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The mechanical power (Wtot, W·kg–1) developed during ten revolutions of all-out periods of cycle ergometer exercise (4–9 s) was measured every 5–6 min in six subjects from rest or from a baseline of constant aerobic exercise [50%–80% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)] of 20–40 min duration. The oxygen uptake [VO2 (W·kg–1, 1 ml O2 = 20.9 J)] and venous blood lactate concentration ([la]b, mM) were also measured every 15 s and 2 min, respectively. During the first all-out period, Wtot decreased linearly with the intensity of the priming exercise (Wtot = 11.9–0.25·VO2). After the first all-out period (i greater than 5–6 min), and if the exercise intensity was less than 60% VO2max, Wtot, VO2 and [la]b remained constant until the end of the exercise. For exercise intensities greater than 60% VO2max, VO2 and [la]b showed continuous upward drifts and Wtot continued decreasing. Under these conditions, the rate of decrease of Wtot was linearly related to the rate of increase of V [(d Wtot/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1) = 5.0·10–5 –0.20·(d VO2/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1)] and this was linearly related to the rate of increase of [la]b [(d VO2/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1) = 2.310–4 + 5.910–5·(d [la]b/dt) (mM·s–1)]. These findings would suggest that the decrease of Wtot during the first all-out period was due to the decay of phosphocreatine concentration in the exercising muscles occurring at the onset of exercise and the slow drifts of VO2 (upwards) and of Wtot (downwards) during intense exercise at constant Wtot could be attributed to the continuous accumulation of lactate in the blood (and in the working muscles).  相似文献   

To determine the effects of cycle and run training on rating of perceived exertion at the lactate threshold (LT), college men completed a 40-session training program in 10 weeks (n = 6 run training, n = 5 cycle training, n = 5 controls). Pre- and post-training variables were measured during graded exercise tests on both the bicycle ergometer and treadmill. ANOVA on the pre- and post-training difference scores resulted in similar improvements in VO2max for both testing protocols, regardless of training mode. The run training group increased VO2 at the LT by 58.5% on the treadmill protocol and by 20.3% on the cycle ergometer. Cycle trainers increased VO2 LT only during cycle ergometry (+38.7%). No changes were observed in the control group. No differences for RPE at the LT were found before or after training, or between testing protocols for any group. Perception of exercise intensity at the LT ranged from "very light" to "light". The relationship between RPE and %VO2max was altered by the specific mode of training, with trained subjects having a lower RPE at a given %VO2max (no change in RPE at max.). It was concluded that RPE at the LT was not affected by training, despite the fact that after training the LT occurs at a higher work rate and was associated with higher absolute and relative metabolic and cardiorespiratory demands.  相似文献   

Elevated oxygen uptake (VO2) during moderate-intensity running following a bout of interval running training has been studied previously. To further investigate this phenomenon, the VO2 response to high-intensity exercise was examined following a bout of interval running. Well-trained endurance runners were split into an experimental group [maximum oxygen uptake, VO2max 4.73 (0.39)l x min(-1)] and a reliability group [VO2max 4.77 (0.26)l x min(-1)]. The experimental group completed a training session (4 x 800 m at 1 km x h(-1) below speed at VO2max, with 3 min rest between each 800-m interval). Five minutes prior to, and 1 h following the training session, subjects completed 6 min 30 s of constant speed, high-intensity running designed to elicit 40% delta (where delta is the difference between VO2 at ventilatory threshold and VO2max; tests 1 and 2, respectively). The slow component of VO2 kinetics was quantified as the difference between the VO2 at 6 min and the VO2 at 3 min of exercise, i.e. deltaVO2(6-3). The deltaVO2(-3) was the same in two identical conditions in the reliability group [mean (SD): 0.30 (0.10)l x min(-1) vs 0.32 (0.13)l x min(-1)]. In the experimental group, the magnitude of the slow component of VO2 kinetics was increased in test 2 compared with test 1 by 24.9% [0.27 (0.14)l x min(-1) vs 0.34 (0.08)l x min(-1), P < 0.05]. The increase in deltaVO2(6-3) in the experimental group was observed in the absence of any significant change in body mass, core temperature or blood lactate concentration, either at the start or end of tests 1 or 2. It is concluded that similar mechanisms may be responsible for the slow component of VO2 kinetics and for the fatigue following the training session. It has been suggested previously that this mechanism may be linked primarily to changes within the active limb, with the recruitment of alternative and/or additional less efficient fibres.  相似文献   

Previous studies investigating the impact of circadian rhythms on physiological variables during exercise have yielded conflicting results. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine maximal aerobic exercise performance, as well as the physiological and psychophysiological responses to exercise, at four different intervals (0800 hours, 1200 hours, 1600 hours, and 2000 hours) within the segment of the 24-h day in which strenuous physical activity is typically performed. Ten physically fit, but untrained, male university students served as subjects. The results revealed that exercise performance was unaffected by chronobiological effects. Similarly, oxygen uptake, minute ventilation and heart rate showed no time of day influences under pre-, submaximal, and maximal exercise conditions. Ratings of perceived exertion were unaffected by time of day effects during submaximal and maximal exercise. In contrast, rectal temperature exhibited a significant chronobiological rhythm under all three conditions. Under pre- and submaximal exercise conditions, significant time of day effects were noted for respiratory exchange ratio, while a significant rhythmicity of blood pressure was evident during maximal exercise. However, none of these physiological variables exhibited significant differential responses (percent change from pre-exercise values) to the exercise stimulus at any of the four time points selected for study. Conversely, resting plasma lactate levels and lactate responses to maximal exercise were found to be significantly sensitive to chronobiological influences. Absolute post-exercise plasma norepinephrine values, and norepinephrine responses to exercise (percent change from pre-exercise values), also fluctuated significantly among the time points studied. In summary, these data suggest that aerobic exercise performance does not vary during the time frame within which exercise is normally conducted, despite the fact that some important physiological responses to exercise do fluctuate within that time period. Accepted: 18 August 1997  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find out whether a low-carbohydrate diet (L-CHO) affects: (1) the capacity for all-out anaerobic exercise, and (2) hormonal and metabolic responses to this type of exercise. To this purpose, eight healthy subjects underwent a 30-s bicycle Wingate test preceded by either 3 days of a controlled mixed diet (130 kJ/kg of body mass daily, 50% carbohydrate, 30% fat, 20% protein) or 3 days of an isoenergetic L-CHO diet (up to 5% carbohydrate, 50% fat, 45% protein) in a randomized order. Before and during 1 h after the exercise venous blood samples were taken for measurement of blood lactate (LA), β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HB), glucose, adrenaline (A), noradrenaline (NA) and insulin levels. Oxygen consumption (O2) was also determined. It was found that the L-CHO diet diminished the mean power output during the 30-s exercise bout [533 (7) W vs 581 (7) W, P < 0.05] without changing the maximal power attained during the first or second 5-s interval of the exercise. In comparison with the data obtained after the consumption of a mixed diet, after the consumption of a L-CHO diet resting plasma concentrations of β-HB [2.38 (0.18) vs 0.23 (0.01) mmol · l−1, P < 0.001] and NA [4.81 (0.68) vs 2.2 (0.31) nmol · l−1, P < 0.05] were higher, while glucose [4.6 (0.1) vs 5.7 (0.2) mmol · l−1, P < 0.05] and insulin concentrations [11.9 (0.9) vs 21.8 (1.8) mU · l−1] were lower. The 1-h post-exercise excess of O2 [9.1 (0.25) vs 10.6 (0.25) l, P < 0.05], and blood LA measured 3 min after the exercise [9.5 (0.4) vs 10.6 (0.5) mmol · l−1, P < 0.05] were lower following the L-CHO treatment, whilst plasma NA and A concentrations reached higher values [2.24 (0.40) vs 1.21 (0.13) nmol · l−1 and 14.30 (1.41) vs 8.20 (1.31) nmol · l−1, P < 0.01, respectively]. In subjects on the L-CHO diet, the plasma β-HB concentration decreased quickly after exercise, attaining ≈30% of the pre-exercise value within 60 min, while insulin and glucose levels were elevated. The main conclusions of this study are: (1) a L-CHO diet is detrimental to anaerobic work capacity, possibly because of a reduced muscle glycogen store and decreased rate of glycolysis; (2) reduced carbohydrate intake for 3 days enhances activity of the sympathoadrenal system at rest and after exercise. Accepted: 31 January 1997  相似文献   

The regression of oxygen uptake (O2) on power output and the O2 demand predicted for suprapeak oxygen uptake (O2peak) exercise (power output = 432 W) were compared in ten male cyclists [C, mean O2peak = 67.9 (SD 4.2) ml · kg–1 · min–1] and nine active, yet untrained men [UT, mean O2peak = 54.1 (SD 6.5) ml · kg–1 · min–1]. The O2-power regression was determined using a continuous incremental cycle test (CON4), performed twice, which comprised several 4-min exercise periods progressing in intensity from approximately 40%–85% O2peak. Minute ventilation (E), heart rate (HR), respiratory exchange ratio (R), blood lactate concentration ([1a]b) and rectal temperature (T re) were measured at rest and during CON4. The slope of the O2-power regression was greater (P 0.05) in C [12.4 (SD 0.7) ml · min–1. W–1] compared to UT [11.7 (SD 0.4) ml · min–1 W–1]; as a result, the O2 demand (at 432 W) was also higher (P 0.05) in C [5.97 (SD 0.23) l · min–1] than UT [5.70 (SD 0.15) 1 · min–1]. ExerciseR and [la]b were lower (P 0.05) in C .in comparison to UT at all power outputs, whereas E and HR were relatively lower (P 0.05) in C at power outputs approximating 180 W, 220 W and 270 W. Differences in fat metabolism estimated over the first three power outputs accounted for approximately 19% of the difference in O2-power slopes between the groups and up to 46% of the difference in O2 at a given intensity. Although the O2-power regressions were linear for C [r = 0.997 (SD 0.001)] and UT [r = 0.997 (SD 0.001)], the O2-power slope was higher at power outputs at or above the lactate threshold (13.2 ml · min–1 · W–1 than at lower intensities (11.6 ml · min–1 · W–1) in C, an effect which was less profound in UT. As a result, the exclusion of O2 at the highest power outputs completely abolished the difference in O2-power slopes between C and UT. Thus, the relatively higher O2 during incremental exercise in C can be almost entirely attributed to the higher O2 cost of cycling at higher power outputs. In addition, the presence of non-linear responses in O2 at higher intensities also confirms the invalidity of describing the O2 response across a wide range of power outputs using a linear function, and challenges the validity of predicting the O2 demand of more intense exercise by a linear extrapolation of this same function.  相似文献   

In six male subjects the sweating thresholds, heart rate (fc), as well as the metabolic responses to exercise of different intensities [40%, 60% and 80% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)], were compared at ambient temperatures (Ta) of 5 degrees C (LT) and 24 degrees C (MT). Each period of exercise was preceded by a rest period at the same temperature. In LT experiments, the subjects rested until shivering occurred and in MT experiments the rest period was made to be of exactly equivalent length. Oxygen uptake (VO2) at the end of each rest period was higher in LT than MT (P less than 0.05). During 20-min exercise at 40% VO2max performed in the cold no sweating was recorded, while at higher exercise intensities sweating occurred at similar rectal temperatures (Tre) but at lower mean skin (Tsk) and mean body temperatures (Tb) in LT than MT experiments (P less than 0.001). The exercise induced VO2 increase was greater only at the end of the light (40% VO2max) exercise in the cold in comparison with MT (P less than 0.001). Both fc and blood lactate concentration [1a]b were lower at the end of LT than MT for moderate (60% VO2max) and heavy (80% VO2max) exercises. It was concluded that the sweating threshold during exercise in the cold environment had shifted towards lower Tb and Tsk. It was also found that subjects exposed to cold possessed a potentially greater ability to exercise at moderate and high intensities than those at 24 degrees C since the increases in Tre, fc and [1a]b were lower at the lower Ta.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine whether creatine supplementation at a dose of 20 g · day−1, given in 4 × 6-g doses (5 g creatine monohydrate and 1 g glucose) for 5 days, was effective in improving kayak ergometer performances of different durations. Sixteen male subjects with the following characteristics [mean (SEM)]: age 21 (1.2) years, height 170.2 (1.7) cm, weight 75.3 (2.3) kg, Σ8 skinfolds 59.3 (2.6) mm, and maximal oxygen consumption 67.1 ± (4.3) ml · kg · min−1, undertook three maximal kayak ergometer tests of 90, 150 and 300 s duration on a wind-braked kayak ergometer (CON). Two groups were then randomly formed, with one group taking the supplement (SUP) while the other took a placebo (PLAC). No pre-test differences existed between the SUP and the PLAC groups in any of the variables measured. After supplementation each group then repeated the same kayak ergometer tests as performed previously and after a 4-week “washout period” the groups took either the PLAC or SUP for another 5 days and then completed the final tests. The SUP group completed significantly more work than either the CON or PLAC groups in all of the tests (90 s, P < 0.01; 150 s, P < 0.001; 300 s, P < 0.05). Body mass remained stable throughout the test period in both the CON and PLAC groups, but both were significantly less than the SUP body mass of 77.3 (1.0) kg (P < 0.01). The results of this work indicate that creatine supplementation can significantly increase the amount of work accomplished during kayak ergometer performance at durations ranging from 90 to 300 s. Accepted: 8 January 1998  相似文献   

Thermal stress is known to impair endurance capacity during moderate prolonged exercise. However, there is relatively little available information concerning the effects of thermal stress on the performance of high-intensity short-duration exercise. The present experiment examined human power output during repeated bouts of short-term maximal exercise. On two separate occasions, seven healthy males performed two 30-s bouts of sprint exercise (sprints I and II), with 4 min of passive recovery in between, on a cycle ergometer. The sprints were performed in both a normal environment [18.7 (1.5) degrees C, 40 (7)% relative humidity (RH; mean SD)] and a hot environment [30.1 (0.5) degrees C, 55 (9)% RH]. The order of exercise trials was randomised and separated by a minimum of 4 days. Mean power, peak power and decline in power output were calculated from the flywheel velocity after correction for flywheel acceleration. Peak power output was higher when exercise was performed in the heat compared to the normal environment in both sprint I [910 (172) W vs 656 (58) W; P < 0.01] and sprint II [907 (150) vs 646 (37) W; P < 0.05]. Mean power output was higher in the heat compared to the normal environment in both sprint I [634 (91) W vs 510 (59) W; P < 0.05] and sprint II [589 (70) W vs 482 (47) W; P < 0.05]. There was a faster rate of fatigue (P < 0.05) when exercise was performed in the heat compared to the normal environment. Arterialised-venous blood samples were taken for the determination of acid-base status and blood lactate and blood glucose before exercise, 2 min after sprint I, and at several time points after sprint II. Before exercise there was no difference in resting acid-base status or blood metabolites between environmental conditions. There was a decrease in blood pH, plasma bicarbonate and base excess after sprint I and after sprint II. The degree of post-exercise acidosis was similar when exercise was performed in either of the environmental conditions. The metabolic response to exercise was similar between environmental conditions; the concentration of blood lactate increased (P < 0.01) after sprint I and sprint II but there were no differences in lactate concentration when comparing the exercise bouts performed in a normal and a hot environment. These data demonstrate that when brief intense exercise is performed in the heat, peak power output increases by about 25% and mean power output increases by 15%; this was due to achieving a higher pedal cadence in the heat.  相似文献   

The study examines plasma metabolic profiles of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to prove whether the disease influences metabolism at rest and after endurance training. This is based on the hypothesis that metabolome levels should reflect impaired skeletal muscle bioenergetics in COPD. The study aims to test this hypothesis by evaluating plasma metabolic profiles in COPD patients before and after 8?weeks of endurance exercise training. We studied blood samples from 18 COPD patients and 12 healthy subjects. Pre- and post-training blood plasma samples at rest and after constant-work rate exercise (CWRE) at 70% of pre-training Watts peak were analyzed by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to assess metabolite profiles. The two groups presented training-induced physiological changes in the VO2 peak and in blood lactate levels (P?<?0.01 each). Before training, the two groups also showed differences in metabolic profiles at rest (P?<?0.05). Levels of valine (r?=?0.51, P?<?0.01), alanine (r?=?0.45, P?<?0.05) and isoleucine (r?=?0.51, P?<?0.01) were positively associated with body composition (Fat Free Mass Index). While training showed a significant impact on the metabolic profile in healthy subjects (P?<?0.001), with changes in levels of amino acids, creatine, succinate, pyruvate, glucose and lactate (P?<?0.05 each), no equivalent training-induced effects were seen in COPD patients in whom only lactate decreased (P?<?0.05). This study shows that plasma metabolic profiling contributes to the phenotypic characterization of COPD patients.  相似文献   

Electromyographic signals contain the information on muscle activity and have to be frequently averaged, compared, classified or details need to be extracted. A time–frequency analysis, based on wavelets, was previously presented. The analysis transformed an EMG signal into an EMG-intensity-pattern showing the intensities at any point in time for the frequencies filtered out by the wavelets. The purpose of the present study was:

1. to define and apply a new EMG-pattern-space for the analysis of EMG-intensity-patterns; and

2. to determine the variation of EMG-intensity-patterns while getting mildly fatigued by cycling on a cycle-ergometer.

The coordinates spanning the pattern space were principal components of the measured EMG-intensity-patterns. A point in pattern-space thus represented an EMG-intensity-pattern. Fatigue resulted in points moving along a line in pattern space. The line was characterized by an intercept at time 0 and a slope. Thus mild fatigue caused a shift from an initial intensity-pattern representing the intercept to a final intensity-pattern adding gradually larger amounts of the pattern representing the slope. The intensity-pattern of the slope revealed the physiologically important individual strategies for coping with mild fatigue. Changes were observed at different times and at different frequencies during the cycling movement.  相似文献   

Little research has been reported examining the effects of pre-cooling on high-intensity exercise performance, particularly when combined with strategies to keep the working muscle warm. This study used nine active males to determine the effects of pre-cooling the torso and thighs (LC), pre-cooling the torso (ice-vest in 3 degrees C air) while keeping the thighs warm (LW), or no cooling (CON: 31 degrees C air), on physiological strain and high-intensity (45-s) exercise performance (33 degrees C, 60% rh). Furthermore, we sought to determine whether performance after pre-cooling was influenced by a short exercise warm-up. The 45-s test was performed at different (P<0.05) mean core temperature [(rectal+oesophageal)/2] [CON: 37.3+/-0.3 (S.D.), LW: 37.1+/-0.3, LC: 36.8+/-0.4 degrees C] and mean skin temperature (CON: 34.6+/-0.6, LW: 29.0+/-1.0, LC: 27.2+/-1.2 degrees C) between all conditions. Forearm blood flow prior to exercise was also lower in LC (3.1+/-2.0 ml 100 ml tissue(-1) x min(-1)) than CON (8.2+/-2.5, P=0.01) but not LW (4.3+/-2.6, P=0.46). After an exercise warm-up, muscle temperature (Tm) was not significantly different between conditions (CON: 37.3+/-1.5, LW: 37.3+/-1.2, LC: 36.6+/-0.7 degrees C, P=0.16) but when warm-up was excluded, T(m) was lower in LC (34.5+/-1.9 degrees C, P=0.02) than in CON (37.3+/-1.0) and LW (37.1+/-0.9). Even when a warm-up was performed, torso+thigh pre-cooling decreased both peak (-3.4+/-3.8%, P=0.04) and mean power output (-4.1+/-3.8%, P=0.01) relative to the control, but this effect was markedly larger when warm-up was excluded (peak power -7.7+/-2.5%, P=0.01; mean power -7.6+/-1.2%, P=0.01). Torso-only pre-cooling did not reduce peak or mean power, either with or without warm-up. These data indicate that pre-cooling does not improve 45-s high-intensity exercise performance, and can impair performance if the working muscles are cooled. A short exercise warm-up largely removes any detrimental effects of a cold muscle on performance by increasing Tm.  相似文献   

To study the effects of age and training on lactate production in older trained subjects, the lactate kinetics of highly trained cyclists [HT, n = 7; 65 (SEM 1.2) years] and control subjects with low training (LT, n = 7) and of similar age were compared to those of young athletes [YA, n = 7; 26 (SEM 0.7) years], during an incremental exercise test to maximum power. The results showed that the lactacidaemia at maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was lower for HT than for LT (P < 0.05) and, in both cases, lower than that of YA (P < 0.001). The respective values were HT: 3.9 (SEM 0.51), LT: 5.36 (SEM 1.12), and YA: 10.3 (SEM 0.63) mmol.l-1. At submaximal powers, however, the difference in lactacidaemia was not significant between HT and YA, although the values for lactacidaemia at VO2max calculated per watt and per watt normalized by body mass were significantly lower for HT (P < 0.001) and LT (P < 0.02). These results would indicate that the decline in power with age induced a decline in lactacidaemia. Yet this loss in power was not the only causative factor; indeed, our results indicated a complementary metabolic influence. In the older subjects training decreased significantly the lactacidaemia for the same submaximal power (P < 0.01) and from 60% of VO2max onwards (P < 0.05); as for YA it postponed the increase and accumulation of lactates. The lactate increase threshold (Thla-,1) was found at 46% VO2max for LT and at 56% VO2max for HT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Synopsis Both physical and physiological modifications to the oxygen transport system promote high metabolic performance of tuna. The large surface area of the gills and thin blood-water barrier means that O2 utilization is high (30–50%) even when ram ventilation approaches 101 min–1kg–1. The heart is extremely large and generates peak blood pressures in the range of 70–100 mmHg at frequencies of 1–5 Hz. The blood O2 capacity approaches 16 ml dl–1 and a large Bohr coefficient (–0.83 to –1.17) ensures adequate loading and unloading of O2 from the well buffered blood (20.9 slykes). Tuna muscles have aerobic oxidation rates that are 3–5 times higher than in other teleosts and extremely high glycolytic capacity (150 mol g–1 lactate generated) due to enhanced concentration of glycolytic enzymes. Gill resistance in tuna is high and may be more than 50% of total peripheral resistance so that dorsal aortic pressure is similar to that in other active fishes such as salmon or trout. An O2 delivery/demand model predicts the maximum sustained swimming speed of small yellowfin and skipjack tuna is 5.6 BL s–1 and 3.5 BL sec–1, respectively. The surplus O2 delivery capacity at lower swimming speeds allows tuna to repay large oxygen debts while swimming at 2–2.5 BL s–1. Maximum oxygen consumption (7–9 × above the standard metabolic rate) at maximum exercise is provided by approximately 2 × increases in each of heart rate, stroke volume, and arterial-venous O2 content difference.Paper from International Union of Biological Societies symposium The biology of tunas and billfishes: an examination of life on the knife edge, organized by Richard W. Brill and Kim N. Holland.  相似文献   

The effect of low muscle temperature on the response to dynamic exercise was studied in six healthy men who performed 42 min of exercise on a cycle ergometer at an intensity of 70% of their maximal O2 uptake. Experiments were performed under control conditions, i.e. from rest at room temperature, and following 45 min standing with legs immersed in a water bath at 12 degrees C. The water bath reduced quadriceps muscle temperature (at 3 cm depth) from 36.4 (SD 0.5) degrees C to 30.5 (SD 1.7) degrees C. Following cooling, exercise heart rate was initially lower, the mean difference ranged from 13 (SD 4) beats.min-1 after 6 min of exercise, to 4 (SD 2) beats.min-1 after 24 min of exercise. Steady-state oxygen uptake was consistently higher (0.2 l.min-1). However, no difference could be discerned in the kinetics of oxygen uptake at the onset of exercise. During exercise after cooling a significantly higher peak value was found for the blood lactate concentration compared to that under control conditions. The peak values were both reached after approximately 9 min of exercise. After 42 min of exercise the blood lactate concentrations did not differ significantly, indicating a faster rate of removal during exercise after cooling. We interpreted these observations as reflecting a relatively higher level of muscle hypoxia at the onset of exercise as a consequence of a cold-induced vasoconstriction. The elevated steady-state oxygen uptake may in part have been accounted for by the energetic costs of removal of the extra lactate released into the blood consequent upon initial tissue hypoxia.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of two high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) programs of varying intensities (100% vs. 110% of maximal aerobic velocity [MAV]) on metabolic, hormonal and inflammatory markers in young men. Thirty-seven active male volunteers were randomly assigned into: HIIT experimental groups (100% MAV [EG100, n = 9] and 110% MAV [EG110, n = 9]) and a control groups (CG100, n = 9 and CG110, n = 9). Particpants performed high intesity intermittent exercise test (HIIE) at 100% or 110% MAV. Venous blood samples were obtained before, at the end of HIIE and at 15 min of recovery, and before and after 8 weeks of HIIT programs. After training, Glucose was lower (p < 0.01) in EG100 (d = 0.72) and EG110 (d = 1.20) at the end of HIIE, and at 15 min recovery only in EG110 (d = 0.95). After training, Insulin and Cortisol were lower than before training in EG100 and EG110 at the end of HIIE (p < 0.001). After HIIT, IL-6 deceased (p < 0.001) in EG100 (d = 1.43) and EG110 (d = 1.56) at rest, at the end of HIIE (d = 1.03; d = 1.75, respectively) and at 15 min of recovery (d = 0.88;d = 1.7, respectively). This decrease was more robust (p < 0.05) in EG110 compared to EG100. After HIIT, TNF-α deceased (p < 0.001) in EG100 (d = 1.43) and EG110 (d = 0.60) at rest, at the end of HIIE (0.71 < d < 0.98) and at 15 min of recovery (0.70 < d < 2.78). HIIT with 110% MAV is more effective in young males on the improvements of some metabolic (Glucose), hormonal (Cortisol) and inflammatory (IL-6) markers at rest, at the end of HIIE and 15 min of recovery than training at 100 % MAV.  相似文献   

Growth of Dunaliella tertiolecta was retarded when the alga was exposed to high boron (B) concentrations between 50 and 200 g m-3. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution as well as respiratory oxygen uptake were significantly suppressed with the rise of B concentration. Similarly the contents of chlorophyll, glycerol, lipid and proteins were lowered, while that of saccharides was raised.  相似文献   

Aerobic and anaerobic thresholds determined by different methods in repeated exercise tests were correlated with cardiorespiratory variables and variables of muscle metabolic profile in 33 men aged 20-50 years. Aerobic threshold was determined from blood lactate, ventilation, and respiratory gas exchange by two methods (AerT1 and AerT2) and anaerobic threshold from venous lactate (AnTLa), from ventilation and gas exchange (AnTr) and by using the criterion of 4 mmol.1(-1) of venous lactate (AnT4mmol). In addition to ordinary correlative analyses, applications of LISREL models were used. The 8 explanatory variables chosen for the regression analyses were height, relative heart volume, relative diffusing capacity of the lung, muscle fiber composition, citrate synthase (CS) and succinate dehydrogenase activities, the lactate dehydrogenase--CS ratio, and age. They explained 58% of the variation in AerT1, 73.5% that of AerT2, 71% that of AnTr, 74.5% that of AnTLa, and 67.5% that of AnT4mmol.AerT and AnT alone explained 77% of the variation in each other. Both AerT and AnT were determined mainly by a muscle metabolic profile, with the CS activity of vastus lateralis as the strongest determinant. The factor 'submaximal endurance' which was measured with AerT and AnT seemed to be slightly more closely connected to 'muscle metabolic profile' than was 'maximal aerobic power' (= VO2max), but both also correlated strongly with each other (r = 0.92).  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the physiological responses and, in particular, the participation of lactic acid anaerobic metabolism in aerobic dance, which is claimed to be pure aerobic exercise. In contrast to previous studies, that have put subjects in very unfamiliar situations, the parameters were monitored in the familiar context of gymnasium, practice routine and habitual instructor. A group of 30 skilled fairly well-trained women performed their usual routine,␣a combination of the two styles: low (LI) and high impact (HI), and were continuously monitored for heart rate (HR) and every 8 min for blood lactate concentration ([La]b). Of the group, 15 were tested to determine their maximal aerobic power (O2max) using a cycleergometer. They were also monitored during the routine for oxygen uptake (O2) by a light telemetric apparatus. The oxygen pulses of the routine and of the corresponding exercise intensity in the incremental test were not statistically different. The mean values in the exercise session were: peak HR 92.8 (SD 7.8)% of the subject's maximal theoretical value, peak O2 99.5 (SD 12.4)% of O2max, maximal [La]b 6.1 (SD 1.7) mmol · l−l, and mean 4.8 (SD 1.3) mmol · l−l. Repeated measures ANOVA found statistically significant differences between the increasing [La]b values (P < 0.001). In particular, the difference between the [La]b values at the end of the mainly LI phase and those of the LI-HI combination phase, and the difference between the samples during the combination LI-HI phase were both statistically significant (both P= 0.002 and P= 0.002). The similar oxygen pulses confirmed the validity of the present experiment design and the reliability of HR monitoring in this activity. The HR, O2 and, above all, the increase of [La]b to quite high values, showing a non steady state, demonstrated the high metabolic demand made by this activity that involved lactic acid metabolism at a much higher level than expected. Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

The influence of training status on the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) was used to assess the validity of the MAOD method during supramaximal all-out cycle exercise. Sprint trained (ST; n = 6), endurance trained (ET; n = 8), and active untrained controls (UT; n = 8) completed a 90 s all-out variable resistance test on a modified Monark cycle ergometer. Pretests included the determination of peak oxygen uptake ( O2peak) and a series (5–8) of 5-min discontinuous rides at submaximal exercise intensities. The regression of steady-state oxygen uptake on power output to establish individual efficiency relationships was extrapolated to determine the theoretical oxygen cost of the supramaximal power output achieved in the 90 s all-out test. Total work output in 90 s was significantly greater in the trained groups (P<0.05), although no differences existed between ET and ST. Anaerobic capacity, as assessed by MAOD, was larger in ST compared to ET and UT. While the relative contributions of the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems were not significantly different among the groups, ET were able to achieve significantly more aerobic work than the other two groups, while ST were able to achieve significantly more anaerobic work. Peak power and peak pedalling rate were significantly higher in ST. The results suggested that MAOD determined during all-out exercise was sensitive to training status and provided a useful assessment of anaerobic capacity. In our study sprint training, compared with endurance training, appeared to enhance significantly power output and high intensity performance over brief periods (up to 60 s), yet few overall differences in performance (i.e. total work) existed during 90 s of all-out exercise.  相似文献   

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