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M Geheb  R Alvis  A Owen  E Hercker    M Cox 《The Biochemical journal》1984,218(1):221-228
We have identified a group of proteins (Mr approximately 70 000-80 000; pI approximately 5.5-6.0) in giant-toad (Bufo marinus) urinary bladders whose synthesis appears to be related to aldosterone-stimulated Na+ transport. Spironolactone, a specific mineralocorticoid antagonist in renal epithelia, inhibits the synthesis of these proteins as well as the natriferic effect of the hormone. Since a variety of other steroids (some of which are traditionally considered to be glucocorticoids) also stimulate Na+ transport in toad urinary bladders, we examined whether their natriferic activity was expressed in a fashion similar to that of aldosterone. Short-circuit current was used to measure Na+ transport, and epithelial-cell protein synthesis was detected with high-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. At a concentration of approximately 100 nM, dexamethasone, corticosterone and aldosterone were equinatriferic. Dexamethasone and aldosterone had identical dose-response curves, maximal and half-maximal activity being evident at concentrations of approximately 100 nM and 10 nM respectively. In contrast, at a concentration of approximately 10 nM, corticosterone had no effect on Na+ transport. The natriferic activities of these three steroids correlate with their known affinities for the putative mineralocorticoid receptor in toad urinary bladders. Natriferic concentrations of dexamethasone and corticosterone (140 nM) induced the synthesis of proteins with characteristics identical with those induced by aldosterone. Spironolactone, at an antagonist/agonist ratio of 2000:1, inhibited steroid-induced Na+ transport and the synthesis of these proteins. Thus it appears that all natriferic steroids share a common mechanism of action in toad urinary bladders. Natriferic activity can be correlated not only with relative steroid-receptor affinity but also with the induction of a specific group of epithelial-cell proteins.  相似文献   

Paired toad urinary hemibladders were incubated with [35S]methionine in the presence (experimental) or absence (control) of aldosterone. Short-circuit current was used to monitor aldosterone-induced Na+ transport. Protein synthesis in epithelial cell subcellular fractions (cytosolic, microsomal, mitochondrial) was evaluated by gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Aldosterone-induced proteins were identified in the cytosolic and microsomal fractions (70 000 and 15 000 daltons, respectively). These results represent the first demonstration of aldosterone-induced proteins in subcellular fractions of epithelial cells derived from single toad urinary hemibladders.  相似文献   

Summary Microbodies (peroxisomes), a group of cytoplasmic organelles enriched in catalase, are demonstrated in the toad, Bufo marinus, by light and electron microscopy by means of a cytochemical staining procedure that demonstrates the peroxidatic activity of catalase with diaminobenzidine (DAB). Amphibian microbodies are similar to those of other classes in their fine structure and localization in hepatocytes and kidney, where they are prominent in the proximal tubular cells. Nucleoids are present only in renal microbodies. In the proximal renal tubule an unusual group of large brown granules are identified as lysosomes by their acid phosphatase, -glucosaminidase and -glucuronidase activities.This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants Nos. NS-06856 and HD 00674. We wish to thank Dr. Richard M. Hays who generously supplied us with toads; Dr. Alex B. Novikoff for making available facilities for ultramicrotomy, Miss Betty De Prest for technical assistance; Miss Marianne Van Hooren for preparation of the photomicrographs.  相似文献   

The renal vasculature of the toad, Bufo marinus, was studied mainly by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. All arterial branches terminated in a glomerulus. Each glomerulus was supplied by only one afferent arteriole. No shunts between afferent and efferent arterioles were observed. The glomerular channels appeared to be permanent capillaries. No evidence supporting the theory of freely shifting glomerular blood channels was found. Efferent arterioles radiated out towards the dorsal surface of the kidney where they connected with peritubular vessels. The renal portal veins produced an anastomosing plexus on the dorsal surface of the kidney, giving rise to the peritubular vessels. Peritubular vessels ran radially toward the ventral surface of the kidney, where they formed the roots of the renal veins. Attention is drawn to the possibility of hairpin countercurrent exchange between the capillary-like efferent arterioles and the peritubular vessels in the dorsal kidney.  相似文献   

During a survey of the helminth parasites of the introduced toad, Bufo marinus, on O'ahu, Hawaii, an acanthocephalan corresponding to Acanthocephalus bufonis (Shipley, 1903) was found in the intestinal tract. This is a new host and locality record for A. bufonis which has only previously been recorded from amphibians in the Orient. Possible mechanisms for the introduction of A. bufonis to Hawaii, and its transmission to the toad, are discussed. Almost 98% of toads were infected with a mean intensity of 28.6 acanthocephalans per infected toad. There was a significant negative correlation between host length and intensity of infection with subadult toads having significantly higher infection levels than adult male and female toads. Trunk length of both male and female acanthocephalans was significantly related to host length.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine whether prostaglandins (PG) play a role in H+ and NH4+ excretion in the urinary bladder of Bufo marinus. Ten paired hemibladders from normal toads were mounted in chambers. One was control and the other hemibladder received PGE2 in the serosal medium (10(-5) M). H+ excretion was measured by change in pH in the mucosal fluid and reported in units of nmol (100 mg tissue)-1 (min)-1. NH4+ excretion was measured colorimetrically and reported in the same units. The control group H+ excretion was 8.4 +/- 1.67, while the experimental group was 16.3 +/- 2.64 (P less than 0.01). The NH4+ excretion in the experimental and control group was not significantly different. Bladders from toads in a 48-hr NH4+Cl acidosis (metabolic) did not demonstrate this response to PGE2 (P greater than 0.30). Toads were put in metabolic acidosis by gavaging with 10 ml of 120 mM NH4+Cl 3 x day for 2 days. In another experiment, we measured levels of PG in bladders from control (N) and animals placed in metabolic acidosis (MA). Bladders were removed from the respective toad, homogenized, extracted, and PG separated using high-pressure liquid chromatography and quantified against PG standards. The results are reported in ng (mg tissue)-1. PGE2 fraction in N was 1.09 +/- 0.14 and in MA was 3.21 +/- 0.63 (P less than 0.01). PGF1 alpha, F2 alpha and I2 were not significantly different in N and MA toads. Bladders were also removed from N and MA toads, and incubated in Ringer's solution containing [3H]arachidonic acid (0.2 microCi/ml) at 25 degrees C for 2 hr. Bladders were then extracted for PG and the extracts separated by thin layer chromatography. PG were identified using standards and autoradiography, scraped from plates, and counted in a scintillation detector. The results are reported in cpm/mg tissue x hr +/- SEM. In MA toads, PG6-keto-F1 alpha = 1964 +/- 342, PGF2 alpha = 1016 +/- 228, and PGE2 = 904 +/- 188; in N animals PG6-keto-F1 alpha = 625 +/- 280, PGF2 alpha = 364 +/- 85, and PGE2 = 404 +/- 104; (P less than 0.01, less than 0.025, less than 0.05, respectively). We conclude that PGE2 may be an important mediator of H+ excretion in toad urinary bladder and that endogenous PGE2 levels are increased in response to MA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether phospholipids (PL) play a role in the adaptation to metabolic acidosis by toad urinary bladder epithelium. Toads were placed in an NH4Cl acidosis for 48 hr. Quarter bladders were removed and incubated with [32P]orthophosphate or [3H]arachidonic acid for 1 hr at 25 degrees C. PL were detected by thin layer chromatography, autoradiography, and quantitated by liquid scintillation counting or fractional amounts were determined from phosphate content and expressed as counts per minute per micromolar of total phosphate or as percentage of fraction of total PL. Incorporation of [3H]arachidonic acid into urinary bladder PL was measured in acidotic and normal toads. There was a higher rate of arachidonic acid incorporation into several PL in acidotic animals. Phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine fraction in acidosis was 37,705 +/- 6,821 and in normal bladders was 9,254 +/- 2,652 (P less than 0.005); phosphatidylcholine fraction in acidotic toads was 80,462 +/- 16,862 and in normal bladders was 26,892 +/- 5,198 (P less than 0.025); and the phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) fraction in acidotic was 48,665 +/- 10,998 and in normal animals was 17,441 +/- 3,905 (P less than 0.025). 32P labeling revealed a higher rate of incorporation in bladders from acidotic toads compared with normal toads. In the acidotic bladders, the phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine fraction was 19,754 +/- 3,597 and in normal bladders was 12,980 +/- 1,394 (P less than 0.05) and for PE acidotic bladders was 9,129 +/- 1,304 and in normal bladders was 3,285 +/- 416 (P less than 0.001). Fractional PL (reported as percentage of fraction of total PL based on total lipid phosphorus) analysis in normal toads revealed phosphatidylinositol = 8.1 +/- 0.6% and PE = 27 +/- 1.2%, whereas for acidotic toads phosphatidylinositol = 11 +/- 0.6% and PE = 32 +/- 1.0% (P less than 0.01 for both). Aldosterone, a known stimulator of acidification, had no effect on 32P incorporation into PL fractions of the bladder. The increase in PL turnover following induction of acidosis is consistent with increased membrane synthesis or turnover during metabolic acidosis and this may reflect an increased transport of vesicular H+-ATPase into the apical membrane or the result of a proliferation of acid-secreting mitochondria-rich cells or both.  相似文献   

The distributions of peptide-containing nerves in the urinary bladder of the toad, Bufo marinus, were studied by means of fluorescence immunohistochemistry of whole-mount preparations. The bundles of smooth muscle in the bladder are well supplied by varicose nerve fibres displaying somatostatin-like immunoreactivity; these fibres probably arise from intrinsic perikarya. The urinary bladder also has a well-developed plexus of nerves containing substance P-like immunoreactive material; these elements probably represent sensory nerves of extrinsic origin. Nerve fibres showing immunoreactivity to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) or enkephalin are rare within the urinary bladder of the toad. It is considered unlikely that any of these peptides directly mediates the hyoscine-resistant excitatory response of the smooth muscle to nerve stimulation in the toad bladder.  相似文献   

Net transport of inorganic phosphate occurs in the absence of an electrochemical gradient from the mucosal to the serosal bathing solution in the isolated toad urinary bladder. This transport can be inhibited by metabolic inhibitors. The magnitude of this transport can be altered by changes in phosphate concentration or by the addition of parathyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Leptospires were isolated from the kidneys of four of 211 toads (Bufo marinus) caught on Barbados. Two of the isolates were identified as Leptospira interrogans serovar bim in the Autumnalis serogroup (the most common cause of leptospiral illness on Barbados), and two as possibly new serovars in the Australis serogroup. Sera from 198 of the toads were examined by the leptospire microscopic agglutination test. Forty-two (21%) were positive at titers of greater than or equal to 1:100, and 54 (27%) at greater than or equal to 1:50. The predominating serogroups were Australis (50%), Autumnalis (23%) and Panama (13%). The agglutination tests on the culture-positive toads showed that serologic studies alone may be of limited value in these animals. Bufo marinus can harbor pathogenic leptospires, and it may be a significant source of the Autumnalis serogroup infections in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Two specimens of the cane toad, Bufo marinus, were found with single worm infestations of the eye. One worm was excysted in the eye chamber, the other still encysted in the choroid layer; both worms were identified as Clinostomum attenuatum. This finding is both a new host record and a new site of development for this amphibian parasite.  相似文献   

The innervation of the dorsal aorta and renal vasculature in the toad (Bufo marinus) has been studied with both fluorescence and ultrastructural histochemistry. The innervation consists primarily of a dense plexus of adrenergic nerves associated with all levels of the preglomerular vasculature. Non-adrenergic nerves are occasionally found in the renal artery, and even more rarely near the afferent arterioles. Many of the adrenergic nerve profiles in the dorsal aorta and renal vasculature are distinguished by high proportions of chromaffin-negative, large, filled vesicles. Close neuromuscular contacts are common in both the renal arteries and afferent arterioles. Possibly every smooth muscle cell in the afferent arterioles is multiply innervated. The glomerular capillaries and peritubular vessels are not innervated, and only 3-5% of efferent arterioles are accompanied by single adrenergic nerve fibres. Thus, nervous control of glomerular blood flow must be exerted primarily by adrenergic nerves acting on the preglomerular vasculature. The adrenergic innervation of the renal portal veins and efferent renal veins may play a role in regulating peritubular blood flow. In addition, glomerular and postglomerular control of renal blood flow could be achieved by circulating agents acting via contractile elements in the glomerular mesangial cells, and in the endothelial cells and pericytes of the efferent arterioles. Some adrenergic nerve profiles near afferent arterioles are as close as 70 nm to distal tubule cells, indicating that tubular function may be directly controlled by adrenergic nerves.  相似文献   

We report our systematic histological examinations of 16 urinary bladders (11 bladders with cancer, 5 bladders was tumour-free). All residual tumour-free portions in bladder with multiple or solitary cancers demonstrated various precancerous variations of urothelium, not only near the tumours. In 1 urinary bladder among 5 from elder patients, we diagnosed a clinically undetected cancer. In a few cases, we correlated histological examinations with graphical demonstration (through a computer) of the exophytic tumour portions. Our results agree with individual therapy of urinary bladder cancer.  相似文献   

Although invasive species are viewed as major threats to ecosystems worldwide, few such species have been studied in enough detail to identify the pathways, magnitudes, and timescales of their impact on native fauna. One of the most intensively studied invasive taxa in this respect is the cane toad (Bufo marinus), which was introduced to Australia in 1935. A review of these studies suggests that a single pathway-lethal toxic ingestion of toads by frog-eating predators-is the major mechanism of impact, but that the magnitude of impact varies dramatically among predator taxa, as well as through space and time. Populations of large predators (e.g., varanid and scincid lizards, elapid snakes, freshwater crocodiles, and dasyurid marsupials) may be imperilled by toad invasion, but impacts vary spatially even within the same predator species. Some of the taxa severely impacted by toad invasion recover within a few decades, via aversion learning and longer-term adaptive changes. No native species have gone extinct as a result of toad invasion, and many native taxa widely imagined to be at risk are not affected, largely as a result of their physiological ability to tolerate toad toxins (e.g., as found in many birds and rodents), as well as the reluctance of many native anuran-eating predators to consume toads, either innately or as a learned response. Indirect effects of cane toads as mediated through trophic webs are likely as important as direct effects, but they are more difficult to study. Overall, some Australian native species (mostly large predators) have declined due to cane toads; others, especially species formerly consumed by those predators, have benefited. For yet others, effects have been minor or have been mediated indirectly rather than through direct interactions with the invasive toads. Factors that increase a predator's vulnerability to toad invasion include habitat overlap with toads, anurophagy, large body size, inability to develop rapid behavioral aversion to toads as prey items, and physiological vulnerability to bufotoxins as a result of a lack of coevolutionary history of exposure to other bufonid taxa.  相似文献   

Pepsin in the toad Bufo marinus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The macroscopic localization of pepsinogen in the upper gastrointestinal tract of the anuran Bufo marinus was studied by means of biochemical assay. The pH optimum of the anuran pepsin was determined to be 1.6. The effect of lowered ambient temperature on stored pepsinogen and proteolytic activity was studied. Both parameters were reduced. The results are extrapolated to speculate on the mechanisms of gastric brooding in gastric brooding frogs of the genus Rheobatrachus.  相似文献   

Summary Net transport of inorganic phosphate occurs in the absence of an electrochemical gradient from the mucosal to the serosal bathing solution in the isolated toad urinary bladder. This transport can be inhibited by metabolic inhibitors. The magnitude of this transport can be altered by changes in phosphate concentration or by the addition of parathyroid hormone.This work was presented in part at the Fall Meeting of the American Physiological Society Proceedings, October, 1975; Abstract inThe Physiologist, 1975,18:384.  相似文献   

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