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Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) is an integral membrane glycoprotein localized to the apical membrane domain of intestinal and kidney epithelial cells. By indirect immunofluorescence, we have shown that antibodies raised against rat intestinal LAP recognized a similar protein concentrated in the bile canalicular (BC) domain of the hepatocyte in situ (Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 96:1548-1558). We have extended this localization to the ultrastructural level. When a saponin-permeabilized, agarose-embedded plasma membrane (PM) fraction was incubated with affinity-purified anti-LAP, 85% of the protein A-gold particles associated with the three recognizable PM domains were present in the BC. The levels of labeling on the other two domains (sinusoidal and lateral) did not exceed that observed with nonimmune controls. The concentration of LAP in the BC domain in isolated PM sheets prompted us to use this antigen for the affinity isolation of BC membrane (Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:1497-1504, companion paper).  相似文献   

Previous immunolabeling studies (Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 96:1548-1558; Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:1488-1496, companion paper) established leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) as a specific marker for the bile canalicular (BC) domain of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane (PM). In this study, we have isolated membrane from a sonicated PM vesicle fraction using anti-LAP-coated Staphylococcus aureus cells as a solid-phase immunoadsorbent. The extent and specificity of the immunoadsorption were assessed by following the behavior of LAP (the BC marker) and 32P-labeled membrane phospholipids (a uniform membrane marker). The BC fraction obtained was significantly enriched in LAP (yield: greater than 70% of PM-LAP). Alkaline phosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase, and a 110,000-dalton glycoprotein, HA-4, were enriched in the BC fraction to the same extent as LAP (enzyme or antigen/LAP = 1.0). However, alkaline phosphodiesterase I was not enriched to the same degree (enzyme/LAP = 0.5). Contamination of this BC fraction by membrane derived from the sinusoidal domain and endoplasmic reticulum, as determined from the distribution of the asialoglycoprotein receptor and NADH cytochrome c reductase, respectively, was small (less than 13%).  相似文献   

Rabbit monospecific antibody against canine kidney leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) (EC. specifically immunoprecipitated kidney and also liver LAP activity from corresponding plasma membrane preparations previously solubilized with Triton X-100. Immunological specificity of the antibody was also shown by immunoblotting of LAP from canine and rat liver plasma membranes and by electrophoretic analyses of the precursor forms in MDCK cells. Canine liver was pre-fixed by perfusion with 0.6% glutaraldehyde and the dissociated liver cells were prepared without losing their polarized structure (22). They were incubated with ferritin antibody conjugates against canine kidney LAP at the saturation level, and the distribution of ferritin particles on the three surface domains of the hepatocytes was investigated quantitatively by counting ferritin particles on the cross-sectional profiles of these surfaces. Our analysis clearly indicated that LAP exists only on the bile canalicular surface, and no significant number of ferritin particles was detected either on the sinusoidal front or on the lateral surface. Ferritin particles were distributed homogeneously both on the microvillar and intermicrovillar regions. All the bile canalicular surface domains of all the hepatocytes were heavily labeled with ferritin particles, without exception.  相似文献   

Seven integral proteins (CE 9, HA 21, HA 116, HA 16, HA 4, HA 201, and HA 301) were isolated from rat hepatocyte plasma membranes by immunoaffinity chromatography on monoclonal antibody-Sepharose. Six of the proteins (all but HA 16) exhibit domain-specific localizations (either bile canalicular or sinusoidal/lateral) about the hepatocyte surface. We identified three of these protein antigens as leucine aminopeptidase (HA 201), dipeptidyl peptidase IV (HA 301), and the asialoglycoprotein receptor (HA 116). We also developed 125I-lectin blotting procedures that, when used in conjunction with chemical and glycosidase treatments, permitted a comparison of the types of oligosaccharides present on the seven proteins. All seven are sialoglycoproteins, based upon the effects of prior neuraminidase and periodate-aniline-cyanoborohydride treatments of blots on labeling by 125I-wheat germ agglutinin. 125I-labeled Ricinus communis agglutinin I and 125I-peanut agglutinin blotting of the desialylated proteins revealed few if any conventional O-linked oligosaccharides, suggesting that the sialyl residues represent termini of N-linked complex-type oligosaccharides. Depending upon the protein, we estimated the presence of 2-26 N-linked oligosaccharides/polypeptide chain from the Mr reductions accompanying chemical or enzymatic deglycosylation. Three of these mature plasma membrane proteins (HA 21, HA 116, and HA 4) have both high mannose-type and complex-type oligosaccharides on every copy of their polypeptide chains. The labeling of these three proteins by 125I-concanavalin A was sensitive to treatment with endoglycosidase H, and each exhibited a quantitative reduction in Mr after the treatment, as assessed independently by 125I-wheat germ agglutinin blotting. At this level of analysis, we were unable to discern differences in the types of oligosaccharides present on these seven glycoproteins that correlate with their patterns of expression within the plasma membrane domains of this polarized epithelial cell.  相似文献   

Three plasma membrane subfractions have been isolated and characterized from rat liver cells. The high affinity Ca2+-stimulated ATPase is highly enriched in the bile canalicular subfraction. Taking into account cross-contamination by the blood sinusoidal and lateral membranes it is suggested that the high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase is located exclusively in this fraction. The high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase is coupled to Ca2+ transport, is calmodulin-insensitive, sensitive to vanadate under appropriate experimental conditions and is strongly inhibited by La3+. In the presence of Ca2+ and ATP the ATPase forms a phosphorylated intermediate of molecular mass about 200 kDa.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory supports an important role for aquaporins (AQPs), a family of water channel proteins, in bile secretion by hepatocytes. To further define the pathways and molecular mechanisms for water movement across hepatocytes, we directly assessed osmotic water permeability (Pf) and activation energy (Ea) in highly purified, rat hepatocytes basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) and canalicular membrane (CMV) vesicles by measuring scattered light intensity using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The time course of scattered light for BLMV and CMV fit well to a single-exponential function. In BLMV, Pf was 108 +/- 4 mum.s-1 (25 degrees C) with an Ea of 7.7 kcal/mol; in CMV, Pf was 86 +/- 5 mum.s-1 (25 degrees C) with an Ea of 8.0 kcal/mol. The AQP blocker, dimethyl sulfoxide, significantly inhibited the Pf of both basolateral (81 +/- 4 mum.s-1; -25%) and canalicular (59 +/- 4 mum.s-1; -30%) membrane vesicles. When CMV were isolated from hepatocytes treated with dibutyryl cAMP, a double-exponential fit was needed, implying two functionally different vesicle populations; one population had Pf and Ea values similar to those of CMV from untreated hepatocytes, but the other population had a very high Pf (655 +/- 135 mum.s-1, 25 degrees C) and very low Ea (2.8 kcal/mol). Dimethyl sulfoxide completely inhibited the high Pf value in this second vesicle population. In contrast, Pf and Ea of BLMV were unaltered by cAMP treatment of hepatocytes. Our results are consistent with the presence of both lipid- and AQP-mediated pathways for basolateral and canalicular water movement across the hepatocyte plasma membrane barrier. Our data also suggest that the hepatocyte canalicular membrane domain is rate-limiting for transcellular water transport and that this domain becomes more permeable to water when hepatocytes are exposed to a choleretic agonist, presumably by insertion of AQP molecules. These data suggest a molecular mechanism for the efficient coupling of osmotically active solutes and water transport during canalicular bile formation.  相似文献   

The constitutive and wound-inducible leucine aminopeptidases (LAP-N and LAP-A, respectively) of tomato encode 60-kDa proteins with 5-kDa presequences that resemble chloroplast-targeting peptides. Cell fractionation studies and immunoblot analyses of chloroplast and total proteins have suggested a dual location of the mature LAP-A proteins in the cytosol and the plastids. In this study, the subcellular localization of tomato LAPs was further investigated using in vitro chloroplast-targeting assays and immunocytochemical techniques at the light and TEM levels. In vitro-translated LAP-A1 and LAP-N preproteins were readily transported into pea chloroplasts and processed into mature proteins of 55 kDa indicating the presence of a functional chloroplast-targeting signal in the LAP-A1 and LAP-N protein precursors. In addition, a LAP polyclonal and a LAP-A-specific antisera were used to immunolocalize LAP proteins in leaves from healthy, wounded and methyl jasmonate (MeJA)-treated plants. Low levels of LAPs and/or LAP-like proteins were detected in leaves from unwounded plants. The LAP polyclonal antiserum, which detected LAP-A, LAP-N and LAP-like proteins, and the LAP-A specific antibodies, which detected only LAP-A, showed that LAP levels increased in leaf sections after wounding and MeJA treatments. LAP-A proteins were primarily detected within the chloroplasts of spongy and palisade mesophyll cells. The localization of LAP-A was distinct from the location of early wound-response proteins that are important in the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid or systemin and more similar to the late wound-response proteins with primary roles in defense. The importance of these findings relative to the potential roles of LAP-A in defense is discussed.  相似文献   

We have used a combined biochemical and morphological approach to establish the suitability of certain endogenous and exogenous domain markers for monitoring the separation of rat hepatocyte plasma membrane domains in sucrose density gradients. As endogenous domain markers, we employed two of the integral plasma membrane protein antigens, HA 4 and CE 9, localized to the bile canalicular and sinusoidal/lateral domains, respectively, of the hepatocyte plasma membrane in rat liver tissue (Hubbard, A. L., J. R. Bartles, and L. T. Braiterman, 1985, J. Cell Biol., 100:1115-1125). We used immunoelectron microscopy with a colloidal gold probe to demonstrate that HA 4 and CE 9 retained their domain-specific localizations on isolated hepatocyte plasma membrane sheets. When the plasma membrane sheets were vesiculated by sonication and the resulting vesicles were centrifuged to equilibrium in sucrose density gradients, quantitative immunoblotting revealed that the vesicles containing HA 4 and those containing CE 9 exhibited distinct density profiles. The density profile for the bile canalicular vesicles (marked by HA 4) was characterized by a single peak at a density of 1.10 g/cm3. The density profile for the sinusoidal/lateral vesicles (marked by CE 9) was bimodal, with a peak in the body of the gradient at a density of 1.14 g/cm3 and a smaller amount in the pellet (density greater than or equal to 1.17 g/cm3). We used this sucrose gradient fractionation as a diagnostic procedure to assign domain localizations for several other hepatocyte plasma membrane antigens and enzyme activities. In addition, we used the technique to demonstrate that 125I-wheat germ agglutinin, introduced during isolated liver perfusion at 4 degrees C, can serve as an exogenous domain marker for the sinusoidal domain of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The role of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the fluidity of the annular lipid regions and their associated membrane-bound proteins is still not as well understood as that in the global (bulk) lipid regions. We therefore studied the effects of dietary DHA on the relationship between annular and global lipid fluidity and membrane-bound enzymes such as 5'-nucleotidase and Mg(2)+-ATPase in the rat bile canalicular membrane. Dietary DHA caused significant increases in 5'-nucleotidase and Mg(2)+-ATPase activity and in global and annular lipid fluidity, a higher increase in fluidity in the annular lipids than the global lipids, and a decrease in the cholesterol-to-phospholipid molar ratio in the canalicular membrane. Plasma total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol decreased, and fecal cholesterol increased in the DHA-fed rats. No changes were observed in oxidative markers, but glutathione peroxidase increased in the liver with DHA feeding. Annular lipid fluidity, but not global lipid fluidity, correlated remarkably well with DHA, synchronously with the activities of 5'-nucleotidase and Mg(2)+-ATPase. The data indicate that the DHA-induced increase in annular lipid fluidity is responsible for the increases observed in the enzyme activity. We therefore concluded that the increased activity of membrane-bound enzymes and transporters induced by DHA and the concomitant increase in annular lipid fluidity comprise one of the mechanisms involved in DHA-induced clearance of plasma cholesterol.  相似文献   

The driving forces for L-glutamate transport were determined in purified canalicular (cLPM) and basolateral (i.e. sinusoidal and lateral; blLPM) rat liver plasma membrane vesicles. Initial rates of L-glutamate uptake in cLPM vesicles were stimulated by a Na+ gradient (Na+o greater than Na+i), but not by a K+ gradient. Stimulation of L-glutamate uptake was specific for Na+, temperature sensitive, and independent of nonspecific binding. Sodium-dependent L-glutamate uptake into cLPM vesicles exhibited saturation kinetics with an apparent Km of 24 microM, and a Vmax of 21 pmol/mg X min at an extravesicular sodium concentration of 100 mM. Specific anionic amino acids inhibited L-[3H]glutamate uptake and accelerated the exchange diffusion of L-[3H]glutamate. An outwardly directed K+ gradient (K+i greater than K+o) further increased the Na+ gradient (Na+o greater than Na+i)-dependent uptake of L-glutamate in cLPM vesicles, resulting in a transient accumulation of L-glutamate above equilibrium values (overshoot). The K+ effect had an absolute requirement for Na+. In contrast, in blLPM the initial rates of L-glutamate uptake were only minimally stimulated by a Na+ gradient, an effect that could be accounted for by contamination of the blLPM vesicles with cLPM vesicles. These results indicate that hepatic Na+ gradient-dependent transport of L-glutamate occurs at the canalicular domain of the plasma membrane, whereas transport of L-glutamate across sinusoidal membranes results mainly from passive diffusion. These findings provide an explanation for the apparent discrepancy between the ability of various in vitro liver preparations to transport glutamate and suggest that a canalicular glutamate transport system may serve to reabsorb this amino acid from bile.  相似文献   

Many members of the TRP superfamily oligomerize in the ER before trafficking to the plasma membrane. For membrane localization of the non-selective cation channel TRPV4 specific domains in the N-terminus are required, but the role of the C-terminus in the oligomerization and trafficking process has been not determined until now. Therefore, the localization of recombinant TRPV4 in two cell models was analyzed: HaCaT keratinocytes that express TRPV4 endogenously were compared to CHO cells that are devoid of endogenous TRPV4. When deletions were introduced in the C-terminal domain three states of TRPV4 localization were defined: a truncated TRPV4 protein of 855 amino acids was exported to the plasma membrane like the full-length channel (871 aa) and was also functional. Mutants with a length of 828 to 844 amino acids remained in the ER of CHO cells, but in HaCaT cells plasma membrane localization was partially rescued by oligomerization with endogenous TRPV4. This was confirmed by coexpression of recombinant full-length TRPV4 together with these deletion mutants, which resulted in an almost complete plasma membrane localization of both proteins and significant FRET in the plasma membrane and the ER. All deletions upstream of amino acid 828 resulted in total ER retention that could not rescued by coexpression with the full-length protein. However, these deletion mutants did not impair export of full-length TRPV4, implying that no oligomerization took place. These data indicate that the C-terminus of TRPV4 is required for oligomerization, which takes place in the ER and precedes plasma membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Many members of the TRP superfamily oligomerize in the ER before trafficking to the plasma membrane. For membrane localization of the non-selective cation channel TRPV4 specific domains in the N-terminus are required, but the role of the C-terminus in the oligomerization and trafficking process has been not determined until now. Therefore, the localization of recombinant TRPV4 in two cell models was analyzed: HaCaT keratinocytes that express TRPV4 endogenously were compared to CHO cells that are devoid of endogenous TRPV4. When deletions were introduced in the C-terminal domain three states of TRPV4 localization were defined: a truncated TRPV4 protein of 855 amino acids was exported to the plasma membrane like the full-length channel (871 aa) and was also functional. Mutants with a length of 828 to 844 amino acids remained in the ER of CHO cells, but in HaCaT cells plasma membrane localization was partially rescued by oligomerization with endogenous TRPV4. This was confirmed by coexpression of recombinant full-length TRPV4 together with these deletion mutants, which resulted in an almost complete plasma membrane localization of both proteins and significant FRET in the plasma membrane and the ER. All deletions upstream of amino acid 828 resulted in total ER retention that could not rescued by coexpression with the full-length protein. However, these deletion mutants did not impair export of full-length TRPV4, implying that no oligomerization took place. These data indicate that the C-terminus of TRPV4 is required for oligomerization, which takes place in the ER and precedes plasma membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Direct photoaffinity labeling of liver plasma membrane subfractions enriched in sinusoidal and canalicular membranes using [35S]adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) ([35S]ATP gamma S) allows the identification of ATP-binding proteins in these domains. Comparative photoaffinity labeling with [35S]ATP gamma S and with the photolabile bile salt derivative (7,7-azo-3 alpha, 12 alpha-dihydroxy-5 beta-[3 beta-3H]-cholan-24-oyl-2'- aminoethanesulfonate followed by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody (Be 9.2) revealed the identity of the ATP-binding and the bile salt-binding canalicular membrane glycoprotein with the apparent Mr of 110,000 (gp110). The isoelectric point of this glycoprotein was 3.7. Transport of bile salt was studied in vesicles enriched in canalicular and sinusoidal liver membranes. Incubation of canalicular membrane vesicles with [3H] taurocholate in the presence of ATP resulted in an uptake of the bile salt into the vesicles which was sensitive to vanadate. ATP-dependent taurocholate transport was also observed in membrane vesicles from mutant rats deficient in the ATP-dependent transport of cysteinyl leukotrienes and related amphiphilic anions. Substrates of the P-glycoprotein (gp170), such as verapamil and doxorubicin, did not interfere with the ATP-dependent transport of taurocholate. Reconstitution of purified gp110 into liposomes resulted in an ATP-dependent uptake of [3H]taurocholate. These results demonstrate that gp110 functions as carrier in the ATP-dependent transport of bile salts from the hepatocyte into bile. This export carrier is distinct from hitherto characterized ATP-dependent transport systems.  相似文献   

CD38 is a 42- to 45-kDa type II transmembrane glycoprotein with the ability to synthesize cADPR, a metabolite with potent calcium mobilizing properties independent of IP(3). We report here the primary characterization and localization of CD38 in the plasma membrane fraction of rat hepatocyte. Western blot analysis of a partially purified plasma membrane fraction with a panel of polyclonal antibodies against CD38 detected a 42- to 45-kDa protein band which is characteristic of CD38. ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity was found to be present in the plasma membrane fraction, indicating the presence of functionally active CD38. Subfractionation of the plasma membrane to the sinusoidal and bile canalicular membrane fractions showed the presence of ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity in both fractions with the sinusoidal membrane fraction having a 10-fold higher specific activity than the bile canalicular membrane fraction. Immunohistochemical staining with the same panel of polyclonal antibodies showed exclusive differential spatial localization to both the nuclei and sinusoidal domain of the plasma membrane. It is possible that the different spatial distribution of CD38 in the rat hepatocyte might be responsible for its myriad of previously known functional roles.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the murine hepatocyte plasma membrane antigen (Ag B10) was studied by immunoelectron microscopy in 5 spontaneous and 3 chemical-induced hepatomas. Ag B10 was associated with plasmalemma of bile canaliculi and membrane of microvilli as in normal liver. Sometimes it was connected with plasmalemma of lateral domain of tumor cells. The availability of Ag B10 in the matrix of bile canaliculi and within microvilli was shown.  相似文献   

The molecular and functional characterization of severalproteins involved in the uptake and excretion of xenobioticsand endogenous compounds in the hepatocyte has been achievedthrough intensive research conducted in the past few years.These studies have lead to the identification of specificmembrane transporters located in the basolateral andcanalicular membrane domains of the hepatocyte. The organicanion-transporting polypeptide (OATP), present in thebasolateral membrane of the hepatocyte, is responsible for thetranslocation of xenobiotics from the sinusoidal space into thehepatocyte. Once inside the cell, unconjugated neutral, anionicand cationic xenobiotics can be secreted into bile by themultidrug-resistance P-glycoprotein 1 (MDR1). Conjugatedxenobiotics (e.g. glucuronides and glutathione conjugates) aresecreted into bile by the canalicular multispecific organicanion transporter (cMOAT). Other transporters play keyphysiological roles, including the basolateral uptake of bilesalts (sodium-taurocholate cotransporter, NTCP) and thesecretion into bile of conjugated and unconjugated bile salts(bile salt export pump, BSEP) and phospholipids (MDR2).Experimental approaches used to investigate the role of thebasolateral and canalicular transporters in the hepatocyte haveincluded both in vivo and in vitro models. Animalmodels lacking canalicular transporters include the`hyperbilirubinemic' rats (Groningen-Yellow (GY), Eisaihyperbilirubinemic (EHB) and TR- rats), which aredeficient in the cMOAT protein, and `knock-out' mice, lackingeither the MDR1 or MDR2 transporter. Although no animal modelsare currently available for the study of basolateraltransporters, their function has been conveniently investigatedthrough heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytesand also with basolateral membrane vesicles isolated fromhepatocytes. The total number of basolateral and canaliculartransport proteins present in the hepatocyte is still unknown,but current knowledge indicates that there are at least fourpresent in the basolateral membrane and five in the canaliculardomain. The present review focuses on the current knowledgeabout the most relevant hepatocyte transporters involved in theuptake of foreign and endogenous compounds from the sinusoidalspace and in their active secretion into bile. The first partof the review deals with the basolateral (sinusoidal) transportof organic anions, and the major basolateral transporters (e.g.NTCP, OATP) are described here, both in terms of their knownbiochemistry and physiology. In the second part of the review,the canalicular (apical) transport of organic anions isdiscussed and the biochemistry and physiological role of MDR1,MDR2, cMOAT and BSEP is described in detail. The concludingremarks point out areas of research that need to be addressedin order to answer important questions that still remainunanswered in this important field of study.  相似文献   

Liver cell plasma membranes of male rats were isolated and separated into two fractions, one rich in bile canalicular membranes (BCM) and the other comprising the rest of the plasma membrane (PM). Aliquots of BCM, PM, and microsomes were incubated with deoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic, or cholic acid at bile acid - membrane phospholipid mole ratios up to 100, and the phospholipid solubilization from the PM and from microsomes was linear and apparently nonselective, while that from BCM was biphasic and distinctly selective. Phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl ethanolamine made up 90% of the phospholipids solubilized from the BCM at a bile acid - membrane phospholipid mole ratio sufficient to solubilize about 50% of the total phospholipids of the BCM. Of particular interest was the observation that the molecular species and fatty acid composition of the phospholipids solubilized from the BCM under these experimental conditions were similar to those of bile obtained from the same animal, and were quite unlike those solubilized at higher bile acid - phospholipids mole ratios. The data are discussed in terms of the mechanism of the biliary secretion of phospholipids.  相似文献   

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