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Richard Wiger 《Ecography》1979,2(3):169-175
An investigation of the blood parasites of Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus agrestis and Apodemus sylvaticus from southern Norway revealed four genera, Trypanosoma, Babesia, Hepatozoon and Grahamella. C. glareolus and M. agrestis harbored all four genera, but Hepatozoon was not detected in A. sylvaticus. Babesia was fairly common in M. agrestis but rare in the other rodents. The peak prevalence of Grahamella and Hepatozoon in C. glareolus occurred in early summer whereas trypanosomes peaked near the end of the summer. Infections with trypanosomes and/or Grahamella in C. glareolus were associated with lowered hematocrit levels and enlarged spleens.  相似文献   

Small mammal populations were studied during a 10 year multi-annual fluctuation of vole populations in marshes and adjacent grassland of the basin in the Jura mountains, France. Nine species were monitored:Microtus agrestis, Clethrionomys glareolus, Apodemus flavicollis, Sorex araneus Icoronatus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura leucodon, Mustela nivalis in marshes andArvicola terrestris andMicrotus arvalis in grassland, using live-trapping and index methods during July from 1993 to 2002. Populations of A.terrestris, M. arvalis, M. agrestis, S. araneus I coronatus andM. nivalis exhibited a relatively strong inter-specific temporal synchrony in their multi-annual fluctuations.C. glareolus population fluctuations were not synchronous to theArvicola I Microtus I Sorex group, and were closer to those ofApodemus flavicollis, Neomys andCrocidura. Those results are discussed in the light of earlier studies carried out in the same region and in northern ecosystems.  相似文献   

Habitat associations of wood mouse Apodemus svlvaticus, bank vole Clethrionomvs glareolus and field vole Microtus agrestis were analysed during a chronosequence study of succession in Sitka spruce Picea stichensis plantations in Hamsterley Forest, northeast England In mature plantations (ca 40 yr after planting), A svlvaticus and C glareolus were both abundant, in clear-felled areas the former was usually dominant, in young plantations (5-8 yr after planting) either of the three species was dominant at different sites Pooling all sites, in young plantations rodent communities were most diverse, because of an inter-site component (β-diversity), although within sites, young plantations and mature plantations had similar diversities Clear-felled areas showed least rodent diversity Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used to describe the taxonomic and structural changes in vegetation during succession Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that in young plantations C glareolus was associated with dense ground cover, provided mostly by heather Microtus agrestis was most commonly associated with Deschampsia flexuosa, whereas A svlvaticus was not strongly associated with any plant species Spatial heterogeneity in soils explained much of the inter-site variation in vegetation winch in turn explained much of the β-diversity of rodent communities in young plantations  相似文献   

The total aestival ectoparasitic burden of six small mammal species ( Sorex araneus, Clethrionomys glareolus, C. rutilus, C. rufocanus, Microtus agrestis , and M. oeconomus ) was investigated in terms of frequency distribution, frequency of occurrence, species diversity and joint occurrences. The mammals were collected in northern Fennoscandia during peak density years. The frequency distribution of the ectoparasites was best described as negative binomial on C. glareolus, M. agrestis , and M. oeconomus but not so on S. araneus, C. rutilus and C. rufocanus. The distribution did not fit the Poisson distribution in any species. The percentage of S. araneus that had ectoparasites was 49%, and of the microtidae species, 73-96% had ectoparasites. The median number of ectoparasites on the vole species was between 2 and 9 specimens of 1 or 2 species. There was a significant, positive correlation between the number of ectoparasitic species and the total number of individuals on all host species. Pairs of ectoparasitic species occurring together more or less often than expected by chance were found on all host species. However, the pairs rarely repeated themselves on the same host species under different environmental conditions, or on other host species under similar circumstances. Differences in total infestation between reproductive categories and sexes were observed in M. agrestis but not in S. araneus and C. glareolus.  相似文献   

A community of small mammals, Clethrionomys glareolus, Arvicola terrestris, Microtus arvalis, M. agrestis, M. subterraneus, Apodemus spp. and Sorex spp., was studied as hosts of Frenkelia glareoli and F. microti in Fronche-Comté (France). They were monitored in spring, summer and autumn on an area of about 1,350 ha comprising open field, hedgerow network and forest. Among 1,714 small mammals examined between July 1992 and October 1993, 47% (178/376) of C. glareolus, 9.9% (14/139) of A. terrestris and 1.3% (4/311) of Apodemus spp. were infected by F. glareoli. The prevalence of infection with F. microti was 9.2% (66/716) in M. arvalis and 8.2% (6/73) in M. agrestis. M. subterraneus and Sorex spp. were not infected. The maintenance of each parasite in a rural landscape is assured both by a forest and a grassland host. Multiple logistic regression showed that prevalence was highly age-dependent, with an apparent seasonal pattern. Prevalence varied between 30% in summer and 60% in early spring for F. glareoli in C. glareolus and between 3% in autumn to 30% in early spring for F. microti in M. arvalis. The year, habitat, host sex, relative density had no impact on prevalence. In M. arvalis only, sexually active voles were preferentially uninfected, indicating a possible impact of this parasitism on fertility.  相似文献   

F. Tenora  R. Wiger  V. Baru&#; 《Ecography》1979,2(3):176-181
Six cestode and two nematode species were recovered from a cyclic population of Clethrionomys glareolus in southern Norway. The cestode Aprostatandrya macrocephala and the nematode Heligmosomum glareoli were euconstant species which displayed late spring/early summer peaks in numbers after which they declined. This decrease in prevalence was correlated with decreasing mean age of the host population. Increases in the prevalence of infections with the nematode Syphacia nigeriana in bank voles were correlated to increasing numbers of Microius agrestis in the mixed woods. Cestode larvae were at maximum prevalence during peak years of bank vole abundance. Pathological conditions such as ascites and peritoneal adhesions, as well as splenic and adrenal hypertrophy, were associated with cestode larvae. There was no general trend of an increase in the prevalence of helminth infection with increasing population density of the bank voles.  相似文献   

The population ecology of small mammals in hedgerows in arable farmland in eastern England is described. Features of hedgerows of importance to individual species are examined. Some 97% of the total 3042 mammals captured were wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus , yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis , bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus and common shrew Sorex araneus . Small numbers of harvest mice Micromys minutus , field voles Microtus agrestis , pygmy shrews Sorex minutus and water shrews Neomys fodiens were also caught. Wood mouse, the most numerous species, showed a typical pattern of large numbers in autumn and winter, followed by a simultaneous decline over all hedges in early spring. Population changes were less clear in yellow-necked mouse and bank vole but the yellow-necked mouse was more scarce in the second year of study. Common shrews were most numerous in summer and declined rapidly in autumn. Hedgerow coppicing had a marked effect on yellow-necked mouse numbers but not on wood mouse. In an extensive survey of mammal numbers in relation to hedgerow features, ground cover was found to be the single largest factor influencing size of bank vole populations. Hedgerow condition (lack of gaps) was important to yellow-necked mice, which thrived only in well-established hedgerows. Wood mice appeared little influenced by the characteristics of the hedge. Common shrews were more abundant in hedgerows with adjacent permanent water.  相似文献   

Predation impacts by introduced predators are predicted to be most intense in island ecosystems, and also variable depending on environmental conditions, but large-scale experimental field testing is rare. In this study we examine the factors that determine the distribution and abundance of vole metapopulations preyed upon by feral American mink Mustela vison in the outer Finnish archipelago of the Baltic Sea. Specifically, we follow the dynamics of field voles Microtus agrestis and bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus on 40 small islands under variable rainfall as part of a large-scale mink removal experiment. For both vole species occupancy rates were negatively influenced by island isolation, as were extinction events for field voles. High summer rainfall in 1998 corresponded to large vole populations where mink were absent, populations that then crashed in 1999 and 2000 when below average rains fell during the summer breeding season. Where mink were present however, vole abundance remained more constant between years with no boom-bust apparent. We conclude that weather and predation may drive vole abundance whereas habitat patchiness and metapopulation processes more strongly drive vole distributions. There may also be potential for interaction between these factors: because feral mink prevent rapid vole population growth after good summer rains, and vole dispersal is influenced by population size, feral mink may be changing vole dispersal patterns to disrupt the natural metapopulation dynamic. Hence this indirect impact of mink could lead to gradual erosion of vole populations in the outer archipelago by reducing recolonisation processes.  相似文献   

Three large (4 to 8 ha) and 14 small islands (0.3 to 2 ha) in a lake in eastern Finland, all situated less than 0.5 km from the mainland, were surveyed for small mammals. Three species of shrew and two species of vole were resident in July 1982: Sorex araneus on 10, S. caecutiens on 2, S. minutus on 5, Microtus agrestis on 12 and Clethrionomys glareolus on 4 islands. Immigrants were trapped from tiny islets, and the data indicate that S. caecutiens and M. agrestis are better dispersers than S. minutus and C. glareolus , respectively. Microtus agrestis, S. araneus and C. glareolus occurred non-randomly, on subsets of the larger islands, while the two small Sorex species occurred more erratically, possibly because of competition with S. araneus . Juvenile sex ratio was male-biased on the mainland but female-biased on large islands, possibly because juvenile males move more and are more likely to emigrate from an island than juvenile females.
Metrical and non-metrical (epigenetic) cranial traits gave similar patterns of population differentiation in S. araneus . Two of the three large-island populations have differentiated from the mainland populations and from each other, suggesting that the populations are relatively stable. Small-island populations, which are often less than 10 individuals in size, showed little differentiation but had more epigenetic traits fixed than large-island and mainland populations (founder effect). This suggests that the small-island populations are unstable, have a high extinction rate.  相似文献   

Cyclic changes in population growth rate are caused by changes in survival and/or reproductive rate. To find out whether cyclic changes in reproduction are an important part of the mechanism causing cyclic fluctuations in small mammal populations, we studied changes in the population structure and reproduction of field voles ( Microtus agrestis ), sibling voles ( M. rossiaemeridionalis ), bank voles ( Clethrionomys glareolus ), and common shrews ( Sorex araneus ) in western Finland during 1984–1992, in an area with 3-yr vole cycles. We also modelled the population growth of voles using parameter values from this study. The animals studied were collected by snap trapping in April, May, June, August, September, and, during 1986–1990, also in October. We found several phase-related differences in the population structure (age structure, sex ratio, proportion of mature individuals) and reproduction (litter size, length of the breeding season) of voles. In non-cyclic common shrews, the only significant phase-related difference was a lower proportion of overwintered individuals in the increase phase. According to the analyses and the vole model, phase-related changes in litter size had only a minor impact on population growth rate. The same was true for winter breeding in the increase phase. The length and intensity of the summer breeding season had an effect on yearly population growth but this impact was relatively weak compared to the effect of cyclic changes in survival. The population increase rates of Microtus were delayed dependent on density (8–12-month time lag). Our results indicate that cyclic changes in reproduction are not an important part of the mechanism driving cyclic fluctuations in vole populations. Low survival of young individuals appeared to play an important role in the shift from the peak to the decline phase in late summer and early autumn.  相似文献   

Responses of small mammals to Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) odour   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the responses of three species of rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus, Microtus agrestis and Clethrionomys glareolus) and a shrew (Sore.x araneus) to traps tainted with the faecal odour of a predator, the Red fox. The rodents generally avoided traps bearing fox odour, but readily entered traps marked with rodent odour, whereas shrews entered all traps equally. Among the rodents, avoidance of fox odour was strongest in male A. sylvaticus and C. glareolus and least in M. agrestis and female A. sylvaticus . Fox droppings were found principally along paths and in open habitats where, of the rodents mentioned, they were most likely to be encountered by A. sylvaticus . It was suggested that avoidance of fox faecal and urinary odours in this species, especially by the active males, would reduce the time spent in areas frequented by foxes, and hence reduce the chance of encountering the predator itself. In contrast, M. agresis would seldom encounter fox droppings in its sub-surface runways, so avoidance of fox faecal odour would do little to reduce its chance of encountering the predator. Avoidance by the rodents of the faecal odour of badger, a predator not present in the study areas, was only slightly less marked than their avoidance of fox faecal odour. It was postulated that similar chemicals eliciting avoidance in rodents may commonly occur in the faeces and urine of carnivores.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of a vaccinia recombinant virus expressing the rabies glycoprotein (VVTGgRAB) was tested in several wild animal species which could compete with the natural rabies host, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in consuming vaccine baits in Europe. The following species were included in this study: wild boar (Sus scrofa), Eurasian badger (Meles meles), wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis), bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), common vole (Microtus arvalis), field vole (Microtus agrestis), water vole (Arvicola terrestris), common buzzard (Buteo buteo), kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), carrion crow (Corvus corone), magpie (Pica pica) and jay (Garrulus glandarius). During the observation period, the 107 animals given the VVTGgRAB vaccine orally did not show any clinical signs. Daily monitoring for 28 days and postmortem examination did not result in the detection of pox lesions in the oral mucosa or the skin in mammals or the unfeathered portions of birds. VVTGgRAB seems to multiply in the mammalian species tested, since rabies seroconversion was observed in all of them. Birds failed to develop demonstrable rabies virus-neutralizing antibody. A seroconversion against vaccinia virus was observed in two of four wild boars. Serological results obtained in badgers and wild boars also demonstrates the absence of direct or indirect horizontal transmission of the recombinant virus. The potential of the recombinant virus for the immunization of badgers against rabies also was investigated. Only 50% of the badgers orally administered with 1 x 10(8.3) TCID50 of this vaccine were protected against rabies.  相似文献   

In many parts of the global range, voles form an important part of the diet of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus , and breeding numbers are correlated with the abundance of these small mammals. In Scotland, however, little information is available on harrier diet in the spring and our understanding of causes of variation in harrier breeding density is complicated by human interference. In this paper we explore the relationship between Field Vole Microtus agrestis abundance and harrier spring diet, density and productivity in southern Scotland. Over three years, voles occurred on average in 67% of pellets, and 79% in years of high and intermediate vole abundance. From 1992, the number of breeding harriers increased following protection from illegal persecution. After accounting for this trend, harrier numbers correlated strongly with vole abundance. Harrier clutch size was also correlated with vole abundance. Although fledging success tended to be greater in years of vole increase than in years of vole decline, fledging success was not significantly correlated with the relative abundance of voles, or with the abundance of Meadow Pipits or Red Grouse chicks.  相似文献   

The incidence and degree of infestation of the Bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus , the Skomer vole, C. skomerensis , the Common shrew, Sorex araneus and the Pygmy shrew, S. minutus have been studied from a rough grassland and woodland area, Aberystwyth and from Skomer Island in Wales. In addition, small numbers of the Short-tailed vole, Microtus agrestis and the Water shrew, Neomys fodiens were examined for helminth parasites, when they became available. Seven new host records and six new British records are listed. The number of species of helminths in shrews, which consisted largely of digeneans and cestodes, was greater than that in voles. This is undoubtedly linked with differences in the feeding habits of the two hosts.
In Aberystwyth, where the composition of the helminth fauna was found to be more varied than that from Skomer Island, one species of nematode showed evidence of seasonal variation in the degree of infestation of Clethrionomys glareolus and four species, one digenean, two cestodes and one acantocephalan in Sorex araneus. The factors affecting this seasonal fluctuation in parasite numbers are discussed.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of red fox Vulpes vulpes was studied by scat analysis and snow-tracking m primeval temperate forest and adjacent meadows during four years (1985/86-1988/89) Winters varied from mild to unusually severe Main food resources for foxes were rodents of open meadows and river valleys (root vole Microtus oeconomus ). forest rodents (bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus and yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis ), hare Lepus europaetis and carcasses of wild boar Sus scrofa and red deer Cervus elaphus either killed by wolves and lynx or that had died from inanition Composition of fox diet m four cold seasons (autumn-winter) was compared to the abundance of main food resources Prolonged, sharp decline of Microtus was followed by only a twofold decrease of its share in fox diet Foxes continued to prey on declining Microlus The changes in the proportions of forest rodents and hare in fox diet clearly followed the fluctuations in numbers of these two prey Carcasses were alternative, buffer food to foxes and were taken considerably when Microlus and other prey were in low numbers or poorly accessible The depth of snow was the most important factor restricting foxes access to rodents Snow-tracking revealed that foxes dwelling in the forest widely used adjacent open areas In open meadows foxes mainly hunted for rodents, while in the forest the most significant foraging activity was scavenging Seasonal analysis of fox diet revealed that consumption of Microlus by foxes was stable throughout the year (37-47% of biomass consumed) Bank vole significantly contributed to fox diet in autumn, and hare in summer only Scavenging was most pronounced in winter and spring when carcasses made up 30% of biomass taken  相似文献   

Many predator species feed on prey that fluctuates in abundance from year to year. Birds of prey can face large fluctuations in food abundance i.e. small mammals, especially voles. These annual changes in prey abundance strongly affect the reproductive success and mortality of the individual predators and thus can be expected to influence their population dynamics and persistence. The barn owl, for example, shows large fluctuations in breeding success that correlate with the dynamics in voles, their main prey species. Analysis of the impact of fluctuations in vole abundance (their amplitude, peaks and lows, cycle length and regularity) with a simple predator prey model parameterized with literature data indicates population persistence is especially affected by years with low vole abundance. In these years the population can decline to low owl numbers such that the ensuing peak vole years cannot be exploited. This result is independent of the length and regularity of vole fluctuations. The relevance of this result for conservation of the barn owl and other birds of prey that show a numerical response to fluctuating prey species is discussed.  相似文献   

Populations of the common vole Microtus arvalis in mid‐western France show cyclic dynamics with a three‐year period. Studies of cyclic vole populations in Fennoscandia have often found inter‐specific synchrony between the voles and other small mammals which share the voles' predators. Although predators are central to the favoured mechanism to explain Fennoscandian vole cycles and the spatial variation of small mammal populations, their role in vole cycles elsewhere, including France, is less clear. Establishing whether alternative prey species in France cycle in parallel with voles as they do in Fennoscandia is thus an important step towards understanding the generality of predators' influence on cyclic vole populations. We applied spatial and temporal autocorrelation and cross‐correlation methods to French populations of M. arvalis and two sympatric non‐cyclic small mammal species, Apodemus sylvaticus and Crocidura russula. Patterns of time‐lagged cross‐correlation between the abundance of M. arvalis and the other two species suggested synchrony in their dynamics beyond that expected of stochastic environmental variation, and indicated a weak three‐year cycle in A. sylvaticus and C. russula that was in phase with that of M. arvalis. We interpret the synchrony between these species as the effect of shared predators and environmental stochasticity. Abundance within species showed weak spatial autocorrelation in June at scales consistent with dispersal being the mechanism responsible, but a more general lack of spatial structure within and between species was consistent with the strong spatial synchrony at regional scales often found in fluctuations of small mammal abundance.  相似文献   

The Siphonaptera of small mammals (nearly 200 rodents, insectivora and mustelids) of the Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso (Western Italian Alps) have been collected and studied during the years 1973-75. All the animals have been captured at altitudes ranging from 1570 to 2400 m during different seasons. Twelve genera and sixteen species have been identified, namely: Chaetopsylla (C.) homoea homoea from Mustela erminea; Hystrichopsylla (H.) talpae talpae from Clethrionomys glareolus; Rhadinopsylla (A.) integella integella from Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus nivalis; Ctenophtalmus (C.) agyrtes verbanus from Pitymys multiplex (collected by Beaucournu); Ctenophthalmus (C.) solutus solutus from Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus; Ctenophthalmus (Medioctenophthalmus) nivalis nivalis from Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus nivalis and Pitymys multiplex; Doratopsylla dasycnema cuspis from Sorex araneus and Clethrionomys glareolus; Palaeopsylla soricis rosickyi from Sorex araneus; Leptopsylla segnis from Apodemus sylvaticus and Mus musculus; Peromyscopsylla bidentata bidentata from Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus nivalis; peromyscopsylla fallax from clethrionomgs glareous; Amphipsylla sibirica ssp. from clethrionomys glareolus and microtus nivalis; Malaraeus (Amalaraeus), penicilliger kratachvili from Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus nivalis and Mustela erminea; Myoxopsylla laverani from Eliomys quercinus; Callopsylla saxatilis from Apodemus flavicollis, Microtus nivalis and Mustela erminea. Species of fleas not yet described in Italy are: Chaetopsylla (C.) homoea homoea; Rhadinopsylla (Actenophthalmus) mesa; Ctenophthalmus (Medioctemophthalmus) nivalis nivalis; Callopsylla saxatilis. The genus Callopsylla is identified for the first time in Italy. New identification of hosts for the species of fleas already described in Italy are: for Rhadinopsylla (Actenophthalmus) integella integella: Clethrionomys glareolus; for Ctenophthalmus (C.) solutus solutus: Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus. All the 15 male specimens of M. laverani from E. quercinus captured in the Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso have characters more similar to M. l. traubi than to M. l. laverani: only one long and a much shorter spine in the superior half of the movable process, a distinct tooth in the anterior margin of the movable half of the movable process, a distinct tooth in the anterior margin of the movable process, crochets of phallosome shorter and more gradually tapered, apex of fixed process very acuminated. To the contrary the shape of the movable process is similar to that of M. l. laverani. A point of particular interest is to be found also in 2 specimens of Amphypsilla of the sibirica group, respectively collected from Mustela erminea and Microtus nivalis. They have a very atypical distribution of the spine in an abnormally shaped movable process: the reasons of the abnormality are due to castration, probably of parasitic origin (absence of phallosome, tendons, etc.).  相似文献   

Study of seasonal changes in the occurrence of Eimeria spp. in Microtus agrestis, Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus oeconomus populations in Finland showed distinct seasonal variation in all three host species: the peaks occurred in both prevalence and density of infection in early autumn. The low prevalence and density of eimerian infections before and during the main crash of vole populations in late winter indicate that these organisms, although potentially pathogenic, do not significantly contribute to the drastic decline in cyclic vole populations.  相似文献   

We studied age-dependent patterns of flea infestation in 7 species of rodents from Slovakia (Apodemus agrarius, A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis, Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus arvalis, and M. subterraneus). We estimated the age of the host from its body mass and expected the host age-dependent pattern of flea abundance, the level of aggregation, and prevalence to be in agreement with theoretical predictions. We expected that the mean abundance and the level of aggregation of fleas would be lowest in hosts of smallest and largest size classes and highest in hosts of medium size classes, whereas pattern of variation of prevalence with host age would be either convex or asymptotic. In general, mean abundance and species richness of fleas increased with an increase in host age, although the pressure of flea parasitism in terms of number of fleas per unit host body surface decreased with host age. We found 2 clear patterns of the change in flea aggregation and prevalence with host age. The first pattern demonstrated a peak of flea aggregation and a trough of flea prevalence in animals of middle age classes (Apodemus species and C. glareolus). The second pattern was an increase of both flea aggregation and flea prevalence with host age (both Microtus species). Consequently, we did not find unequivocal evidence for the main role of either parasite-induced host mortality or acquired resistance in host age-dependent pattern of flea parasitism. Our results suggest that this pattern can be generated by various processes and is strongly affected by natural history parameters of a host species such as dispersal pattern, spatial distribution, and structure of shelters.  相似文献   

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