promising platform for cancer vaccination via ex vivo immunomodulation. Clinical evaluation of DC vaccination in breast cancer is still relatively limited, although evolving. This article details evidence for the immune response in breast cancer and its many failings, and reviews the clinical trials and significant preclinical data which, taken together, validate the concept of DC vaccination in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most widespread malignancies in women worldwide. Breast cancer is mainly classified into a few key molecular subtypes in accordance with hormone and growth factor receptor expression, etc. In spite of numerous advances in the remedy of breast cancer, the development of metastatic disease remains an untreatable and repeated basis of cancer death for women. Preclinical and clinical studies of immunotherapy in cancer remedy have been in progress for the past quite a few decades by an effort to accelerate, augment, and modulate the immune system to spot and devastate cancer cells. Advancement of cancer immunotherapy is rapidly increasing with eminent and most interesting therapy compared to other therapy like targeted therapy, cytotoxic chemotherapy, radiation as well as surgery. Cancer immunotherapy, also known as biological therapy, which denotes the controlling and by means of the patient's own immune system to goal the cancer cells rather than using an extrinsic therapy. In that way, focusing of cancer immunotherapy developing mediators that stimulates or enhances the immune system's recognition and destroying the cancer cells. This review describes a holistic outlook and deeper understanding of the biology of immunotherapy within the system of tumor microenvironment of breast cancer that improve clinical research and constructive impact on the study conclusion.  相似文献   

Expression levels of VEGF and Her-2, levels of T-regulatory (Treg) cells, levels of CD3+ cells, and ratios of Th (CD4+ T cells)/Tr (Treg) cells were compared between stage I, II, III, and IV breast cancer patients (n?=?120) prior to chemotherapy and healthy women (n?=?30). Cells from peripheral blood were counted by flow cytometry, Her-2 and VEGF expression was detected by pathological examination, and Her-2 was detected by FISH. Breast cancer patients had more Treg cells and a lower ratio of Th/Tr cells than the healthy women. Stage IV breast cancer patients had more Treg cells and a lower ratio of Th/Tr cells than stage I, II, or III breast cancer patients. Patients positive for VEGF had a lower ratio of Th/Tr cells compared with patients negative for VEGF, and those positive for both VEGF and Her-2 also had a lower ratio of Th/Tr cells compared with patients not positive for both VEGF and Her-2. The decreased Th/Tr cells ratio indicates impaired immune function, suggesting that the stage IV breast cancer and the Her-2/VEGF-positive breast cancer patients have lower immune function.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo define the optimal treatment for women with stage III or locally advanced breast cancer (LABC).EvidenceSystematic review of English-language literature retrieved from MEDLINE (1984 to June 2002) and CANCERLIT (1983 to June 2002). A nonsystematic review of the literature was continued through December 2003.Recommendations· The management of LABC requires a combined modality treatment approach involving surgery, radiotherapy and systemic therapy.Systemic therapy: chemotherapyOperable tumours· Patients with operable stage IIIA disease should be offered chemotherapy. They should receive adjuvant chemotherapy following surgery, or primary chemotherapy followed by locoregional management.· Chemotherapy should contain an anthracycline. Acceptable regimens are 6 cycles of FAC, CAF, CEF or FEC. Taxanes are under intense investigation.Inoperable tumours· Patients with stage IIIB or IIIC disease, including those with inflammatory breast cancer and those with isolated ipsilateral internal mammary or supraclavicular lymph-node involvement, should be treated with primary anthracycline-based chemotherapy.· Acceptable chemotherapy regimens are FAC, CAF, CEF or FEC. Taxanes are under intense investigation.· Patients with stage IIIB or IIIC disease who respond to primary chemotherapy should be treated until the response plateaus or to a maximum of 6 cycles (minimum 4 cycles). Patients with stage IIIB disease should then undergo definitive surgery and irradiation. The locoregional management of patients with stage IIIC disease who respond to chemotherapy should be individualized. In patients with stage IIIB or IIIC disease who achieve maximum response with fewer than 6 cycles, further adjuvant chemotherapy can be given following surgery and irradiation. Patients whose tumours do not respond to primary chemotherapy can be treated with taxane chemotherapy or can proceed directly to irradiation followed by modified radical mastectomy, if feasible.Systemic therapy: hormonal therapyOperable and inoperable tumours· Tamoxifen for 5 years should be recommended to pre- and postmenopausal women whose tumours are hormone responsive.Locoregional managementOperable tumours· Patients with stage IIIA disease should receive both modified radical mastectomy (MRM) and locoregional radiotherapy if feasible. They may be managed with MRM followed by chemotherapy and locoregional radiotherapy, or chemotherapy first followed by MRM and locoregional radiotherapy. Breast-conserving surgery is currently not a standard approach.· Locoregional radiotherapy should be delivered to the chest wall and to the supraclavicular and axillary nodes. The role of internal mammary irradiation is unclear.Inoperable tumours· Patients with stage IIIB disease who respond to chemotherapy should receive surgery plus locoregional radiotherapy.· The locoregional management of patients with stage IIIC disease who respond to chemotherapy is unclear and should be individualized.· Patients whose disease remains inoperable following chemotherapy should receive locoregional radiotherapy with subsequent surgery, if feasible.ValidationThe authors'' original text was revised by members of the Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer. Subsequently, feedback was provided by 9 oncologists from across Canada. The final document was approved by the steering committee.SponsorThe Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer was convened by Health Canada.

Completion date

December 2003.Locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) occurs relatively infrequently, but it poses a significant clinical challenge. LABC refers to large breast tumours (> 5 cm in diameter) associated with either skin or chest-wall involvement or with fixed (matted) axillary lymph nodes or with disease spread to the ipsilateral internal mammary or supraclavicular nodes.1 Inflammatory breast cancer, which manifests as a red swollen breast, is considered a type of LABC. The Tumour–Node–Metastasis (TNM) system is used to classify breast cancer into stages (1 According to this system, LABC is stage III.Table 1During the last 60 years, the management of LABC has evolved considerably. Initially, patients with LABC were treated with radical mastectomy.2 Based on the disappointing results of surgery and radiotherapy2,3,4 in patients with LABC, and the early promising results of adjuvant systemic therapy in women with axillary node-positive breast cancer,5,6 systemic therapy was subsequently incorporated along with surgery and radiotherapy into the management of patients with LABC, termed “combined modality therapy.” Even with such combined modality therapy, the long-term survival rate is approximately 50% among patients with LABC.7 The focus of this guideline is to determine the optimal therapeutic approach for patients who present with LABC.  相似文献   

Summary A phase I clinical trial was performed to detect adverse reactions in far advanced cancer patients treated with a unique specific cancer immunotherapy. The vaccines consisted of autologous tumor cell membranes and managanese phosphate gel. From 133 patients admitted into the trial, 95 vaccine batches were made. No batch was toxic in animals. One batch was bacteriologically contaminated. Sufficient patients survived or complied to receive 32 complete and 23 partial courses for a total of 707 SC and ID injections. Minor swelling and occasional minimal pain occurred at injection sites. There were two possible vaccine-related systemic reactions but no evidence of tumor transplantation, tumor acceleration, sepsis or autoimmune disease. Subjective and objective improvement occurred in a number of patients. The vaccines are safe. Their efficacy must be determined. The value of ID vaccine skin testing and the unexpectedly little bacteriological contamination require further study.  相似文献   

We measured the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (mtOXPHOS) activities of all five complexes and determined the activity and gene expression in detail of the Complex III subunits in human breast cancer cell lines and primary tumors. Our analysis revealed dramatic differences in activity of complex III between normal and aggressive metastatic breast cancer cell lines. Determination of Complex III subunit gene expression identified over expression and co-regulation of UQCRFS1 (encoding RISP protein) and UQCRH (encoding Hinge protein) in 6 out of 9 human breast tumors. Analyses of UQCRFS1/RISP expression in additional matched normal and breast tumors demonstrated an over expression in 14 out of 40 (35%) breast tumors. UQCRFS1/RISP knockdown in breast tumor cell line led to decreased mitochondrial membrane potential as well as a decrease in matrigel invasion. Furthermore, reduced matrigel invasion was mediated by reduced ROS levels coinciding with decreased expression of NADPH oxidase 2, 3, 4 and 5 involved in ROS production. These studies provide direct evidence for contribution of impaired mtOXPHOS Complex III to breast tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

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