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Ultimate strength of the lumbar spine in flexion--an in vitro study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ultimate strength in flexion of 16 lumbar functional spinal units (FSU) was determined. The specimens were exposed to a combined static load of bending and shearing in the sagittal plane until overt rupture occurred (simulated flexion-distraction injuries). The biomechanical response of the FSU was measured with a force and moment platform. Mechanical displacement gauges were used to measure vertical displacements (flexion angulation) of the specimens. Photographs were taken after each loading step for determination of horizontal displacements and the centre of rotation. The lumbar FSU could resist a combination of bending moment and shear force of 156 Nm and 620 N respectively, before complete disruption occurred. The tension force acting on the posterior structures was 2.8 kN. The flexion angulation just before failure was 20 degrees and the anterior horizontal displacement between the upper and lower vertebrae was 9 mm. The centre of rotation was located in the posterior part of the lower vertebral body. The bone mineral content in the vertebrae appeared to be a good predictor of ultimate strength of the lumbar FSU. Knowledge of the biomechanical response of the lumbar spine under different static traumatic loads is a first step to better understand the injury mechanisms of the spine in traffic accidents.  相似文献   

Much research has been devoted to spinal kinematics of nonmammalian vertebrates, while comparatively little is known about the locomotor role of spinal movements in mammals, especially primates. This study, conducted at the Duke University Primate Center, examines the function of lateral spinal bending during quadrupedal walking among a diverse sample of strepsirhines. The taxa studied include Loris tardigradus (1), Nycticebus coucang (1), N. pygmaeus (1), Cheirogaleus medius (2), Varecia variegata (2), Eulemur fulvus (2), and a total sample size of 261 strides. Lateral bending varies among the taxa with respect to both magnitude and effects of velocity, and does not appear to be correlated with body size. In addition, the timing of lateral bending during a stride appears to differ from that reported for other (nonmammalian) tetrapods. On average, maximum lateral flexion occurs just after ipsilateral foot touchdown, which may be functionally associated with touchdown of the contralateral forelimb during diagonal sequence gait. For some of the taxa, lateral flexion coincides more closely with foot touchdown as velocity increases, suggesting a functional role in increasing hindlimb stride length. Both of these timing patterns contrast with those reported for lizards. Finally, although lorids as a group have been described as having a "sinuous" gait, this study shows more pronounced lateral flexion in Nycticebus than in Loris.  相似文献   

A combined approach involving optimization and the finite element technique was used to predict biomechanical parameters in the lumbar spine during static lifting in the sagittal plane. Forces in muscle fascicles of the lumbar region were first predicted using an optimization-based force model including the entire lumbar spine. These muscle forces as well as the distributed upper body weight and the lifted load were then applied to a three-dimensional finite element model of the thoracolumbar spine and rib cage to predict deformation, the intradiskal pressure, strains, stresses, and load transfer paths in the spine. The predicted intradiskal pressures in the L3-4 disk at the most deviated from the in vivo measurements by 8.2 percent for the four lifting cases analyzed. The lumbosacral joint flexed, while the other lumbar joints extended for all of the four lifting cases studied (rotation of a joint is the relative rotation between its two vertebral bodies). High stresses were predicted in the posterolateral regions of the endplates and at the junctions of the pedicles and vertebral bodies. High interlaminar shear stresses were found in the posterolateral regions of the lumbar disks. While the facet joints of the upper two lumbar segments did not transmit any load, the facet joints of the lower two lumbar segments experienced significant loads. The ligaments of all lumbar motion segments except the lumbosacral junction provided only marginal moments. The limitations of the current model and possible improvements are discussed.  相似文献   

In-vitro biomechanical testing is widely performed for characterizing the load-displacement characteristics of intact, injured, degenerated, and surgically repaired osteoligamentous spine specimens. Traditional specimen fixture devices offer an unspecified rigidity of fixation, while varying in the associated amounts and reversibility of damage to and “coverage” of a specimen – factors that can limit surgical access to structures of interest during testing as well as preclude the possibility of testing certain segments of a specimen. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a specimen fixture system for spine biomechanical testing that uses components of clinically available spinal fixation hardware and determine whether the new system provides sufficient rigidity for spine biomechanical testing. Custom testing blocks were mounted into a robotic testing system and the angular deflection of the upper fixture was measured indirectly using linear variable differential transformers. The fixture system had an overall stiffness 37.0, 16.7 and 13.3 times greater than a typical human functional spine unit for the flexion/extension, axial rotation and lateral bending directions respectively – sufficient rigidity for biomechanical testing. Fixture motion when mounted to a lumbar spine specimen revealed average motion of 0.6, 0.6, and 1.5° in each direction. This specimen fixture method causes only minimal damage to a specimen, permits testing of all levels of a specimen, and provides for surgical access during testing.  相似文献   

A new methodological approach employing mechanical work (MW) determination and relative portion of its elemental analysis was applied to investigate the biomechanical causes of golf-related lumbar spine injuries. Kinematic and kinetic parameters at the lumbar and lower limb joints were measured during downswing in 18 golfers. The MW at the lumbar joint (LJ) was smaller than at the right hip but larger than the MWs at other joints. The contribution of joint angular velocity (JAV) to MW was much greater than that of net muscle moment (NMM) at the LJ, whereas the contribution of NMM to MW was greater rather than or similar to that of JAV at other joints. Thus, the contribution of JAV to MW is likely more critical in terms of the probability of golf-related injury than that of NMM. The MW-based golf-related injury index (MWGII), proposed as the ratio of the contribution of JAV to MW to that of NMM, at the LJ (1.55) was significantly greater than those at other joints ( < 1.05). This generally corresponds to the most frequent occurrence of golf-related injuries around the lumbar spine. Therefore, both MW and MWGII should be considered when investigating the biomechanical causes of lumbar spine injuries.  相似文献   

Pedicle screw-based dynamic constructs either benefit from a dynamic (flexible) interconnecting rod or a dynamic (hinged) screw. Both types of systems have been reported in the literature. However, reports where the dynamic system is composed of two dynamic components, i.e. a dynamic (hinged) screw and a dynamic rod, are sparse. In this study, the biomechanical characteristics of a novel pedicle screw-based dynamic stabilisation system were investigated and compared with equivalent rigid and semi-rigid systems using in vitro testing and finite element modelling analysis. All stabilisation systems restored stability after decompression. A significant decrease in the range of motion was observed for the rigid system in all loadings. In the semi-rigid construct the range of motion was significantly less than the intact in extension, lateral bending and axial rotation loadings. There were no significant differences in motion between the intact spine and the spine treated with the dynamic system (P>0.05). The peak stress in screws was decreased when the stabilisation construct was equipped with dynamic rod and/or dynamic screws.  相似文献   

This study measured the patellar lateral force–displacement behaviour at a range of knee flexion angles in normal human cadaver specimens. The knee extensor muscles were loaded in proportion to their physiological cross-sectional areas, the tensions being applied in physiological directions along the separate quadriceps muscles. Knee extension was blocked at a range of knee flexion angles from 0 to 90°, and patellar lateral displacement versus force characteristics were measured. This experiment was repeated with three total muscle forces, 20, 175 and 350 N, which were held constant at all flexion angles. It was shown that similar stability variation was obtained with the different total muscle loads, and also the forces required to produce a range of patellar displacements (1, 5, 9 mm) were examined. A 5 mm lateral patellar displacement required a constant displacing force (i.e. the patella had constant lateral stability) up to 60° knee flexion, and then a significant increase at 90°. The results were related to surgicaland anatomical observations.  相似文献   

I measured the bodies of vertebrae L3 and L4 of 338 skeletons from the Terry collection in the Smithsonian Institution, including Blacks and Whites, males and females, aged from 20 to 90 years. Transverse breadths of the upper and lower endplates (excluding osteophytes) and minimum transverse breadths all increase with age. In general, the greater broadening occurs in the endplates, but the middle of the body also broadens to such a degree that there is no demonstrable increase in vertebral “flaring” with age. In males, posterior body height decreases relative to anterior height, so that the lumbar bodies become more wedge-shaped with age, but females show essentially no change. Anterior height decreases in proportion to minimum breadth, so that the lumbar bodies become relatively lower and broader, and this change is significantly correlated with age in all groups. Midbody height decreases relative to anterior height, so that Nordin's biconcavity index is reduced with age. The increase in biconcavity remains evident even when average anterior-posterior height is used to calculate the index. At all age levels a high percentage of individuals have biconcavity indices of 80% or less, indicating that Nordin's standard of normality for this index, established from measurement on radiographs of the living, should be revised downward for use in evaluating osteoporosis in skeletal populations.  相似文献   

A new transducer capable of direct measurement of time-dependent loads in human lumbar facet joints was developed and tested. The transducer was comprised of a force-sensitive resistor (FSR) in series with a pressure-sensitive film. A wide range of experiments revealed the performance attributes and limitations of the FSR. The output signal of the FSR is actually sensitive to both force and area of contact independently. Therefore, a pressure-sensitive film was used to quantify the contact area. At least two transformation equations were calculated for each FSR corresponding to known contact areas. Each equation was a linearization of the log of the FSR output vs the log of the applied ramp loads. Coefficients of determination (CD) were calculated for small (21 mm2) and large (32 mm2) contact areas, and were found to exceed 0.900 for all data. The average of nine cycles was nearly linear for some FSRs (CD of 0.999). FSR output signal and contact area were recorded in cadaveric lumbar facets under ramp load. The appropriate transformation equation was determined by a linear interpolation between benchmark equations based on the contact area measured in vitro. Facet force measurements compared well with those of other researchers. The transducer was found to be quite easy to use.  相似文献   

Formalin fixation strongly influences biomechanical properties of the spine   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
As fresh human cadaveric spine specimens for in vitro testing are hard to obtain and carry a potential risk of infection, the possibility of using embalmed spine specimens has been considered. The cross-linking effect of formalin fixation, however, raises uncertainties regarding the biomechanical likeness of preserved specimens. They have been reported to be stiffer, but no quantitative data exist.

The purpose of this study was to determine the biomechanical differences between fresh and formalin-fixed spine specimens, using L1–2 motion segments from six 16-week-old calf spines. The range of motion and neutral zone were determined in flexion-/extension, left/right axial rotation, and right/left lateral bending.

The range of motion decreased in the formalin fixed specimens by as much as 80%, and the neutral zone by as much as 96%. The results of this study therefore imply that, for biomechanical testing, formalin-fixed specimens are not representative of the in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

Low back mechanics are important to quantify to study injury, pain and disability. As in vivo forces are difficult to measure directly, modeling approaches are commonly used to estimate these forces. Validation of model estimates is critical to gain confidence in modeling results across populations of interest, such as people with lower-limb amputation. Motion capture, ground reaction force and electromyographic data were collected from ten participants without an amputation (five male/five female) and five participants with a unilateral transtibial amputation (four male/one female) during trunk-pelvis range of motion trials in flexion/extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. A musculoskeletal model with a detailed lumbar spine and the legs including 294 muscles was used to predict L4-L5 loading and muscle activations using static optimization. Model estimates of L4-L5 intervertebral joint loading were compared to measured intradiscal pressures from the literature and muscle activations were compared to electromyographic signals. Model loading estimates were only significantly different from experimental measurements during trunk extension for males without an amputation and for people with an amputation, which may suggest a greater portion of L4-L5 axial load transfer through the facet joints, as facet loads are not captured by intradiscal pressure transducers. Pressure estimates between the model and previous work were not significantly different for flexion, lateral bending or axial rotation. Timing of model-estimated muscle activations compared well with electromyographic activity of the lumbar paraspinals and upper erector spinae. Validated estimates of low back loading can increase the applicability of musculoskeletal models to clinical diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Due to the frequency of cervical spine injuries in canines, the purpose of this effort was to develop an EMG-driven dynamic model of the canine cervical spine to assess a biomechanical understanding that enables one to investigate the risk of neck disorders. A canine subject was recruited in this investigation in order to collect subject specific data. Reflective markers and a motion capture system were used for kinematic measurement; surface electrodes were used to record electromyography signals, and with the aid of force plate kinetics were recorded. A 3D model of the canine subject was reconstructed from an MRI dataset. Muscles lines of action were defined through a new technique with the aid of 3D white light scanner. The model performed well with a 0.73 weighted R2 value in all three planes. The weighted average absolute error of the predicted moment was less than 10% of the external moment. The proposed model is a canine specific forward-dynamics model that precisely tracks the canine subject head and neck motion, calculates the muscle force generated from the twelve major moment producing muscles, and estimates resulting loads on specific spinal tissues.  相似文献   

Imbalance of Mm. Multifidi may play a role in spinal disorders such as scoliosis in the thoracic spine, and lumbar disc herniation and lower back pain in the lumbar spine. Even though changes in these muscles are related to the etiology of these disorders, their anatomy is still poorly understood, especially in the upper regions of the spine. With the aim of gaining a better understanding of the anatomy of Mm. Multifidi in the lumbar and thoracic spine, 12 fresh and two embalmed cadavers were dissected. Our results indicate that Mm. Multifidi present differences in lumbar and thoracic spines concerning their deepness, fibre trajectory, muscle length, muscle mass and tendinous tissue. In the lumbar spine Mm. Multifidi are a superficial, thick and fleshy mass, and their fibres are more vertical in relation to the spinous processes. In the thoracic spine Mm. Multifidi are deeper, thinner, and their fibres are more tendinous and oblique than in the lumbar spine. These differences have implications on Mm. Multifidi architecture and consequently for their function in these two regions of the spine.  相似文献   

This paper presents three-dimensional static modeling of the human lumbar spine to be used in the formation of anatomically-correct movement patterns for a fully cable-actuated robotic lumbar spine which can mimic in vivo human lumbar spine movements to provide better hands-on training for medical students. The mathematical model incorporates five lumbar vertebrae between the first lumbar vertebra and the sacrum, with dimensions of an average adult human spine. The vertebrae are connected to each other by elastic elements, torsional springs and a spherical joint located at the inferoposterior corner in the mid-sagittal plane of the vertebral body. Elastic elements represent the ligaments that surround the facet joints and the torsional springs represent the collective effect of intervertebral disc which plays a major role in balancing torsional load during upper body motion and the remaining ligaments that support the spinal column. The elastic elements and torsional springs are considered to be nonlinear. The nonlinear stiffness constants for six motion types were solved using a multiobjective optimization technique. The quantitative comparison between the angles of rotations predicted by the proposed model and in the experimental data confirmed that the model yields angles of rotation close to the experimental data. The main contribution is that the new model can be used for all motions while the experimental data was only obtained at discrete measurement points.  相似文献   

The biomechanical effect of tensioning the lumbar fasciae (LF) on the stability of the spine during sagittal plane motion was analysed using a validated finite element model of the normal lumbosacral spine (L4-S1). To apply the tension in the LF along the direction of the fibres, a local coordinate was allocated using dummy rigid beam elements that originated from the spinous process. Up to 10 Nm of flexion and 7.5 Nm of extension moment was applied with and without 20 N of lateral tension in the LF. A follower load of 400 N was additionally applied along the curvature of the spine. To identify how the magnitude of LF tension related to the stability of the spine, the tensioning on the fasciae was increased up to 40 N with an interval of 10 N under 7.5 Nm of flexion/extension moment. A fascial tension of 20 N produced a 59% decrease in angular motion at 2.5 Nm of flexion moment while there was a 12.3% decrease at 10 Nm in the L5-S1 segment. Its decrement was 53 and 9.6% at 2.5 Nm and 10 Nm, respectively, in the L4-L5 segment. Anterior translation was reduced by 12.1 and 39.0% at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 segments under 10 Nm of flexion moment, respectively. The flexion stiffness shows an almost linear increment with the increase in fascial tension. The results of this study showed that the effect of the LF on the stability of the spine is significant.  相似文献   

The biomechanical properties of the ligamentous cadaver spine have been previously examined using a variety of experimental testing protocols. Ongoing technical challenges in the biomechanical testing of the spine include the application of physiologic compressive loads and the application of dynamic bending moments while allowing unconstrained three-dimensional motion. The purpose of this study was to report the development of a novel pendulum apparatus that addressed these challenges and to determine the effects of various axial compressive loads on the dynamic biomechanical properties of the lumbar functional spinal unit (FSU). Lumbar FSUs were tested in flexion and extension under five axial compressive loads chosen to represent physiologic loading conditions. After an initial rotation, the FSUs behaved as a dynamic, underdamped vibrating elastic system. Bending stiffness and coefficient of damping increased significantly as the compressive pendulum load increased. The apparatus described herein is a relatively simple approach to determining the dynamic bending properties of the FSU, and potentially disc arthroplasty devices. It is capable of applying physiologic compressive loads at dynamic rates without constraining the kinematics of the joints, crucial requirements for testing FSUs in vitro.  相似文献   

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