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Two high-ranking adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) of M group in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, tried to get a newborn female infant of an adult female who was born in M group. The mother was not seen to mate with these adult males during the probable conception cycle of the infant, but she disappeared from the group during the later cycle, when she may have been inseminated by a male of one of the neighboring unit groups. The adult males failed to get the infant because the grandmother of the newborn and her female friend cooperated to protect the mother and infant from attacks by the males. The sexual selection hypothesis for infanticide by adult male chimpanzees holds for this observed case. The sudden disappearance of another infant, a healthy female, strongly suggests the killing of female infants too. Therefore, the asserted male-biased infanticide in chimpanzees appears to be less tenable.  相似文献   

This is the first report documenting the responses of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) to seismic activities. During our long-term fieldwork in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, a high-intensity earthquake with a Richter magnitude of 6.8 occurred at 15:19 hours local time on 5 December 2005. During the main tremor, the chimpanzees displayed the “wraa” call, “scream,” and “pant bark” or “bark” vocalizations. Many mild aftershocks followed the main tremor, and the wild chimpanzees displayed a variety of responses to these. In several cases, they climbed trees or stopped activities such as grooming, moving, and feeding. These responses are similar to those previously reported in nonhuman primates. During the observations, a unique behavior, one never reported before was exhibited by a female chimpanzee. She placed her right palm on the ground giving the impression she was inspecting the trembling of the ground.  相似文献   

Detailed observations on the consumption ofVernonia amygdalina (Del.), a naturally occurring plant of known ethnomedicinal value, by an adult female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of M-group in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania were made. Chewing the pith of several shoots, she sucked out and swallowed the astringent, bitter tasting juice; spitting out the fibrous remains. The female was followed during this period for 11 hr, over two consecutive days, and was recognized to be in irregular health at the time of consumption, exhibiting signs of lethargy, lack of appetite, and irregularity of bodily excretions. The low frequency and lack of seasonality in the usage of this plant suggest that it is sought after for reasons other than as a food source. These factors suggest that for chimpanzees, the consumption of this plant is primarily medicinal. The symptoms displayed by the female are the same as those experienced by people throughout tropical Africa who utilize this plant as a medicinal treatment for them. Interactions between the female and others suggest that they too were aware of her condition and coordinated their activities with the female and her infant.  相似文献   

Fusion of skeletal elements provides markers for timing of growth and is one component of a chimpanzee's physical development. Epiphyseal closure defines bone growth and signals a mature skeleton. Most of what we know about timing of development in chimpanzees derives from dental studies on Pan troglodytes. Much less is known about the sister species, Pan paniscus, with few in captivity and a wild range restricted to central Africa. Here, we report on the timing of skeletal fusion for female captive P. paniscus (n = 5) whose known ages range from 0.83 to age 11.68 years. Observations on the skeletons were made after the individuals were dissected and bones cleaned. Comparisons with 10 female captive P. troglodytes confirm a generally uniform pattern in the sequence of skeletal fusion in the two captive species. We also compared the P. paniscus to a sample of three unknown‐aged female wild P. paniscus, and 10 female wild P. troglodytes of known age from the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. The sequence of teeth emergence to bone fusion is generally consistent between the two species, with slight variations in late juvenile and subadult stages. The direct‐age comparisons show that skeletal growth in captive P. paniscus is accelerated compared with both captive and wild P. troglodytes populations. The skeletal data combined with dental stages have implications for estimating the life stage of immature skeletal materials of wild P. paniscus and for more broadly comparing the skeletal growth rates among captive and wild chimpanzees (Pan), Homo sapiens, and fossil hominins. Am J Phys Anthropol 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rosalià Abreu (1862–1930) was a wealthy amateur collector and keeper of primates, including apes. She was the first person to keep orangutans and chimpanzees alive in captivity for their natural lifespans, and the first to breed chimpanzees. Although not a scientist, she made her animals available for scientific study, and it was on her animals that the first published observations of chimpanzee mating, birth, and development were made. The system of husbandry that she designed for apes, with an emphasis on spacious cages, vegetarian diet, cleanliness, and social contact (preferably conspecific, but heterospecific where conspecifics were not available), were groundbreaking in their time. Through her extensive correspondence, her methods of husbandry spread and formed the basis of captive ape practices around the world. Though much of Abreu’s work was forward-looking, other aspects, such as her belief that chimpanzees were monogamous and had psychic abilities, strike modern readers as eccentric. Nonetheless primatologists today may be helped to see the cultural assumptions that underlie today’s research by noting those that guided research in the past.
Clive D. L. WynneEmail:

In the wild, female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are subject to male aggression that at times can be prolonged or particularly violent. There are no reports of cooperative retaliation to such aggression, a strategy observed in the congeneric Pan paniscus, from the wild despite >4 decades of detailed behavioral study across a number of populations and its occurrence among captive female chimpanzees. If the reports from captivity represent an inherent capacity, then the absence of similar reports from wild populations suggests that females may be able to form coalitions only under appropriate ecological and demographic conditions. During a study of male and female aggressive interactions among chimpanzees of the Budongo Forest, Uganda, wild adult female chimpanzees sometimes formed coalitions with one another to retaliate against male aggression. This may be possible because these females tend to be more gregarious than in other populations of East African chimpanzees, as other studies of the same population have suggested; the extent and variation of female chimpanzee social strategies may, therefore, need reconsideration. Further, my observations strengthen the argument that at least some of the differences between chimpanzees and bonobos may be more of degree than of kind.  相似文献   

We investigated intra- and interspecific differences in life history and reproductive parameters in bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). We compare the parameters of wild and captive females in order to shed light on the influence of habitat or specific differences or both on reproduction. We present new and additional information on reproductive parameters from captive bonobos and chimpanzees. Captive chimpanzees birth more live offspring and have a shorter interbirth interval, but experience higher infant mortality than captive bonobos. Although captive bonobo females tend to start reproduction at a younger age than chimpanzees, this is effectively only so for wild-born females of both species. Ultimately both species reach the same rate of production of offspring surviving to 5 yr. These results contrast with data from the wild. Wild bonobos tend to have higher reproductive success, a higher fertility rate and a shorter interbirth interval than wild chimpanzees. Reproduction is similar for wild and captive bonobos, which suggests that they are producing at their maximum under both conditions. Overall captive chimpanzees perform better than their wild conspecifics, probably because of lower feeding competition. Infant survival is the only specific difference not affected by captivity. Bonobo infants survive better, which suggests that chimpanzee infants are more at risk. We argue that the interspecific variation in reproductive parameters in captivity is related to the different influence of captivity on reproduction and different pressures of external sources of infant and juvenile mortality.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of cognitive experiments by direct comparison of activity budgets between wild and captive chimpanzees. One goal of captive management is to ensure that the activity budgets of captive animals are as similar as possible to those of their wild counterparts. However, such similarity has rarely been achieved. We compared the activity budget among three groups of chimpanzees: wild chimpanzees in Bossou (Guinea, n = 10), and captive chimpanzees who participated in cognitive experiments (experimental chimpanzees, n = 6) or did not participate in the experiments (nonexperimental chimpanzees, n = 6) at the Primate Research Institute (Japan). The experimental chimpanzees voluntarily participated in computer‐controlled cognitive tasks and small pieces of fruits were provided as rewards. The data from captivity were obtained on the experimental days (weekdays) and nonexperimental days (weekends). In both study sites, we followed each chimpanzee from about 7 a.m. until the time when chimpanzees started to rest in the evening. The behaviors were recorded every 1 min. The results showed that on weekdays, feeding time and resting time of the experimental chimpanzees were almost the same as those of wild chimpanzees. However, for the nonexperimental chimpanzees, feeding time was significantly shorter and resting time was longer than those of the wild chimpanzees. In contrast, no difference was found in feeding time or resting time of the two groups of captive chimpanzees on weekends. The results suggested that the cognitive experiments worked as an efficient method for food‐based enrichment. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1231–1238, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A wild and presumably female African elephant (Loxodonta africana) was observed when she threw with her trunk various materials - mud, soil, vegetation - to an interfering white rhino (Ceratotherium simum). Objectthrowing, a special type of animal tool-behaviour, seems to be used by elephants not only in aggression but also for exploration  相似文献   

Spatial selection refers to an animal's frequent use of certain areas of its enclosure or range. Through differential use of habitat, an individual can limit the amount of time spent in close proximity to other group members. The four adult female chimpanzees at the Tulsa Zoo were studied to determine if they used their enclosure differently from one another, if each had selected areas it occupied most frequently, and if an individual's preferred area was used by other female group members. Pairwise comparisons showed that the females used their island habitat differently from one another with the exception of one pair. Although these two females overlapped in their use of the enclosure, they separated their use temporally, thereby reducing the amount of time spent in close proximity to one another. Each female had a selected site that she occupied more frequently than did the other females. However, there was variation in the extent to which the females occupied each other's selected sites. Time of day and temperature had no effect on use of the habitat, however, one female showed a seasonal variation in her use of the enclosure. The spatial selection exhibited by these females may be comparable to the use of core areas by wild female chimpanzees. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe a change in the dominance rank of the top-ranking female in a wild troop of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. After the top-ranking female fell to the bottom-ranking position, she was able to outrank a low-ranking female with the support of her adult daughter or an unrelated high-ranking female. These results indicate that, as in cercopithecine monkeys such as macaques and baboons, close proximity and alliances influence dominance relations among adult females in a wild troop of ring-tailed lemurs.  相似文献   

A first case of newborn Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) twins was observed in a free-ranging group at Huangshan, China. The female that gave birth to the twins was studied during their first 5 months post-partum, and her activity budget was compared to those of adult females with single or no offspring in order to assess her behavioral changes. Our report shows that female Tibetan macaques can produce twins, and that twins can successfully survive. The adult female with twins spent more time foraging and resting, but less time moving and engaged in other social behaviors than adult females with a single infant or no infant. Our report provides a case of successfully surviving twins in a wild environment and suggests that the mother modified her behavior patterns to adapt to the heavy burden. We conclude that both food provisioning and the mother’s behavioral strategies facilitated the survivorship of twins. This expands our understanding of the reproductive biology of Tibetan macaques.  相似文献   

A case of unusually early postpartum resumption of estrous cycling (<7 months) was recorded for a young, presumably primiparous female in the M group of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Mahale Mountains National Park, western Tanzania. The female showed estrous cycling while lactating her infant, and mated with young and low-ranking males as well as with the alpha male.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the early rearing experience of zoo-born, zoo-reared chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and the subsequent occurrence of successful copulation as adults. Developmental histories were acquired for 71 subjects via questionnaires and phone interviews. The following variables related to aspects of chimpanzees' early rearing experience were examined: (1) Rearing conditions, that is, hand reared alone, reared with siblings or peers, or reared by at least one adult conspecific. (2) Age removed from mother. (3) Sex of subject, and/or (4) participation in shows. Each of these variables was then compared to the subjects' sexual competence, defined here as having been observed to exhibit functional copulatory behavior as adults. Seventy-five percent of the subjects were observed to exhibit functional copulatory behavior on at least one occasion. No single component of rearing was successful in producing sexually competent adults 100% of the time; no rearing condition, as defined in this study, resulted in reproductive failure for all subjects experiencing those conditions. Chimpanzees that were hand reared alone, that is, in the total absence of conspecifics, were least likely to copulate as adults; about half of those chimpanzees that were reared with siblings or peers (and in the absence of adult conspecifics) copulated as adults. Almost 90% of those chimpanzees that were reared with at least one adult conspecific copulated as adults. Chimpanzees removed from their mothers at an early age (less than one year of age) were less likely to reproduce as adults. Male and female chimpanzees were equally likely to reproduce as adults. Participation in shows or demonstrations appeared to have no effect on chimpanzees' ability to copulate as adults. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the ability of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to cooperate in an instrumental task. A specially constructed fruit distributor was presented to a group of six captive chimpanzees. A cooperative response required two chimpanzees: both had to pull a handle simultaneously to make a fruit fall into the cage. The dominant male of the group and an infant produced most of the operant responses, and the male got nearly all the fruits. Other conspecifics avoided the dominant male at the apparatus. Social influences appear to limit the possibility of co-operation between individuals because a certain level of interindividual tolerance is required. The results revealed a significant increase in the number of pulls each time both chimpanzees were together at the apparatus. Operant chimpanzees learn to coordinate their actions in time and space.  相似文献   

During the course of a study of social relationships in wild, white-faced capuchins at Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rice (May 1990–May 1993), the alpha male was deposed by a subordinate male. The rank reversal was preceded by a decline in proximity maintenance by females to the alpha male, and an increase, in the amount of aggression directed toward the alpha male by the beta female and her female coalition partners. At the time of the rank reversal, females switched from giving thegargle vocalization exclusively to the old alpha male to gargling to the new alpha male; however, juveniles were less consistent with regard to which male they gargled to. At the time of the rank reversal, most adult females reduced the time spent in proximity and grooming with the old alpha male, and increased the time spent in proximity and grooming with the new alpha male. In contrast, juveniles' patterns of affiliation with males did not change in a predictable way following the reversal. The social strategies employed by capuchin monkeys during this rank reversal are compared with those of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

We describe and document with digital images an adult female baboon (Papio anubis) from the Kibale National Park, Uganda, who was missing all but the basal part of her upper jaw and nose, i.e., no premaxilla and very little of the maxilla and nasal bones. She appeared otherwise healthy, well integrated into a social group, and apparently reproducing, based on the fact that she was grooming a juvenile who suckled from her and that she appeared to be pregnant. Her extreme deformity raises numerous questions and demonstrates the highly adaptable capabilities of wild baboons.  相似文献   

We analyzed population dynamics and birth seasonality of wild bonobos at Wamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, based on 20 years of observations (1976–1996). Wamba Bonobo infant mortality is much lower than that reported for chimpanzees. This seemes to be related to several socioecological characteristics of bonobos: the use of abundant fruit and herbaceous foods, larger food patch size, female feeding priority, and the absence of infanticide. The mean interval between live births of 4.8 years is shorter than those reported for chimpanzees, and some females simultaneously carried and nursed two successive offspring. Mother–offspring conflicts, such as refusal of suckling attempts and interference with mothers' copulation, which are common in chimpanzees, are rare in Wamba bonobos. A birth peak seems to occur during the light rainy season from March to May, just after the season with the least rainfall. This timing of births is similar to those reported for chimpanzee populations, and might benefit both mother and offspring by maximizing the amount of time before the next dry season.  相似文献   

Sexual cannibalism is rare in the animal kingdom. Although cannibalism is not uncommon in cephalopods, here we report the first documented case of sexual cannibalism. A large female Octopus cyanea was observed continuously for 2.5 days in Palau, Micronesia, when she was out of her den. On the second day, a small male followed and mated her 13 times during 3.5 h while she continued to forage over 70 m distance. After the 12th mating, she aggressively chased a different small octopus that barely escaped by jetting, inking and swimming upwards. Shortly thereafter, the original small male mated her a 13th time, but subsequently she attacked and suffocated him and spent 2 days cannibalizing him in her den. This sort of intraspecific aggression helps to explain several reports of octopuses mating out in the open, a behaviour that may serve to allow the smaller mate to escape cannibalism.  相似文献   

Identification of vocalizers was examined using an auditory-visual matching-to-sample task with a female chimpanzee. She succeeded in selecting the picture of the vocalizer in response to various types of vocalizations: pant hoots, pant grunts, and screams. When pant hoots by two chimpanzees were presented as a "duet", she could identify both of the vocalizers. These results suggest that researchers have underestimated the capability of vocalizer identification in chimpanzees. The chimpanzee correctly chose her own pictures in response to her vocalizations only by exclusion, and she did not show vocal self-recognition. The effect of acoustical modification (pitch shift and filtration) on the performance suggested that pitch is an important cue for the vocalizer identification.  相似文献   

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