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Lessons from the Aeropyrum pernix genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aeropyrum pernix is the first crenarchaeote and first aerobic member of the Archaea for which the complete genome sequence has been determined. The sequence confirms the distinct nature of crenarchaeotes and provides new insight into the relationships between the three domains: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances allow the transfer of genes to the synovial lining of joints. As well as opening novel opportunities for therapy, these techniques provide valuable new tools for the study of synovitis and other aspects of the biology of joints in health and disease. This article reviews briefly the results of experiments in which selected genes have been transferred to the knee joints of healthy rabbits and rabbits with antigen-induced arthritis.  相似文献   

Journal of Computational Neuroscience - The syndrome of oculopalatal tremor (OPT) featuring the olivo-cerebellar hypersychrony leads to disabling pendular nystagmus and palatal myoclonus. This rare...  相似文献   

Lessons learned from nuclear transfer (cloning)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been accomplished in an ever-growing list of species. In each case, an enucleated oocyte has successfully reset the nucleus of a somatic cell such that the embryonic program could progress to the production of a live offspring. The overall efficiency of the process remains low due to a combination of biological and technical challenges, some of which are known and others remain to be elucidated. Comparative studies between livestock and laboratory species may help improve not only nuclear transfer efficiencies but also uncover basic underlying developmental principles.  相似文献   

The Gram negative bacterial phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae employs a molecular syringe termed the type III secretion system (TTSS) to deliver an array of type III secreted effector (TTSE) proteins into plant cells. The major function ascribed to type III effectors of P. syringae is their ability to suppress plant immunity. Because individual pathovars of P. syringae can possess over 30 TTSEs, functional redundancy can provide a hurdle to ascribing functions by TTSE-deletion or -overexpression in such TTSE-rich backgrounds. Approaches to overcome functional redundancy have included the deletion of multiple TTSEs from individual pathovars as well as engineering the plant commensal P. fluorescens strain to express the P. syringae TTSS and deliver P. syringae TTSEs. As we describe here, transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing individual TTSEs have also been used to overcome problems of functional redundancy and provide invaluable insights into TTSE virulence functions.Key words: pathogen, virulence, effector, plant immunity, HopF2Pto, RIN4  相似文献   

This comprehensive review provides an overview about placebo and nocebo phenomena in antidepressant trials. Improvements in the placebo groups may partly be explained through methodological issues such as natural course of depression and regression to the mean, but also fundamentally reflect investigators' and participants' expectations. A meta-analysis by our group of 96 randomized placebo-controlled trials showed large placebo responses to antidepressant medication. Moderator analyses revealed substantially larger placebo responses in observer ratings compared with self-report. Effect sizes in observer ratings showed strong increase with publication year while this effect was not found for patients' self-ratings. This reflects the strong influence of investigators' expectations. The analysis of 'nocebo effects', e.g. adverse effects in placebo groups of antidepressant trials also confirms the impact of expectations: nocebo symptoms reflected the typical side-effect patterns expected in the drug group, with higher symptoms rates in the placebo groups of tricyclic antidepressant trials compared with placebo groups of trials testing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. While the placebo response seems to be similar for women and men, gender differences were found for nocebo rates. In the conclusion, we discuss potential implications for clinical trial designs and argue for interventions aimed at optimizing positive expectations of treatment benefit while minimizing the impact of adverse effects.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) functions as a sentry guarding against uracil in DNA. UDG initiates DNA base excision repair (BER) by hydrolyzing the uracil base from the deoxyribose. As one of the best studied DNA glycosylases, a coherent and complete functional mechanism is emerging that combines structural and biochemical results. This functional mechanism addresses the detection of uracil bases within a vast excess of normal DNA, the features of the enzyme that drive catalysis, and coordination of UDG with later steps of BER while preventing the release of toxic intermediates. Many of the solutions that UDG has evolved to overcome the challenges of policing the genome are shared by other DNA glycosylases and DNA repair enzymes, and thus appear to be general.  相似文献   

Plants produce a plethora of secondary metabolites which constitute a wealth of potential pharmaceuticals, pro-vitamins, flavours, fragrances, colorants and toxins as well as a source of natural pesticides. Many of these valuable compounds are only synthesized in exotic plant species or in concentrations too low to facilitate commercialization. In some cases their presence constitutes a health hazard and renders the crops unsuitable for consumption. Metabolic engineering is a powerful tool to alter and ameliorate the secondary metabolite composition of crop plants and gain new desired traits. The interplay of a multitude of biosynthetic pathways and the possibility of metabolic cross-talk combined with an incomplete understanding of the regulation of these pathways, explain why metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism is still in its infancy and subject to much trial and error. Cyanogenic glucosides are ancient defense compounds that release toxic HCN upon tissue disruption caused e.g. by chewing insects. The committed steps of the cyanogenic glucoside biosynthetic pathway are encoded by three genes. This unique genetic simplicity and the availability of the corresponding cDNAs have given cyanogenic glucosides pioneering status in metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism. In this review, lessons learned from metabolic engineering of cyanogenic glucosides in Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress), Nicotiana tabacum cv Xanthi (tobacco), Manihot esculenta Crantz (cassava) and Lotus japonicus (bird’s foot trefoil) are presented. The importance of metabolic channelling of toxic intermediates as mediated by metabolon formation in avoiding unintended metabolic cross-talk and unwanted pleiotropic effects is emphasized. Likewise, the potential of metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism as a tool to elucidate, for example, the impact of secondary metabolites on plant–insect interactions is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Abietane terpenoid-degrading organisms include Sphingomonas spp which inhabit natural environments and biological treatment systems. An isolate from the high Arctic indicates that these organisms occur far from trees which synthesize abietanes and suggests that some of these organisms can occupy a niche in hydrocarbon-degrading soil communities. Abietane-degrading Sphingomonas spp provide additional evidence that the phylogeny of this genus is independent of the catabolic capabilities of its members. Studies of Sphingomonas sp DhA-33 demonstrate that biological treatment systems for pulp mill effluents have the potential to mineralize abietane resin acids. On the other hand, these studies indicate that some chlorinated dehydroabietic acids are quite recalcitrant. Strain DhA-33 grows relatively well on some chlorinated dehydroabietic acids but transforms others to stable metabolites. Using strain DhA-33, a novel method was developed to measure the metabolic activity of an individual population within a complex microbial community. Oligonucleotide hybridization probes were used to assay the 16S rRNA:rDNA ratio of DhA-33 as it grew in an activated sludge community. However, this method proved not to be sufficiently sensitive to measure naturally occurring resin acid-degrading populations. We propose that the same approach can be modified to use more sensitive assays. Received 01 May 1999/ Accepted in revised form 19 July 1999  相似文献   

Biological membranes are essential for normal function and regulation of cells, forming a physical barrier between extracellular and intracellular space and cellular compartments. These physical barriers are subject to mechanical stresses. As a consequence, nature has developed proteins that are able to transpose mechanical stimuli into meaningful intracellular signals. These proteins, termed Mechanosensitive (MS) proteins provide a variety of roles in response to these stimuli. In prokaryotes these proteins form transmembrane spanning channels that function as osmotically activated nanovalves to prevent cell lysis by hypoosmotic shock. In eukaryotes, the function of MS proteins is more diverse and includes physiological processes such as touch, pain and hearing. The transmembrane portion of these channels is influenced by the physical properties such as charge, shape, thickness and stiffness of the lipid bilayer surrounding it, as well as the bilayer pressure profile. In this review we provide an overview of the progress to date on advances in our understanding of the intimate biophysical and chemical interactions between the lipid bilayer and mechanosensitive membrane channels, focusing on current progress in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems. These advances are of importance due to the increasing evidence of the role the MS channels play in disease, such as xerocytosis, muscular dystrophy and cardiac hypertrophy. Moreover, insights gained from lipid–protein interactions of MS channels are likely relevant not only to this class of membrane proteins, but other bilayer embedded proteins as well. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipid–protein interactions.  相似文献   

Lessons (not) learned from mistakes about translation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kozak M 《Gene》2007,403(1-2):194-203
Some popular ideas about translational regulation in eukaryotes have been recognized recently as mistakes. One example is the rejection of a long-standing idea about involvement of S6 kinase in translation of ribosomal proteins. Unfortunately, new proposals about how S6 kinase might regulate translation are based on evidence that is no better than the old. Recent findings have also forced rejection of some popular ideas about the function of sequences at the 3' end of viral mRNAs and rejection of some ideas about internal ribosome entry sequences (IRESs). One long-held belief was that tissue-specific translation via an IRES underlies the neurotropism of poliovirus and the attenuation of Sabin vaccine strains. Older experiments that appeared to support this belief and recent experiments that refute it are discussed. The hypothesis that dyskeratosis congenita is caused by a defect in IRES-mediated translation is probably another mistaken idea. The supporting evidence, such as it is, comes from a mouse model of the disease and is contradicted by studies carried out with cells from affected patients. The growing use of IRESs as tools to study other questions about translation is discussed and lamented. The inefficient function of IRESs (if they are IRESs) promotes misunderstandings. I explain again why it is not valid to invoke a special mechanism of initiation based on the finding that edeine (at very low concentrations) does not inhibit the translation of a putative IRES from cricket paralysis virus. I explain why new assays, devised to rule out splicing in tests with dicistronic vectors, are not valid and why experiments with IRESs are not a good way to investigate the mechanism whereby microRNAs inhibit translation.  相似文献   

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